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Grade 11 Biology

Keys to review and unit of questions

Unit 1: science of biology

Page 14-15

1. C 2. D 3. C 4 .B 5.C 6. A 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.C

Page 23-24

1. C 2. C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.C

Page 29-30: 1. C 2.D 3.B 4D 5. C

Page 35: 1.D 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D

Keys to end of unit of questions

Steps of scientific method


1. Ask a question
 Identify problem observations
 Identify what may be the IV and the DV

2. Background research

 Find out about the problems

 That problem so that you do not have to start from scratch

3. Hypothesis

Think of the way you expect the IV to influence the DV

4. Experiment

 Think of a suitable way of changing the IV a measuring the DV. Keep other variable that
influences the outcome
 Repeat the investigation for greater reliability

5. Analyze result and draw conclusion

 Look for trends and patterns in the results and try to explain these trends and patterns in
terms of the influence of the IV on the DV.

6. Accept or reject hypothesis

 If the results support the IV hypothesis accept it.

 If they do not, it must be rejected. Sometimes
 Results are inconclusive and, again, the hypothesis must be rejected. In both these cases
further experimentation may be necessary.

7. Report findings

A research reports their findings in professional journal.

Negative results can be just as important as positive one and also need reporting

2. a) i) IV is the variable that experimenter changes

ii) DV is the variables that change as a result of changes in the IV and is measured by the

b) if other variable are not control, the experiment may not be valid as it will not be known if
change in the DV are a result of changes in the IV or because other variables have an influence.

c) A control experiment is standard against which to compare. If the IV is absent from the
control experiment, any change here are due to natural event and can be assumed to happen in
the other experiment


 Accuracy refers to how precisely you measure or count something

 Reliability is a measure of how dependable the results are.
 Validity is about whether or not you experiment measures what it say it is

4, a) i) As temperature increases, rate of reaction increases up to 40oC

Then decreases rapidly to zero at 60oC

ii) Highest rate of reaction at PH 6, Falls away above and below this

b) Ideal conditions are Ph6 and 40oC

as these are the conditions that give highest rates individually

5. a) b)

 0ptical microscope: both– magnification/ identification of specimens

 Quadrats: field – estimating abundance of organisms
 Altimeter: field _ measuring height of objects
 Electronic balance: lab – measuring mass
 Pipette: Both- transferring liquids
 Petri dish: Lab -culturing micro- organism/enzyme activity
-Assay/antibiotic activity assay
 Plant press: Field -temporary preservation/storage of plant specimens

Limit number of sexual partners – restrict the transmission of HIV

Male circumcision – reduces acquisition by males
Use of condoms-restrict transmission of AIDS

7. a) Anti- retroviral drugs break the replication cycle of HIV in cells some block

 The entry phase

 The reverse transcription to DNA phase
 Incorporation into host cell DNA
 Viral protein synthesis stage
b) i)

Alost half the treatments are in Addis Ababa

Most of the rest are in cities/towns
Fewest in rural areas


Greatest concentration of population in cities

Problems with getting information to rural areas
Problems with getting treatments to rural areas
Keys to end of unit of questions

Crossword puzzle

Across Down

1. Fair test 1. Microscope

8. Spontaneous generation 3. Accuracy
10. DV 4. Hypothesis
13. HAART 5. Francesco Redi
14. AIDS 6. Luis Pasteur
17. Phospholipid 10. Hydrogen bond

19. Functional group 11. Polysaccharides

20. Disaccharide 13. Glycosidic

21. Carbon16 Hydrogen

18. Water

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