E-Mail Automation Tool: Steps For Installation

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1. Search “ JDK Download “ in Google and click on the Java SE – Downloads

from Oracle Network.

From the list of versions, Select the latest version to perform the operation
and click on the JDK download.
2. Next Step, Accept License Agreement and choose the latest Java JDK for
your version (32 or 64 bit) for Windows.

3.  Once the download is complete, run the exe file to install the JDK file. And
then Click on Next.
4. Select the Path to install the Java development files and then click on next.

5. Once the installation is complete, if user need to tutorial or guide - click on

next steps button. To close, click on close button
6. Next Step is to set the PATH and CLASSPATH in system properties. For
that Right Click on My Computer and Select the properties

7. Click on the advanced system settings

8. Select the Environment Variables

9. Select the path in system variables to change

10. Click on Edit button and  Copy the path of bin folder where the JDK file is
installed and Paste that Path of bin folder in Variable value and click on OK
11. After the Installation, to check whether JDK is installed. Open Command
Prompt and type javac – version and javac commands.


1. Download Eclipse from www.eclipse.org/downloads .

2. The drop down box in the right corner of the download page allows you to
set the operating system [32 or 64] on which eclipse is to be installed.
Eclipse is packaged as a zip file.
3. On the windows platform, if you extracted the contents of the zip file to
c:\, then you can start eclipse by using c:\eclipse\eclipse.exe
4. When eclipse starts up for the first time it prompts you for the location of
the workspace folder. You can accept the default or choose a new location
by clicking on Browse button. And click on OK button.

5. The main screen of the Eclipse window will be like.

6. To Create a Java project, user has to click File – New – Java project. Then
the respective window will be like

7. After Creating the java project ,in the window that particular project
folder will appears as follows

Project folder

8. Then, in that folder in SRC folder we need to create a new class to perform
the java code

9. After creating the java file, user can code the program in it.

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