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Chem 2L Post Laboratory


Experiment No. 15-17

Ms. Racquel T. Chua

Laboratory Instructor
Experiment No.15
Preparation of Iodoform

See video
Experimental Results
Wt of iodoform crystals (actual yield) = 1 gram

Answers to Questions

Experiment No.16
Production & Properties of
Ethyl Alcohol

See video
Fermentation Set Up
Experimental Results
Purification by Distillation
Experimental Results

Answers to Questions
Answers to Questions
Answers to Questions

Signs of Alcoholism

See video
Experiment No.17
Properties & Reactions of Alcohols
Experimental Results
Experimental Results
Experimental Results
Experimental Results
Experimental Results
Answers to Questions
Answers to Questions
Answers to Questions
Answers to Questions
Answers to Questions
Thank you J

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