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revision Syntax2 –– ing/infinitve

1. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form. (-ing or infinitive).

a. I agreed TO JOIN (join) them on the trip.
b. I can’t help THINKING (think) that if he continues to behave like this, he deserves TO BE (be) dumped.
c. It’s high time he decided TO MOVE (move) house.
d. Do you fancy GOING (go) to a party this evening?
e. I can’t stand Listening (listen) to him anymore. He doesn’t seem TO NOTICE (notice) how bored
everyone is.
f. Would you mind GIVING (give) him a call? I don’t want TO GIVE (give) him the bad news.
g. It’s no use TALKING (talk) to him. He refuses TO LISTEN (listen) to whatever you have to say.
h. I can’t wait TO GO (go) on that trip. I promise TO SEND (send) you a postcard.
i. I’m looking forward to MEETING (meet) your fiancée. I’ve heard so much about her.
j. You should practice READING (read) those lines or you’ll make a fool of yourself.

2. Complete the following sentences with a suitable verb in the –ing or infinitive form.
a. It’s not worth BUYING that dress; it’s too expensive.
b. How did she manage TO CONVINCE him to forgive her?
c. He spends too much time WORRYING about his achievements.
d. He threatened TO KILL the hostages if his demands were not met.
e. I can’t help THINKING about him every single moment.
f. I long TO SEE my friends.
g. When she saw me with so many bags, she offered TO HELP me.
h. I enjoy GOING for a walk in the evening.
i. Your car needs FIXING. You should take it to a mechanic.
j. He succeeded MAKING a fool of himself in front of the audience.

3. Complete the sentences by adding the correct preposition or conjunction and the –ing form of the suitable
a. We usually watch a movie BEFORE GOING to bed.
b. He confessed THAT TO HAVE BROKEN the vase by accident.
c. I feel LIKE EATING a pizza. Shall we go to a restaurant?
d. He apologized FOR HAVING FORGOTTEN ABOUT her birthday.
e. I’m fed up WITH DOING the same things over and over again, every single day.
f. I’m tired OF LISTENING to the same excuses every time you are late.
g. He is interested IN APPLYING for the post of department manager.
h. I encountered some difficulties IN RAEDING his handwriting.
i. He succeeded IN CONVINCING everybody that he was innocent.
j. He blamed her FOR HAVING LOST all his money.

4. Choose the correct form of the underlined verbs.

a. I distinctly remember to give/giving her the documents when we met.
b. He stopped to have/having a rest because he was tired.
c. I regret informing/to inform you that the driver was fatally injured in the accident.
d. You won’t forget to call/calling him on his birthday this time, will you?
e. Stop to fight/fighting or I’ll call the police.
f. I’ll never forget to see/seeing Italy for the first time.
g. In vain did he try to ignore/ignoring the pain.
h. I stopped to take/taking pictures on my way home.
i. I stopped to take/taking pictures when my camera was stolen.
j. I didn’t mean to cause/causing you any trouble. I was only trying to help/helping.

5. Mixed uses – put the verb in brackets in the correct form.

a. The boss asked TO SEE (see) you in his office.
b. TheY cannot afford TO MAKE (make) such a mistake.
c. Now that you mention it, I don’t remember LOCKING (lock) the door when we left home.
d. He is much better at TALKING (talk) in the public.
e. I dread TO THINK (think) that he has no other chance but this one.
f. If you have trouble sleeping you should try DRINKING (drink) chamomile tea before going to bed.
g. She went on TO WATCH/WATCHING (watch) TV after everybody has gone to bed. CONTEXT
h. I can’t help BLAMING (blame) him for what has happened.
i. It’s no use BEING (be) so kind to everybody.
j. His job involves MEETING (meet) many dangerous people.

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