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Summary of Key Findings

Department of Management Services Agency Overview

1. Department of Management Services Overview – “As Is”

a. Mission: Provide services and support in the areas of human resource management,
retirement benefits, health benefits, real-estate management, specialized services, state
purchasing and technology.
b. Statutory Goals & Objectives: Change the law to increase authority, funding and
revise policies with the purpose of providing superior services and support to various
state agencies.
c. Budget: The DMS fiscal year 2010-2011 budget is $538.8MM for 878 FTP. DMS
manages more than 8.7 billion dollars in shared government programs.

2. Short Term Issues

a. Lacks sufficient strength of leadership or institutional mandate. No focus on strategic
initiatives, long-term vision and performance measurements; high turnover of executive

3. Long Term Issues

a. Department does not have statutory authority over the executive department purchases
or technology divisions; Lack of quantifiable performance measures for public service
functions, uniformly monitored across agencies.

4. Critical Risk Factors & Considerations for Year 1

a. Creation and retention of high level executive leadership.
b. Apply SES exceptions and use non-traditional methods to recruit world class talent.
c. Separate the Shared Services functions and Information Technology functions.
d. Creation of a separate, centralized leader/lead agency to focus on information
technology function, charged with developing Florida’s statewide technology strategy
and process outside of DMS.
e. Assessment of emerging technologies prior to the investment in new infrastructure in
telecommunications and global networking capabilities to assure that purchased system
anticipates future technology improvements.
f. Rewrite F.S. 287 to eliminate exemptions or jurisdictional road blocks and encourage
public-private partnerships and local, competitive contracts.
g. Create a Center for Purchasing Excellence within the Share Services department (most
likely designed to manage private sector sourcing responsibilities) and provide authority
to purchase for state agencies.
h. Establish private sector innovation and purchasing council to promote public-private

5. Cost Savings Opportunities – High Level

a. Inventory all state leased and owned facilities, then acquire a reliable database of leased
facilities and give DMS sufficient authority to direct alternate agency use of leased
b. Integrate state government subunits into the strategic purchasing (Water Management
Districts, School Boards and perhaps municipalities).
c. Employ purchasing clouds and other data based technologies for the 8.7 billion in state
d. Assess remaining state custodial functions (minimal), state vehicle maintenance
functions and state airplane fleet (2 airplanes and 11 employees).
e. Better leveraging our scale and consistency across state employees (example:
performing a comprehensive review of civil service retirement and healthcare benefits
and evaluating the cost savings to consolidate plans or programs).

6. Agency Strategy - “Future State”

a. Creation of State Technology Office, outside of DMS
b. Creation a Center for Purchasing Excellence within the Share Services Department will
give agency authority over state purchase.
c. Retention of high level executive leadership will ensure efficiency and
productivity as an agency and gain credibility as a department.

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