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I’m living in the forest, a place full of diverse creatures. I don’t have a job, but I certainly
do exist and I’m important for the ecosystem.
Let me tell you how my days go. In the morning I’m woken up by my clock or how the
humans would say, by the “raindrops”. I don’t move but I’m moved by many bugs and ants.
They like to drink water from my head, not knowing that death will come right after. Throughout
the day I have many visitors or I should say, this tree, Hano has. He’s my old friend who likes to
tell stories that just the old creatures know.
He once told me a very painful story about me. When I was little, humans came to visit
us. They were happy to see my house but not me, as one stranger kicked me to death. I laid down
days until Hano found me and helped me regenerate.
There’s a reason nobody pays attention to me. I’m not like the good mushrooms. I’m the
poisoned one.

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