Naomi Campbell Has Been Ready To Fight Your Germs For Some Time Now

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Naomi Campbell has been ready to fight your germs for some time now
By Helena Andrews-Dyer

March 17, 2020 at 10:02 p.m. UTC

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Safety First NEXT LEVEL. Thank you @lindaevangelista Full video coming on my YouTube soon… All
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Naomi Campbell is an hour late for our call, but for good reason. Turns out the fashion icon was FaceTiming with her personal trainer
— social distancing at its most posh — which is actually why we wanted to chat in the first place. Campbell, the OG supermodel for

whom the term seems several sizes too small, has somewhat surprisingly emerged in these uncertain times as a guru to an anxious
horde of germaphobes, otherwise known as all of us.

It all started last July when the 49-year-old released a more-than-five-minute travel video featuring her now-famous “seat thing”: the
most skillfully executed disinfection of a first-class airline seat in modern visual history. That video, hosted on her YouTube channel,
has been viewed more than 2.6 million times.

The cleaning process seemed extreme back then, but now it’s instructional. And Campbell somehow topped herself last week with
another viral (oh, how that term has taken on new meaning) video, in which she brought audiences with her on another ride — this
time a trip from Los Angeles to New York wearing a $20 hazmat suit (plus Burberry cape) in peak plague chic.


“Thanks for flying with me,” Campbell intoned in her video last summer. “See you on the other side.” Well we’re there now, and she is
the celebrity to lead the way.

Last summer’s “Come Fly With Me” video is basically iconic now. What has the response been since your
“Protecting Myself Against Coronavirus” video?

I really don’t know what people think, to be honest. I did it for me. It’s something I’ve been doing like 17 years. When I heard about
the virus on the 22nd of February I was talking with a friend, actually Linda [Evangelista], and she told me about these hazmat suits.
So I purchased the suits a month before. I had them not knowing this was going to happen but just wanting to be safe. I feel that you
have to do what you have to do to make yourself feel comfortable in a time like this, or in any time, really. I wasn’t thinking about the


Protecting Myself Against Coronavirus

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Okay, so you’ve always been on top of your travel hygiene game, but when did the severity of this particular
situation sink in?

I heard about the doctor who tried to explain and then also died from the virus itself. But when it really sunk into my head was the
21st and 22nd of February. That’s when I really took note.

That was right before Paris Fashion Week.

I was meant to be in Paris for the shows, and I did one in which I was in an isolated dressing room that I asked for. The next morning I
decided to leave. I didn’t feel comfortable to be around so many people in this time, so I chose to come back to America. If you’re
going to self-isolate and social distance, you want to be where your home is.


[A powerful scene from a 14-year-old ‘Scrubs’ episode is reminding people how infection can spread]

Why not fly back home to London?

I have two grandmothers alive — one is in her 90s and one is in her late 80s — and because I travel so much I didn’t want to even be
near them. I’ve been very wary because my mother had breast cancer. My mother is one of the people I do listen to about building up
the immunes. She’s always telling me to keep my immunes strong. I think if I got that from anywhere, I got that from her. But the
hygiene part? That’s just what I do.

Have people called you a germaphobe? Is that even a dirty word nowadays?

People have called me many things. And again that’s their business, it’s not mine. I don’t care what people say — “you’re ridiculous,
you’re extra, you’re overreacting” — it’s what makes me feel comfortable. I travel a lot, and I normally have to go straight to work, and

my work is my physical appearance. If you don’t have your health, you don’t have nothing. Just for that reason I would always say,
“Okay, I have to protect myself.”


Were you surprised by the number of views — more than 2 million — that first viral video got?

In China it got like 6 million views.

Naomi Campbell's Airport Routine | Come Fly With Me

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Was it planned?

I said to my friend, “Okay, you can shoot it.” She was like, “Has anyone ever shot this?” I’m like, “Never.” And we shot it on a
telephone. It was as simple as that. Was I surprised? Yes, I’m surprised. I’ve had more people talk to me about that than the job I’ve
been doing for 34 years.

[Concerts are canceled. So Coldplay, John Legend and Keith Urban are playing right in your living rooms.]

Is it weird to be known for basically being super-clean?

I accept what we’re going through. Basically I’m embracing this having to be still. I’m not going to fight it. We cannot panic, because
when you panic and you stress, it takes from your immune. We have to de-stress. It’s easier said than done, I know it is.

It seems like self-isolation might have some benefits.

Oh my gosh, there’s so many. Being still just makes you be at one with yourself. Again I look for the positive. I’m doing all these things
to enjoy my home that I never get to enjoy. I’m in my home like four days a month.

At this point, folks would watch (and have the time to watch) a video of you wiping down your kitchen counter. Any
other routines you have to help folks at home not go nuts?

I do my drink with celery juice. I do a bath with Epsom salts and Kosher salts and vinegar, it’s also very calming for the nervous
system. I sit in there for 30 minutes, and then I do a facial. In the afternoons I read, I listen to music, I dance. Today I want to make
this ginger tea with lime and lemon that everyone says is good for you. We’re still blessed in many ways.


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What gives you hope?

I think of someone I was very blessed to know, Nelson Mandela. His life was taken from him for 27 years in a tiny cell. If he could be
the way he was, we can get through this.

In October, one of your YouTube fans asked if you were scared of anything, and you said no. Still no?

You can’t change what God’s plan is. I don’t want to live in fear. Fear is something else that is not good for your nervous system, not
good for your immune. Your body, your facial muscles, everything clenches and constricts when you have fear.

Do you plan to fly again anytime soon?

I have no plans to fly anywhere soon. I’m following the rules just like everyone else.

Coronavirus: What you need to read

The Washington Post is providing some coronavirus coverage free, including:
Updated April 23, 2020

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Mapping the spread: Cases and deaths in the U.S. | Map of cases worldwide

More stories today: How to get a small-business loan under the new coronavirus aid package | Autopsies find first U.S. coronavirus
death occurred in early February

What you need to know: Stay-at-home orders by state | Stimulus checks, unemployment, retirement and more | Make your own
fabric mask | Follow all of our coronavirus coverage and sign up for our daily newsletter.

How to help: Your community | Seniors | Restaurants | Keep at-risk people in mind

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