Lets Create! Task #2 - Dæmon Masquerade

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Dæmon Masquerade Explanation

For this project, I chose a hawk. I mainly chose this because I got a hawk on the dæmon test. I
agree that my dæmon would be a hawk. I think this animal shares many personality traits with
me. I also like hawks, they are probably one of my favourite animals. I always see them flying
around this farm field near my house, so I think I know them pretty good.

Hawks are more solitary animals. They like to hunt and live on their own, unless they have
families. I think I share that trait. I usually work better on my own, and sometimes I like being on
my own instead of being around a big group of people. I spend a lot of time by myself at home
doing homework, or other things.
Hawks are quiet; they rarely make any sounds. When they hunt, they try to be as quiet as
possible so that their prey doesn’t notice them. I am a quiet person myself. I don’t like to speak
up, especially in front of large groups of people. I’ll only talk when I need to, like when someone
asks me a question. I don’t ever intentionally try to be loud, and people often don’t hear me
when I talk.
Hawks try to observe from the sidelines before jumping in to capture their prey. Sometimes
they’ll even let other predators attack and kill an animal before the hawk jumps in and eats the
dead animal. Even if they do, they are cautious and fly away to safety at any sign of trouble. I
am also like that. I observe from the sides before jumping into an event. For example, if a new
movie or video game comes out, I’ll watch the reviews and ask people how it is before I get it,
instead of jumping in and buying it, or watching it right when it releases. That goes for many
things for me, like new groups or sports teams.

Overall, I think I share many personality traits with a hawk, mainly the three that I touched on.
Haws are cool animals, and if I ever had a dæmon that settled, it would probably be a hawk. I
think a hawk would reflect my personality better than any other animal.

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