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14/02/2011 Siswarjono 1
 Food Science is the discipline in which
biology, physical sciences, and engineering
are used to study the nature of foods, the
causes of their deterioration, and the
principles underlying food processing.

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 Food Technology is the application of food
science to the selection, preservation,
processing, packaging, distribution, and use
of safe, nutritious, and wholesome food.

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The Food Scientist

 A Food Scientist studies the physical,

microbiological, and chemical makeup of food.
 Depending on their area of specialization, Food
Scientists may develop ways to process, preserve,
package, or store food, according to industry and
government specifications and regulations.
 Consumers seldom think of the vast array of foods
and the research and development that has resulted
in the means to deliver tasty, nutritious, safe, and
convenient foods.

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 Food Research is the careful, systematic

study, investigation, and compilation of
information about foods and their

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 Food Manufacturing is the mass production

of food products from raw animal and plant
materials utilizing principles of food

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 In terms of value of shipments, food

processing is the largest manufacturing
industry in the United States.

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Definition food science & food
 Food Science
"Food Science is the discipline in which the
biological and physical sciences and engineering are
used to study the nature of foods, the causes of their
deterioration, and the principles underlying food
 Food Technology
"Food Technology is the application of food science
to the selection, preservation, processing, packaging,
distribution, and use of safe, nutritious, and
wholesome food."

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Food Science and Technology

Food Science and Technology is the

understanding and application of Science to
satisfy the needs of society for sustainable
food quality, safety and security.

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Definition of Food Science &
• Food technology is the application of the
principles and facts of science, engineering,
and mathematics to the processing,
preservation, storage, and utilization of foods.
• Food science deals with the acquisition of new
knowledge to elucidate the course of reactions
or changes occurring in foods, whether natural
or induced by handling procedures.
(From: McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Food
Science and Technology, 1992, McGraw Hill.)
14/02/2011 Siswarjono 10
Scope of Food Science &
 Food Science and Technology developed as
a discipline to systematically organize and
link the various kinds of knowledge which
are necessary to inform human activity in
food handling, processing, distribution and

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Scope of Food Science &
Food science draws on research and applies principles and
practices from a broad spectrum of applied and basic
sciences, including:
 biology (botany, bacteriology, microbiology, mycology),
 chemistry (biochemistry; physical, analytical, and organic
 chemistry), physics (rheology, thermodynamics, cryogenics,
 radiophysics, ultrasonics), nutrition,
 psychology (sensory behaviors), medicine (metabolism,
toxicology, heart diseases), and economics.

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Scope of Food Science &
Food technology applies :
1. the principles and concepts of engineering
to problems of food handling and
processing, and
2. studies the interrelationships between the
properties of materials and the changing
methods of handling and manufacturing

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Food Business & Food
 The food business and food technology
are practically inseparable.

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Food Business

The food business may be characterized as:

• vulnerable to spoilage,
• high volume,
• low margin,
• multiple products,
• transportation intensive; and
• end user marketing intensive.

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Food Business

Since WWII the value added part of the food

industry has increased steadily, and in 1980
surpassed agriculture's contribution.
• There is great emphasis on speed and
efficiency in production, and on optimization
of the food system from production through

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Food Business

It has even been predicted that "nutrient

delivery packages", customized for particular
situations, will be developed to take the place
of traditional "meals".

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Relate research areas

1. Biotechnology to produce new strains of

plants for foods and more efficient
manufacture of food components;
2. Molecular and structural properties of foods
and how they affect the conversion,
processing, distribution, storage and
acceptance of foods;
3. Biosensors to monitor food operations; and
development of robot technology in food
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Components of of Food Science and

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Food analysis and chemistry

 Physical, organic and biochemical properties

of food constituents at the molecular level.
 Techniques (gravimetric, volumetric and
spectrophotometric) used by food analysts
for proteins; carbohydrates; lipids, fats oils;
colloids; enzymes; vitamins, emulsifiers,
acids, oxidants, antioxidants, pigments and
flavors; secondary plant metabolites in food.

14/02/2011 Siswarjono 20
Food Quality Factors and their
 Appearance, textural, flavor, nutritional,
sanitary, and keeping factors;
 quality standards;
 sensory evaluation techniques and programs;
 consumer acceptance; taste panels.

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Nutritive aspects of food constituents
and effect of processing and handling
Nutrient stability
 effects on nutrients of agricultural practices,
handling, processing, and storage on raw and
processed foods;
 includes effects of cultivation, harvest,
cleaning, freeze preservation, heat
processing, baking, extrusion, moisture
removal, fermentation, food additives,
ionizing radiation;.
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Nutrient Stability

 effects of home preparation and commercial

foodservice practices;
 enrichment and protein complementation of
 improvement of nutritional quality through
plant breeding;
 role of the government in regulating
nutritional value of the food supply

14/02/2011 Siswarjono 23
Food microbiology, mycology, and
 Use of yeasts, molds, and bacteria in
production of foods and food ingredients;
 microbes in fermentation, processing and
 spoilage microorganisms;
 indicator and foodborne pathogens;
 detection, identification and physiology of
microorganisms of importance in foods;

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Food microbiology

 microbiological culture, monitoring, testing,

and sampling methods;
 tools of molecular biology in detection
 psychotrophs, thermopiles and
radiationresistant microorganisms;

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Food microbiology

 biology, culture and isolation, and

identification of important fungi;
 quantification of fungal toxins;
 food toxins and toxicity.

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Food processing and engineering

 Fundamental engineering concepts, such as:

momentum, heat, and mass-transport
 engineering aspects of food processing plant
operations and automation;
 unit operations in food processing;
 food packaging materials,

14/02/2011 Siswarjono 27
Food processing and engineering

 methods, testing and evaluation,

 effects on shelf life,
 economics;
 process control,
 optimizing automation;
 waste management;
 energy conservation;
 quality control.
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Emerging trends in Food Science &
 Increased concern about the nutritional
content of technologically derived, refined
foods is expressed by both consumers and
 Dietary guidelines and nutrition education
focus on partially replacing refined foods
with whole grains, legumes, and other foods
which retain their biochemical unity.
 Concern about food safety issues is very
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Emerging trends

 Food scientists are responding to these nutritional

and safety concerns in a variety of ways,
 Increased attention to food interactions and
bioavailability of nutrients,
 Improved analytical and detection methods, and
research and education in food safety.
 New product development, particularly in the area of
reduced-fat and reduced-calorie products is

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Emerging trends

 New processing technologies such as high

energy electric pulse processing, freeze
concentration, and hydrostatic pressure
processing (which are often not yet available
in the U.S.) show promise.
 Biotechnology is a growing area.

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Overview of Food Science &
 Food technology implies the causing of food
materials to undergo desirable changes of
nature and/or form, while inhibiting and if
possible preventing undesirable changes of
nature and/or form..

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The application of food science to these ends

involves a knowledge and understanding of
 chemical composition of food materials;
 their physical, biological and biochemical
nature and behaviour;
 human nutritional requirements and nutrition
factors in food materials;

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 the nature and behaviour of enzymes and of

micro-organisms and their action on foods;
 the interaction of food components and the
effect on these of additives and ontaminants;
 any pharmacological and toxicological

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 the reactions of food materials with

atmospheric oxygen and with substances
with which they may come in contact during
handling, processing and packaging; and
 the effects of various manufacturing
operations, processes and storage conditions
on all the foregoing.
 It also requires the application of statistical
methods for the design of experimental work
and evaluation of these results.
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Impact of developments in other
Technologies on Food Science &
 For the sake of completeness it should also
be mentioned that development of food
technology draws heavily on developments
in other technologies, such as those in steel,
tinplate, glass, aluminium, plastics,
engineering, instrumentation, electronics,
chemicals, and agriculture

14/02/2011 Siswarjono 36
Job opportunities for Food Scientist
Food Scientists & Food Technologists may
work in
 production,
 packaging technology,
 engineering,
 management,
 product and process development and
 quality control and may

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Job opportunities

 engage in research and development in

related fields.
 Both food scientists and technologists may
find their way into marketing, technical
sales, buying raw materials or into
 Government Development and Advisory

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