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1/31/2019 Certificate Profile Printing from Warehouses Issue

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Certificate Profile Printing from

Warehouses Issue
Dear Expert

We have requirement to be able to Print COAs from Delivery shipping points. Shipping point can be the
production plant itself or the warehouses where we send goods from the production plants and sell it from
there. 1/7
1/31/2019 Certificate Profile Printing from Warehouses Issue

When we Produce , Quality Test and Sell the goods from our production plants to customers , it works fine.
We have used inspection origin 03 to get the test result for the Bulk Chemicals inspection lot result and Print
into the COA for Packaged chemical products.

But When we send the same packaged product to our warehouses , we do not send COA s (as we don't
know whom we are going to sell those products at that time and warehouse don't want ) , but we need the
ability to print COAs from warehouse (plant Y in SAP) for that packaged product which actually produced in
Plant X with batch B1 and Tested in same plant X. Business need is to print COA for same batch B1 from
warehouses for required customer from the shipping points, though we only do Quality Checks for the
products in our Production Plants (using Inspection Lots) and no test carried out at our warehouses.

Is there a standard way to refer to batch B1 results in plant X while printing the COA from warehouses (plant



Former Member
March 25, 2015 at 15:51 PM

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10 replies

Nitin Jinagal (

August 23, 2014 at 12:49 PM


How do you issue the CoA from plant X?

Do you generate them via std transaction or you have developed

some program?

ntn 2/7
1/31/2019 Certificate Profile Printing from Warehouses Issue

Former Member replied August 23, 2014 at 13:49 PM


Issuing COA from plant X will be against pre-defined output (e.g. LQCA) condition for
delivery items and there is no development involved.



Craig S (

August 25, 2014 at 15:27 PM

The question is are you obtianing the resutls and spec from the
inspection lots themselves or from the batch characteristics?

If you are using master inspection characteristics/inspection lots,

that typically does not work across plants without having some
custom FM's done for your spec and result origins.

If you can use the batch values and batch specifcations, than
that should work across plants if your batch level is at material
level or client level.


Former Member replied August 25, 2014 at 15:45 PM


We are using Inspection Lots to capture results for the Characteristics in batches
produced during shifts. And then will do the lab testing, recording of results and print COA
for deliveries (output determination) when shipping from the same production plants
directly to customers, which works fine. 3/7
1/31/2019 Certificate Profile Printing from Warehouses Issue

When these products send and stored to some warehouse, and shipped from there to
customers, we still may be able to print the COA using QC22 if we know which plant has
produced those batches. But business want to automate the process for the warehouses,
through output conditions in delivery, and here I am finding difficulties for the warehouses
to print COA automatically for the deliveries.



Craig S (

August 25, 2014 at 17:22 PM

Right, I undersatnd all that.. and like I said.. you have to develop
custom FM's to do resutls from cross-plant inspection lots.

If you can, use batch results and you shouldn't have an issue.


Anand Rao (

August 26, 2014 at 08:16 AM

Hi, In order to print COA from warehouse (i.e. Plant Y), ideally an
inspection lot should be generated in Plant Y and result recording
should be carried out against the same lot. Now the question
remains how to record the same results for this lot as those were
recorded in Plant X? As suggested by Craig you have to think of
developing some custom logic with ABAP which will fetch results
from plant X and copy in to Plant Y. I suppose batch number
would be the common factor to correlate this with inspection lot
of plant X.

But I guess in your case you do not want to carry out RR again in
plant Y or rather do not want to generate inspection lot, as this 4/7
1/31/2019 Certificate Profile Printing from Warehouses Issue

has already been done in Plant X. If so, then you can still print
COA from plant Y against the same lot in X (provided the users
have authorization). But it will not contain any delivery number or
customer name as there is no link at all at this stage. You can
develop a new Z table where you can maintain delivery number,
customer number and other details with reference to inspection
lot. Whenever COA will be physically printed in plant Y for the
same lot in X, these details would also be printed along with it!

I would suggest earlier option is more advisable than later!

Nitin Jinagal (

August 26, 2014 at 13:36 PM


I'll go with second solution given by Anand. I have seen such

scenarios specially in steel industries where material is first
transferred to ware houses and then sold to customer and this
involves the documentation at warehouse only.

Going with Z table would be feasible since change in business

doesn't seem possible. Store inspection lot details through batch
number, customer details through the delivery note and similarly
others, if any.

Using the delivery number, you can fetch the details from this
table and print them into CoA. This also enable the authenticity of
the data since the person who's printing it at ware house cannot
change / modify the data.


Former Member replied August 26, 2014 at 15:22 PM

Hi 5/7
1/31/2019 Certificate Profile Printing from Warehouses Issue

As Craig & Anand says....enhancing the program to fetch Characteristics details from
original plant (plant of production X) while printing COA in warehouse looks less human
interference to get the correct COA printed at warehouse and more convenient to me.

But if we talk on the second option which Anand and You are suggesting, how should I
store inspection lot details from batch and customer details through delivery in the Z table
at warehouse level to fetch the data during printing COA? Will this be a manual upload to
link these data for the warehouse prior to print the COA ? Sorry I could not get properly
the second option, so requesting more insight.



Former Member replied March 25, 2015 at 15:34 PM


not sure on what level was your question, but have you ever tried vl02n or QC20?

We use Vl02n extras / Delivery outpoint / item

We print the certs from the inspections for plant in US, that works good.

Former Member replied March 25, 2015 at 15:51 PM


The issue has been resolved .

For your info..when we ship out of the plants (Plant and warehouse in same location) , we
don't have any issue either in VL02n or in QC20..its standard, but if we receive some
product in outside warehouses across various north american locations directly from
suppliers and want to certify from there based on the results recorded in main production 6/7
1/31/2019 Certificate Profile Printing from Warehouses Issue

plants (QC labs only in main plants not in Warehouse/DC) then the COA fail to print,
because it search for the test result for characteristics at the warehouse/DC (Plant in SAP)
. We are able to overcome that with small enhancement .



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