Unit 7 Vocabulary Challenge: Collocations With Do and Make

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Unit 7 Vocabulary Challenge

Collocations with do and make

1 Complete the sentences with the words below and the correct form of do or make.

an effort a favour a good impression excuses money progress research

1 I usually feel pleased when I do a favour for someone.

2 Entrepreneurs like to be successful and __________________________ to invest in their


3 We __________________________ and we’ve almost finished the first part of the job.

4 If you want to __________________________ you should dress smartly and arrive on time.

5 Don’t __________________________ for bad work. Just work harder next time.

6 I’d like to __________________________ when I leave school, so I think I’ll go to university.

7 You have to __________________________ to find a job. You won’t get one easily.

Vocabulary builder

2 Make nouns ending in -tion, -sion, or -ment from the verbs.

1 revise revision

2 motivate ____________________

3 inspire ____________________

4 impress ____________________

5 invest ____________________

6 organise ____________________

7 explain ____________________

8 supervise ____________________

9 achieve ____________________

10 present ____________________

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Unit 7 Vocabulary Challenge
3 Write two or three sentences about your life using nouns in exercise 2.
Write about what inspires or motivates you, and what you have achieved.







4 Write words below with similar meanings.

disappointing dreadful dull risky safe stimulating terrific

1 boring dull

2 exciting _____________________

3 dangerous _____________________

4 very bad _____________________

5 very good _____________________

6 not dangerous _____________________

7 not as good as expected _____________________

5 Choose the correct words.

1 If you want a stimulating / dreadful job, train to be a doctor.

2 My holiday was terrific / disappointing. The weather was great and there were a lot of things to do.

3 I think that being an office worker would be very dull / risky. I’d like to travel for my job.

4 My sister works for a charity. She finds it very rewarding / disappointing to help people.

5 Her first job was disappointing / stimulating and she was bored, so she left and found more

interesting work.

6 Being an actor is a very risky / safe profession because a lot of actors are out of work.

7 The job interview was dreadful / terrific. They asked me some really difficult questions and I

couldn’t answer them!

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Unit 7 Vocabulary Challenge
Word check
6 Complete the text with the words below.

dull entrepreneur inspiration making motivation setting trading

When you are an (1) entrepreneur you have to have the (2) ___________________ to get up early and

work hard. If you are (3) ___________________ up your own business it’s risky but life as your own

boss is never (4) ___________________ . Sometimes it’s helpful if you know someone with experience

of (5) ___________________ . They can be an (6) ___________________ to you and give you

encouragement to succeed. You might make mistakes at first, but if you go to presentations on how to

run a successful business, you will soon make progress – and start (7) ___________________ money.

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