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This shows what Lesson #34

lesson we’re on

This is the
lesson’s topic
Skill: Tattling
A quick review from
 Review the last session

 What is the difference between teasing and bullying?

 Have you witnessed any bullying since last session? How did you respond?

The left column contains the

Topic  Discussion Prompts overarching topic; the right
column contains discussion
What Is Explain to the group that today they will learn about the difference between two kinds of
Tattling? information – reporting and tattling, as well as about when it is appropriate to report

 What does “tattling” mean? Have students brainstorm a definition.

- Tattling is when you tell on somebody who is doing something that you think is
 Have you ever tattled? What happened?
 Has anyone ever tattled on you? What happened?
 Have you ever reported something and the adult told you to quit tattling? What

Tatting vs. Explain that sometimes you will have to tell an adult about things another person is doing,
Reporting but other times you should not. The times when you should not report is when it is tattling.

 What is the difference between tattling and reporting?

- Tattling is when you are trying to get others into trouble
- Reporting is when there is a dangerous situation
- You shouldn’t tattle, but you should report
- etc.
 When is it tattling?
- When you are trying to get someone else
The in trouble in green
- When you are getting into someone else’s
are businessprompts to
- When the situation is something unimportant or harmless
guide your lesson; the
- When you could solve the problemdashed
by yourself
sentences in black
- When the behavior was an accident are possible answers
- etc.
 When is it reporting?
- When there is a dangerous situation
- When someone is destroying / breaking something
- When someone is getting hurt or being threatened
- When you are trying to keep someone safe
- When it is important

Created by Viola Dean, M.S., CCC-SLP, 2014 1

Lesson #34

Tatting vs. - When you need help from an adult

Reporting - When the behavior is on purpose
(cont’d) - etc.
 What are some examples of situations that you should report?
- Someone falling down and being hurt (dangerous)
- Someone writing on the walls (destructive)
- Someone being threatened (dangerous)
- You have asked someone repeatedly to stop bothering you but they won’t listen
You can modify the
(problem you can’t solve on your own)
duration of each lesson by
- etc.
omitting / adding certain
 What are some examples of situations that you should not report?
- Someone making silly faces at you (harmless)prompts as you
see fit
- Someone bumping into you on accident (unintentional)
- Someone not paying attention (mind your own business)
- etc.
 What might happen if you do not report when you should?
- Someone might get hurt
- You might get in trouble because the situation could have been prevented
- Something might break
- etc.
 Why is tattling a bad habit?
- It is not very nice
- You should mind your own business
- Tattling gets others into trouble
- etc.
 How will others feel about you when you tattle a lot?
- They might not want to spend time with you
- They might call you a “tattletale”
- They might get their feelings hurt
- etc. When no answer is provided after
 Have you ever had a hard time knowing whether you should
a prompt, report the
it is because or not report? What
happened? question is aking for student’s
 What should you do when you are not sure about whether
individual or not
experiences to report something?
or opinions
- Report it – better safe than sorry!


After each discussion

section, there is space for
your own notes.

Created by Viola Dean, M.S., CCC-SLP, 2014 2

Lesson #34

 Activity #1: Reporting or Tattling?

Supplements After each lesson, there
Materials: Set-up: Explain are
to the group that during this activity they will practiceItdistinguishing
are activities. is up to tattling
 Supplement included in a
from reporting.
34-01 separate folder you which ones you want
to do.
 Print, cut, and laminate the reporting/tattling cards (Supplement 34-01)
 Read each card out loud
 Have the students decide whether the statement on the card was reporting or
 For each card, have them explain why it is reporting or tattling

 You can add movement to this activity by having students move to one side of the
room if they think it is tattling and the other side of the room if they think it is
 You could turn this into a game by using a buzzer (e.g., from Taboo game), having
students come up two at a time, reading a statement, and having the first person
who buzzes in explain why it was reporting or tattling (and explaining why)

Post-Activity  Was this activity easy or difficult? Why?

Discussion  What strategies did you use to determine whether a statement
Each activity comes was reporting or
Prompts tattling? with suggested
 Did everyone agree whether a statement was discussion
or tattling?
 What kind of tattling or reporting have you heard around you this week?

 Activity #2: Reporting or Tattling Poster

Materials: Set-up: Explain to the group that during this activity they will practice distinguishing the
 Supplement The Supplement
characteristics numbers
of tattling are coded:
and reporting.
34-02 the first number (34) is the lesson, and
 Scissors the second number (02) is the activity
 Glue
the amaterial
 Print copy of was created or
the Reporting for.Tattling poster (Supplement 34-02) for each
 Have students cut out the characteristics of reporting and tattling (page 2)
 Have students glue the characteristics into the correct column of the poster
(page 1)
 Discuss each of the characteristics with the group

 Give students only page 1 and have them come up with appropriate characteristics
by themselves and write them on the paper

Created by Viola Dean, M.S., CCC-SLP, 2014 3

Lesson #34

Post-Activity  Was this activity easy or difficult? Why?

Discussion  How did you know whether a characteristic was tattling or reporting?
Prompts  Is it sometimes difficult to know whether to report something? Why?

 Activity #3: “A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue”

Materials: Tip: Don’t own this book? Check on, often you can find books being
 Book: “A read aloud. You could let your students watch it on the computer!
Bad Case of Some activities
Tongue” by involve books
Julia Cook  Read the book to the group
 As you are reading, have the students predict what might happen next

Post-Activity  Did you like this story? Why or why not?

Discussion  Do you think the other students like Josh? Why or why not?
Prompts  What is Tattle Tongue?
 Why does Josh not report Billy the Bully?
 What are the consequences of Josh not reporting Billy the Bully?
 What are the tattle rules?
 What does it mean to be a Danger Ranger?
 What does it mean to be a Problem Solver?
 What is the difference between a Not Now Problem or Now Problem?
 What does it mean to mind your own business?

 Activity #4: “Don’t Squeal Unless It’s a Big Deal”

Materials: Tip: Don’t own this book? Check on, often you canWhen find available,
books being
I included
 Book: “Don’t read aloud. You could let your students watch it on the computer! One
to videoscan be story
of this
Squeal found here: being read out loud, in
Unless It’s a case you don’t own the
Big Deal” by book
Jeanie Franz Instructions:
Ransom  Read the book to the group
 As you are reading, have the students predict what might happen next

Post-Activity  Did you like this story? Why or why not?

Discussion  How were the students in the class tattling?
Prompts  How do you know they were tattling and not reporting?
 What is the new rule? What does it mean?
 What is an example of a kid-sized problem?
 What is an example of a problem that is a big deal?
 What is the emergency?

Created by Viola Dean, M.S., CCC-SLP, 2014 4

Lesson #34

 Homework
At the
Make sure not to tattle. Also, pay attention to other people endand
tattling of reporting.
each Next time, be ready to
share how you did and what you noticed. lesson, there is a
short homework

Scroll down
for examples
of the
for Activities
#1 & #2

Created by Viola Dean, M.S., CCC-SLP, 2014 5

Lesson #34

“James “A 5th grader

“Gloria is pushing
didn’t eat those
want to play Kindergarten
with me!” her lunch!”
This is page 1 of
the materials
“I’ve asked John “Tony is
needed for “Kaylee is
to stop
bothering me throwing
Activity #1 throwing
three times, rocks at leaves!”
but he won’t
listen!” kids!”

“Ashley “Sean isn’t “Sam is

didn’t paying writing bad
attention to words onto
finish her
the his desk!”
work!” teacher!”

“Mary stayed “Tina says “Ollie ran

home from I’m not her out into
school today
and she wasn’t friend the
even sick.” anymore!” street!”

Created by Viola Dean, M.S., CCC-SLP, 2014 6

Lesson #34


This and the

next page are
the materials
needed for
Activity #2

Created by Viola Dean, M.S., CCC-SLP, 2014 7

Lesson #34

Trying to get someone Behavior is on

into trouble accident
Harmless – no one
gets hurt
You can solve the
problem by yourself
Trying to keep
Behavior is on purpose
someone safe
You need help from an

Created by Viola Dean, M.S., CCC-SLP, 2014 8

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