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EACWE4 — The Fourth European & African Conference on Wind Engineering

J. Náprstek & C. Fischer (eds); ITAM AS CR, Prague, 11-15 July, 2005, Paper #210

Small wind turbines for the built environment

G.J.W. van Bussel1, S.M. Mertens2

ABSTRACT: There is a growing interest for the use of wind power at buildings. But wind turbine deployment
in the built environment is inherently more complicated than in rural, open spaces. Safe and reliable
operation of wind turbines in the highly turbulent built environment is specialised and technically challenging.
In most situations the deployment of existing (small) wind turbines will not be very successful due to the fact
that they are not adapted to the complex wind environment. Several novel designs are discussed, as well as the
results of a conceptual design study for a wind power plant on top of the Freedom Tower of the new World
Trade Centre in New York. Non-technical barriers such as economics, bureaucratic and regulatory issues are
not being addressed, although they are very important for successful implementation of wind turbines in the
built environment.


There is a growing interest for the use of wind power
at buildings. The most outspoken example is Two examples of existing wind turbine-building
inevitably the design for the Freedom Tower, the combinations can be found at the Saxion hogeschool
new landmark to be realised on the World Trade in Deventer (NL) and at the main office of the
Centre site in New York City, USA. In this design, insurance company OHRA located near Arnhem
integration of wind turbines in the top of the building (NL). Figures 1 and 2 show the wind turbines on top
is proposed to comply with the New York City green of these buildings.
building charter.
Wind turbine deployment in the built
environment is inherently more complicated than in
rural, open spaces. In successfully exploiting wind
energy in the built environment three major issues
can be identified: Wind resource assessment and
wind characterisation around buildings, structural
integration of wind turbines with buildings and
special urban wind turbine design requirements.
Safe and reliable deployment of wind turbines in
the highly turbulent built environment is specialised
and technically challenging. In almost all situations
the use of existing (small) wind turbines will be
problematic due to the fact that they are not adapted Figure 1: Saxion building
to the complex wind environment and to additional
building related requirements. Some of these
requirements are the severe noise restrictions and the
ability to match the structural and esthetical integrity
of buildings. This means that new ways need be
found in the design of new wind turbines that do fit
the requirements for the built environment.
Non-technical barriers such as economics,
bureaucratic and regulatory issues will not be
addressed, although they are very important for
successful implementation of wind turbines in the
built environment.

Figure 2: OHRA Building

Dr. Gerard J.W. van Bussel Associate Professor, section Wind Energy, Faculty Aerospace Engineering TU Delft, Kluijverweg 1,
2629HS Delft, The Netherlands e-mail:
Ir. ing. Sander M. Mertens, Former PhD Student, TU Delft, The Netherlands, presently affiliated at DHV Building and
Construction, P.O. Box 19054, 2500CB Den Haag, The Netherlands e-mail

The Fourth European & African Conference on Wind Engineering, Paper #210
turbines per year was estimated (with a swept area
between 6 and 10 m2).
Finally a third survey was made within the DEN-
NOVEM (the Dutch national Sustainable Energy
programme) by Lakeman et al (2002), where it was
concluded that the potential market for Urban wind
turbines was in the order of 50 to 60 MW in
capacity. With an average capacity of 3 to 5 kW this
equals to about 10,000 to 20,000 windturbines.
In a strategy document submitted by the
American Wind Energy Association small wind
turbine committee chaired by Bergey (2002), a
projected total of 75,000 MW wind power capacity
by 2020 is provided by small to medium scale
Figure 3: Vertical axis wind turbine on top of the central systems. Of this amount some 15,000 MW is
stairway of the Saxion building foreseen at locations that are (also) suitable for
The vertical axis wind turbine op top of the rooftop mounting of wind turbines. So a potential
Saxion building, see figure 3, is used as an market of similar extent as in the EU is foreseen for
experimental set-up for students. In the second the USA.
application a similar wind turbine is used to provide There is thus a potential worldwide market of
electrical power for the illumination of the skybox millions of units, provided the cost targets with
on top of the building. respect to cost of electricity can be met. It should be
The wind turbines used on these buildings are taken into account that the targeted cost for urban
modifications of existing products on the market. wind turbine electricity is a level below the domestic
Their aerodynamic behaviour has been determined in purchasing price of electricity, which is substantially
wind tunnel experiments by Toet and Vermeer higher than its average production costs (typically
(1996) and by Mertens (2000). Their working three to four times higher in NW Europe).
principle is determined by the drag difference
between the protruding and the retracting parts of the
rotor. This leads to an inherent low aerodynamic 4 REQUIREMENTS FOR WINDTURBINES IN
efficiency. In sections 4 and 6 the aerodynamic THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT
conversion efficiency of vertical axis wind turbines
is elaborated further. Modern wind turbines are usually developed
according to the three bladed horizontal axis wind
(HAWT) principle, operating with a high tip speed,
3 POTENTIAL MARKETS FOR SMALL URBAN typically around 60 m/s. They usually operate in
WIND TURBINES well-exposed wind conditions, away from populated
areas. Their dimensions have grown to well beyond
In The Netherlands a number of studies have been 100 m. in height, and to rotor diameters of similar
performed regarding the potential market for urban dimensions. Wind turbines for use in the built
wind turbines on buildings. These studies reveal that environment however have to be developed using a
the opportunities for locating wind turbines on different set of design starting points. The design of
buildings are quite substantial. The most promising such urban wind turbines is driven by the following
combination is found in a building of several floors, requirements:
well exposed to the wind with respect to x Good performance in complex winds
neighbouring buildings, equipped with a fairly small x Safe operation in the urban environment
wind turbine. Estimates regarding the number of x Low noise level
buildings that are potential locations for rooftop x Simple, rugged design
mounting of wind turbines are found in an MSc x Minimised maintenance
thesis from Koehorst (2001) and amount some x Aesthetic appearance
40,000 buildings.
In a later study, performed within the framework With respect to the first point it already becomes
of a Dutch R&D programme, kiem-EET by Timmers clear that the design solution will look different for
et al (2003), a sales volume of around 1000 wind application on rooftops of buildings. Horizontal axis

G.J.W. van Bussel, S.M. Mertens
wind turbines make use of a yawing system to track somewhat lower efficiency in an ideal undisturbed
variations in wind direction. In urban areas, and low turbulence wind environment. In the built
definitively on top of buildings, wind direction environment the important advantage of this turbine
variations can be considerable. HAWT’s then have a is that it will run smoothly in high turbulence winds
clear disadvantage, since the yaw system, is in having intrinsically large directional wind
general not able to follow these fast and extensive fluctuations. And this advantage can easily outweigh
variations. This results in a continuous misalignment the higher efficiency of a HAWT under smooth wind
of the wind turbine with the direction of the wind, conditions.
and an inherent loss in efficiency. This is a major An example of a modern Darrieus wind turbine
reason for the preference of a vertical axis wind located on a flat roof is shown in figure 5. This
turbine (VAWT) for rooftop application. machine is equipped with a small Savonius rotor in
The aerodynamic efficiency of a wind turbine the centre acting as a start-up aid..
depends upon other things on the way the wind
energy is converted into mechanical power. A high
aerodynamic efficiency can be achieved when the
working principle is based upon lift forces. Such
wind turbines make use of airfoil shaped blades in
order to generate their driving force. This is usually
the case for HAWT’s. Concerning VAWT’s there is
a wider range of operating principles. Lift based
VAWT’s usually run fast and have slender blades
(see fig 5), just like modern HAWT’s.

Figure 5: Globuan, a modern Darrieus wind turbine

located on a flat roof.


Flows around buildings are inherently complex. At

first the topology of the terrain in the oncoming
direction of the wind determines the local wind
structure in terms of average wind speed; vertical
gradient and turbulence intensity. Secondly the
topology of the building itself and of adjacent
Figure 4: Aerodynamic principle of operation of the buildings will determine the local structure.
Darrieus rotor. 5.1 Characterisation of the flow on top of buildings
This in contrast to drag driven wind turbines, which An example of the complex flow conditions that
achieve a significantly lower aerodynamic efficiency occur around a square building is shown in figure 6.
and use a large amount of material, see e.g. figure 3. Here the flow around a square obstacle in a wind
Therefore a lift driven VAWT will be the most tunnel is visualised. A separation bubble on top of
appropriate design choice for application on the obstacle, starting at the leading edge can be
rooftops. observed as well as a closed cell vortex on the
The Darrieus windturbine is the most widely windward side and a large separation area at the
known example of a lift driven VAWT. Its working leeward side. Unfortunately the details of the flow,
principle is depicted in figure 4. The energy such as depicted in figure 6, are very difficult to
extraction takes place during the cross flow phases predict, even with state of the art CFD methods. Yet
of the blades, i.e. when the blades move it is possible to develop a fairly simple theoretical
perpendicular to the oncoming wind. With respect to model to calculate the performance of wind turbines
a modern HAWT the Darrieus wind turbine has a located in such complex flows.

The Fourth European & African Conference on Wind Engineering, Paper #210
speed will be about 20% higher than the undisturbed
wind speed far in front of the building, Mertens

5.2 Determination of the separating streamline

For roof location of windturbines it is evidently of

great importance to determine the height of the
separation bubble on top of the building. Locating
(part of the) rotor will inevitably lead to loss of
performance, and probably also to increased fatigue
loads. Thus methods need to be found to determine
the location of the separating streamline. This the
Figure 6: Visualisation of flow around a streamline separating the outer flow passing over the
square building (Van Dyke 19xx). building with an increase velocity from the flow

The figures 7 and 8 show the approach used for

the development of such a model. In figure 7 again a
visualisation of the flow is shown. but this time for a
two-dimensional model in parallel flow. With these
wind tunnel visualisations it is possible to determine
the coefficients of an assumed semi elliptical
boundary streamline fitted to the streamlines seen in Figure 8: Assumed streamline boundary
the visualisation. Such an elliptic streamline
separates the outer flow around the building from the
“captured” in the separation bubble on top of the
inner flow. In the outer area flow acceleration may
building and the wake on the leeward side.
appear, but apart from that no other flow phenomena
Wilson (1979) has developed an empirical model for
occur. It is then possible to derive a fairly simple
the growth rate of the wake behind cubical (flat
potential flow solution in a semi-infinite plane, with
roofed) buildings:
a superimposed semi-ellipse, figure 8. This results in
a velocity profile perpendicular to the plane, y 0.28H 0.67 x 0.33 (1)
showing the area of flow acceleration.
It is now possible to apply the classical where y is the vertical extent of the wake above the
momentum theory approach in band wise layers of building, x is the horizontal distance in the direction
flow over the semi-ellipse as is demonstrated by of the oncoming wind and H is the smallest
Mertens (2001). It turns out that a significant flow crosswind dimension of the upwind façade. The x
acceleration effect is present, which however is coordinate starts at the windward edge of the roof
restricted to a fairly small area. The wind in this area and thus the height of the separating streamline is
given by (1)
Mertens (2002) performed calculations on separating
streamlines using the CFD code Fluent. Results of
these calculations for a two-dimensional building
(infinite horizontal crosswind dimension) are shown
in figure 10 for different values of the roughness
height z0 of the surface upwind of the building. The
quantity b in this graph refers to the building depth.
The empirical description found by Wilson,
equation (2), is also depicted in the figure for the
situation H = 0 (the two-dimensional case). As can
be seen there is a reasonable agreement between
both results, for an upwind roughness height of 1 m.,
Figure 7: Flow visualisation of the flow around a two certainly for locations farther away from the
dimensional obstacle windward edge of the building.

G.J.W. van Bussel, S.M. Mertens
Evidently these two-dimensional calculations this is in the order of 12 to 20 meters. This means
show the more conservative results. CFD minimal tower height of 5 meters underneath the
calculations on 3 dimensional buildings performed rotor.
by Mertens (2005) in the framework of his PhD
study shows that the calculated positions of the 5.3 Suitable windturbine dimensions
separating streamlines are indeed somewhat closer to In the case that the whole stream tube in which the
the flat rooftop surface than the distance obtained wind turbine is located is in the higher wind speed
from either the Wilson formula or from the graphs in region the energy increase is equal to the third power
figure 9. of 1.2. Thus the aerodynamic power increase is 1.7
compared to a wind turbine in the same parallel flow
without the building. When the wind turbine is
located on the right spot on the roof this increase can
be achieved for all wind directions. It however limits
the dimensions of the wind turbine to something in
the order of 20% of the characteristic height of a
building. For uniform parallel oncoming flow over a
mid- to high-rise its building height is equal to this
characteristic height. Thus the limitation yields:

D d 0.2h . (2)

For mid- to high-rise buildings with a

characteristic dimension of say 50 to 100 m, the
Figure 9: Fluent CFD calculations, using the “realizable” k-İ
turbulence model, of the location of the separating streamline
wind turbine diameter will therefore be from 10 up
for a 2 dimensional building (20 m high, 10 m deep) in to about 20 m, in order to take full advantage of the
comparison with the two dimensional Wilson model . speed up effect. This means that such wind turbines
will be relatively small when compared to the rotor
diameters of 80 to 90 m, which are nowadays
From the calculations is it became clear that for a common for large commercial wind turbines.
windturbine located at the centre of the roof a Windturbines of such size will generally not
minimum height of 25% of the depth of a building is require significant modifications of the building
required for the lowest part of the rotor. For typical structure, which is evidently an advantage when
residential apartment buildings or office buildings retrofitting buildings.

From left to right: AES (Germany), Windside (Finland) and Ropatec (Italy) windturbines.
Figure 10: High solidity and predominantly drag driven VAWT’s of various make.

The Fourth European & African Conference on Wind Engineering, Paper #210
For location of windturbines at the edges or solidity. So a large amount of material is needed for
alongside building similar arguments hold. There the the construction of the rotor.

From left to right: (DWT) Dermont Wind Turbine (USA) , Neoga (Netherlands) and Turby (Netherlands)
Figure 11: Lift driven VAWT’s of various make.

characteristic dimension of the wind turbine In similar fashion examples of lift driven VAWT
perpendicular to the building should also comply designs are given in figure 11. It can be seen clearly
with equation (2) in order to take full advantage of seen that all three designs are derivatives of the
the acceleration of the flow. In these cases there is Darrieus windturbine depicted in figure 4. In the
however a strong directionally dependency of the DWT design use is made of curved blades, just as in
performance. Wind turbines located in the windward the original design. The Neoga adds skew ness of the
edge of a building, or along the sides of the blades, whereas the Turby combines a cylindrical
windward façade may have a longitudinal dimension swept area together with blade sweep.
equal to the respective edge or side of the building. Since Turby is the most deviating design, when
The disadvantage of such location is evidently that compared tot the original Darrieus design, and since
the performance will be strongly dependent upon the it has been heavily investigated by the authors, it is
direction of the wind. The windward edge of the roof worthwhile examining this particular design
of a building will become a leeward edge in wind of somewhat further.
the opposite direction, and will thus lead to a The three blades of the Turby rotate along a
situation in which the windturbine is located in the cylindrical surface. Compared to the classical
wake of the building with a highly turbulent and low Darrieus rotor this has the advantage that a larger
wind speed area. A similar argument evidently holds swept area is obtained for the same blade length. A
for the sides of a building.



A number of companies have seen the potential

for wind turbine application on top of existing
buildings and have anticipated on the coming market
with the development of dedicated machines.
From the requirements for small windturbines
operating on buildings it is clear that vertical axis
machines have a preference. There are two major
operating principles for such VAWT’s, one based
upon drag (differences) and the other based upon the
application of aerodynamic lift for torque generation.
Three examples of (mainly) drag driven devices
Figure 12 Turby prototype at TU Delft open-air
are shown in figure 10. A disadvantage of a drag research site.
driven device is its fairly low efficiency and high

G.J.W. van Bussel, S.M. Mertens
disadvantage is the addition of struts in the centre the machine has a horizontal axis, it will normally
necessary for structural reasons. They will contribute not been categorised as a HAWT, since HAWT’s
to the viscous drag of the machine and thus reduce operate with their axis parallel to the oncoming
its efficiency. Furthermore the stress path in the wind, and evidently Windwall operates as a
blades due to centrifugal loads is no longer aligned crosswind turbine, just as VAWT’s. So also in this
with the blade itself. sense it might be categorised as a hybrid machine.
At this point it should however be noted that the Evidently this Windwall only takes advantage of
design TSR of Turby, this is the ratio between wind coming from directions more or less
circumferential speed and wind speed is significantly perpendicular to the façade above which it mounted.
less than for a classical Darrieus rotor. (TSR = 3 for This will also reduce its efficiency in wind climates
Turby where TSR = 5 to 7 for classical Darrieus with a wider range of occurring wind directions.
The blades are furthermore swept. This
complicates the load path through the rotor further, FUTURE COMBINATIONS OF WIND
but is applied because it has a very favourable effect TURBINES AND BUILDINGS
upon noise production. The combination of low TSR
together with blade sweep makes it possible to Having noticed the fact that dedicated windturbines
comply with the noise levels allowable in the built for application on buildings have entered the market,
environment. More details regarding the it is now possible for architects to explore the
development and the design of Turby can be found abilities of integrating windturbines into new
in van Bussel et al (2004). designs. The mutual interference of windturbines and
A final example of a small windturbine designed buildings should however been assessed carefully, in
for application on buildings is shown in figure 13. order to end up with successful results.
In his Ph D thesis Mertens (2005) has facilitated
such assessment of future wind turbine-building
combinations significantly by addressing the fluid
dynamic aspects several possibilities of combining
wind turbines and buildings.

Figure 13 Windwall mounted on the windward edge of

the HTM building (Den Haag NL)

This Windwall is a windturbine designed for

operation on the windward edge of a building. It has
the appearance of a large, classical style lawn
mower. One might think that it is operating
according to the Darrieus principle just like Turby
but mounted on a horizontal axis. Figure 14: Conceptual design of the freedom tower showing
A closer look to the geometry of the rotor the wind power station lay out. Courtesy: Skidmore, Owings
however reveals that this machine will not operate & Merrill LLP,New York, USA..
according to the lift driven VAWT principle, since
the chord of the blade is far too large. Hence it will One of the most appealing proposals is evidently
probably operate according to a hybrid combination the realisation of a wind power station in the top
of lift and drag forces, depending upon the azimuthal section of the new Freedom Tower, to be realised at
position of the blade under consideration. Although the World Trade Centre site in central Manhattan in

The Fourth European & African Conference on Wind Engineering, Paper #210
New York City. When the first designs were Centre Properties LLC, it was therefore proposed to
disclosed it became clear that a cluster of several develop a set up including a number of Turby-type
windturbines are thought to be located on the top 50 of windturbines instead.
meters of the tower. In figure 14 the design of the
freedom tower is shown.
The built environment offers a new and challenging
opportunity for generating green electricity from the
wind. In contrast to sites where large scale
production units using (multi)megawatt horizontal
axis windturbines are operating in wind farm
clusters, the built environment requires a totally
different design. The three bladed horizontal axis
design solution for large windturbines operating in
rural areas is not an obvious choice for the built
environment, where wind is highly turbulent.
a: Original stacking diagram for the Freedom tower For such urban locations much smaller vertical
using HAWT’s.
axis windturbines provide good solution. The
standard Darrieus windturbine is not very well
suited, since it is too noisy. A Savonius rotor has the
disadvantage of a fairly low power coefficient. By
modification of the original Darrieus design, a.o. by
reducing the design tip speed ratio (TSR) and by
applying blade sweep, noise production can be
minimised. Thus new concepts have evolved which
are much better equipped for application on
(existing) buildings. Typical dimensions are around
10 to 20% of the characteristic building height.
b: Alternative stacking using Turby VAWT’s. The technical potential of small windturbines on
buildings is enormous. From estimates made for the
Figure 15: Comparison of HAWT and VAWT wind EU and USA market the world potential for such
power station for the Freedom Tower. units goes into the millions. Evidently this market
Courtesy: BattleMcCarthy London, UK. (top figure)
will only be opened when the electricity production
price is sufficiently low, which is not yet the case.
But the advantage of such decentralised units is that
BattleMcCarty a UK based company, was they have to produce against a cost price equal or
responsible for a first presentation of the lay out of lower than the consumer’s price, which can be five
the wind power station. Figure 15 shows the times higher than the (centralised) electricity
conceptual design they proposed. It is evident that production price. Providing the Freedom Tower in
this set up was not given a thorough assessment from central New York with a wind power station, should
the point of view of aerodynamics. Also from the also been assessed the point of view of “local
structural point of view it a very complicated economics”. The initial technical design solution for
“solution” was presented by the company, involving the Freedom Tower however, using standard small
a mesh of structures, on which more or less standard horizontal axis wind turbines, is not suitable for the
wind turbine towers equipped with HAWT’s are wind climate and the building restrictions. With the
placed. Considering the very complex behaviour of presently proposed vertical axis wind turbines a
the wind on top of such large building, and moreover much better technical end economical solution can
realising that the presence of the two large circular be achieved.
columns forming the structural heart of the building
has an important negative effect upon the
performance and the loads of such HAWT’s, it was
realised that also for the Freedom Tower wind
project VAWT’s should be preferred. In response to
a RFQ, submitted in March 2004 by the World Trace

G.J.W. van Bussel, S.M. Mertens

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