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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Nama: Aldi Anugrah Khalik

Kelas: IX A
How to Protect Ourselves from Coronavirus

Coronavirus is a group of viruses that carry diseases and attack animal or humans, one of which
is Covid-19. Covid-19 is a new type of coronavirus that was first discovered in early January in Wuhan,
China. Then, how to protect ourselves from covid-19? We can avoid this virus by living healthy.

This is some tips to protect ourselves from covid-19

1. Wash your hands with soap properly, if there is no soap you can use a hand sanitizer

2. Using a mask

3. Eat 4 healthy 5 perfect

4. Do regular exercise

5. Avoid direct contact with other people

6. Don’t travel outside the home (try to isolate yourself at home)

7. Get enough rest

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