Write The Question Tags

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Write the question tags :

1. They are playing chess,aren't they ?

2. Andy can't speak Italian, can he?

3. Brian is American ,isn't he?

4. You don't know Betty , do you?

5. It's an exciting job, isn't it ?

6. He won't send me a postcard ,will he?

7. We are in front of his house,aren't we?

8. Lolita lost her glasses yesterday , did she?

9. You've got a polaroid camera ,haven't you?

10. I'm late ,am i?

11. Bob's absent,isn't he?

12. George doesn't smoke ,does he?

13. We're happy,aren't we?

14. He comes from Italy, doesn't he?

15. You like playing the piano,don't you?

16. Mary lived in Washington, didn't she ?

17. He'll be five in three days,won't he?

18. You won't do that , will you?

19. People often tell lies, don't they?

20. We'll go to Spain, won't we?

21. Ken can't go to your party, can he ?

22. Your mother did your homework , didn't she ?

23. She likes playing with you, doesn't she?

24. He's never been to Madrid, isn't he ?

25. Peter isn't very honest, is he?

26. The weather's nice, isn't it ?

27. She'd like to have a sister, wouldn't she?

28. Let's go for a bike ride, shall we ?

29. Sandy was angry yesterday, wasn't she ?

30. He wanted to join us last night, want he?

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