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Prez Trump says there are 72 WHO says all available evidence Worldwide death toll crosses Centre says 1.24 crore corona Pakistan PM Imran Khan may be
active trials going on in the
US researching dozens of
suggests the novel coronavirus
originated in animals in China late
170,000. warriors are available now in the
country & portal
tested for the coronavirus or asked
to go into isolation after well-known
With 42,364 deaths, the US has the
therapies, & good progress is last year and was not manipulated highest mortality rate, followed by has been created as a master database of philanthropist Faisal Edhi, who met
being made on Covid vaccines or produced in a laboratory Italy with 24,114 deaths & Spain 21,282 healthcare professionals and volunteers him, tested positive for Covid-19

Pak removes
nearly 4k names A day later, state rolls back Trump vows immigration
from terror list
akistan has quietly rem-
oved almost 3,800 names
halt, visa
easing of norms in city, Pune Cites Corona hopes to be hit
from its terror watch list,
raising concerns that want- FOREIGN-BORN TOP 3 COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN
S L Shanth Kumar
ed terrorists are being pro-
tected despite the country Sale Of Meds & KEY RELAXATIONS THAT APPLIED TO MMR Of city’s 817 sealed Attack, Need 2010 2018 % increase Country New Visas Extensions
being on the FATF’s enha-
nced grey list, according to Essential Goods AND PMR BUT STAND CANCELLED NOW areas, 297 coded To Protect Jobs 2.7
India 67,815
Construction activities if 1.8
a US risk compliance com-
pany. The latest list includ- Can Continue labourers were on site
Malabar Hill
red, 129 orange Chidanand.Rajghatta
China 15,165 (14%) 19,312 (8%)

2.2 2.9 32%

es 26/11 Mumbai carnage
mastermind and Jamat-ud -
Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed and
Construction of infrastructure
projects if labourers were on site W ith the number of con-
tainment zones in
Mumbai rising over 80% sin-

Washington: US President
Figures in million
Canada 2,226 (2%)
Figures for FY ended Sep 30, 2017
1,532 (0.6%)
Source: USCIS
Jaish boss Masood Azhar, Mumbai: A day after certain Opening of confectionaries, ce Friday (452) to touch 817 on Donald Trump announced on FOREIGN-BORN BECOMING US FOREIGN-BORN GETTING
among others. P 9 relaxations in the lockdown sweet and farsan shops Tuesday, the BMC has started Monday night that he will si- CITIZENS (% of total) GREEN CARDS (% of total)
norms came into force, the Industries in rural areas to colour-coded such sealed gn an executive order to “tem- Country 2017 2018 2019 Country 2017 2018 2019
DAY Maharashtra government (outside municipal limits) areas: Red for 297 congested porarily suspend” immigra-
LOCKDOWN 28 rolled back all of them on Tu-
IT and IT-enabled services only
pockets requiring tight lock-
down; Orange for 129 conges-
tion into the United States, ci-
ting “the attack from the Invi-
Mexico 16.8 17.3 14.6 Mexico 15.1 14.8 15.1
FULL COVERAGE: P 2-12 if operated at 50% capacity
ted pockets manageable with sible Enemy, as well as the India 7.2 6.9 7.5 China 6.3 5.9 6.0

Second MP cop esday for Mumbai and Pune

and the regions surrounding
A senior official said chi-
ef minister Uddhav Thacke-
“The pictures on TV chan-
nels and newspapers of long
less stringent restrictions;
Blue for 391buildings that are
need to protect the jobs of our
GREAT American Citizens”. China 5.3 5.2 4.7 India 5.4 5.5 5.2

dies of corona these two Covid-19 hotspots.

The eased norms can conti-
ray had warned that if peo-
ple failed to maintain social
queues at toll nakas and
crowds at some parts of the
manageable. At last count,
the number of people quaran-
The cryptic tweet convul-
sed prospective immigrants
Source: US Department of Homeland Security Source: US Department of Homeland Security

A 59-year-old police insp-

ector from Ujjain died
of Covid-19 in Indore on Tu-
nue in the rest of the state.
All services that were ope-
rational in the Mumbai Met-
distancing, relaxations as
approved by the Centre like
opening of farsan and sweet
city on Monday prompted
chief minister Uddhav
Thackeray to withdraw all re-
tines in such zones stood at
53,118. Initially, all of them
were assigned home quaran-
and immigrant families in
the US and immigrant hope-
fuls and asylum-seekers acr-
of more than three million
guest workers and students
— nearly a million from India
sing zone—graduating stude-
nts applying for H-1B visas,
and H-1B visa holders waiti-
esday, two days after anoth- ropolitan Region (MMR) and shops, services by plumbers laxations in MMR and PMR, tine, but 4,292 were found to oss the world who aspire for — with its vague opacity. Ac- ng for their permanent resi-
er inspector from Indore pa- Pune Metropolitan Region and mechanics, renewal of the Covid-19 hotspots in the be living in congested homes the American dream, maki- cording to the US Citizenship dency green cards to be pro-
ssed away. Local authorities (PMR) before Monday, like sa- IT services and limited state,” said an official. and so were taken to institu- ng the country the most pow- and Immigration Services cessed. Trump's tweet did not
have now decided to test all le of essential goods and me- construction activities, wo- tional quarantine facilities. erful demographic magnet in (USCIS), nearly three out of fo- provide details on when the
MP police personnel on Co- dicines, will go on as usual. uld be rolled back. Metro work paused, P 2 Richa Pinto reports, P 2 the world. The US admits abo- ur current H-1B visa holders suspension would go into ef-
vid-19 duty. ut 1.1 million legal immigra- (approximately 310,000 out of fect or how long it would last.
nts into the country every ye- 420,000) are from India. Although the tweet indica-
HDFC cuts home
552: State equals its one-day India hits back ar, more than any other cou- Some reports said admi- ted the order he is considering
ntry. About 600,000 are new nistration officials are still would be temporary, critics
loan rates 15bps at China on FDI
arrivals and about 500,000 are
status adjustments of people
working on the order and it
will exempt those who are al-
saw the move as part of a gra-
dual tightening of legal im-

H DFC has reduced its pr-

ime lending rate by 15
basis points with effect fr-
om Wednesday. The change
record; 4k to 5k in just 2 days policy tweak
already in the country.
The announcement also
threw into turmoil the alrea-
dy-fraught careers and lives
ready in the US. But it was not
clear what would happen to
the hundreds of thousands
who are already in the proces-
migration into the country to
freeze demographic changes.

‘Bid to distract’, P 9
will benefit all HDFC retail 419 Cases In City, BMC’S WORLI WORK GETS CENTRE’S PAT
home customers. Post the New Delhi: A day after Chi-
Toll (12) In Double team
cut, rates will range betwe-
en 7.85% and 8.15%for sala-
ried class borrowers. P 11
Central inspection

Digits After 6 Days work

praises BMC’s
in Worli Koliwada,
says it can be an
na’s outburst over the chan-
ge in foreign direct investm-
ent (FDI) policy, India on Tu-
esday hit back, saying the
Raj stops rapid tests, ICMR
It’s for govt to
act on crisis: SC

Mumbai: The state recorded

example for others
To make more ICU
beds available, BMC
amendment did not violate
any global commitment as it
did not bar investments fr-
asks other states to pause
552 fresh Covid-19 cases on Tu-
sets up 3-tier care
om across the border but on-
ly mandated prior screening Complaints Of REPORTS OF CHINESE KITS BEING FAULTY
T he SC has refused to pa-
ss orders on petitions
seeking exemption of face
esday, equalling the highest
one-day rise in cases on April
19 to take its tally to 5,218. Ma-
system for patients
5 prime accused in
of proposals.
Misleading & ➤ Decision after reports of delivered; more to be made
Palghar lynching held;  Arunachal Pradesh in kits, sourced from 3 companies domestically in collaboration
masks and sanitisers from harashtra’s latest and fastest
GST and other relief, saying
it is for the Centre to take de-
addition of 1,000 cases has co-
me in just two days.
locals identify them in
violence video
updated China map, P 8
Besides, sources pointed
Flawed Results based in China, being faulty
➤ ICMR starts investigation
with foreign firms. Some orders
placed with other countries too
cisions on how to tackle the Mumbai, which recorded to a host of Chinese policies Sushmi Dey & after states report wide STATES THAT HAVE
Constable, part hospitals — 100 from Kasturba, 75 variation in results
crisis, and authorities were its second highest single-day to argue that Beijing had a Indrani Bagchi TNN PUT TESTS ON HOLD
of Union minister’s from other civic-run facilities
trying to do their best. P 7 rise in cases with 419 new de-
security, tests +ve
chequered record in followi- ➤ To send 8 teams to validate Rajasthan, Maharashtra,
tections, mainly contributed Sanitisation domes, tunnels have no ng “discriminatory” polic- New Delhi: With states comp- kits; issue fresh advisory West Bengal, Gujarat, Tamil
175 patients scientific basis and can cause harm,
States to pick own to the state’s surge in positive
cases. After six days of recor- discharged from city says state government officials
ies against overseas entities.
Last week, the Centre
laining that the recently acqu-
ired rapid testing kits were de-
➤ In the first batch, some
300,000 kits arrived close to
Nadu, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh,
Karnataka, Assam, Haryana
academic plan ding deaths in single digits, had amended the policy to livering misleading and inac-
two weeks after they were due STATES YET TO BEGIN TESTING
Mumbai went back to a doub-
le-digit death toll. It logged 12
25% of Dharavi residents tested in April +ve mandate that all investment
proposals from countries th-
curate results, the Indian Co-
uncil of Medical Research ➤ In all, 650,000 kits are to be Madhya Pradesh, Kerala
U nion HRD minister Ra-
mesh Pokhriyal has sa-
id states can develop their
deaths, the city’s second hig-
hest daily toll till date. N early 25% of the people tested in Dharavi since April 1have
been found to be positive, reports Richa Pinto on Page 2.
at shared a border with In-
dia would have to be cleared
(ICMR) on Tuesday advised
all states to stop using the an- Maha stops use of TN finds 34k kits
own academic calendar and Over a lakh people in the Tuesday saw 12 new cases and a death in the slum settlement. by the government instead tibody test for Covid-19 for two
assessment schedule and ch- state are now under home or The additions have taken the number of cases in the hotspot to of them being on the auto- days until its teams investiga- kits at last minute from China ‘flawed’
oose when to have their sum-
mer break depending on the
locally prevalent coronavi-
institutional quarantine.

Back to double digits, P 2

180, including 12 fatalities. The BMC has screened around 40,000
Dharavi residents, tested 657 of them and found that 168 were
infected with coronavirus. DHARAVI: A PHOTO FEATURE, P 4
matic route.

Goods trade, P 8
ted the functioning of the kits.
The council said it was in-
vestigating the issue as some
M aharashtra, which has
received 75,000 rapid
test kits from the Centre and
T N, which had distributed
34,000 rapid test kits ac-
ross the state before the ICMR
rus situation. P 8 states had reported huge vari- planned to use them to test advisory, had procured the ki-
ations — ranging between 6% healthcare workers from ts from Guangzhou Wondfo
Staggered health
premiums allowed
India 17th country to hit 20,000 16 foreigners and 71% — in test results from
rapid kits which it said was
unacceptable and may need to
Wednesday and then in hots-
pots like Dharavi, put a last-
minute stop to using the kits
BioTech Ltd, a Chinese firm
with a poor record in the UK.
The UK is reportedly trying to
held in UP, 619
T he IRDAI has directed
insurance firms to off-
+ve cases, death toll crosses 600 jailed in India
be replaced, which will be a
setback to the government's
plan to use rapid tests for sur-
after the ICMR’s statement
on Tuesday. P 4
return the kits as many were
not working efficiently. P 8

er customers the option of DurgeshNandan.Jha veillance and tracking trends, polymerase chain reaction miliar with the testing strate-
paying health insurance pr- RATE OF SPREAD FALLING... Prayagraj: Sixteen foreig- though not for diagnostics. (PCR) test. This also triggered gy said. "The use of these kits
No. of cases based
emium in instalments for on log table Cumulative Cases Of Covid-19 Infections In India ners were arrested late Mon- On Tuesday morning, Ra- a reaction across the country for diagnosis is at fault. The
policies that are due for ren- New Delhi: India became the 100,000 day night under various sec- jasthan — the first state in the with many other states dis- proper test for Covid is the RT-

ewal up to March 31, 2021. It world’s 17th country to record tions of the IPC, Epidemic country to conduct rapid tests continuing the testing. PCR test. It is possible that sta-

can be monthly, quarterly 20,000 Covid-19 cases, crossing ys Diseases Act and the Foreig- for Covid-19 — decided to stop However, well-placed so- tes may have resorted to a

10,000 da

or half yearly. the grim milestone on a day ners Act (for violating visa using the kit any further as it urces said the tests may not be short-cut in seeing them as di-

er 20,083
ble e



when Maharashtra, Rajasth- rules), taking the total num- was found that the results we- at fault and might not have be- agnostic tests," he added.

s dou



8 can now chat in an and West Bengal recorded ber of foreign nationals ar- re inaccurate and did not cor- en correctly used. "The kits

their biggest single-day rise in ys rested in the country since relate with the results of the are not faulty," an official fa- 8 teams for testing, P 8
0 da

ry 1
WhatsApp video infections. There was a spike
in deaths as well, with 49 on
100 the outbreak of Covid-19 to at
least 619. Barring a few, all

I n a move that will be wel-

comed by people under
Tuesday taking the toll to 645.
The total number of cases
Currently, India’s
doubling rate is 8 days
those arrested are linked to
Tablighi Jamaat’s congrega-
WHEN OIL GOES BELOW $0 Parking row:
stood at 20,083 late on Tuesday, tion in Delhi last month, re-
Covid-19 lockdown, Whats-
App is doubling the number as per reports from states, ha- 1
March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 April 12 April 21
ports Kapil Dixit.
US crude price has hit
sub-zero and Brent is

73.6 Petrol ( /litre) 69.6 3 stabbed by
of callers who can partici- ving risen by 1,493 during the Uttar Pradesh leads the
pate in group video chats
from four to eight. P 11
day— the second highest daily
rise after Sunday’s spike of
...BUT NUMBER OF NEW CASES RISING list with the arrest of 341fore-
ign nationals, followed by 157
at an 18-year low. But
India, the world’s
60 66.6
Diesel ( /litre) 62.3 neighbour, 2
brothers dead
2,000 50
1,613 cases. 1,613 1,493 in Maharashtra, 66 in Bihar, third-largest oil Price on ICE
Secret date gets Over a third of the new ca-
ses came from Maharashtra.

34 in Karnataka and 21 in
Jharkhand. Three other sta-
importer, has much to
gain though there will 30
Brent ($/bbl)
couple booked Rajasthan (159) and West Ben-
gal (53) also saw their sharpest 500
598 tes have lodged FIRs against
foreigners, but no arrests ha-
be pain for producers
such as ONGC
Jan 30
April 21 Mumbai: A murder accused

A love-lorn couple—the
man from Jodhpur and
his fianceé who lives in Guja-
rise even as Gujarat logged
239 more coronavirus positive
cases on the day.
April 8
Source: State govts
April 19 April 21
ve been made. Telangana has
booked 88 foreign nationals,
TN 72 and MP 65. What is WTI and where is it Donald Trump’s differences
out on bail stabbed to death
two brothers and grievously
wounded their 16-year-old
rat’s Vastrapur—have been 12-yr-old girl walks 100km After 12 days, Bhilwara consumed? with several governors, sibling following a fight bet-
booked for flouting lockdo- Guj fastest to 2k cases, P 8 to reach home, dies, P 6 reports 5 fresh cases, P 8 157 booked in Maha, P 8 ➤ West Texas Intermediary increasing pressure on storage ween two families over par-
wn norms and stepping out is an easy-to-process crude king of a bike at a chawl in Se-
to meet each other. The cou- produced from onland fields in How is WTI different wree late Monday. While Sha-
the Permian basin of the US from Brent?

Pecking order of facilities for med staff

ple was in a car when Vastra- hid Patel (21) died on the spot,
pur cops came knocking. P 7 ➤ It is consumed by US ➤ Brent is water-borne oil Sahil (19) and Adnan (16) were
refiners. As such, it is produced off the UK coast rushed to KEM Hospital. Sa-
vulnerabe to availability from a depth of 500 metres.
OTHER TOP STORY of storage space ➤ It is the benchmark for two-
hil later succumbed to injuri-
Rema Nagarajan workers to contract the infec- es, and Adnan is in the ICU.
thirds of the global oil trade
SC bats for JVPD & Sumitra DebRoy TNN MAKING THEIR VOICES HEARD tion at the nodal Covid-19 ho-
Why did WTI price crash and is more prone
The prime suspect Karim
Associations of technicians, safai karmacharis, nurses and other spital, had nowhere to go after Shaikh (35), his father, sister
below zero? to be affected by any
open spaces
n the midst of the Covid ep- she was discharged on Sunday. and uncle have been arrested
health staff are seeking more rational safety protocol, than one ➤ US is running short of geopolitical tensions
idemic, complaints pour in The staffer, a Kalyan resident, for murder, attempt to mur-
where rank or hierarchy determines access to protective gear storage because while the
O rdering that two open
spaces in the JVPD sch-
eme be maintained as such,
about facilities and safety ge-
ar for healthcare workers being
dependent on hierarchy rather
Class IV staffers are facing
as much discrimination or
We are getting reports
from different parts of
was discouraged to return ho-
me by her worried neighbours,
said a hospital source.
Covid-19 pandemic sapped
demand, producers continued
Does India buy WTI?
➤ India does not buy WTI,
der and for issuing threats.
Karim, who has two offences
of murder against him, was
to pump oil though it imports small
the SC dismissed an SLP filed than on the extent to which he- hardship of commuting as doctors the country that nurses either Kasturba administration ➤ Tuesday was the last day quantities of US shale oil released on bail last year. His
by the Anjuman-e-Shiate Ali alth personnel face risk of ex- and nurses, yet BMC has not pro- don’t get PPE or get poor then decided to house her in a for settling deals for April but ➤ Brent, on the other hand, father is a former police in-
Trust challenging a Bombay posure to the infection. For in- vided them with a decent place to quality ones. This is because ward meant for sweepers and there were no takers for oil makes up about 27% of India’s former.
HC order that dubbed Mha- stance, doctors are accommo- stay. They don’t want 5-star hotels nurses have no presence in other ancillary workers cate- and traders had absolutely oil purchase, the rest being Sources said the two fami-
da’s decision to allow const- dated in hotels so that they but only a decent place to sleep decision-making bodies ring to Covid-19 cases, as she is no space left to store the Dubai-Oman grades of crude lies had been locked in tussle
ruction as an “illegality”. P 4 don’t have to worry about infec- and bathe —Pradeep Narkar | supposed to be under quaranti- contracted quantities recently. “Since the lock-
—Inaayat Singh Kakar |
ting their families when they Secy, Municipal Mazdoor Union
ne for 14 days after discharge. How does WTI’s price down, the Patel family mem-
Jan Swasthya Abhiyan
return home. However, nurses And after other staff staying in Why does WTI still remain impact India? bers would sit in an open spa-
and technicians are put up in tancing. for work as very few establish- the ward objected, a makeshift in the negative? ➤ It doesn’t unless Brent also ce across accused Karim’s
QUESTIONS ON E6<:* hostels or guesthouses and are Similarly, in many hospi- ments made arrangements for partition has been built to sepa- ➤ Because traders are unsure moves due to common reasons house. Karim’s family objec-
transported to and from their tals, ward boys and sanitation their stay. In Mumbai, a female rate her from them. the economy would reopen such as geopolitical tensions ted to this,” said a source.
homes in packed buses, defea- staff working on short-term cleaner at Kasturba Hospital, anytime soon due to President or major supply disruptions
Times Interact | P 6 & 8 ting the whole idea of social dis- contract have stopped coming among the first healthcare No support: Union, P 5 ‘Sis kicked bike’, P 4
Jalgaon 3 1
Nandurbar 4
Nashik 95 8

Palghar 129 4
STATE TALLY As of 8.30pm, Tuesday
Buldhana 21 1

Dhule 4 1
Akola 16 1 Amravati 6 1 Nagpur
79 1

Gondia 1
State’s Covid-19 *552 from morning till 8.30pm, Tuesday. 553 Chandrapur
Cases analysed CO-MORBIDITY STATUS OF PATIENTS WHO DIED Thane 447 13 Aurangabad 35 3 Washim 1
case curve 472 as per state govt’s formal 24-hour as of 9am, April 21. 2
provided from 80% of Covid-19 patients who Covid-19
tabulation done till 9am, Tuesday 472 *
Total cases in state as Hingoli 1
March 30 onwards. NO have died in the state had co-morbid hotspots Ahmednagar 29 2 Yavatmal 16
of 8.30pm, Tuesday
1st case in Maha Maharashtra 344 350 328 conditions Jalna 1 Parbhani 1
45 Mumbai 151 Pune 716 55 Beed 1
was reported on
March 9 229 210 235 226
5,218 (20%) But a disturbingly high proportion,
20%, didn’t have any underlying
With less
case burden
3,451 deaths Latur 8 Other states
15 2
187 Satara 13 2 Osmanabad 3
149 After six days of 181 diseases or pre-existing conditions such than Raigad 50 1
148 117
100 88 110 121 119 recording deaths (80%) as diabetes or hypertension hotspots Solapur 25 2
22 17 15
Source: Maharashtra Public Health in single digits, BMC has said people should ring the
Ratnagiri 8 1 Sangli 27 1 CASES 5,218
Department’s Report of Covid-19 Cases Mumbai is back to civic helpline if they have fever, cough Least
YES Study available
Mar 30 31 Apr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
double-digit deaths
for 226 deaths or similar symptoms | 022-47085085 affected Sindhudurg 1 Kolhapur 9 DEATHS 251

Questions arise whether some 25% of Dharavi residents tested in last

Covid deaths are being buried 19 days found to be infected: BMC data ve high-risk zones—Mukund Nagar, Madi-
na Nagar, Muslim Nagar, Social Nagar and
Muslim Nagar. A team from the Centre is
expected to visit Dharavi on Wednesday, sa-
Clara Lewis, Malathy Iyer & families stating the patients had SARI (se- Mumbai: Nearly 25% of tests in Dharavi Kalyanwadi. As many as 83 patients were id civic officials.
Sumitra Deb Roy TNN vere acute respiratory illness), but with no have come Covid-19 positive, suggesting a detected through fever camps/community Meanwhile, a 56-year-old cop who lived
mention of Covid,” said the doctor. much higher rate of transmission of the vi- screening and separated to contain the in Dadar police colony and was on duty in
Mumbai: Patients labelled as ‘suspected When a person has either died at home rus here than in other areas. The first case spread, said officials. “It was only owing to ‘hotspot’ Worli Koliwada tested positive on
Covid’ during admission to hospitals here or on the way to hospital, the police rely on in Dharavi was reported on April 1. our fever camps and massive community Monday. He was admitted to SevenHills Ho-
are not being tested for the novel coronavi- his medical history and whether he was Twelve new cases, including one fatali- screening activity that we were able isolate spital, said civic officials.
rus even after death in a bid to dress up in- suffering from fever, myalgia, cough or ty, were reported from here on Tuesday., ta- maximum positive cases from the high-risk On Monday, three more cases were de-
fection figures, charged opposition leader any other Covid-like symptoms in the past king the tally to 180, including 12 deaths. zones,” said assistant municipal commis- tected in Mahim—a 22-year-old and a 41-ye-
Devendra Fadnavis on Tuesday. 5-7 days. “Such cases are labelled as Covid- Civic data showed that till Monday, the sioner Kiran Dighavkar of G-North ward. ar-old from Prakash Nagar and a 29-year-
He said at least 44 bodies of ‘suspected suspect and their samples are collected,” BMC screened around 40,000 Dharavi resi- The patient who died on Tuesday was a old woman—taking the total to17, including
Covid’ patients have been released from said a doctor from Sion Hospital. dents, tested 657 of them and found that 168 62-year-old man from Mukund Nagar. The one death. The 41-year-old is a watchman at
the civic-run Nair Hospital — a dedicated Such bodies are stored in the mortuary were infected with the virus. Also, 62% of new cases included five members of a fami- acommercial centre in Lower Parel and the
Covid-19 facility now — without the coro- and, if the report is positive, they are han- the positive cases in the area are from the fi- ly from Rajiv Gandhi Nagar and four from 22-year-old is a ‘high-risk contact’ of his.
navirus test. There are several such in- Quarantine stamp in Dharavi ded over to the family in a leak-proof body

Mumbai back to double-digits toll

stances from other hospitals too, said Fad- bag. If the report comes negative, an au-
navis, who tweeted details of the letter he’s “The family could face stigmatisation topsy is carried out.
sent to chief minister Uddhav Thackeray. where they live,” he said. In the third scenario, if the individual,
The BJP accused the state government A senior forensic expert from the city brought dead to the hospital, didn’t have
of fudging the Covid numbers. Fadnavis said it was “nearly impossible” to miss Co- any Covid-like symptoms recently, the po-
said not testing all patients could artificial-
ly bring down the Covid-19 death numbers
significantly, but result in further spread of
the disease “for lack of high-risk contacts
vid-19 deaths among patients who are ho-
spitalised with fever, cough or any Covid-
like symptoms as their samples are man-
datorily sent for testing.
lice rely on their family physician to fur-
nish a death certificate.
Sion dean Dr Pramod Ingale said in the
‘brought dead’ cases, Covid-19 test is not
after six days but fatality rate dips Sanjay Hadkar
being traced, tested and quarantined”.
Doctors said Covid-19 cannot be men-
However, a grey area could be the ‘bro-
ught dead’ cases. A doctor from KEM Ho-
carried out. “If there is a clear medical his-
tory of heart, kidney or any longstanding
10 more Bhatia
tioned in death certificates without a posi-
tive test report. Dr Mohan Joshi, the new
spital said there are at least 10 bodies in
KEM at present that were not tested for Co-
ailment, the death is certified as natural
and no tests are carried out,” he said. Ho-
Mumbai: After six days of re-
cording deaths in single digits, hosp staff +ve,
dean of Nair Hospital, said it would be vid because they were either brought dead wever, the doctor-on-call at Bandra Bhab- Mumbai went back to a double-
unethical to mention Covid in a death cer-
tificate without adequate paperwork.
or died while waiting for admission. “Most
of these bodies will be handed over to their
ha said they carry out Covid-19 test in ‘bro-
ught dead’ cases too.
digit death toll. Of 19 deaths re-
ported in the state, 12 were from
tally now 45
Mumbai, 3 from Pune, 2 from Mumbai: Ten more staffers at
the Bhatia Hospital in Tardeo

BMC grades containment Constable Thane and one each from Sang-
li and Pimpri-Chinchwad. Five have tested positive, taking the
of the 12 died on day of admis- total count of affected staffers

with Union sion to hospital. The case fatali-

ty rate (CFR), both for the state
from the hospital to 45. It is now
the third-worst hit medical fa-

zones by colour-coding min tests +ve

as well as the city, continued to
decline, though. CFR for state
stood at 4.81% while that for the
cility in the city after Wock-
hardt and Jaslok hospitals,
which had 80 and 57 affected
employees respectively. Ove-
for Covid-19 city was at 4.37%, down from
7% seen till ten days ago. The
state again attributed the spurt A man sits with his child under the FOB near Lokmanya Tilak Terminus
rall, close to 300 medical profes-
sionals in the city have tested
Mumbai: The number of Navi Mumbai: Two persons in cases to addition from Mum- positive for coronavirus.
Congested pockets, The count of positive doc-
containment zones in the city
has increased by over 90 since
the weekend. With over 3,450
need tight lockdown
Congested pockets, manageable
tested positive for Covid-19 un-
der PCMC on Tuesday. While
one is a 59-year-old person
bai’s private labs.
Health minister Rajesh To-
pe said the state would be set-
Govt says sanitisation domes, tors and nurses at Bombay Ho-
spital has increased to19. While
Mumbaikars testing positive
for Covid-19, the city now has
Buildings, manageable
from Kamothe, the other is a
Mumbai Police constable atta-
ting up oxygen stations in all
Covid-19 designated hospitals
tunnels likely to harm you civic officials said that hospi-
tals will no longer be placed un-
817 containment zones, up Population in a K/W MOST ZONES ched to the security detail of a and quarantine centres. He sa- Mumbai: Sanitisation domes and tunnels, being promoted as der containment, manage-
from 721 just three days ago. containment zone 32 11 Union minister residing in id manufacturers of medical anti-Covid safety measure, have no scientific basis and could ments told TOI that they can-
Considering the rapid in- needs to be accounted 17 Kharghar. The positive cases oxygen have been instructed cause harm, state government officials said on Tuesday. not start operations for want of
crease in the zones — which for daily for up to 14 (Andheri- under PCMC areas are now 39. that adequate provision should “The tunnels are of no use, so we have been advised to stop manpower. “A big chunk of our
are designated areas from days from when the west) A civic doctor said the Ka- be made. Tope said oxygen their use,” said state National Health Mission director Dr employees are either positive
where a person tests positive last patient in the area mothe person had a prostrate masks would be set up near the Anup Kumar Yadav, adding that it was in line with Government or under quarantine. How can
for coronavirus and where tested positive for check-up at Apollo Hospital, bedside of every patient. of India guidelines. By walking through the tunnels, people we run hospitals,” said a hospi-
his or her high- and low-risk Covid-19 H/E 7 17 Belapur. Later, he tested positi- Health officials also said may get a false sense of safety and ignore norms of social dis- tal head. It is believedthe go-
contacts live — the BMC has 24 ve at a private laboratory and more people have recovered tancing and frequent hand-washing. vernment has instructed BMC
After 14 days, if there and other private hospitals
graded them by a colour-cod- (Bandra- was shifted to the sub-district and gone home. Kasturba Ho- Government officials said spraying disinfectants on people
ing system: Red is for congest- are no new cases, the east) hospital, Panvel, on Tuesday. spital discharged its 100th pati- was “physically and psychologically harmful”. Moreover, that they could deduct salaries
ed pockets requiring tight area is declared safe. Panvel City Municipal ent on Tuesday. Tweeting about there was no scientific proof that Covid can be prevented by or even dismiss staffers if they
Boards specify that L 18 5 22 show reluctance to work. TNN
lockdown, orange is for con- Corporation (PCMC) has been it, the BMC’s official handle spraying a person coming from a high-risk area. TNN
building or area has (Byculla)
gested pockets that are man- G/S 29 15 getting samples tested at Reli- stated, “Kasturba’s century
ageable with less stringent been marked as a 33 ance Life Sciences to avoid de- against Corona! Kasturba dis- Mumbai to identify individu- from Mukund Nagar area. getable vendor had got the in-
restrictions, and blue is for containment zone (Worli, E 33 3 13 lays at JJ hospital. Commis- charged its 100th #COVID-19 als who are more than 60 years Among the deaths in Mum- fection from an unknown sour-
buildings that are similarly Each zone is Prabhadevi) (Byculla) sioner Ganesh Deshmukh sa- positive patient today - a miles- old, obese, diabetic and hyper- bai were those of a 35-year-old ce. She was admitted to
manageable. In all, 297 zones monitored by a civic id results at private laborato- tone we’re all so proud of ! But sensitive. Dharavi continued to man and a 40-year-old man, Horizon hospital on April 14
High- and low-risk contacts need to
across Mumbai are marked ries take around 24 hours. “I we’re not done yet. We are com- report more cases even as an both of whom had no underly- and tested positive on April 16.
officer, who leads a be separated and health camps set up
red, 129 orange and 391 blue. did not want to delay treat- mitted to keep going on and analysis showed 25% of those ing conditions and died on the Similarly, a 77-year-old woman
team that includes local for testing. Those who visit dispensaries
“There was a need to cate- ment of those who test positi- on.” Civic officials said of the tested in the area had come po- day of admission. Among from Naupada who was a high-
gorise the zones in order to police personnel and hospitals must be listed ve. Therefore, out of 450 sam- 100 patients, 60 were men and 40 sitive till Monday. On Tuesday, others were senior citizens bet- risk patient was initially ad-
decide how many BMC and ples tested, 350 have been done women. About 24 of the 100 we- a dozen new cases were repor- ween ages 50 and 78 who had co- mitted to a private hospital af-
police personnel need to be them were assigned home mouth existence. If they sit at by the private laboratory,” he re senior citizens above the age ted, including a death. The ca- morbidities such as hyperten- ter she had a fall on April 13.
deputed to patrol a particular quarantine, but 4,292 were home, they know their fam- said. NMMC only sends sam- of 60 years, while eight were ses in Dharavi now are 180, in- sion, diabetes, kidney diseases. Five more persons tested
area. Red zones require the found to be living in congest- ilies would go hungry. Hence, ples to JJ hospital, and test re- children below 10 years of age. cluding 12 deaths. A Central te- Two women from Thane di- positive within the jurisdiction
strongest presence of the au- ed homes and so were taken to the authorities have a tough ports of 229 were pending on The BMC on Tuesday issu- am is likely to visit Dharavi on ed within a span of 24 hours, ta- of NMMC. Two deaths were re-
thorities for ensuring stric- institutional quarantine fa- time convincing people living Tuesday. While NMMC sends ed a circular for conducting a Wednesday. The deceased re- king the toll there to six. A 55- ported in the Pune Metropoli-
ter vigil,” said a civic official. cilities. in slums to stay at home,” he 30-50 samples a day, PCMC survey in high-risk pockets of ported was a 62-year-old man year-old woman who was a ve- tan Region.
The rise in the number of Goregaon corporator said. A social worker said that sends around 25.
containment zones has also
meant an increase in the
Sandeep Patel said the big-
gest challenge is locking
for anti-Covid measures to be
effective, the authorities
Meanwhile, Raigad dis-
trict administration has star-
A PENSIVE MOOD Kasturba hosp
number of people who are down slum pockets once they need to ensure that the daily ted two community kitchens
quarantined there.
At last count, the number
are marked as containment
zones. “Many of those living
needs of those living in pover-
ty in containment zones are
in Ulwe and Pali Devad, Suka-
pur. —Umesh K Parida &
KK Choudhary
discharges 100th
stood at 53,118. Initially, all of in slums have a hand-to- taken care of. Sanjay Banerjee Covid-19 patient
After relaxation rollback, Metro work stops;
Mumbai:The BMC said 100 Co-
vid-19 patients from Kasturba
Hospital and 75 from periphe-
ral civic hospitals like Trauma

pre-monsoon activities to go on, says BMC hospital, Jogeshwari, have re-

covered and been discharged.
Of the 100 at Kasturba, 60
were msale and 40 were female;
From P 1 monsoon works. Also, since and there are chances it could can operate and all agricultu- 24 were senior citizens and
the order covers MMR, some of get flooded in the monsoon, the ral and allied activities can be eight were children below 10 ye-

uesday’s order says in vi- the industries that could have builder could finish it—were carried out as allowed in the ars. Tweeting about the same,
ew of the large number started in the rural areas (out- withdrawn in the evening. original lockdown circular. BMC’s official handle said,
of people commuting in side municipal limits) will not Senior officials said civic As per the April 17 order, pr- “Kasturba’s century against
view of the relaxations allow- be able to do so now. pre-monsoon works too were a ivate security services and ma- Corona! Kasturba discharged
ed as per a notification on April The notification on April 17 part of the relaxation order, intenance and upkeep of office its 100th #COVID-19 positive pa-
17 and the resultant threat of in the extended phase of the but the permission has been re- and residential complexes too tient today - a milestone we’re
spread of the pandemic, the re- lockdown till May 3 had allo- voked. They said the state go- were allowed, which will not be all so proud of ! But we’re not
laxations stand withdrawn. wed construction activities vernment is likely to issue de- applicable anymore. Also, in li- done yet. We are committed to
With the rollback order, within municipal limits if wor- tailed guidelines allowing the- ne with the Centre, the state keep going on and on.” TNN
construction on public pro- kers were available on site. The se in the next few days. The has allowed vehicles of e-com-
jects like the Metro has come to
a standstill. The Mumbai Met-
municipal commissioners in
the two regions have revoked
BMC said it will carry out pre-
monsoon works as usual with
merce companies to ply for de-
livery of essential commoditi- Use 50% of staff
ro Rail Corporation (MMRC) the order. In Mumbai, initially all precautions in place. es only. The allowance for non-
said it has stopped all tunnel-
ling, but will continue pre-
limited pre-monsoon work-
—say a basement is half done
Some private offices that
are part of essential services
essential goods was with-
drawn earlier.
Blooming yellow flowers on the jogging track at the Jewel of Navi Mumbai in Nerul on rotation: BMC
advice to hosps
Academics chalk out plans to Covid-proof school campuses
Vinamrata.Borwankar A think tank has devised a of School Leaders Network, ducting parent-teacher mee- nd school on Monday, Wed-
Mumbai: With more hospital
staff testing positive and hospi-
tals being shut, BMC issued a
circular listing guidelines for standard operating procedu- TIPS TO CREATE SAFE SPACES FOR STUDENTS the think tank. tings online, and making av- nesday and Friday, and onli- such institutions. It said hospi-
re that schools could follow The group collaborated ailable school computer ne classes on other days when tals should use “optimal” staff,
Mumbai: Schools across the and shared the document Some suggestions made by a to multiple people with school heads, manage- laboratories to children who the next 20 attend school. given the load of patients, and
state are staring at a long bre- with the Maharashtra educa- think tank for schools A nurse in every school ment representatives and cannot attend online classes Classroom desks can be redu- to use 50% of staff to pre-empt
ak from the academic year tion department, the mini- Temperature checks Medical emergency school architects to draft the- from home. ced and each set six feet all from being exposed to the
due to the ongoing coronavi- stry of human resource deve- before entering school evacuation drills ir suggestions. The group has also sugge- apart.” These models, tho- risk. Staff can be called on rota-
rus crisis and have begun to lopment, and CBSE and CI- buses and campuses Storage of all textbooks These include screening sted that schools run in shifts ugh, will require a lot of extra tion so that a few employees are
look at ways to create safe SCE boards, “Parents’ anxie- Regular sanitization of in school; e-books at home of students, staff and visitors and offer a mix of online and effort on part of teachers. kept in reserve, states the circu-
campuses for children when ty levels post the Covid-19 campuses and buses for body temperature, crea- classroom learning to ensure “These are suggestions lar issued on April 18.
All payments to school
they eventually return. A lockdown might remain ting safe spaces for those with social distancing. Explaini- (not guidelines) as context The exposed areas in a ho-
Masks for individuals exposed through online bank transfer
group of academicians and high. Hence, schools have to other medical needs, cancel- ng a scenario, the document will vary from school to scho- spital can be disinfected, expo-
school heads has drafted sug- start incorporating changes ling large gatherings for the stated: “Assuming that the ol. But what remains is the sed staff be quarantined and
gestions that schools could on campus and innovate arning education model of parents. They have to en- rest of the academic year, dis- number of students in a 500- fact that schools have to start high-risk contacts tested, inste-
follow while welcoming structures that enable them (school, online and home) if sure campuses are safe,” said persing and assembling stu- square-foot classroom is 40, thinking of Covid-19-free ad of closing the entire hospi-
children back to class. to function with a blended le- they wish to retain the trust Francis Joseph, co-founder dents in small batches, con- half of the students can atte- campuses,” said Joseph. tal, it further said. TNN


Pallavi.chakravorty funding investments. three-month moratorium, crowdfunding has come are more for investors,”

THRIVE WITH One of the biggest ad- which allows repayments up in a big way. It allowed said Alex Fedosseev, CEO
vantage of crowdfunding to begin only after the said for accredited online plat- & Founder, 1World Online.
is division of risk which time and Koronafree loans forms to act as facilitators Back home, players

enny Basumatary
has started a allows investors to park — targeting borrowers of equity investment op- such as Catapooolt, Ket-

new campaign on small amounts of money. from districts unaffected portunities between start- to, Kickstarter and many
Wishberry to fund Primarily, there are three by COVID-19 or with less ups and non-accredited others have helped sev-
his latest film Local Ut- types of crowdfunding: Do- than 10 confirmed cases,” investors and prompted eral startups and small
paat. This is the Assamese nation-based — where the said Rajat Gandhi, Found- players like Republic — an businesses raise funds.
filmmaker’s fourth film as investors or contributors er & CEO, Faircent. RBI equity investing platform Last year, Amazon India
a director and like one of are promised no financial regulations doesn’t allow for startups – to come into launched an initiative
his previous films — Local returns as these cam- NBFC-p2p platforms to play. The platform which called Amazon Wings to
Kung-Fu 2 – is being fund- paigns are mostly cause- guarantee any return to allows a minimum invest- help its sellers raise funds
ed through crowdfunding. based; Debt-based — this investors but Faircent ment of $10 has gained through Ketto. Through
“My first film was made method promises the con- claims to provide a return lot of traction since being the initiative, the company
with a budget of `90,000 tributors their money back of 12-28 per cent to its in- founded in 2016. “India aims to help small sell-
but for my second film I with interest. It is also vestors. could unleash huge driv- ers with early-stage ideas
needed more money to called ‘peer-to-peer (p2p)’ In the US, rewards-based ing force for economic raise funds for product
give it a wider release. lending; Equity-based – in platforms like Indiegogo boost (especially after development. Catapooolt’s
One of my friends told this type of funding con- and Kickstarter got the the Covid-19 impact) if it CEO and Co-founder,
me about crowdfunding tributors acquire equity early attention but after makes equity fundraising Shabir Momin, believes
and I met the team from shares in exchange for the JOBS Act (Jumpstart legal. The true potential the time is perfect to val-
Wishberry. The campaign capital receiving return Our Business Startups of crowdfunding can only idate ideas and jump to
helped me raise ` 8.9 lakh Act) of 2012, equity-based be realised when returns execution. “Adaptation is
and plan my film on a big- key to survival and in the
ger scale,” he said. current situation crowd-
R OW D F funding offers an oppor-
Crowdfunding may emerge as a great form of alternative F C
Globally, the crowd-
funding market has shown UN tunity of micro investment
steady growth after the

2008 financial crisis in China tops the list of turns,” he said.


response to the difficul- countries in achieving on their investment as undermined. “Even though or special access to the Crowdfunding can be
ties faced by early-stage the maximum transac- well as a share of the prof- it’s a tough situation, we project they funded (invite especially useful during

enterprises attempting to tion value for crowd- its. They are also entitled are still getting donations to film premiers), limited medical emergencies,
generate funding. Today, funding projects to a dividend. In India, for daily wage workers edition merchandise, ex- particularly due to plat-
in the world
as per Statista, the glob- equity-crowdfunding is working in the film and perience in the making of forms such as Milaap.
al transaction value in the deemed illegal while a p2p TV industry. In the post the project, etc. The platform that has
crowdfunding segment THE TOP 5 lending platform can oper- Covid-scenario, when peo- Some like Faircent, a so far helped raise more
amounts to $8,537.3 mn All number in US$
ate only after obtaining a ple will be more cautious p2p lending platform, than ` 800 crore believes
in 2020 (till first quarter), Source: Statista Certificate of Registration about shelling out a big have launched initiatives in being the last layer of
the highest being reached from the RBI. amount, crowdfunding can to help borrowers meet social security for indi-

in China — $7,049 mn. As per Statista, the be explored extensively by their short-term cash- viduals facing crisis. In

India, at $1.8 mn, has the global crowdfunding mar- people in need of funds,” flow requirements. The a bid to support more

potential to go a long way. ket size by 2025 can be said Anshukila Dubey, RBI-registered platform Covid-19 initiatives, the


India 1.8M

In fact, according to the $28.8 billion. That esti- Co-Founder & COO, Wish- has till date dispersed company has decided
World Bank Crowdfunding mate may change in the berry – a reward-based more than Rs 200 crore to waive off the five per





Report 2019, the develop- post Covid-19 situation crowdfunding platform worth of loans since cent fee that it charges
ing world has the ability but nevertheless the po- for creative artists. The founded in 2014. “We have DONATION-BASED DEBT-BASED on funds raised through
to deploy up to $96 billion tential of this form of al- platform gives intangible introduced Anti-lockdown where investors or con- promises contributors its platform. “Our prelim-
a year by 2025 in crowd- ternative lending can’t be rewards such as early bird loans — loans with a tributors are promised no their money back with inary theme of fund rais-
financial returns as these interest. Also called ing was for food followed
campaigns are mostly ‘peer-to-peer (p2p)’
by funds for protective
cause-based lending
We are getting lot of donations for >LVWLYH[LH[PU[LYLZ[ equipment for healthcare
daily wage workers working in the rates starting from 12-28 workers. From where we
ÄSTHUK;=PUK\Z[Y`0U[OLWVZ[ WLYJLU[WH3LUKLYZ[Y` see it, in the next phase,
cautious about shelling out a big amount, of loans and majority of them earn nesses will need funding
start their businesses
ANSHUKILA DUBEY, Co-Founder & COO, RAJAT GANDHI, Founder & CEO, contributors acquire equity shares in exchange for
post lockdown,” said Ma-
Wishberry Faircent capital receiving return on their investment as well as a
yukh Choudhury, CEO and
share of profits. They are also entitled to a dividend
co-founder, Milaap.


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V7 ? 1

- pu bl ld-on ine

"ZZZ/ . Z /- Z Z# / A 11
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Social Distancing In Dharavi ‘Worli Koliwada

can be a model for
virus containment’
Central Team Lauds Maha Efforts
Prafulla Marpakwar & ward-wise break-up of posi-
Sujit Mahamulkar TNN tive cases. Significantly, tou-
rism minister, Aaditya
Mumbai:A five-member in- Thackeray, represents the
4 ter-ministerial central team Worli assembly constituency.
(IMCT), which is in the city to According to a press re-
assess the Covid-19 situation, lease issued by the chief min-
feels Worli Koliwada can be- ister’s office (CMO), Joshi
come a model for the rest of said Worli Koliwada can be
the country in containing the the best example of a corona-
virus outbreak. virus-free zone in the country
Lauding the State’s efforts and if the work done in the ar-
to contain the pandemic, the ea is replicated in other con-
Central team said the dou- tainment zones, it will help
bling rate of patients in the break the virus chain.
State has increased. While Joshi had a prolonged dis-
the doubling rate in the state cussion with CM Uddhav
is now 6.3 days, it is 4.3 days in Thackeray, municipal com-
Mumbai. missioner Praveen Pardesi
Besides Kasturba Hospi- and police commissioner Pa-
tal and the BMC headquar- rambir Singh on the adminis-
1 5 ters, the team, headed by addi- tration’s preparedness to
tional secretary, Manoj Joshi, handle the outbreak.
PHOTOS BY SL SHANTH KUMAR visited G-south ward on Tues- The team’s focus was on
day comprising the slum implementation of lockdown
pockets of Worli Koliwada measures, supply of essential

axi drivers, vada pav sellers,
and Jijamata Nagar, which commodities, adherence to
power loom workers, cooks, bar- have emerged as Covid-19 hot- social distancing and quality
bers... a chunk of the working spots. The G-south ward has of health infrastructure. The
class men and women who drive recorded the highest number team asked the civic body to
the economic engine of Mumbai in the 21st of cases in the city. As on ensure adequate supply of ox-
century live in 19th century Dickensian con- April 17, it had 389 Covid-19 ygen cylinders and ventila-
ditions in the heart of the metropolis. It’s a positive cases. After that, the tors in BMC- and govern-
situation Mumbai and the rest of the BMC stopped issuing the ment-run hospitals.
country had come to accept —until
now, that is. Compelled to enforce
a lockdown to stop the spread of
the coronavirus infection, the gov-
Uddhav seeks special
ernment is faced with the impos-
sible task of keeping Dharavi’s
teeming residents confined to their
6 7 trains for migrants
1 A joint family in a 8x10ft space, which doubles up as a shop, airless and congested dwellings. With 4 Migrants from Madhya Pradesh, who make a living selling vada pav, now survive Mumbai: Chief minister Uddhav Thackeray said the Central
now runs a community kitchen for an NGO 2 The home of a Mumbai nearly a million packed into a 2.5 sq km area on food from community kitchens 5 Man on a ledge in a multi-storeyed slum gets government should consider arranging special trains to send
cabbie whose family shares the space with another couple 3 Abdul, – the population density here is three lakh his moustache trimmed 6 & 7 A view of the narrow interior streets 8 With back the six lakh migrant workers and labourers stranded in
an out-of-work taxi driver, tries to engage his children with stories per square km – all attempts at social dis- customers keeping away, staff at a barber’s shop give themselves a clean-up Maharashtra to their native places if it anticipates a spike in
cases between April 30 and May 15.
tancing may prove futile in one of Asia’s
In a video conference meeting with a five-member Central
biggest slums. Already, the area has notched team, led by additional secretary, Manoj Joshi, which is here to
up about 170 cases and the death toll has review the situation in Maharashtra, Thackeray raised the is-
climbed to 12. There are reports that in some sue of stranded migrants as well as supply of medical equip-
of the most infected slum clusters, up to 25% ment.
of samples tested have come positive. “These migrants just want to go home. If the Centre feels the
For Mumbai to get a grip on the pan- Covid-19 outbreak is continuing to spread, allow stranded la-
demic, much will depend on containment bourers to reach their homes as we have ample time to make ar-
strategies in shanty settlements, the biggest rangement for special trains,” said Thackeray. He asked the
Prime Minister and railway ministry to issue guidelines in this
being Dharavi. But here’s the catch – the
regard by April end.
economic hardships of its settlers are bound Thackeray also added special trains could be arranged, and
to worsen. Abdul, a cabbie who pays a rent the entire journey could be monitored. These labourers could
of `1,000 and has a family of four daughters be quarantined as well.
and a son to support, says, “My children On the issue of medical equipment for frontline workers in-
may end up on the streets unless I find a way cluding doctors and nurses, Thackeray asked the Centre to sup-

3 to get behind the wheel soon.” 8 ply PPE kits and ventilators as early as possible. TNN

Church offers food, Thane police

do ‘aarti’ of
Rapid testing kits 2,000 more units to restart;
ration to migrants violators ‘faulty’, state stops Thane district relaxes order
Mumbai: The Catholic had requested the use of facili- Thane: Police have found a
Church has begun a series of ef-
forts to help marginalised and
vulnerable people in the city
during the ongoing lockdown.
ties to distribute food to them.
The archdiocese offered the
premises of four schools — St
Stanislaus Bandra, St Anne’s
unique way to teach a les-
son to those breaching Co-
vid-19 lockdown rules here.
A video, possibly shot
use at last minute Clara.Lewis

Mumbai: Over 2,000 industries

in Nashik, Aurangabad and Vi-
Chandrakant Salunkhe, fo-
under-president of Small and
Medium Enterprises Chamber
of India, said more industries
cism from the industry depart-
ment, the Thane collector, Ra-
jesh Narvekar, on Monday issu-
ed an order relaxing his April 17
The archbishop of Bombay Malad, Rosary School in Dock- recently on Gladys Alvares Sumitra DebRoy & Additional municipal darbha among other places in want to restart, but there is the order that had declared all mu-
Cardinal Oswald Gracias has yard Road and St John the Bap- Road here, shows few Tha- Umesh Isalkar TNN commissioner Suresh Kaka- the state were granted permis- fear of Covid stigma. “If a wor- nicipal corporations and coun-
set up a crisis management te- tist School in Thane. ne policemen performing ni said everything was set up sion to resume operations on ker were to test positive after the cils in Thane district as contain-
am for this purpose and appea- Fr Frazer Mascarenhas, pa- ‘aarti’ of some young resi- Mumbai: The state put a last- to start the tests on Wednes- Tuesday, the second day of the factory resumes operation, it ment zones. He clarified that es-
led to churches to not termina- rish priest of St Peter’s dents who were spotted minute stop to using the rapid day. “Our priority is to test he- easing of the lockdown, after would again have to shut for 14 sential goods and their manu-
te employees. Church, said, “Fr Felix D’Sou- strolling on the streets re- test kits after the Indian Co- althcare workers as they are they submitted online self-de- days. This would affect deadli- facturing would be allowed.
The Church’s Centre for So- za and Tony Coelho, in charge cently. uncil of Medical Research most at risk. Those who test clarations to adhere to the gui- nes. Many businessmen are In Nashik, in Satpur and
cial Action is reaching out to of the facility, have been ma- The clip, which has gone (ICMR) on Tuesday said there positive will be taken away delines for disinfection and so- afraid they may get stigmatised Ambad industrial estates, ma-
5,000 households and over one king arrangements for 100 men viral, shows policemen re- were reports that the kits co- from Covid-19 duties till con- cial distancing. And in Thane and lose business so they prefer ny of the 2,500 small and large
lakh beneficiaries — tribals, and 25 women workers...” citing a popular hymn who- uld be faulty. The state got firmatory tests are done,” he district, relaxation orders were to stay shut till May 3, when the industrial units are expected to
migrant and elderly people, He added, “Our parishio- se words have been modifi- 75,000 kits from the Centre said. He added that they sub- issued on Monday allowing ma- lockdown ends,” he said. resume operations in a day or
transgenders and rag-pickers ner Dr Richard Pereira concep- ed as a message, requesting and planned to carry out tests sequently decided to use the nufacture of essential goods. Salunkhe said there is also two. “Many industries are con-
across the city — with essenti- tualised a programme ‘Manna the violators to stay home, among healthcare workers kits in hotspots like Dharavi A Anbalgan, chief executi- the issue of paucity of labour. sidering restarting operations,
al supplies worth Rs 50 lakh. on Wheels’ to offer 25 lunch while a female police officer and then in hotspots like Dha- and Worli to see the seropre- ve officer of Maharashtra In- “Drivers, cleaners, mathadi but are worried about some of
The Cardinal has been liai- packets in his car initially. performs ‘aarti’ of them. ravi. The BMC had plans to valence of the virus in the dustrial Development Corpora- workers are not available. Also, the strict norms,” said Deepak
sing with the PMO and the Di- Now, our youth use seven cars After the ritual, police try to start testing medical workers community. “It’s a surveillan- tion (MIDC), said: “In all 3,865 banks must give additional wor- Kulkarni, chairman, North
rector General (DG) of Home and 20 volunteers who distri- explain to the youths the with the kits from Wednesday. ce tool and wouldn’t be any- manufacturing units will resu- king capital so that we can pay Maharashtra zonal council, CII.
Guards about providing help bute 1,000 lunch packets.” consequences of stepping Dr Anup Kumar Yadav, way used for treatment. The me operations in the state... It is salaries and retain workers.” (Inputs from Pradeep Gupta
to migrant workers. The DG —Bella Jaisinghani out. —Manoj Badgeri commissioner of National last-minute circular has ta- a good number.” Meanwhile, following criti- & Tushar Pawar)
ken us by surprise. We’ll awa-
Quarantined guard it fresh directions,” he said.
An ICMR official, reques- 9 Filipinos to be After 20-yr battle,
r r escapes, caught ting anonymity, confirmed
r that the rapid test kits will on-
arrested after
SC says 2 JVPD
Navi Mumbai:A 45-year-old ly be used as a tool for sero sur-
security guard, kept at an in- veillance in the identified de-
stitutional quarantine cen-
tre in Khalapur, escaped
mographics across the count-
ry. It will not be used as a tes-
lockdown: Cops
through the toilet window,
on Monday morning. He was
traced near a market place in
Khalapur and taken back.

Health Mission, said they ha-

ve decided to wait for 48 hours
ting tool in high-risk zones.
“This means that tested indi-
viduals will only be part of
the larger survey and the indi-
Navi Mumbai: Vashi police
are waiting for the lockdown to
end to arrest the nine Filipinos
who had been booked for viola-
plots ‘open spaces’
Senior inspector Vishwajeet for ICMR’s new advisory. The viduals will never be infor- ting visa norms and prohibi- Mumbai: In a decision bring- and 15,129 sq ft plot 3 on North-

Kaingade said he worked in ICMR on Tuesday said it got med about the test results to tion orders two weeks ago. “We ing closure to a 20-year-old South 10thRoad. The spaces
Uran but resided in Khopoli- complaints from many states, avoid giving false hope. The have taken necessary steps to fight, Supreme Court has or- amount to 10% of total area of
.—George Mendonca including Rajasthan, that the sensitivity and specificity of ensure that they do not leave In- dered maintenance of two the two layouts, while BMC’s

rapid test kits had only 5.4% rapid kits is mired in ambigu- dia when international flights open spaces at Juhu-Vile Par- Development Control Rules
NIA custody of accuracy, or a staggering 95% ity. But as a tool for sero surve- resume after lockdown ends,” le Development Scheme (1967 and 1991) mandate more

inaccuracy rate. The state is illance, it can be effectively said Vashi police senior inspec- (JVPD) as open spaces only. It than 15% as open space for
activist extended believed to have stopped
using the kits. The ICMR said
used to assess how many in a
certain demographics were
tor Sanjeev Dhumal.
On April 5, the police had re-
upheld a 2017 Bombay high co-
urt order that had termed
such large plots.
The two comprise 13 and 19
Mumbai: A special court it will carry out field tests exposed to the virus after cut- gistered an FIR against 10 Fili- Mhada’s decision to allow housing societies, with one
on Tuesday extended the with the kits and issue fresh ting off the 3% variation rate pinos for visa violation norms construction on the two layo- sub-plot in each layout reser-
NIA custody of human advisory on usage in 2 days. in results,” the official said. as they had lived in a religious ut open spaces as an “illegali- ved as open space. In 1967, the
rights activist Gautam Nav- place in Vashi between March ty” and “parting away with a two plots were given to the

‘Prime accused’s sis

1 lakha, accused in the Elgar 10 and 16 without informing the goldmine, giving enormous trust, which handed them to
I I I..
Parishad case, by a week. local police after returning benefit to private parties wit- 57 individuals and two co-ope-
Navlakha had surrendered from the Tablighi Jamaat cong- hout public exchequer get- rative societies for housing
before NIA in Delhi on regation in Delhi. Though ting slightest benefit”. low-income members of the
April and was subsequent-
ly arrested. TNN kicked victim’s bike’ three of them tested positive
for Covid-19, they did not self-
quarantine themselves. One of
Dismissing a special leave
petition filed by Anjuman-E-
Shiate Ali Trust of Bohri
community. In 1999, Mhada
submitted a revised layout
plan for JVPD to BMC for up-
From P 1
WR parcel trains between the two families. So-
urces in Rafiq Ahmed Kidwai
the affected Filipinos succum-
bed to the virus. Later, the offi-
community challenging the
HC order, the apex court sta-
dation, showing no reserva-
tions on the plots.
earn most in India
1 1 1 ? 1 ll the four — Karim, his Marg police station said Ka- ce-bearer of the religious place, ted, “As rightly held by HC, we In SC, the trust argued
father Yusuf Shaikh rim’s sister Minaj allegedly his son, a house maid and his 18- are also of the view that the that the 1967 layout was tem-
Mumbai: Western Railway (70), sister Minaj, and kicked Shahid’s bike and this month-old grandson tested po- two plots, shown as open spa- porary. But SC said, “There is
(WR) earned the highest reve- uncle Mehraj Shaikh (65)— snowballed into a bigger sitive for coronavirus. ces/garden in approved layo- no such concept as temporary
I i 1
nue from parcel trains among will be produced in court on fight. The 10 Filipinos were boo- ut, cannot be allowed to be layout in the scheme of Mum-
all zonal railways in India for Wednesday. Shahid was standing out- ked for violation of prohibition used for construction.” bai Municipal Corporation
April. Spokesperson Ravin- On Monday, Shahid went side when Karim stabbed him order during lockdown under The matter was fought by (MMC) Act and Regulations.”
Please c o nA der Bhakar said WR earned to buy essential goods for the from behind. Sahil and Ad- IPC Sections 188, 269 and 270, as architect P K Das, Save Open The court observed that
Jai Sarsar: 9867505472 , Rin Rs 3.05 crore, almost 39% of family. On returning, he par- nan rushed to his rescue and well as the Epidemic Diseases Space convenor Ashoke Pan- 1999 development plan did not
Indian Railway’s total ear- ked his bike near the open they, too, were stabbed, said Act, 1897, Maharashtra Co- dit and a resident, Bharat show details of internal layo-
nings from parcel trains. WR space at Kulsumbhai Bhola police. While Shahid collap- vid-19 Management Rule, 2020 Shetty. uts sanctioned by BMC. SC
operated 74 trains carrying chawl near the railway sta- sed on the spot, locals rushed and Foreigner Act, 1946. The matter refers to 22,500 concluded there was no merit
10,750 tonnes of goods. TNN tion. This led to an argument Sahil and Adnan to hospital. — George Mendonca sq ft plot 6 on 9th Wireless Road in the appeals. —Clara Lewis
You can also call our 24x7 helpline number II 120 5474
UPDATE Testing rate is total number of tests
per 1,000 people. GDP per capita is
21 tests per 1,000 COVID-19 TESTING RATE
Comparison of weekly cases with other countries
Due to differences in reporting
adjusted for price differences between
Italy INDIA | 18,985 methods, retrospective data
USA 6,04,070
Though MAHARASHTRA, The chart shows how many New York state continues to FRANCE
countries (Purchasing Power Parity) USA consolidation, and reporting 1,07,778

Total tests per thousand

with 83,111 laboratory 10 Turkey coronavirus tests per 1,000 have more coronavirus cases
delays, case numbers are than any country outside US
samples, has the highest persons have been done in select MAHA | 5,218 1,00,000
not the totals the selected
testing rate in India, both the Ghana countries. Like Maharashtra and

Vietnam South Africa countries had as of April 21, IRAN CHINA
state and the country have India, governments worldwide Tuesday, but the last available
Japan are in the process of ramping up 74,877 83,597
one of the lowest rates when 1 Number of cases above for weekly comparison
Pakistan coronavirus testing as of 9pm, April 21
compared to countries like 50,000
Nepal Mexico (GDP axis not to scale for Sources: WHO, Union Ministry (Countries vary
Ghana and Vietnam, not to Kenya India Till now, Italy has conducted the Arrows in time comparison chart rest at
Indonesia reading convenience)
highest number of Covid-19 tests
of Health & Family Welfare, in testing criteria INDIA JAPAN
speak of hotspots like Italy Bangladesh numbers at start of stated week, not latest data 25,000 State Covid-19 Report and extent) 13,387
0.1 as a proportion of population. 9,167
and the US Sources: Maharashtra Public Health Department’s 12,500
Sources: Our World in Data, World Bank Next are the US and South Korea Report of Covid-19 Cases, European Center for 0
Africa Asia Europe North America $10,000 GDP per capita (PPP) in 2020 $100,000 (not shown on the chart) Disease Prevention and Control, WHO Week 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th

60,000 cases
of lockdown BMC sets up three-tier care 5 main members of Toll charges for
E-way hiked
system for Covid patients Palghar mob held Navi Mumbai: Revised toll char-
ges for Mumbai-Pune Express-
way have come into effect from
Mumbai: The Maharashtra
police have recorded 60,000 ca-
ses across the state and collec-
ted Rs 2.30 crore in fines for flo-
Elders in high-risk areas to be identified the task force formed by the
state government for patient
on info from locals April 20. The toll operator revised
charges after three years, as per a
government gazette. Charges for
LMVs (cars, jeeps and vehicles
uting lockdown-related rules. Mumbai: Hospitalization for management protocol for se- TIMES NEWS NETWORK BJP, complained to the police with capacity of 12 passengers)
According to data released
by the state on Tuesday, betwe-
a Covid-19 positive patient
may now on entail moving
T he BMC on Tuesday issued a circular for conducting a survey
in high-risk coronavirus pockets in the city. The purpose is to
identify individuals who are more than 60 years of age, obese,
rious and critically-ill Covid
patients. Mumbai:The five prime accu-
that she was being threatened
by the families of those arres-
were increased from Rs230 to
Rs270; mini-buses (20), from Rs355
en March 22 and April 20, 13,381 from one kind of Covid hospi- diabetic and hypersensitive. Such individuals will be checked for “A change in discharge sed in the Palghar lynching ca- ted. VHP working president to Rs420; and buses, from Rs675 to
people were booked and some tal to another. The BMC has oxygen levels by a pulse oxymeter and those found low in oxygen policy will help to optimize se were arrested after they we- Rajesh Gupta demanded a spe- Rs797. —George Mendonca
arrested for violation of rules tweaked its discharge policy will be picked up for further treatment as will be directed in a use of Covid hospitals and fa- re identified from the CCTV fo- cial fast-track court. “The kil-
under various acts. Nearly
42,000 vehicles have been sei-
in such a manner that seri-
ously-ill Covid patients who
training to be held shortly at non-Covid hospitals. Two
community health workers and an assistant medical health
cilities. It will help us to prior-
itize treatment and keep hos-
otage of the Thursday night in-
cident by locals.
lings have taken place in the
stronghold of CPI(M),” he sa- Navi Mum cops
zed for violation of lockdown are admitted to Covid-only officer will undergo training for conducting the survey. TNN pital facilities ready for those Suspended in-charge of Ka- id. BJP politician Uma Bharti
or for illegally ferrying pas-
sengers or non-essential goods.
hospitals will be moved down
the chain to a dedicated Covid rious patients recover in a gling to get ambulances to re-
who need them most,” said a
civic official.
sa police station Anantrao Ka-
le had named the five, Jairam
urged chief minister Uddhav
Thackeray to lodge a murder
deploy drones
Police have registered 1,062 ca- health centre (DCHC) once DCHC, they could be moved ach hospitals or get admitted. The BMC also took the de- Bhavar (25), Mahesh Ravte (19), case against the policemen Navi Mumbai: Police are using
ses against citizens engaging they start showing signs of to CCCs, which are divided The BMC has decided to cision to discharge high-risk Ganesh Devjirao (31), Ramdev who allegedly did not help the drones to keep a check on crow-
in illegal movement of goods. recovery. This movement will into two types — CCC1 (locat- admit only critical patients to contacts from CCC1s if their Asre (27) and Sunil Ravte (25). victims. BJP politician Kirit ding in public places, movement
There were also 121 cases of at- ensure that intensive care ed in hotels, lodges, halls, its dedicated Covid hospitals test reports come negative af- The arrest of the prime ac- Somaiya said an investigation of vehicles and to prevent people
tack on police personnel. TNN beds — which are in short newly constructed buildings; — Kasturba, Nair and Seven- ter seven days, and put them cused led to other 105 suspects, should be done under the gui- from going to terraces. DCP (zone
supply — are free for those they don’t have round-the- Hills. They will be discharged with a home quarantine including nine minors. The dance of a judge of a high co- 1) Pankaj Dahane said they were

Consider Covid who need it.

On lines of central guide-
lines, the BMC has set up a
clock medical care) and CCC2
(government centres with
doctors and nurses 24x7).
and shifted to CHCs once they
improve, but continue to have
symptoms. If a patient fur-
stamp. High-risk contacts
would be housed at CCC1s
and asymptomatic Covid pa-
mob was acting on rumours of
thieves moving in a car. The
lynching took place on the
urt or by the CBI.
NCP chief Sharad Pawar
condemned the lynching as
using them to manage traffic at
Vashi toll plaza and at APMC mar-
ket too. —George Mendonca
duty as part of three-tier care system, begin-
ning with dedicated Covid
The BMC is struggling to
increase bed capacity of Co-
ther improves and becomes
asymptomatic, the BMC will
tients at CCC2s. Officials said
treatment isn’t offered to peo-
Dabhadi-Khanvel Road near
Gadchinchale village. The vic-
well as the opposition reaction
to it. “At a juncture when the
hospitals at the top of the hos- vid hospitals and CHC hospi- shift them to a CCC2. ple (high risk contacts) at tims were two sadhus, Chikne state has geared up for tackling
bond, say docs pital pyramid, followed by
DCHCs and with Covid care
tals along with the required
staff and doctors. There have
The decision on the new
discharge policy has been
CCC1s, but BMC will shift
those who become symptom-
Maharaj Kalpvirkshagiri (70)
and Sushilgiri Maharaj (35),
coronavirus, it is alleged that
law and order has collapsed HAPPAIMES
Mumbai:The extended duty of centres (CCC) at the bottom. been several complaints in taken on the suggestion of Dr atic and also those who test and their driver Nilesh Telga- and that home minister should
resident doctors, who are on The guidelines say that as se- the past week of people strug- Sanjay Oak, the chairman of negative to other facilities. de (30). They had left Kandivli resign. This is not the occasion
the frontline fighting Covid-19, for Surat. Their car was stop- to politicise the issue,’’ he said.
may be considered part of their
one-year service bond. A pro-
posal to this effect is under con- GUNNING FOR THE VIRUS If lockdown ped at Dadra and Nagar Haveli
and they were asked to go back.
After the lynching, two po-
The Shiv Sena said the inci-
dent was an attempt to malign
the state’s image and it was
Knowledge is Safety!
Read the paper to enhance
your awareness and safety
sideration by the state’s medi-
cal education department. ends May 3, no licemen were suspended and
the CID given the case. Deputy
“inhuman” to give it a commu-
nal colour. “The local admini- during these times.
Resident doctors appealed chief minister Ajit Pawar said stration sent them back, despi- Healthcare vouchers
to the government to consider
their additional duty as part of
vacation for HC the guilty would get strict pu-
nishment. “The Palghar inci-
te their saffron robes. If they
had been held back there itself
to be won daily.
Convert points to
their mandatory bond in pub- Mumbai: Bombay high court dent is a blot on humanity, it is and the state government had 5X TIMESPOINTS
lic health service. The Directo- will not avail of its summer condemnable,” he said. been informed, the matter co- for assured rewards.
rate of Medical Education and vacation if the lockdown is lif- Village sarpanch Chitra uld have been resolved,” a Sa- Weekl y Points Bonanza!
Research (DMER) sent a propo- ted on May 3, as per plan. This Chaudhari, who is from the amna editorial said. Weekly draws for 4000
sal to the department, said di- year’s vacation is scheduled TIMESPOINTS,every Sunday.
rector Dr TP Lahane. Postgra-
duate medical students or resi-
dent doctors in government ho-
from May 7 to June 7.
The plan to skip the vaca-
tion was made at a meeting
5 held for shooting video that T&C5 ap:il Participation vri nd DW: 7 to 11AM

1 I

spitals have to complete their

programme of 36 months and
held by Chief Justice B P
Dharmadhikari on Friday af-
shows ‘cop’ asking for money
then serve for one year in go- ter consulting with judges Mumbai: Making a TikTok video that shows a “policeman”
vernment sector. and other stakeholders. stopping an auto and asking for money has led to the arrest of fi- l
The doctors also asked for If before June 7, the lock- ve Bandra (east) youths. Avinash Varma (26), Jalim Siddiqui
clarity on their final-year ex- down is lifted and normal wor- (20), Salman Shaikh (22), Sajid Shaikh (24) and Nafeez Ansari (28)
ams. While an earlier circular king is restored, judges in were arrested on Monday for not only violation of the Covid-19 F w Y} F}
had postponed their exams Mumbai will work from lockdown and prohibitory orders but also criminal defamation.
from May 15 to June 15, a circu- 10.30am-1.30pm & 2.30pm-5pm, On Sunday, the police had arrested two youths, Mohammed Onswer V in9746966661
lar from the Maharashtra Uni- an increase by half an hour Shaikh (24) and Asif Shaikh (19), for recording TikTok videos in Stay Safe Tip!
versity of Health Sciences on daily, high court registrar ge- Dongri that the police said insulted them. Both were paraded
Monday said they will be held ON THE FRONT LINE: A health worker checks a colleague’s temperature with an infrared thermometer neral S B Agrawal said. TNN across Bhendi Bazaar. - V Narayan
post June 15. — Yogita Rao


Hosp staffer dies
of cardiac failure State govt partly 1 held for killing
kin’s ‘murderer’
(Ministry of Tribal Affairs . Govt . of India)
Navi Mumbai: A 28-year-old
staffer of Tata Memorial Ho-
spital’s Advanced Centre for
rolls back order on Mumbai: Three days after the
police found the body of a man
NCUI Building 2nd floor, August Kranti Marg, 3 Siri Institutional Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016
Tel.-011 -26968247 , 26569064 , 26514854 . Fax:091 -11-26866149
Email- mdtrifed @rediffmail .com , Website :

newspaper delivery
Treatment, Research and near VP Road, a local from the
Education (ACTREC) in area was arrested on Monday. CORR IGENDUM
Kharghar died on Saturday. The police claimed that the •• D i
She was from Nashik but resi- accused, Vinod Sagliyar (35),
ded with a colleague in Kharg- Prafulla.Marpakwar they may be sold through estab- has confessed that he had clob- Name of work - Planning, Design , Fabrication , Supply, Erection , Testing, Commissioning and Trial Run
har. Panvel sub-district hospi- lishments that are exempted as bered the victim, identified (3 Months) of Multiple Fruits and Vegetables including all Plant & Machinery and allied MEP works on
tal forensic expert Dr Babaso per the April 17 order.” only as Kishore, as he had kil- TURNKEY BASIS i.e. , complete in all means at Raigad at Taloja Industrial Area , Village Chal ,
Kalel said she died of cardiac Mumbai: Faced with criticism, A day after PM Modi decla- led Sagliyar’s brother nine ye- Panvel, District - Raigad , Maharashtra
failure but no Covid-19 test the state government on Tues- red a nationwide lockdown on ars ago by using black magic.
was conducted later.—Umesh day partly reversed its order of March 24, the Union home mini- Sagliyar has said that he wan- Page Concern Clause Query Clarifications/ Revised
K Parida April 18 prohibiting door-to-do- stry had issued guidelines ted to avenge his brother’s de- No. Clause/ Amendments
or delivery of newspapers. Now, which stated that print and elec- ath, the police said. TNN
(If any)
Fire at quarantine barring MMR and Pune, door- tronic media would be exemp-
hotel, 25 shifted
to-door delivery of newspapers
will be permitted.
ted from the lockdown. When
the lockdown was extended up Foodgrains for 27th March 2020 , Time:- 11:00 Hours
In his order, chief secretary to May 3, MHA again issued gui-
Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development
Mumbai: A fire broke out at Ho- Ajoy Mehta said wherever door- delines reiterating the point. 35 tribal homes Federation of India Ltd
5th May, 2020, Time:- 11:00
tel Rippon Palace in Mumbai to-door delivery is done, it “shall The state on April 17 issued
Central on Tuesday evening. be with the knowledge of recei- its own guidelines but excluded Mumbai: Thirty-five tribal TRIFED 1st floor , TRIFED Tower , Plot no. 3
Tribal Cooperative
Two employees were rescued ver and the delivery of newspa- print media from the exempted families from two tribal ham- sector-17 , Opp. Khanda colony, Mumbai-
from the hotel on Bellasis Road. per personnel.” These person- category. Following a protest, on lets in Aarey Colony were fa- Marketing Development
Pune old Highway, New Panvel (west)-
The hotel was as a Covid-19 care nel “shall wear mask and use April 18, guidelines were amen- cing a food crisis with no inco- Federation of India Ltd
centre, and 25 people were quar- hand sanitizer and maintain so- ded and print media placed in me for a month during the 410206 , Raigad, Maharashtra
Extension of TRIFED 1st floor, TRIFED
antined there. They have been cial distance.” But “given the ex- the exempted category, but with lockdown. The families of dai- Contact No. 022-27463820/ 27463826
Pre Bid Tower , Plot no. 3 sector-17 ,
shifted to another facility near- tent of spread of Covid19, door a rider – newspapers would be ly-wage earners were provi- 06 Email:
by. Four fire engines and two wa- to door delivery of newspapers printed but door-to-door delive- ded with monthly ration by of- meeting Opp. Khanda colony,
ter tankers were used to douse and magazines is prohibited in ry was barred. After some jour- ficials of Adani Electricity on Date. Mumbai- Pune old Highway,
the flames. The ground plus MMR, Pune municipal corpora- nalists’ groups moved Bombay Tuesday. The company was Further the above was amended as under:
New Panvel (west)- 410206 ,
three structure was completely tion and in all containment zo- high court against the order and alerted by customers last we- The pre bid meeting will not be held
smoke-logged, said officers. TNN nes as may be decided by the dis- HC issued notices to the state, ek about the plight of these tri- Raigad , Maharashtra
physically as given in tender documents.
trict magistrates. In these areas, the move was reversed. bal families. TNN Contact No. 022-27463820/
The bidders can email their pre bid queries (if
any) to the following Email ids:
Class IV staff face same travel woes trifed.
by 31St March 2020 (6.00 PM )

as docs, but get no support: Union LAST DATE AND TIME FOR RECEIPT OF
DATE: 17 April 2020,
DATE: 25 May 2020 ,
Extension of
Rema.Nagarajan & stay. They don't want 5-star 5am for his 7.30 shift. bearer of the United Nurses TIME: 15:00 Hours. TIME: 15:00 Hours .
Sumitra Deb roy TNN hotels but only a decent place Nurses in the Delhi gov- Association, adding this was 06
to sleep and bathe,” said Pra- ernment’s main Covid hospi- why associations of techni- Submission
iscrimination against deep Narkar, secretary, Mu- tal, LNJP Hospital, face a sim- cians, safai karamcharis, th
lower levels of fron- nicipal Mazdoor Union. ilar bias in access to accomo- nurses and other health staff Date: 17 April 2020 OPENING OF BIDS :
tline health workers He added that after repeat- dation and safety gear. They asked for more rational safe- TIME: 16:00 Hours Date: 25 th May 2020
has begun to be reported from
various coronavirus hot
ed protests, BMC agreed to
open up rooms in BMC
were first made to stay in dor-
mitories in the hospital while
ty protocol, where rank or
hierarchy do not determine
TIME: 16:00 Hours
spots. For instance, ward schools. “It only means they doctors were put up in a plush access to protective gear. All other clauses remain same as given in tender document. Further updates (if any) will be
boys and sanitation staff who will provide mattresses,” hotel nearby. It took a protest “We are getting reports available
change bedsheets, clean said Narkar, adding that only by their association for them from different parts of the
floors and toilets and change staffers from the ENT Hospi- to be given better facilities. country that nurses either DGM/ MFP
diapers don’t get PPE kits, tal in Fort have been accom- Nurses have also complained don’t get PPE or get poor quali- Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd.(TRIFED)
and are instead forced to modated in a hotel. A 42-year- that doctors get priority for ty ones. This is because nurses NCUI Building, 2nd Floor , 3, Siri Institutional Area , August Kranti Marg, New Delhi-110016.
work in HIV kits, which don’t old cleaner from one of the PPEs during a shortage. have no presence in decision-
cover the body properly, said civic hospitals said, “We “Within a Covid ward or making bodies and hence
Tel: 011-26968247 , 26569064 , Fax: 091 -11-26866149
an Indore hospital employee. clean the patients, take away isolation facility, if some peo- their concerns are not taken Email: trifed .mfpdivision@gmail .com , Website :
“Class IV staffers are fac- their plates, give them water. ple wear protective gear up. That needs to change,” said
ing as much discrimination Don't our families face the while others don’t, it defeats Inayat Singh Kakar, of Jan Regional Manager
or hardship of commuting as chance of getting the infec- the whole purpose. It is this Swasthya Abhiyan. She point- Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd .(TRIFED)
doctors and nurses, yet the tion from us,” he said, adding kind of behavior which has ed out that a much larger num- TRIFED 1st Floor, TRIFED Tower, Plot no. 3 Sector-17, Opp Khanda Colony, Mumbai-Pune
corporation has not provided that he travels from Asan- led to health facilities becom- ber of nurses have been infect- Old Highway, New Panvel (West), 410206 , Raigad, Maharashtra
them with a decent place to gaon and leaves home around ing hot spots,” said an officer ed than doctors.
Contact : 022-27463820/ 27463826 , Email: trifedmumbai@gmai, Website :


Supplies hit,
health ministry Bengal obstructing Centre’s Shivraj cabinet
grows by five;
says ban export
of anti-TB drug Covid-19 teams, says MHA ministers given
Covid duty
doctors helping US

New Delhi: The lockdown due

Stopped From Disaster Mgmt Ashutosh.Shukla fight pandemic
to Covid-19 outbreak has severe-
ly hampered the supply of anti-
Visiting Spots, Act allows govt Bhopal: Nearly a month after
CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan

Meeting Docs to call out Army

TB drugs to the Centre’s Nation- took oath of office, Madhya Pra- very day at 7 pm, when Dr
al TB Elimination Programme desh got a ‘covid-cabinet’, but Mona Singh steps out of the
(NTEP), prompting the health TIMES NEWS NETWORK Pradeep.Thakur still no health or home minister. Metropolitan Hospital in
ministry to recommend a ban on The ‘mini-cabi- New York at the end of her shift,
export of these drugs. New Delhi: The Centre on net’ has just five she is greeted with claps and che-
Leading anti-TB drugs man- Tuesday said while Maha- New Delhi:The West Bengal ministers – no- ers by local residents. The gestu-
ufacturers Macleods and Lupin rashtra and Rajasthan were administration’s refusal to ne with a portfo- re — meant to thank doctors on
— with factories at Ankleshwar fully cooperating with inter- provide assistance to the two lio. The chosen the frontline of Covid-19 fight — Dr Mona Singh, daughter of
and Bharuch in Gujarat, Baddi ministerial teams sent to bo- inter-ministerial central te- ones are Narot- helps her forget, momentarily, Milkha Singh, flanked by colleagues
in Himachal Pradesh and Da- ost anti-Covid-19 actions, the ams despatched to assist the tam Mishra, the stress and anxiety that are
man in Daman and Diu — have West Bengal government LOCKED IN: A boy wearing a mask looks out through a window of state can have serious securi- Kamal Patel, Meena Singh, part of her daily life now, trea- or worried about when they wo-
written to the health ministry had restrained the teams sent his house in Murshidabad on Tuesday ty implications if provisions Tulsi Silawat and Govind Si- ting patients at the Covid-19 uld get to visit India or get any vi-
highlighting that in view of the to Kolkata and Jalpaiguri of the Disaster Management ngh Rajput. ward in one of worst-affected ci- sitors “from home”.
emergency measures undertak- from functioning, escalating vided with the requisite coo- while your leaders use Act are examined, as they Silawat and Rajput are Scin- ties in the world. As she walks The fears are not unfounded.
en, availability of manpower the political battle with Tri- peration by the state and local skewed testing numbers for empower the Centre to de- dia loyalists and were minist- home, it’s now her turn to give a At least five Indian-American
and material to the pharmaceu- namool Congress. authorities. In fact, they have fake propaganda.” ploy military or paramilitary ers in the Kamal Nath cabinet. pep-talk to her parents in Chan- doctors have died treating Co-
tical industry is limited, affect- Home ministry spoke- been specifically restrained The Centre had previous- to enforce guidelines issued No portfolios have been allo- digarh, assuring them she is he- vid-19 patients while others are
ing their production capacity. sperson Punya Salila Srivas- from assessing the ground si- ly written to West Bengal po- by the home ministry in any cated yet, but the ministers ha- althy and safe. battling the disease. Dr Prakash
Health secretary Preeti Su- tava said the West Bengal go- tuation,” home secretary inting out that social distan- part of the country. ve been put in charge of two di- Like Dr Singh, the daughter Sidhwani, associate professor of
dan has written to an empo- vernment’s actions amoun- Ajay Bhalla said in a letter to cing was being slackly imple- Given the sensitivity of visions each to manage the of legendary athlete Milkha pediatrics, Columbia University
wered group of government offi- ted to obstructing implemen- West Bengal chief secretary. mented. CM Mamata Baner- the situation, the Centre may fightback against Covid-19. Singh and an associate profes- Medical Centre, was among tho-
cials to direct the department of tation of the order issued on The war of words, howe- jee said the state would choose persuasion or even a For nearly a month after be- sor, (emergency medicine) at the se who contracted the virus, go-
pharmaceuticals and com- Monday under the Disaster ver, became heated with Tri- implement curbs with a “hu- hard nudge rather than invo- ing sworn in as CM, Chouhan hospital, several Indian-Ameri- ing right back to treating the pa-
merce ministry to ban export of Management Act where state namool leader Abhishek Ba- man face”. ke the more stringent provi- ran a one-man show without a can doctors are aiding Ameri- tients as soon as he recovered.
the drugs. Sudan also asked the authorities were asked to ma- nerjee tweeting, “You cripple Bhalla said the state’s re- sions. As it is, the Trinamool council of ministers, trigge- ca’s fight against the pandemic. Families of doctors back ho-
chief secretaries of states where ke arrangements for the West Bengal with faulty kits fusal to assist the teams “am- has raised the issue of federa- ring criticism from the opposi- According to estimates, 90,000 me in India are worried sick.
the manufacturing factories are IMCTs (inter-ministerial from ICMR and then send ounts to obstructing imple- lism and an emotive outburst tion. The buzz is that a tug of Indian-American doctors have While Dr Singh sends a photo of
located to ensure transportation central teams) to assess the IMCTs to monitor its perfor- mentation of the orders issu- of populist emotions will war between factions in BJP — settled in the US over the last two herself in personal protective
is available to maintain supplies ground situation. mance while keeping the sta- ed by central government un- worry the Centre. But at pre- including Scindia’s — for plum decades and now constitute the equipment (PPE) gear to her pa-
of finished products. “It has been brought to te government in the dark. In der Disaster Management sent, the DM Act, which over- portfolios was delaying forma- largest ethnic group of physici- rents daily to allay their fears,
Full report on the notice of this ministry the name of combating the Act, 2005, and equally bin- rides all existing laws, has be- tion of the cabinet. ans in that country. for Dr Devang Sanghavi, direc-
that IMCTs at Kolkata and Covid-19 crisis, you’re play- ding SC directions”. en invoked till May 3. Chouhan said: “The cabinet For many, the satisfaction of tor of medical ICU at Mayo Cli-

Movement of Jalpaiguri have not been pro- ing with the lives of Bengalis Full report on Full report on is small but balanced, and effort
has been made to give represen-
tation to all sections of society.
helping their adopted country in
such times is immense, but so is
the sadness. Doctors on Covid-19
nic Florida, the day begins with
sending his health update home.
“I tell my parents in Mumbai
vehicles on NHs
Didi hits back, says attack on federal
Whatever is left will be taken duty that TOI spoke to said they that I am taking all possible pre-
care of in the next expansion af- were afraid of never seeing their cautions,” he said.
up by 60-100% ter the lockdown is lifted.”
Full report on
parents and friends back home Full report on

norms; TMC questions Centre’s intent

New Delhi: Vehicle moveme-

nt on several stretches of na-
In Moradabad, 1st batch of stranded
Mamata takes 5 who attacked
Subhojyoti Kanjilal
tional highways linking ma- Mohua.Chatterjee
jor urban centres increased
by more than 60%, and in
some cases nearly doubled, on
Monday, compared to the dai-
New Delhi: A full-scale poli-
tical battle has broken out
the fight to health staff & sugar cane workers
ly average during lockdown between the BJP-led Centre Kolkata streets cops test +ve
period. After 25 days, tolling
on the NHs resumed as eco-
nomic activities started again
in a graded way.
and the Trinamool Congress-
led West Bengal government,
sparked off by the “unanno-
unced” landing of a central

Kolkata: Bengal CM Ma-


Bareilly: At least five of the 17

leaves Kolhapur
Data with GST Network on team of officials in Kolkata mata Banerjee on Tuesday persons who were arrested for
e-way bills, however, suggest- on Monday morning. drove around Kolkata, stop- allegedly attacking a team of
ed that there was only a minor With CM Mamata Baner- ping at several densely-po- health staff and policemen in
rise in traffic with an estimat- jee viewing the move as an at- pulated neighbourhoods to Moradabad’s Nawabpura lo-
ed at 3.3 lakh nationally on tack on the federal scheme of CM Mamata Banerjee at Park Circus during her tour of Kolkata on appeal to people to stay indo- cality on April 15 have tested
Monday, compared to a little governance, Trinamool ac- Tuesday where she urged people to follow social distancing norms ors.“ The Centre has impo- positive for Covid-19.
under 3.2 lakh on Saturday. cused the Centre of “playing sed this lockdown and we Following this, the entire
politics at a time when states endly parties, with higher central ministerial team is have to abide by it,” she said. Nagphani police station was

12-yr-old walks and the Centre are expected

to work together to combat
positive cases are not being
monitored by the Centre,”
they asked.
looking for, what it has found
and why it has not consulted
with the CM or any state go-
The Bengal government
has been in an eye-ball-to-
quarantined. Senior superin-
tendent of police Amit Pathak
coronavirus”. Banerjee shot eyeball confrontation with told TOI, “It is a setback. All
100km to reach off a letter to PM Narendra
Modi protesting “breaking of
“Unfortunately, when
Bengal and all other states
vernment official on their vi-
sit.” He added that the state
the Centre over allegations
of laxity in enforcing the
policemen, including the sta-
tion house officer of Nagpha-
home, dies federal norms”.
Addressing an online
are fighting coronavirus, the
Centre is fighting the states,”
was coordinating with the
Centre and following every
lockdown and social-distan-
cing norms. The state has
ni, had come in contact with
the accused while arresting
The Kolhapur district administration has arranged for MSRTC buses to take
14,000 workers back to their native villages, mostly in Marathwada
Raipur: A 12-year-old tribal press conference on Tuesday, O’Brien said, adding, “The guideline. “So, what happe- strongly rebutted the char- and shifting them to jail. They
girl, daughter of migrant TMC parliamentary leaders Centre refused to call off the ned suddenly?” he asked. ges, with chief secretary Ra- have all been quarantined.” TIMES NEWS NETWORK The workers were sent home
workers, died after walking Sudip Bandopadhyay and budget session of Parliament Asked whether people jiva Sinha saying on Tues- According to sources, at after getting approval from the
100km with her family from Derek O’Brien questioned and delayed a lockdown would suffer if the war aga- day that over 28,000 people least 73 cops have been quar- Kolhapur: The first batch of aro- authorities. “We have communi-
Telangana to try to reach their the Centre’s “intent”. “Why when the virus was sprea- inst coronavirus got caught had been prosecuted and antined. The five attackers, und 2,000 of the 14,000 sugar cane cated with the authorities of the
native village in Bijapur dis- are opposition-governed sta- ding, paying no heed to in political wrangling, Ban- 3,100 FIRs lodged in the past who tested positive forCo- workers, most of them from Ma- districts through which these bu-
trict of Bastar. tes like West Bengal being TMC’s warning on social dis- dopadhyay said, “Hopefully, four weeks. vid-19 on Monday, are kept in a rathwada, started their journey ses will be passing and asked
The girl, Jeeta Madkami, put on targeted watch when tancing to be observed, appa- good sense will prevail. The Trinamool seniors said temporary jail set up at a pub- home from Kolhapur, said an offi- them to allow the workers to go
died 50km short of home. states under BJP like Gujarat rently to install a BJP govern- Centre will restrain itself in the CM’s drive was a signal lic school on Delhi Road. cial from the district collectorate home. The buses will return after
Chief minister Bhupesh Bag- and Uttar Pradesh, or even ment in Madhya Pradesh.” future and will consult state to the Centre that she was According to health offi- on Tuesday. dropping them off,” he said.
hel has announced a solatium states like Tamil Nadu and Bandopadhyay said, “Pe- governments and state go- not going to back down wit- cials, 15 fresh Covid-19 cases, The district administration Cane crushing season usual-
of Rs 5 lakh for the family. TNN Telangana, governed by fri- ople want to know what the vernments will cooperate.” hout a fight. including a doctor and nurse has arranged for MSRTC buses ly begins in October every year
working at a quarantine cen- to take the stranded workers and lasts till February. However,
tre, have surfaced in Morada- back to their native villages, whi- the season was delayed this year

TIMES in ter To book your a ve tsement ca l 9778812222

lW*TIMES TRI BUTE PM bad, taking the tally to 69. The
district has witnessed three
le their cattle will be transported
in trucks.
and continued till late March.
The sugar cane cutters were

deaths so far. Arun Kakade, deputy district stuck after the government im-
A young woman, who is a registrar, Kolhapur district, said posed lockdown on March 24.
Delhi University student and that the medical examination of The cutters return to their villa-

Book your had come home to Moradabad
after lockdown, also tested
all the workers was conducted at
the mills while RTO officials
ges and start sowing operations
for the kharif crops till the next


positive on Tuesday. checked the buses. crushing season starts.

in just 3 easy steps

log on to

from your
JAI SARSAR9867505472 Epidemic could peak in
R e q u i r e s Rt d B a n k e r ( M a x
or V
Union Bank
of India

Support Serv ices Department, L 4 J

India by mid-May: Study
A g e -6 5 Y r s ) , CA ( I n t e r ) , i Union Bank Bhavan,
A c c o u n t a n t, Office Clerk & A 239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg,
Peon (Age: 35-45 Yrs). W r i t e
W i t h Expectation: gcc6792®
Nariman Point, Mumbai- 400 021
he coronavirus epidemic Thousand
Y.U g
could peak in India by the
Union Bank of India requires toliot 80
ara the MM who middle of May and gradu- 65,601
3BHK residential flats of 70
ally peter out after that, a model-
carpet area 1000 sq. ft. ± 10%. Judo claw
on lease basis in South Who in9isted I go lur orl& ling exercise by Times Network 60
beliwed, that in a 'rum 46,819
Mumbai. Further details are who in partnership with global con-
?wible for a girl to win. 50
available on Bank's website it wes p sulting firm Protiviti, has pre- 38,534
40 dicted. The ‘Times Fact India
and government portal Outbreak Report’ looks at three 30
www.eprocure Last different possibilities and sug- PROJECTED NUMBER OF CASES
Date for receipt of offers in the
gests that India could see the
p r e s c r i b e d f o r m a t is 10
13.05.2020 upto 03.00 PM. The silent joy of remembering a loved one.
number of coronavirus cases
V I L E P A R L E -& A S T The moments you shared together. crossing 75,000 around May 22. 0
Hanuman Road. Sale 2 BHK , Please ensure to visit these Little moments that make life beautiful.
The team built three models May 3 May 8 May 14 May 22
604 Carpet-2.12 Cr.. 648 Carpet - websites for any changes) Projections are average of all three models
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792 Carpet - 2 .78 Cr. Parlekar Colleagues . With all those whose lives the departed coronavirus. Each model pro-
regarding this tender. The Soul has touched.
Estate Consultant - 961901333 1
Bank reserves the rig ht to vered (SEIR) model. The per- when it might be safe to lift
Because while life goes on,
reject any or all the proposals when you share memories,they stay on forever.
centage model uses trends in the the lockdown.
without assigning any reason spread of the disease in Italy and The report also predicted two
Book your advertisement call whatsoever.
Asst. Gen. Manager
Lets plan a Remembrance. Call us on 986 7505 4 72
the US, and applies them onto In-
dia to predict its trajectory.
scenarios to show when the case
tally could fall to zero. The scena-
The time series model takes rios assume the lockdown is ex-

into consideration data across tended beyond May 3 and the re-
vides an estimate of how the out- time periods in China and South production rate of the virus is
break could unfold under differ- Korea, and adapts them to In- 0.8, that is, each infected person
ent conditions and provides in- dia’s data. The SEIR model is spreads the disease to 0.8 other
sights on how the government based on an estimation of repro- people. In the first scenario, if
T FIE T I M E S and health infrastructure can re- duction rate of the virus, which the lockdown is extended to May
C: R 0 1 1P
spond to the crisis. is the average number of people 15, the case tally will fall to zero
The report used three mod- each positive person infects. To- by September 15. In the second
els: the percentage model, the gether, the three models provid- scenario, if the lockdown is ex-
To pay tributes, log on to time series model and the Sus- ed six projections for the out- tended to May 30, cases will drop ceptible Exposed Infected Reco- break and give an indication of to zero by mid-June.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2020 TIMES NATION | Lockdown-Day 28 7
Amid lockdown,
aerosol levels in ‘69% cases found +ve Explain ban on doorstep delivery
northern India at
20-yr low: Nasa were asymptomatic’ of newspapers, PCI tells Maha govt TIMES NEWS NETWORK
Editors Guild condemns J&K for booking 2 cial media platforms, has also
Figure Put At New Delhi: The Press Coun- journalists, says it’s ‘gross misuse of power’
emphasised the necessity of
newspapers in disseminat-
New Delhi: Satellite data cil of India (PCI) on Tuesday ing reliable, fact-checked in-
show that the levels of aero-
sols over northern India drop-
80% By Only 1 issued a notice to the Maha-
rashtra government over pr- T he Editors Guild of India on Tuesday condemned the Jammu &
Kashmir administration’s lodging of cases against two
formation to people.
The PCI also advised state
ped significantly since the
lockdown began, said the US
Study: ICMR ohibition of doorstep deliv-
ery of newspapers and maga-
Kashmiri journalists, Peerzada Ashiq and Masrat Zahra, for their
reportage in mainstream and social media, and alleged a “gross
governments and administr-
ative authorities to take nec-
space agency, Nasa, on Tues- zines in the state, and sought misuse of power” by the government to “strike terror into essary measures to ensure
day. Aerosols are solid and liq- an explanation from the ch- journalists”. Referring to the move as a direct attempt to intimidate smooth functioning of media
uid particles, suspended in New Delhi: Covid-19 tests ief secretary. journalists across the country, the Editors Guild said both Ashiq and during the lockdown. “Tak-
air, that reduce visibility and that delivered positive re- The Maharashtra govern- Zahra should not be harmed or harassed, and demanded the ing suo-motu cognisance of
can damage lungs and heart. sults in India so far show 69% ment had on Saturday decid- withdrawal of cases against them. Ashiq is a correspondent with The the issue, the chairman has
The Nasa satellite sensors positive cases were asympto- ed to stop door-to-door deliv- Hindu, while Zahra is a freelance photographer. “If the government issued a notice for comments
observed “aerosol levels at a matic, whereas 31% are Farmers line up their tractors carrying wheat grain at a wholesale ery of newspapers and maga- has any grievance against their reporting, there are other ways of to the chief secretary to the
20-year low for this time of symptomatic representing a market during the lockdown near Jabalpur in MP on Tuesday zines to contain the spread of dealing with such issues in the normal course. Merely social media government of Maharash-
year in northern India” after ratio of 1:2, the Indian Coun- coronavirus in the state. posts of factual pictures can’t attract the toughest anti-terror laws tra,” the PCI statement said.
just a week of reduced human cil of Medical Research ery single case detected there “We are working with a A PCI statement said the passed for hardened terrorists. And in the case of The Hindu reporter While the Maharashtra gov-
activities such as closure of (ICMR) said on Tuesday. So would be about two cases pre-emptive approach while body’s chairman, Justice (Ashiq), the correct course was to escalate the complaint to the ernment has said the produc-
factories and reduced vehicu- far, over four lakh samples that could be termed as working on community sur- Chandramouli K Prasad (re- newspaper’s editor,” the Editors Guild of India said in a statement. TNN tion and sale of newspapers
lar and airplane traffic — a sit- have been tested for Covid-19 asymptomatic.” veillance. If we find a so tired) was concerned over the and magazines is allowed at
uation which allowed some in in India and of these, 18,601 Seeking to address con- called asymptomatic case in Maharashtra government’s asking all states to ensure op- pers are an unlikely medium stalls and shops established
Punjab to report seeing the Hi- were positive. cerns over asymptomatic a field with high risk or di- order, especially since it did erational continuity of print for the spread of coronavi- for the purpose, the print
malayan range with the naked ICMR head of epidemiol- cases, the health ministry rect contact, then we collect not adhere to the Union gov- media. Doctors and epide- rus. The government, grap- media has been asked to avoid
eye for the first time in years. ogy and communicable dis- said they include those with even that sample for testing. ernment’s March 23 directive miologists have said newspa- pling with fake news on so- home deliveries.
The space agency, however, eases Dr R R Gangakhedkar mild and sometimes “very In that case, when a person
noted that the story in southern said, “There is only one mild” symptoms and efforts has even very mild symptom,

WHO raises alarm, warns worst is yet to come

India is a little hazier as satellite study that suggests there are are on to identify such cases the test is positive. This way
data show that the aerosol levels 80% cases. Secondly, in case through contact tracing and we can timely identify, re-
have not yet decreased to the of asymptomatic, where the community surveillance. duce mortality and provide
same extent and the levels, in symptoms are not very clear, Citing observations of treatment,” Agarwal said.
fact, seem to be slightly higher the chances of the patient the World Health Organisa- Government officials TIMES NEWS NETWORK The comments came in the alarm bells about the pandemic One, it allowed time for prepare-
than in the past four years. It coming and reporting the tion, health ministry joint said there is a probability wake of WHO director general just as many countries are start- dness, to create health infrastr-
said though the reasons are un- case too becomes low. I am secretary Lav Agarwal said there are several asympto- New Delhi:The Indian Council Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus ing to ease restrictive measures. ucture, and two, it helped buy
clear, it could be related to re- now saying for the first time there are three phases: pure- matic persons who may not of Medical Research (ICMR) on alluding to the Spanish flu in Highlighting the preventive time while science is progr-
cent weather patterns. “By all that if we look at the number ly asymptomatic, pre-symp- know they carried the virus Tuesday said India was doing and pre-emptive measures tak- essing fast to develop interventi-
accounts, the lockdown re- of tests done, so far 31% be- tomatic and symptomatic, for a while, but the numbers the best possible as per its capa- INDIA IS DOING en by the government, ICMR’s ons to combat the disease.
duced those human-made long to the symptomatic and in common parlance so far are not seen to be so bilities to combat the Covid-19 head of epidemiology and com- He added that while new
emission sources,” said a post category and the rest 69% even pre-symptomatic cases high as to represent a threat outbreak and that one must
ITS BEST: ICMR municable diseases Dr R R Gan- drugs and vaccines are in the
of Nasa Earth Observatory would fall under asympto- are called asymptomatic of undetected transmission have faith in science which was 1918 as a reference for the coro- gakhedkar said by implement- pipeline, India too will benefit
that analysed the data. matic... we can say that for ev- when symptoms are mild. on a significant scale. making fast advances towards navirus outbreak and saying ing lockdown and social dista- from them when the lockdown
developing a vaccine and ther- the worst was to come in the cor- ncing measures early, India had is lifted, even as cases will be in
apeutic interventions. onavirus outbreak, raising new secured dual benefits for itself. control due to these measures.
On Earth Day, Times Evoke begins Evoke Inspire, a unique forum for young
readers to express their ideas on the environment and global existential issues
MHA nod for 675 seamen
The current world situation offers an to disembark in Mumbai e-Procu rement Notice No. 0 4l O C C L l 2 0 2 0 2 1 ( o n l i n e )
TIMES NEWS NETWORK 23 Goan crew members, is also Type of Work . - Low Height Storage Structure

opportunity to mitigate climate change Panaji: Nearly 675 Indian

crew members, including
at Mumbai port.
In a late night order on
Tuesday, the ministry of home
Total No of Works
Period of completion

:- 01 (One) No.
24 calendar months.
Amount put to Availability of Submission
Procurement Tender Bid Security
Writing for Evoke over 180 Goans, aboard three affairs gave the nod for Indian
No (Approx .) (in Rs.)
(On -line)
of Tender
cruise ships that have been crew members to sign-off (in Rs.)
Inspire, Siddhant in the Indian waters for 40 from ships that arrive at Indi- Managing 28.04 .2020, 28.04.2020,
Nigam Sinha, a student days have been allowed to an ports. “Change of crew of Director, 0CC JGP/01/ 66.00 Crore 66,00,000.00
10.00 A.M to 10.00 A M to
Ltd., 12 05 .2020, 12.05.2020 ,
at Philips Academy disembark in Mumbai and ship is an important measure Bhubaneswar 2020-21 5.30 P.M 5.30 P.M
travel to their places of resi- for operation of merchant
Andover, and founder dence, provided they test neg- ships,” the home secretary Date of opening of the Technical Bid: 14 .05. 2020 at 12.00 Noon.
Further detail can be seen from the Govt. website
of the SUN Foundation, ative for Covid-19. said, while detailing the stan- (www. te ndersodi sha. gov. in )
While one of the cruise dard operating procedure Sd/-
discusses steps towards a ships, Karnika, with 498 Indi- (SoP) to streamline the sign- Managing Director
more sustainable world an seafarers is anchored at the on and sign-off of seafarers at
Mumbai port, Marella Discov-
ery with 146 Indians is off
Indian ports. The home minis-
try also allowed Indian seafar-
(Government of Karnataka Enterprise)
Mumbai coast and Mumbai- ers to join a vessel if they ( V, Office of The Executive Engineer. VJNL , Upper

n these trying times, our news
Goa cruise ship Angriya with cleared the Covid-19 test. Bhadra Project Division No.9 Sira-572137
feeds are overwhelmed by re-
ports from around the world Phone: 08135-276101 E-Mail: ubpee09@gmail .com
of the huge costs of Covid-19. No EE/VJNL/ UBP,Div-9/Sira/TankfllingiCorrir2019-20/ Date 2 0 0 4 2 : :
We hear of hospitals inun-
dated with patients, health workers
SMOKE SIGNALS: It’s time to heed the Earth and envision cleaner economies No .W.623/15. Dt . 18.04.2020 Reference: This Office Tender notification No. EENJN.
facing enormous strain, individuals
battling extreme circumstances. In to govt to pay Tender No. 57/202OR to 61/2020
invited vide NIT No. W.623/15/date
UBP/ D-9/Sira/Tank/tender-noti/ 11 /2019-20 Dt :19.02.2020
Following corrections are made in the Calendar of Events ^f
the midst of this, however, one ray
of hope has emerged —
global greenhouse gas
not due to planned ac-
tions but on the back
the science on climate change as well,
and thinking of innovative solutions
daily-wagers 05.03.2020 which were due for
closing on 03.04.2020 at 15.30 Hrs
will now be closed on 08.05.2020 at
tender notification are published in e-portal.
(1) As appeared in the corrigendum-3 of above tend 'r
emissions have declined of a global crisis, and preventative measures, based on Dhananjay.Mahapatra 15.30 Hrs. Other terms and notification , the Calendar of Events SI. No. (D) The last da-e
and air and water qual- causing unprecedent- such science. conditions will remain unchanged. for submission of completed tender documents (Cover-1 &
ity has improved in mul- ed economic disrup- To stand a chance against cli- Sr. Divisional Engineer (Coordination), cover-2) through e-portal. Date: 20.04.2020 To be read a
West Central Railway, Kota
tiple places. In India, for tion. Last month, as mate change, we need to implement New Delhi: The Supreme Date: 05.05.2020 & (E) Date & time of opening of Technical
instance, a decline in
factory production, air
I N S P I R E economic activity
contracted, a record
sustainable and planned structural
changes. Importantly, we must re-
Court on Tuesday said it Bid (Cover-1) by Executive Engineer , V.J.N.L , UBP, Divisio ,
would not get into the bud- No.9 , Sira Date: 22 .04 .2020 after 4.30pm To be read as
traffic and construction activity have 10 million Americans reportedly duce our reliance on coal, a major getary or financial domain Date: 07.05.2020 after 4.30 pm
together reduced pollution, leading to filed for unemployment benefits. In contributor to global carbon emis- of the Centre by directing it
rural and urban India, a large num- sions. In addition, we must transi- MANUFACTURE AND SUPPLY OF
Sd/- Executive Engineer . VJNL .UBP, Division No.9 Sira
noticeably cleaner skies. Astonishing- to pay basic minimum wag-
ly, the Himalayas were recently visible ber of business owners and workers tion to environmentally-friendly es to migrant workers dur- GALVANIZED ELASTIC RAIL CLIP
from Jalandhar, a city hundreds of kil- face sharply reduced sources of in- energy sources, such as solar power ing the lockdown as de- For & on behalf of President of India ,
ometres away, while numerous reports come while economists predict the or wind energy. Combating climate Principal Chief Engineer , Central
manded in PILs by rights ac- Railway. G. M. Building , 2nd floor,
indicate how rivers like the Ganga and damage caused by the corona virus change also requires multilateral ac-
tivists Harsh Mander, Swa- CSMT Mumbai -400001 invites e-bids
Yamuna are much cleaner today. could take economies years to re- tion as emissions from any country
mi Agnivesh and others. at e - P r o c u r e m e n t w e b s i t e ,
However, global carbon emissions cover from. Climate positives that have a global impact. Once this crisis (An Autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India)
Another PIL sought a di- "www.ireps ". Tender No.
have seen this decline only due to the are an outcome of such emergencies, passes, restoring economic health W.188.C.3046/2020, Date & Time of Admission to the THSTI-JNU PhD Program for the Academic
current pandemic. In China, as people and enormous human distress, are will be vital for all the nations of the rection to states to pay mini-
mum wages to self-employed closing : 25.05.2020 on 11:00 hrs., Year 2020-2021-Monsoon Session
stayed home and factories contracted clearly not sustainable. world. But this moment gives us all Descri ption of Stores : Manufacture Recruitment Notice No. THS /RN/19/2020
output, emissions dropped reportedly Yet, this moment offers us a chance, a chance to think of new and better workers like rickshaw pu- and supply of Galvanized Elastic
by 25%, which translates to around of thinking of ways to save our world methods to reorganise our econo- llers, auto-drivers etc. But Rail Cli p Marked for Narrow Gauge Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI) is part of the
200 million metric tonnes of carbon from the impacts of climate change in mies, in a way that cleaner air and the bench said: “Are we ex- sleepers to RDSO Drg. No.T-3722 inter-disciplinary Biotech Science Cluster at Faridabad in the National
dioxide. Some forecasts similarly sug- the near future. A silver lining today less polluted rivers do not become a perts in such matters? These (Latest Alt). Tender Q u a n t i t y : Cap ital Region . THSTI is desi gned to be a dynamic and interactive
gest that European emissions this year is that many people around the world thing of memory, but are a lasting are elected governments 1,17,240 Nos., EM D : Rs.1 ,32 ,630.00. organization with a mission to conduct innovative translational research
The c o m p l e t e i n f o r m a t i o n of across disci plines and professions to accelerate the development of
could also be nearly 400 million tonnes are finally turning to science and facts, positive from this experience. The having a mandate to govern.
a b o v e E - P r o c u r e m e n t Tender concepts into products to improve human health. THSTI is a recognized R&D
less than last year. rather than opinions or stands, for in- youth of today must inherit a world We are not getting into issues notice is a v a i l a b l e on w e b s i t e
However, seemingly positive formation on the corona virus. This where forethought, planning and of financial support or inad- institute of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, offering
"www.ireps". Bids other than
doctoral programs.
though they are, these changes are in presents an opportunity to orient more global cooperation can save us from equacy of funds,” it said. in the form of E-bids shall not be
no way sustainable as they have come people towards learning and trusting yet another catastrophe. Full report on accepted against above Tender . 1 App lications are invited for the THSTI-JNU PhD program . Last date for
app lying online is 20th May 2020. For detailed advertisement visit our
website (www .thsti.res .in).

Cupid-struck I

TIMES ascent
1 ' . OF B1HAR
?7 11

couple booked 0 ? A
NOTICE INVITING TENDER I. A .S. Association Building. \ car Patna Airport , Patna-14 .
Catapult your career in Ahmedabad Tender No Material Description Due Date 1 GRA DUATE MEDICAL A DMISSI ON COUNSELLING I I
WW Union Bank
A U/ 1 TIMES NEWS NETWORK 202113 Bleached Chemi-Thermo Mechanical Pulp- for 1 MDS in Government / Private Medical / Dental colleges of Bihar
W of India 09.05.2020
000079 Hardwood 83 (Qt y: 4500 ADMT±5%)
Ahmedabad: A 30-year-
202123 Stoneground Softwood Pulp Advt. :Vo. - BGECI:B(PG XIAC) 2113(1/113 Dated : 21.04.2020
Important Notice regarding Preponement of Schedules of PGMAC-2020
old Jodhpur-based man
000020 (Qty: 1000 ADMT ±5%)
Head Office : 239 , Vidhan Bhavan Marg, Nauman Point , Mumbai-000 021 . and his 40-year-old girlfri-
end, who stays in Vastra- Detailed terms & conditions, Qty_ , Tender Fee , EMD, etc. are
In continuation to Advert isem ent No. 13CECEl3(PGM .AC)-2020/0l & 2020/02 Dated : 17 .04.2020
APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF RISK OFFICER & pur, could not meet for available in tender document at our websites : /
it is informed to PGMAC-2020 candidates . NEET(PG)-2020 candidates and all concerned that th e
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER (ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS) about a month due to the www.tenders .tn.aov.i n
Diva/ 1663 /rel,de./2 02 0 schedules published for filling Online Application for PGMAC-2020 is hereby preponed in the li ght of
In view of the extension of lockdown for COVID - 19 pandemic, lockdown. While the lock-
Notice Ref. No. F.No .t1- 1 202 1/44/2020-2 1 MEC dt. 17. 0x 2020 of office of ADG( ME). Directorate
Union Bank of India has extended the last date for submission of down has prevented Co-
General of Health Services . Medical Counselling Committee. Government of India and rescheduled
application for the post of Chief Risk Officer (One) and Chief vid-19 from striking, it co- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Financial Officer (One) on contractual basis up to 08.05.2020. uld do nothing about Cu- Governmerri of 0dishe Undertaking) acc ording ly as given below:
Interested candidates may refer to full advertisement dated 27.03.2020 pid, and the lovelorn cou- Important Resched uled dates for PGMAC-2020 :
available on Bank's Website 'www.unionbankofindia' as ple decided to meet. The St. Particulars Earlier published Re-scheduled
"e" P r oc u r e m e n t Notice No. 03 !000L/ 2020-21
also for other details related to Eligibility Criteria , Age , application duo was, however, booked Schedule Date Date
Bid Ide nt ifi cat ion No. OCC L-SG P/02/2020-21
form/fee challan etc. by police for violation of
lockdown notification. Online tender is invited on EPC Contract (Turn - Key Basis ) for the
---- ------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------- - ----------------------------
20.04.2020 General Manager (HR) On Tuesday, the man, following work: (i) Online Registration Closing Date 28.04.2020 (11 59 P.M.) 25.04.2020 (11:00 P.M )
an online namkeen pro- 1. Name of Work : Construction of Dharmadandinalla and Gurandinalla (ii) Last date of payment through Challan 29.04.2020 24.04.2020
ducts trader, and his girl- lift project in Sonepur District with intake on Dharmadandinalla to feed
after submission of Online Application (Upto Banking hour) (Upto Banking hour)
friend were talking to to Sukha distributary near RD 31200 ft to stabilize 734 Ha. and intake
on Gurandinalla to feed to Dunguri palli Minor near RD 29000 ft to form of Registered candidate
each other in a car on the
stabilize 1078 Ha. on "EPC - Turn Key" basis including power system (iii) Last date of payment through Net 30.04.2020 (11 59 RW) 25.04.2020 (1 1:59 PM )
AES ground near a TV to- connectivity and Operation & maintenance of complete commissioned
wer in Ahmedabad’s Bo- schemes for fiveyears. Banking / Debit Card/ Credit Card after
dakdev area. A Vastrapur 2. Period of comp letion : 11 (Eleven) calendar months including rainy submission of the Online Application
Invitation for Applications Police team was patrol- seasons. Form of Registered Candidate
for Administrative Positions on All India Basis ling the area at around
9.30am when they saw the
3. Date & Time of availabilit y of bid document in the portal : From
04.05.2020 , 10.00A.M. to 19.05.2020 up to 5.30 P.M. (iv) Online Editing of Application Form 01.05.2020 to 26.04.2020 (11.59 P. M.)
Recruitment Notice No. 01 & 0212020 dated 13/0412020 car and approached it. 4. Last Date/Time for receipt of bids in the portal : 19.05.2020 up to 02.05.2020 (11.59 P.M.)
Applications are invited through proper channel for Registrar The couple told the 05.30 P.M. (v) Publication of Rank Card/ Merit List 04.05.2020 (8 00 P.M.) 28.04.2020
5. Date & Tlme of OpeningofTechnicalBid :21.05.2020at12.00Noon.
(on deputation ) and through online mode for Assistant cops that they had come
6. Name & address of the officer inviting bid : Managing Director,
(vi) Proposed date of Online Choice filling To be notified later on 30.04.2020 to 01.05.2020
out to give milk to stray
Sports Officer, Junior Finance Officer, Staff Nurse dogs but police did not Odisha Construction Corporation Limited. (vii) Publication of Seat Allotment Result - 02.05.2020
on contract), Estate Officer and Junior Administrative consider this reason va- 7. Seeking Clarification : 10.00 A.M. of 04.05.2020 to 03.00 P.M. of (viii) Reporting through web portal - 03.05.2020 to 04.05.2020
Officer positions from 15104/2020 to 1410512020 . For more lid and booked them.
Further details can be seen from the e-procurement portal
2. Others i n f o r m a t i o n s and conditions of earlier published A d v e rt i s e m e n t shall remain same.
details, please visit Institute website : www .iiitnr under They were released on ba- https :// 3. This advertisement is also available on BCECE Board web site : bceceboard.bihar.Lov .in
Careers section. Registrar il, said the officer.
Managing Director Controller of Examination
OCCL, Bhubaneswar

Given that it is a pandemic that has struck in the big-data era, How Asymptomatic
Six Other Ways Of statistical perspectives into the Covid-19 outbreak
are as numerous as they are varied and thought-
provoking. From modelling the outbreak’s trajectory
to mapping its impact, researchers have utilised
Cases Fuelled Spread
As India nears the 20,000 cases mark, a senior scientist

Looking At Covid-19
at Indian Council of Medical Research said as much
data to present insights for policy-makers to better as 80% of all cases could be asymptomatic — infected
address the crisis. Here are a set of charts from people not showing any signs of illness. But what is an
Our World In Data and Worldometer that offer asymptomatic case and what causes it?
different perspectives on the outbreak Pre-Symptomatic Or Asymptomatic?
1 By cases per million people WHO notes it may more often be a case of people being “pre-
symptomatic” than completely asymptomatic. ProPublica reported
Outside of the absolute numbers of cases, where India ranks 2 By death rate WHO found few cases where “a patient tests positive and has zero
No. 17, the magnitude of the crisis has been less severe in The percentage of people who die of Covid-19 out of the total symptoms for the entire course”. People who are pre-symptomatic
terms of per capita impact. As of April 21, India has about 13 that are infected gives us the death rate, or the case fatality rate
3 Population distribution by age show no symptoms when they test positive but develop symptoms
cases per million as against more than 2,380 cases per million (CFR). Experts say that CFR does not give an accurate idea of The risk assessment for older people would suggest that countries with
later. A WHO team in China found about 75% of people who were
in US. China, which has a comparable population to India’s, exactly how deadly a disease is because it relies on the number a larger share of aged people face the greater brunt of the outbreak.
early on classified as “asymptomatic” went on to develop symptoms
had a little under 60 cases per million people of confirmed cases and, with the fast-moving Covid-19, many While this assumption may not be necessarily true for Japan (with just
while a study in the Science journal said 86% of all infections in
cases are not being reported or detected. Further, the probability over 11,000 cases on Tuesday), Western European countries, which have a
INTENSITY GREATER IN WESTERN COUNTRIES China were “undocumented” prior to its lockdown.
of dying from a disease depends on factors like treatment and much higher proportion of older people as compared to the likes of India
The number of confirmed cases is lower than the number of and China, emerged as the epicentre of Covid-19 as it spread globally
total cases. The main reason for this is limited testing can vary by location and demographics of the infected population Why Some People Could Be Asymptomatic
SHARE OF THE POPULATION THAT IS 70 YEARS AND OLDER, 2015 Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and
CONFIRMED DEATHS VS CONFIRMED CASES FRANCE Prevention, said as many as 25% of people may be asymptomatic,
16% while other estimates range from 18% to 30%. It is still unclear why
14% some people exhibit symptoms while others don’t. Two theories
ITALY suggest it could be linked to an individual’s stronger innate immune
response to the virus or if they are exposed to a smaller viral load.
Neither theory has been proved yet.
No data 0 5 10 50 100 500 1,000 2,000 >5,000

Note: Data as of April 21 0%

Feb 25, Mar 11 Mar 21 Mar 31 Apr 10 Apr 19
4 By tests per confirmed case No data 0% 2% 4% 8% 12% 16% 20%

Authorities have only one tool to establish the number of total confirmed cases: testing. But testing has been
one of the most contentious elements in countries’ response to the outbreak with several developed countries,
too, struggling to expand testing. Tests per confirmed case can indicate two things: How people have been
tested and the scale of the outbreak. In the case of Vietnam, 750 tests per confirmed case shows that either 6 By recovery rate
it has conducted a lot of tests or the size of the outbreak is small. Now compare that with US, with highest
reported cases, and it is evident the rate of testing is low given the magnitude of the outbreak Global recovery rate in closed cases — all the cases that have
either ended in deaths or recoveries — rose after the first wave of
LEVEL OF TESTING HIGH IN EAST ASIAN COUNTRIES infections in China, and has since flattened. As Europe and the US Only Testing Can Give A True Picture
tackle the outbreak, the recovery and death rates in closed cases Since there is asymptomatic spread and there may be people
Vietnam 750 (Apr 16)
will provide a clearer picture of how effective treatment measures who don’t show serious enough symptoms and yet spread
Taiwan 134.2 (Apr 18) the disease, it is clear why testing is such a crucial factor in
have been and how severe the disease can become
New Zealand 76.1 (Apr 18) controlling the disease. In fact, ProPublica quotes a health expert
5 By GDP per capita Outcome of total closed cases (%), cumulative total deaths and as saying that “symptomatic versus asymptomatic isn’t really the
Australia 63.9 recoveries over cumulative number of closed cases
Wealthier countries have reported both more cases and deaths. This appropriate dividing line” and that it should be “documented versus
Russia 53 is likely because wealthier countries are also the ones more capable GLOBAL RECOVERY RATE VS DEATH RATE undocumented infection”, that is those confirmed and those not.
South Korea 52.4 of conducting testing on a larger scale. But wealthier countries were 100

South Africa 38.9 (Apr 18) also hit the hardest because their residents are likely to travel more Recovery rate People May Be Most Infectious In Earliest Phase
frequently than those in poorer countries. Almost 80% of Covid-19 How infectious a person is depends on what experts describe as
India 25.9 (Apr 18)
cases are concentrated in high-income countries 50 the viral load of the disease carried by them. For Covid-19, studies
Czech Republic 25.7 (Apr 18) have found that the viral load is the highest right at the onset of the
Iceland 24.4 (Apr 18) Death rate disease. The combination of pre-symptomatic transmission and
Tunisia 19 (Apr 17) 10,000 Spain 0 peak viral load at outset for Covid-19 “could account for the fast-
Confirmed Covid-19 cases per million people

Turkey 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 1 4 9 13 17 21 25 29 2 6 10 14 18
Canada 15.8 Iran Feb Mar Apr spreading nature of this epidemic”, said authors of a Lancet study.
Russia Singapore
Japan 10.9 Brazil
Australia INDIA DEATH RATE VS RECOVERY RATE How Are They Spreading Covid-19?
100 Philippines 100
Philippines 9 (Apr 18) Japan
Recovery rate
When doctors say this disease spreads primarily via respiratory
Italy 7.6 (Apr 18) 75
droplets they don’t mean only those released while coughing or
India Sri Lanka sneezing. Because we can be releasing droplets while speaking,
Indonesia 6.8
50 breaking into a laugh, singing, etc. In a closed space, there is a real
Serbia 6.5 Nepal risk that those droplets may hang in the air long enough to infect
US 5.3 (Apr 18) 0.1 Death rate others. Hence, the need for all to wear masks and constantly wash
UK 3.3 0 their hands, because one may contract the virus from touching an
$1,000 $10,000 $100,000 15 18 21 24 27 1 4 7 10 13 15 19 22 25 28 31 3 6 9 12 15 18
infected surface and then touching one’s nose or mouth.
Ecuador 2.1 (Apr 15) GDP per capita in 2017 Note: Data as of April 20
Feb Mar Apr
Graphic: Karthic R Iyer Source: ProPublica, Inverse, media reports

Guj records
2k cases in 34 ‘States can develop academic ICMR to send 8 15 FIRs against
157 foreigners
days, fastest
for any state calendar, alter vacation time’ teams for testing  From P 1 with more in the pipeline by
in M’rashtra
 From P 1

 From P 1 States can develop their own academic calendar and

duction in curriculum load for way of domestic operations ll the16 foreigners arrested

assessment schedule and choose when to have their summer board exams 2021. In accord- hanks to this, India’s in collaboration with foreign in Prayagraj were taken to

ujarat, which has emer- ance, course committees of testing rate has drop- firms and other orders that the temporary isolation
ged as the biggest Co- break depending on the locally prevalent situation, the board have initiated work ped from 35,000-odd on have been placed. The kits are ward set up in the Naini jail.
vid-19 hotspot after Ma- Union HRD minister Ramesh Pokhriyal tells TOI’s on reduced syllabus in vari- Monday to 27,500 on Tuesday being sent to states based on Along with the foreigners, a pro-
harashtra, crossed the 2,000 Manash Gohain. Even as online learning portals see sharp ous scenarios. as states are using testing in- their requirements. fessor of Allahabad University,
mark in cases and overtook rise in number of hits, he said CBSE will assess the loss of frastructure for antibody There were complaints too, was arrested for arranging
Delhi to claim the No.2 spot in How is MHRD harnessing tests. ICMR is expected to is- from states with the kits me- accommodation for 21TJ delega-
the country. Compared to 35 da-
instructional time due to the lockdown for a proportionate tech to make assessments sue a detailed clarification so- ant to be used in hotspots and tes and not informing police and
ys taken by Maharashtra and reduction in curriculum load for board exams 2021. Excerpts: 100% digital? on. There have also been re- red zones as a supplement to administration about them. The
45 by Delhi, the only two other To assess possibility of con- ports that the temperatures the polymerase tests that are professor had also attended the
Indian states with more than  How has the MHRD han-  Has online teaching been ducting online exams for high- needed for the rapid tests ha- much more reliable but take congregation in Nizamuddin
2,000 cases, Gujarat reach the dled the lockdown period? able to make up for the loss er education, MHRD has con- ve not been observed. more time as it’s are a four- along with the foreigners.
grim milestone in 34 days. The Fulfilling the Prime Minis- of classroom teaching? stituted a taskforce under In a tweet late on Tuesday, stage procedure to be conduc- Around 85% of the total 341
total tally of cases in the state ter’s wishes, the MHRD is Number of hits on key online UGC. We will issue guidelines Rajasthan chief minister As- ted in labs. foreigners arrested in UP are
now stands at 2,178.
On Tuesday, as many as 15
working 24x7 during the lock-
down period with the spirit of
educational portals in higher
education like SWAYAM ,
TOI INTERVIEW based on their report. hok Gehlot said: “I had earlier
suggested to GOI (govern-
“On Monday, we received
a complaint from one state
Bangladeshis, according to the
police records. Rest of them
Covid-19 patients died in Ah- ‘students-teachers’ safety and SWAYAM Prabha, Virtual mendation on early declara-  Has this unprecedented ment of India) that a centrali- about less detection through are from Indonesia, Thailand,
medabad city. Two deaths were learning’. In the initial period Labs, FOSSEE, E–Yantra and tion of summer vacations. period also given India an sed mechanism with proper rapid antibody test kits. So we Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz-
reported in Surat and one each of lockdown we announced a Spoken Tutorial has gone up However, education being a opportunity to boost online guidelines of quality check asked around three states on stan and Tajikistan. The foreig-
from Bhavnagar and Bharuch. plethora of measures, start- five times since the lockdown. concurrent subject, states can education and improve digi- may be developed for the pro- Tuesday and found among ners have been mostly booked
Maharashtra and Gujarat ing with the promotion policy Within a week of lockdown, develop their own academic tal infrastructure? curement of medical equip- positive samples of RT-PCR, under Section 14 (b) of the Fore-
recorded the maximum of 19 for students of various class- there were two times increase calendar and assessment For the first time we are creat- ment. Unfortunately this was there is too much variation in igners Act, 1946 .
deaths each, taking their re- es. We then decided to post- in the use of DIKSHA ((Na- schedule and also decide on ing a dedicated division for on- not accepted. Had this sug- rapid antibody tests,” said In Maharashtra,15 FIRs have
spective tolls to 251and 90. pone various exams. The min- tional Teachers Platform for having an early or as usual line learning in MHRD, which gestion been accepted, failure ICMR’s head of epidemiolo- been lodged against 157 foreig-
Delhi, which has been re- istry has set up three task India). There have been 8.75 summer break depending on is going to be headed by the ad- of Rapid Test kits could have gy and communicable disea- ners for violation of the Foreig-
cording Covid-19 deaths daily forces to focus on online learn- crore page views and 57 lakh the locally prevalent situa- ditional secretary. Officers been avoided. We have writ- ses, Dr R R Gangakhedkar. ners Act, inspector general of
since April 8, did not confirm ing, academic calendar as well content downloads in tion. We have also formed a will be called on deputation to ten to ICMR for the same.” “In some places, 6% to 71% of police Milind Bharambe told
any new death, although there as examinations and to deal DIKSHA since March 23rd. special taskforce under work in this division who will The kits had arrived last RT-PCR positive samples we- TOI. All of them had attended
were reports of a vegetable dea- with mental health issues of NCERT to deliberate on im- work exclusively on online week after several delays and re positive,” he added. the congregation at Nizamud-
ler at the Azadpur mandi ha- students. Following their re-  Is the ministry thinking portant issues such as aca- education. To address the digi- have been sourced from three ICMR has decided to send din in Delhi. They are lodged in
ving died of the virus. The ports, respective bodies after of advancing summer vaca- demic calendar and examin- tal divide, MHRD has tied up companies based in China. In eight teams for testing and va- different jails across the state.
number of new cases in the sta- due consultation with the tion and reducing the syl- ations, which is likely to sub- with I&B ministry to air the first batch, some 3,00,000 lidating the kits over the next (With inputs from Mumbai,
te was 75, taking its tally to MHRD, will issue appropriate labus for 2020-21session? mit its report soon. CBSE will SWAYAM PRABHA channels kits arrived close to two we- two days, after which it will is- Patna, Ranchi, Bengaluru,
2,156. The number of persons guidelines for schools, univer- MHRD has presently not is- assess the loss of instruction- on DTH platforms. eks after they were due. In all, sue a fresh advisory on its use. Hyderabad, Chennai and Bhopal)
who have recovered from Co- sities/colleges. sued any guidelines or recom- al time for proportionate re- Full report on 6,50,000 are to be delivered Full report on Full report on
vid-19 in Delhi rose to 611 with
180 patients being discharged

TN got rapid test kits from ‘New FDI rule won’t impact goods trade’
on Tuesday. Rajasthan, too, re-
ported the highest number of
cases of Covid-19 in a single day
on Tuesday when 159 persons
 From P 1
were found infected with the
virus from different parts of
‘suspect’ Chinese company Now, China includes parts of with either China or Nepal,
which have been terminated.

Bhilwara reports 5 new Covid-19 cases T

the state. his tool allowed entities to “The provisions only apply to
Full report on
Arunachal in ‘updated’ map simply inform the RBI af-
ter getting the funds into
investment already made into
India prior to the termination the country. of the treaty. So, no retrospec- New Delhi: China has included dia and Tibet in 1938. China con-

Chennai:Tamil Nadu, which

had distributed 34,000 Co-
B hilwara, acknowledged worldwide for its ruthless containment
model, reported five fresh Covid-19 positive cases on Tuesday ,
reports Intishab Ali. The five cases were reported after a gap of 12
The latest move was seen to
be targeted at China, prompt-
ing it to complain that India had
tive action has been taken to ne-
gate existing investments and
there is no violation of the re-
parts of Arunachal Pradesh
within its international bound-
aries, an updated version issued
tinues to consider Arunachal
Pradesh a part of Tibet, which it
had occupied in 1951.
vid-19 rapid test kits across days. The last (28th) case was reported on April 9, when a teacher violated its commitment under spective BITs. The same measu- by Sky Map has revealed. Sky Until now, the map of China
the state before the ICMR on was found to be infected. Of the new cases, two people had returned WTO agreements. Governme- re was for Pakistan and Bangla- Map, China’s authority on digi- is based on the 1989 edition of the
Tuesday gave a directive to from Delhi on April 16, while two labourers (husband and wife) had nt officials, however, said there desh for long and without any tal maps, is constructed and op- Sky Map of its national borders.
states to hold back the tests, been undergoing treatment at Bhilwara district hospital for cough was no concern as the move challenge,” an official said. erated by a unit directly under Though since then, China has
had procured the kits from and fever for the past five days. The fifth is the son of a compounder would not impact goods trade In contrast, officials said Beijing’s National Surveying successively solved its border is-
a Chinese firm which has at the district hospital. Officials said they have quarantined more and the latest press note did not China had adopted policies that and Mapping Geographic Infor- sues with Russia and Central
had a poor record in the Unit- than 100 people who had been in contact with the Covid-19 patients. fall within the illustrative list restricted access of foreign in- mation Bureau. Asian countries, but none of th
ed Kingdom. under Trade Related Invest- vestors in sectors such as finan- Recently, Sky Map users dis- em have been reflected in the
TN got the first batch of show ICMR validated Wondfo can only confirm the pres- ment Measures, which is also cial services, telecom and covered that it has updated the map. However, as per a news re-
kits from Guangzhou Wondfo kits on April 2. Wondfo did not ence of antibodies in a person part of the WTO commitment. media. Indian IT companies for country’s map with the latest na- port in Chinese, some users no-
BioTech Limited, the same respond to emails. who was infected. The results Similarly, under the servic- long have complained of mar- tional borders, including India’s ticed that Sky Map has now up-
company from which the The firm’s website claims are likely to be inconsistent es agreement at WTO, the latest ket access restrictions, crip- Arunachal Pradesh, according dated the geographic inform-
United Kingdom had pro- it is the first approved one to during the initial phase of the move does not automatically pling their growth through to a media report. Arunachal ation at the “county” level.
cured 2 million kits in the first sell such kits. disease,” he said. result in any cap on equity or non-tariff barriers. Last De- Pradesh, a hill state in the north- “The boundaries of some
week of March. According to Ram Rajasekaran, head of Wondfo told Chinese impose any restrictions but on- cember, China ordered state of- east bordering Tibet, was part of counties transcend the red col-
the UK media, that country is TN Central University’s mi- newspapers that their kits ly requires fulfilment of a dif- fices to remove foreign hard- British India in 1913-14 and for- our ma-rked 1989 edition of the
trying to return the kits as it crobiology department said were aimed at supplementing ferent procedure. Officials said ware and software within three mally included in India when national border, especially in Ti-
found many of them were not the average efficiency of any patients who have tested posi- India has not violated the Bilat- years, even as Twitter and Face- the McMohan Line was estab- bet area bordering Bhutan and
working efficiently. Records rapid test kit is only 65%. “It tive for the virus. eral Investment Treaties (BITs) book are blacked out. lished as the border between In- India,” the report said. AGENCIES


Covid-19 Toll Discrepancies Pak removes about 3,800

names from its terror list
Add To List Of Uncertainties TIMES NEWS NETWORK
Contrary to reports
that Zaki-ur Rehman
akistan has quietly remo-

As Nations Combat Covid, UN Food Agency Says World On Brink Of Hunger Pandemic ved almost 3,800 names
from its terror watch list,
Lakhvi’s name was
AFP raising concerns that top ter- removed, Indian

D security officials said

octors are scrambling to
treat the coronavirus,
Spelling Bee, Spain’s rorists are being protected by
the state despite being on the
the 26/11 mastermind’s
researchers are racing bull run, Oktoberfest FATF’s enhanced grey list.
name was never even
to find a vaccine, economies The ‘Proscribed Persons
are suffering, and now there is cancelled due to virus List’, Pakistan’s terrorist included in Pakistan’s
a further element of uncer- watch list, had about 7,600
original ‘Proscribed
tainty to the outbreak that has
touched nearly every corner of
the globe: Even the death toll is
S pain cancelled the Running of
the Bulls in July, the US scrap-
ped the national spelling bee in
names, but it has been redu-
ced to almost half, according
to Castellum.AI, a US risk
Persons List’
being called into question. June and Germany even called off compliance company. A note Hafiz Saeed (No. 1069) and nated terrorists, of which
Increasing evidence sug- Oktoberfest, making it clear on by Castellum said, “Between Azhar (No. 1635). Sources in Pakistan claims there are on-
gests there is a significant gap Tuesday that the effort to beat ba- March 9 and March 27, Cas- New Delhi said top terror le- ly 16 on its territory, while se-
between the number of con- ck the coronavirus and return to tellum AI data showed that aders like Azhar, Lakhvi, Da- ven are dead. Pakistan says it
firmed coronavirus deaths normal could be a long and disp- Pakistan removed 1,069 na- wood Ibrahim and members has no idea of the location of
and the true number of fatali- iriting process. The Running of the mes from the Proscribed Per- of the Haqqani Network re- 114 of them. According to In-
ties: At least 28,000 more peo- Bulls in Pamplona is more than sons List, and that all those main free and active, with dian sources, Pakistan has
ple have died during the coro- 400-year-old event. It was last cal- names then appeared on the not even one criminal char- removed a big chunk of na-
navirus pandemic over the led off during the Spanish Civil country’s Denotified List, a ge against them. mes from its proscribed list
last month than official counts War in the 1930s. Whereas Scripps term used in Pakistan to sig- Until 2019, Pakistan had because the burden of track-
report. The gap was highlight- National Spelling Bee has been nify an official removal. Sin- told FATF that all of its about ing them and acting against
ed in an analysis of mortality held since 1925 and was scrubbed ce March 27, about 800 more 7,600 terrorists, under Sche- them would be too much.
data from 11 countries that only once before — in 1943-45, names were removed from dule 4 of its Anti Terrorist The Castellum note focu-
show far more deaths than the because of World War II. The can- the terrorist watch list and Act, were under close month- sed on a name, Zaka-ur Reh-
average for the same period in cellation of Oktoberfest for the fi- placed on the Denotified ly monitoring of its police sta- man, which it believed was
recent years, which include rst time since W WII deals a fresh List. Since its peak, about tions. Their bank accounts close enough to Zaki-ur Reh-
deaths from Covid-19 and blow to the beer industry. AP 3,800 names were removed were frozen but they were al- man. But Indian officials said
A man and his daughter walk near Eiffel Tower in Paris. France entered its 36th day of lockdown on Tuesday
those from other causes, po- from the Proscribed Persons lowed to earn separately. all his aliases were covered in
tentially including those who problem. Istanbul, for exam- tions, on Tuesday extended a and restaurants in mid-May son and more than 100 others List, without explanation or Pakistan’s case is expected the UNSC designation. “In
could not be treated when hos- ple, recorded about 2,100 more range of social distancing mea- In the US, some states, in- joining virtually. The new ar- notification to the public.” to be reviewed by the FATF in the case of Zaka-ur-Rehman,
pitals became overwhelmed. deaths than expected from sures to May 7, a day after re- cluding Georgia, South Caroli- rangements will initially be in Contrary to reports, ho- June, but with the Covid-19 the difference between Zaka
The New York Times found March 9 through April 12 — porting no new virus infecti- na, Tennessee, West Virginia place until May 12 but may have wever, while the latest list do- pandemic showing no signs of and Zaki fits within the para-
that in Paris alone, more than roughly double the number of ons for the first time since early and Colorado, announced to be renewed at that point. es not include the name of 26/ abating, it’s anyone’s guess meters of an accurate phone-
twice as many people have died coronavirus deaths the gov- March. In Singapore, PM Lee plans to gradually reopen in Meanwhile, UN leaders 11 mastermind Zaki-ur Reh- whether the FATF plenary tic translation. Castellum al-
than during the same time ernment reported for the en- Hsien Loong extended a lock- the coming days, despite the called for efforts to ensure that man Lakhvi, the original list can be held then. Sources said so searched for the Lashkar-e-
frame in other years. In New tire country in that period. down by four weeks, until June concerns of health officials. all people have access to test- did not either. According to it could move back to Septem- Taiba leader’s full name, Za-
York City, the number is four In many European coun- 1, to stem a sharp rise in cases. Boeing and at least one other ing, medical supplies, drugs Indian security officials, Pa- ber, which will keep Pakistan ki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, on the
times the normal amount. The tries, recent data show 20% to In Europe, Italy became American heavy equipment and future vaccines, especially kistan never put Lakhvi’s na- in the enhanced grey list until Pakistan Proscribed Persons
disparities between the official 30% more people have been dy- the latest to announce that it manufacturer resumed pro- in developing countries. Also, me on its proscribed list. then. In the last review, Pakis- List, and he was not on it. This
death counts and the total rise ing than normal. That trans- would pull back from restric- duction. But governors from the head of the UN food agency Both Maulana Masood Az- tan was deemed to have made means that if the removed na-
in deaths most likely reflect lates to tens of thousands of tions and gradually open back many other states said they warned that the world is also har and Lakhvi are “protec- progress on 14 out of 27 points me is a false positive, that Pa-
limited testing for the virus, more deaths than reported. up, joining a list that includes lack necessary testing supplies “on the brink of a hunger pan- ted” assets of the Pakistani it was supposed to execute. kistan has not added the
rather than intentional under- The revelations came as Germany, Spain and Denma- and warned they could get hit demic”. World Food Pro- military-intelligence state. Sources said there conti- Lashkar-e-Taiba leader to its
counting. Officially, over parts of Asia took steps on rk. PM Giuseppe Conte anno- by a second wave of infections. gramme executive director The latest list includes nued to be 130-odd UN desig- terrorism watch list,” it said.
170,000 people have died world- Tuesday to halt renewed out- unced plans to begin easing On Tuesday, Britain’s par- David Beasley said today 821
wide of the virus as of Tuesday. breaks in places that were once the country’s lockdown, likely liament agreed to move to a hy- million people go to bed hun-

Reports claim Kim gravely ill;

But the differences are par- held up as examples of how to by May 4. Austria Chancellor brid format while a lockdown gry every night all over the
ticularly stark in countries effectively combat the virus. Sebastian Kurz said all shops to tackle the virus outbreak world, a further 135 million peo-
that have been slow to ac- Hong Kong, which has been will be up and running in the continues, with only a handful ple are facing “crisis levels of
knowledge the scope of the battling a second wave of infec- country at beginning of May of lawmakers attending in per- hunger or worse” NYT & AGENCIES

Pakistan PM First at-home S Korea & China cast doubt

to get tested China plans to give medics virus test kit Seoul: South Korean and
Chinese officials on Tuesday
state KCNA news agency
gave no indication of the
cast doubt on reports claim- whereabouts of Kim in rou-
for COVID-19 Covid vaccine by 2020-end okayed by FDA ing North Korean leader Kim
Jong-un was ill after media
tine dispatches on Tuesday,
but said he had sent birthday
Omer Farooq Khan TNN Washington: US health regu- outlets said he had undergone gifts to prominent citizens.
Beijing: China plans to in- lators on Tuesday okayed the a cardiovascular procedure Speculation often surfac-
Islamabad: PM Imran Khan ject its medics with corona- Coronavirus likely of animal origin, first coronavirus test that al- and was in “grave danger”, as es about North Korea’s lead-
will take a test virus vaccines by the end of lows people to collect their own US officials closely eyed the Several media outlets reported ership based on attendance at
for Covid-19 the year to protect and pre- no sign of lab manipulation: WHO sample at home, a new appro- reports. Daily NK, a Seoul- that Kim Jong-un, believed to be important state events. Kim
amid fears that pare them to deal with any ach that could help expand tes- based speciality website, re- about 36, was in ‘grave danger’ missed the celebration of the
he may have
contracted the
novel coronavi-
emergency situation due to
the pandemic, while 11 new
confirmed Covid-19 cases
T he World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday that
all available evidence suggests that the novel coronavirus
originated in bats in China late last year and it was not
ting options in most states. The
test from LabCorp will initially
only be available to health care
ported late on Monday, citing
one unnamed source in
North Korea, that Kim was
following a cardiovascular proce-
dure on April 12. If anything were
to happen to the North Korean
birthday of his late grandfa-
ther and state founder Kim Il-
sung on April 15, the country’s
rus from a phi- were reported in the coun- manipulated or constructed in a laboratory. US President workers and first responders. recovering after undergoing leader, the line of succession is most important holiday. But
lanthropist who called on him try, health officials said. Donald Trump said last week that his government was trying to The sample will still have to be the procedure on April 12. not clear. A BBC report said he presided over a meeting on
on April 15 to donate Rs 1 crore China’s National Health determine whether the virus emanated from a lab in Wuhan in shipped for processing back to The North Korean leader is Kim’s sister, Kim Yo-jong, would April 11, discussing coronavi-
for the PM’s Coronavirus Relief Commission on Tuesday said central China .“All available evidence suggests the virus has an LabCorp. Allowing people to believed to be about 36. seem the most obvious choice rus prevention and electing
Fund. Neither of them wore that 11 new confirmed Co- animal origin and is not manipulated or constructed virus in a self-swab at home would help “We’re monitoring these his sister as an alternate
masks and gloves at the time of vid-19 cases were reported on lab or somewhere else,” WHO spokeswoman Fadela Chaib told reduce infection risks for front- reports very closely,” US Pres- the state. Bloomberg separate- member of the political bu-
the meeting. Faisal Edhi, chair- Monday, of which four were a Geneva news briefing. “It is probable, likely that the virus is of line health care workers and ident Donald Trump’s nation- ly quoted an unnamed US offi- reau of the ruling Workers’
man of the Karachi-based Edhi imported. No death was re- animal origin.” It was not clear how the virus had jumped the help conserve protective gear. al security adviser, Robert cial as saying the White House Party, according to KCNA.
Foundation and son of the late, ported on Monday. Health of- species barrier to humans but there had “certainly” been an For the home test, people O’Brien, told Fox News in an was told that Kim took a turn An official at the Chinese
much revered philanthropist, ficials apprehend a second intermediate animal host, she added. REUTERS are initially screened with an interview on Tuesday, but he for the worse after the surgery. Communist Party’s Interna-
Abdul Sattar Edhi, tested posi- wave of the coronavirus at- online questionnaire. If autho- gave no other details. Two Kim is the unquestioned tional Liaison Department,
tive for Covid-19 on Tuesday. tack especially from hun- he was quoted as saying by completed at the end of rised by a physician, LabCorp South Korean government of- leader of North Korea and which deals with North Ko-
“PM Imran Khan has agre- dreds of Chinese nationals state-run Global Times. March, and the second phase will ship a testing kit to their ficials rejected an earlier CNN the sole commander of its nu- rea, expressed the belief that
ed to get tested for the coronavi- returning from abroad. China has approved three started on April 12. home. The kit includes cotton report citing an unnamed US clear arsenal. He has no clear Kim was not critically ill. Chi-
rus after meeting with someone Gao Fu, director of the COVID-19 vaccine candi- It is the first Covid-19 swabs, a collection tube, an in- official saying Washington successor and any instability na is North Korea’s only major
(Faisal Edhi) who tested positi- Chinese Centre for Disease dates for clinical trials. An vaccine in the world that sulated pouch and box to ship was “monitoring intelli- in the country could be a ma- ally. Chinese foreign ministry
ve for the virus,” Faisal Sultan, Control and Prevention said adenovirus vector vaccine, has entered the second the specimen back to LabCorp. gence” that Kim was in grave jor international risk. Analy- spokesman Geng Shuang said
Khan’s personal physician, sa- in an emergency situation, developed by Institute of Mil- phase of clinical trial, ac- To take a sample, a cotton swab danger after surgery, but they sts have instead focused on Beijing was aware of reports
id. Mohammad Bilal, spokes- some Chinese medics would itary Medicine under the A- cording to WHO. Several is swirled in each nostril. The did not elaborate on whether Kim’s sister, Kim Yo-jong, about Kim's health, but said it
man for the Edhi Foundation, be injected with coronavirus cademy of Military Sciences, countries are speeding up test results are posted online to Kim had undergone surgery. who has accompanied her does not know their source,
said Edhi took a test for Covid-19 vaccines. “I believe we could was the first to be approved to vaccine, development to cut a secure company website. The The South Korean presi- brother to meetings with the without commenting on whe-
on Sunday. “We feel he contrac- come up with vaccines with enter a clinical trial. The first the time span to few months company said it will make the dential office said there were leaders of South Korea, Chi- ther it has any information
ted the virus in Islamabad, as he the joint efforts of everyone,” phase of the clinical trial was instead of several years. PTI test available in the coming we- no unusual signs coming from na and the United States. The about the situation. REUTERS
has been there for a week. eks. Each kit will cost $119. AP

Sikh emergency
‘It’s Trump bid to distract from his Covid response’ consultant dies

Continued from P 1 saw the order as a ruse to shut ding to the US president.
down immigration complete- Others posted memes showing of Covid, PIO doc
ritics saw President ly, something his far right sup- Trump’s own immigrant ori-
Trump’s immigration
move as part of a gradu-
porters have been demanding.
Others expressed concern
gins, including the fact that his
wife is an immigrant.
toll in UK now 5
al tightening of legal immigra- that Trump was unfairly ma- In any case, with few Naomi Canton
tion into the country to freeze ligning immigrants and dimi- flights into the US and no pro-
demographic changes, which nishing their frontline role du- tocol about how regular travel London: Britain’s first Sikh
many Republicans see as being ring the pandemic. In fact, so- and tourism — much less the emergency consultant has died
electorally disadvantageous to me reports indicate more mi- immigration process — wo- of Covid-19, joining the list of
them while favouring Demo- nority and immigrant uld be resumed, no one is co- Indian frontline doctors and
crats. A majority of new immi-
grant citizens have a Democra-
frontline responders are dying
of coronavirus than native-
TRACKING OUTBREAK ming into America just now
or is being processed for im-
medical staff in the UK who ha-
ve lost the battle to the infection.
tic persuasion and the Demo- born population. “President migration, with the whole Manpreet Singh Riya, 52,
Countries Infected Death
cratic Party itself is more di- Trump now seeks to distract 185 process functionally shut who worked as an emergency
A police officer takes part in a dance session organised by
verse and immigrant-heavy. us from his fumbled Covid-19 United States 8,04,194 43,200 countries/ down. The state department medicine consultant at Uni-
Some others saw the move response by trying to put the has suspended almost all visa versity Hospitals of Derby residents of a neighbourhood in Prestatyn, Wales, on Tuesday
as Trump playing to his white blame on immigrants. The Spain 2,04,178 21,282 regions hit processing for weeks now. The and Burton (UHDB), passed
conservative base in an effort truth is many immigrants are
Italy 1,83,957 24,648
White House has closed both away on April 20. Gavin Boyle, UK Queen marks media to reflect the milestones
of the monarch’s reign. “The
to distract them from the mes- on our frontlines, protecting the northern border with Ca- chief executive of UHDB,
sy economic situation the US us as doctors, nurses, health France
25,31,804+ nada and the southern border said: “Manjeet (a father of low-key 94th longest reigning Monarch in
1,56,495 20,294 infected globally two) was the first A&E con-
British History. Wife, mother,
finds itself following the coro-
navirus pandemic. “Trump
aids, farmworkers, and restau-
rant workers,” said New York Germany 1,48,007 4,939
with Mexico for all except es-
sential workers. Tens of thou- sultant from the Sikh commu- b’day amid curbs grandmother and great-grand-
mother. Happy birthday, Your
failed to take this crisis serio- Democrat Jerry Nadler. 1,74,336+ sands of Mexicans commute nity in the country and was in-
usly from day 1 and his aban-
donment of his role as presi-
Some critics also noted
that far from immigrants
United Kingdom

1,30,164 17,378
have died
from across the border each
day for agriculture, construc-
strumental in building the
emergency medicine service
B ritain’s Queen Elizabeth II
on Tuesday marked her
94th birthday
Majesty,” read the Buckingham
Palace birthday message.
dent has cost lives,” Califor- bringing coronavirus to the 95,591 2,259 tion, and manual labour, whi- in Derbyshire over the past
privately at A US doctor self-isolates
two decades. He was a widely
nia Senator Kamala Harris sa-
id, adding that “he’s
US, the rest of the world feared
Americans now, given that the
Iran 84,802 5,297 6,59,732+ le Canada supplies the US
with healthcare workers. respected consultant in emer-
Windsor in his kids’ treehouse
have recovered Castle after A Texas emergency room
shamelessly politicising this US has the most Covid-19 infec- China 83,853 4,636 Indeed, immigration forms gency medicine nationally.”
she had physician has chosen a novel
pandemic to double down on tions in the world. The US cur- the backbone of the US econo- Around 100 NHS staff have
Russia Source: Johns Hopkins cancelled all place to self-isolate as he’s
his anti-immigrant agenda”. rently has more confirmed co- 52,763 456 University my and constitutes the founda- died of the novel coronavirus,
forms of treating coronavirus patients —
Trump did not specifically ronavirus cases (800,000) and tion of the country itself. More exacerbating calls for the UK
public celebration amid the his children’s treehouse. He has
mention the pandemic but the more deaths from it (42,500) uthern border to stop Ameri- MES anywhere else in the than a quarter of its healthca- government to source morepro-
coronavirus lockdown. Bucking- spent nearly three weeks in
assumption is that his referen- than any other country. One cans. “This is really funny, world. NOBODY is beating re workers, including doctors tective gear. In total, five Indian
ham Palace released special there and often shouts down to
ce to the “Invisible Enemy” recent cartoon showed Mexi- considering the corona death down the door to come here,” and nurses, are immigrants. medical practitioners have lost
images and videos on social his kids if he needs something.
meant the coronavirus. Many cans building a wall on the so- rate in the US is THREE TI- read one snarky tweet respon- Full report on their lives to Covid-19 so far.

A thought for today

It amazes me that we are all on Twitter and Facebook.
By “we” I mean adults. We’re adults, right?
But emotionally we’re a culture of seven-year-olds
The New Untouchability Act
MARC MARON, US writer Social distancing, Madi and Aacharam in the time of coronavirus Namaste and the Japanese Ojigi

Level The Field A series of fires in a

theatre, a nightclub, and
a school that took more
(bowing). Hopefully, neckties, those
superfluous, germ-laden accoutre-
ments, will be dispensed with next.
Madi and Aacharam: Ironically too, it
News producers can’t keep incurring the costs than a thousand lives in was two Chinese travellers, Faxian and
the United States nearly a Xuanzang, who noted and recorded social
while digital platforms drain away profits century ago generated distancing that was already prevalent in
new building codes across America. From India centuries ago. Although it eventually

ecall Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer who gets his friends to paint a banning use of inflammable material in devolved into the ugly practice of
fence on a sweltering summer day and walks away making them theatres, to enforcing seating capacity, untouchability and came to be inextricably
pay him the wages for their labour. Indian media companies requiring buildings to have designated linked to the loathsome caste system,
are in a similar situation with Facebook and Google. These digital egress doors and windows, mandating Faxian’s “chandalas” were largely fisher-
that exit signs be visible at all time (even men and butchers who were isolated from
platforms demand gratitude for imparting wider reach to news
when there is no electricity), lawmakers rest of the society and had to sound an
content and play deaf to sharing revenues for content produced at passed laws that reduced fire hazard and alarm if they entered the mainstream so
considerable cost. Google and Facebook don’t have to invest in news brought down the death count. that other citizens could avoid them.
gathering but can waltz away with the ad revenues and earn close to Among the simplest changes was one Xuanzang added scavengers and executio-
trillion dollar valuations while paying a pittance for journalism. The that required all exit doors in public ners to this list, all this doubtless before
Centre must take note of such brigandage, as well as of Australia’s buildings in America to swing outwards. the advent of soaps and disinfectants.
response to it forcing Google and Facebook to share online advertising Another code change mandated revolving Still, keeping a no-contact physical
doors should be flanked by at least one distance – consecrated in practices such
revenues with local media companies.
normal, outward swinging door. You see as madi and aacharam, widely prevalent
With Covid-19 sending advertising these codes at work across the world today. among Brahmins in the south – was fun-
revenues crashing, authorities must The coronavirus pandemic will likely damentally a health and hygiene issue.
urgently address the glaring asymmetry leave a lasting effect on public health In fact, even today in many traditional

Uday Deb
between digital platforms and news out- policy, business practices, social engage- Indian homes, it’s normal to leave one’s
lets. News outlets invest vast human and ment and personal behaviour, particularly footwear outside the front door and
financial resources in news gathering in a country where a sneeze or a cough is enter the house barefoot, and to drink
now considered more lethal than a guns- virus on. Human beings are instinctively water without putting the glass or cup or
operations, to publish a curated pool of
hot. Of course, it is entirely possible that tactile. In fact, one reason for the Big tumbler to one’s lips (holding it an inch
high quality content that is fact checked with rapidly developed therapeutics and Apple’s high rate of infection could be A country whose inadequacies or two above one’s mouth).
and meticulously edited for relevance, vaccines, it could be back to business- the number of “touches” a New Yorker have been shown up badly in If you have a haircut, you go straight
brevity and style. During natural disasters, as-usual by this time next year. But right goes through in a day – from the door into a bath or shower (haircuts and
communal riots or health emergencies now Americans are spooked. handle to elevator buttons to the
the present crisis is more likely barbers, like meat and butchers, are
like Covid-19, it is journalists who serve A country whose inadequacies have mailbox to subway turnstiles to vending to use this as a “sputnik considered unclean); guests are always
citizens accurate information, even at grave personal risk. been shown up badly in the present crisis machines to the inevitable handshakes, moment” to demonstrate that it invited to first wash up as soon as they
is more likely to use this as a “sputnik it is one long touchy-feely day. come in (fresh towels and dhotis are offe-
If Google and Facebook succeed in devastating the newspaper
moment” to demonstrate that But motion sensitive has not lost any of its sense of red in traditional homes); and children
industry, it won’t be good news for democracy, public order or livelihoods. it has not lost any of its sense and voice activation techno- mission on the 50th anniversary playing outdoors are instructed to wash
Journalism offers an independent outlet for information in public
interest. It also safeguards the nation and its citizens from social media
of mission on the 50th anni- the newnormal logies have been around for of its Apollo 13 event hands, feet, and face before settling
versary of its Apollo 13 event some time and are impro- down for homework or dinner.
fuelled misinformation that sows distrust, panic and hysteria. Digital – from recapturing its manufacturing ving rapidly all the time. There is no At the sociological and anthropological For India, the pandemic offers an
platforms end up enjoying the best of both worlds, monetising news mojo to setting new standards in public particular reason for one to touch a light level, Americans are also talking of opportunity to reset and restore a range of
while ducking accountability for fake news and viral misinformation. and private engagement, notwithstanding switch or door handle or elevator knob or forsaking the formal handshake – already good practices that have been forsaken in
the social and political discord right now. an ATM. The Arabs can boast that Ali being eclipsed by informal high-fives, a blind imitation of Western customs and
Getting digital platforms with multinational footprints to play
Open Sesame, Exit Door Handle: Some Baba cracked it centuries ago with his dap (a horizontal fist bump), and the behaviors, including the use of toilet
ball requires hardnosed negotiation. Early Spanish and French go- of the changes are already becoming “Open Sesame”, but for now the credit chest bump – in an effort to make social paper. The Untouchability (Offences) Act
vernment attempts to force them into revenue sharing models failed. visible, and technology exists to make goes to American companies such as distancing a more permanent aspect of of 1955, which eventually became a Protec-
Like French and Australian competition regulators, India can start them fully operational. It’s known now AT&T, IBM, Microsoft, Apple and Google, life. Amid recommendations from tion of Civil Rights law, was aimed at
by ordering digital platforms to negotiate with news producers on re- that beyond airborne transmission thro- backed by government institutions such Anthony Fauci, the infectious diseases outlawing an abhorrently discriminatory
muneration. Australia is urgently proceeding on a legislative course ugh droplets when someone sneezes or as NSA, DARPA and universities such as pundit, that people abjure all unnecessary practice. But thanks to the coronavirus,
after a voluntary code made little headway and Covid-19 triggered clo- coughs, the next big coronavirus danger Carnegie Mellon. Ironically, some of the physical contact, leaders of a Western we may be getting a new universal untou-
is from surface transmission – when you pioneers of this technology happen to be society that signed off till recently with chability protocol – social distancing in
sures of several dozen newsrooms. A level playing field is needed “hugs and kisses” (xoxo in the emoji era)
touch a doorknob or hard object that an immigrants, notably Raj Reddy from today’s lingo – that is healthily discrimi-
where multinational digital platforms abjure monopolistic tendenci- infected person may have landed the India and Xuedong Huang from China. are suddenly embracing the Indian nating rather than socially prejudicial.
es. Facebook and Google cornered nearly 70% (Rs 11,500 crore) of onli-
ne ad revenues from India in 2018-19, a market pegged at Rs 28,000 cro-
re by 2022. The Government of India must resist a digital colonisa-
tion, where the sweat and toil of Indians is drained out of the country
while local communities and businesses are destroyed.
‘We need to recognise women as independent
individuals … Review all land laws with a gender lens’
Palghar Horror Despite constitutional provisions to empower
women, one critical area where they continue
inheritance laws with respect to
agriculture land?
this regressive approach?
The land reform principle popular at
■ How do we get around the patriar-
chal mindset that is preventing equal
to be denied their full rights is inheritance of Yes, certainly. Haryana is a classic the time of Independence was ‘land to the inheritance of agricultural land?
Rumour mongering must be dealt with swiftly, agricultural land. Shipra Deo, director for example where the state assembly twice tiller’ and lawmakers – then and now – First and foremost, we need to recognise
especially during Covid-19 lockdown Women’s Land Rights at Landesa, spoke to
Rudroneel Ghosh about it:
attempted to take away the progressive
rights given to women through personal
continue to see the tiller as male. But even
this doesn’t hold true. Statistics tell us
women as independent individuals, in
word of law as well as in spirit. Today, most
laws such as the Hindu Succession Act. It that women constitute around 65% of all land laws do not pass the test of gender

he horrific incident of mob lynching in Maharashtra’s Palghar equality. There is a need to review all land
■ How are women in India could not do so because the amend- agricultural workers, but only 14% of all
where two sadhus and their driver were killed by villagers on being denied their right to ment was rejected by the President operational landholders. laws with a gender lens and identify areas
suspicion of being thieves is not only a failure of law and order inherit agricultural land? of India. Another example is from In addition, many argue that because where there is either overt or covert discri-
but also exemplifies policing challenges during the nationwide lock- Most of the existing Indian laws UP, where since 2016, unmarried daughters move to other villages after mination against women. The incongru-
down. The incident was fuelled by rumours that there were bandits don’t provide equal rights to women daughters are primary heirs equi- marriage, allowing them to inherit their ences in inheritance provisions in state
on the prowl looking to take advantage of the lockdown. In fact, to inherit agricultural land. And even valent to a son, but married daughters are parents’ land will lead to fragmentation of laws need to be addressed in states.
two days before the sadhus and their driver were attacked on April 16, when there are laws that have progressive not. In effect, this means that a daughter agricultural lands. But such concerns are Legal legitimacy must essentially be
provisions in this regard, they are not effec- must choose between not raised in the case of sons who migrate accompanied with efforts to establish the so-
a couple of doctors were assaulted and held hostage in an adjoining cial legitimacy of women’s claims. Concer-
tively implemented, and women continue inheriting land from to urban areas or to other countries.
hamlet. Luckily the doctors were rescued by the police. to be denied their rights. Under the current her father and These are double standards emanating ted efforts are required to shift patriarchal
Following the lynching, the Maharashtra government has promised scheme of things, there is an overwhelming getting married. from patriarchy. The people responsible attitudes and gendered norms expressed by
action and more than 110 accused have been maze of laws that govern inheritance When we approa- for making and implementing these laws government officials, elected leaders and
arrested. Plus, a CID probe has been ordered provisions. There are personal or religious ched officials, often carry these biases. other thought leaders in the civic space.
and two policemen suspended. While rumours laws enacted at the national level, there are there was a strong ■ Could you elaborate on the ■ Could you give us examples of how
of thieves and child lifters are nothing new, they also state revenue laws enacted by each resistance to procedural impediments to women equal inheritance to agricultural
state. As per the Constitution, succession is giving married registering agricultural land even land has helped women?
get accentuated in tense situations when social In today’s world, land is one of the most
part of the concurrent list, meaning both daughters equal where this is allowed?
trust runs low. This is precisely what is happe- states and Centre can legislate on this rights. In many places where daughters can significant productive assets, and inheri-
ning in many parts of the country with even aspect. But agricultural land is a state sub- ■ Why do you inherit agricultural land as per law, tance is a central way to own it. Ownership
doctors and health workers being assaulted. ject, which takes succession of agricultural think many their names are still not entered into the of agricultural land strengthens a woman’s
The latest such assault was reported from land into the states’ domain. The north- states have records because of the responsible reve- identity as an individual and gives her the
Bengaluru when a team of health workers was western states – Punjab, Haryana, Hima- nue officials’ biases. This bias is woven strength necessary to exercise her agency.
trying to take contacts of Covid-positive patients to institutional chal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand into the social fabric, and daughters Agricultural land specifically increases
and Delhi – have the most regressive inheri- are not expected to claim their sha- her visibility and recognition as a farmer,
quarantine. Add to this fake news and misinformation circulating on which essentially means enhanced inclu-
tance provisions that explicitly prefer male re. They are subject to extreme
social media, and we are looking at a recipe for disaster. descendants over females. In these states, backlash and ostracisation if sion in the entire agriculture value chain.
For social isolation and lockdowns of this scale to work, policing even when a woman gets land, her rights they choose to assert their It increases her access to technical know-
needs to be highly efficient. People under stress need to be calmed are limited, which means she often loses claims, though many times ledge, government schemes, institutional
while those in need of immediate attention need to be helped. But the rights if she remarries or if she doesn’t women and girls them- credit, farming inputs, and market
most of all, rumour mongering needs to be nipped in the bud and cultivate land for a specific period. selves don’t know that they can linkages, and has the power to disrupt the
■ Is there resistance to reforming inherit and own land. cycle of poverty and exclusion.
those responsible for spreading canards dealt with strictly. A certain
section of politicians has been insinuating a communal angle to the
Palghar incident. This is condemnable as it can seriously undermine the dilbert Sacredspace
fight against Covid-19. Efficient policing is the only thing that stands
in the way of Covid-19 fuelled chaos. It must not be compromised. Terrible Mistake
The most alarming of all man’s

Homeward bound assaults upon the environment is

the contamination of the air, earth,
rivers, and seas with dangerous,
Because of the coronavirus lockdown, a lot of people and even lethal, materials. This
pollution has rapidly become
are making new discoveries in the places they live almost universal, and it is for the
Jug Suraiya most part irrecoverable…
and irreversible.
Bunny and i have recently discovered the small terrace
adjoining our bedroom on the first floor. It’s always been there Rachel Carson
for all the past 24 years that we’ve been living in this house, of
course, and every now and then we would look at it and wonder
what we could do with it.
For most parts of the year, Gurgaon where we live, is either
too hot or too cold for us to use the terrace as a sit-out. We could have turned it
into an extra room, but we don’t need more enclosed space. So the terrace lay
Why We Regard Earth As Our Mother
there like a fallow field, unproductive and useless. Radhanath Swami principles seem to be forgotten and there little Ravanas to becoming little gifts that God has given us and how to
Then came the coronavirus lockdown, and because of it we discovered our is wide-scale exploitation of natural Hanumans … from exploiting the earth respect those divine gifts.

long-neglected terrace. Unable to leave home because of the curfew, we began ndic culture and tradition venerates resources. Instead of caring about the for our own purposes to protecting and Mother Earth has a body that is very
to use our terrace for our daily evening walk of 45 minutes. Our white elephant the earth as one’s own mother. First, long term well-being of the world, the honouring the earth for divine purposes. much like our bodies. When there is a
of a terrace became a godsend. acknowledging the earth as a person environment is brazenly being destroyed There is no other permanent problem, she heals herself. But like our
Like us, a lot of people all over the world are indicates that we are not indifferent to it and serious implications of it are visible solution. All other solutions from bodies, if her body is exploited again
making all sorts of happy discoveries in their ho- but understand its needs and concerns, in the way weather patterns are environmental organisations may be and again and filled with more and more
secondopinion mes. These needn’t be as large as even a tiny and accord to it the highest respect and changing; species and habitats are good, necessary and vital, but we must toxins and is never given the time to
terrace – ours is 20 feet by 15 feet. Indeed some of honour, just as the mother is getting depleted, and more. understand that unless there is a replenish itself, then it can’t heal itself
these chance findings could be small, like a discarded, frayed rug unearthed at respected universally in all the cultures Personally, if we deal pro- change in consciousness, those and the result is serious diseases. When
random from the recesses of a cupboard and which becomes a handy yoga mat, and traditions. As a mother nourishes perly with our consciousness, solutions are not sustainable. Mother Earth gets a disease, it results in
to help keep you fit during lockdown. the child, the earth nourishes all living then we can realistically deal Years ago, i met the disasters.
It could be a book you’d bought, but forgotten to read, a DVD you’d got but never beings by providing them various with the problems of this environmental minister of It is necessary, therefore, to clean the
watched. It might be a bottle of sauce, or a jar of a condiment, you come across necessities and shelter, without world. The cause of all India. She questioned me, ecology of our consciousness, and the
while rummaging through the kitchen cabinet and which inspires a new, tasty discrimination and timelines. physical pollution is pollu- what good the mantras of simplest and most powerful agent to
twist to an old recipe to help dispel corona blues. But perhaps the best thing we The five elements – earth, air, water, ted consciousness, because sadhus were doing for the remove the pollution of our minds and
discover about our homes, which we take so much for granted that we overlook or ether and fire – are all acknowledged as our minds are polluted with environment. I replied that hearts as per age-old tradition is the
fail to appreciate about them, is how lucky we are to have a home to call our own, personalities in Indic culture, and also toxic greed which can never these mantras clean the heart. chanting of Krishna’s holy names. It can
while millions of fellow citizens live on pavements or in makeshift shanties. mentioned in the Vedas and Puranas. be satisfied. We are trying to satiate our If you clean the rivers but not hearts, then restore the love, compassion and inner
There’s an old saying, Ghar ki murgi, daal barabar, which roughly Traditionally, various rules had been greed through exploiting nature. The people will just pollute the rivers again, satisfaction that we are all longing for, it
translates as, Even something special made at home becomes ordinary. laid out for dealing with each of them in Vedic solution is to learn how to be even if you clean them hundreds of will simplify our lives and it will also help
Today that should be inverted to, Ghar ki daal, murgi barabar. order to uphold respect for them. For content and satisfied with simple things – times. We have to clean the rivers and restore the health of this planet. (The example, one should not pollute, that is, simple living and high thinking – to also, we have to educate people about how writer is a guru at International Society defecate in a running river. Today, these change our consciousness from being to find satisfaction in the simple, divine for Krishna Consciousness)
Bank Slippages To Rise In FY21
As Businesses Lose Revenue
Banks were expected to post an improvement in
their non-performing loans in FY21 with higher
recoveries under the insolvency process. With

Slippage (` L cr)

Slippage Ratio

the outlook changing after Covid-19, bad loans 4.4

are set to soar again as the top lines of most 4
3.3 4.8
businesses take a hit for at least a quarter 4.2
Source: UBS, *Estimated FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20* FY21* FY22*

US Oil Meltdown Roils Mkts, Traders At Multi Commodity Exchange Feel The Heat, But Plunge Will Ease Import Burden

Oil in -ve zone: MCX buyers Exporters

face losses
HC quashes
WhatsApp ups
face `410 crore fund dues on forward of 2 former video-call user
$ contracts IFIN auditors
May Move Court | Sellers Gear Up To Protect Their Interest sanct, MCX announced the fi- limit to 8 from 4 Swati.Deshpande

Mumbai: The negative clo-

On Monday night, WTI April MCX announces a
nal per contract settlement
price at a negative Rs 2,884.
Mumbai: Many exporters who
have sold their anticipated dol- Zoom, Houseparty See Spike, Mumbai: In a major win for
sing for WTI crude on the Ny-
mex on Monday night has
caught a large number of Indi-
crude oil contracts on Nymex
close at negative $37.6/barrel
provisional price of
Re 1/contract
There were about 11,500 lots to
be settled. At the changed sett-
lement price, and a conver-
lar revenues in the forward mar-
ket are staring at a crisis as they
risk losing millions. While the
So Do Desi Cos Zoho, Airmeet auditors BSR Associates and
Deloitte Haskins & Sells, the
Bombay high court on Tuesday
Settlement price of Investors, who were
an buyers of crude oil cont- MCX crude contracts gainers, raise issue sion rate of Rs 76-per-dollar, dollar’s market rate has soared Digbijay Mishra & said Rahul Matthan, partner at quashed their prosecution as
racts on the MCX here on the are linked to the WTI with Sebi. The markets the total settlement amount compared to the rate at which Madhav Chanchani TNN Trilegal, who heads technolo- erstwhile auditors of the cri-
wrong foot. These investors are crude price regulator steps in to that the buyers were to pay they were sold, the lockdown has gy practice for firms. sis-ridden IL&FS Financial
now together expected to pay On Tuesday, investors order MCX to honour jumped from Rs 110 crore to Rs stalled exports. Small busines- Bengaluru: Popular messa- According to Matthan, se- Services (IFIN). The HC held
about Rs 410 crore to the sellers. holding MCX April crude contract specifications 410 crore, market players said. ses are worried of the cash loss ging application WhatsApp is curity is not a major concern that the prosecution by the Se-
This being a rare event contracts face settlement MCX announces final An MCX official, however, they will suffer when banks de- doubling the number of callers here when WhatsApp has said rious Fraud Investigation Offi-
that was not anticipated, most prices deep in the red settlement at negative `2,884 said that the provisional price bit their accounts for the diffe- that can participate in group its platform has end-to-end en- ce (SFIO) was unsustainable.
investors are finding it diffi- was announced for the ease of rence in the dollar rates when video conversations to eight cryption, meaning a third par- But the HC, disagreeing with
cult to meet their obligations calculation initially since it they fail to deliver. people from the existing four ty cannot access it. auditors, upheld the constitutio-
to settle the trades, commodi- MCX changes trading hours was for the first time the ex- Exporters sell a large part of as the communication mode nal validity of section 140(5) of
ty players said. Some of the Mumbai: Commodity exchanges on Tuesday said that, from change was calculating with a their expected revenues in the sees a significant uptake DOUBLE CAPACITY the Companies Act under which
brokers who are on the losing April 23, all those commodities for which the settlement price is negative price. MCX officials six-month or one-year forward across the world during lock- the ministry of corporate affairs
side may even move court. the price of an international exchange will continue to trade were confident that all the markets. By doing so, they are downs. The update is already WhatsApp is (MCA) had sought a ban on the
The situation arose becau- from 9am till 11.30pm — extended from the 5pm closing now. All brokers will pay up and there not only guaranteed an ex- available to some customers, already beta- company’s auditors for five ye-
se, according to MCX’s rules, other commodities will be traded between 9am and 5pm. TNN was no chance of any default. change rate but also earn a with a broader rollout expec- testing the ars. Significantly, the HC said
the WTI closing price for crude Sources said the commodi- small premium as the dollar is ted in 1-2 weeks, said a source doubling of video- these provisions, which are “re-
oil contracts will be the official first time in its history — ente- 1 for its crude contracts. Howe- ties broking arm of Motilal Os- expected to be worth more in fu- briefed on the matter. call capacity to 8 medial and regulatory” in natu-
settlement price of MCX crude red the negative territory and ver, there was hectic lobbying wal group had the biggest pay- ture. Now that many export WhatsApp, which has over re, would not apply to auditors
The plan is to roll
futures contracts as well. Eve- closed at -$37.6 per barrel. by brokers from both sides — ment obligation. A spokesper- shipments are stalled either in 400 million monthly active who have already resigned.
At Monday’s close, the those who were to pay Rs 410 son for the group said total due
it out for all users
rything was fine till 5pm on factories, warehouses, in trans- users in India, did not respond In this case, BSR — which is
Monday when MCX closed tra- MCX crude for April was tra- crore, and those who were to from the clients was about Rs it or even at the destination port to an emailed query on this within 1-2 weeks a sub-licensee of auditing giant
ding according to the truncated ding at Rs 965/barrel with one get this money — throughout 80 crore and there were no pro- matter. Earlier in the month, Users must have the most KPMG International and
trade hours due to the nation- lot of the contract having 100 Tuesday to push their case. prietary positions. “But we are NEW CRISIS WhatsApp had told TOI that it updated version of the app KPMG India — had resigned as
wide lockdown. However, abo- barrels. Initially MCX, due to Finally, after Sebi inter- confident of fully recovering because of the Covid-19 lock- has witnessed a rise in messa- for this facility to work statutory auditors of IFIN last
ut six hours after MCX closed, some reason, announced a pro- vened and said that the cont- the money from clients,” the down, they are not earning dol- ging, voice and video calls in June, and Deloitte about a year
the WTI crude prices — for the visional settlement price of Re racts’ conditions were sacro- spokesperson said. lars. As against the 72-levels at general during the lockdown. Monthly downloads of vi- earlier. “CAs who defrauded the
which the forward contracts Earlier this month, What- deo-calling application Zoom company but have completed

ICICI’s $100m Crude crash to ease some

were struck, the greenback is
now inching towards Rs77.
The Apparel Exporters Pro-
sApp put new restrictions on
users who can forward messa-
ges to just one person or group
have increased 17-fold from
500,000 in February to over 8.7
million in March.
their term & left cannot be
changed and therefore not ame-
nable to section 140(5). They can
loan at risk, motion Council (AEPC) has at one time once it has been pre- Similarly, Houseparty saw be tried for professional miscon-

Covid-19 pain for India

written to the RBI, highligh- viously forwarded 5 times or active users increase about 16 duct under section 132 or under
ting the big loss that exporters more. The latest development times in the same time period. the Chartered Accountants
stock falls 8% would suffer because of the
penalty that banks are char-
comes at a time when the home
ministry’s Cyber Coordina-
Right now, Zoom allows up to
100 participants in its basic
Act,” said the HC.
The HC also held that a “dis-
TIMES NEWS NETWORK countries who created the con- he said, requesting anonymity. ging. “It is requested that the tion Centre said that “Zoom is a plan, while Houseparty limits qualification or debarment” un-
ditions for the crash and are The WTI crash, he said, charges for the exchange rate not a safe platform”, advising it to eight people. der the provision is “not as a pu-
Mumbai: Shares of ICICI New Delhi: Black Gold has now trying to artificially raise was purely ‘causal’ and a local fluctuations and cancellations government employees to not Several Indian companies nishment for fraud but it is a cau-
Bank crashed 8% on Tuesday fallen from grace. And how! it. As an economy dependent phenomenon. “Tuesday was are waived for the period of use it because of security con- offering a similar service have tion which Parliament felt ne-
following news that it had a US crude WTI sank into on (oil) imports, low prices are the last day of settlement for which export orders have been cerns and privacy lapses. also seen a consumption spike cessary to administer to avoid
$100-million exposure to a tra- negative territory for the first always good. The present situa- April futures. When traders ne- cancelled,” said AEPC chair- “With everyone locked in, in their products. Bengaluru- delays in matters of vital impor-
ding firm Hin Leong being in- time in history at -$37/barrel tion is better because there is ither found takers nor storage man A Sakthivel. there is no better time to roll based startup Airmeet, which tance”. The HC bench of Chief
vestigated by Singapore for ir- and Brent, the benchmark for no certainty that economic ac- space, they didn’t know what to According to K N Dey, foun- this out, when people are wor- does conferences online, has Justice B P Dharmadhikari and
regularities, including hiding two-thirds of the global oil tivity will return to the pre-Co- do and dumped their positions. der of United Financial Con- king from home and one wants seen time spent on its platform N R Borkar said there appeared
its losses. The private bank on trade, settled at an 18-year low vid-19 period quickly. So cur- There is limited linkage to sultants, which advises firms to talk to people. WhatsApp’s jump from 500 minutes per day to be non-application of mind in
Tuesday confirmed the expo- of $21.5 on Tuesday, sending rent low prices, when econo- Brent as shipping costs have on forex, banks can help expor- vast majority of users are con- in February to 500,000 minutes the manner the Centre directed
sure, stating that it is taking traders and the global oil in- mic activities are muted and gone up because the tankers ters tide over the situation by gi- sumers (individuals), while per day now. SFIO to initiate prosecution wit-
steps to protect its interest. dustry scurrying for cover. may remain so, are preferable are being used as storage.” ving them 90 more days to deli- Zoom is primarily a corporate Zoho has also been seeing a hin 30 hours of a 732-page report
On Monday, news agencies But India, the world’s third- Cheaper oil keeps macroe- ver the dollars at the same price solution and its issues do have jump in downloads for its app- of the agency with 32,000 pages
had reported that ICICI Bank largest oil importer, has much BAD NEWS conomic parameters such as as the existing forward cover. a direct impact on corporates,” lication Zoho Meeting. as annexures.
was making attempts to impo- to gain though there will be pa- CAD (current account deficit)
und two tankers belonging to a in for producers like ONGC. FOR OIL COS and inflation in the comfort zo-
unit of Hin Leong after news of The price crash has come at a than, say, $50-60/barrel,” a key ne by reducing crude import SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY PARKS OF INDIA
the losses emerged. The tra- time when the country is in government official told TOI. and subsidy bills. Low oil pri- CORRIGENDUM (An Autonomous Society under Ministry of Electronics &
ding firm owes global banks al- lockdown mode and economic Oil imports are a big drag ces will reduce input cost for No .W.623/ 15, Dt. 18.04.2020 Information Technology, Govt. of India)
Tender No. 62/2020 to 75/2020
most $4 billion. activities remain seriously on the country’s finances and farmers who use diesel to run NOTIFICATION
According to a court filing, curtailed, with the possibility cheaper oil will help reduce the farm equipment. Lower fuel invited vide NIT No W.623/1 5/ date
18.03.2020 which were due for This is with reference to the earlier notification uploaded on STPI web portal w.rt. the Employment Notice no.
HLT’s founder and director they will remain so for longer burden when the government and fertiliser subsidy liabiliti- 2(2)/VSTPI•HQ/2019-20 dated 12.02 ,2020 for the post MTS E-lV (Scientist 'E'), MTS E-III (Scientist' D') & MTS
es will free up funds for social closing on 14.04.2020 at 15.30 Hrs
Lim Oon Kuin had directed his than anticipated. The produ- has to find money for fighting E-ll (Scientist'C') and 2(3)/I/STPI-HQ/2019-20 dated 15.02.2020 for the post of MTS E-I (Scientist 'B'). The dates
will now be closed on 12.05.2020 at
firm not to disclose hundreds cers, however, will see return Covid-19 and incentivising the sector and infrastructure spen-
15.30 Hrs and tender no. 76/2020 for submission of online application & receipt of signed-in application for the above mentioned posts are hereby
of millions of dollars in losses on their big-ticket investments economy. “Demand will be lo- ding, which are expected to dri- also invited vide above NIT will now extended as follow:
over several years. turn negative without tax reli- wer this year. Lower prices will ve economic activity. Every be closed on 15.05.2020 at 15.30 Closing Date of Receipt of Online Application: 05.052020
ef from the government. shrink the import bill further. $10/ barrel fall in oil prices re- Hrs. Other terms and conditions will Closing Date of Receipt of duly signed-in Application: 20.05.2020

Birla holding “The crash saves India

from subsidising the exporting
So overall, as an economy, the
current price levels will help,”
duces import bill and CAD by
about 0.43% of the GDP.
remain unchanged.
Sr. Divisional Eng ineer (Coordination),
West Central Railway. Kota
Closing Date of Receipt of duly signed-in Application from the remote area :
However, reckoning of age as on last date of receipt of application as published earlier in the concern Nati onal
News Papers shall not be changed. The remaining conditions of the above advertisements will remain unchanged.

co Pilani to (Chief Administrative Officer), STPI

raise `1,000cr
Oil price slide, virus spread
?"-_, Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd.
Near Indira Brid ge , Bhat ,


Kolkata/Mumbai: Pilani In-

pull sensex down 1,011 pts Candhinagar - 382 428 (Gu j ar a t ), India
Web: http://www.i

The Institute for Plasma Research has developed proprietary p lasma

vestment & Industries, the hol- TIMES NEWS NETWORK shutdown due to the coronavi- Country : INDIA Name of Project : MUTP III
pyrol ysis technology which the industry can commercialize for safe
ding company of some of the VOLATILE MONTH rus pandemic is also showing
disposal of bio-medical waste. Applications are invited from Indian
Assi gnment Title: Selection of Consultant for "TECHNICAL
Birla group of companies, is Mumbai: The troubles in the in corporate earnings. “Post- ASSISTANCE STUDY FOR BALLAST LESS TRACK IN MUMBAI
Sensex in April Industries for availing non-exclusive technology knowhow and SUBURBAN AREA IN CONNECTION WITH'MUTP- III' PROJECT. "
raising Rs 1,000 crore by issu- global crude oil market and earnings management gui-
ing commercial papers (CPs), the rising number of Covid-19
dance has also not given any license of Plasma Pyrolysis Technology for bio-medical waste Reference No. MRVC/TA/118 dated 22 .02.2020
disposal. Interested part ies may visit IPR' s website-http:// Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd. now invites eligible consulting
a type of short-term corporate cases in India unnerved Dalal clear indication about the re- firms ("Consultants ) to indicate their interest in providing the Services for
bonds, the company told the Street investors on Tuesday
covery path,” Nair said. Go-
above mentioned assignment . Interested Consultants should provide
exchanges on Tuesday. and the consequent selling ing forward, earnings of lea- information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and
relevant experience to perform the Services. The consulting services
,ii Cauvery Neeravari Nigama (L)
According to company so- pulled down the sensex by 29,468 ding companies will to some
urces, Pilani Investment, 1,011 points, or 3.2%, to 31,637. 30,637 extent decide the market’s di- include providing "TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE STUDY FOR BALLAST
Hemavathy Dam Division, Gorur- 573120
controlled by Kumar Manga- Banking and financial stocks rection, among other factors. LESS TRACK IN MUMBAI SUBURBAN AREA IN CONNECTION WITH
'MUTP - III' PROJECT." The estimated duration of consultancy services
lam Birla with a 59% share- led the slide. On the NSE, the 4% The day’s losses also left
28,000 postponed Tender Notification on 16.04.2020 is 42 weeks. Detailed REOI with Draft Terms of Reference are
holding, the fund-raising is ai- Nifty closed 280 points lower investors poorer by Rs 3.3 available on MRVC web site www .mrvc .indianrailways A
The Calendar events of the short term Tender notificat o
med at investing in group at 8,981points. lakh crore with BSE’s market Consultant will be selected in accordance with the QCBS method set out
No 19/19-20 D:28.02.2020 called by the u n d e r s i g ned
companies, including to in- According to Vinod Nair, Mar 31 Source: ETIG Apr 21 capitalisation now at Rs 119.6 in PIR. Furt her information can be obtained at the address below during
crease stakes in those entities. head of research, Geojit Fi- lakh crore. Meanwhile, the through E-portal has been postponed on 16.04.2020 s off ice hours between 10:00 hrs. to 17:00 hrs. on working days. The
The shareholding of Pila- nancial Services, as the US the WTI crude oil futures clo- markets regulator Sebi on Tu- rescheduled due to e-portal technical reasons. Downloadng corrigendum if any, will be hosted on MRVC' s website. Expression of
interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in
ni Investment has been a mat- crude oil prices crashed, “In- sed at -$37.6/barrel, its first esday said all the public offers the tender documents through E-portal w e b s :e person or by email) by 30/05/ 2020.
ter of litigation for about two dian markets, in sync with ever negative close with sel- including IPOs that got its ( Up to 11.05.2020 , pre bid Address for correspondence:
decades as Birlas are at log- global markets, traded negati- lers paying the buyers to lift nod to open between March 1
gerheads with Harsh Lodha, vely, as the extent of the im- their produce as storage capa- and September 30 this year meeting D: 05.05.2020 , Opening of Technical bid 12.05.2020 , Bhavesh Kumar Jha , CPM-V, Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd., 2nd
4.30PM. Remaining conditions etc., are holds good. Fr)( floor, Churchgate Railway Station Building, Churchgate . Mumbai40002O.
whose father was bequeathed pact of lockdowns and the glo- cities were running low. can launch the offer within Tele: 022-22071885 , Fax: 022-22096972 , Email: ccpm 5
a substantial stake by a Birla bal slowdown is becoming In addition to the slide in one year of the nod, up from further details contact in the undersigned office between and/or cpm5mrvc @g , dycpmcivilmrvcpune ,
family heir. evident”. On Monday night, oil prices, the impact of the six months now. 10.30 AM to 5.30 PM on every working days. .
Website: www.mrv c indianrailways .
Sd/- Executive Engineer , CNNL

Retailers eye revenue-share pact at malls 1 1

Hemavathy Dam Division , Gorur , Hassan D i s t r c t

1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1

John Sarkar & Avik Das TNN math and thereby sustain six n n

New Delhi/Bengaluru: In a
SEEKING RELIEF million jobs that this industry
generates. For that it is criti-
P r oc u r e m e n t N o t i c e No. O 1I000U20 2 0-21 " e " P r oc u r e m e n t N o t i c e No. 02 f 0 0 0 L/ 2 0 2 0- 2 1
move that could change mo- cal that mall owners and te-
Mall owners have made Prestige, which owns malls Bid Identification No. OCCL-DGP/01/ 2020.21 Bid Identification No. OCCL-SGP/0 1/2020-21
dern retail dynamics in India, nants (brands and retailers)
representations to the like Forum Shantiniketan, UB
top retail companies, inclu- are able to arrive at a mutual- Online tender is invited on EPC Contract (Turn - Key Basis) for the Online tender is invited on EPC Contract (Turn - Key Basis ) for the
government for relief such City and Forum in Bengaluru, following work:
ding Future Group, Aditya ly agreeable arrangement on following work:
as waiver of property tax, has waived off rental 1. Name of Work : Execution of 6 Nos. of Lift Irrigation Schemes with
Birla, Arvind, Raymond and rentals, not only for the period 1. Name of Work : Construction of under Ground Pipe Line Irrigation
waiver of fixed demand for some clients intake point on Tel, Mahanadi , Indravati reservoir , Indravati , Ong,
Litebite Foods, are in discus- of shutdown but also thereaf- System (Gravit y Flow) for 640 Ha. of CCA and Command Area
charges from utility since March 14 Suktel river having command area between 500 He. to 2000 He. in
sion with mall owners to mo- ter till normalcy returns,” the Development (CAD) for 1362 Ha. CCA of Sadasivpur Branch Canal of
companies’ bills, cluster No. XVIII in the districts of kalahandi , Bolangir and Bargarh
ve into a pure revenue-share letter, also signed by Jubilant Rengali Right Irrigation Project in Dhenkanal district of Odisha on EPC -
including its distribution network up to 1 He. chak having total p lanned
model from a fixed-rent model moratorium on EMIs Brigade, which Foods, Bata and Adidas, said. Turn Key basis.
culturable Command Area of 9.547 Ha. on "EPC - Turn Key" basis
without any interest operates two Orion 2. Period of comp letion : 11 (Eleven) calendar months including rainy
or a minimum guaranteed While high street land- including power system connectivity and Operation & maintenance of
rent model for nine months for the lockdown period Malls in Bengaluru, lords such as those from New seasons. comp lete commissioned schemes for fiveyears.
starting March 1, which they Some mall owners such has decided to give Delhi’s Khan Market and 3. Date & Time of availability of bid document In the portal : From 2. Period of comp letion : 24 (Twenty four) calendar months including
believe is critical for survival as Prestige, Brigade and Lulu up rentals for some clients by small malls, such as, ones in 04.05.2020, 10.00A.M. to 19.05.2020 up to 5.30 P.M. rainy seasons.
of the retail industry. have given rent waivers to their 50% for the entire period Bhopal, Jaipur and Lucknow 4. Last Date/Time for receipt of bids in the portal : 19.05.2020 up to 3. Date & Time of availability of bid document In the portal : From
05.30 P.M. 04,05.2020,10.OOA.M. to 26.05.2020 up to 5.30 P.M.
At present, only big box tenants till lockdown is in place of lockdown have taken action (revenue-
5. Date & Time of Opening ofTechnical Bid : 21.05.2020 at 12.00 Noon. 4. Last Date/Time for receipt of bids in the portal : 26.05.2020 up to
fast-fashion retailers enjoy a sharing, rent waiver) retai- 05.30 P.M.
revenue-share rent model in be a flat percentage depen- while for fast food brands and lers said big ones are yet to re- 6. Name & address of the officer inviting bid : Managing Director,
5. Date &Time of Opening ofTechnicalBid : 28.05.2020at12.00Noon.
India with malls. ding on the category of stores. large format lifestyle stores, it act. Most of the large mall ow- Odisha Construction Corporation Limited.
6. Name & address of the officer inviting bid : Managing Director,
Around 75 retailers that They suggested, for instance, should be 7-8%. ners contacted by TOI said 7. Seeking Clarification : 10.00 A.M. of 04.05.2020 to 03 .00 P.M. of Odisha Construction Corporation Limited.
operate 200 brands have writ- revenue-sharing percentage “Our objective is to ensure they were yet to decide whet- 11.05.2020. 7. Seeking Clarification : 10.00 A.M. of 04.05.2020 to 03.00 P.M. of
ten a letter to mall owners, se- for vanilla brands should be that all businesses in the reta- her to give a rent waiver for Further details can be seen from the e-procurement portal 16.05.2020.
en by TOI, stating that reve- 10-12%, including common il industry are able to survive the period of lockdown or en- https ://tendersodisha Further details can be seen from the e-procurement portal
nue-share percentage should area maintenance (CAM), this pandemic and its after- ter a revenue-sharing model. Manag ing Director https :// sdi-
Managing Director
OCCL , Bhubaneswar OCCL. Bhubaneswar

Rajtilak Naik

Oz may host India GALLERY

for a five-Test series Crisis has made us more

compassionate: Kohli
Sydney: Cricket Australia is stage the season. At this point,
considering the prospect of we won’t rule anything out in India skipper Virat Kohli on Tuesday said
JUST NOT THE SAME: The ISL final turning its four-match Test terms of the Indian series. people seem to have
between ATK and Chennaiyin FC on series against India later this Along with the BCCI, the In- become more compas-
March 14 in Fatorda was held without year into a five-game contest dian players and their support sionate while coping with
fans due to the Covid-19 outbreak as it continues looking for staff, we want to stage a series the Covid-19 pandemic
ways to compensate the finan- that inspires the cricket world, and hoped the sense of
cial losses caused by Covid-19. whether or not there are peo-

gratitude towards fron-
India’s tour of Australia ple in the stands,” he added. tline workers like doctors
will begin with a T20 Tri-series Adding a fifth Test match and police personnel remains even after
in October and is scheduled to in the series, which could be the crisis is over. “The one positive out of
end with a four-match Test played in one city at a stadium this crisis that we as a society have be-
series in December. In be- without spectators, is one of come more compassionate. We are show-
tween, there is the T20 World the options discussed by the ing more gratitude to the frontline workers

Cup, scheduled for an October the financially struggling CA. in this war, be it police personnel, doctors
18 start, but the mega event’s or nurses,” said Kohli.
future is also shrouded in un- T20 WC in empty stadiums?
certainty due to the global CA is also discussing hosting Shutdown has exposed inequities: King
health crisis. the T20 World Cup without any Tennis great Billie Jean King says the
“If you contemplate the fans. “We might not generate financial fallout from the coronavirus
prospect of the international financial returns that are as shutdown has exposed the unfairness of
season in particular being af- significant as the internation- the sport and that it is important for the
fected, we have an issue of al cricket season. But the big- top players to lead the cause for change.
hundreds of millions of dol- ger returns from the broadcast “Maybe some day, and I didn't think it is
lars on our hands,” Cricket rights around the event that possible, we might have a Commissioner. I
Australia CEO Kevin Roberts are generated by the ICC are don’t know. We are not the biggest sport in
BCCI, AIFF Not Keen To Start Events With during our practice sessions at Che-
pauk when we said we can’t allow
sealed... And don’t forget, fans are the
lifeblood of Indian football, gate re-
said on Tuesday.
“So it’s very important that
very important to all of our
counterparts around the crick-
the world, so we need to stick together
and everyone needs to help each other,”
Empty Stands; Bhutia Lone Differing Voice people inside the ground. Lives are
at stake, you can’t control Indian
ceipts do matter here,” Dutta said.
The ISL final, not too long ago,
... we do everything possible to et world,” Roberts said. AGENCIES
Getty Images
she said. “The thing that’s also good is it
shows the inequities that go on. So this is
crowds that easily. Yes, there will be was played in front of empty galler- a good time to reset and think about how next few months. financial losses, but we have to live ies, but Dutta said that can’t be the we want our sport to look in the future.
His former India teammate and with it,” Viswanathan said. norm. “That was a one-off. The derby What can we do to make it better, stron-
Chennai: Bundesliga is likely to be current CSK offie, Harbhajan Singh, While cricket, for now, presents in Kolkata between East Bengal and ger and more secure?”
the first top-flight league which will echoed his former boss when he said a bleak picture, former Indian foot- Mohun Bagan the next day didn’t
resume in early May in front of top-flight cricketers in India don’t ball captain Bhaichung Bhutia has happen...We have to wait, there’s no Bagan confirmed I-League champions
empty galleries. While it is being just attract people inside the ground. a different view. He feels when point rushing anything,” Dutta said. The All India Football Federation's exec-
considered by many across the world “When IPL teams travel, there’s a things get just a little better, top- There aren’t any big tennis events utive panel on Tuesday ratified its league
as the first step towards a new real- huge crowd at the airports, hotels, flight football should start even if in India but there’s a huge following committee's recommendations to cancel
ity — sports in empty stadiums — the outside the stadium. How are you fans can’t be allowed. of the sport on TV. While Wimbledon the remaining 28 matches of the I-league
Indian fraternity isn’t quite cozying going to stop them if you are looking “There’s so less sport available has been cancelled, French Open has in view of the coronavirus-forced lock-
up to the idea. to maintain social distancing? There live on TV. This may be an opportu- been rescheduled for September and down and declare runaway leaders Mohun
BCCI president Sourav Ganguly nity for Indian football to attract the US Open organisers have sug- SPOT THE FANS: The iconic Sydney Cricket Ground could host Bagan as champions. The AIFF also said it
made it clear that Germany and In-
dia are not the same. “The social
VIRUS IMPACT more viewers. I am not asking for
the sport to resume when there is a
gested that it’s difficult to see the
Grand Slam happening without fans
the first semifinal of the T20 World Cup without any fans, just
like it did during the Australia-New Zealand series in March
is waiting to discuss with the Asian Foot-
ball Confederation (AFC) the feasibility of
reality of Germany and India are should be no top-flight cricket till crisis, but if the government allows in the arena. organising a shorter duration tournament
different, there will be no cricket in there is a vaccine for Covid-19,” sport to start with empty stands, Top Indian star Mahesh Bhupathi next season with second division clubs for
India in the near future,” Ganguly Harbhajan said. we shouldn’t miss the opportunity,” feels a tournament will lose a lot INDIA, AUS CAN SWAP AS HOSTS qualification to the Hero I-League 2020-21.
told TOI on Tuesday. He also feared that even if there Bhutia said. without fans, but in the current sce-
The former Indian captain feels are no crowds inside the stadium, He, though, was contradicted by nario, players and broadcasters may OF T20 WORLD CUP: GAVASKAR Anand to lead Indian challenge
in the current situation, cricket in there can always be a situation AIFF vice-president Subrata Dutta, be OK for the sport to resume in front New Delhi: Sunil Gavaskar says “As we all know, Australia Former world champion Viswanathan
front of empty galleries is a far- where a teammate shows symptoms. who says that even if you allow only of empty galleries. India can swap the T20 World has barred foreigners from Anand will lead the
fetched idea. “There are too many ifs The broadcasters, of course, the TV crew and journalists inside “The atmosphere won’t be the Cup with Australia and host it entering the country till Indian challenge in the
and buts involved. More importantly, wouldn’t mind IPL being played in the stadium, there will be more than same. May be the Grand Slam organ- this year instead of the September 30. The tournament Online Nations Cup, a
I don’t believe in sport when there is empty stadiums once things are a bit a hundred people. “Who will guaran- isers won’t be ready to have a tourna- scheduled 2021 edition, starts in mid-October so it is team competition to be
a risk to human life,” Ganguly added, under control, but KS Viswanathan, tee that no one will have any symp- ment without fans, but smaller provided the Covid-19 looking difficult at the held from May 5 to 10. The
which all but quashes any hopes of the CSK CEO, feels this is probably toms of Covid-19? If something hap- events could start after the crisis curve flattens in the moment,” Gavaskar International Chess Feder-
IPL anywhere in the world in the not the time. “Did you see the crowds pens, the entire stadium will be period is over,” Bhupathi said. country. told India Today. ation (FIDE) and Chess-
Global sporting “Next year the T20 .com announced the Online Nations Cup
activities have come World Cup is which will see six teams take part. The
There will be no When IPL teams There’s no live to a halt due the scheduled in India. If participating teams are Russia, USA,
cricket in India in travel, there’s a sport on TV. This is Covid-19 pandemic, India and Australia come Europe, China and India plus a team
the near future. There are huge crowd at airports, a chance for Indian football jeopardising events like the to an agreement and the representing the “Rest of the World,” FIDE
too many ifs and buts of hotels & outside grounds. to get more viewers. If 2020 T20 World Cup, scheduled Covid-19 curve in India flattens said on its website.
playing in empty stands. I How’ll you stop them? govt allows sport in empty in Australia from October out, they can swap. It can be
don’t believe in sport when There should be no cricket stands, we shouldn’t miss 18-November 15. India are held in India this October- Barca offer Camp Nou naming rights
there is a risk to life.” till there is a vaccine.” the chance.” supposed to host the next November and next year in La Liga champions Barcelona are search-
SOURAV GANGULY, BCCI President HARBHAJAN SINGH, Ex-spinner B BHUTIA, Ex-India captain edition in 2021. Australia.” PTI ing for a stadium sponsor for the first time
to raise funds in the fight against the novel
coronavirus, the club said in a statement
on Tuesday. Barca said the club’s founda-


THYCAUD P.O., THIRUVANANTHAPURAM - 865014 , T410:0471-2945648, 2045800 Fox: 2945447
Feels like death is knocking on tion would manage the bid for the naming
rights of the 99,000 capacity Camp Nou
stadium for the 2020/21 stadium. “The
income generated will create a fund that

No KMSCL/EP/202/2020 Part - 57
CIN No. U24233KL20073GCO21616

In view of the Covid - 19 pandemic Govt. of Kerala has decided to procure antibody
Dated : 21 .04 .2020
your door every day: Rajkumar will be divided in the following way: a part
will be destined for a project on Covid-19
driven by the sponsors... and the rest will
be shared out amongst other projects that
based Rapid Test Kits on an emergency basis. Online quotations are invited for the supply come out of our rooms to meet in the are being developed in parallel,” said the
of the followin g . living room. My family back home is statement.
Last dabs of Online
New Delhi: “I have seen deaths in my worried about my well-being. They
SI. Quotation Descri ption
submission neighbourhood and bodies being tak- have warned me against venturing Euro playoffs may be held in Oct-Nov
No No.
en away by health officials. It’s scary out but if I don’t go to buy essentials, Uefa vice-president Sandor Csanyi said
1. Q63/2020 Antibody (IgM , IgG) based Rapid Diagnostic Test 25 .04 , 2020 and I fear for my own well-being,” said how will I survive on empty stomach? playoffs to decide the last four places in
Kit for COVID - 19. 11, 00 a.m.
Rajkumar Tiwari, his voice trem- I have to risk my life,” said the 28-year- the postponed European Championship
Quotation documents and all other information related to the bidding process can be bling. Rajkumar, India’s lone gold old, who stays in a rented accommoda- could be played in October or November.
downloaded from the website medal-winning ice skater and a silver tion owned by an Indian couple. The 16-nation playoffs have twice been
Sd/- Managing Director(Tender Inviting Authority) medallist in pairs at the Special Olym- Rajkumar informed that when he postponed because of the virus. Euro 2020
pics World Winter Games 2013 in Pye- had arrived in the US, there were has been delayed one year. Csanyi told
ongChang, South Korea, has been hardly any cases of Covid-19. He con- Hungarian media that October and No-
WESTERN RAILWAY living in the United States since Rajkumar Tiwari tinued with his training till the ice vember are options while there is un-
VARIOUS WORKS February 2. rink was closed on March 16 due to the certainty about when soccer can resume
Divisional Railway Manager(WA), Western Railway, 6th floor, Engg . Deptt . Mumbai-400008 , invites E-tender as per Delhi-boy Rajkumar, who hails cases (source US Public Health De- lockdown announced by the Donald in Europe. All 55 Uefa member countries
details given as follows. from Paharganj’s Multani Dhanda, partment). Santa Clara county, which Trump government. When he decided are currently scheduled to play Nations
had made a journey to the US to train is 10 miles away from Fremont and to return to India, Prime Minister Na- League games in October and November.
Sr. Tender Notice No. Work and location Approx. cost of EMD Rs , at the San Jose Shark ice rink in Fre- where Rajkumar often goes for prac- rendra Modi announced the first
No. & Date work in Rs.
mont city of California’s San Francis- tice at a different ice rink, has report- phase of 21-day nationwide lockdown Uefa recommends completing leagues
1 2 3 4 5
co Bay area. The training was part of ed 83 deaths and over 2,000 cases. on March 24, restricting the arrival of Uefa made a “strong recommendation” on
1. BCT/20-21/ 34 Zone A -Church gate- Virar Section - General repairs in the 81 ,03 ,293.17 1,62,100.00
did. 20.04.2020
his preparation for the Oceania Inter- “It’s been a month since I have ven- all international passenger flights. “I Tuesday that domestic European football
jurisdiction of SSE(W) Badhwarpark section of Badhwar Park
colony, including all Railway officers flatsiquarters all recreational
national Figure Skating competition tured out of my flat, fearing for my life. was in the process of arranging my league seasons, currently on hold because
buildings etc.. at Badhwar Park area in Colaba. in Auckland, New Zealand in May, and I have run out of grocery stock and tickets when India announced the of the coronavirus pandemic, be complet-
2. BCT/20-21/35 Zone-B- CCG-Virar Section-General repairs in the jurisdiction of 91,02 ,355.00 1,82, 100.00 later for the World Championships in managing on leftovers. I fear that if I lockdown. Now I want to be on the first ed. “There was a strong recommendation
dtd. 20 .04.2020 SSE(W) Churchgate in section from CCG. (Incl) 10 Marine Lines Montreal, Canada in October this go out to a nearby 24x7 store, I might flight back home as and when the sit- given to finish domestic top division and
(excl) & (incl) CCG Station complex with all Rly Offices therein , year. Both these events have now been contract the virus because it looks like uation normalises.” cup competitions,” European football’s
Western Railway HQ officers, Service bldgs, including CCG Rly. indefinitely postponed. Rajkumar every other person in the US has the Rajkumar also fears for the well- governing body said. Uefa, European
Qtrs . in Churchgate.
had received a $500 scholarship from symptoms. I am petrified. Every day, being of his younger brother Man- football’s governing body, has made it
3. BCT/20-21/36 Zone -C-Church gate-Virar Section- General repairs including 75 .03 ,025.86 1,50, 100.00 the Shark ice rink after completing his we live in this fear whether we’ll sur- jesh, himself a brilliant figure skater clear that it wants its member associ-
did. 20.04.2020 painting in the jurisdiction of SSE(W-1) Mumbai Central which
certification course offered by the US vive the virus or not. It’s like death is in the junior category, who is in South ations to complete their domestic seasons
includes Mumbal Central (Main). JRH, J.R. Hospital , Quarters in
J.R.Hospital , A gripada colony, Skyscrapper . 14 officers flat ,
Figure Skating Association (USFSA). knocking on your door. Trust me, the Australia on a scholarship. “He has rather than abandon them. It also hopes to
Reservation office buildings, DRM's office and all service buildings Rajkumar said that situation is se- situation is so grave that I haven’t met been there for past five-six months. finish the Champions League and Europa
in Mumbai Central. rious in his county Alameda – in my Indian landlord for nearly a week He’s also locked indoors. Now, I don’t League competitions. All 55 member
4, BCT/20-21/37 Horticulture Zone - Churchgate-Virar section - Development of 30.97 ,260.02 62,000.00
which his city Fremont falls – with 42 now despite living in the same flat. We know when I will again be able to meet associations took part in a video confer-
dtd. 20.04 .2020 gardens of supply of fertilizers , manure seeds, plants, flower pots , deaths and nearly 1,200 confirmed use the kitchen separately. We don’t him” Rajkumar said. ence with Uefa officials on Tuesday.
garden equipment and accessories.
Sr. No .: 1 to 4. Date & Time of submission : On 18.05.2020 till 15.00 hrs. Date & Time of opening: On 18.05.2020 at 15.30 hrs.
Regarding detailed nature of work , containing cost of tender document ( non refundable ), EMD , eligibility criteria , similar nature of
work , detailed tender conditions, please visitwww Manual offers will not be considered.
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f www.faceb " y Follow y
02 Dingko to be airlifted
for cancer treatment
Olympics delay: Hosts Japan,
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA New Delhi: Asian Games gold-winning boxer
Dingko Singh will be brought here on April 25 by the
Boxing Federation of India (BFI) to resume his
IOC spar over extra costs
INDIAN RAILWAYS ORGANIZATION FOR ALTERNATE FUELS treatment for liver cancer after he was forced to Tokyo: An open conflict broke ther side has given an official esti- IOC removed Abe’s name and any
miss a scheduled radiation therapy session due to out between Tokyo Olympic orga- mate, but Tokyo CEO Toshiro reference to Japan’s financial
Corrigendum-5 the ongoing coronavirus-forced lockdown. nisers and the IOC on Tuesday Muto has called the postpone- obligation. The edited version
CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) GLOBAL In order to develop Technical The 41-year-old, who is currently in Imphal, was over who will pay for the ment costs “massive.” reads: “The Japanese govern-
specifications for development and manufacture of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Hybrid due to undergo radiation therapy a fortnight back unprecedented year-long “It’s not appropriate for the ment has reiterated that it stands
Distributed Power Rolling Stock (DPRS) with regenerative braking system, EOI but could not come to Delhi because of the lock- postponement. prime minister’s name to be quot- ready to fulfill its responsibility
(IROAF/CME(G)/FUELCELL POWERED) invited on 03.01.2020. down. “He has been contacted and arrangements Tokyo spokesman Masa Ta- ed in this manner,” Takaya said for hosting successful games.”
have been made for him to be brought here on an air kaya said the organising commit- on a 90-minute teleconference. Without using Abe’s name,
The date of submission of EOI in the prescribed Format is extended from 27.04.2020 to
ambulance to continue his radiation therapy,” BFI tee asked the Switzerland-based The IOC statement, on a page IOC President Thomas Bach said
27.05.2020 Executive Director RK Sacheti said. PTI International Olympic Commit- titled “Frequently Asked Ques- almost exactly the same thing 10
Please visitwebsite of IROAF hftps :/!rL/-Io.IROAF Tenders-*Expression tee (IOC) to remove a comment tions about Olympic Games To- days ago in an interview with the
of Interest. REGD. NO. TN/Chief PMG/398/2002 from its website suggesting that kyo 2020,” said Abe agreed that German newspaper Die Welt on
Contact person: RNI NO. 1547/57 ISSN 0971-8257 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Japan “will continue to cover the Sunday. He said Japan would “on-
Chief Mechanical Engineer/BD, agreed that Japan would shoul- costs it would have done under tinue to cover the costs it would
No. 95 Vol. CLXXXIII Air Charge: Raipur & via Re 1.00 , Chennai, Kochi, Coimbatore, Ernakulam,
Trivandrum & via Rs. 2.00, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mangalore, Udaipur, Vizag & via

Indian Railways Organization forAlternate Fuels (IROAF),

Rs. 4.00, Delhi, Kolkata, Patna & via Rs. 5.00. der most of the postponement the terms of the existing agree- have done” under the agreement
International Retail Prices (Daily): Oman 350 Baizas, Singapore 4 S$.
costs. ment for 2020, and the IOC will signed in 2013. Japan is spending
Government of India , Ministry of Railways Published for the proprietors of Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd., by R. Krishnamurthy, at The Times of
India Building, Dr. D.N. Road, Mumbai-400 001, Tel. No (022) 6635 3535. Fax: (022) 2273 1144 and
printed by him at (1) The Times of India Suburban Press, Akurli Road, Western Express Highway, Media reports in Japan esti- continue to be $12.6 billion to organize the Olym-
4th Floor, Railway Office Complex, Tilak Bridge , New Delhi-110002 Kandivli (E), Mumbai-400 101. Tel No. (022) 2887 2324, 2887 2930 and (2) The Times of India Print
City, Plot No. 4, T.T.C. Industrial Area, Thane Belapur Road, Airoli, Navi Mumbai-400 708. Tel. No. mate the year-long delay caused responsible for its share of the pics, but a government audit re-
Telephone no.:- 011-23379107 , Fax no. :- 011-23379083 (022) 2760 9999; Fax: (022) 2760 5275. Tel. Nos. Mumbai Response (022) 6635 3636, 2273 3636,
Fax: (022) 22731144, 22731401. E-Mail: Editor (Mumbai Market): Der- by the coronavirus pandemic will costs.” port says it's at least twice that
Email: 987/2020
ick B. D’Sa - responsible for selection of news under PRB Act © All rights reserved. Reproduction in
whole or in part without written permission of Publisher is prohibited. cost $2 billion to $6 billion. Nei- After Tokyo’s complaint, the much. AP

Corporates retract campus placements amid #CORONASUTRA

The best of locked-down creativity

lockdown-induced global economic crisis sector, for instance, employees
are looking at job losses, pay cuts #CoronaConcern
freeze hiring in their respective
companies for students from IIT’s
he global economic crisis due I WAS EXPECTING
and furloughs, as companies deal different branches. But that, it
to the coronavirus pandemic is with the massive fall in revenue. would seem, has not deterred AN EXTENSION IN
unprecedented, given that it Recruitments are always the first to be CAMPUS PLACEMENTS ON MNCs from withdrawing offers, with THE JOINING DATE
has affected small and large frozen in times of a financial crunch. HOLD DESPITE REQUESTS rejection letters sent out as recent as
enterprises and people across This time around, it comes at an BY HRD MINISTRY this week. OR A PAY CUT, BUT
socioeconomic strata. In the corporate inopportune moment for the student
cusp of a professional journey, having In early April, HRD Minister Ramesh OFFERS HAD NO BACK-UP A TERMINATION
cleared campus selection processes, Pokhriyal appealed to companies to PLAN IN PLACE LETTER. THE FIRM
Pics: iStock

only to now be told that the offers not withdraw job offers made during Vivek Saurav, a 25-year-old first year
stand cancelled. campus placements due to the student of National Institute of CITED REVENUE LOSS
current economic downturn. Days
later, the director of Indian Institute
Industrial Engineering (NITIE), AS REASON
Mumbai, is currently looking for a — Kunvarjit Singh,
of Technology (IIT) Jodhpur, six to ten-week summer internship
Summer Professor Santanu Chaudhury
engineering student who was
opportunity. He says, “I was offered
wrote an open letter to companies, to join a tech firm
internships, which imploring them to not cancel or
an internship in an MNC through
campus recruitment, but it was
are vital for called off due to the circumstances a renewed offer with lesser pay. “What
brought on by the COVID-19 I got was a termination letter. When I
students to bag pandemic. Hence, I am trying to find discussed this with the firm’s HR
department, I was told it was solely
placements, are another job and have been applying
to any available opening online.” because of the lack of revenue at the
also currently Arjani Roy (named changed), a time,” he says.
multimedia journalism student from Psychiatrist Dr Sagar Mundada
on hold the Bengaluru-based Indian Institute shares that he has counselled MBA
of Journalism and New Media students, who received job offers via
(IIJNM), was one of the eight from campus placements, which failed to
her batch chosen by an international materialise due to the COVID-19
news agency. “On April 13, the news crisis. “These students are in their
agency decided against hiring me, late 20s and had recently completed
giving no explanation and leaving their MBA. While one had got an offer
me with no back-up plan in the in the tourism sector, the other
current atmosphere,” she says. received a placement in the financial
SEVERAL STUDENTS DEAL sector. However, due to the pandemic,
their offers have been put on hold and
WITH UNCERTAINTY AS would be looked into only post the
COMPANIES FACE LOSSES lockdown. This has made them
Kunvarjit Singh, a mechanical anxious as they’re worried about
engineering student from Delhi their future.”
Technology University, was expecting — With inputs by
a postponement in his joining date or Melissa.D’


How to play Rules
1. A number ■ Connect adjacent dots with vertical or
may appear horizontal lines, creating a single loop (Fig A).
just once in ■ Crossovers or branches are not allowed
each row or (As shown by dotted lines in Fig B).
column. ■ Numbers in the puzzle indicate the number of
lines that should surround it, while empty cells (Fig A) Not allowed
Eliminate (Fig B)
numbers by surrounded by
SUDOKU CHALLENGE darkening any number of
cells. (see lines.
HOW TO PLAY example) ■ You can’t draw
2. Darkened lines around
Fill in the grid cells must zeroes.
so that every never be ■ Each puzzle
horizontal row, adjacent in has just one
every vertical a row or unique solution.
column and column. How to begin:
every 3x3 box 3. Unmarked Example (Fig A) -
‘sandwiched’ Level: Easy
contains the cells must create a Begin with the
digits 1-9, single continuous zero next to 3.
neighbours of
without area, undivided by Since no lines
the same value
repeating the darkened cells. can be drawn
can be circled.
numbers in the 4. Every time around zero,
(e.g. 6 4 6 )
same row, you darken a mark crosses
column or 6. A “triple” around it, as
cell, you can
box.You can’t is a special shown. Now there is a cross in one space around 3. So we know the three
change the case of lines of 3 can only be drawn in the remaining three spaces. Next, these lines
circle its vertical
digits already sandwich. can only be extended in one direction each. Continue, using the same logic.
and horizontal
given in the Circle the centre
neighbours, which Hints: Keep eliminating possibilities by marking crosses in spaces
grid. Every cells, and darken
means they cannot between dots where a line isn’t possible, i.e., if you have already
puzzle has the ends.
be eliminated. completed required lines or where a line extension may create a branch
one solution. (e.g. )
Level: Medium
5. Any cell 666 or cause a deadend (Fig B)



one else guides this project, you could
face trouble realising your vision.
VIRGO August 22 - September 21


Take charge and finish what’s left
undone. You’ll feel much better once
you have put everything in its place,

FORTUNE Anup- V K? I-i whether in your personal life or

professional dealings. It’s easier to
move forward when you have noth-
;i anupamvkapil@gmai ing holding you back.
or sms cn 9822042295.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
BIRTHDAY TODAY Participation will change your life.
Y ou will develop some common interests after Listen, learn and experience what life
meeting like-minded people.
Tip: Your lucky colours are blue, gold, yellow, orange
has to offer and what others have to
and golden brown. Your lucky gems are turquoise, say. Create the type of environment
diamond, topaz and amber. that you want to live in. Your intuition
You share your birthday with: Amber Heard will not let you down.
SCORPIO October 23 - November


ARIES March 20 - April 18 Keep yourself 20 You often have premonitions

busy and avoid any unnecessary conflicts about how a situation could unfold. If an
in order to focus on personal and profes- easy matter becomes difficult because
sional progress. Don’t get tangled up someone else doesn’t know what they’re
in other people’s problems. Stick to what doing, you could get frustrated. Be patient
you know and do your best to get things and keep working.
done in a proper fashion the first time SAGITTARIUS November 21-December
around. Focus on your fitness and health. 20 Take the initiative to make some changes
TAURUS April 19 - May 19 Others may at home or in your living conditions that are
SPELLATHON SOLUTIONS TO GAMES/PUZZLES seek you out, but you do not need to take sure to ease your stress and make your life
a decision right now. Flow with the better. Moving things around, making
Today’s Ratings: 06-Average TIMES SUDOKU TIMES HITORI LOOP THE LOOP moment. Know that when you do come adjustments to your living arrangements
07-Good 09-Outstanding to the fork in the road, you’ll figure out the and looking for an alternative lifestyle are

best path. all favoured right now.

GEMINI May 20 - June 20 Your desire for CAPRICORN December 21 - January 19
T change can lead to trouble. Consider the Engage in discussions, listen carefully and
L A ramifications, should you make choices that find out where you stand. Let your experi-
don’t sit well with others. Take care of ence guide you in a direction that will bring
U the issues that could slow you down. Be you greater happiness. Change may be
B U willing to do the work yourself. difficult but the results will be worthwhile.
CANCER June 21 - July 21 Reach out to a AQUARIUS January 20 - February 18
R loved one at a distance. When you speak If you want something done, do it yourself.
with each other, you always get down to the Take care of your responsibilities before
How many words of four or more let- JUMBLE fundamentals. You also get great feedback someone complains. Expand your interests
ters can you make from the letters was — DUMBSTRUCK from this person. If you’re working on your and you will meet someone who motivates
shown in today’s puzzle? In making a Answer: He didn’t look in his rearview mirror before backing up and as a result own today, you’ll get a lot done, because you to do what’s necessary to fulfill
word, a letter can be used as many no one is standing in your way. However, if your dreams.
times as it appears in the puzzle. Each you have to cooperate with or depend on PISCES February 19 - March 19 Your
word must contain the central letter. others, try to be flexible. emotional ways and sensitivity often endear
What am I? Every time I blink, I give commands. There should be at least one seven let- SPELLATHON LEO July 22 - August 21 Assume the lead- you to others. Sometimes, the people around
I stare at you, you stare at me. You do as you are told with your feet ter word. Plurals, foreign words and TUBULAR, ultra
Telephone number A traffic light ership role at work or around a community you don’t understand how attuned you are,
I have three eyes, yet I cannot see. and hands proper names are not allowed. British abut, blur, blurt, brut, brutal, burl, tuba,
issue. You may have a certain vision about but they eventually will. A misunderstand-
English Dictionary is used as reference. how the situation should evolve. If some- ing can happen out of the blue.
Follow us on: India takes the WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2020 I ADVERTORIAL, ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY #MaskIndia challenge PROMOTIONAL FEATURE I MUMBAI @PratimaPatel

Share a picture wearing a homemade mask on your social media handles using #MaskIndia. The best pictures will be featured in this space and on
Devki Bhatt

Let the Khans do Bollywood films,

I am happy doing Tamil and
Punjabi movies: Harbhajan Singh
The cricketer will play an engineering student in his debut film down South

ricketer Harbhajan Singh, who was seen in a special
appearance in the Punjabi movie, Bhaji In Problem
(2013), is all set to make his debut in South films with

This lockdown has helped me

Friendship. In the Tamil film directed by John Paul Raj and
HARBHAJAN Sham Surya, the cricketer essays the role of an engineering
SINGH student, who hails from Punjab. When we asked Harbhajan,
who is in his late 30s, whether he was apprehensive about
playing a student on screen, he said, “I think I am fit enough
to pass off as a college student, uncleji nahi lagunga.”

take things slow: Taapsee Pannu

Talking about playing a lead role in a Tamil film, he joked,


The actress talks about the projects she was working on when the lockdown was PLAY. ACTING IS NOT EVERYONE’S
announced, and how she has been dealing with this phase of being homebound CUP OF TEA, BUT IF NOTHING ELSE,
TAJURBA TOH MIL HI JAYEGA came to a sudden halt. I will have to
IT LOOKED LIKE restart this journey almost from scratch.
“Let the Khans do Bollywood films, I am happy doing

eportedly, you were planning to Thappad was still in theatres when the
complete six films by the end of the THAPPAD WAS GOING lockdown set in...
Tamil and Punjabi movies.” On a serious note, he added,
“I get immense love from the people of Tamil Nadu as I
year, including a thriller in Tamil. TO HAVE A GOOD RUN It looked like we were going to have a have played for the Chennai team in the Indian Premier
Did you ever fear a burnout situation? good run in the third week, too. We had League (IPL). So, the language is not absolutely unknown
So far, I have not felt a burnout, but this IN THE THIRD WEEK, even planned a success party for it. But a to me, but yes, I do need a translator on set, who helps me
lockdown has helped me take it slow. I
chose my projects with a lot of TOO, BUT A PANDEMIC pandemic like this is so huge. You can
always make another movie and earn
with my scenes. I have also shot a cameo for another Tamil
film, which is yet to release.” However, Friendship will be
excitement and love for the subject and LIKE THIS IS SO HUGE. what you couldn’t this time. Harbhajan’s first full-fledged film as an actor down South.
the people I was teaming up with. When
everything opens up, ideally, we’ll try and YOU CAN ALWAYS Lastly, how have you been spending
time indoors, given that you’re always
Harbhajan is aware that many cricketers have tried their
luck in front of the camera in the past, but haven’t been
wrap up Haseen Dilruba first because 90
per cent of it has been shot. The tougher
MAKE ANOTHER MOVIE on the move? successful. “My wife, Geeta (Basra), told me not to get into
part will be to reschedule Rashmi Rocket, AND EARN WHAT YOU My sister and I are in Mumbai, while
the rest of the family is in Delhi. We’re
films as it’s nothing like the sport that I play. She is right in
the sense that acting is not everyone’s cup of tea, but if
Shabaash Mithu and Loop Lapeta. When
the lockdown set in, I was a month away
COULDN’T not brats, but cooking was not nothing else, tajurba toh mil hi jayega. For the film
something that we had done while Friendship, I shot for two days before the lockdown, and now,
from achieving the ideal physique for I was being coached by four trainers, growing up. If I had it my way, I would around 15-20 days’ work is pending,” he said.
Rashmi Rocket. We had to shoot in Bhuj, simultaneously. While one taught me have skipped it even now, but since I Speaking about how he is testing the waters in the film
but May and June will be too hot there. how to sprint like a track athlete, the don’t have house-help around at this world, he shared, “I could think of pursuing acting, but it all
So, we will have to wait for an ideal other trained me to get the ripped body of time, we have to do it. I’ve been depends on how I fare in this film. I have also been offered a
weather window. a professional sprinter. A nutritionist watching online videos for recipes. Punjabi film. For 19 years of my life as a cricketer, I have
Were you training rigorously for was helping me with an organic diet Other than that, I want to brush up my travelled constantly. Today, I only play in the IPL, which
Rashmi Rocket, which is based on a plan, while a physio helped me stay Tamil and Telugu, and read all my happens once in a year. I have 10 months in the year for
(fictional) female athlete from Gujarat? injury-free during this process. All this pending scripts. myself, so why not do something new?”

We are living under the same roof: Rashami Desai: Arhaan Khan:
Sunidhi Chauhan’s husband Hitesh Why did Arhaan Rashami and
dismisses separation rumours transfer my I were in a
money into his Rashami
account? Desai
partnership As ex-couple Rashami Desai and Arhaan Khan’s for two months after BB. I don’t want
anything to do with Arhaan. The whole
equation gets murkier, the big question is,
fter joining Bigg Boss 13 as a incident is disturbing and it has taken a
much-in-love couple, Rashami toll on me, emotionally.”
Desai and Arhaan Khan’s who leaked Rashami’s bank details online?
relationship suffered a blow on the reality THIS IS A CURATED PLAN TO
show, when it was revealed that Arhaan MALIGN ME: ARHAAN KHAN
had a child from his first marriage. After
the show ended, the actress had minced
I HAVE NO CLUE WHO ANY TRANSFER OF Arhaan says, “Nobody can release these
statements except Rashami or me. Since
no words in saying that their relationship HAS LEAKED MY BANK FUNDS IS EITHER MY the allegations are against me, it’s
was over. And now, their equation has
taken a murkier turn. A couple of days
STATEMENTS ON SOCIAL RIGHTFUL PROFIT OR obvious that she leaked those
screenshots. Half the transactions
ago, the screenshots of Rashami’s bank MEDIA. IF I HAD TO RETURN OF DEBT. ALSO, involving huge amounts aren’t mine.
statements were posted on social media, Rashami had set up a production house,
apparently by one of her fans. It showed
LEAK ANYTHING, I TRANSFER OF FUNDS which I had joined as a partner. I have
that lakhs had been transferred to WOULDN’T HAVE WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN invested equally, both financially and
Arhaan’s (originally Mazhar Shaikh) emotionally. Any transfer of funds is
account while Rashami was inside the BB WAITED FOR TWO POSSIBLE HAD either my rightful profit or return of
house. While Arhaan blames Rashami for MONTHS AFTER BIGG RASHAMI NOT GIVEN debt. Also, before making such
the ‘leaks’, she refutes the allegation. BT allegations, it is to be noted that transfer
spoke to both of them and this is what BOSS. I DON’T WANT ME SIGNED CHEQUES. of funds wouldn’t have been possible had
Sunidhi Chauhan and
they had to say... ANYTHING TO DO WITH SHE WAS AWARE OF Rashami not given me signed cheques.
She had asked me to transfer money to
Hitesh Sonik I HAVE NO CLUE WHO ARHAAN THE TRANSACTIONS certain people in her absence. It was
LEAKED THOSE STATEMENTS: — Rashami Desai — Arhaan Khan work-related. She was fully aware of the
RASHAMI DESAI transactions and I have bills to prove my
The actress says, “These transactions and these transactions with my to pay me, as can be seen in the claim. I strongly believe that this is a
were made in my absence, and that too, accounting staff and a few others. Why screenshots, he owes me more money, curated plan to malign me, as I had
received messages, warning me against
WE HAVE DIVIDED without my knowledge, when I was did Arhaan transfer my money into his which he is refusing to return. Talking
adversities post April 15. It’s unfortunate

here were rumours doing the inside the BB house. When I came out account? Also, I don’t know the people he about the screenshots, I have no clue who
rounds that singer Sunidhi THE HOUSEHOLD and learnt about it, I shared the has further transferred those funds to. has leaked them on social media. If I had that our relationship has reached a point
of no return.”
Chauhan and music director screenshots of my personal documents Apart from the `15 lakh that Arhaan has to leak anything, I wouldn’t have waited
Hitesh Sonik’s marriage has hit a rough
patch. The two have been married for LOCKDOWN PERIOD.
eight years and have a two-year-old son,
Hitesh have been living separately since a
few days and have managed to keep the
When Bombay Times reached out to
Sunidhi, she took a “No comments”
stand. Meanwhile, her husband, Hitesh,
Stassie despite authorities’ pleas to
citizens to ‘stay home’ to help flatten the
rubbished the reports, and said, “It’s not
true.” However, when we told him that — Hitesh Sonik are looking to raise capital in an attempt to received a citation this week, after he
his wife had neither confirmed nor make a bid to purchase a stake in the New was spotted working out in a park that
denied the rumours, he said, “Maybe she living under the same roof. I am too busy York Mets, according to reports. Billionaire was closed due to the pandemic. Actor
doesn’t want to comment on it because cleaning the house to even read the news. and minority owner Steve Cohen’s attempt to Josh Brolin, too, apologised to fans on
she finds the news too outrageous to even We have divided the household chores in buy an 80 per cent stake of the Mets for $2.6 social media for visiting his parents
think about it.” this lockdown period. Well, maybe she billion fell through in February. The combined amid the coronavirus lockdown in
Hitesh further clarified that the duo is isn’t happy with my cleaning, which is net worth of Rodriguez and Lopez is around California, calling his action
living together in the same house. “We are why such a story has surfaced (laughs!).” $700 million, as per the report. — Agencies irresponsible. — Agencies

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