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Case Study - 4 13-04-20

Title: Job satisfaction in pharmaceutical firm

Brief introduction of case:

Mr. Ravi Chandra Shetty is the Chief Executive of a medium- sized

pharmaceutical firm in Calcutta. He holds a Ph D in Pharmacy. However, he has not been

involved in research and development of new products for two decades. Turnover is not a

problem for the company. Mr. Ravi Chandra and his senior colleagues noticed that the

workers on hourly basis are not working up to their full potential. It is well known fact that

they filled their days with unnecessary and unproductive activities and worked only for the

sake of a pay cheque.

The Pharmaceutical sector plays a vital role in underpinning the economic development of a

country. This study attempts to evaluate job satisfaction of employees in pharmaceutical

company. The company which focus on providing satisfaction to its employees are likely to

achieve the targets and higher status of the organization.

Job satisfaction is the degree of favorableness with which employees view their work. It is an

important contributing factor towards a person’s motivation and productivity. Job satisfaction

is a factor that influences whether an employee will remain in a position or seek work

elsewhere. Furthermore, job satisfaction can influence the quality of work produced.
Major and minor facts of case:

 It is sector where more of innovation and research development is needed and its

impact on performance due to motivational strategies in the contemporary global

business scenario.

 Mr. Ravi Chandra and his senior colleagues noticed that the workers on hourly basis

are not working up to their full potential.

 It is well known fact that they filled their days with unnecessary and unproductive

activities and worked only for the sake of a pay cheque.

 In the recent past the situation has become quite alarming as the organization began

to crumble under the weight of uneconomical effort.

 Mr. Ravi Chandra knew very well that the only way to progress and prosper is to

motivate workers to peak performance through various incentive plans.

 Workers are not satisfied with the benefits provided by the company,

 At the same time workers are not showing interest on any motivational aspects given

by the company.

 The main reason behind this workers promotion are based on length of service not

based on their quality work performance.

 Job satisfaction affects the lives of all workers, including health workers.

 The recognition and empowering the people working in an organization of satisfying

them to continue the job and retain the talent.

 The Personnel Manager gave the following reply: “I have already informed you a
number of times, that money, working conditions and benefits are not enough. Other
things are equally important.
 One of workers in that group recently gave me a clue as to why more and more

workers are joining the bandwagon of ‘non-performers’. He felt bad that hard work

and efficiency go un-noticed and un-rewarded in our organization

Suggestions /recommendations:

 To study the influence of workplace environment on the satisfaction level from the

job of employees in the pharmaceutical industry particularly.

 To explore the way the job empowerment by the employer to its effect on satisfaction

from their job specifically in the pharmaceutical sector.

 To evaluate if there is a significant influence of recognition from employers on

satisfaction of people working in the company of pharmaceutical industry.

 Recognition is one of the genuine features that manage to win satisfaction for the

employees in every organization. It explains the concept of rewarding the employees

for their good performance at their workplace.

 Motivation is one of the factors among many that plays a vital role in creating job

satisfaction among the employees, it refers to the willingness to exert high levels of

effort towards organizational goals.

 The morale and status of every employee are raised when they are appreciated for

their work, success, and achievements.

 The charismatic leadership also brings in high empowerment to the employees thus

increasing their job satisfaction level at workplace.

 The amount of dissatisfaction among the employees increases when they see the

professional promotion, workload at the workplace, amount of work responsibility

and unhealthy competition.

 Empowerment is the ultimate way to deal with stress. Employee empowerment

provides initiative for the workers to enjoy autonomy at their workplaces.

 Appreciation, approval on accomplishments, and acknowledgment are also key

factors for increasing the confidence of employee.


1. Explain the motivational problem in this case by relating to

Herzberg’s theory.?

In 1959, Frederick Herzberg, a behavioural scientist proposed a two-factor theory or the

motivator-hygiene theory. According to Herzberg, there are some job factors that result in
satisfaction while there are other job factors that prevent dissatisfaction. According to
Herzberg, the opposite of “Satisfaction” is “No satisfaction” and the opposite of
“Dissatisfaction” is “No Dissatisfaction.

Herzberg classified these job factors into two categories-

1. Hygiene factors:  hygiene factors are those factors which when

adequate/reasonable in a job, pacify the employees and do not make

them dissatisfied. These factors are extrinsic to work. Hygiene

factors are also called as dissatisfiers or maintenance factors as

they are required to avoid dissatisfaction. 

2. Motivators: According to Herzberg, the hygiene factors cannot be

regarded as motivators. The motivational factors yield positive

satisfaction. These factors are inherent to work. These factors

motivate the employees for a superior performance. These factors

are called satisfiers

Here the company used hygiene factors to motivate the workers it leads a temporary

satisfaction to the workers.

Motivational problem in this theory:

 Hygiene factors are those job factors which are essential for existence of motivation at

workplace. These do not lead to positive satisfaction for long-term.

 The hygiene factors symbolized the physiological needs which the individuals wanted

and expected to be fulfilled.

  Job security, salary, fringe benefits, work conditions, good pay, paid insurance,

vacations leads to dissatisfaction.

 All these are given temporary satisfaction to the employees.

 This increases laziness towards the employees.

 This is the situation raised in the company without any variance between the work

performance and expert in work done by the Ravi Chandra companies management.

 Equal important given to the each and employee.

 The problem is that many employers look at the hygiene factors as ways to motivate

when, in fact, beyond the very short term, them do very little to motivate.

2. What would be your response to Ravi Chandra’s statement, if you were

the Personnel Manager of the Company?

If I am the personal manager of the company, I would like to give clarity to the officer about

the company position and workers attitude that we called dissatisfaction of job. I just give my

suggestions to overcome these problems.

 Fix poor and obstructive company policies.

 Provide effective, supportive and non – instructive supervision.

 Create and support a culture of respect and dignity for all team members.

 Ensure that wages are competitive.

 Build job status by providing meaningful work for all positions.

 Provide job security.

 All these actions help to eliminate job dissatisfaction in the company.

 The financial and non-financial forms of recognition are important for raising the

morale of the employee.

 working conditions, pay and promotion, job security, fairness, relationship with co-

workers and supervisors in affecting the job satisfaction.

3. If you were the manager, how would you motivate the employees so that
they work better?

If I’m the manager I’m going to motivate the employees according to their needs and
understanding their feelings and emotions.

 Providing opportunities for achievement.

 Recognizing people’s contributions.
 Creating work that is rewarding and that matches
 people’s skills and abilities.
 Giving as much responsibility to each team member as possible.
 Providing opportunities to advance in the company through internal promotions.
 Offering training and development opportunities, so that people can pursue the
positions they want within the company.
 Friendly competition amongst teams helps with employee engagement and employee


 Creating a friendly work environment.

 Treating all employees are equal.

Not only pharmaceutical company in any company employee satisfaction is more

important than only company productivity will be increased. Employees are the
backbone of the company. Every time we can’t satisfy the employees by giving
monetary benefits. Both monetary and non – monetary benefits are important. the
internal workplace factors involve support and motivation from the peers and
employees, which force them to give their best and make hundred percent out of their
competence and skills gives the quality of work performance. Motivation plays a
crucial role in order to understand the employee feelings and emotions towards their
work nature.



With regards

B K Mahalakshmi
(Lecturer in management dept)
Aditya degree college gopalapatanam

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