Answer-Gender Final Exam PDF

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1. There are 4 type of domestic violence:

• Physical violence
• Psychological violence
• Sexual violence
• Economic violence
2. The impacts of domestic violence are :
• Loss of income
• Impact upon children
• Affect to body and mental health
• Increase of the rate of suicide
• Affect to emotional like hopeless, fear, depression, anxiety, lack of warmth
3. The roots causes of domestic violence are :
• Alcohol
• Uneducated
• Discrimination
• Poverty
4. The principles of CEDAW are :
• State obligation
• Substantive equality
• Non discrimination
5. Explain the principle:
• State obligation : this country or state is obligated to follow CEDAW’s standard and
approval for women’s right and must work hard with 3 main branches ( legislative,
executive, Judicial ) to achieve gender equality for women.
6. Substantive equality : is a fundamental aspect of human rights law that is concerned with equitable
outcome and equal opportunities for disadvantaged and marginalized people and groups in society.
7. Non-discrimination : Seek to guarantee the women’s right according to CEDAW convention are
exercised without discrimination of any kind based on Sex, age, language, marital status, religion
8. Suggest the best solutions can be implemented to reduce the human trafficking rate in Cambodian:
1 Support livelihood to help families avoid the need to have their children work. 2 Raise awareness
of trafficking reducing the number of children being trafficked.3 Protect unaccompanied refugee
children, and keep them from the clutches of traffickers.
9. The definition of human trafficking according to UN protocol : is the action of recruitment,
transportation, transfer, harboring of person by treat and use force to exploitation the prostitution of
others and other form of sexual exploitation.
10.Human trafficking is not end because human trafficking is one of the oldest businesses in existence
and it has been around as long as humanity has been on earth.
11.Process : Human trafficking
• Push factors
• Pull factors the action
• The means
• The purpose
12.The labour market gender segregated because of :
• Human capital theory
• Marxist feminist theory
• Putting patriarchy into the picture
• Preference theory.
13. The preference theory of Catherine Hakim explained women’s position in the labour market. She
argued that in the modern society, it is possible for women to make real choices about family and
work that are unconstrained by factors which existed in the past or in the other places. He classifies
women into 3 group : Work-centred women: commit to career and incest time and money in
gaining training and qualification and whose main focus is paid work, Home-centered women:
focus on family life and children and adaptive women: enjoy both worlds between family work
and employment.

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