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Listening Tests Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley Anns Express Publishing Listening Tests 18 pecepia® Phevverial Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley ~ Express Publishing Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 GHW Tel: (0044) 1635 817 363 - Fax: (0044) 1695 817 463 http: /www.expresspublishing.co.uk © Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, 2003 Design © Express Publishing, 2003 First published 2003 ISBN 1-64466.072.9 Made in EU All rights eserved. No pat ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by ary means, electronic, phatacopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of he publishers. Photocopying The publishers grant permission for he photocopying of he tess for classroom use only Schoo! purchasers can make copies for use for ther tall and students only. Individual teachers con make copies for their own use or for use by the students they teach Under no circumstances may any pat of this book be photocopied for resale Contents A Listening Tests Enterprise 1 Beginner Listening Test 1 (Units 1-2)... Listening Test 2 (Units 3-4) Listening Test 3 (Units 5-6) Listening Test 4 (Units 7-8) .. Listening Mid Term (Units 1-7) Listening Test 5 (Units 9-10) ... Listening Test 6 (Units 11-12) Listening Test 7 (Units 13-14) Listening Exit Test (Units 1-15) Enterprise 2 Elementary Listening Test 1 (Units 1-2) sss 15 Listening Test 2 (Units 3-4) 16 Listening Test 3 (Units 5-6) 7 Listening Mid Term (Units 1-6) nnnnnnnnnne 18 Listening Test 4 (Units 7-8) 19 Listening Test 5 (Units 9-10) 20 Listening Test 6 (Units 11-12) 24 Listening Test 7 (Units 13-14) se 28 Listening Exit Test (Units 1-15) Enterprise 3 Pre-Intermediate Listening Test 1 (Units 1-3) .... 25 Listening Test 2 (Units 4-6) 26 Listening Test 3 (Units 7-9) sn penne BF Listening Mid Term (Units 1-9) sn 28 Listening Test 4 (Units 10-12) one) Listening Test 5 (Units 18-18) nnn 30 stening Test 6 (Units 16-18)... 31 Listening Test 7 (Units 19-22) nnnnnnmnnne 32 Listening Exit Test (Units 1-22) 33 Enterprise Plus Pre-Intermediate Listening Test 1 (Units 1-3) ncn 35, Listening Test 2 (Units 4-6) 36 Listening Test 3 (Units 7-9) . 7 Listening Mid Term (Units 1-9)... 38 Listening Test 4 (Units 10-12) Listening Test 5 (Units 19-15) Listening Test 6 (Units 16-18) Listening Test 7 (Units 19-22) sunnne Listening Exit Test (Units 1-22) “3 Enterprise 4 Intermediate Listening Test 1 (Units 1-2) Listening Test 2 (Units 3-4) Listening Test 3 (Units 5-6) Listening Mid Term (Units 1-6) Listening Test 4 (Units 7-8) Listening Test 5 (Units 9-10) Listening Test 6 (Units 11-12) onsen Listening Exit Test (Units 1912) nnn 62 Key to Listening Tests Enterprise 1 Beginner 53 Enterprise 2 Elementary 53 Enterprise 8 Pre-Intermediate 54 Enterprise Plus Pre-Intermediate nnn 54 Enterprise 4 Intermediate 55 Tapescripts for Listening Tests Enterprise 1 Beginner Enterprise 2 Elementary Enterprise 3 Pre-Intermediate sos 62 Enterprise Plus Pre-Intermediate 65 Enterprise 4 Intermediate soon 68 USCS ATT ENTERPRSE 1 (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to a school secretary talking to one of the teachers and fill in the gaps in the table. New Students Student 1: ‘Name: Nationality: Age: Job: Student 3: Name: Nationality: Age: Job: Celine 0) Poulain French 28 VD) ween Manuel Garcia 2). 32 Engineer () UCT rm ENTERPRISE | Date: (Time: 7 minutes) Look at the brochure of a house for rent. Listen and fill in the gaps. ae » Johnson's Estate Agency —————————— For Rent: Large, attractive house in the city 0) centre Address: 342 1) .. Lane Upetaire: 3 spacious bedrooms, 2). + study Downstairs: 3) ... kitchen, comfortable living room, dining room, small bathroom Outside: Large garden, 4) .. Rents £500 per month contact Mr Weston (tel. - 5) ) (ms) CATT Li ARN 5) ENTERPRSE (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to a conversation and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). T F Sarah is a teacher. She usually arrives at work at nine o'clock. Sarah always brings a sandwich from home. She often has work to do in the evening. She never goes out during the week. Onn on a Sarah doesn’t work at weekends. (uate) US CENTS _NBRE | (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to the conversation and fill in the gaps. Delivery order Name: Mr 0) Baxter Address: 47 Church Lane Tel. no: Yow Order: loaf of bread kilos 2) ...... aa 1 kilo Cheddar cheese 3)... Bs 1 packet of sugar A) ereccseeeeenneneeneeeneee OFaNge juice Total cost: BB) ons Delivery time: 3 pm this afternoon (os) ESTAR RS | (Time: 7 minutes) | Listen to the conversation and fill in the gaps in the table. J.K. Rowling Full name: Joanne Kathleen Rowling Job: 0) writer Where from: Bristol, 1) .... Lives: In Edinburgh with her husband and 2) .. Husband's job: Likes/Loves: Now writing: . Harry Potter book (mes) TS TTS ENTERPRSE Class: Marl Listen to Eve talking to a friend and match the people to their homes. 0 Eve FE A flat with two bedrooms B big house with a swimming 1 Jason pool 2 Shirley © farmhouse D houseboat 3 Harry E cottage in the country Dianne F small flat with a big balcony G small house in the city centre 5 Paul H_ stone cottage Marks: — : 10 STAT I ati er ENTERPRS | Date: (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to Carl talking to a friend about a fire in his block of flats. Then match the people to their reactions, as in the example. FS Carl Nicky Patrick Sandra Stephen Anne moom> ron threw water on the fire phoned fire brigade jumped out of the window shouted for help warned the neighbours about the fire woke up all the neighbours went back into the building helped other people get out of the building (umm) 11 12 Name: | Class: (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to Dawn and Will talking about their plans for next week and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). T F 1 Sandra Bullock is Dawn's favourite actress. 2 Dawn and Will are going to a party on Friday. 3 Will has to study on Saturday afternoon. 4 Dawn is going out with Chris on Saturday night. 5 They are meeting for lunch on Sunday. 6 Will doesn’t like the idea very much. (=) SEES ENTER | Date: Mark: | (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to the radio advert and fill in the gaps in the table below. JOUR OF THAILAND 0 rrr Length of holiday: days Bangkok: 2 days visiting 2) ... busy markets. Chiang Mei: 4 days trekking including Fide OM a(A) 3) oornresesense Phang Nga: 3 days canoeing in the Phang Nga National Park Koh Samui: 3 days relaxing 09 4) senssssnennns Cost: 8)... flight from London .. including return a a nn (ms) 13 (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to Katy talking about her friends to her American cousin. What are their favourite free-time activities? o Henry Sarah Michelle Tony Mike Ellen rOonamoonnr clubs basketball reading fishing gym parties music cinema (os) 15 16 ENTERPRISE 2 (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to Paula talking to a friend about a shopping trip. Which shop did each person go to? 0 Paula E 1 Sally 2 Martina 3 Fred 4 Ann 5 Bill rOoOnmoome Sports Heaven Designer Fashion The Book Worm Percy's Department Store Perfume Paradise The Shoe Warehouse Jewel Personality The Coffee Bean (es) ESSE? (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to this interview on a school radio station. Stephen, a professional chef, is talking about his job. © When he was a child, he wanted to be a A football player. chef, ¢ lawyer. 1 The best thing about his job is that A he tries new things all the time. B he’s doing what he loves. € he never cooks at home. 2 The worst thing about his job is A working late at night. B the long hours. having to work at weekends. 3 His most important rule is A kitchen hygiene. B hot food should be hot. C service should be fast. 4 What food does he most like eating? A Asian. B Indian. French. 5 To be a good chef, the most important thing is to be A patient. B hardworking. C imaginative. Marks: —) (es) 17 PUSS CAMIINCR LUT CSTR ENTERPRISE 2 Class: Mark: (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to Nuala talking to Sean about a recent travel experience. For questions 1-5, tick A, B or C. 0 Nuala checked the bus times on @ Thursday. B Sunday. € Saturday. 1 Nuala’s flight was at A 12:00. B 12:30 Cc 7:00. 2 Nuala was too late to get A the metro to the city. B the bus to the airport. C a taxi to the airport. 3 Nuala A went to a hotel. B went back to her friend's. C stayed in the city. 4 During that night, Nuala ‘A watched TV. B read magazines and newspapers. C got a bit of sleep. 5 Nuala waited at the airport for A five hours. B four hours. © nine hours. (vs >) 18 SCAT LI Latin 14) TERRE 2 (Time: 7 minutes) You will hear a doctor talking to his receptionist about the appointments. Listen and complete questions 1-5, _ & 7S Peter Freyne cut finger rs 11:30 Josephine Black 3) oo 5 12:00 Miss Hartnett 4) oan 13:00 Ann §) .. Ls Es Wednesday 5th January gs Time Name Problem ~ e = 9:30 Mrs Delaney 0) hurt leg 10:00 ‘Mr Simpson 1) é @ bad cough (ms) 19 SAG TG a ENTERPRSE 2 You will hear a Park Keeper talking to visitors about safety regulations. Listen and complete questions 1-5. i ue Bunojonga National Park Safety leaflet for visitors PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! DON'T GET OUT OF 0) your car! You could be eaten for dinner! YOU 1) ... ‘enough! .. THE ANIMALS! The zebras are fat YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY! The animals might be 2) YOU SHOULD KEEP YOUR 3)... You never know who might come in! . CLOSED! YOU ARE ALLOWED TO EAT AND DRINK! Throw your rubbish in the 4) .... PLEASE DON'T MAKE TOO MUCH 5) Listen to the beautiful sounds of nature! (om LISTENING ACS 11) ENTRSE 2 Date: Class: Mark: (Time: 7 nina Listen to Alan talking to a friend about adopting an animal in a nature reserve. Which animal did each person adopt? © Alan B A jaguar 1 Patricia B lion © giratte 2 Tom D panda 3 Ailish E bear F rhino 4 Ber G whale 5 Sally H elephant ks: —\ (nat =) 21 22 OSCE TT Date: ....... ENTERPRSE 2 (Time: 7 minutes) | Listen to Denise and Brian talking about their pets. Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). aan on a Denise doesn’t understand why Brian wanted a hedgehog. Brian’s hedgehog only eats food he catches in the garden. Both Denise's dog and Brian's hedgehog sleep a lot. Brian agrees that dogs are friendlier than hedgehogs. Denise's dog doesn't like going to the kennels when the family are in Spain. Dogs aren't very good for gardens. T F (m5) NTT a Tier BORE 2 (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to Elaine talking about a technology course. Which item did each person say they couldn't do without? © Richard (G) ‘A mobile phone 1 Syvia B microwave © personal organiser 2 Larry D television 3 Frances E CD player F radio Ne 4 Norman G computer 5 Elaine H digital camera Marks: — \ 3 / 23 Ua CTE _BBPREE 3 Date: (Time: 7 minutes) Barbara writes for a travel guide. Her editor is asking her to write a report about a hotel. Listen to their conversation and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). Barbara thinks the Bellemarsh Hotel was quite cheap. She doesn't need to include the telephone number of the hotel in her report. The hotel hasn't got a swimming pool Barbara's room had its own fireplace. The restaurant at the hotel serves excellent steak. eoaanena The editor of the magazine is going to write the final report. Marks: — } 6 25 26 (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to Dave talking to his mother about his holiday plans. What did each of his friends advise him to take with him? 0 Pearl 1 Sue 2 Laurence 3 Richard 4 Dennis 5 Jackie rOonmoonar first aid kit ‘mosquito repellent tap water travel wallet peanut butter travel adaptor torch sunblock (Marks: STACI RTS iE ANTERREE 3 (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to the teacher talking to her class about life in ancient Egypt. Then fill in the gaps in the table. | LIFE IN ANCIENT EGYPT. Pharaoh the country’s 0) king Had control over: the land, the economy Made: 1)... | | | The Nile important for food and 2) .... Women ‘equal to men Had right to: do business own land 9). | Could get job at: rich homes oF 4) eee Education (at school/home): leam how to read and write study 8)... and arithmetic 27 USCS ENE 3 (Time: 7 minutes) 28 sten to Luke talking to a friend and then match the people to the problems they have, as in the example. © Luke Cc A is scared of flying + katie B always argues with hisjher parents © can't afford to buy a new stereo 2 Andrew D doesn't know how to meet new people 3 Jane E is worried about his/her exams F is overweight 4 Ds jan G jis being bullied 5 Gill H scratched his/her parents’ car (on US STC ST Date: ENTERPRISE 3 (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to a policewoman taking a witness’s report and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). The witness was on the bus when the accident happened. The witness believes the car was going extremely fast. The accident happened in Marsdon Road. The witness thinks the accident was the girl's fault. The van didn't brake. The car didn’t hit the little girl, onnaon (us z+) 29 30 STAMINA HI ARC eareD _ AEP 3 Sam has decided to join his local sports club. Listen to the conversation then complete his notes below. Charges: Standard charge - 0) £30 per month d Includes: gym, swimming pool, 1) .... sauna Sports ‘Squash/Basketball: No extra charge. 2) a court a day before Basketball night on 3) : Sporting weekends: Climbing, 4) rafting (hire equipment from the club) Opening hours: Mon - Fri: 8am - 11pm Sat & Sun: 5) .. - 9pm 4 orn : = The leader of an environmental expedition is talking to the people going on the trip. Listen and complete the information in the table. Conservation Expedition to 0) Costa Rica 4). area record animal and 5) .. Dates of the trip: 6th April - 1) Where? What? Why? Project 1: beaches clean them up protect in the east of the 2). country Project 2: San José, plant trees in the park | improve animal 3) .. habitats Project 3: National Park, plant trees, restore the area 32 (Time: 7 minutes) | Listen to Dan and Natalie trying to decide what to wateh on TY, then tick A, B or C for each of the questions. 0 The programme Dan wants to watch later is A the news. B a documentary. ©aitilm. 1 They don’t watch the football because A it has already started, B Natalie doesn’t enjoy sports programmes C Dan doesn't want to watch it. n They discuss the soap opera because A somebody told Dan that it was good. B Natalie hasn't seen it before, C Dan suggests watching it. 3. The Frank Wilson quiz show starts at A 8:30. B 9:00. Cc 9:30. 4 Natalie A has definitely watched the quiz show before. B doesn't remember whether she’s watched the quiz show before. € doesn't like quiz shows in general a Natalie doesn’t want to watch the news because ‘A she wants to watch The Dating Show. B she's not in a good mood. € it's rarely about anything good. (“>) _ANREE 3 (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to a science teacher talking about the life of Isaac Newton. Then for each of the questions 1-5 choose the best answer A, B or C, as in the example. 0 What does the speaker say about Einstein? ‘A He worked with Newton. B Newton improved his theories. @©He lived more than 250 years after Newton. 1 Newton was born in A 1462, B 1624, © 1642, 2 When he first went to university, Newton studied A Law. B Mathematics. C Science. 3. The speaker says that Newton’s most famous discovery had to do with A light. B mechanics. © gravity. 4 Newton started thinking about gravity when he saw A an apple fall off a tree. B a tree falling over. € the moon moving through the sky. 5 Newton died in A Woolsthorpe. B Cambridge. € London. (o>) 33 | Class: | (Time: 7 minutes) | You are going to hear a travel agent talking with a client who is planning her summer holiday. For each of the questions 1-5 choose the best answer A, B, or C, as in the example. 0 The woman wants to book a holiday for A 1 person. B 2 people. ©3 people. 1 She wants to go on holiday in A two weeks’ time. B June. © July. 2 The woman doesn't want to go on safari because A the weather would be too hot. B it would be too expensive. C her husband wouldn't enjoy it. 3. When on holiday, all of the woman’s family enjoy A going to restaurants. B staying in the city. € going to museums. 4 Who went to Spain last year? A the woman B the woman's husband € the woman's daughter 5 The travel agent says that A Italy is cheap. B the food in Italy is good. C the Italian countryside is beautiful (3) 35 STAs (Time: 7 mi SE PLUS nutes) Listen to the teacher talking to her class about a visit to a museum and complete the notes below. School Trip to O) London Date: Tuesday 1) .. Destination: 2) Means of transport: Times: At the museum: Price: 3) om Leaving school at 4) Back at school at 9 pm. Special 8) run E15 each . and talk 36 (v= —) / TAT I A Tra ENTERPRISE PLUS (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to two parents talking about their son and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). Sean has a test at school tomorrow. Sean is afraid he won't pass the test. Sean's test is at 2:30 in the afternoon Sean's dad is going to drive him to the test centre. Sean's mum thinks he needs more practice with parking. This is the first time Sean will take the test. one on a Marks: — ark. *) 37 USM aH TRO ENTERPRSE Plus Date: (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to two friends talking about a travel brochure. For each question choose the best answer A, Bor C, as in the example. 38 0 Jeff wants to go to the Bahamas because A he wants to visit his friend Kate. @® he has always wanted to go there. C he thinks it's quite cheap. 1 Jeff is planning to go in A June. B July August. 2 The hotel A hasn't got a swimming pool. B is far from the sea. C is far from the airport. 3. Jeff doesn’t want to do any A windsurfing. B water skiing. © scuba diving. 4 Jeff's holiday's going to cost A £1100. B £1200. c £1300 5 Steve is jealous because A he wants to go to the Bahamas too. B he hasn't got time for a holiday. he hasn't got enough money to go on holiday. (were: =) 5 US CETTT RS ATTRA ENTRPRSE PLS Date: (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to the conversation between two friends and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). Andy is writing an essay about different ancient civilizations. The land where the Aztecs used to live is now part of the USA. The Aztec people lived later than the 12th century. It was very important for a boy to know how to fight well. Wendy thinks it was a shame that not all girls went to school. The king didn’t make important decisions all by himself. eoanena (wm) 39 US TATTLE ES Date: .... ENTERPRISE PLUS (Time: 7 minutes) 40 Listen to Marilyn and Ken talking about different jobs. Match the jobs to the character qualities necessary, as in the example, ° o * a Fireman Teacher Nurse Soldier Musician Secretary rOnmmooae enthusiastic organised creative polite hardworking tough talented courageous (“7 NTT Si iar _ENTEPIS PS | (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to the conversation between two members of the University Hiking Club and complete the advert for the notice board. es a UNIVERSITY HIKING CLUB | NEW MEMBERS WANTED!! COME AND JOIN TODAY! Meetings: Every 0) Wednesday in room 4) ... =. on the main campus at 7 pm. Trips: Every month we have one weekend away and 2) ....... day trips First trip: 3). . in Lake District on 12" October Costs: Just £26 for a year's membership Plus £5 for every day trip and 4) £ ccs for each weekend away. For more info: Call Anne on 0937 §) ..... 4 42 TAT TES] Aico ENTERPRSE PLS Date: | Class: Mark: (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to the conversation about Alfred Hitchcock films. Match the films to the appearance Hitchcock made in them. 0 The Birds ig carrying a black case sitting in a hotel lobby 1 Torn Curtain missing a bus 2 Strangers on a Train coming out of a hotel room 3. Spellbound getting onto a train coming out of a lift 4 North by Northwest walking two dogs rOonmooa> 5 To Catch a Thief sitting on a bus (2) | Ua ali aii EA ENTERPRGE PLUS (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to Martin talking to a friend and match the people to the sports and activities that they do, as in the example. 0 Martin E A squash 4 Jamie B running © tennis 2 Carolyn D surfing 3 Angela E basketball F scuba diving 4 will ; G swimming 5 Vicky H rock climbing (2) ENTERPRISE 4 (Time: 7 minutes) You will hear a conversation between Bernard and Alice about the right clothes to wear for an interview. Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). Alice is surprised at Bernard's choice of clothes. Bernard wore informal clothes because of what the ad had said. Bernard's interview was very relaxed. Bernard and Alice agree that both men and women should wear a suit. Alice wore informal clothes for her interview. onnono Alice believed that her clothes were the reason she didn't get the job. (om) 45 46 (Time: 7 minutes) You will hear a radio interview with a volcanologist. For each question, circle A, B or C. 1 The most striking thing about volcanoes is the fact that A they can kill a large number of people very quickly. B you never know when they will erupt. C they have enormous power. 2 The idea that the moon affects volcanic eruptions is A old. B recent. C impossible. 3 Mount Etna is called the “Friendly Giant” because A itis very big. B everyone has heard of it. C it rarely kills people. 4 Mount Etna has killed A 73 people. B 69 people. C 3,000 people. 5 Mount Fuji in Japan is the A 2” volcano on that site. B 1* volcano on that site, 3° volcano on that site. 6 The first volcano to have the name “Vulcanus” was A Vesuvius. B Mount Etna. © Mount Fuji. (uate x) / | TST a ENTERPRISE (Time: 7 minutes) Listen to a woman talking to a friend and for each question, fill in the missing information on the form.

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