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Author: Quintillius

Updated: September 11th 2016


Nova Aetas modification for Warband


- Completely revised kingdom armies

* New unique weapons, horses, armour, banners and troops for

 Kingdom of Swadia
 Vaegir Tsardom
 Nordic Union
 Kingdom of Rhodoks
 Sarranid Sultanate

- New kingdoms
* Acztaoc Empire (Aztec-inspired)
* Agonic Order (Teutonic-inspired)
* Turguhn Horde (Timurids-inspired)
* Republic of Zendar (Venice-inspired)
* Kingdom of Norègr (pagan norse, while Union is Christian)
* Papal State
* Mithridian Empire (mix of LotR Gondor & Byzantines)

- Hundreds of new items and more

* 340 new weapons (swords, pikes, bows, daggers, coloured lances, firearms)
* 400 new armour items (Crusader, Teutonic, 15th, 16th and 17th century)
* 200 new types of animals (new horses, camels, boars)
* 350 new helmets (crowns, morions, bascinets, barbuta’s, closed helmets)
* 110 new shields
* New trading goods (ivory, cotton, cloth, coffee, sugar, tobacco, slaves)
* Dozens of religious items
* New map icons
* Additional pictures for menus
* Hundreds of new epic high-quality scene props
* New pics for items

- New siege experience

* New walls, gates, towers and other siege props for Swadia, Rhodoks, Vaegirs, Sarranids and Khergits

- New animations
* Overhand attack for spears
* Hold spears and pikes straigth up
* No longer running with swords flapping around
* Caution effect
* Death animations + explosion animations

- Graphical enhancements
* Complete texture overhaul, realistic colours and graphics
* Horizon improvements to enhance the illusion of bigger maps.
Author: Quintillius
Updated: September 11th 2016

- Technological advancements
* Over time kingdoms will advance in technology
* These technology stages will provide bonusses for all troops and unlock new troop tiers

- Sea Travel
* You can sail with a ship everywhere on the ocean
* 5 sea battle scenes + 1 ashore scene
* All AI parties can travel by water
* Drowning: no longer getting stuck on the bottom, you will drown
* Buy different types of ships, each with its own price and member capacity

 Cog
 Caravel
 Carrack
 Galleon

* Each ship costs maintenance which is calculated automatically in the weekly budget overview
* You need to buy ships to carry you and your party members, each ship has its own capacity

- Rebirth of Zendar
* New faction: Merchant Republic of Zendar
* Leader is called Doge and has unique outfit
* Zendar has a great, rich harbour, the gate to the New World

- Papacy of Aldurias
* Aldurias is ancient capital of Calradic Empire, located between Rhodoks and Swadians
* Christian nations do not declare war upon the Pope
* If Christian nation conquers Aldurias, Papacy will be restored or player will get option

- Resources & Building

* New resources added (timber, tools, stone, marble)
* Buildings and colonies need these resources

- Religion
* 5 different religions:

 Christianity
 Judaism
 Islam
 Norse Paganism
 Tengriism

* Choose at start which religion you want (Atheism included)

* Many religion branches added such as following Odin, Sunni Islam or Calvinism (visual purpose only for
* Strength of Faith increases your strength attribute, gold, xp and influence points
* Visit a church, mosque, synagogue, shrine or temple
* You can convert to a religion, pray and pay donations to priests
* AI kings, lords, princesses and pretenders have religion too (currently only aesthetically purpose)
* Holy Artifacts increase Strength of Faith (Bible, Cross, Quran, Rings)

- Workshop crafting
* Four workshops: blacksmith, carpenter, church and tailor
* Craft every weapon, armour, gauntlets, boots and more
* Craft tradegoods for sale
* Unique: you'll need to manufacture every intermediate good and combine them to craft the full item.
Author: Quintillius
Updated: September 11th 2016

* Every intermediate good requires a series of processes accompanied with unique skeletal animations and
machinery animations
* Every workshop is unique and has its own cool stuff
* Blacksmith can craft:
- Tradegoods (tools)
- Intermediates (dozens)
- Swords
- Axes
- Polearms
- Maces
- Plate/mail armour
- Plate/mail helmets
- Plate/mail gauntlets
- Plate/mail footwear
- Bullets
- Steel shields
* Carpenters can craft:
- Tradegoods (stool, cabinet)
- Intermediates (dozens)
- Ranged (bow, crossbow, firearms)
- Arrows & bolts
- Wooden Shields
* Church can:
- Tradegoods (rossary, letter of indulgence, ...)
- Intermediates (many)
- Church goods (hosts)
- Learning books
- Hold sermon (represents realistic sermon)
* Tailor/tannery can craft:
- Tradegoods (cloth, ...)
- Intermediates (wool cloth, linen, velvet, shirt, sleeves, ...)
- Leather armour
- Leather boots
- Leather stuff
- Gambesons
- Other headwear
* As member of the Guild you have unique access to the intern market. Look here to buy semigoods and
rare items.
* Pointers guide you with the manufacturing proces, you can disable them at the tutorial menu
* The goods can be sold for 20% profit directly due to fixed prices offered by the Guild (calculation: costs
of goods + 20% of final buying price). You can also choose to keep the item.

- Agonic Order
* This Christian faction is based on the Teutonic Order, Minas Tirith (LOTR) and Hohenzollern Castle
* New troops with unique Teutonic / Crusader armour, weapons and horses:
 Agonic Recruit
 Militia
 Pikeman
 Halbbruder
 Dismounted Ritterbruder
 Archer
 Ismerian Crossbowman
 Prusenian Sharpshooter
 Diendebruder
 Ritterbruder
 Knight of Christ
Author: Quintillius
Updated: September 11th 2016

* Capital Drachenburg is a unique grand castle with its own architecture

* Complex beacon feature. There are 7 beacons in the mountains which can be lit
* Light one of these and all beacons will be lit, the last one is the Tower of Istmus, which is the beacon of
*Drachenburg. Light a medium fire to request 10 troops, light a big fire to request 50 troops. It costs
* These troops help you during the campaign, but are not permanent. They disappear after a week

- Hierarchy
* Medieval hierarchy system of Lower, Middle, Upper and Noble Classes
* These are divided in 11 subclasses ranging from Freemen to Patrician, including Citizen and Gentryman
* Noble class grants 7 different titles from a simple Baron to Archduke
* Every Native faction has its own unique title. Become Jarl in the Nordic lands, be a Knyaz and serve
the Tsar or become Tumetu-iin Noyan, commander of 10,000 Khergit soldiers or be a fearless Acztaoc
* Ingame lords will have titles too, completely randomly assigned
* Gain Prestige Points to increase in social class
* Every noble lord and player will have a small flag above their banners, depicting their noble rank for ease
* Your noble title is shown in dialogues with AI persons

- Influence
* Influence Points are points you can gain from lords, invest these points in return of
some AI actions!
*Get influence points by:
 Bribing
 Donating money
 Buy a gift and give it (the better your trade skill, the less it costs)
 Persuading (most effective and increased skill = increased chance)
 You get influence weekly. Amount depends on your class and religion strength
* Spend your Influence Points to lords
 Let lord follow player
 Let lord follow someone
 Increase your relation with lord
 Join faction – even if your current faction is at war
 Order him to raid an enemy village!
 Order him to return to a town
 Influence him to attack a party
 Control him to siege a town!
* Order lords of your faction and… foreign lords! They take more Influence Points to
control. You can even control enemy lords if you want! But they take 3x standard amount of Influence
*Points to control. The only lords who cannot be influenced are faction leaders

- Housing
* Buy, rent or rent out a house
* 6 different types of residents

 Shack
 Appartment Room
 Laborer House
 Patrician Mansion
 Noble Great House
 Town Palace

* Different buying/renting values per town, lasting for week. No longer single vast price
* You can visit your home and warm your hands at the fireplace
* Weekly rent will be paid or received at weekly report
* 4 property slots per town
Author: Quintillius
Updated: September 11th 2016

* Different interior scenes for Swadia and Sarranids

- Turguhn Horde invades

* New horde added to the game, based on the Timurids
* Unique troop types, armour, weapons and Turguhn leader outfit
* After 10 weeks this horde will invade Calradia, being a nightmare in the lands of the Sarranid Sultanate
and Khergit Khanate

- Resurrect the Calradic Empire

* Restore Empire with name and banner
* Become Emperor
* Get access to

 Calrad Legionnaires
 Calrad Centurions
 Calrad Velites
 Calrad Equites
* You can restore the capital of the Calradic Empire (own Aldurias before)
* You can visit the ruins and after restoration, look at the marble

- Gather resources
* Various forest and stone quarry locations on world map
* Acquire a charter from the nobleman to use one of these places
* Equip yourself a pickaxe or woodcutter’s axe
* Cut down trees or quarry stone to obtain resources
* Mines collapse often, watch out!
* All accompanied with appropriate animations and falling trees and particles for mining rocks

- Start your own farm

* Build a farm on world map, location is your choice
* Buy seeds at the market and plant them
* 4 fields at your disposal, each covering 30-40 wheat crops
* Harvest crops with a sickle and sell grain on the market for profits

- Campaign AI Fixes and Tweaks by Motomataru

* Many bug fixes at AI decision making
* More activity done by AI parties on world map
* Lords are now more travelling instead of sitting down in castles
* Village raiding is reduced
* Setting invalid AI objectives is now being avoided
* Marshall is being prevented from stranding during campaign
* Lords are more aggresive towards each other
* Better decision making for Marshall on world map
* Fixed party not reinforcing weak centers (if fall below 100 troops, was 7)
* Kingdom becomes defensive when weakened and small
* Factions will now defend even without Marshall
* Weak lords now levy troops form over-defended centers
* Electing new Marshall also being influenced by party size now
* Weak Marshalls lose renown thereby leading to better Marshall elected

- Guild
* Guild added with Guildmaster and guildmembers
* Up to 4 different scenes for Guildhall
* Donate to Guildmaster for new, better residence and get Prestige Points
* Other members donate as well, over time there will be enough funds
* Ask for apprenticeship and create a masterpiece to be allowed to join the Guild
Author: Quintillius
Updated: September 11th 2016

* Every day you work as apprentice, increases chance of making a masterpiece

* Sell your created masterpiece for money
* Upon completing apprenticeship, you become craftsman (social class)
* New options for enterprise management:
 Buy improvements to reduce bad events
 Hire/fire more workers
 Bad/lucrative events
 Efficiency costs

- New enhanced tournaments look

* New heraldic armour
* New weapons and helmets
* Coloured lances
* Heraldic horses
* New scenes with new props

- Traits
* 56 traits added, divided in 14 types with each its own icon.
* You can gain traits by choosing options in dilemma's which will popup during your gameplay.
* Kings, lords, companions and ladies have their own traits as well.
* No longer randomly choosing a lord as vassal/mayor, look at their traits to see if they are capable.
* Lords with administration skills bring in extra money and bad loyalty traits make them defect easier.
* Marrying a beautiful lady makes you gain extra influence

- New characters overview

* Press V anywhere to bring up overview
* Filter lords on kingdom or title
* View traits of other lords
* View other information

- Consumable beverages added

* 4 new types beverage added (mead, rum, dirty & clean water and kumiss for Khergits/Turguhns)
* Party requires beverages like food otherwise there is a morale loss
* Beverages have twice as much capacity than food
* Water is cheapest, but does lack capacity
* In desert consumption of beverages is tripled (3x)

- Music
* 7 new music tracks for world map
* 9 new music tracks for battles
Author: Quintillius
Updated: September 11th 2016


- Customize kingdom army

* You can change equipment for every player kingdom soldier
* You pay 3 times the item price, for every item you add or take from the troop
* Memorize: troops will keep equipment, even upon loading savegame
* If reload fails, you can do it manually at the camp menu

- Recruit troops in castles / towns

* Two recruitment slots added to castles and towns
* Choose a technology tier
* Train 10 soldiers of any troop type per recruitment slot, wait some days and add them to your party

- Battlefield Combat Abilities script (OSP - Chel)

* Dynamic combat through combat abilities like

 Rage - Get extra power

 Focus - Get increased weapon proficiencies
 Sprint - Run for your life!
 Whistle for horse - Call your horse, the higher the more horses come
 First aid - Recover
 Inspire Troops - Rally your troops
 Morale Shock - Unleash a fearsome cry to terrify weaker opponents
 Taunt - Get your enemy’s attention to you, instead of to your troops
 Defensive Structure - Consume items to create coverage via gabions

* Get help by pressing N key

* Duration & power of abilities depends on your game skills.
* Some abilities costs some experience.

- Deathcam
* Smooth camera rotation using the mouse
* Works in Windowed Mode
* Movement Speed Multiplier key
* Sensitivity Modifier key
* Ability to reset camera's position to the location you died
* Works with Battle Orders (Backspace) presentation

- Extended Prisoner Chat

* Ability to persuade prisoners to join you directly
* Ability to set them free
* Ability to murder regular prisoners
* Ability to taunt nobles
* Ability to let nobles go, with a gain to honor and relation
* Ability to kill nobles permanently
* Ability to kill Kings permanently!
* Succession script, other Lord becomes King

- 68 battle flags added

* Unique flags per faction
* 1 flag per 10 men in a division
* Option to disable flags in battle
Author: Quintillius
Updated: September 11th 2016

- Extend your victory a bit

* After the battle, if you were victorious, you may decide what to do with
the prisoners. Your choices can change your money, prestige or your relation with
the enemy

 Take Prisoner - You can either recruit them or sell them as slaves
 Execute - Prestige boost, but means faction relation penalty as well
 Ransom - Earn money immediately. It’s around 40 Florins per
 Release - Do you have a noble heart?
 Let them go with
only underwear left - Do you really hate your enemies so much?
 Makes slaves of them - Adding prisoners as item to your inventory, use them in
Colonies (Acztaocs only)

- Volley fire by Caba’drin

* You can set divisions to fire in volleys
* Working for archers, crossbowmen and arquebusiers
* Use numpad period to start and to end volley fire

- Formations and AI Mods by Motomataru

* You can assign formations to divisions, choose either

 Ranks
 Shieldwall
 Wedge
 Square
 Wedge

* AI armies make formations as well

* Improved AI battlefield decision making
* Your troops start the battle in ‘hold’ position
* Hold-F1 ability is expanded. When placing flag into an enemy division, your troops will attack it
* In case of above situation and the enemy division has been wiped out, your troops will return to you

- Crusades & Jihads

* Crusader & Jihad camp
* Recruit troops or buy equipment at camp
* Unique Crusader equipment
* Holy City of Hiersolyma and Holy Land added
* Unique scenes for Hierosolyma (Muslim, Christian, Jewish quarters)
* AI Holy War armies will depart and conquer Hierosolyma

- Artillery (max. 6 in battles)

* Hire cannoneers at taverns and put cannons, cannonballs and gunpowder into your inventory
* Cannons will spawn on battlefield
* Cannoneers will find enemy and shoot
* Use Warband 'hold fire' function to stop shooting
* Use 'stand ground', 'charge' and more to shoot again
* Hold F1 function to manually set shoot target
* AI will have cannons too
* Cannoneers are mercenaries and can be upgraded 2x
* Skilled cannoneers can do their job faster
* Cannons spawn with stakes for a bit defence
* Cannonballs will have true physics, landing twice on the battlefield and wreak havoc all between them.
Author: Quintillius
Updated: September 11th 2016

* You can manually shoot the cannon

 Use arrow keys to position it
 Take control, load and fire the cannon
* You can disable artillery or affect how many are spawned

Building & Management

- Constructing: Village
* 10 different buildings can be built (church, barracks, school, ...)
* 3 different production buildings (stone quarry, lumberjack, blacksmith)
* You can see that the building is actually being constructed
* Production buildings can be upgraded, up to 5 lvls (with own unique building)
* Pay to Village Elder to set up construction site
* Drafting Table at site allows you to bring materials (timber, stone, tools) and finish construction
* Real-time building / upgrading. Set up construction and the building will appear. Upgrade it to another
level and you can see it
* Different buildings for Swadian, Sarranid, Rhodokian and Vaegir cultures.
* When your village grows, the villagers will build a greater religious place on their own

- Managing: Village
* Assign jobs to villagers (farmers, woodcutters, stonecutters, blacksmiths)
* These jobs let them harvest food or create materials (timber, stone, tools)
* These materials are needed for buildings
* Food is eaten by villagers, if too much food, people will move in, if too few, people will move out
* Set tax level (no tax, average, high, extreme, …)
* Ask for a salary (warning: village elder grabs too)
* Add personal gold to treasury.
* Special events (accidents, plague, murder, theft)
* If your village has 76 villagers, 76 villagers will actually walk around you

- Managing: Town
* Build what you want (church, townhall, walls, university, tavern, …)
* Hire commissioners to extend your options (Comm. of Finance & Justice)
* Town mechanics: tax, growth, population, religion, treasury, power
* Set tax level (from Very Low to Extreme)
* Low Religious Uniformity decreases population and mainly tax income. Heretics don’t pay
* Power in town is distributed to 4 classes: Nobility, Bourgeoisie, Clergy, Craftsmen
* You decide who gets powerful and who will be kept down. Each class has its own characteristics:

 Nobility - Makes proclaiming edicts quicker

 Bourgeoisie - Buildings become cheaper / extra income
 Clergy - Increases Religious Uniformity
 Craftsmen - Increases population growth

* Give power to a class with edicts and gifts

* Power is divided naturally as 50% Nobility, 10% Bourgeoisie, 35% Clergy and 5% Craftsmen and tends
to restore this order.
* If a class feels it has too little power they start becoming annoying
* Full details for population growth, tax income, religious uniformity changes at town overview, showing
each separate factor
* Announce an event with many personal gains (gold, prestige, strength of faith, +250 population)
* Random bad events (theft, nobility rises to power, Plague, …)
Author: Quintillius
Updated: September 11th 2016

- Kingdom management
* Choose a leader title (King, Sultan, Sjah, Antipope, Tsar, …)
* Every title has its own ‘crown’, given to player upon decision
* ‘King’ title will grant the Swadian culture group, ‘Sultan’ will give you access to desert troops, ‘Prince’
to Rhodok culture
* Choose kingdom banner and kingdom colour
* Kingdom mechanics: tax, religious uniformity, balance of power, technological research, debts
* Low Religious Uniformity destroys income. Heretics don’t pay
* Invest weekly in technological research to gain better stats for all kingdom troops
and to unlock new troop tiers. Here is an overview of technological stages:

 Stage I - Feudal technology (default)

 Stage II +4 Ironflesh,
+1 Power Strike
+5 % Income

 Stage III - + Troop Tier (reflecting 16th century)

+ New buildings for towns
+5 % Income

 Stage IV - +25 Men in lord's parties

+5% Income

 Stage V +1 Agility
+1 Power Strike
+5% Income

 Stage VI - + Troop Tier (reflecting 17th century)

+ New buildings for towns
+5% Income

 Stage VII - +1 Agility

+4 Ironflesh
+5% Income

* Your relationship with vassals will fade away over time, keep them happy, grant titles, give letters of
approval to avoid them defecting to other kingdoms
* Kingdom Balance of Power, grant power if you need something

 Clergy - Increases Religious Uniformity, reduces corruption

 Nobility - Larger army for every lord, proclaiming edicts easier
 Commoners - (Large) income boosts

* Appoint people for the council (diplomat, steward, treasurer, court chaplain)

Chancellor / Grand Vizier

* Appoint councillors
* Change banner and kingdom colour
* Proclaim edicts

* Dispatch an emissary to maintain diplomatic relations with other kingdoms

Author: Quintillius
Updated: September 11th 2016

* Grant titles to your vassals (Earl, Udelniy Knyaz, Sheik, Duke, …)

* Improve relations with your vassals
* Keep track on technological research

Treasurer / Tax Assessor

* Repay kingdom debts
* Invest in trade
* Invest in the kingdom
* Set King’s Purse (your salary)
* Donate to kingdom treasury
* Get financial information

Court Chaplain / Court Imam

* Increase Religious Uniformity (assign Head Inquisition, spend gold, grant privileges to clergy)
* Pray (for personal use)
* Economical mechanics:

 Tax - Towns are great sources for tax income, castles are not and
 villages a little
 Trade Tariffs - Villages provide greatly to trade. However trade can collapse
 during wartime
 Commoner Gifts - Give power to the commoners and they will be grateful
 State Expenditures - As your kingdom grows, you will face costs
 Research Investment - Really important to get access to best troops
 King’s Purse - Your own salary
 Noble’s Purses - You will pay for noble titles too
 Councillors salaries - You will pay salaries for councillors like the steward
 Interest 5% - You will pay interest for debts, created during a deficit
 Corruption - Depends on King’s Purse, if you grab, everyone will grab
 Keep clergy at power to reduce this

* AI: other kingdoms will advance in technology as well

- Improved town management

* Town management system of Medieval II is carefully replicated
* Build 75 unique buildings divided in 15 different tiers
* Rebalance the various powers in your city to gain access to unique bonuses or penalties
* Complex background scripts calculate growth, available recruits, income, religious uniformity and more
* Each building has its own unique bonuses either improving income, religious uniformity, growth or
adding more building/training slots
* Each city has 6 phases ranging from Town to Huge City, depending on population size. If you reach the
appropriate population level you can enter the next phase and gain access to new buildings
* Recruit all available troops at the recruitment tab, this applies for every faction
* Barracks give access to infantry, stables to cavalry andranges to ranged units. Improve these buildings to
gain more recruitable types
* Desert cultures have their own unique cards and pictures
* If your treasury is too high (>100,000) you'll get increased corruption which can even result in negative
* Scripts increase growth in case you suck at town management and growth falls below zero with only
2000 population or less
* Town news added to give you full detailed information about latest updates
* Detailed information about income, growth, uniformity changes and balance of power effects. You can
track down every single detail.
* Build churches, temples, mosques, synagogues or shamanistic shrines according to your religion. If you
follow Atheism, you'll need to build appropriate temples for the faction leader's religion or otherwise the
town's religion
Author: Quintillius
Updated: September 11th 2016

- Build your own stone castle

* You can create a construction site somewhere via camp menu
* Give your new castle a name
* Hire laborers to build your castle, you will pay salary weekly (incorporated in weekly budget overview)
* Wait few weeks before construction is completed or add timber, stone or tools to speed up construction
* Build up to 6 castles

New World

- Colonizing
* Large New World added
* Each seizable island produces unique goods (sable furs, sugar, tobacco, cotton, coffee, ivory, gold, silver,
* 4 Map icons for colonies (white flag, few houses, fortified)
* You can colonize 17 islands for yourself
* Populate it with either colonists or slaves
* Townwalkers can be asked to become colonists and slaves can be obtained via ransom brokers
* Build fortifications which changes map icon (fort, walls, towers)
* AI lords establish, seize and develop colonies as well
* Acztaoc Empire becomes hostile to everyone building colonies
* You can manually build structures
* Choose a building from the presentation to make it appear in the scene.
* Use arrow keys to move it, home/end respectively to rotate and up/down to change height position.
* You can select a nearby building and destroy it with backspace and delete keys respectively
* Use enter to memorize
* Advanced in-depth colony building system. Colonists require houses, food and materials
* You can import materials and food from the mainland in the Old World (expensive though)
* You can besiege colonies and your colony can become besieged by an enemy and plundered
* If you add AI-mesh to your colony scene, you can choose to defend there. Otherwise battle scenes will
appear at forts
* Events which can harm your colony such as bad harvest

- Acztaoc Empire
* New faction based on the Aztec with leader, troops, items and settlements added
* Unique map icons for villages, castles, towns and capital
* Scenes with unique buildings, houses, shrines and temples for the Azctaoc.
* Become member of the Acztaocs and exchange your ‘cursed’ gold for cocoa beans. Fight others for such
beans and prestige and become a Jaguar!
* Maize (Acztaocs only)
* Chocolate drink (Acztaocs only)

- Various special places

* Explore jungles
* Examine forgotten ruins
* Discover volcanoes
* Investigate huge caves
Author: Quintillius
Updated: September 11th 2016

Additional Features

* Currency changed to Florin

* Trigger added which removes prisoners if higher than 49 from lord parties monthly
* Fall damage increased with a multiplier of 10
* 4 types of townhalls (native, early, middle, late) for every town
* Every faction leader has its own unique ‘crown’
* More recruits (0-4) available if you own the village
* Nordic Kingdom renamed to Nordic Union
* Vaegir Kingdom renamed to Vaegir Tsardom
* Higher amount of mercenaries hireable in taverns
* Shield Bash: smash enemies to the ground with your shield (use CTRL).
* Mercenaries completely revised: new armour and weapons
* New mercenary types:

Mercenary Sword and Buckler Man

Mercenary Pikeman

* [OSP] Improved trade goods added (item modifers)

* New map icons for ships. Large parties have a fleet.
* Now a year is added every day for immersion. It slows down to 1 year p/wk after 1650 A.D. and
after 1695 it will use default calendar.
* Freelancer OSP
* Enhanced Tournaments OSP
* Papacy
* Throw bombs (accomanied with death explosions animations)
* Culture specific stock
 Every culture now sells it own goods. Nordic towns sell Nordic swords, axes, Rhodoks sell
morions, Sarranids sell Islamic stuff
* No resupply in enemy towns/villages
 Doors of arena, tavern and marketplace are closed if
o You have -30 or less relationship with faction
o You have -1 or less relationship
o It opens however if relationship with lord is 4 or more

Amount of Features:

~ 340 ~

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