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Civil Engineering Department

Subject – Earthquake resistant Design of Structures ( 15CV831)

Module 1 Questions
1. Explain various geospheres that constitutes the earth. Or Explain interior of the earth with neat
2. Explain Reids elastic rebound theory with neat sketch.
3. Explain Plate tectonic theory. Also explain different types of plate boundaries and fault
boundaries with neat sketch.
4. Explain a) causes of earthquake b) direct and indirect effect of earthquake c) classification of
earthquake d) Zones and India
5. Briefly magnitude and intensity of earthquake. How they are quantified. Also give difference
between magnitude and intensity.
6. Briefly explain seismic waves, and their characteristics. Also give difference between body
waves and surface waves.
7. Explain strong ground motion characteristics.
8. Explain the terms with sketch- a) Epicenter, Focal depth, Hypocenter, Epicentral distacnce,
9. Explain Attenuation of ground motion. Factors affecting attenuation. Or Explain local site effects.
10. A seismograph located 1200km from the epicentre of an earthquake, records a maximum ground
displacement of 15.6mm for surface waves having a period of 20sec. Determine surface wave
11. At a recording station a difference in time arrival of P and S waves was observed to be 1.5sec.
What is the approximate distance from the station at which the event occurred. Assume P wave
velocity as 4km/sec and S wave velocity as 2km/sec.
12. During an earthquake maximum amplitude recorded at a site by wood anderson seismograph is
20cm. The maximum ground velocity recorded was 25cm/sec. The site was found to be 75km
away from the epicenter. Determine magnitude and intensity of occured earthquake.
13. The epicentral intensity of an eathquake that occurded in 1870 is estimated to be IX in MMI
scale. Estimate approximate magnitude of the earthquake.
14. Estimate moment magnitude of an event with rupture length of 100km, rupture width 45km and
slip of avg fault slip of 3m. Take modulus of rigidity mu as 3.5x10^10N/m^2.

Module 2

1. Derive and plot the respone for SDOF system with free vibration undamped case.
2. Derive and plot the vibration of SDOF with damping and frequency ratio of an SDOF system
subjected to harmonic exitation.
3. Write short note on a) Response History b) Response spectrum c) design response spectrum or
4. What is response spectrum and What are the steps involved in construction of design spectrum.
5. Problems on Response of linear acceleration method.

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