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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020



Dr.E.Punarselvam1,Mr.M.Dhamodaran2, M.Saravanan3, S.Sasidharan3,

S.Sreedhar3, K.Vignesh3,,

1. Head of the department, 2.Assistant Professor, 3.Final Year student

Department of Information Technology, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamilnadu.

The success of the cloud computing paradigm is due to its on-demand, self-service, and
pay-by-use nature. Public key encryption with keyword search applies only to the certain
circumstances that keyword cipher text can only be retrieved by a specific user and only supports
single-keyword matching. In the existing searchable encryption schemes, either the
communication mode is one-to-one, or only single-keyword search is supported. This paper
proposes a searchable encryption that is based on attributes and supports multi-keyword search.
Searchable encryption is a primitive, which not only protects data privacy of data owners but
also enables data users to search over the encrypted data. Most existing searchable encryption
schemes are in the single-user setting. There are only few schemes in the multiple data users
setting, i.e., encrypted data sharing. Among these schemes, most of the early techniques depend
on a trusted third party with interactive search protocols or need cumbersome key management.
To remedy the defects, the most recent approaches borrow ideas from attribute-based encryption
to enable attribute-based keyword search (ABKS).

KEYWORDS: Public Key, Encryption Schemes, ABKS,Data Sharing.

International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020

1. INTRODUCTION single-keyword search. Single-keyword

search waste network bandwidth and
With the development of cloud
computing resources, as this search method
computing, many of information can be
returns a large number of results, this means
shared through computer networks. The
that the search result is not accurate. That is,
cloud server (CS) can provide users with a
when a data user uses multi- keyword
variety of services, such as outsourcing
search, the cloud sever will return relatively
commission calculations and data storage.
few number of files containing these
Users can store their large amounts of data
multikeyword, thus the search result is much
to the CS and share data with other users.
more accurate than when a data user uses
For the purpose of the security of storage
one keyword search. In order to solve this
data and user’s privacy, data is usually
problem, multi-keyword search is proposed.
stored in encrypted form in CS. However,
Most of existing attribute-based encryption
under this environment users will encounter
(ABE) schemes have high computational
a difficulty problem of how to search
costs at user client. These problems greatly
keyword in cipher text. Searchable
limit the applications of ABE schemes in
Encryption (SE) is a cryptographic
technology that has been developed for
many years, which supports users’ keyword Specifically, our scheme supports

search in cipher text. In the meanwhile, it three functions: (1) multiple keyword

can save a lot of network and computational searches; (2) full outsourcing; (3)

overhead for user, and take advantage of the verifiability of outsourced private keys.

huge computing power of CS. The SE Therefore, by changing some specific

technology mainly solves the problem of constructions of the algorithm, the three

how to use the server to complete the search main advantages of our scheme can be

for interesting keywords when the data is extended to the general attribute-based

encrypted and stored in CS, but CS is not encryption scheme (such as the encryption

completely trusted. How to improve the scheme without considering the local

efficiency of keyword search while reducing computing burden, or the encryption scheme

local computing load is still a problem to be lacking the cipher text search). Achieve the

solved. Most of existing schemes support ability to reduce local computing storage
and accurately search cipher text.
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020

Cloud computing is the use of performance computing power, normally

computing resources (hardware and used by military and research facilities, to
software) that are delivered as a service over perform tens of trillions of computations per
a network (typically the Internet). The name second, in consumer-oriented applications
comes from the common use of a cloud- such as financial portfolios, to deliver
shaped symbol as an abstraction for the personalized information, to provide data
complex infrastructure it contains in system storage or to power large, immersive
diagrams. Cloud computing entrusts remote computer games.
services with a user's data, software and The cloud computing uses networks of large
computation. Cloud computing consists of groups of servers typically running low-cost
hardware and software resources made consumer PC technology with specialized
available on the Internet as managed third- connections to spread data-processing
party services. These services typically chores across them. This
provide access to advanced software shared IT infrastructure contains large pools
applications and high-end networks of of systems that are linked together.
server computers. Often, virtualization techniques are used to
maximize the power of cloud computing.

The salient characteristics of cloud

computing based on the definitions provided
by the National Institute of Standards and
Terminology (NIST) are outlined below:

 On-demand self-service: A
consumer can unilaterally provision
Figure 1 Structure of cloud computing computing capabilities, such as
server time and network storage, as
Cloud Computing Works
needed automatically without
The goal of cloud computing is to requiring human interaction with
apply traditional supercomputing, or high- each service’s provider.
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020

 Broad network access: Capabilities for provisioning often appear to be

are available over the network and unlimited and can be purchased in
accessed through standard any quantity at any time.
mechanisms that promote use by  Measured service: Cloud systems
heterogeneous thin or thick client automatically control and optimize
platforms (e.g., mobile phones, resource use by leveraging a
laptops, and PDAs). metering capability at some level of
 Resource pooling: The provider’s abstraction appropriate to the type of
computing resources are pooled to service (e.g., storage, processing,
serve multiple consumers using a bandwidth, and active user
multi-tenant model, with different accounts). Resource usage can be
physical and virtual resources managed, controlled, and reported
dynamically assigned and reassigned providing transparency for both the
according to consumer demand. provider and consumer of the
There is a sense of location- utilized service.
independence in that the customer
generally has no control or
knowledge over the exact location of
Cloud Computing comprises three
the provided resources but may be
different service models, namely
able to specify location at a higher
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-
level of abstraction (e.g., country,
as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-
state, or data center). Examples of
Service (SaaS). The three service models or
resources include storage,
layer are completed by an end user layer that
processing, memory, network
encapsulates the end user perspective on
bandwidth, and virtual machines.
cloud services. The model is shown in figure
 Rapid elasticity: Capabilities can be
below. If a cloud user accesses services on
rapidly and elastically provisioned,
the infrastructure layer, for instance, she can
in some cases automatically, to
run her own applications on the resources of
quickly scale out and rapidly
a cloud infrastructure and remain
released to quickly scale in. To the
responsible for the support, maintenance,
consumer, the capabilities available
and security of these applications herself. If
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020

she accesses a service on the application 4.1 DISADVANTAGES

layer, these tasks are normally taken care of
 Encryption strategies such so the
by the cloud service provider.
populace authorization encryption

4.EXISTING SYSTEM are not anonymous.

 The adversaries reap the cipher texts,
Public Key Encryption (PKE), the
he do without problems are aware of
privacy required by means of the patients
the proprietor regarding the cipher
could stand ensured. Up in conformity with
text so nicely as whomever intention
now, much cryptographic encryptions
gets hold of the cipher text.
strategies bear been proposed after fulfill the
 They might also will according part
necessities about privacy- retaining in
records only including receivers who
tremendous records storage. However, near
have certain attributes. Data carriers
encryption strategies such as like the masses
then receivers hold to affirm the truth
key encryption are no longer anonymous,
concerning each lousy according to
i.e., salvo the adversaries reap the cipher
redact sure that data or the identity
texts, that may effortlessly be aware of the
won’t keep leaked out.
owner regarding the cipher text as like
 The attributes additionally need
nicely as whoever desire get hold of the
according to keep protected.
cipher text. The PKE can't acquire the
anonymity concerning the customer’s ship 5. PROPOSED SYSTEM
then get hold of the cipher text, hence
This proposes a searchable
private facts may additionally remain
encryption that is based on attributes and
leaked. If an opposite is capable after
supports multi-keyword search. Searchable
achieve the cipher text, that perform
encryption is a primitive, which not only
recognize whose solution the cipher textual
protects data privacy of data owners but also
content is encrypted under, accordingly
enables data users to search over the
understanding the proprietor of the cipher
encrypted data. Most existing searchable
encryption schemes are in the single-user
setting. There are only few schemes in the
multiple data users setting, i.e., encrypted
data sharing. Among these schemes, most of
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020

the early techniques depend on a trusted conditionally shared. That capability

third party with interactive search protocols receiver just gains a quantity on the
or need cumbersome key management. To facts as an alternative on the whole.
remedy the defects, the most recent Such deference is greater close in
approaches borrow ideas from attribute- imitation of the reality.
based encryption to enable attribute-based 6.METHODOLOGYS
keyword search (ABKS).
• Attribute Authority
5.1ADVANTAGES • Cloud Server
• Key Generation Server
 First proposed the notion about the
• Data Owner
privacy about the keys is high
• Data User
 The most recent approaches borrow Attribute Authority (AA)
ideas from attribute-based encryption
The AA is attribute authority, which
to enable attribute-based keyword
is responsible for system's initial
search (ABKS).
establishment and the local secret key
 Achieving attributes authentication
generation of data user. Simultaneously, it
earlier than re-encryption, or
distributes corresponding secret key
ensuring the protection over the
according to attribute set for data user.
attributes and data.
When an attribute is revoked, AA generates
 Receivers whoever are certified in
an update key and completes partial secret
imitation of know the information do
key update.
use their keys in conformity with
decrypt the cipher text, however Cloud Server (CS)
others cannot, consequently data
providers’ privations be able stand The CS stores cipher text which
protected. containing encrypted files and keyword

 To perfect the current PRE system indexes generated by data owners.

considered the scenario to that Afterwards, when a data user tends to search

amount information companies may cipher text, CS completes a matching of data

additionally need the records to stay user's token and keyword index. If matching
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 2, March- April 2020

succeeds, it sends cipher text to data user. data and recover original plaintext.
Additionally, in attribute revocation phase, Specifically, DU generates desired keyword
CS is responsible for updating cipher text. token and sends to cloud server CS, the CS
makes a matching between search token and
Key Generation Server (KGS)
keyword index, if matching succeeds, DU
can download corresponding cipher text. In
The KGS generates data user's
other words, DU is responsible for
partial secret key, namely outsourced secret
generating keyword token which he is
key, which effectively reduces the
interested in and decrypting cipher text.
computational burden of AA. Besides, KGS
is responsible for completing the update of
outsourced secret key when attribute
revocation happens. In this article we proposed VMKS-
ABE scheme. In our scheme, we combine
Data Owner (DO) the verifiable of the correctness of
outsourced private key with multi-keyword
The DO encrypts keyword set and
search based on attribute encryption. In the
file to be shared, uploads cipher text to
general group model, the security of
cloud server. Only attribute set of data user
keyword index is proved. Under the random
who wants to access data satisfies access
oracle model, the cipher text is proved to be
structure in cipher text. The encrypted data
selectively secure. In this article we
will be shared with data user. To be specific,
proposed VMKS-ABE scheme. In our
the encryption operation to be completed by
scheme, we combine the verifiable of the
DO includes: the keyword index generation,
correctness of outsourced private key with
the file encryption, and the encryption of
multi-keyword search based on attribute
key for encrypted file, hence cipher text
encryption. In the general group model, the
consists of three parts.
security Since the security in the general

Data User (DU) group model is much weak than in the

standard model, it is worth constructing
When data user's attribute set verifiable and multi-keyword searchable
satisfies access structure in cipher text, then scheme in the standard model.
data user DU is able to access encrypted
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