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Assignment – Amirhosein Amini – 98109023

1-Acquire : Research helps us acquire new insight on the causes of diseases.

2-Compute : The machine can compute the time it takes a sound wave to bounce back.

3-Relevance : They have no relevance to the story.

4-Maintain : To maintain sales growth, the company plans to unveil a new line of bicycles.

5-Expertise : My expertise is totally useless in this case.

6-Brilliant : I deeply believe that just having brilliant ideas is not enough, you have to be capable to realize

7-Obvious : It is obvious that those who break quarantine laws must be punished

8-Outgrow : In some communities, the female population outgrows the male population.

9-Constantly : A friend of mine is a Gucci model, she is constantly on a plane travelling around the globe.

10-Crawl : My mom told me that I never crawled when I was a little baby and that I suddenly started
walking on my feet.
Page 117


1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. F


1. Already answered!

2. Crawling

3. 1998

4. No

5. Initial Public Offering

6. No

Page 118

1.Y 2.Y 3.Y 4.? 5.Y 6.Y 7.Y 8.N 9.Y 10.? 11.?

Page 119


1. Founded 2. Constant 3. Computes 4. Formula 5. Relevant 6. Editing


1. a 2. e 3. c 4. b 5. d
Look for = search quest = pursuit, search

watchdog(Noun) = keeper, protector live up to = fulfill expectations

watchdog(V) = monitor, protect ethics = morality

invasion = violation legality = rightness

via = through let’s split the bill = pay together

fraud = cheating fraudulent = dishonest

royalty = copyright

motto = saying

achievement = success, accomplishment

astounding = amazing, great

recognized = famous

scrutiny = close investigation

mischief = trick

police = control, protect

distributing = give out

undisputed = obvious

address = tackle

touting = attempt to sell

assurances = guaranty

despite = contrary to

despite + Noun

despite + ing (gerund)

despite + the fact that

acquisition = purchase

courtroom = building of court

toward the interests of = in favor of

invasion = violation

detect = spot

placement = positioning

unless = even if

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