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Cosmic Healing

This Sadhana is the process of Laya Yoga (transcendental) to the

inner core existence of your Being that is SHIVA and to be in His
Consciousness to receive His Healings and Light. Sri Thirumoolar has
engineered a procees of merging into Shiva by permutation combination of
Shiva panchakshar that can bring you different layers.

Shiva Panchakshara is: Na Ma Si Va Ya

Sthula Panchakshra Mantra

1. Om Na Ma Si Va Ya

Sukshma Panchakshara Mantra

2. Om Si Va Ya Na Ma

Adi Sukshma Panchakshara

3. Om Si Va Ya Si Va

Karana Panchakshara
4. Om Si Va Ya

Adi Karana Panchakshara

5. Si

In Service of my Lord Siddha Guru Sri Thirumoolarji - Prepared by Sri Anbe Arunachalananda
Step 1

So-Ham Pranayama for five minutes.

Watch you involuntary breathing as it happens.
Every incoming breath silently chant “So”
Every outgoing breath silently chant “Ham”

In Service of my Lord Siddha Guru Sri Thirumoolarji - Prepared by Sri Anbe Arunachalananda
 Chant “Om Na Ma Si Va Ya” for three times at each chakra starting
from Muladhara all the way to Sahasrara, (As per the above chart)

 For the next round come down to Muladhara and chant

“Om Si Va Ya Na Ma” for three times at each chakra all the way to

 For the next round come down to Muladhara and chant

“Om Si Va Ya Si Va” for three times at each chakra all the way to

 For the next round come down to Muladhara and chant “Om Si Va
Ya” for three times at each chakra all the way to Sahasrara.

 For the next round come down to Muladhara and chant “Si” for three
times at each chakra all the way to Sahasrara.

 While chanting the mantra try to visualize that the sound of the
mantra is spreading in your chakras.

Step 3

At this point, you will lose contact with the body and mind and experience
silence and stillness. This is the state of Oneness with Shiva and your body
mind and senses get influenced by His Cosmic Shakthi of Healings.
 Directly go into So-Hum Mantra Meditation.
 Watch you involuntary breathing as it happens.
 Every incoming breath silently chant “So”
 Every outgoing breatn silently chant “Ham”

Spend at least ten to fifteen minutes in this state. The more you focus on
your breath the more you Live in Shiva’s Cosmic Consciousness.
This is a highly engineered

Sri Anbe Arunachalananda
Shivam Shankaram.

In Service of my Lord Siddha Guru Sri Thirumoolarji - Prepared by Sri Anbe Arunachalananda
Sri Anbe Arunachalananda

Upon finishing the above Sadhana you can Hold image of Globe
(earth) at your heart center, and chant:

Om Na Ma Si Va Ya, Si Va Ya Na Ma Om

Keep chanting and visualizing the Mantra is entering Mother Earth and
Healing mother earth. Do that to a heart felt content or 10 to 15 minutes.
You will feel that your Soul Power is spreading everywhere.

In Service of my Lord Siddha Guru Sri Thirumoolarji - Prepared by Sri Anbe Arunachalananda

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