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In the transaction flow can the endorsement policies be validated : when Collated Responses to the Orderer are

2. Yes, In fabric different node can assume different role therefore it is possible that transactions are ordered by
different nodes and executed on different nodes in Hyperledger Fabric

3. “uid(r) < cuid(sm(i) ,r’) ; cuid(sm(i) ,r) <= uid(r)” is the correct option explained and stated in the lecture video.

4. In Fail-Stop Tolerance: Minimum number of working replicas required for the 4 nodes SMR(State Machine
Replication) to work, we need only 1 working replica.

5. Byzantine Fault Tolerance: To tolerate t failures, we need 3t+1 replicas.

6. This is a question from lecture videos only value in r0 and r1 are interchange hence the final state

7. Non-deterministic code will lead​ ​to a fork in distributed ledger therefore the answer is false. As non determinism
will lead to different results in different environment conditions.

8. In order-execute :
a. Sequential execution: Since parallel execution is not allowed everything need to be done sequentially
b. Non-deterministic code : Only deterministic code is allowed
c. Confidentiality of execution : since every node needs to run all txs we lose the confidentiality

9. In order-execute paradigm all the nodes need to be in the same state and hence need to run all the transactions to
maintain the same state.

10. The problem of infinite loop/execution of transactions is easily solved by charging gas for it. As the execution will
stop as and when gas in account is not sufficient.

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