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PSY M01, Setmire

Psychology M01 Study Guide - Exam #3

Chapter 9: motives, drive reduction theory, instincts, survival instinct, arousal theory,
Eros and Thanatos, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
(know the five levels), psychological vs. physiological hunger, anorexia nervosa and
bulimia nervosa and who they effect, obesity (what it is and its current status), body mass
index, fad diets, industrial-organizational psychology, and personnel & organizational

Chapter 10: emotions, Plutchik and his # of basic emotions, theories of emotion (James-
Lange, Cannon-Bard, Two-Factor), emotions and the body, detecting lies, polygraphs,
catharsis, people who are happy, adaptation level phenomenon, relative deprivation, and
how to be happier.

Chapter 11: developmental psychology, conception, trimesters, stages of prenatal

development, teratogens, placenta, reflexes, maturation, infant motor development, object
permanence, conservation, socialization, attachment, gender identity, adolescence,
personal fable and imaginary audience, menopause, men and middle adulthood, fluid vs.
crystallized intelligence, midlife crisis and midlife transition, Alzheimer’s disease,
Piaget’s four stages, and the five stages of death.

Chapter 12: personality, psychodynamic theory, Freud and psychic energy, unconscious,
libido, three structures that make up the personality, five psychosexual stages of
development, fixation, defense mechanisms, personal and collective unconscious,
Erikson’s 8 stages (be able to list them), humanistic theories, self-actualization and
Maslow, Rogers and unconditional positive regard, traits, focus of trait theories, Big Five
personality traits, cognitive-social learning theory, Bandura and self-efficacy, objective
tests of personality (MMPI), and projective tests of personality (TAT and Rorschach).

In-Person Classes: remember that you cannot use your notes, textbook, or any other
materials during the exam, so plan and study accordingly! Be sure to bring your
scantron form 886-E and a number 2 pencil! Your completed study guide can be turned
in for extra credit on the day of the test (can be typed or handwritten pages, index cards,
or even an online/app format but must be given or shown to me in-person). You can
receive up to five points depending on the comprehensiveness of completion.

Online Classes: remember that the exam is open notes and open book but if you don’t
study as you would for a traditional exam, you will run out of time!

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