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Employee management is how you can help transform underperforming

employees into exceptional ones, and you can also help prevent top employees from

underperforming. Employee management is more than just employees doing their job, “it’s a

variety of procedures and strategies that can help you measure, monitor, and interact with the

workforce that plays a huge role in your company.”

 Company Name: Industrial Products Company

 Company Vice President: Mr. George

 Managing Director: Ms. Preet

 Satish was a Sales Manager for Industrial Products Company in City branch.

 He was promoted and shifted to head office as Deputy Manager - Product

Management for a division of products which he was not very familiar with.

 The company VP - Mr. George, convened a meeting of all Product Managers.

 Satish's new boss (Product Manager Ketan) was not able to attend due to some other


 The Marketing Director, Preet - asked Satish to attend the meeting as this would give

him an exposure into his new role.

 Preet introduced Satish very briefly to the VP. The meeting started with an address

from the VP and soon it got into a series of questions from him to every Product

Major and minor facts of case:

 Most of the Product Managers were very clear of George's ways of working and had

thoroughly prepared for the meeting and were giving to the point answer.

 George then started with Satish. Satish being new to the product, was quite confused

and fared miserably.

 Preet immediately understood that George had possibly failed to remember that Satish

was new to the job.

 Satish failed to give the answer to George because he is new to that role and he don’t

know purpose of the meeting.

 Even marketing director Preet also not interrupt the George in the middle of the

meeting because she thought that it is not a good manner.

 George who was pretty upset with the lack of preparation by Satish performance in

the meeting.

 Now Preet was in two minds - should he interrupt George and tell him that Satish is

new in that position OR should he wait till the end of the meeting and tell George


 After completion of meeting, George asked to managing director Preet about Satish’s

issue whether he did right or wrong .

 Preet said "Yes, you were. In fact, I was about to remind you that Satish is new to the


 George admitted that he had made a mistake and asked his secretary to get Satish

report to the room immediately.

Suggestions of the case:

According to this case,

 Before attending the meeting, Satish should know procedure and aim of meeting

conducted by George. According to that he has to prepared well for the meeting and

gather the relevant information.

 Coming to the marketing director Preet, at least she should inform to George about

Satish and also given information to the procedures of meeting.

 The company vice president Mr. George also take view on the newly promoted

employee then only he has an idea when he rising a question in the meeting.

 Managing employees is also very important in every company then only employees

feel free to express their opinions and views.

 It is one of the key factors that help managers perform the basic functions of

management – planning, organizing, motivating and controlling. Clear and effective

communication between you and your employees.

 You should consider supporting each member of your team and help them develop

skills they need to take initiatives and build momentum over time.

1. Was it all necessary for George to apologize to such a junior employee like
Yes, it is necessary for George to apologize Satish

Because he was new to his role and also junior to the George that is the reason,

he is not answering for the question asked by George in the meeting, saying

apologize is not giving any negative impression to the junior employee moreover

it gives boosting and confidence to the employee and it gives better outputs

2. If you were in Satish’s place, how would your response to George’s apology?

If I were in Satish’s place, I would like thanks and also inform to my boss its my

mistake without knowing anything I attend for the meeting and we are lucky to have a boss

like you sir understanding the situation giving apologize to junior employee. It is great

opportunity to myself as a good manager.

3. Was George correct in saying that Satish is there to correct the “Stupid Mistakes” of
his boss and George?

George means to says that to Satish don’t bring any wrong assumption from the company

side as we promoted to the higher position based on your talent and abilities skills. The

company expecting more dedication on your roles and don’t give chance to think stupid

mistakes made by his boss wrongly promoted. The company wants to you work based on the

company policies and authorities.

4.Would you employee George in your company?

Yes, I would like to employ George in my company because the person who realizes his

mistake even in a senior position he says apologize to his junior is a great quality and

coordinating the other members in the organisation .these type of people will have democratic

leadership skills to encourage others.

5. Did Preet make a mistake by not interrupting during the meeting and correct
George’s misconception about Satish?

No , Preet didn’t make any mistake because it is not correct to interrupt while meeting is

going on that’s why she stayed calm .even some point of time he should remind him about


6.As an Hr man, how would you define the character of George- bullying but later
regretting? Does his attitude need to be corrected?

George is a very dedicated with his work and goal-oriented person. He is having good

understanding skills and motivation skills and moreover he is very transparency to other

members of the organisation. But enhance his people skills to meet with other people.

7.Would you be happy to have George/Preet as your boss?

Yes , I would be very happy working with these people like George and Preet because
these people gives comfort and enthusiasm to work nature ,work group.

From above case what we observe in the sense employee like Satish newly promoted
as deputy manager he should learn people nature and new work environment .always keep
learning is more important in all stages and do more practice then only he can reach his manager we can learn how to manage the business, how to manage the workers and
he should be grown up like multitask person.

“Transparency shows your integrity as a leader.”

With regards

B k mahalakshmi
Lecture in management

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