1-Module Descriptor For Mba Research Methods 2018

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Status Core module
Year 1
Semester I
Credit Units 4

Research is sometimes an intimidating term to some people but it simply means the process of finding
out solutions to an identified problem after a thorough study and analysis of the situational factors.
Managers in all organizations engage themselves in analyzing and studying issues and this is a form of
research. Their interest is to find out things that may explain certain occurrences. All disciplines use the
data from research to solve problems or to make decisions. In organizations managers make different
types of decisions which can be either good or bad. Those who make good decisions study the situations
–they in essence research, while those who make bad decisions do not research. This module will take
the participants through the process of conducting research and prepare them to write a proposal and
an acceptable dissertation.

Participants need to be conversant with research and research methodology, as they may be called
upon to compile reports and generate information for relevant decision making, from an informed point
of view. The skills acquired along the module are also key to the participants’ progress on the masters’
programme where they are expected to carry out research.

The course will provide an opportunity for participants to appreciate research and to develop and
enhance their research skills. The course introduces a framework of the research process within
quantitative and mixed methods approaches. Participants will use the theoretical underpinnings to
critically review literature relevant to their areas of research interest. Participants will be able to
critically evaluate research methodologies appreciate ethical issues, process and analyze data and
determine how research findings can be useful in understanding. The module will expose Participants to
designing and carrying out research by focusing on; current and global issues, developing hypotheses
and crafting studies that test hypotheses, in the world of work. They are introduced to qualitative
research methods and qualitative research design and analysis to gain in-depth analysis of issues related
to their areas of research.

This module aims at developing participants’ research related skills important for day to day work,
particularly development of research proposal for academic, evaluation and funding purposes and
writing research report(s).


By the end of this module, participants will be expected to be able to:

1. Explain the types of research and describe the research process
2. Identify and define potential research problems in a particular area of specialization.
3. Review Literature analytically and use appropriate citation referencing techniques
4. Select and critically evaluate appropriate research methodologies best suited for investigating
different types of problem questions.
5. Develop an understanding of various research designs and techniques
6. Plan and conduct a research project in a scientific manner.
7. Write an acceptable dissertation.
8. Write a scholarly and ethically accepted research paper

Unit 1: Overview to Research Methods
 Definition/Meaning of research,
 Reasons for carrying out research
 Characteristics of research
 Research processes
 Research paradigms
 Research approaches
 Triangulation in research
 Overview of research in business management
Unit 2: Research problem, research topics/Title, Objectives, Questions and Hypotheses
 Research Problem
 Generating research topics
 Background to the study
 Writing study justification and significance
 Scope of the study.
 Distinction between research objectives, questions and hypotheses
 Formulation of appropriate study objectives, questions and hypotheses.
Unit 3: Research variables, Theoretical and Conceptual frameworks
 Definition of a research variable
 Various types of variables
 The roles of variables in research
 Appropriate use of various types of variables in a given research study.
 Levels of measurement of variables
 Theoretical frameworks
 Uses of theory in research
 Conceptual frameworks
 Formulation of conceptual and theoretical frameworks in a given research scenario.
Unit 4: Literature Search and referencing
 Meaning of Literature review,
 Reasons for carrying out literature review
 types of literature reviews,
 Process of literature review
 the reviewing literature and key considerations,
 Characteristics of a good literature review(critical review, analytical review and identification of
a knowledge gap )
 critiquing literature review,
 sources of literature,
 organization set up of literature review,
 Referencing and citation procedures.
 Challenges of literature review
 Referencing
 UMI guidelines to referencing and citation
Unit 5: Research Methods and Designs
 Meaning methodology between methodology and methods,
 The concept of research design and Research strategy,
 Different types of research designs
 Selection of appropriate research design
 Distinction between quantitative and qualitative research designs.
Unit 6: Data collection methods and instruments
 Distinction between data collection methods and Instruments;
 various data collection methods and tools (advantages and disadvantages )
 Factors to consider in choosing the data collection methods and instruments
 Data quality control
Unit 7: Study population and sampling techniques
 Study population
 Different types of study population ;
 Sampling techniques
 Sampling and sampling processes
 Selection of Sample size
 Sample size and sampling techniques for qualitative and quantitative research/study
 Factors to be considered when choosing qualitative or quantitative sampling techniques.
Unit 8: Research proposal
 The concept of a research proposal;
 How to write a research proposal.
 Elements of a good research proposal
 proposal development for business management research
 UMI guidelines for writing a research proposal
Unit 9: Data Analysis and Computer Assisted Data Analysis Software (CADAS): SPSS/SAS/STATA/EPI-
INFO for Quantitative Research and Nvivo/Atlas.ti/HyperResearch for Qualitative Research
 Meaning of data analysis,
 The concept of data analysis
 Factors to be considered in choosing a data analysis technique.
 types of procedures in data analysis,
 Data preparation and Data transformation
 data management and analysis procedures,
 Computer data entry and editing
 Quantitative data analaysis: descriptive statistical analysis, relational statistics, and inferential
statistics, computer and its application in business research business management research
 Qualitative data analaysis: Qualitative content analysis, Grounded Theory, discourse analysis,
systematic assignment (“coding”) of text segments to themes (“codes”) and the possibility of
making notes of ideas and associations (“memos”).
Unit 10: Dissertation/Report Writing
 Distinction between a research report and a research proposal
 Structure of a research report
 Contents of a research report
 Presentation skills
Unit 11: Dissemination of Research findings (5 hours)
 The concept of dissemination
 The importance of dissemination
 Channels of dissemination
 Challenges in the dissemination of research findings
Unit 12: Ethical considerations in Business Research
 The concept of ethics in research
 Principles of ethics in research
 Ethical standards and professional practice in research Unit
 UNCST ethical policy


Assessment mode Percentage

Take home assignment 20%
End of module Test 20%
Written Exam 60%
Total 100 %
Pass Mark 60%


Facilitator Status Qualification
Dr. Kiwanuka Micheal Full time PhD, MPAM, BA (SS)
Dr. Pross Oluka Nagitta Full time PhD, MBA, Bsc
Prof. Gerald Kagambirwe Karyeija Full time PhD, Mphil, BA
Dr. Maria Kaguhangire Barifaijo Full time PhD, Med, BA
Dr. Turyasingura Wilberforce Full time PhD, MSc. Mgt, PGDE, BA
Dr. Bigabwenkya Sebastian Full time PhD, HR Devt, MA, HR, BSWSA
Dr. Karim Ssesanga Full time PhD, Med, BA
Dr. Ivan Twinomuhwezi Full time PhD
Dr. Stella Kyohairwe Full time PhD, MA, BA
Dr. Edgar Mwesigye Kateshumbwa Full time PhD, MPA, BA
Dr. Florence Bakibinga Sajjabi Full time PhD, Med, BA
Fr.Dr.Dan Oryema Full time PhD, Med, BA
Dr. Nabaho Lazarus Full time PhD, MMS, BA
Mr. Beinebyabo Adrian Full time MMS, BA
Mr. JosephBufambo Full time MBA, Bsc
Mr. JP Ssenyondo Full time MBA, Bsc


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