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A. Related Literature

According to a 2004 survey given by i-SAFE America, 42% of school-aged children have

been bullied while online. This percentage increased drastically in a 2008 study that

raised the statistic from 42% to 72% ( Juvonen & Gross, 2008). Compare these statistics

to the near 20% of students who report being traditionally bullied Cyberbullying 34

2001), and one can see that there is a dramatic increase in victimization when bullying

occurs online. Most teens who are bullied online are often the same teens who are bullied

offline usually resulting from the same motivations. The new addition to the online

bullied are generally those who are retaliated against by empowered Vengeful Angels and

Revenge of the Nerds. In either case, online victims are viewed by the bully as deserving

of the treatment they are receiving (Trolley, et al., 2006; Willard, 2007).

2005, 2006; Raskauskas and Stoltz, 2007; Ybarra et al., 2007 as cited in Erdur-Baker,

2010). However, it should be noted that, as Ybarra et al. (2007) conclude, the amount of

the overlap between traditional and cyberbullying (32% of overlap for cyberbullying and

traditional bullying victimization with 26% of overlap for both types of bullying) is not

too large. The conclusion may be drawn from this result that although cyberbullying and

traditional bullying share some common ground, cyberbullying seems to be composed of

its own unique characteristics (Erdur-Baker, 2010). Reported rates of victims of

cyberbullying actually telling anyone in order to get help were 56% in Study One and

59% in Study Two; these appear low compared to rates for victims of traditional bullying
(Whitney & Smith, 1993). Smith et al, (2008) in Study Two, victims of traditional

bullying were significantly more likely to tell someone. Qing (2010) states that 40% of

cyberbullied students would do nothing and one in ten would inform an adult. In

Mishna’s et al (2012) study, over 30% of the students identified as involved in cyber

bullying, either as victims or perpetrators; one in four of the students (25.7%) reported

having been involved in cyberbullying as both a bully and a victim within a three month


According in Adams’ (2010) research, approximately 20% of students admitted to

having been cyberbullied. However, many more students reported incidents that fall

under its definition. Posting mean or hurtful comments and spreading rumors online was

the most common complaint in their random survey of 4,400 students ages 10 to 18 in

February 2010. Not surprisingly, cyberbullying is most prevalent among middle

schoolers. Moreover, the incidence of cyberbullying increases slightly with age. Finally,

teens spending much time on the Internet, reporting higher ICT expertise and owning a

computer with privileged online access share an increased likelihood of online bullying

behaviour (Walrave & Heirman, 2011).

cyberbullying in their policies. Even if the school system does not have a legal reason to

act against cyberbullying, the systems do have an ethical need to prevent such crimes

against students they serve (Mason, 2008).

According to Ariza-Montes et al. (2013) indicates high rate of workplace bullying in the

sector of healthcare. The problem is more prevalent where the workers work in shifts. It

is this rotating task of the workers that leads to bullying at workplace. As a result of

shifts, the workers feel less satisfied at the workplace and the level of stress increases.
This in turn adversely affects their promotion chances, reason being lack of concentration

due to increased level of stress, which in turn leads to no promotion. The best remedy is

to increase the resources in job and reduce the demands in job. It is necessary to

implement a cordial social relationship amongst the workers in healthcare sector

According to Nicole anne Santos Bullying does not need to be a reality that student face.

As more schools adopt whole school prevention programs and actively work with

students, staff, and parents in effectively addressing the issues of bullying and harassment

in each individual school, students will develop ( Literature Review of School Bullying).

Effects on the victim-Kids who are bullied by social media can experience negative,

physical and mental health issues. Kids who are bullied can experience negative, physical

and mental health issues. Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience.

Bullying in the Philippines is widespread in schools and over the Internet, with a study

that states that about 50 percent of Pilipino students are bullied in school. Bullying can

easily effect both the bully and the victim, and that’s why the government in the

Philippines is working hard to crack down on it. The latest measures include the signing

the anti-bully act of 2013. Which criminalize any act of bullying or cyberbullying that

happens in the country. Read on to learn about bullying in the Philippines. For any

bullying prevention program to be successful it is necessary for each school to have a

clear easily understood philosophy that promotes as safe and positive environment. This

philosophy should start during the early childhood years and continue throughout high

school. Three values which promote a positive climate and develop a basis for a bullying

prevention program include the belief that all children can learn, people should be treated
with respect 21 and dignity, and there is no place for violence in the school. (Orpinas &

Home, bullying is associated with several behaviours that pose risk to the

adolescents physical and phsycological health.

According to Barneveld and Jowett (2005) stated that violence is one of the increasingly

burning issues at every workplace. The violence which occurs at workplaces can take any

forms such as verbal, physical, mental, psychological, social etc. Particularly in the rail

industry, workers are more prone to direct attacks. This research paper has tried to

evaluate the quantum and effects of workplace bullying on the rail workers. One of the

most common forms of harassment or bullying at workplace is done by the trespassers of

railway property. Most of the times the workers also face the wrath of their seniors

because of the frustration over poor services or waiting times.

According to Bhattacharyya (2014) has focused on the harassment of women at

workplaces particularly sexual harassment meted out to women at workplaces. The

scenarios in India are changing at a fast pace, where women are no less than men and are

in front in every field. Today majority of women prefer to work and be at par with men.

But still the work by women is undermined and there is hardly any appreciation for their

hard work. The gender plays a big role in biasness and many a times, women are

deprived of various benefits including promotion. If they agree to the overtures of their

bosses or the superiors, they enjoy such benefits. This exploitation of women at

workplaces leads to stress and depression. The exploitation is not only mental but also


According to Braithwaite et al. (2003) management strategies are directly linked to

workplace bullying and victimization and this in turn indicates how employees manage
their pride and shame at workplace. Bullying results in stigmatization of employees when

an employee is labeled as being a bad or unworthy or as a useless person. The research

shows that victims of bullying acknowledge greater shame when they are asked to put

themselves in the place of the bully. Bullying at workplace is likely to occur, where the

organizations where respectful treatment of employees is not their priority.

According to Aleassa and Megdadi (2014) workplace bullying and unethical behavior

that warrant attention is increasingly being recognized as a serious problem. As people

spend maximum time in their workplace, therefore it is important to make the workplace

environment more cordial so as to achieve organizational effectiveness. Apart from this,

there is another set of behaviours which is basically undesirable and dysfunctional and

bullying is one of these behaviours. These behaviours have negative impact not only on

the individuals, but also on the organizations. The research paper has stated various

impacts of harassment at workplace such as emotional harm, physical illness and career

damage for the victims of bullying. These impacts on the other hand adversely affect the

productivity, profit, high absenteeism etc.

Adebayo and Juliet (2014) teachers get bullying in educational institutions which have

detrimental effects on the students resulting in low morale among not only the teachers,

but also the students. It adversely affects the high turnover of trained staff and poor

quality of students’ results. The higher the educational qualifications of teachers the

higher is harassment and bullying thus resulting in poor performance. The teachers are

often subjected to belittling remarks either about their work or about their personal life.

Peers are involved in 85% of bullying episodes, either as observers or by joining in the

aggression (Craig & Pepler, 1995). The bysthaders students who are aware of bullying

can have a powerful effect obn bullying, positive or negative. However, bullying also

directly affects the bystanders: Observing bullying at school predicted risks to mental

health (Rivers, et al., 2009).

Students who repeatedly bully are more likely to get into frequently fights or be hurt in a

fight, carry a weapon, vandalize property, drink alcohol or smoke, and be expelled or

suspended from school. All forms of bullying are significantly with increases in suicidal

ideation, both for the victim and the offender. However, bullying and cyberbullying

victimization was a stronger predictor of suicidal thoughts and behaviors than was

bullying and cyberbullying offending. Bullying victims were 1.7 times more likely and

offenders were 2.1 times more likely to have attempted suicide. It should be

acknowledged that among teenagers who committed suicide after experiencing bullying

or cyberbullying many had other emotional and social stressors in their lives that may

have been exacerbated by bullying. (Hinduja & Patchin, 2010). Children who are the

target of bullying or who are bully-victims are at a significantly higher risk for a variety

of psychosomatic problems (Gini & Pozzoli, 2009).

High school students who bullied or were perpetrators and victims of bullying were at the

greatest risk of being involved in violence, engage in multiple types of substance use, and

have academic problems. The link between bullying and others risk behaviors was

particularly noted among urban and African American students (Bradshaw, Waasdorp,

Goldweber & Johnson 2012) 60% of students who bullied were convicted of crime by

age 24 and 35% had 3 or more convictions by age 24 (Fox et al., 2003).
Youth who report being bullies and victims are the greatest risk for social maladjustment

and for physical and emotional dating violence victimization (Espelage & Holt, 2007).

Witnessing family violence is one of the risk factors for experiencing or perpetrating

bullying. 97% of children exposed to family violence reported that they were bullies and

victims in different situations (Lozano et al., Pediatrics, Fall 2006).

C. Synthesis

In a society where it is becoming more common for perpetrators to choose electronic

forms of communication (cell phones, social media, etc.) to bully others, it is crucial that

we understand how our country is working to intervene in this cyberbullying epidemic.

Therefore, this systematic research synthesis sought to examine all intervention efforts

addressing cyberbullying that have been implemented within the United States. A

systematic search using variations of cyberbullying intervention program search terms

was narrowed down to a final sample size of 11 articles fitting the inclusion and

exclusion criteria. Results suggested that programs addressing cyberbullying have only

been implemented in schools or online, and most have not been evaluated for their effect

on actual cyberbullying behaviors, but rather on attitudes and intentions about

cyberbullying. Despite the significant concern about cyberbullying and its potential

problematic outcomes, there seems to be a glaring lack of effective evidence-based

programs that have been implemented in the United States.

D. Definition of term

Harassment- Repeatedly sending offensive, rude and insulting messages.

Flaming- Online fights using electronic messages with angry and vulgar language.
Cyberbullying- Cyberbullying may seem humorous to some people, but it is a serious

matter. Kids who are bullied online often feel hurt and rejected by their peers. This can

lead to low self esteem and depression. Therefore, cyberbullying should not be tolerated

and should be reported to authorities.

Students- determines whether the victim is cyberbullying



Online games have both positive and negative effects on people,especially students. One

of the negatives is this. Many cases among students are addiction.And this addiction may

lead to worse problems. The students might steal money. They may become lazy when it

comes to studying and prefer playing the wholeday long. Some may even skip school in

order to have more playing time. (SujatAli Hamzah) Addicted gamers spend so much

time playing that their personalrelationships get neglected and sometimes disappear

altogether. Amongaddicted gamers who are married, up to 50 percent report a strain in

theirmarriage as a result of their addiction. Addicted gamers also neglect

theresponsibilities of everyday life such as school and work. (UNC-OASIS).In the world

of today, there are different genres of online games. First arethe console games. Console

games are more commonly referred to as videogames. They are played on a device

specially made for game play called a videogame console. The player interacts with the
game through a controller, a hand-held device with buttons and joysticks or pads. Video

and sound are received bythe gamer though a television. Examples of consoles include

the Microsoft Xbox,Sony Playstation, Nintendo GameCube, and Nintendo Wii. Second

are the real-time strategy games. This is a type of video game inwhich players exercise

strategy along the way, typically to conquer enemies andreach a final destination without

being eradicated. For example, to win, playersdecide which routes to take, what needs to

be done and how to do it. Contrastwith first-person shooter.Third are the cross-platform

online games. Developing software for, orrunning software on, more than one type of

hardware platform. The mostuniversal cross platform application is the Web browser.

Written for every Image of page 2 10desktop computer and mobile platform, Web

browsers render Web pages"almost" the same no matter which computer they run on.

This study carried out in order to analyze the characteristics of game addiction among the

adolescents. The research was tackled within the frame of screening model and data was

collected in accordance with it. The questionnaire used as a data collecting instrument

was applied in a secondary school and a high school which are considered to have the

capacity of representing the socioeconomic and cultural structure of Selçuklu district of

Konya province. After the analysis, it was determined that the average of the boys as for

game addiction were higher than those of girls. Moreover, the boys were observed to

spend more money on games. The socioeconomic reasons such as educational status of

parents, the number of siblings, having computers and having a private room weren't seen

to be discriminative characteristics. However, a differentiation related to addiction was

observed among genders and stages. The research suggests that it is necessary to activate
the patterns of social communication networks such as friendly footing, taking more

responsibilities, and highlighting social life to diminish game addiction.

B. Related Studies

As of today, most people relate online games to low academicperformance. Through the

years, studies have yielded different results. Some ofthem say that they are co-related

when some say that they are not.According to Anderson and Dill (2000), there is a

negative correlationbetween the two. Thus, meaning that there is no relation between the

number ofhours played by a player and his grades. At times, the students defend the

games they are playing by saying thatthey do learn something from it. A paper from

EDUCAUSE backs these studentsup by suggesting that the faculty learn and know about

these games so as tohelp students in in class learning experience (Hitch and Duncan,

2005). Furthermore, another paper claims that these games are not just forentertainment

(Shaffer, Squire, Halverson, & Gee, 2005). They claim that thesegames may be used to

learn and experience different things and interact withother people and belong to a virtual


C. Synthesis

Example 1. The effects of playing computer games on physical health are controversial.

Although Brown (2000, p.141) states that computer games can cause physical problems

such as bad posture and pain in the hands, Smith (2003) argues that these problems are

caused by the hardware, not the games. In my opinion the games cause physical health

problems because they encourage long periods of computer use on harmful hardware.
Example 2. The effects of playing computer games on physical health are

controversial.Brown (2000, p.141) suggests that computer games can cause physical

problems such as bad posture and pain in the hands. However, Smith (2003) points out

that these problems are caused by the hardware, not the games. I believe that the physical

health problems are caused by games as they encourage long periods of computer use on

harmful hardware.

Example 3. The effects of playing computer games on physical health are

controversial.According to Brown (2000, p.141) computer games can cause physical

problems such as bad posture and pain in the hands. Smith (2003) disagrees, and argues

that these problems are caused by the hardware, not the games. I contend that the

physical health problems are due to the long periods of computer use on harmful

hardware which occur when children are playing computer games.

D. Definition of term

Computer - A computer is a machine that can be instructed to carry out sequences of

arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming

Addiction-the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or


Online games- An online game is a video game that is either partially or primarily

played through the Internet or any other computer network available

Physical health - is defined as the condition of your body, taking into consideration

everything from the absence of disease to fitness level.

Stress - pressure or tension exerted on a material object.

Mental health - a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional


Depression -A region of low atmospheric pressure. Low pressure systems result in

precipitation, ranging from mild to severe in intensity.

Abuse - is when one person hurts another person, either physically or emotionally. Abuse

happens over time, usually in a cycle.

Rehabilitation- The process of helping a person who has suffered an illness or injury

restore lost skills and so regain maximum self-sufficiencInternet - a global computer

network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of

interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.



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