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The Monk song

By Jagadish

I was always thinking that I was wise

Only to see that others are growing and not me as sage

Busy as I was day and night

Earning money at will working twice till midnight

Beautiful clothing was up my long sleeve

And work I loved kept pouring up as short sleeve

I never knew that I was broke inside

Sitting all day with work never gave up outside

Always knew that work is mine

And all things secondary as store

Visitors came pouring in with story

Telling me nice stories of history

I kept waking up all day

And never slept till next midday

At last I gave up under frustration

Only to see that I am aged beyond comparison

Wisdom has vanished

And knowledge came out as weird

I broke up all contacts

Wishing me myself good luck under networks

I went out and visited people who were wise

At last peace came to me as guidance

Which I would share with you as mine

Share the wisdom !!!! Share my thoughts !!!! Share my knowledge !!!!

Its all yours $$$$ its all yours $$$$ its all yours $$$

Mind is like an ocean

Wishing you with inward intuition

The more you keep it working

The better it would start dating

The words you express yourself

You start believing in that as oneself

Wishing you with thoughts as realization

What you want to know under creativity

It would start projecting itself as reality

The best way to avoid is do meditation

Through which not one thought be negative as creation

Only positivism should flow in as direction

Which is goal you should setup as contemplation

Negative thoughts should disappear from inside

Not one be allowed inside or outside

That is the goal you should set by your side

Think that brain is where rose is smelled

The thought of concentration is all breathed

Is thought of habit of symmetry

The more you are wise to relish beauty

Your brain would become servant of centrality

And not master of your thoughts as conformity

So to groom up mind under tranquility

You should groom up inner thoughts as equality


I was always thinking that I was wise

Only to see that others are growing and not me as sage

Busy as I was day and night

Earning money at will working twice till midnight

Beautiful clothing was up my long sleeve

And work I loved kept pouring up as short sleeve

I never knew that I was broke inside

Sitting all day with work never gave up outside

Always knew that work is mine

And all things secondary as store

Visitors came pouring in with story

Telling me nice stories of history

I kept waking up all day

And never slept till next midday

At last I gave up under frustration

Only to see that I am aged beyond comparison

Wisdom has vanished

And knowledge came out as weird

I broke up all contacts

Wishing me myself good luck under networks

I went out and visited people who were wise

At last peace came to me as guidance

Which I would share with you as mine

Share the wisdom !!!! Share my thoughts !!!! Share my knowledge !!!!

Its all yours $$$$ its all yours $$$$ its all yours $$$

World is full of those who believe in purpose

Goal setting is the way to be robust with desire

Without direction a man is useless and should have ambition

As without rudder ship can't move forward with determination

Without purpose a man can't determine his fate

People should have purpose which they should state

Public is the method with which timeline is set to resolve

Every activity takes 21 days to set up under objective

So start doing activity now as subjective

You would reap rewards later in strife

Remain spirited, joyful and curious in life

It would always add up to your passion as wife

Believe in kaizen self improvement as hope

Build up strength of character as scheme

Build up mental toughness under principle

Build up live with courage as resolve

The only way up the ladder is ritual of scope

Ritual of solitude would give you happiness

Ritual of physicality would give you energy

Ritual of live nourishment would give you purpose

Ritual of abundant knowledge would give you enlightenment

Ritual of personal reflection would give you insight

Ritual of early awakening would give you freshness

Ritual of music would give you joyfulness

Ritual of spoken word would give you intelligence

Ritual of congruent character would give you robustness

Ritual of simplicity would give you longevity


I was always thinking that I was wise

Only to see that others are growing and not me as sage

Busy as I was day and night

Earning money at will working twice till midnight

Beautiful clothing was up my long sleeve

And work I loved kept pouring up as short sleeve

I never knew that I was broke inside

Sitting all day with work never gave up outside

Always knew that work is mine

And all things secondary as store

Visitors came pouring in with story

Telling me nice stories of history

I kept waking up all day

And never slept till next midday

At last I gave up under frustration

Only to see that I am aged beyond comparison

Wisdom has vanished

And knowledge came out as weird

I broke up all contacts

Wishing me myself good luck under networks

I went out and visited people who were wise

At last peace came to me as guidance

Which I would share with you as mine

Share the wisdom !!!! Share my thoughts !!!! Share my knowledge !!!!

Its all yours $$$$ its all yours $$$$ its all yours $$$
When you bind people they become strength

Single handed they are weak without clout

Will and self control are the mantras

Which would give you inner strength as tantra

To gain wisdom of bright light

Get up early , eat less, read more under sunlight

Worry less , be more patient and loving as twilight

Control your thoughts , you control your mind

Control your mind , you control your life

Control your life , you become master of destiny

Which would give you wisdom to face the world under finality

While merry making and understanding yourself in morality

Time is endless saga of life

Keep it simple with ritual of simplicity under impulse

Spending time with self

Is the best gift you give to oneself

Whatever activities you take up

Always remember to do it with enthusiasm with wake up

And if possible sleep in afternoon

You will never repent all noon

To win the heart of many

You should have a time table to study

Between two things to take up

Give yourself time to ponder

The more you do it

The better you would feel happy to take it


I was always thinking that I was wise

Only to see that others are growing and not me as sage

Busy as I was day and night

Earning money at will working twice till midnight

Beautiful clothing was up my long sleeve

And work I loved kept pouring up as short sleeve

I never knew that I was broke inside

Sitting all day with work never gave up outside

Always knew that work is mine

And all things secondary as store

Visitors came pouring in with story

Telling me nice stories of history

I kept waking up all day

And never slept till next midday

At last I gave up under frustration

Only to see that I am aged beyond comparison

Wisdom has vanished

And knowledge came out as weird

I broke up all contacts

Wishing me myself good luck under networks

I went out and visited people who were wise

At last peace came to me as guidance

Which I would share with you as mine

Share the wisdom !!!! Share my thoughts !!!! Share my knowledge !!!!

Its all yours $$$$ its all yours $$$$ its all yours $$$

Contribution to the world is what everyone has to learn

Always never see yourself as individual

But always work with collectivism as dual

It is because

Every dawn is a new day to the one who is enlightened

The more you give to others

The more you would receive from some other

Give and take is part of story of mankind

Always understand that you are special of some kind

And why you are born is to serve humanity to progress on course

And removing fears from each other is daily practice of voyage

Happiness is a journey and not a destination

Live in present now as direction

To die peacefully without being a burden on others

Is to relish life by dying silently without disturbing peace of others

Is also another way of congratulating the living and passing out dead silently

Is also wise living of stating that

Share the wisdom !!!! Share my thoughts !!!! Share my knowledge !!!!

Its all yours $$$$ its all yours $$$$ its all yours $$$


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