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, lournal of $cience anil TechnolosY

Volume-2, Issue-2, July 2010

Determinants of Dividend PaYouts :

Study on the Insurance Sector of Bangladesh

Mashiur Rahmanr, Dr. Dipak Kanti Dutta2, Naznin Sultana Chaityl

Abstract: The papcr investigate.s IIP d(lernlinanl,t rtl'ditidetd pa1<tLrt bl'exantirtittg

the instrratrce sectttr of Bangkrlesh listed in both Dhaka stock exchange
Cltittctgutg Str.,ck exchctn[e. rtofitbitit,v ha.s alwa1,.r beert considered as a
indica"toril ,Ii,idenrl payout ratio. There ctre ,Lulxerou.\ other .factors other than
prtalimbfliil, tlnt afiect tlit,iclentl rlecision.s of'an organization nameh growth'
iangible (t.esets, retunx otl ossets, gross premium, and total re,\erves'
Available literature suggests that dit,iclend payout ratio is posititell' related to'
retrffn on nrrrtr, gror, and it hu.s inverse relationship with debts, tangible
(rs.\et.t, resene, and growth opportunities' This paper is an atte'txpt to empirical\'
The paper
ttnalyze the detenniiants of dividend parout rdlio qf Insurance sector.
also jrtcuses on identilying whellzer various factors available as per literature
i.nfluence dit'idend pay:out ratio in Insurance sector in Bangladesh
in existing
sienario or not. Statistical techniques o.f correkilirtn and regression hat'e been ttsed
to explore the relarionship betwien key t'ariables' Thul' t\e main theme of this
,tndi i, to identifi, the t,irious .f'actnr.s that ittfluence the dividend pavout policy
decisir.tns of htsurance sector in Bcnglade'sh'

Keywords : Dividends, detemtinants, Insurance sector'

Dividend decision of any firm is a very crucial area of financial management' It
is one of the most important issues of interest in the financial literatur:e' Many
academicians and resear:chers have developed many theoretical models for
describing the factors which should be considered by the managers at the time
of taking"dividend payout policy. The important aspect of dividend policy of a
firm is its dividend payout (D/P) ratio, that is, the percentage share of the net
eamings distributed io the shareholders as dividends'
Dividend policy involves the decision to pay out eamings or to fetain them for
re-investment ln the firm. The retained eaming constitutes a source of
financing. The payment of dividends results in the reduction of cash and,
therefori in a dlpietion of total assets. In order to maintain the asset level as
well as to finance investment opportunities, the firm must obtain funds from
the issue of additional debt or equity. If the film is unable to raise external
funds, its growth would be affected. Thus dividends imply outflow of cash and
lower futu-re growth. In other words the dividend policy of the firm affects both
the shareholdel's' wealth and the long term growth of the film' The optimum
dividend policy should strike the balance between current dividends and future
glowth which maximizes the price of the firm's shares'

Let:trtt'('I'\,,\r'ItrtrtI rf' I)tt's'irls,\'.t' AU S1-.
2 AU
P rr,fe.t'.tr)I-, Sclnril rtl' Bu.sine s'\, S7-'

lournal pl $qience and Technol0Utt volume-2, Issu e-2,July-2010

Dividend is also lef-erred as a reward fbl providing finances to a firm, as

without dividend payout, shares would not have any malket value. Dividend
may also be considered desirable from the shareholdets' point of vieu, as they
tend to increase the current wealth of the shareholders.
Plior research focuses on the dividend policies of the developed countries like
the US and UK which is characterized by developed capital market with better'
investor protection and stringent coryorate and securities regulations. There ate
very few studies that concentrate on the dividend policies of emerging
economies. As such, this study examines the factot's that determine dividend
payout ratio in an emerging economy like Bangladesh. The study looks at the
issue focusing specifically on the insurance companies in Bangladesh.
The study examines the relationship between determinants of dividend payout
ratios fiom the context of a developing country like Bangladesh.
In Bangladesh, insurance sectol' is playing the most important role in the
economic development of the whole country. The Bangladesh insurance sector
in relation to the size of its economy is comparatively larger than many
economies of similar level of development and per capita income. This study
specially focuses on the determinants of dividend payout on the insurance
sector of Bangladesh. These have been analysed later after a literature review
in part 4.

Background of the Insurance Sector in Bangladesh

Insurance is a system of spreading the risk of one to the shoulders of many and
which is a legal contract whereby the insurers, on rcceipt of a consideration
known as premium, agree to indemnify the insured against losses arisin-e out of
certain specified unforeseen contingencies or perils insured against. Insurance
is not a new business in the Bangladesh. Almost a century back, during British
rule in India, some insurance companies started transacting business operation,
both life and general, in Bengal. Insurance business enlarged momentum in
East Pakistan during 1947-197 l, when there were 49 insurance companies
transacted their business operation both life and general insurance schemes and
these companies were of various beginnings with British, Australian, Indian,
West Pakistani and local. Then ten (10) insuLance companies had their head
offices in the East Pakistan, 27 in West Pakistan, and the rest elsewhere in the
After independence, Bangladesh govemment nationalized the insulance
industry in 1912 by the Presidential Order No 95, known as the Bangladesh
Instrrance (Nationalization) Order1972. After I973, general insulance business
became the sole tesponsibility of the Sadharan Bima Corporation and the Life
insulance business was carried out by the Jiban Bima Corporation. the
American Life Insurancre Conrpany (ALICO), and the Postal Life Insurance

Determinants of Dividend Payouts : StudS'
on the Insurance Sector of Bangladesh

Department until 1994, lvhen a change was made in the structural arrangement
to keep pace with the new economic trend of liberaltzatton of Bangladesh.
Private sector insurance companies demanded withdrawal of the above
restrictions so that they could-.
.iUnderwrite both public and private sector insurance business in competition
with the Sadharan Bima Corporation.
* Get reinsurance to the choice of reinsurers.
The Govemment of Bangladesh modified the insurance system through the
promulgation of the Insurance Corporations (Amendment) Act 1990. The
changes allowed the private sector insurance companies to underwrite'S07o of
the insurance business emanating from of the public sector and to place up to
507o of their reinsurance with any reinsurer of their choice, at home or abroad,
keeping the remaining for placement with the Sadharan Bima'Corporation
(Insurance Journal, 1997).
A total of 60 insurance companies are operating in Bangladesh till date. Of
these companies, 57 are private, two state-owned and one is foreign. Insurance
Directorate, under the Ministry of Commerce, is the regulatory-body of the
country's insurance sector (

Objectives of the study

The objectives of this study are;
l. To investigate the overall dividend payouts by the insurance companies
. during the study period. A period of study from 2000 to 2009 (10 years)
has been chosen.
2. To identify the determinants of dividends in the insurance sector in
3. To examine the impact of determinants on the dividend policy of the
firms in the insurance industry.

Literature Review
The researchers have developed several theoretical models in attempting to
explain why firms pay dividends. This section gives a brief idea about the
major theories developed so far in the finance literature. Thereafter it discusses
the literature in details as related to the dividend payouts in the emerging

Different theories of dividends:

Different theories of dividends began to develop with the publication of
pioneering study of Miller and Modigliani (1961). They propose that under
certain assumptions including rational investors and a perfect capital market'
the martet value of a firm is independent of its dividend policy. They argue

loutnal o[ $cience and Technol0gy volume -2, tssue-2, July-2o10

that it is not dividend payment that determines the value of a company but the
present and future cash flows flom the film's investments.

An alternative theoretical explanation for the payment of dividends is given by

Bhattacharya, S (1979) in his bird-in.the-hand theory. This theory asserrs thar
in a wolld of unceltainty dividends are more certain than future share price
appreciation. That is investols rvill often tend to plefer dividend payouts than
capital gains. As a result. a higher payout ratio will leduce the reqr-rired rate of
return and hence increase the value of the firm. This argument, however, has
not received strong empirical support.
The signalling theory developed by John and Williams (1985) assefts thar fir:ms
may pay dividends to signal their future plospects. The malkei inlers a rise in
eamings and cash flows from a dividend incrcase. leading to a higher stock
price. Conversely the market infers a decrease in cash flows fiom a dividend
reduction leading to a fall in stock price. According to signalling models
(Bhattacharya, 1979; John and Williams' 1985; and Miller and Rock, 1985)
dividends contain this private information and thereforc can be used as a
signalling device to influence share price. An announcement of dividend
increase is taken as good news and accordingly the share price reacts
favourably, and vice versa.
Accolding to clientele theory, the different group of investors desire different
level of dividends. When a firm chooses a pafticular dividend policy, the only
effect is to attract a particular clientele. If a fir:m changes its dividend policy,
then it just attracts a different clientele. Investors may be attracted to the typis
of shares that match their preferences for dividends. While many papers find
empirical suppofi for the clientele effect (see for example, Elton and Gruber.
1970;Lttzenberger and Ramaswamy) a substantial body of evidence also calls
the clientele effect into question (see for example, Kalay. 1982: Frank and
Jagannathan, 1998;Jakob and Ma, 2004).
DeAngelo and DeAn_eelo (2006) focus on the lit'e cycle theory of dividends
which states that in their early years, firms pay few dividends because their
investment opportunities exceed their internally generated capital. In later
years, internal funds exceed investment oppol'tunities and firms optimally pay
out the excess funds in order to mitigate the possibility that the free cash flows
will be wasted.
Baker and Wrugler (2004a) propose the catering theory of dividends. They
argue that decision to pay dividends is driven by investor demands. They
contend that managers cater the investor:s by paying dividends when investol.s
put a share premium on payers and by not paying when investors plefer
nonpayer. Accordingly non-payers initiate to pay dividends when demand is
high and payers omit dividends when the denrand is low. Str"rdies including
Baker and Wrugler (2004b) and Li and Lie (2006).

Determinants of Dividend Payouts : Study
on the Insurance Sector of Bangladesh
' , /'

Determinants of dividends:
A number of factors have been identified in val'ior-rs empirical studies to
influence the dividend policy decisions of the firm. To enumet'ate little,
profitability, risk, cash flows, agency cost, growth, taxes, price ea:nings ratio
etc. Profits have been re,uarded as the primary indicator of the firm's capacity to
pay dividends. In relation to this regards Linter (1956) conducted a classic
study on how U.S. managers make dividend decisions. He developed a
compact mathematical model based on survey of 200 well established U.S.
industrial firms which are considered to be a finance classic. According to him
the dividend payment pattem of a firm is influenced by the current year
earnings and previous year dividends. Baker and Powell (2000) conclude from
their survey of New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) listed lirms that dividend
determinants are industry specific and anticipated that level of future earnings
is the major determinant.
Pruitt and Gitman (1991) find that risks (year to year valiability of eamings)
also determine the firm's dividend policy. Rozeff (1982), Lloyd et. al. (1995)
use beta value of a firm as an indicator of its market
risk. They find statistically significant negative coruelationship between beta
and dividend payouts. Their findings suggest that firms having higher level of
market risk will payout dividends at lowel'rate.
Grullon et (2002) suggest that as fitms matut'e they experience a contraction
in their growth which results in a decline in their capital expenditures.
Consequently, these firms have more free cash flow to pay as dividends.
Similarly, Brav et al. (2005) suggest that more mature firms are more likely to t
pay higher dividends. In contrast, younger firms need to build up reserves to
finance their growth opportunities requiring them to retain earnings.

Asset tangibility may have an effect on dividend policy because firms with I

high level of tangible assets can use these as collateral for debt (Booth et al.,
2001). Consequently, such films tend to rely less on retained ealnings implying
that these fir'ms have more cash that can be distributed in dividends. In
contrast, Aivazian et al. (2003) find that firms operating in emerging markets
with high levels of tangible assets tend to have lower dividends. This is
because firms in emerging markets face morc financial constraints when short-
term bank financin-q is a major source of debt. Hence, firms with high levels of
tangible assets have fewer short term assets that can be used as collateml to
obtain the necessary financing.
An article by LaPorta et al. (2000) has provided much broader agency
explanations of dividends for a multi country- setting. They algue that dividend
payouts differ in countlies with different levels of legal protection of minority
shareholders. They also find that films operating in these countries and having
a rapid glorvth rate paid fewer dividends than theil counterparts with slow

lournal ol $cience and Technol0gy volume -z, tssue-2, July-2010
, l,

gl'orvth t'or*r. Th is irnplies that shareholclers use their- legal power to

managers to disbLlrse cash when investrnent oppot"tunities are l0\\,.

Dividends in the emerging economy:

Al-Malkawi (2007) examines the determinants of corporate dividend policy, in
Jordan. The study uses a firm-level panel data set of all publicly traded firms
on the Amman Stock Exchange between 1989 and 2000. The siudy examines
the determinants of the amount of dividends. The resultmugg"rt that the
proportion of srocks held by insiders and srare ownership signiftantly aff-ect
the amount of dividends paid. size, age, and profitability or thJ firm seem
to be
determinant factors of corporate dividend policy in Jordan. 'The findings
provide stlong support for the agency costs theory.
Anil and Kapoor (2008) attemprs to empirically analyze rhe determinanrs of
dividend payout ratio of Indian Information Technology (IT) sector. The paper
also focuses on identifying whether various factors available as per literature
influence dividend payout ratio in IT sector in India in existing scenario
or not.
It is found that existing variables as per available literature do not explain the
dividend payment pattern of IT sector. only liquidity and beta (year to year
variability in earnings) is found to be a noreworthy determinanr of jividends.
Al-Yahyaee et al. (2008) examine dividend policy in a unique environment in
oman, where (1) firms distribute almost 1007c of their profiis in dividends, (2)
firms are highly leve'ed mainly th.ough bank loans, and (3) rhere are no
income or capital gains taxes. They find that thele are some common factors
that determine dividend policy. The common factors are profitability, size, and
business risk. Their rcsults also show that agency costs are not a critical
of dividend policy of Omani firms.
Nandi and Akpomi (2008) explore the impact of raxes on rhe dir,idend policy
of iiigerian banks. They underscore the theoretical assumptions of the dividend
irrelevance theory. The analyses of their study shorv a si-enificant conelation
between taxes and dividend structule of the banks and also sll-s_sest that profit
is a major variable in the formation of dividend policl- of the organizarions.

Hypotheses development
In this section I intend to examine some hvpothesis in this study. The
hypotheses are developed based on the key determinants of dividends. They
are discussed as under:
Hypothesis regarding profitability : -

The profitability of a firm has long been regarded as the primar-r, indicator of
its capacity to pay dividends. The decision to pay dividend srar-rs \\'ith profit.
So it is logical to consider pr"ofitability as a threshold facror- and the level of


Determinants of Dividend Pavouts : Studv

on the Insurance Sector of Bangladesh

pLofitability is one of the most impoftant t'actors which is considered as

detelminants of dividend payment. In his classic study, Lintner (1956) found
that a firm's net earnin-es ate the critical determinant of dividend changes. Since
dividends are usually paid trom the annual profits, it is lo,sical tliat protitable
firms are able to pay more dividends. Hence profitability can be regarded as
one of the key determinants of dividend and I hypothesise that
The prof itabilitl' of a firm is positively' associated with dividend pa\'outs'
Hypothesis legarding leverage:-
Leverage may affect a firm's capacity to pay dividends because firms that
finance their business activities through borrowing commit themselves to fixed
financial charges that include interest payments and the principal amount.
Failure to make these payments by the due time subjects the firm to risk of
liquidation and bankruptcy. Higher leverage might thus result in lower
dividend payments. Sometimes some debt covenants have lestdctions on
dividend distributions. Additionally, Rozeff (1982) points out those firms with
hi-sh financial levera-ue tend to have low payouts ratios to reduce the
tlansaction costs associated with external financing. Therefore I hypothesise
There is a negative relationship betlveen dividends and leverage.
Hypothesis regarding reserve:-
Reserve is the amount that a company retained ftom profits without
distributing to the shareholders. The organization which retains more reserve
generally pays fewer dividends. Therefore a negative relationship is expected I
between reserve and dividend payout. Therefore I hypothesise that: ri
There is a negative relationship between dividends and reserve 1

Hypothesis regarding tangibility of assets:-


Asset tangibility may have an effect on dividend policy because firms with
high level of tangible assets can use these as collateral for debt (Booth et al.,
2001). Consequently, such firms tend to rely less on retained earnings implying
that these firms will have morc cash that can be distfibuted in dividends. This
suggests a positive association between asset tangibility and divldends. In
contrast, Atl'azian et al (2003) tind that firms opelating in emelging markets
with hi_eh levels of tangible assets tend to have lower dividends' This is because
firms in emerging markets face more financial constraints when shoft-term
bank financing is a majot' source of debt. Hence, firms with high levels of
tangible assets will have fewer short term assets that can be used as collateral
to obtain the necessary financing. Hence I hypothesise that
There is a negative relationship"betrveen dividends and tangibility of assets.
Hypothesis l'egat'din s sl'oss premiLlnl:

l0ufnal 0I $cienCe and TeChnOlOgI votume -2. tssue-2, .rulr,-2o l0

G,os, premium is the amoLlnt which is collected fronr the insured during the
financial year:. If the company
-senerate mole premiums then it is possible tcr
earn more by investing in the plofitable project and subsequently con.rpany can
pay morc dividends. Therefore, there could be a positive relationship between
dividend payouts and gross premium. Hence I hypothesise that
I'I5: There is a positive relationship betv'een dividends and gross premium income.
Hypothesis re_ealding growth - :

Firms with high glowth and investment opportunities will need the internally
generated funds to finance those investments. and thus tend to pay little or no
dividends' Similarly. the pecking order rheory predicts that firms with a high
proportion of their market value accounted by
-erorvth'opportunities should
retain'more earnings so that they can minimize the need to raise neu, equitl,
capital' Frce cash flow theory also predicts firms u.ith high -tron,th
oppoftunities will have lower free cash flow and will pay lower dividends'
Accoldingly I hypothesise that
H6: There is a negative relationship between dividends and growth opportunities.

Methodology of the study

As already stated, the main purpose of this study is to identify the determinants
of dividend payouts in the insurance sector in Ban-gladesh. The analysis of this
paper is based on 10 insurance companies listed with the Dhaka Stock
Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE), Bangladesh, duling
the period 2000 to 2009. Data was collected from the annual reports of these
insurance companies. Fol the analysis of secondary data and information
quantitative resealch methodologies have been used. For computin_e the
correlation and multiple regression the Statistical Package fol Social Science
(SPSS), one of the most frequently used quantitative tools. has been applied.
To identify the significant determinants of dividend pavours, the fbilowing
multiple re,{ression model is developed.
The dividend payout (PAYOUT) can be modelled as follou,'s:
DMA =a+ bl* GROPRE + b2*GRW + b3*ROA + b4*LEV + bS*TANG +
b6*RESV+ e

where cr bl. bl. b3, b4, b5, ancl b6 are

denotes the intercept of the regression equation.
the re-eression coefficients of GROPRE. GRW. ROA. LEV, TANG, RESV. e is
another parameter, introducing to take account of unn-reasured f-eatures.

DIVTA is cliviclend payouts to total assers. lt is the depenclent variable. DIVTA is

calculated by takin-e the ratio of dividends and total assets ( Barcla1, et al., 2009).

GRW is grorvth oppoltunity of the I'inn and is tleasured br the grorvth in toial assets gl-
a bank in a particulal vear. Firtns u'ith hi-ch grouth opprrltunities tend to invest p'11-e

Determinants of Dir.idend Pavouts : Study
on the Insurance Sector of Bangladesh

and rnay largely depend upon the internally -eeuerated cash llou's. Therefole. there
could be a negative relatior.rship between dividend payouts and grou'th opportunities.

ROA (Return ou assets) is profitability of the firm. ROA is calculated by taking the
ratio of operating income and total assets. ln general accordance with a signalling
perspective (Miller arrd Rock' 1985), dividerld payouts rnay be positively related wifh
measrres ol profitability. Jensen et al. (1992) find evidence ol a positive association
between retu'n olr assets and dividend payouts.

GROPRE is gross premium. Gross premium is measnred by taking the ratio of gross
premium and total assets. Gross premium is the amount which is collected from the
insured durin-e the financial year. If the company generate more premiums then it is
possible to eam more arrd subsequently company calt pay more dividends. . Therefore,
there could be a p<,rsitive relationship between dividend payouts and gross premium.

TANG is the tangibility of the assets. Tangibility of the assets is measured by taking
the ratio of tangible assets and book value of total assets. Bank with high levels of
tangible assets will have fewer short term assets that can be used as collateral to obtain
the necessary financing. Therefore, a negative relationship is expected between
dividend payouts and tarrgibility of assets.

LEV is leverage. Leverage is estimated by taking the ratio of debt and total assets. By
borrowin-gs banks comrnit themselves into fixed interest payments. Failure to make
these payments by the due time n.rakes the banks prone to bankruptcy. Therefbre,
highly levered firms are likely to pay lower dividends.
RESV is Reserve. Reserve is measured by taking the ratio of reserve and the book I

value of total assets. The organization which retains more reserve generally pays fewer t

dividends. Therefore a negative relationship is expected between reserve and dividend \

payout. I

Table I -eives the details about the variables used in this study.

Tatrle L: Details of variables

variables Definitions Expected sign

DIVTA Dividend scaled by total assets
GRW Gror,vth of total assets
ROA Operating income scaled by the total assets +
TANG Tangible assets scaled by the total assets
[-EV Ratio of debt and total assets
RESV Ratio of reserve and total assets
GROPRE Gross premiurn scaled by the total assets +

lOutnal oI $cience and Techn0l0Uy volume-2, Issu e-2, July-2o10

Analysis and Results

The collection, tabr,rlation and analysis of the relevant data available flom the
ten insurance companies' annual repofis have been done and the lesults have
been explairied in the following paragraphs:
Table 2 represents the descriptive statistics of the sample insurance compan ies.
The results indicate that mean dividend payouts measured by the ratio of
dividends and total assets is 0.21975. The mean leverage of sample insurance
companies is 0.4555. The mean of reserve is 0.3'7 192. The means of
profitability and tangibility of assets is 0.067984 and 0.14790 respectively.

Table 2: Descriptive Statistics

N hlinimunr hlrrrimunr Sunr hlerrn Stel. Ileviirtion

I}I\:TA t0 011501 .017183 .219754 .0119753ri 005 7 a7 472
GR\\- t0 1.96505 I 2 7 616?3 1.216971 : r 169710 1158953 5 3

GROI'RE lil .3,15.190 .4,17 72 4 .1.005-1 l0 40053112 0't 19il3 8+ i

R{},,\ l0 {15i770 .il90862 .67 9 S.14 .0679 8,14: 0l32ji0s1
TAI\J{-+ lil fi873:7 "233945 1 479u2il " l.x?9ii261 0i;{J82029S
LE\' lll 361713 508 893 -1.-i55760 .-155 5 76il 0454 12'417
RES\.' tfi 3371 55 44 $3-14 3 719i7il 37 I 9177 4 t'l'l I 7 2277?
Ynlid I{ {lishrise} 1fi

Table 3 presents the mean dividend payouts of the insurance companies over
the period 2000 to 2009.It is observed that the mean-dividends payout in 2000
is 0.026039 and in 2009 the same ratio is 0.011504. The table suggest that
mean dividend payout in the insurance sector has decreased over the study

Table 3: Average dividend payouts over the study period.

YEAR l00rl 3$ft1 t{}flt I{Jil3 tt}tj1 3tltl5 :r1il6 ?t}07 t*{J$ :t}tl$
nnttl.'. fi.ill.l ri.0lil
ilN'TA |},il:$ l},'j ii,illS !l t.0_lil l {i.ft fi,rJ13 il.Cltl

Note: DIV tr'A- Dividends payoLrts.

Determinants of Dividend Payouts : Study
on the Insurance Sector of Bangladesh



Interpretation: From the above line graph it can be said that the mean
dividend payouts is decreasing from the year 2000 to 2009'
Table 4 prcsents the comelation matrices of different vadables. The reported
results suggest that our model does not suffer from multicollinearity pr:oblem'
The highJst collinearity is found between growth and leverage of the firm (-
.795).Gujarati (2003) suggests collinearity below 0.80 do not create any serious
problem of multicol linearitY.
Table 4: Correlation matrices
N[VT& GRil-trRE TA"r-{,G RCA GF{te'j LEV RE5\-/
-7 1'a
P* r:n D [UTA. 1. DfiO .5rr -.6f 1 77Fr -. d r+-t - 713 - TE?
Du-rrrelatinn GRiJtr,RE 527 1, .fitlU, 7CIE
- r: *rL .1.*.J - 266 E;$3

T.ATdG - 671, ,7$gl 1.0,0fi fi73 4'+'1- - 411,6 651

FAIf A . rrfi r']: .6T3 1. tl0,rl .5'17 - 54n fi,35

GRbf.j -.Izl], d l}CT 441, f'47 1 [,fi0 - Fg5 .735,

LEi'.r -.713' -.26,G - 4t],F: -.54il -.79'5 1 - fft] \i
-1C',-) ,$51 835 755, - 7r0, 1 fiO,il

RESV -., i Lra €rD3:

Siq- i 1,-taiiecli fll.'iJTA n,qil CI17 tltl4 u01 fir:12 ODfi

GRr-rtrtr"E n{(1, .0frn .00,F I 1rl ]Z79 l,-{ ,_-t .:t

4nf) 0,! 1
TAFJ.{S n 17' , ODfi frn0 101, I ,Z-.L-

R'::A .0'fi'f n00 0iln fi51 .05 3 nft1

GRtf.'i tlsl 2'ls . 1'rl1, t5x 0ilfi fi*1

L-EV . fi*3 .
/-lj- tl 1:Z'3 fiSI+ {tn,il 0*'1
REX"I , ilfifi, flJ: il?"'l *ilx sfi1 Oilx

f'.,1 DI\*/TA 10 10 1il 1* trl 1tr 1fi

GR{]PFEE 1* IU 1,tJ 1, rl til '1fi tn

T.A"t,,l.# 1ft 1n 1fi 1* 10 1Cl 1fi
'l .-l
Rrf ,f\ 1fi 1n 1fi 1rl 1B 1tl I L.'

(.::H.'#'" tr] ltl 1,n 1il 10 1fj lii

-l .^t
Lf 1r: 1[ 10 1* ttL 10 1U
r-L;3 't
-r -
c-')- I
10 10 1' r:1 1fi 1 r:l 1{J 1,Lt

Note: DIVTA- Di v'iclencl PayoLtts. GROPRE-Gross pl'etriLtlll. TAI{G-'fangible

assers. ItoA- Prof itability, GRW- C-irowth. [-,8,V- Leverage" RESV- Reset"r'e.

lournal 0f $cience and Technol0gu volurne-2, Issu c-2,Ju1y.2010

Table 5: l]eterminants of'diyidend lrayouts

{]nstand ardizecl Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t sig.
(coNSTANT) .6t2 159 3.85 7 .03 I
GROPRE .IA2 .039 .7 52 2.627 .079
TAI{G -.005 .42,4 -.05 6 .2t9 .84 r

ROA .254 . 153 .57 e 1.636 .010

GRW I 16 " 030 -4.985 -3"e t9 .030
LE,V -.65 8 r82 -5.239 -3.627 .036
RESV l5l .462 t.107 -2.439 .093

The coefficient of conelation between dividend payouts and the different

determinants of dividend payouts has been computed to analyse the impact of
different determinants on dividend payouts of insurance sector in Bangladesh
(Table 5).
The results indicale that pr.ofitability (ROA). growrh rGRW). and llverage
(LEV) arc the key determinants of dividend payouts by insurance companies in
Ban-sladesh. The coefficient of corelation between RoA and clividend payouts
is 0.250 (Table-S). The RoA variable was found to be significanrly positively
conelated to dividend payours, indicatin-e that firms having higher profits pay
higlier dividends. since dividends arc usually paid from the annual profits, it is
logical that profitable insurance companies in Bangladesh are able to pay more
The coefficient of corelation between growth and_dividend payouts is -0.1l6
('Iable-5). The negative sign before the coefficient of correlation signifies that
there is negative couelation between growth and dividend payouts. It su,e_eests
that insurance companies having high growth also have oppofiunities to
expand business in the emerging economy of Bangladesh. For that reason, they
retained profits in terms ot- capital reserve or issuing bonus sharc to the
shareholders which results in less dividend payouts.
The coefficient of correlation between leverage and dividend payouts is -0.65g
(Table-5). The LEV variable was fbund to be significantly negatively
correlated to dividend payouts. indicatin-e that firms having higher leverage pay
lower dividends. This is consistenr with tlie findings of Rozetf fl992). Ir
sug,sests that banks involved in borrowing pay lower dividends because of
commitmen-l of payment of fixed interests to the loan pr.ovider.
The signs of the coefficients ale consistent with the expectations but they are
somewhar insignificant in respect of probability. It sug_sests that these variables
nlay not sel've as the striking factols in detelminin_e dividend payouts by the

Determinants of Dividend Ilavouts : Study
on the lnsurance Sector of Bangladesh



i rt-tu'ilrt:c c()nrltatr ics in L3iingltcleslt. Otllcr' 1'llt-:tot'.'; rnaV aIso c{)nsider"ecl ilr
t'r'r-r niin g the cl i vrdelrrl polic),in tlte insurance soctur'.

T'able {r: N'Iodel liunrmary

R Ad.justed Stcl. E,rrtlt' of
R Square R Sq Lrare the E,stirnate Chanqe Statistics
Scluare F Sig. F
Chan ge Chanee (11'l dl? Chan se
.98c)" .97 9 .931 .00 t.i3479 I 1 .97I 23.236 6 -) .013

Predictors: (Constant), RESV. GRW. TANG, ROA, LEV.GROPRE
The multiple reglessions show that all determinants of dividend payouts
together have a big impact on the dividend payout of the insurance sector of
Bangladesh. The determinants of dividend payout considercd in this study have
a collelation of 0.989. It means that all determinants together influence 98.97o
of the dividend payout of the insurance sector. The model shows R square is
0.979 lvlrich implies that 97.9Vo of the total variation in dividend payours is
explained by the reglession model. The F-stat for the multiple legressions
nrodel is 23.236 which is significant at l% level. The reported results are serial
correlation by using white standard errol estimate for the coefficients.

The study investigated the determinants of dividend payouts in Bangladeshi
insurance companies. It used a panel dataset of 2000 to 2009 for 10 insurance
companies listed in both DSE and CSE. The study had thlee-main objeclives,
namely to see the overall dividend payouts in Bangladesh by the insurance
companies, to identify the factors that determine the amount of dividends and
to examine the impact of detelminants of the dividend payollt policy. The
results showed that overall dividend payouts in Bangladesh by the insutance
companies have decleased during the peliod 2000 to 2009. A decreasing trend
is seemed in dividend payouts by the insurance companies because our.
insurance sectol is a growing one and most of the insurance companies
retained their profits in terms of capital reserve or by issuing bonus share. It
u'as found that the determinants that affect the amount of dividends include the
main factors like profitability. growth and levera_ue of the insurance companies
in Ban,vladesh. Profitability is to be considered as a threshold factor and it is
logical that pnrfitable tl'ms are able to pay more dividends. The reserve is
another impoffant variable that influence the dividend payout policy. The
t'esttlts sLtpport the hypothesis that the organization r.l,hich letains mol'e reserve
generally pays f'er'vel dividends. Ft-tftlret'mot'e, gtou,th also consideled as one o1
the key dete rnrinant of dividerrd payollt policy. rvhich sug-eest that high
oppoltunilies w,ill have lorvel fl'ee cash flol and will pay lorver dividends.

l0urnal 0f $ciensG and Technol0gy Volume -2.
, _ tssue_2, Juty-2010


One intelesting finding of rny stLrdy rvas that the rnultiple-con'elaticln lesults ril'
tan-uibility of i'ssets; tross pretniunr incone and leselve could not satisfy tlre
57c level of signif icance. Hence, these have not treerr consideted as the
determinants of dividend payouts. It is also notable that this study is caniecl out
fbt a new financial sectcx' like insurance. Therefore, a fiu'ther research can be
conducted to see the determinants of dividend payours in the non-tlnancial
sectors in Bangladesh. Research can also be done to see whether non-flnancial
sectors pay highel dividends or financial sectors pay hi_ehef dividends and what
factors drive those dividends.

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