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Pristine Seas: Exploring Islands & Coasts

Name: Sebastian Camilo Conde muñoz Date:18/4/2020

How did what you learned What questions do you

Zoom in and out. What did you learn about
add to or change your still have about this
Describe the relative and this location? What was
perception of this place? location and what is
absolute location. surprising or noteworthy?
Explain. happening there?

It is a cold place, you can This place caught my Well, I thought it was a
see it full of ice attention the shark of desolate place because of
Franz Josef Greenland had no idea that it the cold and that
Land existed It is also good to
know that they live in a
habitat intact

It looks like a warm, In this, the four volcanic Because in this place I did
mountainy place islands caught my attention not have an opinion
Revillagigedo and another attraction is the because I did not know that
Islands number of sharks and manta it existed then it became to be honest I had no
rays clear to me that it has questions about the sites
enough marine life
My attention was called the I always saw the Galapagos
marine iguana was what Islands as a paradise and I
Galapagos stood out the most apart from still see them like this
Islands the fact that it has water from
4 oceans

I found it interesting to have a i thought Africa had life but

place full of marine life and in the valleys or plains but
Gabon Coastal that nobody noticed until that never in the ocean
Area expedition


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