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Traffic Signal Design

Assignment 1
(Due Date: 04 April, 2020, Time: 12.00 pm)
1) A pretimed four-phase signal has critical lane group flow rates for the first three phases of 200
+ (last 3-digits of your ID), 187, and 210 + (last 3-digits of your ID) veh/h (saturation flow
rates are 1800 veh/h/ln for all phases). The lost time is known to be (last digit of your ID)
seconds for each phase. If the cycle length is 60 + (last digit of your ID) seconds, determine
the estimated effective green time of the fourth phase.

2) Refer to the following level-grade 4-legged intersection (Figure 2) with peak hour volume for
right-rurn, left-turn and through movement (Figure 1). Assume, drivers are driving at right-
hand side in context of Bangladesh. Determine the following:
a) Determine the right-turn phasing. Split the right-turn movement based on Highway
Capacity Manual.
b) Determine the flow ratio and critical lane group.
c) Calculate optimal and minimum cycle length.
d) Allocate effective green-time, yellow time and all-red time.
e) Determine the minimum amount of pedestrian green time required for the intersection
of Vine and Maple Streets. Assume a maximum of (last 3-digit of your ID)
pedestrians crossing either street during any one phase and a crosswalk width of 12 ft

Figure 1: Peak-hour Traffic Volume

Figure 2: 4-legged Intersection

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