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Independent vs.

Dependent Clauses

Objective: I can label clauses as dependent or

independent in order to confirm if a sentence
is complete and correctly punctuated.
● Subject AND predicate
● Two types: independent and dependent

● Can stand alone; it expresses a complete
● Ex: We ate an entire pizza.

● Can NOT stand alone
● Contains a subordinating conjunction (a.k.a.
● It feels incomplete, like it “leaves you hanging”
● Dependent clauses MUST be revised; either
remove the AAAWWUBBIS word or add another
● Ex: Because we ate an entire pizza
AAAWWUBBIS Although, After, As, When, While,
Until, Before, Because, If, Since

Although we were tired, we still kept playing.

...ruins a perfectly good clause After the game, we ate an entire pizza.
and makes it dependent! As the timer ran out, she scored one more point.
When you leave, turn the lights off.
While you were napping, I mowed the lawn.
Until your grades improve, I’m taking your video games.
Before the game starts, please finish your homework.
Because I was late, the game didn’t start on time.
If you don’t want one, you should politely pass the plate.
Since you asked nicely, you can have candy.

Yes, you should memorize these 10+ words!

MEMORY TRICK! Although, After, As, When, While,
Until, Before, Because, If, Since

Although we were tired, we still kept playing.

Zombies/monsters metaphor: After the game, we ate an entire pizza.
once a sentence is bitten by the As the timer ran out, she scored one more point.
When you leave, turn the lights off.
AAAWWUBBIS monster, it
While you were napping, I mowed the lawn.
becomes dependent! Until your grades improve, I’m taking your video games.
Before the game starts, please finish your homework.
Because I was late, the game didn’t start on time.
If you don’t want one, you should politely pass the plate.
Since you asked nicely, you can have candy.

Yes, you should memorize these 10+ words!

1. Avoiding fragments

Who cares? a.
Fragment: Because I was tired
Complete: I was tired

1. Comma placement
WE CARE, for three reasons: a. Dependent, independent.
1. Avoiding fragments i. Ex: If you run, the dog will chase you.
2. Comma placement b. Inde, dependent, pendent.
3. Preventing run-ons i. Ex: My teacher, who loves pizza, ate a calzone.
4. *Sentence Types*
c. Independent dependent.
i. Ex: I will help you because you asked nicely.

1. Preventing run-ons
a. Not a run-on: Because you are so kind, I will help you.
b. RUN-ON: You are so kind, I will help you.

1. Sentence Types
a. Complex sentences :)
Practice Dependent or Independent?

1. Dep/Ind: If you want my opinion

2. Dep/Ind: He told you not to
3. Dep/Ind: Because I said so
4. Dep/Ind: Only the referee knows
5. Dep/Ind: Until the clock stops

Correct or incorrect?

1. Before we parked, we paid the meter.

2. Brutus, who is enthusiastic, drank too much coffee.
3. I want you to study because this is on the test.
Practice (Answers) Dependent or Independent?

1. Dep/Ind: If you want my opinion

2. Dep/Ind: He told you not to
3. Dep/Ind: Because I said so
4. Dep/Ind: Only the referee knows
5. Dep/Ind: Until the clock stops

Correct or incorrect? All correct

1. Before we parked, we paid the meter.

2. Brutus, who is enthusiastic, drank too much coffee.
3. I want you to study because this is on the test.

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