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Technology Workshop Lesson Plan

Day Title Description Time/Hours Delivery Format Audience /

and/or Location Level

4 Projects, you Demonstrate 09:30 to Face to Face All levels

get a project to teachers 2:00 pm with online from Level 1
and you get a how to support if to Level 3
project, and conduct needed from
you get a project- Beginners to
project based Session will be Veteran
learning for recorded for teachers
Project-Based classes that webinar/online
Learning for set up for support
non-Project- Project
Based Classes Based Live Feed for
using Learning online learners
Flipgrid, using
Bitmojis, Flipgrid, Follow Up One
Digital Bitmojis, on One Sessions
posters, Digital with school’s
Padlet posters, ILT or PDLTs

Pre-requisite Knowledge

How to use some of the applications taught at this workshop

Some knowledge of Flipgrid
Some knowledge of Bitmojis
Knowledge of how to make a digital poster
Some knowledge of Padlet


Learn how to use technology applications to bring project-based learning into your
classroom. They use different applications in a Google slides project-based learning. Some
of the applications discussed in course are Flipgrid, Bitmojis, Padlet, Digital Poster Makers
(Canva, Piktochart, Venngage, Easily, and/or Adobe Spark)
Alignment with standards listed in detail

Facilitator #6
❖ Educators facilitate learning with technology to support student achievement of the 2016
ISTE Standards for Students.
➢ Fostering a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and
outcomes in both independent and group settings

➢ Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms,
virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field.
Student Standards:

Innovative Designer #4
❖ Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve
problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.
➢ 4a Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing
theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

➢ 4b Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that
considers design constraints and calculated risks.

Maryland Technology Literacy Standards for Students

Standard 6.0 Technology for Problem Solving and Decision Making:
❖ Demonstrate ability to use Technology and Develop strategies to solve problems and
make informed decision

How it will be taught (instructional strategies)

● Face to face Instructor

● Videos of teachers instructing in classrooms
● Examples of lessons already created using the tools that will be taught in the PD
● Coaches on standby to help support and instruct educators as they begin to practice
with the tools
● Question and Answer at the end of each Educators presentation or video

For people who are participating online:

● Live streaming options

Materials –

Journal or notepad for notes

Assessment plan/methods for the course:

Teachers will develop a project-based lesson using Google Slidesas the foundation for their
lesson in their content areas in which the lesson encompasses the use of at least two new
technology applications learned in the workshop.

Evaluation of course plan/methods

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