The Heidi Chronicles CUT

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PETER, You look good. Rank ae PETER, Ale py ite hinoskin. Bat youtook god Soareyon goingtomtndhereunt more women buy puts Sie fh foe masterpicces for chr sea, chau, ‘repo inition o ext TitIDh, Vouncard Dede, We'remarching on the curators ‘ie PETER. Debbie? Her name i Debbi? Anyone who wears {hat much Black and siver rota Debbie Surely she's a Beh eh change youre Hering crtledigwh, Then people il tke you seriously They d Rete here Nocoate Waodack Maton HEIDI You've become cruel in my absence PETER, Not croc. Dpgepic Te developed a violent arctic personly dnorde. HED Yoohae PETER, Yer but don't wory my dating. According tom rcatal ath fend were heading nt a decade oe ‘Shresson I en spy atthe foeftont of the movement {Poce) Andpeakingof the sclfobwewedandsatsied, how HEIDI, Scoop, He's in Washington clerking forthe Sv preme Court, BIETER. Realy Hein’ rnning for president yt! His par. ‘eis must be stared of him. "Hate Scoop i dead inthis Touse: Do you hear me? Dea EID Actually, he and my friend Susan were clerking for te same judge. PETER. So you've stilin touch with him. HEIDI. But Pm not involved with him anymore, Ljust ike sleeping with him PETER Whats pesky Seventies kindof gal youare'Youcan separate sexual needs from emotional dependencies. Hei {Fou tell me you secrete endorphins when you ran, T' joing straight to the curators ofice and demand an all- Armor reaespective HEIDI Don’ bother, They're already planning that. Are you okay? 7 PEER, Actually, 'mafraid I'm feeling sort of dita from eis, Peter was writing my diseration. (Thay tn teary iene) PETER Tn not ring you js ow I'm fein. faven' cen you gh su HEIDI. Pete, you need agin 1 have find you a felen BETER iene don't HEIDI Youre neve ied my gintrends PETER Wome chs dT Hee Fran the fry physic from Aim Arbor HEIDI Fane valet promise find someone. PETER, (Eerety He dt py on your tame HEIDI Soin? Sunnsaycnsiman daly pysena team, ‘And mo man tnt treated by our pont rete Jouve ft more enve tan mat PETER leSuontheone who ted rollup hers wih righ pt She wavy ing ere gate he THRIDL She's become radia shepherdes/cunselr PETER, Cod for es. ve boone» eral Romeseseal Pecan TREIDI Wel whe mea se nes om woman's eh and lal ofcve Menta Sus mo ring fo the Supreme Court with Scoop, but, wh uh.» she realized she prefers, ub, uh PETER, Sheep, She realize she preferssheep. Makes sense. ‘And I prefer Sanley EIDE Whe PETER. My fend’ name i Stanly Zine, Hea child ‘Ghat om fol Hope Bates hak of pain a ‘hder to sud with Merce Cunningham, Tes thing that Stanley io ol to join he company and Mis Merce SS geting any younger cher. Anyway, Tm ehinking of ‘epating him wih waiter I met ast week, e share a {tll difust of Laura Nyro. Lwould have told you all his ‘te, I thought we dexered someting more intimate ‘hana phone cal'So Icons the Chicago Art Ina HEIDE sh Debbie mould ge back Ey PETER, Why in God's name woud yu wi ha Debbie TIDE hecrse youre bet i Hitt re le. PETER. How am I being impose? HEIDI, Youre jut beng npousble about Sosan and her pals BETER. Dot I want to celebrate Susan’ poli ideabt EIDE Gating up.) Puck off Pte! PETER. (ih nnn) Hid, Tm gy, obs? sleep with Stanley Zine, M.D And my ieraton my putt of ovale pails there be pola snd socal id hanging couple ahmed pring because they were aged By someone ‘med Nancy Cady or Gis! And Ua why Teame to see you today. I'am slemanding your equal time and ‘onsideration,|

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