Consumer Buying Behavior and Their Experience Analysis On The Bakery Segment: A Comparative Study Between Bisk Farm and Britannia

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Term Paper Project

Consumer buying behavior and their

experience analysis on the bakery
segment : A comparative study between
Bisk Farm and Britannia.

Project Report
(Submitted for the degree of Honors under the Calcutta University)

Title of the Project

Consumer buying behavior and their experience analysis on the
bakery segment : A comparative study between Bisk Farm and

Submitted by
Name of the candidate: Priyesh Doshi
Registration number: 017-1111-1008-17
Name of the College: The Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society
College (Department of BBA)
C.U. Roll Number: 017-BBA18M
Month and year of submission : January, 2019

The project titled "Consumer Buying Behavior and their experience analysis on
the bakery segment : A comparative study between Britannia and Bisk farm" has
been conducted by me. I have completed this project based on the Primary
Research and Secondary Research. To acknowledge all the people who played a
great role in helping me to complete this project.

Firstly, I would like to thank my Term Paper Project Guide Prof. Kaushik Banerjee
for his valuable technical guidance and moral support during the course of my
project. I also would like to show my gratitude to another guide Prof. Chiranjeeb
Mitra, who went all his ways to give my information regarding this topic. Last but
not the least I would like to thank all the people who had given their valuable and
precious time to help me with the survey with which the project would have been

Table of content

 Introduction
 Market segment of the bakery
 Review of Literature
 Objectives of the study
 Scope of study
 Research Methodology
 Limitations of the study

 Conceptual Framework
 Consumer Buying Behavior
 Consumer Perception
 Industry Profile
 Company Profile

 Presentation of Data, Analysis & Findings

 Data analysis and Interpretation
 Findings
 SWOT Analysis on Britannia
 SWOT Analysis on Bisk Farm

 Suggestions and Recommendations

 Recommendations
 Conclusion

 Bibliography

 Annexure


A bakery is an establishment that produces and sells flour-based food baked in
an oven such as biscuits, rusk,  bread, cookies, cakes, pastries
and pies. Some retail bakeries are also cafés, serving coffee and tea to customers
who wish to consume the baked goods on the premises. The Old
French word ”biscuit” is derived from the Latin words “bis” (twice) and
“coquere”, “coctus” (to cook, cooked), and, hence, means "twice-cooked". This is
because biscuits were originally cooked in a two-fold process: first baked, and
then dried out in a slow oven.

Indian biscuits industry seems to be largest among all the food industries and has
a turnover of around Rs.3000 crores. Britannia Industries Limited is an Indian food
products corporation based in Kolkata, West Bengal in India. It is famous for its
Britannia and tiger brands of biscuits, which are popular throughout the country.
The company's principal activity is manufacture and sales of biscuits, bread, Rusk,
cakes, and dairy product.

As biscuit is a consumable good, many local and branded companies are

manufacturing the biscuits and are offering into market. The main players of
bakery industry are Britannia, Parle, Bisk Farm and Sun feast. This comparative
study was conducted on the consumer buying behavior for Britannia Industries
Limited and Bisk Farm. Nowadays, biscuits are considered as a good alternative
for oily snacks and fast food. The decision whether to buy or not depends only on
the basis of consumer motives. Modern market is consumer oriented and now
the consumer is the decisive force. Hence, it is inevitable to have a thorough
study on customer's attitudes and preference towards Britannia products and Bisk

Farm products and also the research world reveals the result about satisfaction
level and consumer preference towards both the brands.

Market Segment of a Bakery

A small business, such as a neighbourhood bakery, usually does not have the
resources to launch mass-marketing campaigns. By carving up the addressable
market into smaller segments, a small bakery can focus its resources on niches
that the larger bakeries may not be addressing. The market segments should be
measurable and large enough to generate consistent profits and justify the
company's marketing and other investments.

 Geographic:-
Geographic segmentation criteria include region, climate and population density.
A small bakery in a suburban community may serve just the local residents. Using
population estimates from the latest census and information on the competitive
structure from the local chamber of commerce, the bakery can estimate the
number of potential customers and plan its operations accordingly. By putting up
an online order-entry system and contracting with part-time delivery people, it
may also be able to supply custom cakes and other products to locations outside
its normal geographic area.

 Demographic:-
Demographic segmentation criteria include age, gender, family status and
income. Younger customers may order pastries from a bakery, while families may
drop by for breads and rolls. Orders for tiered cakes for birthdays and other

special events may come from high-income households. The product mix and
pricing strategy would depend on the location and the competitive environment.
For example, a bakery in an upscale neighbourhood may decide to offer more
pastries and custom cakes in its stores than breads and rolls, which should mean
higher margins but lower volumes. In a working class neighbourhood, a bakery
may offer more bread, rolls and other items in the low end of the price range than
pecan pies, custom cakes and other expensive items. The margin on each item
may be less, but the bakery should generate high profits if it sells enough items.

 Lifestyle:-
Lifestyle segmentation criteria include consumer attitudes and perceptions. Some
customers may believe in the importance of a gluten-free diet, while others might
be interested only in high-fibre breads and rolls. During periods of distress and
uncertainty, some may turn to cupcakes or crullers as comfort food. Customers
who are looking for very specific items may be willing to pay a premium price,
which could represent higher profits for the bakery.

 Other Segments:-

Time and price are some of the other segmentation criteria. If a bakery is located
near a business park, for example, most of its customers are likely to be office
workers dropping in for a breakfast muffin, a sandwich during lunch and pastries
to take home after work. If the bakery has spare capacity, meaning times during
the day when the staff is not busy attending to customers, it may consider
catering to special events, such as weddings and anniversaries. The price points
and margins for custom orders may be higher than everyday items, which is a net
positive for the bottom line.


 Renuka and Hirekenchanagoudar (2008) in their on a “study on consumer
buying behaviour of ready-to-eat food products. ” To determine the market
penetration of Britannia Marie biscuits by retailers. The data were collected
from 150 respondents. The tools used in are simple percentage and
correlation co efficient. It is concluded that the main factors influencing
brand preference for biscuits, chips, fruit juice and ice creams were quality,
taste and reasonable price. Thus, the study revealed that the younger
generation preferred more ready-to-eat food products than the other age
groups. The consumer behaviour also varies from product to product.

 F. Mohamed Sabura, and Dr. T. Vijayakumar (2009) made a ”study on

retailer attitude towards Britannia biscuits with special reference to rural
areas of Coimbatore city”. To analyse the customer satisfaction about
Britannia biscuits. the total sample respondents was fixed at judgment
random basis. The data was collected from 250 respondents in Coimbatore
city. The conclusion draw from the retailer's point and that, the distribution
system of Britannia biscuits needs improvement through the direct selling
method to satisfy the customer.

 Mr. S.D. Nidhyananth, and Mr. B. Vigneshwaran (2011) in made a “study on

customer satisfaction towards Britannia biscuits in Coimbatore city”. To find
out the factors those influence the purchase of Britannia biscuits. The data
are collected directly from the sample by interviewing or mailing
questionnaires at particular period of time. In this study the sample size
was 100 respondents. Tools used in this study are percentage analysis, chi
square test. It is concluded that consumer's satisfaction with preferable
taste, awareness about various brands, about choice and their frequency of
preference satisfaction of Britannia biscuits.

Objectives of the study

1.To have a detailed/comprehensive idea about the marketing strategy of Bakery

2.To measure the earning capacity or profitability of the industry.

3.To find out it's effects on Indian Economy.

4.To study the marketing strategies and the competition lying between the two
big companies i.e., Britannia and Bisk Farm in India.

5.To get an idea about the market share of Britannia and Bisk Farm.

6.To understand and analyse the factor influencing sample respondents dealing
with the Britannia and Bisk farm brand.

7.To identify the problem faced by the sample respondents and summarize the
major findings and give suitable suggestions.

8.To make a broad comparative study in bakery segment.

Scope of the study

As learning is a human activity and is as natural, as breathing. Despite of the fact
that learning is all pervasive in our lives, psychologists do not agree on how
learning takes place. How individuals learn is a matter of interest to marketers.
They make aware to the customer about their product, quality, benefits and
promotional activities. They want to teach retailers in their roles as their roles as
consumers. They want retailers to learn about products, product attributes,
potential consumer benefit, how to use, maintain or even dispose of the product
and new ways of behaving that will satisfy not only consumer's needs, but the
marketer's objectives.

The scope of my study restricts itself to the analysis of customer and retailer
preferences, perception and consumption of Britannia and Bisk Farm bakery
products. There are many other bakery brands available but my study is limited to
two major players of bakery industry leaving behind the others. The study
provides suggestions to the company to improve their product sales. The scope of
my study is restricted to Kolkata only.

Research methodology

Data are simply facts or figures — bits of information, but not information itself.
Raw data is a term used to describe data in its most basic digital format. When
data are processed, interpreted, organized, structured or presented so as to make
them meaningful or useful, they are called information. Information provides
context for data. Information is produced by all processes and it is the values of
characteristics in the processes' output.

Secondary data is research data that has

previously been gathered and can be accessed by researchers. The term contrasts
with primary data, which is data collected directly from its source.
Secondary data is used to increase the sampling size of research studies and is
also chosen for the efficiency and speed that comes with using an already existing
resource. Secondary data facilitates large research projects, in which many
research groups working in tandem collect secondary data. The main researcher is
then allowed to focus on primary research or particular areas of interest. This
division of labor helps researchers learn more in less time.

“Research data is defined as recorded

factual material commonly retained by and accepted in the scientific community
as necessary to validate research findings; although the majority of such data is
created in digital format, all research data is included irrespective of the format in
which it is created.” Research data, unlike other types of information, is collected,
observed, or created, for purposes of analysis to produce original research results.

The Research Methodology that has been adopted is a mixture of qualitative and
quantitative research. Qualitative Research are those kind of research which consist
of non-scaled data, when we are structuring a person's attribute, personality,
behavioral traits which can't be scaled that provide a person's understanding about
any incident or product, a quantitative research consist of scaled data which can be
changed, structured, processed and can be converted into validated information.

The scaling technique that has been adopted is a combination of parametric and
non parametric scaling techniques. Parametric scaling techniques consists of
nominal and ordinal scale and non parametric scaling technique consist of interval
and ratio scale. In this project only nominal, ordinal and internal scale has been
used along with Likert scale.

In this project the research design that has been implemented and framed is a
combination of exploratory and descriptive research design. We are not framing
any cause and effect relationship.

It is an exploratory research design because in some horizons we are exploring

unknown problems and trying to figure out the solutions. It is also a descriptive
research because we are describing some of the known problems for a better
understanding and to get accurate and noise free results.

Sampling size :-
The data for the sampling was collected from 45 people.

Sampling unit :-
The people who consume and sell bakery products and are at an age group of 18 to

Statistical tools :-
The study has been shown with the help of pie charts for a comparative analysis.

Statistical software :-
Microsoft Office Word 2007, Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Microsoft Office
PowerPoint 2007, Google Forms application, WPS Office.

The questionnaire that has been used is a combination of open ended and close
ended questionnaire.

Limitations of the study
1. Available data was not enough.

2. Both the company, i.e., Britannia and Bisk Farm do not reflect change in price

3. It is difficult in forecasting, because in the past changing and developing

modern business era, the analysis of past information may not be of much use in
future forecasting.

4. The research reports on which I relied upon showed different data which made
it difficult to trust on a particular report. In a nutshell, the data are found to be

5. While I tried to cover up all the research work done on Bakery segment, due to
time constraints some research articles have been overlooked.

Conceptual Framework
Consumer Buying Behavior

Consumer buying behavior is the sum total of a consumer's attitudes,
preferences, intentions, and decisions regarding the consumer's behavior in the
marketplace when purchasing a product or service. The study of consumer
behavior draws upon social science disciplines of anthropology, psychology,
sociology, and economics.

The study of consumer behavior is concerned with all aspects of purchasing

behavior – from pre-purchase activities through to post-purchase consumption,
evaluation and disposal activities. It is also concerned with all persons involved,
either directly or indirectly, in purchasing decisions and consumption activities
including brand-influencers and opinion leaders. Buying Behavior is the decision
processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products.

However, if you want to look at the consumer buying behavior of the 21st
century, you have to acknowledge that consumerism is playing a major role in
their decision making. The consumers are getting used to their regular brands and
they hardly shift from these brands. Accordingly, there are three levels of
involvement of a consumer towards the purchase of a brand. Depending on these
levels of involvement, consumer buying behavior may vary.

Need to understand:

 What factors influence consumer purchases?

 the changing factors in our society.

The standard model of consumer behavior consists of a methodical and

structured process. Let's take a brief look at each step.

1. Problem recognition - The first step is problem recognition. During this

step, the consumer realizes that she has an unfulfilled need or want. Let's
use the example of a consumer who has just been informed by her
mechanic that fixing her car will cost more than it's worth. Our consumer
realizes that she now has a transportation problem and wants to fulfill that
need with the purchase of a car.

2. Information search - The next step is to gather information relevant to
what you need to solve the problem. In our example, our consumer may
engage in research on the Internet to determine the types of vehicles
available and their respective features.
3. Evaluation - After information is gathered, it is evaluated against a
consumer's needs, wants, preferences, and financial resources available for
purchase. In our example, our consumer has decided to narrow her choices
down to three cars based upon price, comfort, and fuel efficiency.
4. Purchase - At this stage, the consumer will make a purchasing decision. The
ultimate decision may be based on factors such as price or availability. For
example, our consumer has decided to purchase a particular model of car
because its price was the best she could negotiate and the car was available
5. Post-purchase evaluation - At this stage, the consumer will decide whether
the purchase actually satisfies her needs and wants. Is our car purchaser
happy with her purchase? If he/she is not satisfied, why isn't she?

Consumer Perception

The Business Dictionary defines consumer perception as a “marketing concept
that encompasses a customer’s impression, awareness or consciousness about a
company or its offerings. Typically, customer perception is affected by advertising,
reviews, public relations, social media, personal experiences, and other channels.”

The truth is that everything affects customer perception, from the way you
position your product vertically and horizontally on a shelf, to the colours and
shapes you use in creating your logo. Even things outside of your control, which
may seem innocuous, such as the time of the day when your customer interacts
with your brand - even this will affect consumer perception. Your customers
might have a positive perception of you if they come across your products and
your niche during a certain time of the day, but they may hold a negative
perception at another time of day. This dual perception might not have anything
to do with you; some people are not morning people, and the worst time to try to
sell 'not-morning' people is in the morning hours, especially before they’ve had
breakfast and coffee. You would do better to catch them right after dinner, when
they’re relaxed. Other people simply can’t concentrate on anything in the
evening, and would rather that you had caught their attention in the morning.
Others are somewhere in between, preferring that you reach them during the
main part of the day. So, as you can see, something as harmless as calling at the
wrong hour or showing a potential customer the right color at the wrong time and
at the wrong place, might reward you with a significant number of customers in at
one time of day but a disappointing result at a different time of day.

Industry Profile

Britannia Industries Limited is an Indian food-products corporation
headquartered in Kolkata, West Bengal. It sells its Britannia and Tiger brands of
biscuits, breads and dairy products throughout India and in more than 60
countries across the globe. Britannia has an estimated market share of 38%.The
company's principal activity is the manufacture and sale of biscuits, bread, rusk,
cakes and dairy products.
In 1918, C.H. Holmes, an English
businessman in Kolkata, was taken on as a partner and The Britannia Biscuit
Company Limited (BBC Ltd.) was launched. Biscuits were in high demand during
World War II, which gave a boost to the company’s sales. The company name was
changed to the current "Britannia Industries Limited" in 1979. Britannia is one of
India's 100 Most Trusted brands listed in The Brand Trust Report. Dairy products
contribute close to 10% to Britannia's revenue.
Britannia Industries is one of India’s
leading food companies with a 100 year legacy, which manufactures India’s
favorite brands like Good Day, Tiger, NutriChoice, Milk Bikis and Marie Gold.
Britannia’s product portfolio includes Biscuits, Bread, Cakes, Rusk, and Dairy
products including Cheese, Beverages, Milk and Yoghurt. Britannia is a brand
which many generations of Indians have grown up with and our brands are
cherished and loved in India and the world over.
Britannia Bread is the largest brand in the
organized bread market with an annual turnover of over 1 lac tons in volume and
Rs.450 crores in monetary value. The industry have a presence in more than 60
countries across the globe. Their international footprint includes presence in
Middle East through local manufacturing in UAE and Oman, are the No. 2 biscuit
player in UAE with a strong contention to leadership and have a similarly strong
market position in the other GCC countries. They are also the market leaders in
Nepal and are in the process of investing a manufacturing facility in the country.
Our foot print spreads across North America, Europe, Africa and South East Asia
through exports and we are investing in a state- of- the- art facility in Mundra SEZ,
Gujarat, to service the exports markets.
The industry's strategic expansion plan is
based on the principle of ‘One new market a year’. Britannia takes pride in having

stayed true to its credo, ‘Eat Healthy, Think Better’. Having removed over 8500
tones of Trans Fats from products, Britannia became India’s first Zero Trans Fat
Company. Over 50% of the Company’s portfolio is enriched with essential micro-
nutrients which nourish the body. Britannia believes that ‘Taste & Trust’ are its
sobriquet and will constantly endeavor to make a Billion Indians reach out for a
delightful and healthy Britannia product several times a day.

Some Popular products of Britannia :-

Bisk Farm
Since its inception in the year 2000, Bisk Farm has been recognized for its
delectable biscuits, cookies, cakes and rusks. The brand is owned and marketed
by SAJ Food Products Pvt. Ltd, a part of the Aparna Group of Companies.
Bisk Farm has carved a niche for itself in the market in a fairly short span of time.
It is ranked amongst the top 3 bakery brands in the markets where it competes.
Bisk Farm is presently available throughout Eastern and North Eastern India, and
parts of South, Central and North India. The company eventually aims to market
its delicacies across the country. In addition, as part of its drive to establish a
presence across India, Bisk Farm has invested in state of the art manufacturing
facilities in Eastern and South India.
Bisk Farm Just Baked is another ambitious part of the brand's endeavor to share
its goodness directly with the consumer. It showcases the Brand's array of freshly
baked Savories, Danishes, Special Cakes, Pastries, Breads and other Confectionery
items, along with a great ambience.


Some popular products of Bisk Farm :-

Company Profile

The story of one of India's favorite brands reads almost like a fairy tale. Once
upon a time, in 1892 to be precise, a biscuit company was started in a nondescript
house in Calcutta (now Kolkata) with an initial investment of Rs. 295. By 1910,
with the advent of electricity, Britannia mechanized its operations, and in 1921, it
became the first company east of the Suez Canal to use imported gas ovens.
Britannia's business was flourishing. But, more importantly, Britannia was
acquiring a reputation for quality and value. As a result, during the tragic World
War II, the Government reposed its trust in Britannia by contracting it to supply
large quantities of "service biscuits" to the armed forces. As time moved on, the
biscuit market continued to grow and Britannia grew along with it. In the
subsequent public issue of 1978, Indian shareholding crossed 60%.The following
year, Britannia Biscuit Company was re-christened Britannia Industries Limited
(BIL). Four years later in 1983, it crossed the Rs.100 crores revenue mark. In 1997,
the company made its first foray into the dairy products market. In 1999,
"Britannia Khao, World Cup Jao" promotion further fortified the affinity
consumers had with brand 'Britannia'. Britannia strode into the 21st Century as
one of India's biggest brands and the pre- eminent food brand of the country. It
was equally recognized for its innovative approach to products and marketing: the
Lagaan Match was voted India's most successful promotional activity of the year
2001 while the delicious Britannia 50-50 Maska-Chaska became India's most
successful product launch. The Economic Times pegged Britannia India's 2nd Most
Trusted Brand. Today, more than a century after those tentative first steps,
Britannia's fairy tale is not only going strong but blazing new standards, and that
miniscule initial investment has grown by leaps and bounds to crores of rupees in
wealth for Britannia's shareholders.
BIL has a presence in more than 60 countries across the globe.
BIL's international footprint includes presence in Middle East through local
manufacturing in UAE and Oman. The company is also the market leader in
Nepal. The Company was born in 21st March of the year 1918 as a public limited
company. The Company's plants are situated in Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai
and Uttarakhand. The Company had signed a 10-year technical collaboration
agreement with Nebico Pvt Ltd., Nepal during the year 1980 for the supply of
know-how relating to manufacturing, packaging and marketing of biscuits and
selection of plant and machinery. During the year 1989, BIL's Executive Office was
relocated to Bangalore. During the year 1990, two new brands of biscuits, Elaichi

Cream and Petit Beurre were launched. Also, in the same year a new cashew and
almond variant of the brand Milk Bikis and brand extension of pure magic biscuit
Vanilla cream were launched, Fruit bread was launched in Delhi. The Company
launched two new speciality brands in the year 1991 viz., Britannia milk bread and
Britannia brown bread in Delhi. In 1998, BIL had launched Half/Half, a soft cake
filled with cream in two variants, chocolate-vanilla and vanilla-orange. The
Company had rolled out its flavored milk brand Zip-Sip in tetrapaks in the year
1999. Zip-Sip had been launched in Mumbai and some markets in the South. Pure
Magic, the company's product was winner of the Worldstar, Asiastar and Indiastar
award for packaging in the year 2002. BIL had forged a strategic alliance with CCD
Daily Bread Pvt Ltd in the year 2006, a Bangalore based Company engaged in
manufacturing and retailing of premium breads, cakes snacks and high end ready
to eat foods. In the year 2007, Britannia industries formed a joint venture with
the Khimji Ramdas Group and acquired a 70 percent beneficial stake in the Dubai-
based Strategic Foods International Co. LLC and 65.4% in the Oman-based Al
Sallan Food Industries Co. SAOG. The company was rated as the No 1 Most
Trusted Food Brand in a survey conducted by AC Nielsen ORGO-MARG and
published in Economic Times in the year 2007. Britannia launched Iron fortified
'Tiger Banana' biscuits, 'Good Day Classic Cookies', Low Fat Dahi and renovated
'MarieGold' during the period of 2008. In 2009, Britannia took full control of Daily
Bread. During the year, Britannia New Zealand Food (BNZF) became a BIL
subsidiary after BIL bought out New Zealand's Fonterra from the existing joint
venture. BNZF was renamed Britannia Dairy Pvt. Ltd. (BDPL). During the year,
Britannia became the first bakery brand in India to remove trans-fats from 99.9%
of its products.

Bisk Farm

Bisk Farm is a brand which is owned by SAJ Food Products (P) Ltd, a part of the
Aparna Group of Companies. It is a fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)
company, headquartered in the city of Kolkata in the Indian State of West Bengal.

Since it was formed in the year 2000, Bisk Farm products have been available
throughout Eastern and North Eastern India, and parts of South, Central and North
India. The company eventually aims to market its products across the country. The
company produces a total of 97 products from biscuits, cookies, cakes, rusks,
Extruded Snacks, Filled Wafers and controls 15% of market share in East India,
Britannia being the major competitor in the region. Some popular brands are The
Top, Googly, Spicy, Just Ginger, Bourbon, Cheese Cream . It also sells freshly
made snacks, breads and sandwiches through its brand-owned "Just Baked" stores,
along with desserts like pastries and muffins.

Bisk Farm has  product such as Biscuits , Cakes, Rusk  and Cookies . Total of 55
products (SKUS)  with turnover of  Rs 200 crores. Bisk farm controls 40% of
market share in Eastern India  Britannia being  the major competitor in the region.
It has  got  presence in  states such as West Bengal , Bihar , Orissa , Assam ,
Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, North eastern  states and Bhutan. It has forayed into
bakery retail  by  name Just Baked.Got  8  such stores in  Kolkata  and has plan to
open 100 such outlets in and around Kolkata suburbs. Bisk Farm has three plants in
West Bengal and is planning to  open a new plant in Karnataka, Bangalore.

Presentation of Data, Analysis & Findings

A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions (or
other types of prompts) for the purpose of gathering information from

Data analysis and Interpretation

{Q.1} Gender

(a.)Male (b.)Female


44% Male


(Figure 1 : Gender)
It has been found that 56% people are male and 44% people are female.

{Q.2.} Age Category

(a.)18-23 (b.)24-29 (c.)30-35 (d.)36-41 (e.)41 and above

Age Category
2% 4%
42 41 and above

(Figure 2: Age Category)

It has been found that 93% of the people fall under the age category of 18-23
years, 2% of the people are from 24-29 years and 5% people are from 36-41 years
age group.


7% 4%



(Figure 3 : Occupation)

It has been found that 89% of the people are students, 7% are employed and 4%
of them are having business.

{Q.4.} How you prefer eating biscuits ?

(a) Snacks (b) When Hungry

(c) Time pass (d) Other

Preference with having Biscuits

40% 40%
When hungry


(Figure 4 : Basis of analysis of having biscuits on preferable

time )

Interpretation :-
It has been found that majority of the people eat biscuits as a snack or for time
pass instead of eating while hungry.

{Q.5.} How often you purchase the bakery products ?

(a) Daily (b) Weekly

(c) Monthly (d)Occasionally

Purchasing Interval

16% 13%



(Figure 5 : Basis of analysis on intervals of purchasing bakery

products )

Interpretation :-
It is found that majority of the people shop for bakery products weekly and

{Q.6.} Which brand in biscuit is best according to you?

(a) Britannia (b) Bisk Farm

Choosing brand on overall basis

Bisk Farm


(Figure 6 : Brand preferred on overall basis)

Interpretation :-
It is found that majority of the people prefer to buy the products of Britannia due
to its attractive offers, price, taste, quality and trust.

{Q.7.} Which features of the company's products inspires you to buy them?

(a) Taste (b) Price

(c) Quality (d)Packaging

(e)Quantity (e) Other

Analysis on the basis of features

44% Quality
27% Quantity


(Figure 7 : Features that inspires to buy the most)

Interpretation :-
It has been found that most of the people buy biscuits because of taste factor,
followed by quality and economical price.

{Q.8.} Where do you prefer to buy the biscuits the most ?

(a) Supermarkets (b) Bakeries

(c)Food Courts (d) Online

(e) Other

Preferred place to buy


Food Courts


(Figure 8 : Bakery Products preferred to buy from a suitable


Interpretation :-
It is found that majority of the people buy from supermarkets and few buy from
bakeries and food courts.

{Q.9.} What all nutritional facts you look for while purchasing biscuits ?

(a) Energy (b) Protein

(c) Fiber (d) Carbohydrates

(e) Calcium (f) Other

Analysis on the basis of Nutritional facts

11% 30%


(Figure 9 : Product Analysis on the basis of Nutritional

information for buying bakery products)

Interpretation :-
From the above data, it has been found that people generally buy bakery
products in which the energy content is maximum, followed by protein and fiber.
Lastly carbohydrates and calcium is least preferable for the customers.

{Q.10.} What category of biscuits you prefer the most ?

(a) Cream (b) Digestive

(c) Salty (d) Cookies

(e) Marie (f) Other

Preferred type of biscuit

30% Cream
34% Cookies



(Figure 10 : Preferable category of biscuit)

Interpretation :-
It is found that 34% of the people prefer to have cookies, followed by cream
biscuits and whole wheat digestives instead of Marie and salty biscuits.

{Q.11} Do you have a habit of preparing biscuits at home ?

(a) Yes (b) No

(c) Sometimes (d) Maybe

Habit of making biscuits at home
4% 9%



(Figure 11 : Analysis on people making biscuits at home)

Interpretation :-
It is found that 69% of the people are not interested in preparing biscuits or
baking it at home, followed by 18% of the people who are interested a bit in

{Q.12.} Are you satisfied with the bakery food products that you purchase ?

(a) Strongly agree (b) Agree

(c) Disagree (d) Strongly Disagree

Satisfaction with the bakery products


Strongly agree
Strongly disagree


(Figure 12 : Level of satisfaction with the bakery products)

Interpretation :-
It is found that almost all the people agree with the satisfaction level that they get
by consuming their preferable bakery products.

{Q.13.} In near future would you like to shift to any other brand ?

(a) Yes (b) No

(c) Maybe

Shifting from previous brand




(Figure 13 : Shifting from previous brand to another brand)

Interpretation :-
From the above data it may be concluded that people may shift from one bakery
brand to another.

{Q.14.} If yes, which brand it would be ?

(a) Britannia (b) Bisk Farm

(c) Parle (d) Sun feast

(d) Other

Shifting to the brands

20% Sunfeast



(Figure 14 : Shifting from one brand to a more acceptable


Interpretation :-

From the above data analysis, it is found that Parle is the most
preferred brand, followed by Bisk Farm, Britannia, Sun feast and others.

{Q.15.} What factors influence you for changing the brand ?

(a) To change the taste (b) Due to better offers on other brands

(c) Price is not economical (d) Other


21% 6%
To change the taste
Due to better offers on
other brands
Price is not economical


(Figure 15 : Factors influencing for changing the brand)

Interpretation :-
From the above data, it may be concluded that people are changing their
consumption of bakery brand to other brands for a change in their taste
and preference and followed by different offers on other brands.

 Retailer research:-
Retailer research deals with retailer and their problems and solution to the
problems. In this project, I came to know about the retailers and expectation
levels regarding products and ascertainable levels of satisfaction.

 Customer Research:-
Customer research deals with customer and their problem and solution to the
problems. In this, I came to know about the customer need and expectation levels
regarding products and ascertainable level of satisfaction.

 Product Research:-
Under product research, I came to know about the modification which customer,
retailers wants as to the quality, packing, shape, color and quantity etc of their
favorite biscuit.

 Pricing Research:-
This includes ability to consume, to pay for the product, how much a person can
spend on his/her favorite biscuit. In this I have tried to find out retailer's price
expectations and reactions.

 Advertising Research:-
Under this I have concluded that whether the advertisement appeals the
customers and retailers or not. This also includes evaluating and selecting the
proper media mix and measuring advertising effectiveness.

SWOT Analysis of Britannia

 Strengths
1. Britannia has been around 120 years in the industry.
2. Britannia is one of India’s most trusted brand with strong brand
3. Wide range of bakery products like biscuits, rusks, cakes and dairy

products like milk, butter, cheese, etc. 
4. Strong distribution network ensuring proper availability of the
products even in the remotest of areas.
5. Britannia has a major share in biscuits industry.
6. Marketing and advertising efficiency.
7. Innovative products for health conscious people like oats and
porridge, Britannia Nutri-Choice biscuits for diabetes patients, Vita
Marie Gold, etc.
8. Strong presence in rural markets.
9. Products for all food and snacks segments is a big boon for Britannia.
 Weakness
1.Lower market share for Britannia in dairy segment.
2.Heavy expenditure on advertising and marketing.
3.Similar products produced by many companies means high brand
 Opportunities
1.Increase in purchasing power of people in India.
2.Increase its share in the dairy industry.
3.Product line extension can benefit Britannia as the company has loyal
4.Expansion in other countries.
 Threats
1.Lower price offering competitors can affect Britannia's market share.
2.Local dairies and bakeries can cause business losses.
3.Inflation can cause fall in sales and revenue.
4.Rise in cost of raw materials.

SWOT Analysis of Bisk Farm
 Strength
1. Huge variety of products available in the market.
2. The quality of food products are perfect.
3. Innovative biscuits for health conscious people like top, googly, spicy, Petit
Burie biscuits for diabetes patients, etc.
4. Widely accepted in all the generations.

 Weakness
1. Increases the cost of food products.
2. Similar products produced by many companies means high brand switching.
3. Industry and technology requires higher investments
4. Lower market share than Britannia.

 Opportunities
1.Increase in purchasing power of people in India.
2.Generate employment opportunities.
3.Expansion in other countries.
4. Provides goods to nation at a cheaper rate.

 Threats
1. Increase in population.
2. Lack of technology.
3.Inflation can cause fall in sales and revenue.

Suggestions and Recommendations

The following suggestions are made on the basis of the study under various

1. Stores/shops have to be provided with information about the benefit of the

product to the customers regarding sales promotion schemes and also

2. Price off, discount, extra quantity with same price and premiums are more
important tools in the sales promotion.

3. Stores/shops are to encourage the regular buyers by way of promotional offers.

4. Information relating to promotional methods need to be communicated to all

the customers to increase more awareness regarding the sales promotional
methods in order to increase sales.

5. Consumers buy products only if it catches their eyes at the outlets. So

producers and sellers need to stress on attractive packaging and sales promotion.
Further, this study also indicates that the advertisement through mass media,
particularly television is the important source of product information. This shows
that attention of the firms is drawn to improve their sales promotional activities
by making use of such mass media.

6. Company should design their distribution system in such a way that, the
product remains available all times in the rural areas because the rural customers
prefers the products which are easily available.

7. Product Quality is the most important factor that influences the purchase of
bakery products. Companies which design products of above-average quality and
continuously trying to improve them are able to withhold their existing loyal
customer base.

The successes of many businesses depend on their ability to create and retain the
customers. Companies that sell their products at standard price with good quality
and make the brand available in all stores can attract new customers. Promotional
offers, availability of brands are so important that the companies must give
sufficient consideration towards this end before the companies plan and
implement their marketing strategies. The major goal is to satisfy the needs and
wants of the consumers and their targeted markets more effectively and
efficiently. Hence, the researcher hopes that the information provided in this
study will assist companies in shaping their marketing strategies and serve their
consumers better.

A survey of the people has been conducted to know the liking pattern of the
Britannia and Bisk Farm. Although the entire study was based on the information
supplied by those brands hiding many more valuable information, however the
data collected particularly related to functioning of material department i.e.,
procurement of inputs utilized by the production department. The growth rate of
Britannia is still on higher side in comparison to Bisk Farm and moreover by virtue
of very sound set up of Human Resource Department, the working environment,
discipline and up gradation of skill and knowledge is of very his standard.

It can also be concluded

that some people preferred Bisk Farm biscuits due to its quality, taste, flavor and
image. Some people often like to have a biscuits with good flavor, quality and
crunchiness so they are shifting to the consumption of Bisk Farm from Britannia
due to its taste and reasonable price. Lastly, it can be clearly indicated some of
the important observation as a suggestion to management to make the company
more towards profits to minimize the cost effective input system in procurement

Books referred:-
 Marketing Management by Philip Kotler
 Principles of marketing and E-Commerce by D.L. Datta (TEE Publications)

Internet Websites :-
 www.
 www.research


{Q.1.} How you prefer eating biscuits ?

(a) Snacks (b) When Hungry

(c) Time pass (d) Other

{Q.2.} How often you purchase the bakery products ?

(a) Daily (b) Weekly

(c) Monthly (d)Occasionally

{Q.3.} Which brand in biscuit is best according to you?

(a) Britannia (b) Bisk Farm

{Q.4.} Which features of the company's products inspires you to buy them?

(a) Taste (b) Price

(c) Quality (d)Packaging

(e)Quantity (e) Other

{Q.5.} Where do you prefer to buy the biscuits the most ?

(a) Supermarkets (b) Bakeries

(c)Food Courts (d) Online

(e) Other

{Q.6.} What all nutritional facts you look for while purchasing biscuits ?

(a) Energy (b) Protein

(c) Fiber (d) Carbohydrates

(e) Calcium (f) Other

{Q.7.} What category of biscuits you prefer the most ?

(a) Cream (b) Digestive

(c) Salty (d) Cookies

(e) Marie (f) Other

{Q.8} Do you have a habit of preparing biscuits at home ?

(a) Yes (b) No

(c) Sometimes (d) Maybe

{Q.9.} Are you satisfied with the bakery food products that you purchase ?

(a) Strongly agree (b) Agree

(c) Disagree (d) Strongly Disagree

{Q.10.} In near future would you like to shift to any other brand ?

(a) Yes (b) No

(c) Maybe

{Q.11.} If yes, which brand it would be ?

(a) Britannia (b) Bisk Farm

(c) Parle (d) Sun feast

(d) Other

{Q.12.} What factors influence you for changing the brand ?

(a) To change the taste (b) Due to better offers on other brands

(c) Price is not economical (d) Other

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