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What is Family Planning and Its Good Effects?

If I’m not mistaken everyone have been heard the word

Family Planning. Are you familiar with Family Planning? What is
Family Planning? Why Family Planning is important to us? Do
you know the good effects of it to our country? These are some
questions that I will be addressing in this short, informative
What is Family Planning?
Family Planning is the practice of controlling the number of
children in a family and the intervals between their births,
particularly by means of artificial contraception or voluntary
Family Planning is also intended to determine the number
and spacing of one’s children through birth control.
Why Family Planning is important to us?
Family Planning allows individuals or couples to anticipate
and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and
timing of their births.
It is also important so that the population will not grow
bigger because if the population grows bigger, there is a
possibility that we will have more pollution in the country that
will cause sickness and indisposition.
What is the good effects of Family Planning?
Family Planning has many good effects to each and
It helps to end hunger and poverty, it increases education,
it decreases AIDS, it improves infant health and many more.
Do you know why family planning increases education?
For example, if a family has 3 or more children and they do
not have a family planning, and they do not have enough
money, the parents cannot support their children in their
education. While in the other side, if the family has a family
planning, and they only have 1-2 children, and the parents can
afford their needs, the parents can support the children’s
education. That’s the reason why family planning is important.

Written by: Maria Alyona M. Del Sol

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