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Past tense = Trecutul simplu

Past participe = Participiul trecut

to be = a fi was, were been
to bear = a purta bore borne, born
to beat = a bate beat beaten
to become = a deveni became become
to begin = a incepe began begun
to bite = a musca bit bitten
to blow = a sufla blew blown
to break = a sparge broke broken
to bring = a aduce brought brought
to build = a construi built built
to burn = a arde burnt burnt
to burst = a izbucni, a exploda burst burst
to buy = a cumpara bought bought
to catch = a prinde caught caught
to choose = a alege chose chosen
to come = a veni came come
to cost = a costa cost cost
to cut = a taia cut cut
to deal = a imparti, a distribui dealt dealt
to dig = a sapa dug dug
to do = a face did done
to draw = a trage, a desena drew drawn
to dream = a visa dreamt dreamt
to drink = a bea drank drunk
to drive = a conduce drove driven
to eat = a manca ate eaten
to fall = a cadea fell fallen
to feed = a hrani fed fed
to feel = a simti felt felt
to fight = a lupta fought fought
to find = a gasi found found
to fly = a zbura flew flown
to forbid = a interzice forbade forbidden
to forget = a uita forgot forgotten
to forgive = a ierta forgave forgiven
to freeze = a ingheta froze frozen
to get = a obtine got got, gotten
to give = a da gave given
to go = a merge went gone
to grow = a creste grew grown
to hang = a atarna hung hung
to have = a avea had had
to hear = a auzi heard heard
to hide = a ascunde hid hidden
to hit = a lovi, a izbi hit hit
to hold = a tine held held
to hurt = a rani hurt hurt
to keep = a tine, a pastra kept kept
to know = a sti, a cunoaste knew known
to lay = a intinde, a culca laid laid
to lead = a conduce led led
to learn = a invata learnt, learned
to leave = a pleca left left
to lend = a da ccu imprumut lent lent
to let = a permite, a lasa let let
to lie = a se intinde lay lain
to light = a aprinde lit, lighted lit, lighted
to lose = a pierde lost lost
to make = a face made made
to mean = a insemna meant meant
to meet = a intalni met met
to pay = a plati paid paid
to put = a pune put put
to read = a citi read read
to ride = a calari rode ridden
to ring = a suna rang rung
to rise = a rasari, a se ridica rose risen
to run = a alerga ran run
to say = a spune, a zice said said
to see = a vedea saw seen
to sell = a vinde sold sold
to send = a trimite sent sent
to set = a apune, a pune set set
to sew = a coase sewed sewn
to shake = a scutura shook shaken
to shine = a straluci shone shone
to shoot = a impusca shot shot
to show = a arata showed shown
to shut = a (se) inchide shut shut
to sing = a canta sang sung
to sit = a sedea, a sta jos sat sat
to sleep = a dormi slept slept
to smell = a mirosi smelt smelt
to speak = a vorbi spoke spoken
to spell = a silabisi; a vraji spelt spelt
to spend = a petrece spent spent
to stand = a sta in picioare stood stood
to steal = a fura stole stolen
to stick = a (se) lipi stuck stuck
to sting = a intepa stung stung
to swear = a jura, a injura swore sworn
to sweep = a matura swept swept
to swim = a inota swam swum
to take = a lua took taken
to teach = a invata pe cineva taught taught
to tear = a rupe tore torn
to tell = a spune, a povesti told told
to think = a crede, a se gandi thought thought
to throw = a arunca threw thrown
to understand = a intelege understood understood
to wake = a (se) scula woke, waked woken, waked
to wear = a purta wore worn
to win = a castiga won won
to write = a scrie wrote written

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