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command /ber <player> <text>:

wait 2 tick
execute player-arg command "%arg-2%"

command /menü:
open chest with 6 row named "&6Szerver Menü" to player
format slot 1 of player with lime stained glass named "&1&lPontjaid"
with lore "&7Kattints a pontjaid megtekintéséhez!" to close then run "ber %player
% /pt"
format slot 2 of player with diamond axe named "&a&lRangok" with lore
"&7Kattints a rangok megtekintéséhez!" to close then run "ber %player% /rangok"
format slot 3 of player with iron chestplate named "&c&lCsomagok" with
lore "&7Kattints a csomagok megtekintéséhez vagy lekéréséhez!" to close then run
"ber %player% /kit"
format slot 7 of player with paper named "&d&lStatisztika" with lore
"7Kattints a statisztikád megtekintéséhez!" to close then run "ber %player% /stat"
format slot 8 of player with name tag named "&b&lPrefixek" with lore
"&7Kattints a prefixek megtekintéséhez, vagy vásárlásához!" to close then run "ber
%player% /prefix"
format slot 9 of player with fishing rod named "&5&lBolt" with lore
"&7Kattints a bolt megnyitásához!" to close then run "ber %player% /bolt"

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