AGame Come True

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A Game Come True

One day a girl called Marie was milking the cows. Her mum had died only three days ago. The
teacher, Mrs Allen, had embarrassed her by telling the whole class. Only Ryan didn't laugh. The
next day nobody wanted to play with Marie. Then she felt a gentle tap on the shoulder. It was Ryan.
“Can I play with you?” he asked.
“Sure,” smiled Marie.
They played a pretend game that Marie knew from her friend Violet. Ryan tried to follow along for
Marie had not explained it to him. They stepped on the imaginary magic map. But instead of
pretending to go into a whirlwind, they found themselves in a real one!
“Is this part of the game?” asked Ryan nervously. Suddenly, the whirlwind stopped. They
were plonked right next to a lovely cottage with dandelions decorated all round.
“Here we are at Dandelion Cottage,” announced Marie. “Be polite to the people inside.”
Marie ambled along, unlatching the gate. A pink rabbit and a blue rabbit opened the door. The two
rabbits gave Marie and Ryan supplies and they handed a gold sword to Marie and said:
“Never fight with this sword.”
Then Marie looked at the magic map and said:
Flowerful Field looks nice.” And they set off, gripping each other's hands tightly. They got
to a field filled with flowers. “I think it's lunch time,” giggled Marie. They they saw a nice bench,
but they also saw a mouse.
“Are we allowed to sit on the bench over there?” asked Ryan. The mouse seemed to
understand them but they didn't understand the mouse's squeaked reply. Luckily the little mouse
nodded and they fortunately understood that. They sat themselves down munching on their food.
When they had finished they asked the mouse where they should go next. The mouse
scurried over to the magic map and pointed to Cracky Rock. They quickly grabbed onto the mouse
and appeared right next to a big rock. The mouse pointed upwards, which Marie understood to
mean lets climb the rock. They climbed up but when they got to the top they heard lightning bolts.
“Mrs Katie!” screeched Marie. Then she reached for her sword but before she could draw it
Mrs Katie pushed her and Ryan off the rock. There were lots of doors and they went through one
with a T on it. Inside the door was treasure. They took a piece each and stuffed it into their pockets.
The treasure took them back to where they had been when the game had come to life.

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