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Biology Model Questions For Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance


1. If an HIV patient takes a drug that inhibits the function of viral reverse
transcriptase enzyme, which of the following processes would be primarily affected? A.
Entry of the virus into the patients cell B. Copying of RNA into DNA C. Copying of
DNA into RNA D. Protein synthesis

2. Which of the following techniques is more appropriate to produce genetically

modified organism? A. Artificial insemination B. Vegetative propagation C. Genetic
engineering D. Sexual hybridization

3. Suppose a student noticed that many plants in a garden died following an excess
application of certain fertilizers, to which step of the scientific method would this
correspond? A. Experimentation B. Formulation of hypothesis C. Observation
D. Conclusion

4. Which of the following statements is correct about HIV? A. It is a bacteriophage

B. It is a retrovirus C. It is a DNA virus D. It infects plants and animals

5. Which of the following terms is used to refer to the maximum number of individuals
that a given environment can support over a long period of time without degradation of
the environmental resources? A. Climax community B. Carrying capacity
C. Limiting factor D. Population density

6. Which biome of the world is characterized by less than 250mm of annual rain fall
and plants called ephemerals? A. Desert B. Tropical rain forest C. Deciduous forest

7. Which one of the following approaches of pest control is considered biological

control? A. Crop rotation B. Fumigation to kill pests C. Using a natural enemy of the
pest D. Combing all methods of pest control.

8. Which one of the following is true about a population whose size is maintained at
the carrying of its environment? A.It grows at its biotic potential B
Its growth rate eventually declines C. It overshoots the environmental resistance D.
It maintains a dynamic equilibrium with the environments

9. Which one of the following is the starting point of primary succession?

A. Abandoned farm land B. Forests destroyed by fire C. Forests destroyed by humans
D. Land never been colonized before by life

10. Which one of the following sources of energy is renewable? A. Mineral coal
B. Petroleum C. Bio-fuel such as methanol D. Natural gasses such as methane

11. Identify from the following, a biological control method of malaria? A. Using fishes
to feed on mosquito larvae B. Use of DDT spraying to kill mosquitoes C. Using crop
rotation in farms D. Hand picking of adult mosquitoes

12. Which of the following types of forests in Ethiopia is the poorest in the number of
tree species? A. Eucalyptus forests B. Poducarpus forests C. Broad leaved
forests of the south forest D. Juniperus forest
13. Which of the following is true about the meanings contained in the name HIV and
AIDS? A. AIDS refers to the symptoms B. HIV refers to the symptoms that
characterize the condition C.AIDS refers to causative agent D. All of the above

14. Which of the following agricultural practice is expected to impose more genetic
changes on crops? A. Cultivation B. Domestication C. Sowing D. Harvesting

15. The name given to the pioneer plants that begin primary succession on very dry
substratum like bare rock, sand dune or cooled volcanic lava A.
Hydrophytes B. Xerophytes C. Halophytes D. Mesophytes

16. In which biome of the world are ephemerals and succulents more common?

A. Temperate grass land B. Deciduous forests C. Savanna D. Desert

17. In order for a population to grow as its biotic potential, which one of the following
should be available? A. Strong environmental resistance B. Maximum density
dependent effect C. Maximum density independent effect D. Unlimited supply of

18. One of the following is true about mutualistic interaction between two species? A.
Both species benefit B. Both species are harmed C. One species harmed and the
second benefited D. One species harmed and the second remain unaffected

18. In which aspect of biodiversity are such measures like richness, abundance and
taxonomic diversity in population commonly applied? A. Species diversity
B. Ecosystem diversity C. Genetic diversity D. Cultural diversity

19. In an ecosystem, the presence which of the following groups is essential in order
for others to be present? A. Decomposers B. Autotrophs C. Herbivores D. Omnivores

20. Which of the following elements is found in protein and nucleic acids but does not
occur in carbohydrates? A. Carbon B. Nitrogen C. Oxygen D. Hydrogen

21. Which aspect of life is grouped into autotrophic in some organisms and
heterotrophic in others? A. The transport system B. The aspect of nutrition

C. Aerobic nutrition D. The coordination system

22. The concentration of which of the following gases is on the increase in the
atmosphere in recent years than before? A. O2 B. Nitrogen C. Co2 D. Ozone

23. With which type of agricultural crops are nitrogen fixing bacteria more associated?

A. Legumes B. Cereals C. Vegetables D. Fruits

24. What is the process by which cells like amoeba and white blood cells engulf and
internalize particles such as bacteria?
A. Osmosis B. Active transport C. Pinocytosis D. Phagocytosis

25. Of the following which cell type attacked by HIV?

A. Red blood cells B. Egg cells C. T-helper cells D. Sperm cells

26. Identify the enzyme that is used to cut DNA molecules into small pieces?
A. Restriction endonuclease B. Reverse transcriptase . DNA polymerase D. Urease

27. What is a biome? A. The total life zone of the earth′s surface
B. Group of populations that interact with the physical environment C. a group of
interacting individuals of the same species D. A region of the characterized by
distinctive life forms

28. What is implied by biological magnification? A. Increases in the sizes organisms

with increasing trophic levels B. Increase in the number of organisms at higher
trophic levels C. More concentration of chemicals in organisms of higher trophic
levels D. Capture of small organisms by larger organisms

29. What is the cause of infectious diseases? A. A. The parental genes

B. Microorganisms C. Carcinogenic substances D. Bad life styles

30. What does the feeding relationship in an ecosystem consists? A. Many stages of
community B. Always a network of interconnected food chains C. One organism
feeds on another but itself eaten by another one.

31. Which one of the following belongs to the category of the heterotrophic organisms?

A. Algae B. Fungi C. Higher plants D. Mosses

32. Among the human disease, identify that is transmitted through vector

A. Leprosy B. Chancroid C. Gonorrhea D. Leishmaniasis

33. A number of viruses, including HIV, have more than one strain. This shows that

viruses are:-A. Capable of living outside their host B. Capable of reproduction

C. Capable of mutation D. Obligate parasites

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