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PORFIRIO BARBA JACOB TOPIC: ‘| DATE: SCHOOL WORKBOOK GUIDE March 18th, 2.020 Name | COURSE: 702 ‘AREA: ENGLISH TEACHER: NADIA MORENO Leggon | » What Do You Do in Your Free Time? 1. Look at the photos. Complete the activities with the words from the box, fishing horse-riding movies woodwork beach st gotothe gotothe do, g0. 80. 2. Complete the survey about you. Write a cross in the correct column. Howoften | Every | Oncea | Twicea | Oncea | Twicea | Oncea doyou.. | day | week | week | month | month | year | Never go fishing? goto the movies? do chores? gotothe beach? do exercise? { 3. Complete the paragraphs with the correct form of the verbs. 1.“ Mysister *_loves _ (love) reading novels, She? (read) a lot of books all the time. She can’, (read) one book in one week, or more! Next week she“ (go) join a book club in the neighbourhood. 2. My family and |. (enjoy) watching movies. We ¢ (go) to the cinema once a week. Tomorrow we ?. (go) see Blue Velvet. 3, Mymother ® (like) painting. She * 4 (paint) really well, so she *% (go) a new film club in the city called Lumiere. We ®. (want) to be an artist now. She can (go) join an arts club next month. Lesson 2 » What Are Your Hobbies? ‘1. Complete the table with the words from the box. fishing horse-riding Indoor activities | Outdoor activities playing basketball playing video games reading Using the computer riding abike swimming tsingtheeomputer watching TV

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