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Knowing the Unknown: Identification of the Inexplicable

A Case Study
Brooke Jordan


1. Introduction, Aims, and Methodology: 2

2. Case Study: The Phenomena: 2-3

3. Necessary Unidentifiers: 4

4. Similar Cases and Explanations:

5. Worldly Hypotheses:

- Visionary Dysfunction Hypothesis:

- Paraeidolia Psychological Hypothesis:

- Weather Balloon Hypothesis:

- Conclusions:

6. Otherwise Hypotheses:

- The Extra-Terrestrial Hypothesis – On Hyneck:

- The Interdimensional Hypothesis – On Vallee:

- An Amalgamation – On Keel:

7. Philosophical Ruminations:

- On Existentialism and Extraterrestrials:

- The Unidentified and Unexamined Life:

- A Phenomenological Account of UFOs:

- The Metaphysics of Time: An Argument for Eternalism:

- What Now? Normative Conclusions on Living and Dying within the Unknown:

8. Conclusion:

9. Bibliography:

1. Introduction, Aims, and Methodology

Having witness that which I cannot intuitively explain, I seek identification in its less obvious
forms. This paper aims to analyse the phenomena witnessed and evaluate various
explanations and identifications for that which currently exists outside of my full
comprehension. In trying to fathom a satisfying understanding, I will seek reports of similar
phenomenon and critically engage with solutions for these cases. Moreover, I offer my own
hypotheses pertaining to my own account that may also give explanation to the others left
without definite answers. I aim to expound various hypotheses and evaluate each, ultimately
concluding the most likely and possible explanations. From these conclusions I wish to draw
philosophical mediations upon the problems such answers pose to free will, the metaphysics
of time, existential concerns, phenomenological matters, and what the unidentified means for
understanding our world, our place unit, and our day to day lives. I do not presuppose that the
truth is out there, let alone that I aim to find it; rather, I seek an intersubjective explanation of
the phenomenon and the philosophical ramifications for subjects. 

In evaluating explanations I will put forth the case at hand, each premise of the hypothesis’
conclusion, and evaluate individually. I will the analyse the validity and soundness of the
conclusion in regard to the argument and its success in accounting for the key identifiers of
the witnesses phenomena. 

In putting forth my own hypothesis I will take a similarly inductive approach in expanding
premises, conclusions, and evaluating their sufficiency in terms of explaining the phenomena.
I will rely on sources spanning quantum mechanics to deep UFO lore, a comprehensive list of
which can be found in the bibliography. 

2. Case Study: The Phenomena

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