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Name:  __Semen /4

Class:  ______10-a__________________

Truth and falsehood Phrases with take

Compound adjectives
1 Complete the sentences with words formed from the
words in the box. There are two words you don’t need.
4 Complete the sentences with one word in each
advice brush fetch heart reach stone space.

1 You would be ill- _advise_________ to sell your bike for 1 No one over the age of seventy has a perfect
so little money. wrinkle-___free_______ face. Everyone has at least a
few wrinkles!
2 His jokes were so funny, I’m sure even the
___stone_______-faced people laughed inside a little. 2 She’s very inexperienced at the moment, but I’m sure
she’ll become more worldly-__wise________ as she
3 She’s so kind-___heart_______, she’d never do a mean gets older.
thing like that.
3 It was only a __________-hearted comment – it wasn’t
4 It may not seem important now, but it will have meant to be serious at all!?
far-___fetch_______ effects on his future.

2 Complete the words in the sentences.
1 I think that painting’s f a_ k_ e – I don’t believe it’s real!

?2 A funeral is a very s _ _ b _ e occasion.

3 Newspapers often try to m a_ n i_ p u_ _l _a _t e public


4 This is a g e_ n u_ i_ n_ e photo – it hasn’t been altered

at all.


3 Choose the correct words to complete the

1 You should be more critical and not take everything
at real value / facing value / at face value.

2 When I see such a perfect photo, I always take it

with a pinch of salt / for pinching salt / to pinch some

3 You should be grateful for this job and not take it

to granted / for granted / to grant.

4 The photo creates the distort / illusion / deceive that

she’s younger than she really is.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

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