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Sarah Ferguson Tweets That Coronavirus Is Mother Nature’s

Punishment of Mankind Just as Royal Family is Hit
Tom Sykes

Updated Mar. 25, 2020 4:36PM ET

Published Mar. 25, 2020 7:49AM ET

Jeff Spicer

In this uncertain world, one thing we can always trust to be a constant is the unerring ability of
Sarah Ferguson, the ex-wife of Prince Andrew, to say utterly bizarre things.
On Tuesday she was at it again, tweeting a pair of extraordinary messages suggesting that “Mother
Nature” had unleashed the coronavirus on humankind to punish us for not looking after the planet.

Little did she know at the time of her social media fusillade that her former brother-in-law Prince
Charles was already suffering from the virus. Charles had seen the Queen two weeks earlier,
prompting fears that the virus could spread within the royal household.

One of Fergie’s tweets was accompanied by a charming picture of a cherry tree in full blossom that
looks like it was taken at the massive private estate, Royal Lodge, where she lives rent-free with her

We have embedded the tweets below, but, just in case the duchess (as she still insists on calling
herself) wakes up this morning with a furry tongue, and a crashing case of tweeter’s regret once she
sees that her host family is among the victims, and hastens to hit the delete button, fear not, we have
the screenshots for posterity.

Sarah Ferguson

Mother Nature has sent us to our rooms.. like the spoilt children
we are. She gave us time and she gave us warnings. She was
so patient with us. She gave us fire and floods, she tried to warn
us but in the end she took back control.

1,706 9:28 PM - Mar 24, 2020

404 people are talking about this

Sarah Ferguson JOIN

She has sent us to our rooms and when she is finished clearing
up our mess. She will let us out to play again. How will we use
this time? xxxx

607 9:28 PM - Mar 24, 2020

102 people are talking about this

Of course, these kind of rambling theories about how the coronavirus is actually good for the world
have become something of a fad on social media in the past few days.

But there is a pretty clear line between remarking on silver linings (We can hear the birdsong in
cities! Pollution is down! I don’t need to charge my phone every night!) and feeling out the path for a
Gaia death cult which believes that a killer virus is a good thing that’s going to “clean up” the planet.

These remarks, Sarah, are best saved for your creepy, ultra-right wing crystal therapist.

If you love The Daily Beast’s royal coverage, then we hope you’ll enjoy The Royalist, an all-new
members-only series for Beast Inside. Become a member to get it in your inbox on Sunday.


Idiot Alchemist Donald Trump Says Sun and Bleach Will

Save You
Never forget that the man spouting a stream of absurd bullshit is the President of the
United Fucking States.
Rick Wilson

Updated Apr. 23, 2020 11:41PM ET

Published Apr. 23, 2020 10:43PM ET

bandoning the little things like science, medicine, chemistry, and
pharmacology, Alchemist in Chief Donald Trump used his daily rant
session to leap so far off the deep end that viewers would not have been
shocked to see him in a wizard’s robe covered in mystic symbols.

“So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just a very powerful
light,” Trump said. “And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can
do either through the skin or some other way and I think you said you’re going to test that too.”

Case closed!

Welcome to The New Abnormal

Rick Wilson, Molly Jong-Fast


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