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Remedial Law

General Principles:
- A default order will not be issued in an action for
1. There is no right of action (right to file suit) where there is no annulment of marriage, declaration of nullity of
cause of action. marriage or legal separation, even if the defendant fails
2. The failure to make sufficient allegation of a cause of action to answer.
in the complaint is a ground for its dismissal.
3. Filing the complaint with the wrong court is a ground for 13. The answer to the complaint must specifically deny the
dismissal of the complaint either upon proper motion by the material averments in the complaint because material
adverse party or upon the court’s own motion. averments not specifically denied are deemed admitted.
4. Jurisdiction over the subject matter is a matter of substantive
law, not of mere procedure. - If the answer admits the material averments in the
5. The rules on venue preclude a court from dismissing a complaint, the answer is deemed to have failed to tender
complaint motu propio except when so authorized by a special an issue. The plaintiff may then file a motion for
rule. judgment on the pleadings and the court may direct a
6. If the action is real (one that affect title to, possession of, or judgment based on the pleadings already filed. (Bar 2016,
any interest in real property), the action shall be commenced 2015, 2014, 2013)
and tried in the place where the real property involved or a
portion thereof is situated. If the action is personal, the action - Where there is an issue in the case but the issue does not
may be commenced and tried in the place where the plaintiff concern any material fact, there is no genuine issue, thus a
resides or where the defendant resides, or in the case of a non- summary judgment would be proper. (Bar 2016, 2015,
resident defendant, where he may be found, at the election of 2014, 2013)
the plaintiff.
7. A complaint is not considered filed when the docket is not 14. A counterclaim is a pleading which sets forth a claim which a
paid. Payment of the full amount of the docket fee is defending party may have against an opposing party.
mandatory and jurisdictional.
8. When the court has no jurisdiction over the subject matter of - A compulsory counterclaim, which a defending party
the action and the amendment is for the purpose of conferring has at the time he files answer, shall be contained therein.
jurisdiction upon the court where the amendment is no longer
a matter of right, the amendment shall not be allowed. Since - A permissive counterclaim does not have to be raised in
the Court is without jurisdiction over the action, it has no the same proceedings because, by its nature, it could be
jurisdiction to act on the motion for leave to amend. invoked as an independent action.
9. The summon and copy of the complaint are to be served upon
the defendant in person but, if he cannot be served despite - A cross-claim is a pleading containing the claim by one
diligent efforts, summon may be served by an alternative party against a co-party.
mode through substituted service. This consists in serving
the summons at the residence of the defendant or his regular 15. The failure to file a reply will not, likewise, result in the
place of business with a person qualified to so receive the implied admission of the material allegations in the answer
summons in accordance with Rules. because the allegations of new matters in the answer, even if
not replied to, are deemed controverted or denied.
- Summons by publication is not a recognized mode of 16. After the last pleading has been served and filed, it is the duty
service for the purpose of acquiring jurisdiction over the of the plaintiff to promptly move ex parte that the case be set
person of the defendant. for pre-trial.

10. Defendant’s voluntary appearance in the action shall be - A pre-trial is mandatory and failure to appear thereat by
equivalent to service of summons. either party will result in adverse consequences for the
11. The Court may only dismiss a case motu propio in case if absent party.
there is 1) lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter, 2)
litis pendentia, 3) res judicata and 4) prescription. - In a pre-trial, the parties shall, among others, consider the
12. Failure of the defendant to file an answer will entitle the possibility of an amicable settlement or submission of the
plaintiff to file a motion to declare him in default. When he case to alternative modes of dispute resolution.
is declared in default, the defendant loses his standing in court
and the latter may proceed to render judgment granting the - During the pre-trial stage and at any time even before pre-
plaintiff such relief as his complaint may warrant, unless in its trial or trial, the parties may obtain information from each
discretion, the court requires the plaintiff to submit evidence other through employment of devices, collectively known
on his claim. as discovery procedure.

- A party declared in default shall still be entitled to notice 17. During trial, after the presentation of evidence by the plaintiff,
of subsequent proceedings and is accorded a relief from if the defendant believes that, upon the facts and the law, the
the order. plaintiff is not entitled to relief, he may, instead of presenting
his own evidence, move for the dismissal of the case by way
- The defendant, at any time after notice thereof and before of demurrer to evidence.
judgment, file a motion under oath to set aside the
order of default, showing 1) that his failure to answer - If the demurrer is denied, the defendant still has the right
was due to fraud, accident, mistake or excusable to present evidence.
negligence and 2) that he has meritorious defense.

Remedial Law

- If the demurrer is granted but on appeal the order of  Procedural laws shall have prospective effect. It may be made
dismissal is reversed, the defendant is deemed to have applicable to actions pending and undetermined at the time of their
waived his right to present evidence. passage and is retroactive in that sense.

18. Instances where judgment may be rendered even without a  Procedural laws may be given retroactive effect to actions pending
trial: and to those which are yet undetermined at the time of their passage
because there are no vested rights in the rules of procedure.
1. Prescription
2. Bar by prior judgment or Res Judicata - Instances when procedural rules do not apply to pending actions.
3. Judgment on the pleadings
4. Judgment upon a compromise 1. Where the statute itself or by necessary implication provides
that pending actions are excepted from its operation;
19. The right to appeal is a statutory right and one who seeks to 2. If applying the rule to pending action would impair vested
avail of the right must comply with the pertinent statute or rights;
rules. The perfection of an appeal in the manner and within 3. When do so would not be feasible or would work injustice;
the period permitted by law is not only mandatory but also or
jurisdictional. 4. If doing so would intricate problems of due process or
impair the independence of the courts.
- Rules on the manner and periods for perfecting appeals
are strictly applied and are only relaxed in very  The Rules of Court does not apply the following cases: CLIEN
exceptional circumstances on equitable consideration. 1. Cadastral cases;
2. Land Registration cases;
- A delay in filing of the appeal will not be excused in the 3. Insolvency proceedings;
absence of exceptional, special or meritorious 4. Election cases; and,
circumstance. 5. Naturalization cases

20. Res Judicata applies in the concept of bar by prior judgment - The Rules may, however, apply to the above cases by a)
if the following requisites concur: (FMJI) analogy, or b) in suppletory character and whenever
1. The former judgment or order must be final;
2. The judgment or order must be on the merits; - Jurisprudence discloses that the rules in the Rules of Court do
3. The decision must have been rendered by a court having not also apply to non-judicial proceedings.
jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties; and,
4. There must be, between the first and the second action, - Administrative bodies are not bound by the technical niceties of
identity of the parties, subject matter and causes of the rules obtaining in a court of law. Hence, administrative due
action. process cannot be fully equated with due process in strict
judicial terms.
- The application of the doctrine of res judicata does not
require absolute identity of parties, but merely substantial - Quasi-judicial and administrative bodies are not bound by the
identity of parties. There is substantial identity of parties technical rules of procedure, that technicalities should never be
when there is community of interest in the first and a party used to defeat the substantive rights of a party, and that every
in the second case even if the first case did not implead the litigant should be afforded the opportunity for the proper and
latter. just determination of his cause, free from constraints of
- It does not apply to civil law and thus no bearing on
criminal proceedings.  Rules of procedure are not to be applied in a very rigid and technical
manner, as they are used only to help secure and not to override
- Res judicata in prison grey or the criminal law concept of substantial justice.
double jeopardy. The dismissal a case during the
preliminary investigation does not constitute double RULE-MAKING POWER OF THE SC:
jeopardy, preliminary investigation not being part of the
trial.  The SC has the power to PROMULGATE rules concerning the
protection and enforcement of constitutional rights, pleadings,
Remedial Law is a set of rules which prescribe the procedure for the practice, and procedure in all courts, the admission to the practice of
protection and enforcement of all claims arising from the right and duties law, the integrated bar and legal assistance to the underprivileged.
created by law.
- In Echegaray v. Sec. of Justice, the 1987 Constitution took away
Substantive Law creates, defines and regulates rights and duties the power of Congress to repeal, alter or supplement rules
concerning life, liberty and property, the violation of which gives rise to a concerning pleading, practice and procedure. In fine, the power
cause of action. to promulgate rules of pleadings, practice and procedure is no
longer shared by the Court with Congress and with the
Application of Rules of Court Executive branches.

Remedial Law

- In Neypes v. CA, the SC has the sole power to amend, repeal or

even establish new rules for a more simplified and inexpensive  Equity does not apply when there is a law applicable to a given case.
process, and the speedy disposition of cases. It is available only in the absence of law and not as its replacement.
See Art, 9, NCC.
- In Pinga v. Heir of Santiago, the power to promulgate carries
with it the power to OVERTURN judicial precedents on points Doctrine of Hierarchy of Courts (Principle of Judicial Hierarchy), a
of remedial law through the amendment of the Rules of Court. case must be filed before the lowest court possible having the appropriate
jurisdiction, except if one can advance a special reason which would
- In CIR v. Mirant Pagbialo Corp., the courts have the power to allow a party a direct resort to a higher court.
RELAX or SUSPEND technical or procedural rules or to
EXCEPT a case from their operation when compelling reasons  It was ruled, that the concurrence of jurisdiction, does not grant the
so warrant or when the purpose of justice requires it. It can party seeking relief the absolute freedom to file a petition in any
suspend rules with respect to a particular case (PRO HAC court of his choice.
VICE). See Sec. 6, Rule 1, ROC.
 The concurrent jurisdiction among courts of different ranks is
- As a rule, STRICT compliance with the rules of procedure is subject to the Doctrine of Hierarchy of Courts.
essential to the administration of justice. Their strict and rigid
application should be relaxed when they hinder rather than  When the SC has shared concurrent jurisdiction with RTC and
promote substantial justice. CA, the direct invocation of SC’s original jurisdiction should be
allowed only when there are special and important reasons.
- In Ginete v. CA, the rules of procedure as mere tools designed
to facilitate the attainment of justice. Hence, their strict  The rationale for the doctrine of hierarchy of courts is two-fold:
application which would result in technicalities and tend to
frustrate rather than to promote substantial justice must always 1. It would be an imposition upon the limited time of the Court;
be eschewed (avoided). and,
2. It would inevitably result in a delay, intended or otherwise, in
- Procedural rules were conceived to aid the attainment of justice. the adjudication of cases, which in some instances, had to be
If a stringent application of the rules would hinder rather than remanded or referred to the lower court as the proper forum
severe the demands of substantial justice, the former must yield under the rules of procedure, or as better equipped to resolve the
to the latter. issue because the Court is not a trier of facts.

- Rules of procedure must be used to facilitated, not to frustrate  The doctrine may be disregarded if warranted by the nature and
substantial justice. importance of the issues raised in the interest of speedy justice and
to avoid future litigation.
 Reasons which would warrant the SUSPENSION of the rules:
Doctrine of non-interference or Doctrine of judicial stability holds
1. The existence of SPECIAL or COMPELLING circumstances; that courts of equal and coordinate jurisdiction cannot interfere with
2. The MERITS of the case; each other’s orders.
3. A cause not entirely attributable to the fault or negligence of the
party favored by the suspension of rules;  It bars a court from reviewing or interfering with judgment of a co-
4. A lack if any showing that the review sought is merely frivolous equal court over which it has no appellate jurisdiction or power of
and dilatory; and, review.
5. The rights of the other party will not be unjustly prejudiced
thereby.  When the law provides for an appeal from the decision of an
administrative body to the SC or CA, it means that such body is
 Liberal construction of the rule has been allowed by the Court in co-equal with the RTC in terms of rank and stature, and logically
cases 1) where a rigid application will result in a manifest failure or beyond the control of the latter.
miscarriage of justice; 2) where the interest of substantial justice
will be served; 3) where the resolution of the motion is addressed Courts of general jurisdiction are those with competence to decide on
solely to the sound and judicious discretion of the court; and 4) their own jurisdiction and take cognizance of all cases, civil and criminal,
where the injustice to the adverse party is not commensurate to the of a particular nature.
degree if his thoughtlessness in not complying with the procedure
prescribed. Courts of special (limited) jurisdiction are those which have a special
jurisdiction only for a particular purpose or are clothed with special
 Limitations on the rule-making power of the SC: powers for the performance of specified duties beyond which they have
no authority of any kind.
1. The rules shall provide a SIMPLIFIED and INEXPENSIVE
PROCEDURE for the speedy disposition of cases; Courts of original and appellate jurisdiction:
2. The rules shall be UNIFORM for courts of the same grade; and,
3. The rules shall not diminish, increase or modify substantive  A court is one with original jurisdiction when actions or
rights. proceedings are originally filed with it.

Equity Jurisdiction is used to describe the power of the court to resolve  A court is one with appellate jurisdiction when it has the power of
issues presented in a case, in accordance with natural rules of fairness and review over the decisions or orders of a lower court.
justice, and in the absence of a clear, positive law governing such issues.

Remedial Law

 It cannot be conferred by court’s unilateral assumption of
Jurisdiction is the power and authority of the court to hear, try and jurisdiction. Likewise, it cannot be cured by silence, acquiescence
decide a case. (PA HTD) or even express consent.

1. It has power of the court over the subject matter and the authority  Jurisdiction over the subject may be raised at any stage of the
of the court to render the judgment or decree it assumes to make. proceedings, even for the first time on appeal.
2. It has authority to execute the decisions rendered by the court.
3. It has the power to control the execution of its decision  Exception is the Doctrine of Estoppel by Laches, in the case of
Tijam v. Sibonghanoy, the Court barred a belated objection to
- Jurisdiction is the authority of the court to decide a case and not jurisdiction that was raised by a party only when an adverse
the decision rendered therein. decision was rendered by the lower court against it and because it
raised the issue only after seeking affirmative relief from the court
- A court can dismiss an action motu propio even though issue of and actively participating in all stages of the proceedings.
jurisdiction is not raised in the pleadings or not even raised by
counsel. See Sec. 1, Rule 9, ROC Error of jurisdiction is one where the act complained of was issued by
the court without or in excess of jurisdiction.
- Proceedings conducted or decisions made by a court are legally
void where there is an absence of jurisdiction over the subject  It occurs when the court exercises a jurisdiction not conferred upon it
matter. by law.

Jurisdiction over the subject matter is the power or authority to hear  A judgment rendered by a body or tribunal that has no jurisdiction
and determine cases of general class to which the proceeding in question over the subject matter of the case is no judgment at all.
 The void judgment can never be final and any writ of execution
 It is 1) conferred by law and 2) determined by the allegations in based on it is likewise void.
the complaint which comprise a concise statement of the ultimate
facts constituting the plaintiff’s cause of action. (Bar 2016, 2015)  Any decision rendered without jurisdiction is a total nullity and may
be struck down at any time, even on appeal; the only exception is
- Once vested by the allegations in the complaint, jurisdiction also when the party raising the issue is barred by estoppel.
remains vested irrespective of whether or not the plaintiff is
entitled to recover upon all or some of the claims asserted  It is correctible only by extraordinary writ of certiorari.
 There is lack of jurisdiction when the court or tribunal is not vested
- The cause of action in complaint is not what the designation of by law with authority or power to take cognizance of a case. On the
the complaint states, but what the allegations in the body of the other hand, excess of jurisdiction presupposes the existence of an
complaint define and describe. authority for the court to assume jurisdiction over a case but it acted
beyond the power conferred upon it.
- The averments in the complaint and the character of the
relief sought are the ones to be consulted. In sum, jurisdiction Error of judgment presupposes that the court is vested with jurisdiction
over the subject matter is determined in the allegations in the over the subject matter of the action but it committed mistakes in the
complaint and the reliefs prayed for. appreciation of the facts and evidence leading to an erroneous judgment.

 It is conferred by law which may be either the Constitution or a  it includes error of procedure or mistake in the court’s findings.
statute. Thus, it is not for the courts or the parties to determine or to
conveniently set aside.  it is correctible by appeal.

 The court’s jurisdiction cannot be made to depend upon the defenses Doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction (Primary Administrative
set up in the answer or in a motion to dismiss . Otherwise, the end of Jurisdiction) – Courts cannot and will not resolve controversy involving
justice would be frustrated by making sufficiency of this kind of a question within the jurisdiction of an administrative tribunal, especially
action dependent upon the defendant in all cases. (Bar 2016, 2015) when the question demands the sound exercise of administrative
discretion requiring special knowledge, experience and services of the
- Jurisdiction over the subject matter is not affected by the pleas administrative tribunal to determine technical and intricate matter of fact.
or theories set up by the defendant in an answer or MTD.
 Its objective is to guide the court in determining whether it should
- The MTC does not automatically lose its jurisdiction over refrain from exercising its jurisdiction until after an administrative
ejectment cases by mere allegation of the defense of tenancy agency has determined some question or some aspect of some
relationship between the parties. There must first be a reception question arising in the proceeding before the court.
of evidence, and if, after hearing, tenancy had in fact been
shown to be the real issue, the court should dismiss the case for  Exceptions to the Doctrine of primary jurisdiction:
lack of jurisdiction.
a. there is estoppel on the part of the party invoking the doctrine;
 It CANNOT be 1) granted by agreement of the parties; 2) acquired, b. the challenged administrative act is patently illegal, amounting
waived, enlarged, or diminished by any act or omission of the to lack of jurisdiction;
parties; or 3) conferred by the acquiescence of the courts.

Remedial Law

c. there is unreasonable delay or official inaction that will

irretrievable prejudice the complainant; 1. Petition for adoption;
d. the amount involved is relatively small; 2. Annulment of marriage;
e. the question involved is purely legal and will ultimately have to 3. Correction of entries in the birth certificate
be decided by the courts of justice; 4. Forfeiture Proceedings
f. judicial intervention is urgent; 5. Land registration
g. when its application may cause great and irreparable damage;
h. the controverted acts violated due process; b. In action in rem or quasi in rem, jurisdiction over the
i. the issue of non-exhaustion of administrative remedies has been person of the defendant is not a pre-requisite to confer
rendered moot; jurisdiction on the court provided that the court acquires
j. there is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy: (PSAR) jurisdiction over the res. However, summons be served
k. when strong public interest is involved. upon the defendant not for the purpose of vesting the
court with jurisdiction but merely for satisfying the due
Doctrine of adherence of jurisdiction (Continuity of Jurisdiction) process requirement.
means that once jurisdiction has attached, it cannot be ousted by
subsequent happenings or events, although of a character which would - The distinction between the actions in rem, in
have prevented jurisdiction from attaching in the first instance. personam and quasi in rem is important 1) to
determine whether or not the jurisdiction over the
 It was held that the trial court did not lose jurisdiction over the case person is required and consequently 2) to determine
involving a public official by the mere fact that said official ceased to the type of summons to be employed.
be in office during the pendency of the case.
c. Jurisdiction over the res refers to the court’s
 Exceptions: 1) there is an express provision in the statute, or 2) the jurisdiction over the thing or the property which is the
statute is clearly intended to apply to action pending before its subject of the action.
- It is acquired either: 1) by seizure of the property
Jurisdiction over the person is the legal power of the court to render under the legal process, whereby it is brought into
personal judgment against a party to an action or proceeding. actual custody of the law; or 2) as a result of the
institution of legal proceedings, in which the power
 A decision in personam imposes a responsibility or liability upon a of the court is recognized and made effective.
person directly and therefore, binds him personally.
- it may be acquired by the court by placing the
 Jurisdiction over the plaintiff is acquired by his filing of the property or thing under its custody (custodia legis)
complaint or petition. By doing so, he submits himself to the or constructive seizure through 1) publication
jurisdiction of the court. and 2) service of notice.

 Jurisdiction over the person of the defendant in civil cases is - Publication is notice to the whole world that the
acquired either by his 1) voluntary appearance in court and 2) his proceeding has for its object to bar indefinitely all
submission to its authority or by service of summon. who might be minded to make an objection of any
sort to the right sought to be established. Through
 The defendant’s voluntary appearance in the action shall be publication, all interested parties are deemed
equivalent to service of summon. notified of the petition.

 An appearance in whatever form without expressly objecting to d. If the objection is not raised either in a MTC or in the
the jurisdiction of court over the person, is a submission to the answer, the objection to the jurisdiction over the person
jurisdiction of the court. of the defendant is deemed waived. See Sec 1(a), Rule
16 in rel. to Sec. 6, Rule 16, ROC.
 When the filing of the answer is precisely to object to the
jurisdiction of the court over his person, it is not considered an e. Defenses and objection not pleaded either in a MTD or
appearance in court. in the answer are deemed waived, except lack of
jurisdiction over the subject matter, litis pendentia, res
 It is required only in an action in personam, but it is not judicata or prescription.
prerequisite in an action in rem or quasi in rem.
f. The inclusion in a MTD of other grounds aside from
- An action in personam is an action against a person on the lack of jurisdiction over the person of the defendant
basis of his personal liability. shall not be deemed a voluntary appearance.

- It is one which seeks to enforce personal right and - An action quasi in rem is one wherein an individual is named
obligations brought against the person. as defendant and the purpose of the proceeding is to subject
his interest therein to the obligation or lien burdening the
- An action in rem is an action against the thing itself instead property.
of against the person.
Jurisdiction over the issue is the power of the court to try and decide the
issue raised in the pleadings of the parties.
a. Proceedings which are covered by action in rem, such
status, title to, possession of or interest to real property:

Remedial Law

 It is conferred and determined by the allegations in the pleadings of

the parties. 1. All cases involving the constitutionality of a treaty,
international or executive agreement, or law;
 A denial, made not in accordance with Sec. 10, Rule 8 is to be 2. All cases which, under the ROC are required to be heard en
construed as an admission, a circumstance which does not give rise banc;
to an issue. 3. All cases involving the constitutionality, application or
operation of presidential decrees, proclamations, orders,
 Where an answer fails to tender an issue, or otherwise admits the instructions, ordinances and other regulations;
material allegations of the adverse party’s pleading, judgment on 4. Cases heard by a division when the required number in the
the pleadings may be rendered by the court upon a motion properly division is not obtained;
filed. 5. Cases involving a modification or reversal of a doctrine or
principle of law laid down previously by the SC in a decision
 Jurisdiction over the issues may also be conferred by waiver or rendered en banc or by a division;
failure to object to the presentation of evidence on a matter not raised 6. Cases involving the discipline of judges of lower courts;
in the pleadings. 7. Contests relating to the election, returns and qualifications of
the President or V. President. (ERQ)
Distinction between a question of law and a questions of fact:
- Procedure when the SC en banc is equally divided, see Sec. 7,
1. There is question of law when the doubt or difference arises as to Rule 56, ROC.
what the law is on a certain set of facts.
 Actions or Petitions that may be filed directly to the SC:
2. There is question fact when doubt or difference arises as to the
truth or falsehood of the alleged facts. 1. Petition for Quo Warranto;
2. Disciplinary proceedings against members of the judiciary and
- The test of whether a question is one of law or of fact is attorneys;
whether the appellate court can determine the issue raise 3. Petition for Amparo and Habeas Data
without reviewing or evaluating the evidence, in which case, it 4. Appeal by Certiorari in Criminal cases where the penalty
is a question of law; otherwise, it is a question of fact. imposed is death, reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment.

Jurisdiction over the res  Instances where direct cases filed in the SC: (SABCC)

Supreme Court is the court of last resort. It cannot be burdened with the 1. Where there are special and important reasons clearly stated
task deciding cases in the first instance. in the petition; (SIR)
2. When dictated by public welfare and the advancement of
1. Exclusive Original Jurisdiction in petitions for certioratri, public policy;
mandamus, prohibition against the: CA, COMELEC, COA, 3. When demanded by the broader interest of justice:
Sandiganbayan, and CTA. 4. When the challenged orders were patent nullities;
5. When analogous exceptional and compelling circumstances
2. Concurrent Original Jurisdiction with the CA in petitions for called for and justified the immediate and direct handling by
certiorari, mandamus and prohibition against the RTC, CSC, CBAA, the court.
NLRC and other quasi-judicial agencies.
 The SC is not a trier of facts. Thus, the findings of facts of the CA
 This jurisdiction is subject to the doctrine of hierarchy of courts. are not generally reviewable by the SC.

3. Concurrent Original Jurisdiction with the CA and the RTC in - Exceptions:

petitions for certiorari, mandamus and prohibition against the lower
courts and bodies, and in petitions for quo warranto and habeas 1. The findings are grounded entirely on speculations, surmises,
corpus. or conjectures;
2. The inference made is manifestly mistaken, absurd or
 This jurisdiction is subject to the doctrine of hierarchy of courts. impossible;
3. There is grave abuse of discretion;
 The CA may issue auxiliary writs or processes whether or not in 4. The judgment is based on misapprehension of facts;
aid of its appellate jurisdiction 5. The findings of facts are conflicting;
6. The CA went beyond the issue of the case
4. Concurrent Original Jurisdiction with the RTC in cases affecting 7. The findings of the Ca are contrary to those of the trial.
the ambassadors, public ministers and consuls (APC).
Court of Appeals
5. Appellate jurisdiction by way of petition for review on certiorari
(appeal by certiorari) against the CA, Sandiganbayan, CTA in its  The CA may sit EN BANC only for the purpose of exercising
decisions rendered EN BANC, RTC on pure questions of law and administrative, ceremonial or non-adjudicatory functions.
in cases involving the constitutionality or validity of a law or treaty,
international or executive agreement, law and other statutes. 1. Exclusive Original Jurisdiction in actions for the annulment of the
judgments of the RTCs.
 Cases that should be heard by the SC en banc, under the 1987
Constitution: 2. Concurrent and Original Jurisdiction with the SC – see above

Remedial Law

 It refers to 1) an ejectment suit 2a) where the cause of

3. Concurrent and Original Jurisdiction with the SC and the RTC – dispossession is not among the grounds for FEUD, or 2b)
see above when possession has been lost for more than one year and 3)
can no longer be maintained under Rule 70, ROC. Its
4. Exclusive Appellate Jurisdiction: objective is to recover possession only and not ownership.

a. by way of ordinary appeal from the judgments of the RTC and 3. All actions in admiralty and maritime jurisdiction where the
the Family Court in the exercise of its original jurisdiction, demand or claim exceeds P300,000 outside Metro Manila, or in
Metro Manila, where such demand or claim exceeds P400,000
b. by way of petition for review from the judgement rendered by
the RTC in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction. 4. All matters of probate, both testate and intestate, where the
gross value of the estate exceeds P300,000 outside Metro Manila
c. By way of petition for review from the decisions, resolutions or, in probate matters in Metro Manila, where such gross value
orders or awards of the CSC and other quasi-judicial exceeds P400,000
administrative bodies mentioned in Rule 43.
5. In all actions involving the contract of marriage and marital
- The decisions of the Office of the Ombudsman in relations;
administrative disciplinary cases are appealable to the CA
under Rule 43. On the other hand, decisions of the OMB in 6. All cases not within the exclusive jurisdiction of any court,
criminal or non-administrative cases are subject to tribunal, person or body exercising judicial or quasi-judicial
remedy by appeal by certiorari under Rule 65. functions – RTC is a court of general jurisdiction;

5. Appellate Jurisdiction over decision of MTC in cadastral or land  The Supreme Court has held that despite its designation as a
registration cases to its delegated jurisdiction. Family Court, a Regional Trial Court remains possessed of
authority as a court of general jurisdiction to resolve the
constitutionality of a statute.  (Garcia v. Drilon, 25 June 2013)
Regional Trial Courts
7. All other cases in which the demand or the value of the property
1. Exclusive Original Jurisdiction in controversy exceeds P300,000 outside MM, or in MM where
the demand exceeds P400,000, exclusive of IDALEC.
1. All civil actions in which the subject of the litigation is
incapable of pecuniary estimation; 2. Concurrent Original Jurisdiction

- To determine if an action is one incapable of pecuniary 1. w/ the SC – see above

estimation, it is necessary to ascertain the nature of the 2. w/ the SC and CA – see above
principal remedy sought.
3. Appellate Jurisdiction
1. Action for reformation of the instrument;
2. Rescission of a contract 1. Over all cases decided by the MTCs
3. Action for specific performance
4. Expropriation 4. Special Jurisdiction
5. Action for the annulment of an extrajudicial foreclosure
sale of real property 1. Jurisdiction over intra-corporate controversies: (FIRES)
6. Support
7. Foreclosure of mortgage a. Controversies arising out of intra-corporate or
partnership relations;
- If it is primarily for the recovery of a sum of money, it is
capable of pecuniary estimation. b. Cases involving devises or schemes employed by or any
acts, of the BODs, buss. assoc., its officers or partnership,
- An action for quieting of title may be instituted in the amounting to fraud and misrepresentation which may be
RTC, regardless of the assessed value of the property detrimental to the interest of the public and/or of the
dispute. Under Rule 63, ROC, an action to quite to real stockholders;
property or removed cloud therein may be brought in the
appropriate RTC. c. Controversies in the election or appointments of directors,
officers or managers of such corporation; and
2. All civil actions which involve title to, possession of, real
property or an interest therein, where the assessed value of such d. Petitions of corporations to be declared in the state of
property involved exceeds P20,000 outside Manila, or for civil suspension of payments which is under the management of
actions in Metro Manila where such value exceeds P50,000; a Rehabilitation Receiver or Management Committee.

- Accion publiciana is an ordinary civil proceeding to  To determine a dispute if it is an intra-corporate

determine the better right of possession of realty controversy, the Court uses two tests, namely, the
independently. relationship test and the nature of the controversy test. In
other words, jurisdiction should be determined by considering

Remedial Law

both the relationship of the parties as well as the nature of the c. the relief sought by the plaintiff;
question involved. d. the law in effect when the action is filed; and,

1. Under the RELATIONSHIP TEST, the existence of any d. over Forcible Entry and Unlawful Detainer (FEUD) cases,
of the below intra-corporate relations makes the case otherwise known as accion interdictal;
intra-corporate. An intra-corporate controversy is one
which pertains to any of the ff. relationship: 1) b/w the  in FEUD cases, when defendant raises the question of
corporation and the public 2) b/w the corporation and the ownership in his pleadings and the issue of possession cannot
State insofar as its franchise, permit or license to operate be resolved without deciding the issue of ownership, the court
is concerned; 3) b/w corporation and its stockholders or may resolve the issue of ownership but only for the purpose of
officers; and, 4) among the stockholders. determining the issue of possession.

2. Under the NATURE OF THE CONTROVERSY  in FEUD cases, the issue to be settled is the physical or
TEST, the controversy must not only be rooted in the material possession over the real property, that is, possession
existence of an intra-corporate relationship, but must as de facto and not possession de jure.
well pertain to the enforcement of the parties’ correlative
rights and obligations under the Corporation Code and the  The judgment of the inferior court on the question of
internal and intra-corporate regulatory rules of the ownership is of a provisional nature and shall be for the sole
corporation. purpose of determining the issue of possession. It shall not
bind the title of the realty or affect the ownership thereof nor
Municipal Trial Courts: shall it bar an action between the same parties respecting title
to the real property.
 Jurisdictional amount is the value of the personal property, estate,
or amount of the demand involved in the civil action or proceedings. e. to grant provisional remedies in proper cases.

1. Exclusive Original Jurisdiction - The jurisdictional amount does not include (IDALEC) 1)
interest, 2) damages of whatever kind; 3) attorney’s fees; 4)
a. over civil actions where the value of the personal property, litigation expenses; and, 5) costs. Although excluded in
estate or amount of the demand does not exceed P300,000 determining the jurisdiction of the court, the above items
outside Manila or not more than P400,000 within Metro Manila; however, shall be included in determining the filing fees.

b. over probate proceedings testate and intestate where the gross - In cases where the claim for damages is the main cause of
value of the estate does not exceed P300,000 outside Metro action or one of the causes of action, the amount of such claim
Manila or P400,000 within Metro Manila; shall be considered in determining the jurisdiction of the court.

c. over civil actions involving title to or possession of real - Under the Totality Rule, where there are several claims or
property, or any interest therein, where the assessed value of the causes of actions between the same or different parties,
property or interest therein does not exceed P20,000 outside MM embodied in the same complaint, the amount of the demand
or P50,000 within Metro Manila. It does not include IDALEC. shall be totality of the claims in all the causes of action,
irrespective of whether the causes of action arose out of the
 Accion publiciana is an ordinary civil proceeding to same or different transactions.
determine the better right of possession of realty
independently. Its purpose is to recover possession only. 2. Delegated Jurisdiction

- It refers to an ejectment suit where the cause of  In Cadastral and land registration cases covering lots where
dispossession is not among the grounds for FEUD or 1) there is no controversy or opposition, or contested lots the value of
when possession has been for more than one year and 2) which does not exceed P100,000, as may be delegated by the SC.
can no longer be maintained under Rule 70, ROC.
- Jurisdiction over an application for land registration
 Accion Reinvindicatoria is a suit which has for its object the remains with the RTC where the land is situated, except when
recovery of possession over the real property as owner. It it is delegated by the SC to the MTC under certain
involves recovery of ownership and possession based on said circumstances.
- The decision of the MTC shall be appealable in the same
- Actions for reconveyance of or for cancellation of title manner as the decision of the RTC. Hence, the MTC acting
to or to quiet title of real property are actions that fall under its delegated jurisdiction, may be deemed to be acting as
under the classification of cases that involve “title to or RTC. Thus, the decision of the MTC shall be appealable to the
possession of, real property or any interest therein”. CA following the procedure of Rule 41.

- Jurisdiction over the subject matter involving 3. Special Jurisdiction

possession of, title to real property, or interest therein, is
determined by: (MAR Law) 1. MTC has special jurisdiction to hear and decide for a writ of
habeas corpus in the absence of all the RTC in the province or
a. the material allegations of the complaint; city.
b. the assessed value of the property

Remedial Law

2. It has the authority to hear and decide application for bail in  Prohibited Pleadings and Motions – same as above.
criminal cases in the province or city where the absent RTC
judges sit.  Defendant’s response; counterclaim:

4. Civil cases subject to Summary Procedure: 1. If the defendant failed to file his answer within the
reglementary period, the defendant shall be barred from the
1. FEUD, irrespective of the amount of damages or unpaid rentals suit on the counterclaim.
sought to be recovered;
2. If the counterclaim does not arise out of the same transaction
2. All other cases where the total amount of the plaintiff’s claim or occurrence that is the subject matter of the plaintiff’s claim,
does not exceed P100,000 outside MM or does not exceed the defendant may elect to file a counterclaim against the
P200,000 within MM, exclusive of IDALEC plaintiff provided two requirements are met: 1) the amount
and nature of the counterclaim are within the coverage of the
 Probate Proceedings are not covered by the 1991 Revised herein rule; and 2) the prescribed docket and other legal fees
Rule on Summary Procedure even if the gross value of the are paid.
estate does not exceed P100,000/200,000.
 If the defendant 1) fails to file his Response within the required
 The only pleadings allowed are 1) complaint; 2) answer 3) cross- period, and 2) also fails to appear at the ate set for hearing, the
claim pleaded in the answer; and 4) answer to these pleadings. All court shall render judgment on the same day, as may be warranted
of which must be verified. by the facts. However, if the defendant fails to file his Response
within the required period but he appears at the date set for
 Prohibited Pleadings and motions: (PPM) hearing, the court shall ascertain what defense he has to offer and
proceed to hear, mediate, or adjudicate the case on the same day as
1. MTD, except lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter and if a Response has been filed.
failure to comply with the barangay conciliation proceedings.
2. Motion for bill of particulars (MBP);  Non-appearance at the hearing:
3. Motion for new trial or for reconsideration (MNT/MR);
4. Motion for extension of time to file pleadings or any other 1. Failure of the plaintiff to appear shall be cause for the
paper (MET); dismissal of the claim without prejudice. The defendant who
5. Dilatory motions for postponement; appears shall be entitled to judgment on a permissive
6. Motion to declare defendant in default (MDD) counterclaim.
7. Petition for relief from judgment;
8. Petition for mandamus, certiorari or prohibition against any 2. Failure of the defendant to appear shall not entitle him to file a
interlocutory order issued by the court; counterclaim against the plaintiff and the court will render
9. Reply; judgment based on merit of the claim of the plaintiff.
10. Third-party complaints
11. Reply 3. Failure of both parties to appear shall cause the dismissal with
12. Interventions prejudice of both the claim and counterclaim.

 The failure of the plaintiff to appear in the preliminary  The decision of the Court shall be final and unappealable, but the
conference shall be a cause for dismissal of his complaint. party may avail of a petition for certiorari under the conditions
set forth in Rule 65.
 The judgment or final order of the MTC shall be appealable to the
RTC. The decision of the latter, including FEUD, shall be  Appearance of lawyer in behalf of a party at a hearing is not
immediately executory, without prejudice to a further appeal allowed, unless he is the 1) plaintiff or defendant, 2) general
which may be taken therefrom. The decision of the RTC shall be partner of a partnership, provided all the partners in the partnership
appealable to the CA by petition for review on certiorari on error are attorneys or 3) an officer of a professional corporation,
of fact or law. provided all other officers and directors are attorneys.

5. Jurisdiction over Small Claim Cases:  However, in Small Claims cases, lawyers are allowed to
provide advice to a party and/or submit an affidavit of a
1. Cases for payment of money where the value of the claim does witness for a party.
not exceed P200,000, exclusive of interest and costs.
Jurisdiction over Barangay Conciliation Proceedings:
2. All actions that are purely civil in nature where the claim or
relief prayed for by the plaintiff is solely for payment or  The primordial/primary aim of the Katarungang Pambarangay Law is
reimbursement of sum of money. The claim or demand may be: to 1) reduce the number of court litigations and 2) prevent the
deterioration of the quality of justice which has been brought about
a. For money owed under: contract of lease, loan, services, by the indiscriminate filing of cases in the courts.
sale, or mortgage;
b. For liquidated damages arising from contracts;  In barangay conciliation before the Lupong Tagapamayapa or the
c. The enforcement of barangay amicable settlement or an Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo of the barangay, the proceeding is not
arbitration award involving claim covered by this Rule judicial.
pursuant to Sec. 417, RA 7160.

Remedial Law

 Legally, there is no barangay court since it is not mentioned in BP 4. The action may otherwise be barred by the statute of limitations.
129, as amended, and other pertinent laws on jurisdiction.
 An Amicable Settlement after barangay conciliation proceedings has
 The lupon and the pangkat do not have inherent adjudicatory the force and effect of a final judgment of a court if not repudiated or
powers. a petition to nullify the same, on the ground of that the consent is
vitiated by fraud, violence or intimidation, is filed before the proper
 They resolve dispute or attempt to do so through amicable city or municipal court within 10 days from its date.
settlement, conciliation and arbitration.
 the above rule does not apply to compromise settlement agreed
 As a rule, no action or any proceeding shall be directly instituted in upon by the parties before the lupon or pangkat chairman shall
court, unless there has been confrontation between the parties before be submitted to the court, and upon approval thereof, have the
the lupon chairman or the pangkat and that no conciliation has been force and effect of a judgment of said court.
reached as certified by the lupon secretary or pangkat secretary as
attested by the lupon or pangkat chairman or unless the settlement has  the amicable settlement or arbitration award may be enforced
been repudiated. by execution by the lupon within 6 months from the date of the
settlement. After the lapse of such time, the settlement may be
 In certain cases, compulsory process of arbitration is required as enforced by action in appropriate city or municipal court.
a pre-condition for filing a complaint in court. However, that period cannot be strictly applied in certain cases if
it would not reflect the true will of the legislature and attain is
 Non-compliance with barangay conciliation for formal objective, and not to cause an injustice.
adjudication may be dismissed for insufficiency of the cause of
action or prematurity and not for lack of jurisdiction of the CIVIL PROCEDURE
Action is real when it affects title to or possession of real property, or an
 Non-referral of a case for barangay conciliation, when so interest therein.
required under the law, is not jurisdictional in nature and may,
therefore, be deemed waived if not raised seasonably in a MTD.  It is founded upon the privity of real estate. All other actions other
See Sec. 1, Rule 9 and Sec. 1, Rule 16. than real actions are personal actions.

 The conciliation proceeding is not a jurisdictional requirement in  The distinction between a real action and personal action is important
the sense that failure to have prior recourse to it does not deprive for the purpose of determining the venue of the action. **
a court of its jurisdiction.

 All disputes are subject to Barangay Conciliation (BC), except in the a. Real action is local, its venue depends upon the location of the
following disputes: property involved in the litigation;

1. Where one party is the government, or any subdivision or b. Personal action is transitory, its venue depends upon the
instrumentality thereof; residence of the plaintiff or the defendant.
2. Where one is a public officer or employee and the dispute relates
to the performance of his official functions;  a judgment in rem is binding upon the whole world; while a
3. Where the dispute involves real properties located in different judgment in personam is binding upon the parties and their
cities or municipalities, unless the parties thereto agree to submit successors-in-interest but not upon the strangers. **
their differences to amicable settlement by an appropriate lupon;
4. Any complaint by or against corporations, partnerships, or - The distinction between the actions in rem, in personam and quasi
juridical entities, since only individuals shall be parties to BC in rem is important 1) to determine whether or not the jurisdiction
proceedings either as complainants or respondents; over the person is required and consequently 2) to determine the
5. Dispute involving parties who actually reside in barangays of type of summons to be employed.
different cities or municipalities, except where such barangay units
adjoin each other and the parties thereto agree to submit their  An in personam or an action is a classification of actions according
differences to amicable settlement by an appropriate Lupon; to the object of the action. On the other hand, personal and real
6. Offenses for which the law prescribes a maximum penalty of action is a classification according to foundation.
imprisonment exceeding 1 year or a fine of over P5,000.00;
7. Offenses where there is no private offended party Cause of action:
8. Disputes where urgent legal action is necessary to prevent
injustice from being committed or further continued;  The cause of action in a complaint is not what the designation of the
9. Labor disputes or controversies arising from EER; complaint states but what the allegations in the body of the complaint
10. Dispute arises from the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law define and describe.

 Instances where the parties may go directly to court without the need - The nature of an action is not determined by the caption of the
for undergoing the barangay conciliation proceedings, namely: complaint, but by the allegations therein together with the reliefs
prayed for.
1. The accused is under detention;
2. A person has been deprived of personal liberty calling for habeas  Elements of Cause of action:
3. Actions are coupled with provisional remedies; and

Remedial Law

1. A right in favor of the plaintiff by whatever means and under - Joinder of causes of action is not compulsory. It is merely
whatever law it arises or is created; permissive.
2. An obligation on the part of the named defendant to respect or
not to violate such right; - The three test to ascertain whether two suits relate to a single or
3. Act or omission on the part of such defendant in violation of the common cause of action:
right of the plaintiff or constituting a breach of the obligation of
the defendant to the plaintiff for which the latter may maintain 1. Whether the same evidence would support and sustain both the
an action for recovery of damages or their appropriate relief. first and second causes of action (also known as the same
evidence test);
 A cause of action arises only upon the occurrence of the last 2. Whether the defenses in one case may be used to substantiate
element, giving the plaintiff the right to maintain an action in the complaint in the other;
court for the recovery of damages or other appropriate relief. 3. Whether the cause of action in the second case existed at the
time of the filing of the first complaint.
 In administrative cases, the issue is no whether the
complainant has a cause of action against the respondent, but  When there is a misjoinder of causes of action, the erroneously
whether the respondent has breached the norms and joined cause of action can be severed and proceeded with separately
standard of the office. upon motion by a party or upon the court’s own initiative.

 A cause of action based on breached of contract, merely - Misjoinder is not a ground for dismissal of an action.
requires the following elements: 1) the existence of a contract,
and 2) the breach of the contract.  Litis Pendentia exists when the following requisites are present: 1)
identity of the parties in the two actions; 2) substantial identity in
 Failure to state cause of action ; test of sufficiency of the allegations the cause of action and in the reliefs sought by the parties; and 3)
– that all elements of the cause of action required by substantive law the identity between the two actions should be such that any
must clearly appear from the mere reading of the complaint. judgment that may be rendered in case regardless of which party is
successful, would amount to res judicata in the other.
- The rules of procedure require that the complaint must contain a
concise statement of the ultimate or essential facts constituting the
Venue is the place of trial in which an action or proceeding should be
plaintiff’s cause of action.
brought. It is intended to accord convenience to the parties, as it relates
to the place of trial. It does not equate to the jurisdiction of the court.
- The focus is on the sufficiency, not the veracity, of the material
allegations. If there is a defect or insufficiency in the statement of
 It is settled that what determines the venue of a case is the primary
the cause of action, a complaint may be dismissed not because of
objective for the filing of the case.
an absence or a lack of cause of action but because the complaint
states no cause of action.
 Objection to an improper venue must be raised either in MTD or in
the answer pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 9, otherwise defenses and
- The distinction between failure to state cause of action and lack of
objections not pleaded in a MTD or in the answer are deemed
cause of action:
1. As to sufficiency. Former refers to an insufficiency in the
 Jurisdiction over the territory is irrelevant in a civil case. Territorial
allegation in the complaint, while the latter refers to the failure
jurisdiction applies only in criminal cases where venue is also
to prove or establish by evidence that one has a cause of action;
2. As to remedy invoked. The former is a ground for MTD; while
the latter is a ground for demurrer to evidence;
 The SC under the 1987 Constitution is authorized to order a change
3. As to the veracity of the allegations. The former does not
in venue to avoid miscarriage of justice.
concern itself with the truth and falsity of the allegations; while
the latter is concerned to determine the truth and falsity of the
 it is an essential element of jurisdiction only in criminal actions. If
the information is filed a place where the offense was not committed,
it may be quashed for lack of jurisdiction over the offense charged.
 Hypothetical admissions extend only to the relevant and material
facts well-pleaded in the complaint, as well as to interferences fairly
 Two-fold reason for this rule. 1) the jurisdiction of trial courts is
deductible therefrom.
limited to well-defined territories such that a trial court can only
hear and try cases involving crimes committed within its territorial
 Splitting a single cause of action is not allowed by the Rules of
jurisdiction. 2) laying the venue in the locus criminis is grounded
on the necessity and justice of having an accused on trial in the
municipality of province were witnesses and other facilities for his
- The practice of splitting a single cause of action is discouraged
defense are available.
because it breeds multiplicity of suits, clogs the court dockets,
leads to vexatious litigation, operates as an instrument of
 Venue may be distinguished from jurisdiction in the following
harassment and generates unnecessary expenses to the parties.
- The said rule applies not only to complaints but also to
1. Jurisdiction is the authority to hear and determine a case; venue is
counterclaims and cross-claims.
the place where the case is to be heard or tried;

Remedial Law

2. As to law. Jurisdiction is a matter of substantive law; venue, of  Real Party-in-interest is the party who stands to be benefited or
procedural law; injured by the judgment in the suit, or the party entitled to the avails of
3. As to relation. Jurisdiction establishes a relation between the the suit and the only one who can file an action against another.
court and the subject matter; venue, a relation between plaintiff - The purposes of the requirement for the real party in interest
and defendant, or petitioner and respondent; prosecuting or defending an action at laws are:
4. Jurisdiction is fixed by law and cannot be conferred by the
parties; venue may be conferred by the act or agreement of the 1. To prevent the prosecution of actions by persons without
parties. any right, title or interest in the case;
2. To require that the actual party entitled to legal reliefs be
 Instances where the rules on venue do not apply: the one to prosecute the action;
3. To avoid multiplicity of suits; and
1. Where there is a specific rule or law provides. 4. To discourage litigation and keep it within certain
bounds, pursuant to sound public policy.
a. In case of Quo Warranto proceeding commenced by the Sol.
General under Rule 66; - The plaintiff must have material interest in issue and to be
b. In case of petition for a continuing mandamus with the RTC affected by the decree, as distinguished from mere interest in the
exercising jurisdiction over the territory where the actionable question involved, or a mere incidental interest, or real interest
neglect or omission occurred under Sec. 2, Rule 8, Rules of which means a present substantial interest as distinguished from
Procedure for Environmental Cases; a mere expectancy or future interest.
c. In case of libel under Art. 360, RPC, to be filed in the RTC of
the province or city where the libelous article is printed and  in intra-corporate dispute, the interest of a stock holder is
first published or where any of the offended parties actually indirect, contingent, remote, conjectural, consequential and
resides at the time of the commission of the offense. collateral. For brevity, their interest is purely inchoate in the
management of the corporation.
2. Where the parties have validly agreed in writing before the filing
of the action on the exclusive venue thereof. - Doctrine of relativity of contracts, only the contracting parties,
their heirs and assigns are bound by the stipulation in the
 Rule 4 is only a complementary rule in case there is venue contract. They are the ones who would benefit from it and could
stipulation agreed upon by the parties. violate it. Thus, one who is not a party to a contract, and for
whose benefit it was not expressly made, cannot maintain an
 The parties may stipulate on the venue as long as the agreement action on it.
is 1) in writing, 2) made before the filing of the action, and 3)
exclusive as to the venue. - Doctrine of Locus Standi requires a litigant to have a material
interest in the outcome of the case. Locus Standi is defined as a
 To be an EXCLUSIVE venue, the venue stipulation must have right if appearance in a court of justice on a given question. The
qualifying or restrictive words which would indicate following are extended to stand to institute an action:
exclusivity as to the venue, otherwise it would be deemed an
agreement on an additional venue or forum. 1. For taxpayer, there must be claim of illegal disbursement
of public funds or the tax measure is unconstitutional;
 Instances when court may make a motu proprio dismissal based on
improper venue: 2. For voters, there must be a showing of obvious interest in
the validity of the law in question;
1. Action covered by Rules on Summary Procedure;
2. Action covered by Rules on Small Claims; 3. For concerned citizens, there must be a showing that the
3. Action for FEUD. issues raised are of transcendental importance which must
be settled early; and,
4. For legislators, there must be a claim that the official action
 Entities authorized by law to be parties (Sec. 1, Rule 3); they may complained of infringes on their prerogatives as legislators.
sue or be sued or both.
5. Citizen suit can be instituted by any Filipino citizen in
1. Corporation by Estoppel representation of others, including minors or generations yet
2. Contract of Partnership unborn, may file an action to enforce rights or obligations
3. Estate of a deceased person under environmental laws.
4. Legitimate Labor Organization
5. Roman Catholic Church - Every generation has a responsibility to the next to
6. Dissolved Corporation may prosecute and defend suits by or preserve the rhythm and harmony for the full
against it provided that the suits 1) occur within 3 years after its enjoyment of a balanced and healthful ecology.
dissolution, and 2) suits are in connection with the settlement and
closure of its affair. 6. Class suit is proper if the following requisites are present:

- Where a plaintiff is not a natural or juridical person or an entity a. The subject matter of the controversy must be of
authorized by law, a MTD may be filed on the ground that the common or general interest to many persons;
plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue. b. The persons are so numerous that it is impracticable to
join all as parties;

Remedial Law

c. The parties actually before the court are sufficiently

numerous and representative as to full protect the - The joinder of indispensable parties is mandatory. Without the
interests of all concerned; and, presence of indispensable parties to the suit, the judgment of the
d. The representatives sur or defend for the benefit of all. court cannot attain finality.

 A class suit does not require a commonality of interest in - The absence of indispensable parties renders all subsequent actions
the questions involved in the suit. What is required by the of the trial court null and void for want of authority to act, not only
Rules is a common or general interest in the subject to the absent parties but even as to those present.
matter of the litigation.
- Distinction between an indispensable and a necessary party:
a. There is no common or general interest in the
reputation of a specific individual. 1. An indispensable party must be joined under any and all
b. There is no class suit in an action for damages filed conditions while a necessary party should be joined whenever
by the relatives of the fatalities in a plane crash. Each possible;
has a distinct and separate interest which must be 2. A final decree can be had in a case even without a necessary
proven individuality. party because his interest are separable from the interest
c. When the interest of the parties in the subject matter litigated in the case unlike an indispensable party.
are conflicting, a class suit will not prosper.
d. The corporation, being an entity separate and - The non-inclusion of a necessary party does not prevent the court
distinct from its members, has no interest in the from proceeding in the action, and the judgment rendered therein
individual property of its members, unless transferred shall be without prejudice to the right of such necessary party.
to the corporation.
- The failure to obey the order of the court to drop or add a party is a
 A class suit shall not be dismissed or compromised without ground for the dismissal of the complaint.
the approval of the court
 The death of a client extinguishes the attorney-client relationship and
- In constitutional litigation, no question involving the divests the counsel of his authority to represent the client. He does not
constitutionality or validity of a law or governmental act may be become the counsel of the heirs of the deceased unless his services are
heard and decided by the Court unless there is compliance with engaged by said heirs.
the legal requisites for judicial inquiry, namely:
- Non-compliance with the rules on substitution of a deceased party
1. There must be an ACTUAL CASE or CONTROVERSY renders the proceedings of the trial court infirm because the court
calling for the exercise of judicial power; acquired no jurisdiction over the person of the legal representative
of heirs of the deceased because no man should be affected by a
2. The person challenging the act must have the STANDING proceeding to which he is a stranger.
to question the validity of the subject act or issuance;
Pleadings are the written statements of the respective claims and
3. The question of constitutionality must be raised at the defenses of the parties submitted to the court for appropriate judgment.
EARLIEST OPPORTUNITY; They cannot be oral because they are clearly described as written
4. The issue of constitutionality must be the LIS MOTA
(cause) of the case. - Their office is to inform the court and the parties of the facts in issue.

- Any decision rendered against a person who is not a real party- - The nature of a pleading is to be determined by the averments in it
in-interest in the case cannot be executed. Hence, a complaint and not by its title. The allegations in the pleading and not the title
filed against such person should be dismissed for failure to state of the pleading determine the cause of action.
a cause of action.
- The pleading asserting the claim or the cause of action must contain
only the ultimate facts. It refers to the essential facts of the claim.
7. Indigent litigant - the other remedy the spouses can avail of
under the rules to exempt them from paying the filing fees is
- Evidentiary matters are to be presented during the trial of the case,
to apply for exemption pursuant to the “indigency test”
not in the pleadings of the parties.
under Section 21, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court if they can
prove that they have “no money or property sufficient and
- As to construction of pleadings, all pleadings shall be liberally
available for food, shelter and basic necessities for
construed so as to do substantial justice. A party is strictly bound by
[themselves] and their family.”  (Sps. Algura v. City of
the allegations, statements, or admissions made in his pleadings and
Naga, 30 October 2006)
cannot be permitted to take a contradictory position.
 An indispensable party is a party who has an interest in the
 In case there are ambiguities in the pleadings, the same must be
controversy or subject matter that a final adjudication cannot be made,
construed most strongly against the pleader and that no
in his absence, without injuring or affecting that interest. He is a real
presumptions in his favor are to be indulged in.
party in interest without whom no final determination can be had of an
A. Pleadings allowed under the Rules on Summary Procedure are: 1)
complaint; 2) compulsory counterclaim pleaded in the answer; 3)
- If there is a failure to implead an indispensable party, any judgment
cross-claim pleaded in the answer; and 4) answers thereto.
rendered would have no effectiveness.

Remedial Law

 Non-compliance with the verification requirement does not

B. Pleadings allowed in the Rule of Procedure for Small Claims Cases necessarily render the pleading defective. It is only formal and
are expressed in specific forms described therein: 1) for the not jurisdictional requirement. It can be corrected by requiring
complainant, accomplished and verified Statement of Claim, and 2) an oath by the order of the court on the basis that rules of
for the defendant, accomplished and verified Response. procedure are established to secure substantial justice and that
technical requirements may be dispensed with in meritorious
- No other formal pleading is necessary to initiate a small claims cases.
 All practicing members of the bar are required to indicate in all
C. Prohibited Pleadings allowed in a Petition for a Writ of Amparo or pleadings filed before the courts or quasi-judicial bodies, their 1) Roll
Habeas Data are the following: 1) counterclaim; 2) cross-claim; 3) of Attorneys Number, 2) current Professional Tax Receipt (PTR), 3)
third-party complaint; 4) reply; and 5) intervention. IBP Official Receipt Number and 4) the number and the date of issue
of their MCLE Certificate of Compliance or Certificate of Exemption.
D. Prohibited Pleadings in the Rules for Environmental Cases are the
following: 1) reply, 2) rejoinder and 3) third-party complaint. - Failure to disclose the required information would cause the
dismissal of the case and the expunction of the pleadings from the
 Prayer. The complaint must contain a statement of the relief sought records.
form the court and to which he believes he is entitled.
- The requirement was meant to protect the public by making it
- a court can grant relief warranted by the allegations and the proof easier to detect impostors who represent themselves as members of
even if it is not specifically sought by the injured party; the the bar.
inclusion of a general prayer may justify the grant of a remedy
different from or together with the specific remedy sought, if the  Certification of non-forum shopping / against forum shopping. It is
facts alleged in the complaint and the evidence introduced so the plaintiff or principal party who executes the certification under oath
warrant. and not the lawyer.

- it is the material allegations in the complaint, not the legal - The certification is mandatory but not jurisdictional since
conclusion made therein or the prayer, that determines the relief to jurisdiction over the subject matter of the action is conferred by law.
which the plaintiff is entitled.
- The rationale against forum shopping is that a party should not be
- an unsigned pleading produces no legal effect. allowed to pursue simultaneous remedies in two different for a.
Filing multiple petitions or complaints constitutes abuse of court
 Significance of the signature of the counsel. His signature constitutes a processes, which tends to degrade the administration of justice
certificate by him that 1) he has read the pleading, 2) that to the best and adds congestion of the heavily burdened dockets of the courts.
of his knowledge, information and belief, there is good ground to
support it; and, 3) that it is not intended for delay. - The SC has the power to suspend the Rules by disregarding the
absence of the certification against forum shopping in the interest of
- The lawyer cannot delegate it to any person who is unqualified to substantial justice.
perform it and to which it can only be performed by a member of
the Bar in good standing. - a certification signed by counsel is defective certification and a valid
cause for dismissal. As an exception, the party-pleader may execute
- A counsel shall be subject to disciplinary action in the following a SPA designating his counsel of record to sign on his behalf if for
cases: 1) when he deliberately files an unsigned pleading; 2) reasonable or justifiable reasons.
when he signs a pleading in violation of the Rules; 3) when he
alleges in the pleading scandalous or indecent matter; or 4) when - If there are several plaintiffs or petitioners, the required verification
he fails to promptly report to the court change of his address. must be signed by all of them; otherwise, those who did not sign will
be dropped as parties to the case. However, as an exception, when
 Verification. As a general rule, pleadings need not be under oath, the plaintiffs or petitioners share a common interest and invoke a
verified or accompanied by affidavit, except when so required by law common cause of action or defense, the signature of only one of
or rule. them, substantially complies with the rule.

- a pleading is verified by an affidavit that 1) the affiant has read  The exception to the rule does not apply if dishonesty attended the
pleading, and 2) the allegations therein are true and correct of his signing of the certification.
personal knowledge or based on authentic records.
- With respect to a corporation, the certification must be executed by
- the verification requirement is significant, as it is intended to an officer or member of the BODs or by one who is duly authorized
secure an assurance that the allegations in a pleading are true and by a resolution of the BODs; otherwise, the complaint will have to
correct and not the product of the imagination or a matter of be dismissed.
speculation, and that the pleading is filed in good faith.
 a juridical entity can only perform physical acts through properly
- a pleading required to be verified but lacks the proper verification delegated individuals. As long as he is 1) duly authorized by the
shall be treated as an unsigned pleading. Hence, it produces no corporation and 2) has personal knowledge of the facts required
legal effect. The lack of a proper verification is cause to treat the to be disclosed in the certification against forum shopping, the
pleading as unsigned and dismissible. certification may be signed by the authorized lawyer.

Remedial Law

 The SC ruled that the following corporate officers are allowed to 1. Filing multiple cases based on the 1) same cause of action and
execute the required verification without the benefit of a board 2) with the same prayer, the previous case not have resolved yet
resolution: 1) the Chairperson of the BODs, 2) the general (litis pendntia);
manager or acting GM; 3) a personnel officer; 4) an employment
specialist in a labor case; and 5) the President of the Corporation. 2. Filing multiple cases baes on the same cause of action and with
the same prayer, the previous case having been finally resolved
- The lack of certification of certification against forum shopping is (res judicata); and
generally not curable by the submission thereof after the filing of
the petition, except in certain exceptional circumstances if there were 3. Filing multiple cases baes on the same cause of action, but with
special circumstances or compelling reasons that justified the the different prayer (splitting of causes of action) (res judicata
relaxation of the rule requiring verification and certification on non- or litis pendentia).
forum shopping.
- Litis pendentia requires the concurrence of the following requisites:
 the violation of the anti-forum shopping rule shall not be
curable by mere amendment but shall be a cause for the 1. Identity of parties, or at least such parties as those representing
dismissal of the case without prejudice. The rule requires that the the same interests in both actions;
dismissal be upon motion and after hearing. 2. Identity of rights asserted and reliefs prayed for, the reliefs
being founded on the same facts; and
 The rule can be relaxed on the ground of substantial compliance 3. Identity with respect to the two preceding particulars in the
or there is the presence of special circumstances or compelling two cases, such that any judgment that may be rendered in the
reasons. pending case, regardless of which party is successful would
amount to res judicata in the other case.
- If the acts of the party or his counsel clearly constitute willful and
deliberate forum shopping, the same shall be a ground for  where the reliefs sought in the two actions are different, there
summary dismissal. Here, no MTD and hearing are required. The is no forum shopping even if the parties in the actions are the
dismissal in this case is with prejudice and shall constitute direct same.
contempt, as well for administrative sanctions.
 Instances when a claim is subject to a condition precedent and non-
- The submission of a false certification shall constitute indirect compliance thereof is an independent ground for dismissal, the
contempt of court without prejudice to the corresponding compliance of the same must be alleged in the pleading: (BATEE)
administrative and criminal sanctions.
1. A tender of payment is required before making a consignation.
- Prohibition against forum shopping is different from a violation of 2. Exhaustion of administrative remedies is required in certain
the certification requirement under Sec. 5, Rule 7. cases before resorting to judicial action.
3. Prior resort to barangay conciliation proceedings is necessary in
1. Prohibition against forum shopping is filing of multiple suits certain cases.
involving the same parties, same rights asserted, and reliefs 4. Earnest efforts toward a compromise must be undertaken when
prayed for. It is a ground for summary dismissal and direct the suit is between members of the same family and if no efforts
contempt, if willfully and deliberately done. were in fact is made, the cause must be dismissed.
5. Arbitration may be a condition precedent when the contract
2. The violation of the certification requirement is the failure to between the parties provides for arbitration first before recourse to
attach the sworn certification to the initiatory pleading and judicial remedies.
constitutes a cause for dismissal without prejudice.
 Service of pleadings, judgments and other papers in civil cases upon
- There is FORUM SHOPPING in the following manner: the parties’ counsels of record is tantamount to service upon the parties
themselves, but service upon the parties themselves is not considered
1. When a party repetitively avails of several judicial remedies in service upon their lawyers.
different courts, simultaneously or successively, all substantially
founded on the same transaction and the same essential facts and - As a rule, notice to the client and not to his counsel of record is not
circumstances, all raising substantially the same issues either notice in law unless for instance when the court or tribunal orders
pending in or already resolved adversely by some other court. service upon the party or when the technical defect in the manner of
notice is waived.
2. When, as a result of an adverse opinion in one forum, a party
seeks a favorable opinion, other than by appeal or certiorari in - The filing of pleading or paper shall be proved by its existence in the
another. 1) record of the case or 2) written or stamped acknowledgment of
its filing by the clerk or court on a copy of the same.
3. Forum shopping consists of filing of multiple suits involving
the 1) same parties for the same cause or action, either - Personal service is made by: 1) delivering a copy of the papers
simultaneously or successively, 2) for the purpose of obtaining a personally to the party or his counsel, or 2) by leaving the papers in
favorable judgment. his office with his clerk or a person having charge thereof. If no
person is found in the office, or his has no office, then by leaving a
- Three (3) ways of committing forum shopping: copy of the papers at the party’s or counsel’s residence, if known,
with a person of 1) sufficient age and 2) discretion residing therein
between eight in the morning and six in the evening.

Remedial Law

- The preferred service by mail is by registered mail. Service by  In a pleading, a negative pregnant is a negative implying also an
ordinary mail may be done only if no registry service is available in affirmative and which, although stated in a negative form, really
the locality of either the sender or the addressee. admits the allegations to which it relates. It is conceded to be
actually an admission.
 Service by registered mail shall be done by depositing the copy
in the post office and addressed to the party or his counsel at his  a denial in the form of a negative pregnant is an ambiguous
office, if known or otherwise at his residence, if known, and with pleading, since it cannot be ascertained whether it is the fact or
instructions to the postmaster to return the mail to the sender after only the qualification that is intended to be denied.
10 days if not delivered.
- if the allegations are deemed admitted, there is no more triable issues
 In civil cases, service made through registered mail is proved by between the parties and if the admissions appear in the answer of the
the registry receipt issued by the mailing office and an affidavit defendant, the plaintiff may file a motion for judgment on the
of the person mailing of facts showing compliance with Sec. 13, pleadings pursuant to Rule 34.
Rule 13.
- A party who desires to contradict his own judicial admission may
- Substituted service is availed only when there is failure to effect do so only either of two ways: 1) by showing that the admission was
service personally or by mail. This failure occurs when the office and made through palpable mistake or 2) that no such admission was
residence of the party or counsel are unknown. made.

 It is effected by delivering the copy to the clerk of court, with  Actionable document. When the action or defense is founded upon a
proof of failure of both personal service and service by mail. written instrument, the person who has no intent of admitting the
genuineness and due execution (GADE) of the document, must
 Significance of filing of the complaint: (CIJ) 1) it signifies the contest the same by 1) specifically denying the genuineness and due
commencement of the civil action; 2) the court acquires jurisdiction execution of the document under oath; and 2) setting forth what she
over the person of the plaintiff; and it has the effect of interrupting the claims to be the facts. However, the requirement of a specific denial
prescription of actions pursuant to Art. 1155, NCC. under oath will not apply in either of the following cases:

- The payment of docket fees vests a trial court with jurisdiction over 1. When the adverse party does not appear to be a party to the
the subject matter or nature of the action. instrument, or
2. When compliance with an order for inspection of the original is
- The payment of the required docket fees is mandatory and refused.
jurisdictional requirement, even its nonpayment at the time of filing
does not automatically cause the dismissal of the case, as long as the - By the Admission of GADE of an instrument is meant that the party
fee is 1) paid within the applicable prescriptive or reglementary whose signature it bears admits he signed it or that it was signed by
period and 2) if there is no intent to defraud the government by the another for him with his authority.
failure to pay the correct amount of filing fees.
- The following defenses, among others, may be interposed despite the
 The payment of docket fee within the prescribed period is implied admission of the GADE of the document: 1) payment or
mandatory for the perfection of an appeal. Without such non-payment; 2) want of consideration; 3) illegality of consideration;
payment, the appellate court does not acquire jurisdiction over the 4) usury and 5) fraud.
subject matter of the action and the decision sought to be appealed
from becomes final and executory. However, delay in the payment - In certain cases, the specific denial must be made under oath and, in
of the docket fees upon the court a discretionary, not mandatory, these instances, a mere specific denial is not enough to produce the
power to dismiss an appeal. kind of denial required by the rules: 1) a denial of an actionable
document; and, 2) a denial of allegations of usury in a complaint to
- The non-specification of the amount of damages being prayed for recover usurious interest.
both in the body of the pleading and prayer therein shall not be
accepted or shall be expunged from the record. - it was ruled that the failure to deny the genuineness and due
execution of an actionable document does not preclude a party from
 Answer contains the defenses of the answering party. These defenses arguing against it by evidence of fraud, mistake, compromise,
may either be negative or affirmative. payment, statute of limitations, estoppel and want of consideration.

- An answer is negative when the material averments alleged in the - The following are not deemed admitted by the failure to make a
pleading of the claimant are specifically denied. specific denial in a party’s responsive pleading:

 Negative pregnant refers to a denial which implies its affirmative 1. Amount of unliquidated damages;
opposite by seeming to deny only a qualification or an incidental 2. Conclusions in a pleading because only ultimate facts need be
aspect of the allegation but not the main allegation itself. alleged in a pleading;
3. Non-material averments or allegations because only material
 The purpose of requiring the defendant to make a specific denial is allegations have to be denied.
to make him disclose the matters alleged in the complaint which he
succinctly intends to disprove at the trial, together with the matter  Default is a procedural concept that occurs when the defending party
which he relied upon to support the denial. fails to file his answers within the reglementary period.

Remedial Law

- A declaration or order of default is issued as a punishment for

unnecessary delay in joining issues.  Remedies of a defending party declared in default:

1. Remedy after notice of order and before judgment – a party

- The terms, non-suited or as in default, are no longer appear in the
declared in default may, at any time after notice thereof and
Rules on default.
before judgment, file a motion under oath to set aside the
order of default and properly show that 1) the failure to answer
- The following are the requisites before a party may be declared in
was due to fraud, accident, mistake or excusable negligence
default: (JAF PNH)
(FAMEN); and 2) he has a meritorious defense, there must be
an affidavit of merit.
1. The court has validly acquired jurisdiction over the person of
the defending party, either by service of summons or voluntary
 Motion to lift a default order requires no hearing, it need be
under oath only and accompanied by an affidavit of merits
2. The defending party must have failed to file his answer within
showing a meritorious defense.
the time allowed therefor;
3. The claiming party must file a motion to declare the defending
2. Remedy after judgment and before judgment becomes final and
party in default;
executory – if the judgment has already been rendered when the
4. The claiming party must prove that the defending party has
defendant discovered the default, but before the same has
failed to answer within the period provided by the ROC;
become final and executory, he may file a motion for new trial
5. The defending party must be notified of the motion to declare
under Rule 37. He may also appeal from the judgment being
him in default; and
contrary to the evidence or the law.
 The purpose of notice of a motion is to avoid surprises on the
3. Remedy after the judgment becomes final and executory – the
opposite party and to give him time to study and meet the
defendant may file a petition for relief from judgment under
Rule 38.
6. There must be hearing set on the motion to declare the
defending party in default.
4. Petition for Certiorari when the defendant was improperly
declared in default or prematurely declared in default.
 The court has no authority to motu propio declare the
defending party in default. A motion to declare the defending
The following cases where the declaration of default is not applicable:
party must be filed by the claiming party before a declaration
of default is made by the court.
- Under the Rule of Procedure for Small Claims Cases, when the
defendant 1) failed to file his Response within the required period,
 It was held that the defendant who files his answer in time, but
and 2) likewise fail to appear at the date set for hearing, the court
failed to serve a copy thereof upon the adverse party, may be
shall render judgment on the same day, as may be warranted by the
validly declared in default.
 The rule is that defendant’s answer should be admitted where
- Under the 1991 Revised Rules on Summary Procedure, when the
it is filed before a declaration of default and no prejudice is
defendant fails to file an answer within the reglementary period of
caused to the plaintiff.
10 days from service of summons, the court motu propio or on the
motion of the plaintiff, shall render judgment as may be warranted by
- A judgment in default may be rendered in the following cases
the facts alleged in the complaint and limited to what is prayed for.
despite an answer having been filed:
- Under the Rule of Procedure for Environmental Cases, when the
1. If a disobedient party refuses to obey an order him to comply
defendant failed to answer within the period provided, the court
with the various modes of discovery.
shall declare the defendant in default and, upon motion of the
2. If a party or officer or managing agent of a party 1) willfully
plaintiff, shall receive evidence ex parte and render judgment based
fails to appear before the officer who is to take his deposition,
thereon and the reliefs prayed for.
or a party 2) fails to serve answers to interrogatories.
 It is the court which shall, on its own motion, declare the defendant
- The following are the effects of declaration / order of default:
in default. No motion is required of the plaintiff.
1. the party declared in default loses his standing in court. The loss
- Under the Rule on the Writ of Amparo, upon service of the writ of
of such standing prevents him from taking part of the trial.
amparo, the respondent is required to file a verified written return
2. He is entitled to notices of subsequent proceedings. It is
which, among others, contains his lawful defenses. In case the
submitted that he may participate in the trial, not as a party but
respondent fails to file a return, the court shall proceed to hear the
as a witness.
petition ex parte.
3. A declaration of default is not tantamount to an admission of
truth or the validity of the plaintiff’s claims.
- Under the Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data, if the respondent fails
to file his return which contains his lawful defenses, the court shall
 When a defendant is declared in default, the court may do either of
proceed to hear the petition ex parte, granting the petitioner such
two things:
relief as the petition may warrant, unless the court, in its discretion,
requires the petitioner to submit evidence.
1. Proceed to render judgment granting the claimant such relief
as his pleading may warrant; or
2. Require the claimant to submit evidence ex parte.

Remedial Law

 Counterclaim is any claim which a defending party may have against

an opposing party. It is in itself a distinct and independent cause of  Cross-claim is any claim by one party against a co-party arising out of
action and when filed, there are two simultaneous action between the the transaction or occurrence that is the subject matter either of the
same parties. original action or a counterclaim therein. It must be set up in the action
because if not set up, it shall be barred and likewise it cannot be set up
- a MTD with a Counterclaim is not an accepted way of pleading a for the first time on appeal.
counterclaim. It is sanctioned neither by the Rules nor common
usage. - The following are the distinctions between counterclaim and cross-
 The filing of a MTD the complaint is an implied waiver of the
compulsory counterclaim because the grant of the motion 1. As to the party to be impleaded. A cross-claim is a claim against
ultimately results in the dismissal of the counterclaim. a co-party; a counterclaim is a claim against an opposing party;
- A Compulsory counterclaim is one that 1) arises out (or is 2. A cross-claim must arise from the transaction or occurrence that
necessarily connected with) the transaction or occurrence that is the is the subject matter of the original complaint or counterclaim. A
subject matter of the opposing party’s claim; 2) falls within the counterclaim may or may not arise out of the subject matter of
jurisdiction of the court; and, 3) does not require for its adjudication the complaint.
the presence of third parties over whom the court cannot acquire
jurisdiction.  Leave of court is not required in filing a counterclaim or a cross-
claim because the parties involved are already parties to the action.
 The rule requires that the counterclaim must be within the However, a third-party complaint requires leave of court and its
jurisdiction of the court both as to the amount and the nature admission is subject to judicial discretion.
 Intervention is a remedy by which a third party, not originally
 The rule will differ, however, when the original action is filed impleaded in the proceedings, becomes a litigant therein enable him,
with the RTC, the counterclaim may be deemed compulsory her or it to protect or preserve a right or interest which may be affected
regardless of the amount. ** by such proceedings.

 It is auxiliary to the proceeding in the original suit and derives its - Intervention shall be allowed when a person has legal interest 1) in
jurisdictional support therefrom. the subject matter; 2) in the success of any parties; 3) against both
parties; or 4) when he is so situated as to be adversely affected by a
- A Permissive counterclaim is one if any of the elements of a distribution or disposition of property in the custody of the court or
compulsory counterclaim is absent. It is an absence of a logical an officer thereof.
connection with the subject matter of the complaint.
- Intervention is never an independent proceeding but ancillary and
 It is permissive if it does not arise out of nor is necessarily supplemental to an existing litigation and in subordination to the
connected with subject matter of the opposing party’s claim. It is main proceeding.
not barred even if not set up.
- The legal interest must be of direct and immediate character so
- The following are the most significant distinctions between a that the intervenor will either gain or lose by the direct legal
compulsory and permissive counterclaims: operation of the judgment.

1. As to the content. A compulsory counterclaim shall be - The following requisites must be complied with before a non-party
contained in the answer, because a compulsory counterclaim may intervene in a pending action:
not set up shall be barred. A permissive counterclaim is not
subject to the above rule as it may be set up as an independent 1. The motion for intervention must be filed before the rendition of
action and will not be barred if not contained in the answer to judgment by the trial court. A motion is necessary because leave
the complaint. of court is required before a person may be allowed to intervene.
2. As to classification of the pleading. A compulsory counterclaim 2. The movant must show legal interest (see above) and that he is
is not an initiatory pleading. A permissive counterclaim is so situated as to be adversely affected by a distribution or other
considered an initiatory pleading. disposition of property in the custody of the court or of an
3. As to the requirement of certificate against forum shopping. officer thereof.
A permissive counterclaim should be accompanied by a 3. The intervention must not unduly delay or prejudice the
certification against non-forum shopping. A compulsory adjudication of the rights of the original parties.
counterclaim does not require the said certificate. 4. The intervenor’s right may not be fully protected in a separate
4. As to the response. A permissive counterclaim must be proceeding.
answered by the party against whom it is interposed; otherwise,
he may be declared n default as to the counterclaim. Failure to  Reply is a pleading, the function of which is to deny or allege facts in
answer a compulsory counterclaim is not a cause for default denial or avoidance of new matters alleged by way of defense in the
declaration. answer and thereby join or make issue as to such matters. It is a
5. As to the payment of docket fees. The docket and other lawful responsive pleading to an answer.
fees should be paid for a permissive counterclaim, otherwise the
court does not acquire jurisdiction over his permissive - The filing of a reply to the answer is not mandatory and will not have
counterclaim. Docket fees are not paid for compulsory an adverse effect on the plaintiff. No admission follows from the
counterclaim. failure to file a reply.

Remedial Law

- The filing of an answer to the supplemental pleading is not

- The material allegation in the complaint must be specifically denied mandatory because of the use of the word “may.”
but the allegations of new matters or material allegations in the
answer need not be denied because they are deemed denied by the Motion is an application for relief other than by a pleading.
Rules for the plaintiff.
 Forms of motion. All motions must be in writing, except those 1)
 When the defense in the answer is based upon a written instrument motions made in open court, and 2) motions made in the course of a
or document, said document is considered an actionable hearing or trial.
document. Hence, the plaintiff has to file a reply under oath if he
desires to deny specifically the genuineness and due execution of  Litigated and Ex parte motions. As a rule, every written motion shall
the actionable document, and avoid an admission of such matters. be set for hearing by the applicant (litigated motion), except for
motions which the court may act upon without prejudicing the rights of
 Amendment of Pleadings the adverse party (ex parte motion).

- Amendment as a matter of right – the plaintiff has the right to - A litigated motion unaccompanied by a notice of hearing is
amend his complaint once at any time before a responsive pleading considered a mere scrap of paper that does not toll the running of the
is served by the other party or in case of a reply to which there is no period to appeal.
responsive pleading, at any time within ten (10) days after it is - Non-compliance of Secs. 4 and 5, Rule 15 can be considered as pro
served. It can be exercised only once. forma and does not affect the reglementary period for the appeal or
the filing of the requisite pleading. It is treated merely to delay the
 Before the service of a responsive pleading, a party has the proceedings.
absolute right to amend his pleading, regardless of whether a new
cause of action or change in theory is introduced. - Service of a copy of a motion containing a notice of the time and
place of hearing of that motion is mandatory requirement, and the
 A MTD is not a responsive pleading, a plaintiff may file an failure of movants to comply with these requirements renders their
amended complaint even after the original complaint was ordered motions fatally defective.
dismissed, provided the order of dismissal is not yet final.
 Omnibus Motion Rule is a procedural principle which requires that
 The plaintiff may file an amended complaint even after the original every motion that attacks a pleading, judgment, order or proceeding
complaint was ordered dismissed, provided that the order of shall all grounds then available, and all objections not so included shall
dismissal is not yet final. be deemed waived. However, it does not include the following: 1) that
the court has no jurisdiction over the subject matter; 2) that there is
 Jurisprudence recognizes the right of a pleader to amend his another action pending between the same parties for the same cause or
complaint before a responsive pleading is served even if its effect litis pendentia; 3) that the action is barred by a prior judgment or res
is to correct a jurisdictional defect. judicata; and 4) that the action is barred by statute of limitations or
- Amendment by leave of court – leave of court is required for an
amendment made after service of a responsive pleading. - If no MTD has been filed, any of the grounds for dismissal provided
in the Rules may be pleaded as an affirmative defense in the answer,
 The plaintiff cannot, after defendant’s answer, amend his and, in the discretion of the court, a preliminary hearing may be had
complaint by changing his cause of action or adding a new one thereon as if a motion to dismiss had been filed.
without leave of court.
- A MTD that is filed after the answer has been filed, is considered
 An amendment of the complaint to correct a jurisdictional error filed out of time and the defending party is estopped from filing the
cannot be validly done after a responsive pleading is served. It motion to dismiss, except the following: 1) lack of jurisdiction over
requires leave of court, a matter which requires the exercise of the subject matter; 2) litis pendentia; 3) res judicata; or 4) barred by
sound judicial discretion. statute of limitations.

 A complaint cannot be amended after a responsive pleading has - An order granting a MTD shall bar the refiling of the same action or
been served in order to confer jurisdiction on the court in which it claim if the dismissal is based on any of the following grounds:
was filed, if the cause of action originally set forth was not within
the court’s jurisdiction. 1. The cause of action is barred by a prior judgment;
2. The cause of action is barred by the statute of limitations;
 Admission made in the original pleadings cease to be judicial 3. The claim or demand has been paid, waived, abandoned or
admission, they are to be considered as extrajudicial admissions. otherwise extinguished
4. The claim, on which the action is founded, is unenforceable
 Supplemental pleading is one which sets forth transactions, under the provisions of the statute of frauds.
occurrences, or events which have happened since the date of the
pleading sought to be implemented. (TOE). Its filing requires leave of  Where the defendant is barred from refiling the action, the remedy
court. is to file an appeal, because the dismissal is subject to the right of
- It only serves to bolster or add something to the primary pleading.
- When the cause of action in the supplemental pleading is different  Remedies of the plaintiff if the MTD is granted, the plaintiff may 1)
from the cause of action mentioned in the original complaint, the REFILE; 2) APPEAL or 3) PETITION FOR CERTIORARI.
court should not admit the supplemental complaint.

Remedial Law

Motion for Bill of Particulars is proper when the defendant is required 3. The failure of the plaintiff to comply with the Rules of Court; or
to answer the complaint within 15 days from service of summons and the 4. The failure of the plaintiff to comply with any order of the court.
matters in the complaint are vague or ambiguous or not averred with
sufficient definiteness. - The dismissal due to the fault of the plaintiff may be done by the
court on its own motion (motu propio) or upon a motion filed by the
- It applies to any pleading which contains matters which are not alleged defendant.
with sufficient definiteness or particularity. The filing of MBP
interrupts or stays the period to file the responsive pleading.
 Effect of dismissal on the counterclaim – the dismissal of the complaint
under Sec. 3, Rule 17, due to the fault of the plaintiff, is without
- Its function is to clarify the allegations in the pleading so an adverse
prejudice to the right of the defendant to prosecute his counterclaim in
party may be informed with certainty of the exact character of the
the same action or separate action.
cause of action or defense and to allow the movant to properly prepare
his own pleading.
Summons is the writ by which the defendant is notified of the action
brought against him. It is a direction that the defendant answers the
- The court has three possible options, namely: 1) to deny the motion
complaint within the period fixed by the Rules and that, unless he so
outright; 2) to grant the motion outright, or 3) to hold a hearing on the
answers, plaintiff will take judgment by default and may be granted the
motion or allow the parties the opportunity to be heard.
relief applied for.
- If the order is not obeyed or if there is an insufficient compliance of
 The issuance of summons is a mandatory requirement directing the
the order, the court has the following options: 1) to order the striking
clerk of court to issue the corresponding summons to the defendant
out of the pleading; 2) to order the striking out of the portions of the
upon 1) filing of the complaint and 2) the payment of the requisite
pleading to which the order was directed, or 3) to make such other
legal fees.
order it may deem just.

Dismissal by mere notice of dismissal  The purpose of summons in actions in personam is 1) to satisfy the
requirement of due process by giving notice to the defendant of the
action filed against him, and 2) to acquire jurisdiction over the person
 Before the service of an answer or a motion for summary judgment,
of the defendant.
a complaint may be dismissed by the plaintiff by filing a notice of
dismissal and upon receipt of the said notice by the court, the cout shall
- Jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is acquired 1) through
issue an order confirming the dismissal.
coercive process, generally by the service of summons issued by the
court, or 2) through the defendant’s voluntary appearance or
- The filing of notice of dismissal before a responsive pleading or
motion is filed by the defendant, is a matter of right. It is submitted
that the dismissal should occur as of the date the notice is filed by the
plaintiff and, not as of the date the court issues the order confirming  The purpose of summons in actions in rem and quasi in rem is the
the dismissal. acquisition by the court of jurisdiction over the res which principally
matters. The court is not concerned with the acquisition of jurisdiction
- It is a dismissal without prejudice, thus the complaint can be refiled. over the person of the defendant.
However, the dismissal will be one with prejudice in any of the
following situations: 1) the notice of dismissal by the plaintiff  Service in person on defendant is made whenever practicable by
provides that the dismissal is with prejudice; or 2) the plaintiff has handing a copy thereof to the defendant in person, or if he refuses to
previously dismissed the same case in a i) court of competent receive and sign for it, by tendering it to him.
jurisdiction ii) based on or including the same transaction.
- Tender of summons is not a separate mode of service. It is part of
 The two-dismissal rule applies when the plaintiff has a) twice service in person and applies when the defendant refuses to receive
dismissed actions; b) based on or including the same action; c) in a and sign for the summons.
court of competent jurisdiction.
- If the summons cannot be served personally within a reasonable
- The second notice of dismissal will bar the refiling of the action period of time, service may be resorted to by substituted service.
because it will operate as an adjudication of the claim upon the
merits.  The rule that the impossibility of prompt personal service should
be shown by stating in the proof of service that efforts were made
to find the defendant personally and that said efforts failed; hence,
 Once either an answer or a motion for summary judgment has been
the resort to substituted service.
served on the plaintiff, the dismissal is no longer a matter of right and
will require the filing of a motion to dismiss, not a mere notice of
 Substituted service is made by leaving copies of summons 1) at the
dismissal. Here, the dismissal is no longer a matter of right, but a
defendant’s residence with a person of suitable age and
matter of judicial discretion.
discretion residing therein; or 2) at the defendant’s office or
regular place of business with a competent person in charge of
 Dismissal due to the fault of plaintiff, the dismissal is with prejudice:
the office or regular place of business.
(PACC) **
- In a suit in personam against a resident of the Philippines
1. The failure of the plaintiff, without justifiable reasons, to appear
temporarily absent from the country, the defendant may be served
on the date of the presentation of his evidence in chief.
by substituted service because a man temporarily out of the country
2. The failure of the plaintiff to prosecute his action for an
unreasonable length of time;

Remedial Law

leaves a definite place of residence or dwelling where he is bound to out of the Philippines, with leave of court, through any of the
return. following means:

- Service of summons upon a resident of the Philippines who 1. By personal service coursed through the appropriate court in the
temporarily absent of the country, may, by leave of court, be foreign country with the assistance of the DFA;
effected out of the Philippines as under the rules on extraterritorial 2. By publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the
service, in any of the following modes: country where the defendant may be found and by serving a copy
of the summons and the court order by registered mail at the last
1. By personal service; known address of the defendant;
2. By substituted service; 3. By facsimile or any recognized electronic means that could
3. By publication in a newspaper of general circulation together generate proof of service; or
with a registered mailing of a copy of the summons and the 4. By such other means as the court may in its discretion direct.
order of the court to the last known address of the defendant; or,
4. By any manner the court may deem sufficient.  When a foreign corporation has designated a person to receive
summons on its behalf pursuant to the Corporation Code, that
 Extraterritorial service applies when the following requisites: 1) the designation is exclusive and service of summons on any other
defendant is a nonresident and he is not found in the Philippines; and persons is inefficacious.
the action against him is either in rem or quasi in rem.
 Service by publication is available only in actions in rem or quasi in
- Service may be effected by 1) personal service out of the country, rem. It is not a means of acquiring jurisdiction over the person of the
with leave of court; 2) publication, with leave of court; or 3) any defendant in an action in personam.
other manner the court may deem sufficient.
- Summon by publication against a resident in an action in personam
- The personal service is made in compliance with the requirements of is permissible under the conditions set forth in the following rules:
due process and not for the purpose of acquiring jurisdiction over
the person of the defendant. 1. Where the identity or whereabouts of the defendants are
- If the action is in personam, extraterritorial service of summon will 2. Where the defendant is a resident temporarily out of the
not be available. There is no extraterritorial service of summons in an Philippines.
action in personam.
 Summons when complaint is amended. When a pleading is amended,
 Service upon an entity without juridical personality may be effected the original one is deemed abandoned. Hence, the amended pleading
upon all the defendants by serving summons upon 1) any one of them replaces the original one which no longer forms part of the record and
or 2) upon the person in charge of the office or of the place of business the trial of the case is made on the basis of the amended pleading only.
maintained in such name.
- Where the defendant has already appeared before the trial court by
- The service shall not individually any person whose connection with virtue of a summons on the original complaint, the amended
the entity, upon due notice, had been severed before the action was complaint may be served upon them without need for another
brought. summons, even if new causes of actions are alleged.

 Service upon a private domestic juridical entity may made upon the - When the defendant has not yet appeared in court and no summons
following persons: 1) President, 2) Managing Partner, 3) General has been validly served, new summons on the amended complaint
Manager, 4) Corporate Secretary, 5) Treasurer or 6) In-house counsel. must be served on them.

- The above enumeration has been held to be limited to the persons Pre-trial is a procedural device held prior to the trial for the court to
enumerated and summons cannot be served upon any other person. consider the following purposes under Sec. 2, Rule 18, ROC. It is
mandatory in civil cases and also in civil and criminal cases under the
- A strict compliance with the mode of service is necessary to confer Rules on Summary Procedure.
jurisdiction of the court over a corporation. The officer upon whom
the service is made must be one who is named in the statute; - It is primarily intended to insure that the parties properly raise all
otherwise the service is insufficient. issues necessary to dispose of a case. The parties must disclose
during pre-trial all issues they intend to raise during the trial, except
 The liberal construction rule cannot be invoked and utilized as a those involving privileged communication or impeaching matters.
substitute for the plain legal requirements as to the manner in
which summons should be served on a domestic corporation. - The judge is mandated to refer the parties and/or their counsels to the
mediation unit of the Philippine Mediation Center for purposes of
 Service upon a foreign private juridical entity which has transacted mediation. If mediation fails, the judge will schedule the continuance
business in the Philippines may be made on 1) its resident agent of the preliminary conference.
designated in accordance with law for that purpose, or if there be no
such agent, 2) on the government official designated by law to that  Failure of the plaintiff to appear in the mediation merits sanction
effect, 3) on any of the officers or agents of said foreign entity within on the part of the absent party.
the Philippines.
- For purposes of pre-trial, the expiration of the period for filing the
 Service upon a foreign private juridical entity which is not last pleading, without it having been served and filed, is sufficient to
registered in the Philippines or has no resident agent may be effected set for pre-trial. If the plaintiff fails to file said motion within the

Remedial Law

given period, the branch clerk of court shall issue a notice of pre- 2. The failure of the defendant to appear in the pre-trial shall cause to
trial. 1) allow the plaintiff to present his evidence ex parte and 2) for
the court to render judgment on the basis of the evidence
- Notice of pre-trial shall be served on the counsel of the party, if the presented by the plaintiff. The remedy available to defendant is: 1)
latter is represented by counsel. Otherwise, the notice shall be served he may move for reconsideration of the order; and, 2) file for a
on the party himself. petition for certiorari if tainted with grave abuse of discretion.

- It is vital to have the documents and exhibits identified and marked - However, non-appearance of party may be excused only if a valid
during the pre-trial. The current rule establishes the policy that no cause is shown for such non-appearance or if a representative
evidence shall be allowed to presented and offered during the trial in shall appear in his behalf fully authorized in writing to enter into
support of a party’s evidence-in-chief other than that had been earlier any of the following matters: 1) an amicable settlement; 2)
identified and pre-marked during the pre-trial, except if allowed by alternative modes of dispute resolution, and 3) stipulation or
the court for good cause shown. admissions of facts and documents. (ASA)

- The pre-trial order shall be issued within 10 days after the - The written authority must be in the form of a special power of
termination of the pre-trial, and it 1) defines and limits the issues to attorney.
be tried and 2) controls the subsequent course of the action, except if
it is modified before trial to prevent manifest injustice.  One Day Examination of Witness Rule shall be required where the
witness shall be fully examined in one (1) day only, subject to the
- The distinctions between pre-trial in civil cases and pre-trial in court’s discretion during the trial on whether or not to extend the
criminal cases are the following: (WHAAPS) examination for justifiable reasons.

1. As to who set up for pre-trial. In civil cases, the plaintiff moves  Most Important Witness Rule where the court shall determine the
ex parte to set the case for pre-trial; while in criminal cases, the most important witness, limit the number of such witnesses and require
court orders for pre-trial and no motion to set the case for pre- the parties and/or counsels to submit to the branch clerk of court the
trial is required either the prosecution or the defense. names, addresses and contact numbers of the witnesses to be summons
by subpoena.
2. As to how pre-trial is set up. In civil case, the motion to set the
case for pre-trial in a civil case is made after the last pleading Modes of Discovery
has been served and filed. In a criminal case, the pre-trial is
ordered by the court after arraignment and within 30 days from - Discovery is a device employed by a party to obtain information
the date the court acquires jurisdiction over the person of the about relevant matters on the case from the adverse party in
accused. preparation for the trial.

3. As to possibility of an amicable settlement. The pre-trial in a - Purpose of discovery procedure is to permit mutual knowledge
civil case considers the possibility of an amicable settlement as before trial of all relevant facts gathered by both parties so that either
an important objective. The pre-trial in criminal case does not party may compel the other to disgorge (disclose) facts whatever he
include considering the possibility of an amicable settlement of has in his possession.
criminal liability as one of its purposes.
- it is considered by the SC as vital components of case management
4. As to the agreement and admissions entered by the litigants. In in pre-trial courts.
civil cases, the agreement and admissions made in the pre-trial
are not required to be signed by both the parties and their - A deposition is the taking of the testimony of any person, whether
counsel. In criminal cases, all agreements and admissions made he be a party or not, but at the instance of a party to the action. This
or entered during the pre-trial conference shall be reduced n testimony is taken out of court.
writing and signed by both the accused and counsel; otherwise,
they cannot be used against the accused. - Two methods for taking deposition: 1) an oral examination, or 2)
by a written interrogatory. And it may be sought for use in 1) a
5. As to sanctions for non-appearance in pre-trial. In civil case, pending action, 2) a future action or 3) for use in a pending appeal.
sanctions are imposed upon the plaintiff and defendant. In
criminal case, sanctions are imposed upon the counsel for the - Leave of court is not required after an answer has been served, but it
accused or the prosecutor. is required before the service of an answer, but after the jurisdiction
has been acquired over any defendant or over the property subject of
6. As to the filing of pre-trial brief. In civil case, it is required to the action.
be submitted. In criminal case, it is not specifically required.
 When it is a deposition of a prisoner that is to be taken, his
 Failure to appear during Pre-trial; Effect: deposition may be taken only with leave of court and upon such
terms as the court may prescribe.
1. The failure of the plaintiff to appear shall be cause for the
dismissal of the action with prejudice, except when the court - the deponent may be examined regarding any matter not privileged,
orders otherwise. The same shall have the effect of an adjudication which is relevant to the pending action, whether relating to the claim
on the merits, thus, final and the remedy available for the plaintiff or defense of any party.
is to appeal from the order of dismissal.
- the officer before whom the deposition is taken has no authority to
rule on the objections interposed during the course of the deposition

Remedial Law

although any objections shall be noted by the officer upon the To avoid unnecessary inconvenience to the parties in going through the
deposition. Any evidence that is objected to shall still be taken but rigors of proof before the trial, a party may request the other to:
subject to the objection.
1. Admit the genuineness of any material and relevant document
- The deposition may be used for the following purposes: described in and exhibited with the request; or,
2. Admit the truth of any material and relevant matter of fact set
1. For contradicting or impeaching the testimony of the deponent forth in the request.
as a witness;
2. For any purpose by the adverse party where the deponent is a - if the party to whom the written request for admission is directed
party, at the time of taking the deposition; does not file the required sworn statement, each of the matters of
3. For any purpose by any party, where the deponent is a witness, which an admission is requested shall be deemed admitted.
whether or not a party.
- Admissions made under this mode of discovery, whether express or
- Guidelines for oral deposition is provided for under Sec. 17, Rule implied, are not final and irrevocable. The court may allow the party
23 must be observed. These are: (ORNT) making the admission to withdraw or amend the admission upon
such terms as may be just.
1. The officer before whom the deposition is taken shall put the
witness on oath;  Production or Inspection of Documents or Things
2. The testimony of the witness or deponent must be recorded and
be taken stenographically, unless the parties agree otherwise; - The purpose of this mode of discovery is to allow a party to seek an
3. All objections made at the time of the examination shall be order from the court in which the action is pending to:
4. Evidence objected to shall be taken, but subject to the 1. Order a party to produce and permit the inspection and copying
objections or photographing of any designated documents, not privileged,
which constitute or contain evidence material to any matter
- a party desiring to take the deposition of any person upon written involved in the action and which are in his possession; and,
interrogatories shall serve the interrogatories upon every other party 2. Order any party to permit entry upon designated land or their
with a notice stating the name and address of the person who is to property in his possession or control for the purpose of
answer them, the name and descriptive title and address of the office, inspecting any designated object or operation thereon.
before whom the deposition is to be taken.
- The grant of a motion for inspection of a document is discretionary
 Perpetuation of testimony before action:
on the part of the trial court judge and it cannot be arbitrarily or
unreasonably denied because to do so would bae access to relevant
1. The perpetuation of a testimony is done by filing a verified
evidence that may be used by a party-litigant and, hence, impair his
petition in the place of the residence of any expected adverse
fundamental right to due process.
2. Notices shall be sent in accordance with the Rules and if the court
- The test to be applied by the trial judge in determining the relevancy
is satisfied that the perpetuation of the testimony may prevent a
of documents is one of reasonableness and practicality.
failure or delay of justice, it shall make the appropriate order for
the taking of the deposition.
 Failure to attend depositions or to serve answers to written
3. The deposition taken under this Rule is admissible in evidence in
interrogatories, the court may:
any action subsequently brought involving the same subject
1. strike out all or any part of the pleading of that party;
 Interrogatories to parties is availed of by a party to the action for the 2. dismiss the action or proceeding or any party thereof;
purpose of eliciting material and relevant facts from any adverse party. 3. enter a judgment by default against that party, and in its
- Within 1 day from receipt of the compliant, the rule mandates not 4. order him to pay reasonable expenses incurred by the other,
only the preparation of the summons but also the issuance of an including attorney’s fees.
order requiring the parties to avail of interrogatories to parties under
Rule 25 and request for admission by adverse party under Rule 26. Trial is the judicial examination and determination of the issues between
the parties to the action.
- Written interrogatories in a deposition are not served upon the
adverse party directly. They are instead delivered to the officer  Trial is not necessary in the following manner:
designated in the notice.
1. Where the pleadings of the parties tender no issue at all, a
- A party not served with written interrogatories may not be compelled judgment on the pleadings may be directed by the court.
by the adverse party to give testimony in open court, or give 2. Where from the pleadings, affidavits, depositions and other papers,
deposition pending appeal, unless allowed by the court for good there is actually no genuine issue, the court may render a
cause shown and to prevent a failure of justice. summary judgment.
3. Where the parties have entered into a compromise or an amicable
 Admission by adverse party – its purpose is to allow ne party to settlement either during the pre-trial or while trial is in progress.
request the adverse party, in writing, to admit certain material and 4. Where the complaint has been dismissed with prejudice, or when
relevant matter which, mist likely, will not be disputed during the trial. the dismissal has the effect of an adjudication on the merits.

Remedial Law

5. Where the case falls under the operation of the Rules on Summary
Procedure.  The distinctions between demurrer in a civil and demurrer in a
6. Where, the parties agree, in writing, upon the facts involved in the criminal case are the following: (LAEI)
litigation, and submit the case for judgment on the facts agreed
upon, without the introduction of evidence. 1. As to requirement of leave of court. In a civil case, leave of court
is not required before filing a demurrer. In a criminal case, a
- Issues in the trial – the trial shall be limited to the issued stated in demurrer is filed with or without leave of court.
the pre-trial order.
2. As to availability of appeal. In a civil case, if the demurrer is
- The parties may be permitted by the court to adduce evidence on granted, the order of dismissal is appealable. In a criminal case, the
their original case even after the presentation of their original order of dismissal is not appealable because of the constitutional
evidence, provided 1. there are good reasons, and 2) such reasons policy against double jeopardy.
are in furtherance of justice. (GJ)
3. As to the effect of denial of the court. In civil case, if demurrer is
denied, the defendant may proceed to present his evidence. In a
Consolidation is a procedural device, granted to the court as an aid in criminal case, the accused may adduce his evidence only if the
deciding how cases in its docket are to be tried, so that the business of the demurrer is filed with leave of court. He cannot present evidence if
court may be dispatched expeditiously while providing justice to the he filed the demurrer without leave of court.
4. As to initiative of the court. In civil case, the court cannot on its
- the actions to be consolidated must involve a common question of own make a demurrer. In a criminal case, the court may do so.
law or fact.
Judgment is the final ruling by a court of competent jurisdiction
- When two or more cases involve the same parties and affect closely regarding the rights or other matters submitted to it in an action or
related subject matters, they must be consolidated and jointly tried, proceeding.
in order to serve the best interests of the parties and to settle
expeditiously the issues involved. - Decisions must distinctly and clearly set forth the facts and the law
upon which they are based.
Demurrer to Evidence – a demurrer may be granted if, after the
presentation of plaintiff’s evidence, it appears upon the facts and the law - A void judgment has no legal and binding effect, force or efficacy
that the plaintiff has shown no right to relief. for any purpose.

- An order denying a demurrer to the evidence is interlocutory and is, - Where the judgment is difficult to execute because of ambiguity in
therefore, not appealable. It can, however, be the subject of a its terms, it is suggested that the remedy avail of is to have the court,
petition for certiorari in case of grave abuse of discretion or an which rendered the judgment, remove the ambiguity by filing of a
oppressive exercise of judicial authority. motion for a clarificatory judgment and not to assail the judgment
as void.
 Effect of granting the demurrer to evidence:
- A judgment is deemed rendered when the written and signed
1. If the demurrer is granted, the case shall be dismissed. However, decision of the judge is filed with the clerk or court. It is not the
if, on appeal the order granting the motion is reversed, the pronounce of the judgment in open court that constitutes the
defendant loses his right to present evidence. rendition.
2. It is not correct for the appellate court reversing the order granting
the demurrer to remand the case to the trial court for further  It is not necessary that the judge who heard the evidence be the
proceedings. The appellate court should, instead of remanding the same judge who shall pen the decision.
case, render judgment on the basis of the evidence submitted by
the plaintiff.  A judge who was permanently transferred to another court of equal
jurisdiction, before the case heard by him was decided, may
 Motion to Dismiss under Rule 16 may be distinguished from validly prepare and sign his decision on the said case and send the
Demurrer to Evidence in the following manner: (SG DG) same to the court where he was originally assigned.

1. As to stage of filing. A MTD is made before the filing of the  A decision penned by a judge during his incumbency cannot be
answer; a demurrer to evidence is made after the plaintiff rests his validly promulgated after his retirement. When a judge retires, all
cases or presentation of his evidence; his authority to decide any case, to write, sign and promulgate the
2. As to grounds. A MTD have several grounds under Rule 16, but a decision has also retired with him
demurrer to evidence has only one ground under Rule 33 that upon
the facts and the law, the plaintiff has shown no right of relief. - A judgment has two parts, namely, 1) the body of the judgment or
3. As to the effect when it is denied by the court. If a MTD is denied, ratio decidendi, and 2) the dispositive portion of the judgment or
the defendant may file his responsive pleading; while a denial of fallo.
demurrer to evidence, the defendant may present his evidence;
4. As to the effect when it is granted by the court. If a MTD is  The body of the decision is not part of the judgment that is subject
granted, the complaint may be refiled, depending on the ground for to execution but the fallo because it is the latter which constitutes
dismissal; in a demurrer to evidence, the complaint may not be the judgment of the court.
refiled and the remedy of the plaintiff is to appeal from the order
of dismissal.

Remedial Law

 The general rule is that where there is conflict between the

dispositive portion or fallo and the body of the decision, the fallo - It has two-fold purpose: 1) to avoid delay in the administration of
controls. However, where the conclusion from the body of the justice, thus, procedurally, to make orderly the discharge of judicial
decision is so clear that there was a mere mistake in the business; and, 2) to put an end to judicial controversies, at the risk of
dispositive portion, the body of the decision will prevail. occasional errors, which is precisely why courts exist.

 Minute resolution is issued by the SC denying or dismissing a petition - Exceptions to the rule on immutability of judgments:
or a motion for reconsideration for lack of merit, it is understood that
the challenged decision or order, together with all its findings of fact 1. the correction of clerical errors;
and legal conclusions are deemed sustained. 2. nunc pro tunc entries which cause no prejudice to any party
and void judgments;
- It is not a decision falling within the constitutional requirement. 3. whenever circumstances transpire after the finality of the of the
decision rendering its execution unjust and inequitable;
 Requisites for a valid judgment: AJEC WS 4. in cases of special and exceptional nature as when facts and
circumstances transpire which render the judgment’s execution
1. The court or tribunal must be clothed with authority to hear and impossible or unjust, when necessary in the interest of justice to
determine the matter before it; direct its modification to harmonize the disposition with
2. The court must have jurisdiction over the parties and the subject prevailing circumstances
matter; 5. in case of void judgments;
3. The parties must have been given an opportunity to adduce 6. when there is a strong showing that a grave injustice would
evidence in their behalf; result from the application of the Rules;
4. The evidence must have been considered by the tribunal in 7. when there are grounds for annulment of the judgment or a
deciding the case; petition for relief.
5. The judgment must be in writing, personally and directly prepared
by the judge; and, - Remedies against a final and executory decision is to file a 1)
6. The judgment must state clearly the facts and the law on which it petition for relief of judgment, or 2) action for annulment of
is based, signed by the judge and filed with clerk of court. judgment.

 Memorandum decision is one rendered by an appellate court and - Foreign arbitral awards may be enforced under the Alternative
incorporates by reference the findings of fact and conclusions of law Dispute Resolution Act of 2004.
contained in the decision or order under review.
 Proceedings for recognition and enforcement of an arbitration
- As long as a memorandum decision states: 1) the nature of the case, agreement or for vacation, setting aside, correction or modification
2) summarizes the facts with reference to the record, 3) contains of an arbitral award, and any application with a court for
statement of the applicable laws and jurisprudence, and 4) the arbitration assistance and supervision shall be deemed as special
tribunal’s assessment and conclusions of the case, the constitutional proceedings and shall be filed with RTC 1) where the arbitration
requirement of a valid judgment will not be transgressed. proceedings are conducted, 2) where the asset to be attached or
levied upon, 3) where any of the parties to the dispute resides or
 The principle of stare decisis et non quieta movere holds that a point has his place of business.
of law, once established by the Court, will generally be followed by the
same court and by all courts of lower rank in subsequent cases - Foreign decision – when a foreign court or tribunal which renders a
involving a similar legal issue. judgment that has become final and it has jurisdiction to render such
judgment or final order, the same is conclusive upon the title to the
- When a court lays down a principle of law applicable to a certain thing in case of a judgment or final order upon a specific thing.
state of facts, it must adhere to such principle and apply it to all
future cases in which the facts sued upon are substantially the same.  Res judicata has two aspects, namely:

 The principle of stare decisis and res judicata may be extinguished in 1. Bar by a prior judgment – the judgment or final order is bar to
the following manner: the prosecution of a subsequent action based on the same claim or
cause of action; and,
1. As to the focal point. Res judicata focuses to judgment, while a 2. Conclusion of judgment – the judgment or final order precludes
stare decisis focuses to doctrine created. the relitigation of particular issues or facts on different demand or
cause of action.
 Pro hac vice rulings refer to certain cases where the Court suspends
the application of a rule in a particular case.  Judgment on the merits refer when it amounts to a legal declaration
of the respective rights and duties of the parties, based upon the
 Obiter dictum is an opinion expressed by a court, which is not disclosed facts. It does not require that a judgment on the merits be
necessary to the decision of the case before it. It is neither enforceable one rendered after a full blown trial.
as a relief nor a source of a judicially actionable claim.
 Doctrine of law of the case has been defined as the opinion delivered
 Doctrine of immutability of Judgments (Conclusiveness of on a former appeal. It refers to whatever is once irrevocably
judgments or preclusion of issues or collateral estoppel) refers to a established as the controlling legal rule or decision between the same
judgment that has attained finality can no longer be disturbed. parties in the case continues to be the law of the case, whether correct
Likewise, it holds that issues actually and directly resolved in a former on general principles or not, so long as the facts on which such decision
suit cannot again be raised in any future case between the same parties. was predicated continue to be the facts of the case before the court.

Remedial Law

- It cannot be rendered by the court motu propio. It can be done only

 Several judgment is one rendered by a court against or more where there is a prior motion to the effect filed by the appropriate
defendants, but not against all, leaving the action to proceed against the party.
- Cases where judgment on the pleadings will not apply: (DAL) 1)
- It is proper when the liability of each party is clearly separable and action for the declaration of nullity of marriage; 2) action for
distinct from that of his co-parties. annulment of marriage; and, 3) action for legal separation.

 Conditional judgment is one the effectivity of which depends upon Summary Judgment (accelerated judgment) is proper where, upon
the occurrence or the non-occurrence of an event. It is generally void motion filed after the issues had been joined and on the basis of the
because of the absence of disposition. pleadings and papers filed, the court finds that there is no genuine issue
as to any material fact, except as to the amount of damages. It is the
 Judgment sin perjuicio is understood to be a brief judgment absence of a genuine factual issue.
containing only the dispositive portion, without prejudice to the
making of a more extensive discussion of the findings of fact and law - A genuine issue is an issue of fact which requires the presentation of
to support it. evidence as distinguished from a sham, fictitious contrived or false
claim. When the facts, as pleaded, appear uncontested or undisputed,
 Judgment Nunc Pro Tunc is one intended to enter into the record acts then there is no real or genuine issue or question as to the facts.
which had already been done, but which do not year appear in the
record. It is a judgment which orders the entry of something which was - It is permitted only if there is 1) no genuine issue as to any material
actually previously done. fact and 2) a moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of
- The object of a judgment nunc pro tunc is not the rendering of a new
judgment and the ascertainment and determination of new rights. It is  The distinctions between a judgment on the pleadings and a summary
merely a correction of clerical and not judicial error. judgment are the following: (PIBN)

 Judgment upon a compromise is a judgment rendered by the court on 1. As to the presence of issue. In a judgment on the pleading, there is
the basis of a compromise agreement entered into between the parties absence of a factual issue in the case because the answer tenders
to the action. It has the effect of res judicata. no issue at all. A summary judgment involves an issue, but the
issue is not genuine.
- It is perfected by mere 1) consent, 2) manifested by the meeting of
the offer and 3) the acceptance upon the thing and the cause which 2. As to the party who may institute the motion. A motion for
constitutes the contract. judgment on the pleadings is filed by a claiming party like plaintiff
or counterclaimant. A motion for summary judgment may be filed
- It does not need a judicial approval for perfection. However, there either the claiming or defending party.
shall be no execution of the compromise agreement, except in
compliance a judicial compromise. 3. As to the basis. A judgment on the pleadings is based on the
pleadings alone. A summary judgment is based on the pleadings,
- To assail a judgment by compromise, there must be a proper motion affidavits, depositions and admissions.
to set aside the compromise on the ground that the compromise
agreement was obtained either by fraud; violence, intimidation, 4. As to the date of notice required. Only 3-day notice to the adverse
falsity of documents or some other vices of consent. party is required prior to the date of hearing in a motion of
judgment on the pleading based on the regular rules on motion. A
- When the compromise is not judicial and is a result of the contract 10-day notice to the adverse party is required in a motion for
between the parties, the proper remedy is an action to annul the summary judgment.
compromise on the ground of vitiated consent.
 Judgment upon confession (cognotiv actionem) is a judgment
rendered by the court when a party expressly agree to the other party’s - A judgment becomes executory upon the expiration of the period to
claim or acknowledges the validity of the claim against him. appeal from a judgment or order that finally disposes of the action or
proceeding, if no appeal has been duly perfected.
Judgment on the Pleadings is appropriate when an answer fails to
tender an issue or otherwise admits the material allegations of the  Remedies before a judgment becomes final and executory: 1)
adverse party’s pleading. It does not apply when no answer is filed. motion for reconsideration; 2) motion for new trial; and, 3) appeal.

- An answer that fails to tender issue, if it does not comply with the  Remedies after the judgment becomes executory: 1) petition for
requirements of a specific denial as set out in Secs. 8 and 10, Rule 8 relief from judgment; 2) annulment of judgment; 3) certiorari; and 4)
of the ROC, resulting in the admission of the material allegations of collateral attack.
the adverse party’s pleading.
Remedies before a judgment becomes final and executory:
- An answer fails to tender an issue when the material allegations of
the other party are admitted or not specifically denied by the pleader. Motion for Reconsideration referred to under Rule 37 is one that is
directed against a judgment or a final order.

Remedial Law

- A motion for reconsideration of a judgment or final order is filed to a MR of an interlocutory order. It is based on the doctrine of
within the period for taking an appeal. No motion for extension of immutability.
time to file a MR shall be allowed.
 A second and subsequent MR may be given merit only when there
- Where the appeal is by notice of appeal, the period for the appeal is are 1) extraordinary persuasive reasons and 2) only after an
within 15 days after notice to the appellant of the judgment or final express leave of court shall have been obtained.
order appealed from.
- The pendency of the MR shall stay the execution of the judgment or
- the period for appeal by record on appeal is within 30 days from final resolution sought to be reconsidered provided the motion is
notice of judgment or final order. It shall be required only in special filed 1) on time, and 2) by the proper party.
proceedings and in other cases of multiple or separate appeals.
Motion for New Trial is a remedy that seeks to cause the severity of a
 Service of judgment on the party represented by counsel is not judgment or prevent a failure of justice. It is subject to the sound
considered the office notice and receipt of the judgment. discretion of the court which cannot be interfered with unless a clear
abuse thereof is shown.
 It has been declared that notice upon the parties’ counsels of
record is tantamount to service upon the parties themselves, but - a MNT is filed within he period for taking an appeal. No MNT for
service upon the parties themselves is not considered service upon extension of time to file a MNT shall be allowed.
their lawyers because the parties-clients have no formal education
or knowledge of the rules of procedure. - the period for filing a notice of appeal or record on appeal is the
same in the rule on MR.
- The MR must be (WNA) 1) in writing; 2) a written notice of which
must be served on the adverse party, and 3) may be anchored on any - the filing of a timely MNT interrupts the period to appeal.
of the following grounds: (DEC)
- MNT is proper when the aggrieved party may move the trial court to
a. That the damages awarded are excessive; set aside the judgment or final order and grant a new trial on one or
b. That the evidence is insufficient to justify the decision or final more of the following causes materially affecting the substantial
order; or rights of said party:
c. That the decision or final order is contrary to law.
1. FAMEN which could not heave guarded against and by reason
- Non-compliance with the abovementioned requirements would of which, such aggrieved party has been impaired in his rights
reduce the motion to a mere pro forma motion. It is one which does and it shall be support by affidavit of merit that the moving
not satisfy the requirements of the rules and will be treated as a party must show that he has a meritorious defense; or
motion to delay the proceedings. The following are considered pro
forma: 2. Newly-discovered evidence, which could not, with reasonable
diligence, have discovered and produced at the trial, and which,
1. It was a second MR; if presented would probably alter the result and it shall be
2. It did not comply with the rule that the motion must specify the supported by affidavits of witnesses by whom such evidence is
findings and conclusions alleged to be contrary to law or not expected given, or by duly authenticated documents which are
supported by the evidence; proposed to be introduced in evidence.
3. It failed to substantiate the alleged errors;
4. It merely alleged that the decision in question was contrary to  Requisites of newly discovered evidence: (DEMC)
5. The adverse party was not given notice thereof. 1. That the evidence was discovered after trial;
2. That such evidence could not have been discovered and
- Neypes Rule or Fresh Period Rule is applicable if a MR or MNT is produced at the trial even with the exercise of reasonable
denied, the movant has a fresh period of 15 days from receipt or diligence;
notice of the order denying or dismissing the MR or MNT within 3. That it is material not merely cumulative, corroborative
which to file a notice of appeal. It applies from Rule 40 to 45 and to or impeaching; and,
criminal cases. 4. The evidence is of such weight that it would probably
change the judgment if admitted.
 The rule was adopted 1) to standardize the appeal periods
provided in the Rules and to afford fair opportunity to appeal - Non-compliance of the rule shall be considered pro forma motion
their cases, and 2) to give the trial court another opportunity to and shall not toll the reglementary period of appeal.
review the case and, in the process, minimize any error of
judgment. - if the MNT is denied, the proper remedy for the aggrieved party is to
file a petition for certiorari under Rule 65.
 If a MR is denied, the remedy is to file appeal from the judgment
or final order, but a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 may also - A second MNT is authorized by the Rules. It shall include all
be resorted to if the denial of the MR was 1) tainted with grave grounds then available and those not included shall be deemed
abuse of discretion and 2) when there is no plain, speedy and waived.
adequate remedy or appeal is available.
Appeals – the right to appeal is not part of due process but a mere
- Single Motion Rule is a rule that a party shall not be allowed to file statutory privilege that has to be exercised only in the manner and in
a second MR of a judgment or a final order. The rule does not apply accordance with provisions of law.

Remedial Law

 The following are the consequences for non-filing of appellant’s brief

- A party is not allowed to question the decision of the court on the with the CA:
merits and invoke the extraordinary remedy of certiorari under
Rule 65 and an ordinary appeal under Rule 41 at the same time. 1. The CA may dismiss an appeal when no appellant’s brief is filed
Such cannot be allowed since one remedy would necessarily cancel within the reglementary period prescribed by the rules;
out the other. 2. The power conferred upon the CA to dismiss an appeal is
discretionary and directory and not ministerial or mandatory;
- The perfection of an appeal within the statutory or reglementary 3. The failure of an appellant to file his brief within the reglementary
period and in the manner prescribed by law is mandatory and period does not have the effect of causing the automatic dismissal
jurisdictional. Failure to do so renders the questioned decision final of the appeal;
and executory and deprives the appellate court of jurisdiction to alter 4. In case of delay, the lapse must be for a reasonable period;
the final judgment, much less to entertain the appeal. 5. Inadvertence of counsel cannot be considered as an adequate
excuse as to call for the appellate court’s indulgence; and,
- When the judgment or final order does not completely dispose of the 6. a litigant’s failure to furnish his opponent with a copy of his appeal
case, then the same is not appealable. brief does not suffice to warrant the dismissal of that appeal. All that
is needed is for the court to order the litigant to furnish his opponent
- A question that was never raised in the courts below cannot be with a copy of his brief.
allowed to be raised for the first time on appeal without offending
basic rules of fair play and due process. Issues raised for the first on  Appeal from the MTC to the RTC
appeal are barred by estoppel.
- The notice of appeal does not require the approval of the court. The
 Points of law, theories, issues and arguments not brought to the function of the notice of appeal is merely to notify the trial court that
attention of the lower court will not be ordinarily considered by the the appellant was availing of the right to appeal, and not to seek the
reviewing court because they cannot be raised for first time at the court’s permission that he be allowed to pose an appeal.
late stage.
- The non-submission of the memorandum within 15 days from
 The rule that a party cannot change his theory on appeal also such notice shall be a ground for dismissal of the appeal. The case
applies to criminal cases. However, an appellate court appears to shall be considered submitted for decision upon filing of the
enjoy wide latitude in deciding an appealed criminal case and it memorandum of the appellee or the expiration of the period to do so.
opens the entire case for review.
- The RTC shall decide the case on the basis of the entire record of
 Exception to the rule of change of theory on appeal are the the proceedings had in the court of origin and such memoranda as are
followings: filed.

1. It is an error that affects the jurisdiction over the subject - If the case was tried on the merits by the lower court without
matter; jurisdiction over the subject matter, the RTC on appeal shall not
2. It is an error that affects validity of the judgment appealed dismiss the case if it has original jurisdictional but shall decide the
from; case in accordance with the Rules.
3. It is an error which affects the validity of the proceedings;
4. It is an error closely related to or dependent on an assigned  Residual jurisdiction refers to the authority of a trial court to issue
error, and properly argue in the brief; orders for the protection and preservation of the rights of the parties,
5. It is a plain and clerical error. which do not involve any matter litigated by the appeal, approve
compromises, permit appeals of indigent litigants, order execution
- The remedy where the judgment or final order is not appealable is to pending appeal in accordance with Sec. 2, Rule 39 and allow
file the appropriate special civil action under Rule 65. withdrawal of the appeal provided these are done prior t the transmittal
of the original record or the record on appeal, even if the appeals have
- The remedy against an order of execution is to file a special civil already been perfected or despite the approval of the record on appeal.
action for certiorari on any of the following grounds: 1) the writ of
execution has been improvidently issued, 2) the writ is defective in - It is available at a stage in which the court is normally deemed to
substance, or 3) the writ was issued against a wrong party. have lost of jurisdiction over the case or the subject matter involved
in the appeal.
 Judgments or orders that are not appealable: (MID SE)
- Doctrine of Residual Jurisdiction applies when the MTC or RTC,
1. An order denying a MNT or a MR; in the exercise of its original jurisdiction, loses jurisdiction over the
2. An interlocutory order; case upon the perfection of the appeals filed in due time and the
3. An order disallowing or dismissing an appeal expiration of the time to appeal of the other parties. However, the
4. An order denying a motion to set aside a judgment but consent, trial court, despite the perfection of the appeals, may still issue
confession or compromise on the ground of fraud, mistake, or orders for the protection and preservation of the rights of the parties
duress, or any other ground vitiating consent; which do not involve any matter litigated by the appeal provided the
5. An order of execution; orders were made before the appellate court gives due course to the
6. A judgment or final order for or against one or more of several petition.
parties or in separate claims; or
7. An order dismissing an action without prejudice.  Appeal from the CA to SC

Remedial Law

- Factual-Issue-Bar Rule refers to the findings of fact of the CA, aggrieved party may file an appeal with the SC by petition for review
when supported by substantial evidence, are conclusive and binding on Certiorari under Rule 45.
on the parties and are not reviewable by the Court.
- In Voluntary Arbitration cases under the Labor Code, the
 The jurisdiction of the SC in cases brought before it from the CA aggrieved party may file a petition for review under Rule 43, ROC.
is limited to review and revising the errors of law imputed to it, its
findings of fact being conclusive. The SC is not a trier of facts and, - In administrative disciplinary cases held by the Office of the
unless there are excepting circumstances, it does not routinely Ombudsman, the cases are appealable to the CA by petition for
undertake the re-examination of the evidence presented by the review under Rule 43, ROC. However, in criminal or non-
contending parties during the trial of the case administrative cases held by the Office of the Ombudsman, the
orders or directives of the Omb. cannot be subject to review, unless
 Appeal from the RTC to SC when tainted with grave abuse of discretion, is to file an original
action for certiorari with the SC under Rule 65, ROC.
- Appeal by certiorari from RTC to CA is proper when the judgment
or final order of the RTC in cases whereby 1) only questions of law  The decision of the Omb is immediately executory and may not be
are raised or are involved, and the case is one decided by the said stayed by the filing of an appeal or the issuance of an injunctive
court in the exercise of its original jurisdiction. However, the said writ.
rule does not apply when the judgment or final order is rendered by
the RTC in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction, regardless of the - In election cases held by the COMELEC or cases held by the COA,
issues involved. judgment, resolution or final order of the COMELEC may be
brought by the aggrieved party to the SC on Certiorari under Rule
- An appeal or review under Rule 45 is not a matter of right, but of 65, limited only to jurisdictional issue.
sound judicial discretion, and will be granted only when special
and important reasons could justify the petition. - In civil service cases held by CSC, it may be taken to the CA on
petition for review under Rule 43.
- There is a question of law when there is doubt as to what law is on
certain state of acts, while there is a question of fact when the doubt - In judgments, resolutions or final order of the Office of the President,
arises as to the truth or falsity of the alleged facts. it may be taken to the CA on petition for review under Rule 43.

- The test of whether a question is one of law or of fact is whether the - In resolutions decided by the Secretary of Justice, it may be brought
appellate court can determine the issue raised without reviewing or to the CA on petition for certiorari under Rule 65 on jurisdictional
evaluating the evidence, in which case, it is a question of law; issue.
otherwise, it is a question of fact.
Remedies after judgment has become final and executory:
 The principal distinctions of certiorari under Rule 45 and Rule 65 of
the ROC:  Petition for relief from judgment is a legal remedy whereby a party
seeks to set aside a judgment rendered against him by a court whenever
1. As to the nature of the action. Certiorari under Rule 45 is a mode he was 1) unjustly deprived of a hearing or was 2) prevented from
of appeal; while certiorari under Rule 65 is a special civil action taking an appeal because of FAMEN.
that is an original action and not a mode of appeal.
2. As to the subject of the action. Certiorari under Rule 45 seeks to - it is an equitable remedy allowed only in exceptional cases when
review final judgment or final orders; while certiorari under Rule there is no other available or adequate remedy.
65 may be directed against an interlocutory order or matters where
no appeal may be taken from; - a party who has filed a MR or MNT, but which was denied, cannot
3. As to the issue involved. Certiorari under Rule 45 raises question file a petition for relief.
of law; while certiorari question of jurisdiction;
4. As to the filing period of the action. Certiorari under Rule 45 shall - Petition for relief from a judgment, final order or other proceeding
be filed within 15 days from notice of judgment; while Certiorari rendered or taken should be filed with and rendered by the court in
under Rule 65 shall be filed within 60 days from notice of denial the same case from which the petition arose.
of said motion;
5. As to MR required to be filed. Certiorari under Rule 45 does not - Extrinsic fraud refers to the fraud which the prevailing party caused
required MR; while certiorari under Rule 65 requires a prior MR; to prevent the losing party from being heard on his cause or defense.
6. As to the stay judgment. Certiorari under Rule 45 stays the Such fraud concerns not the judgment itself but the manner in which
judgment appealed from; while certiorari under Rule 65 does not it was obtained.
stay the judgment or order subject of the petition.
- Period for filing the action. The petition shall be 1) filed within 60
 A party cannot simultaneously file a petition both under Rule 45 days after the petitioner learns of the judgment, final order or
and Rule 65, ROC, because said procedural rules pertain to proceeding and not more than 6 months after such judgment or final
different remedies and have distinct applications. order was entered, or such proceeding was taken, and 2) it must be
accompanied with affidavits, showing the FAMEN relied upon and
 Appeals from Quasi-Judicial Bodies the facts constituting the petitioner’s good and substantial cause of
action or defense.
- In NLRC cases, the aggrieved party may resort to file a special civil
action for Certiorari under Rule 65 with the CA and from the CA, the - When a petition is filed, the court may grant preliminary injunction
to preserve the rights of the parties upon the filing of a bond in favor

Remedial Law

of the adverse party. The bond is condition upon the payment to the injunction has been issued, enjoining the public respondent from
adverse party of all damages and costs that may be awarded by further proceeding with the case.
reason of the issuance of the injunction or the other proceedings
following the petition. - The purpose of Certiorari is to correct errors of jurisdiction only or
grave abuse of jurisdiction amounting to lack or excess of
- the petition for relief from judgment is not applicable in the CA and jurisdiction. Its principal office is only to keep the inferior court
SC. It is only applicable to lower courts, RTC and MTC. Likewise, it within the parameters of its jurisdiction.
is not applicable in summary procedure and small claims for being a
prohibited motion. - As a rule, where appeal is available, certiorari cannot be availed of,
unless it can be shown that appeal is not speedy or adequate.
- in environmental cases, a petition for relief from judgment shall be
allowed in highly meritorious cases or to prevent a manifest - Ordinarily, an original action for certiorari will not prosper if the
miscarriage of justice. reedy of appeal is available, for an appeal and certiorari are mutually
exclusive, not alternative or successive remedies.
 Annulment of judgment is a remedy in law independent of the case
where the judgment sought to be annulled was rendered. Its purpose is - A writ of certiorari is an extraordinary prerogative writ that is never
to have a final and executory judgment set aside so that there will be a demandable as a matter of right, but subject to the sound discretion
renewal of litigation. of the court.

- it is resorted to in cases where the ordinary remedies of new trial, - Under the Material Data (Date) Rule, there are three material dates
appeal, petition for relief from judgment or other appropriate that must be stated in a petition for certiorari brought under Rule 65:
remedies are no longer available through no fault of the petitioner. 1) the date when notice of judgment, final order or resolution was
received; 2) the date when a motion for new trial or for
- if the petitioner failed to avail of those cited remedies without reconsideration was filed; and 3) the date when notice of the denial
sufficient justification, he cannot resort to the action for annulment thereof was received.
provided under Rule 47, for otherwise he would benefit from his own
inaction or negligence.  Direct attack of judgment is made through an action or proceeding,
the main object of which is to annul, set aside or enjoin enforcement of
- the grounds for annulment of a judgment are 1) extrinsic fraud and such judgment, if not yet carried into effect; or if the property has been
2) lack of jurisdiction and 3) denial of due process. disposed of, the aggrieved party may sue for recovery. A collateral
attack is made when, in another action to obtain a different relief, an
- Extrinsic fraud refers to fraud where it prevents a party from having attack on the judgment is made as an incident in said action.
a trial or from presenting is entire case to the curt or where it
operates upon matters pertaining not to the judgment itself but to the
manner in which it is procured. EXECUTION and SATISFACTION of JUDGMENT

- Period for filing the action. If based on extrinsic fraud, the action Execution is the remedy afforded for the satisfaction of a judgment. Its
must be filed within 4 years from its discovery. If based on lack of object being obtain satisfaction of the judgment on which the writ is
jurisdiction, the action must be brought before the action is barred by issued.
laches or estoppel.
- It is a matter of right upon the expiration of the period to appeal and
- It can be filed by one who was not party to the action in which the no appeal was perfected from a judgment or order that disposes of
assailed judgment was rendered. It is a remedy in law independent of the action or proceeding.
the case where the judgment sought to be annulled is promulgated.
- Once a decision becomes final and executory, it is ministerial duty
- If the questioned judgment, final order or resolution had already been of the presiding judge to issue a writ of execution, except in certain
executed, the court may issue such orders of restitution or other cases, as when subsequent event would render execution of judgment
relief as justice and equity may warrant under the circumstances. unjust.

- Judgment in issue held by the MTC to be annulled shall be filed with - The judge may not order execution of the judgment in the decision
the RTC and judgment in issue held by the RTC shall be filed with itself as a motion for issuance of execution is a requirement.
the CA.
- Execution shall be applied for in the court of origin. If an appeal has
- It is submitted that an aggrieved party who desires an annulment of been duly perfected and finally resolved, the execution may be
judgment or resolution of a quasi-judicial body, enumerated under applied for also in the court of origin on motion of the judgment
Rule 43, may avail of a petition for review to the CA under Rule 43 obligee.
and not an action to annul the judgment or resolution.
- No appeal may be taken from an order of execution. A party desiring
 A petition for certiorari under Rule 65 is an original and independent to assail an order of execution may instead file an appropriate special
action and is not part of the proceedings that resulted in the order civil action.
- Lifetime of the writ of execution - the writ shall continue in effect
- The petition shall not interrupt the course of the principal case, during the period within which the judgment may be enforced by
unless a temporary restraining order or a writ of preliminary motion. Hence, the writ is enforceable within the 5-year period from

Remedial Law

entry of judgment as provided for in Sec. 6, Rule 39 because within  It is not intended to re-open any issue affecting the merits of
that period, the writ may be enforced by motion. the judgment debtor’s case not the propriety or correctness
of the first judgment.
 The following instances when execution will be denied:
 The purpose of the new action is not to re-examine and
1. When the judgment has already been executed by the voluntary retry the issues already decided and the cause of action of
compliance thereof by the parties; this new action is the judgment to be revived and no identity
2. When the judgment has been novated by the parties – the parties, of causes of action can be said to exist between the first and
despite the existence of judgment, are at liberty to novate a the second actions. The nature of the action is one of
judgment by entering into a compromise. incapable of pecuniary estimation.
3. When a petition for relief is filed and a preliminary injunction is
granted in accordance with Sec. 5 of Rule 38.  It is deemed a new judgment separate and distinct from the
4. When the judgment sought to be executed is conditional or when original judgment. It is not a continuation of the original
the judgment sought to be executed is incomplete. judgment.
5. When the facts and circumstances transpire which would render
execution inequitable or unjust;  If the prevailing party fails to have the decision enforced
6. When execution is sought more than 5 years from its entry without by a motion after the lapse of 5 years from the date of entry
the judgment having been revived; of the judgment, the said judgment is reduced to a right of
7. When execution is sought against property exempt from execution action which must be enforced by the institution of a
under Sec. 13, Rule 39. complaint in a regular court within 10 years from the time
8. When refusal to execute the judgment has become imperative in the judgment.
the higher interest of justice.
 The 10-year period to revive the revived judgment shall
 Sheriff’s duty. It is the ministerial duty of the sheriff to execute the commence to run from the date of the finality of the revived
execution of the writ, he is to execute the order of the court strictly to judgment and not from the date of finality of the old,
the letter. He has no discretion whether to execute the judgment or not. original judgment.

 Modes of execution of judgment: - The following instances when 5 or 10-year period do not
1) Execution by motion if the enforcement of the judgment is
sought within 5 years from the date of its entry. 1. special proceedings, such as land registration and
cadastral cases, wherein the right to ask for a writ of
2) Execution by independent action if the 5-year period has possession does not prescribe;
elapsed and before it is barred by the statute limitation. 2. judgment for support which do not become dormant and
which can always be executed by motion despite lapse of
- The rule is that the court could issue a writ of execution by the 5-year period because the obligation is a continuing
motion within 5 years from the finality of the decision. A writ one and the court never loses jurisdiction to enforce the
of execution issued after the expiration of that period is null same.
and void.
 Discretionary execution constitutes as an exception to the general rule
- There is need for the interested party to file an independent that a judgment cannot be executed before the lapse of the period for
action for revival of judgment. The judgment may be appeal or during the pendency of an appeal.
enforced after the lapse of this period and before the same is
barred by the statute of limitations, by instituting an ordinary - it is an execution not as a matter of right. It is addressed to the
civil action. discretionary power of the court when a there is already a judgment
or order by the court but has not yet attained finality.
- After the 5-year period, the judgment is reduced to a mere
right of action, which judgment must be enforced, as all other - the motion for discretionary execution shall be filed with trial court
ordinary actions, by the institution of a complaint in the while 1) it has jurisdiction over the case and while 2) it is in
regular form. Such action must be filed within 10 years from possession of either the original record or the record on appeal.
the date the judgment became final.
- Requisites for discretionary execution:
- There are instances where the Court allowed execution by
motion even after the lapse of 5 years upon meritorious 1. There must be a motion filed by the prevailing party with notice
grounds, such when there was delay caused or occasioned by to the adverse party;
actions of the judgment debtor or incurred for his benefit or 2. There must be a hearing of the motion for discretionary
advantage or the period may be interrupted by the agreement execution;
of the parties to suspend the enforced of the judgment. 3. The motion must be filed in the trial court while it has
jurisdiction over the case and is in possession of either the
- an Action for Revival of judgment is no more than original record or the record on appeal;
procedural means of securing the execution of a previous 4. There must be good reasons to justify the discretionary
judgment which has become dormant after the passage of 5 execution; and
years without it being executed upon motion of the prevailing 5. The good reasons must be stated in a special order.

Remedial Law

- Where the executed judgment is reversed totally or partially, or

annulled on appeal or otherwise, the trial court may, on motion, Declaratory Reliefs is an action by any person interested in a deed, will,
issued such orders of restitution or reparation of damages as contract or other written instrument, executive order or resolution, to
equity and justice may warrant under the circumstances. determine any question of construction or validity arising from the
instrument, executive order or regulation, or statute; and for a declaration
 The sheriff is required first to demand from the judgment obligor the of his rights and duties thereunder.
immediate payment of the full amount stated in the writ of execution
before a levy can be made. If payment can be done, a levy is - Requisites: STB ADR
1. The subject matter of the controversy must be a deed, will,
- It was ruled that the levy upon the properties of the judgment obligor contract or other written instrument, statute, executive order or
may be had by the executing sheriff only if the judgment obligor regulation, or ordinance;
cannot pay all or part of the full amount stated in the writ of 2. The terms of said documents and the validity thereof are
execution. doubtful and require judicial construction;
3. There must have been no breach of the documents in question;
- The judgment obligor is given the option to immediately choose 4. There must be an actual justiciable controversy or the “ripening
which of his property or part thereof, not otherwise exempt from seeds” of one between persons whose interests are adverse;
execution, may be levied upon sufficient to satisfy the judgment. 5. The issue must be ripe for judicial determination; and,
6. Adequate relief is not available through other means or other
- If the judgment obligor does not exercise the option immediately, or forms of action or proceeding.
when he is absent or cannot be located, he waives such right, and the
sheriff can now first levy his personal property, if any, and then the - The only issue that may be raised in such a petition is the question of
real properties if the personal properties are insufficient to answer for construction or validity of provisions in an instrument or statute.
the judgment.
- such action must be justified, as no other adequate relief or remedy is
- In the enforcement of the writ of execution in ejectment cases is available under the circumstances.
carried out by giving the defendant notice of such writ, and making a
demand that defendant comply therewith within reasonable period, - Purpose - the petition is brought for the court to 1) determine any
normally from 3 to 5 days, and it is only after such period that the question of construction or validity arising from the subject of the
sheriff is to enforce the writ by the bodily removal of the defendant action, and b) seek for declaration of the petitioner’s rights
and his belongingness. The three-day notice is required. thereunder.

 Immediacy of execution does not mean instant execution. When a  The purpose is to seek for a judicial interpretation of an
decision is immediately executory is does not mean dispensing instrument or for judicial declaration of person’s rights under a
with the required three-day notice. statute and not to ask for affirmative reliefs like injunction,
damages or any other relief beyond the purpose of the petition as
 Garnishment shall be made by 1) serving notice upon the third person declared under the Rules. **
having possession or control of the credits in favor of the judgment
obligor; 2) the third person or garnishee shall make a written report to - Only a person 1) who is interested under a deed, will, contract or
the court within 5 days from service of the notice of garnishment, other written instrument, and 2) whose rights are affected by a
stating whether or not the judgment obligor has sufficient funds to statute or ordinance, may bring an action to determine any question
satisfy the judgment. of construction or validity arising under the instrument or statute and
for a declaration of his rights or duties thereunder.
 Effect of levy and sale of property:
 Those who may sue under the contract should have an interest in
1. The result of such execution was that title over the subject property the contract like the parties, their assignees and heirs as required
is vested immediately in the purchaser subject only to the right to by substantive law.
redeem the property within the period provided for by law.
 A court decision cannot be interpreted as included within the
2. The right acquired by the purchaser at an execution sale is purview of the words “other written instrument” for the simple
inchoate and does not become absolute until after the expiration of reason that the provisions of the ROC already provide for the ways
the redemption period without the right of redemption having been by which an ambiguous or doubtful decision may be corrected or
exercised. clarified without need of resorting to the expedient prescribed by a
petition for declaratory relief. The remedy is to move for a
 Terceria is a remedy where a person, not a party to the action, clarificatory judgment.
claiming a property levied upon may execute an affidavit of his title or
right of possession over the property. - An action for declaratory relief is brought to secure an authoritative
statement of the rights and obligations of the parties under a
- The officer served with the affidavit of the claiming third person contract or statute for their guidance in the enforcement or
shall not be bound to keep the property subject of the claim, unless compliance with the same and not to settle issues arising from its
the judgment oblige, on demand of the officer, files a bond approved alleged breach.
by the court to indemnify the claimant in a sum not less than the
value of the property levied upon. - Two types of actions under DR: the first paragraph is an action for
declaratory relief and second paragraph deals with similar remedies:
PROVISIONAL REMEDIES 1) action for reformation of an instrument (Arts. 1359-1369), 2)

Remedial Law

action for quieting of title to real property or remove clouds in an ordinary civil action which is coercive in character and
therefrom (Arts. 476-481); and 3) action for consolidation of enforceable by execution.
ownership (Art. 1607).
- Action for reformation may be resorted to reform the instrument
- The court is given the discretion to act or not to act on the petition. because despite the meeting of the minds of the parties as to the
It may, therefore, choose not to construe the instrument sought to be object and cause of contract, the instrument which is supposed to
construed or refrain from declaring the rights of the petitioner under embody the agreement of the parties does not reflect their true
the deed or law if 1) where a decision on the petition would not agreement by reason of mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct or
terminate the uncertainty or controversy which gave rise to the accident.
action, or 2) where the declaration or construction is not necessary
and proper under the circumstances as when the instrument or the  A contract does not refer to the instrument, deed or document but
statute has already been breached. to the meeting of minds.

 The court does not have the discretion to refuse with respect to the  Where the consent of a party to a contract has been procured by
actions described as similar remedies, namely: 1) reformation of fraud, inequitable conduct or accident, and an instrument was
the instrument, 2) quieting of title, and 3) consolidation of executed by the parties in accordance with the contract, what is
ownership (RQC) * defective is the contract itself because of vitiation of consent. The
remedy is to file an action for annulment of the contract.
- The action for declaratory relief should be brought in the appropriate
RTC.  Reformation of the instrument cannot be brought for any of the
following: 1) simple donation inter vivos wherein no condition is
 An executive order issued by the President of the Philippines or imposed, 2) wills, or 3) when the real agreement is void.
by a City Mayor may be questioned through petition for
declaratory relief under Rule 63 since the issuance of the executive - Consolidation of ownership
order is not judicial or quasi-judicial act.
 Legal redemption “retracto legal” is a statutory mandated
 It was held that actions for reconveyance or cancellation of title redemption of property previously sold.
or quieting of title of real property are actions that fall under the
classification of cases that involve title to, or possession of, real  A co-owner of a property may exercise the right of redemption
property, or any interest therein. Such actions are real actions in case the shares of all the other co-owners or any of them are
jurisdiction over which is determined by the assessed value of the sold to a third person.
property. RCQ**
 Conventional redemption “pacto de retro sale” is one that is not
 An action for consolidation of ownership should be instituted mandated by statute but one which takes place because of the
with the RTC, but the assessed value should not be considered in stipulation of the parties to the sale.
the determination of jurisdiction because the action does not
involve recovery of title, or ownership, of real property. It is  It shall take place when the vendor reserves the right to
merely to obtain a judicial order to effect the registration of the repurchase the thing sold.
consolidation ownership in the Registry of Property.
 The essence of a pacto de retro sale is that the title and
 The SC held that a petition for declaratory relief can be treated ownership of the property sold are immediately vested in the
as one for prohibition if the case has 1) far-reaching implications vendee a retro, subject to the resolutory condition of
and 2) raises questions that need to be resolved for the public repurchase by the vendor a retro within the stipulated period.
good. Failure thus of the vendor a retro to perform said resolutory
condition vests upon the vendee by operation of law absolute
- It was ruled that a petition for declaratory relief may entertain a title and ownership over the property sold.
compulsory counterclaim as long as it is based on or arising from
the same transaction, subject matter of the petition. - Quieting of title is an action brought to remove cloud on title to real
property or any interest therein.
- The SC held that when the main case is for declaratory relief, a
third-party complaint is inconceivable as the court is merely  Requisites – 1) the plaintiff or complainant has a legal or
interpreting the terms of the contract. equitable title or interest in the real property subject of the action;
and 2) the deed, claim, encumbrance, or proceeding claimed to be
- As a rule, affirmative reliefs as in ordinary civil actions are not casting cloud on his tilt must be shown to be in fact invalid or
granted in declaratory petitions, However, in Adlawan v. IAC, the inoperative despite its prima facie appearance of validity or legal
SC held that although the action is for declaratory judgment, but the efficacy.
allegations in the complaints are sufficient to make out a case for
specific performance or recovery of property with claims for  Legal title denotes registered ownership, while equitable title
damages and the defendant did not raise an issue in the trial court to means beneficial ownership. In the absence of such legal or
challenge the remedy or form of the action availed of, the court can equitable title, there is no cloud to be prevented or removed.
grant such affirmative relief as may be warranted by the evidence.
 the cloud is caused by any instrument, record, claim, encumbrance
- The judgment in the declaratory relief is said to stand by itself and or proceeding which appears to be valid or effective. However, in
no executory process follows as of course. It is unlike the judgment truth and in fact the same is invalid, ineffective, voidable or
unenforceable, and may be prejudicial to the title to real property.

Remedial Law

disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines shall file a sworn

 the plaintiff need not be in possession of the real party before may petition for quo warranto with the Commission within 10 days
bring the action as long as he can show that he has a legal or after the proclamation of the results of the election.
equitable title to the property which is the subject matter of the
action. Any voter contesting the election of any municipal or barangay
officer on the ground of inegibility or of disloyalty to the
 Suits to quite title are not technically suits in rem, nor are they, Republic of the Philippines shall file a sworn petition for quo
strictly speaking, in personam but being against the person in warranto with the RTC or MTC, respectively, within 10 days after
respect of the res, these proceedings are characterized as quasi in the proclamation of the results of the election.
rem. The judgment in such proceedings is conclusive only
between the parties.  The HRET and the SET shall be the sole judges of all contests
relating to the election, returns and qualifications of their
 Those not made parties in the case are not bound by the respective members.
 A candidate who has not been proclaimed and who has not
Quo Warranto is an action or proceeding against a person who usurps, taken his oath of office cannot be said to be a member of the
intrudes into or unlawfully holds or exercise a public office. Congress.

- It is specifically described as an action for the usurpation of a - Quo Warranto in the OEC (elective official) may be distinguished
public 1) office, 2) position, or 3) franchise that is commenced by a from a quo warranto in an appointive office.
verified petition in the name of the Republic of the Philippines by a
verified petition. POPF ** 1. As to governing law. The quo warranto for the elective official
is governed by the Omnibus Election Code, while for the
- The special civil action of quo warranto is a prerogative writ by appointive official, it is governed by the rules under the Rules of
which the government can call upon any person to show by what Court.
warrants he holds a public office or exercises a public franchise.
2. As to issue. In the first, the issue is the ineligibility of the person
- The petition can be commenced by the 1) Solicitor General, or 2) a elected or his disloyalty to the Republic; in the second, the issue
public prosecutor, or 3) a private person. SPP * is the legality of the occupancy of the office by virtue of an
 When directed by the President of the Philippines, or when upon
complaint or otherwise he has good reasons to believe that any 3. As to duration to institute the petition. In the first, the petition is
case specified in the Rules can be established by proof, the filed within 10 days after the proclamation of the results of the
Solicitor General or the public prosecutor must commence the election. In the second, it is filed within 1 year from the time the
action. cause of ouster, or the right of the petitioner to hold the office or
position, arose.
 For a private person to file the petition for quo warranto, he must
be entitled to a public office or position which was usurped or 4. As to jurisdiction. In the first, the petition is brought in the
unlawfully held or exercised by another person. He must show that Comelec, RTC, or MTC. In the second, the petition is brought in
he has a clear right to the office allegedly being held by another. the SC, CA or RTC.

- As to the venue. When the action is commenced by the Solicitor 5. As to petitioner. In the first, the petitioner may be any voter
General, the petition may be brought in the RTC which has even if he is not entitled to the office. In the second, the
jurisdiction over the territorial area where the respondent or any of petitioner is the person claiming to be entitled to the office.
the respondents resides
6. As to entitlement. In the first case, where the person elected is
 The abovementioned rule does not apply when the petition is filed ineligible, the court cannot declare that candidate occupying the
by the Solicitor General who is given the prerogative to file the second place as elected even if he were eligible, since the law
petition in the RTC of Manila. only authorizes a declaration of election in favor of the person
obtaining the plurality of votes. In the second case, the court
- Quo Warranto under P.D. 1606, as amended by R.A. 8249, Sec. 4, determines who is legally appointed, and can and ought to
the Sandiganbayan shall have exclusive original jurisdiction over declare the person entitled to occupy the office.
petitions for the issuance of the writs of mandamus, prohibition,
certiorari, habeas corpus, injunctions, and other ancillary writs and - Quo warranto may distinguished from an election protest in the
processes in aid of its appellate jurisdiction and over petitions of following manner:
similar nature, including quo warranto, arising or that may arise in
case filed or which may be filed under EO nos.1, 2, 14 and 14-A As to cause of action. In quo warranto, the cause of action is
issued in 1996: provided, that the jurisdiction over these petitions the eligibility of the candidate or lack of it, or his being disloyal
shall not be exclusive of the SC. to the Republic. In election protest, the cause of action is the
irregularity in the conduct of the election.
- Quo Warranto under the Omnibus Election Code, a petition for quo
warranto may be brought in the COMELEC, RTC or MTC.  An election protest proposes to oust the winning candidate
from office. It is strictly a contest between the defeated and
 Any voter contesting the election of any member of the regional, the winning candidates, based on the grounds of electoral
provincial or city officer on the ground of inegibility or of frauds and irregularities, to determine who between them has

Remedial Law

actually obtained the majority of the legal votes cast and is  These encumbrances have no effect on the ownership of the
entitled to hold the office. It can only be filed by a candidate property and are treated merely as liens, the first one being
who has duly filed a certificate of candidacy and has been normally treated as more superior over subsequent encumbrances.
voted for in the preceding elections.
- A mortgage contract may have a provision in which the mortgage is
 A special civil action for quo warranto refers to the questions a security for past, present and future indebtedness which is called
of disloyalty to the State, or of ineligibility of the winning dragnet clause or blanket mortgage clause and it is valid and legal
candidate. The objective of the action is to unseat the contracts
ineligible person from the office, but not to install the
petitioner in his place.  The SC held that mortgages given to secure future advancements
are valid and legal contract, and the amounts names as
 A controversy where the petitioner is seeking to be seated as consideration in said contracts do not limit the amount for which
the second nominee of a party list organization is neither an the mortgage may stand as security if from the four corners of the
election protest nor a quo warranto proceeding. instrument, the intent to secure future and other indebtedness can
be gathered.
- The SC held that a quo warranto proceeding is one of the instances
where the exhaustion of administrative remedies is not required.  It operates as a convenience and accommodation to the borrowers
as it makes available additional funds without their having to
- If the respondent refuses r neglects to deliver any book or paper execute additional security documents, thereby saving time, travel,
pursuant to such demand, he may be punished for contempt as loan closing costs, costs of extra legal services, recording fees, etc.
having disobeyed a lawful order of the court. A disobedience to a
lawful order of a court is cause for an indirect contempt. This - Foreclosure of real estate mortgage presupposes that the debtor
contempt is punished after a charge in writing has been filed and an failed to pay his debt despite demand. The default of the debtor must
opportunity given to the respondent to be heard. first be established.

- Although a quo warranto proceeding may be brought against an  Such default occurs when payment is not made after a valid
association which acts as a corporation within the Philippines demand unless the contract between the parties carries with it a
without being legally incorporated or without lawful authority so to stipulation that demand is not necessary for default to arise.
act, the petition may be brought only against a de facto corporation,
not de jure corporation.  Foreclosure is valid only when the debtor is in default in the
payment of his obligation.
Foreclosure of Real Estate Mortgage
 Pactum Commissorium; elements – 1) there should be a
- As to venue, an action for foreclosure of real estate mortgage of real property mortgaged by way of security for the payment of the
property is an action affecting interest in real property and is, hence, principal obligation, and 2) there should be a stipulation for
a real action. automatic appropriation by the creditor of the thing mortgaged n
case of non-payment of the principal obligation within the
 It has been held that if several parcels of land located in different stipulated period.
provinces covered by a single mortgage contract, the action may
be filed in any of the provinces where any of the parcels of land is  If the debt is not paid and the debtor defaults, the creditor
located. The judgment of the court of the province where the cannot ipso facto appropriate the mortgaged property despite a
action is filed may be executed in all the other provinces. stipulation to that effect because of the policy against a
pactum commissoirium, an agreement that is illegally infirm.
- A real estate mortgage is an accessory contract executed by a debtor
in favor of a creditor as security for the principal obligation. The - In case of default of the debtor, the creditor has the following
contract must be constituted on either immovable (real property) or alternative remedies: 1) to file an action for collection of a sum of
alienable real rights. money or 2) to foreclose the mortgage; if one has been constituted.

- A real right mortgage creates a real right which follows the property  An election of the first bars recourse to the second, otherwise,
whoever the owner may be after the constitution of the mortgage. there would be multiplicity of suits in which the debtor would be
tossed from one venue to another depending on the location of the
- The mortgagor need not be the debtor and the latter need not be the mortgaged properties and the residence of the parties.
mortgagor. The mortgagor who is not the debtor in the principal
obligation is referred to as an accommodation mortgagor. This  The mere act of filing of an ordinary action for collection operates
situation is not prohibited by law. as a waiver of the mortgagee-creditor’s remedy to foreclose the
 The liability of the accommodation mortgagors extends only up to
the loan value of the of the mortgaged property and not to the - Effect of death of the mortgagor/debtor
entire loan itself.
1. The death of the mortgagor does not extinguish his debt. Such
- There can be several mortgages over the same property since there debt does not also preclude the foreclosure of any real estate
is neither a law nor rule prohibiting the existence of more than one mortgage he may have executed prior to his death. When the
encumbrance over a property. mortgagor dies, the following remedies may be availed of by the

Remedial Law

A. He may abandon the security and prosecute his claim in the

manner provided for under Rule 86, and his share in the  It may be exercised by the mortgagor even beyond the 90-day
general distribution of the assets of the estate; period and even after the foreclosure itself, provided it be before
the order of confirmation of the sale. After such order of
B. He may foreclose the mortgage by action in court, making confirmation, no redemption can be effected any longer.
the executor or administrator a party defendant, and if there
be a deficiency judgment after the sale of the mortgaged  If the mortgagee fails to pay the sum within the period 90-120
property, he may claim the deficiency in the manner days from the entry of judgment, stated by the court in its
provided by Rule 86; or judgment, it would be good practice for the mortgagee o file a
motion for the sale of the mortgaged property because under the
C. He may rely upon the mortgage or other security alone, and Rules, the court shall order the sale of the property only “upon
foreclose the same at any time before it is barred by motion.” Such motion is non-litigable and may be made ex-parte
prescription, and in that event, he shall not be admitted as a pursuant to the judgment of foreclosure.
creditor, without the right to share in the distribution of the
other assets of the estate.  After the foreclosure sale has been effected, the mortgagee should
file a motion for the confirmation of the sale.
 A creditor cannot file a civil action against the debtor for
collection of the debt and subsequently file an action to  If the mortgagor was not notified of the hearing, the
foreclose the mortgage as it would amount to splitting of a subsequent confirmation of the sale is vitiated and
single cause of action. consequently it is as if no confirmation ever took place.

- Extrajudicial Foreclosure is the mode to be used if there is a  Notice and hearing of motion for confirmation are essential
special power inserted in or attached to the real estate mortgage to the validity of the order of confirmation, not only to enable
contract allowing an extrajudicial foreclosure sale. Where there is no the integrated parties to resist the motion but also to inform
such special power, the foreclosure shall be done judicially them of the time when their right of redemption is cut off.
following the procedure set forth in Rule 68.
 The effect of the confirmation of the sale shall operate to
 Right of redemption is a right granted to a mortgagor to reacquire divest the rights in the property of all parties to the action and
the property even after the confirmation of the sale and the vest their rights in the purchaser, subject to such rights of
registration of the certificate of sale. redemption as may be allowed by law.

 There is no right of redemption in a judicial foreclosure of  The purchaser at the auction sale or last redemptioner, if any,
mortgage under Rule 68. This right exists only in shall be entitled to the possession of the property and he may
extrajudicial foreclosure where there is always a right of secure writ of possession, upon motion, from the court which
redemption within 1 year from the date of the registration of ordered the foreclosure unless the third party is actually
the sale. holding the same adversely to the judgment obligor.

 However, the abovementioned rule has an exception that there o The purchaser is authorized by law to petition for a writ
is right of redemption in a judicial foreclosure if the of possession by filing an ex parte motion. There is no
foreclosure is in favor of banks as mortgagee, whether the need for the purchaser to notify the parties of the
foreclosure be judicial or extrajudicial. proceedings. The motion for issuance of a writ of
possession is an exception to the general three-day notice
 The period of redemption in extrajudicial foreclosure is rule for motions.
shortened by the GBL (Sec. 47, par. 2) when the mortgagor is
a juridical person. The period of redemption is “until but not  No independent action need be filed to recover the
after” the registration of the certificate of sale with the deficiency from the defendant. The deficiency judgment shall
Register of Deeds, which in no case shall be more than 3 be rendered upon motion of the mortgagee.
months after foreclosure, whichever is earlier.
o The mortgagor, who is not the debtor and who merely
- Equity of Redemption executed the mortgage to secure the principal debtor’s
obligation, is not liable for the deficiency unless he
 The period mentioned in the judgment of the court is the period assumed liability for the same in the contract.
within which the mortgagor may start exercising his equity of
redemption which is the right to extinguish the mortgage and - The distinctions between judicial foreclosure and extrajudicial
retain ownership of the property by paying he debt. The payment foreclosure of real estate mortgage are the following:
may be made even after the foreclosure sale provided it is made 1. As to the governing law. A judicial foreclosure is governed by
before the sale is confirmed by the court. the Rules of Court. An extrajudicial foreclosure is governed by
Act 3135, as amended.
 It was also held that after the sale of the mortgaged property
and before its confirmation, the court may still grant the 2. As to institution of action. A judicial foreclosure involves the
judgment debtor the opportunity to pay the amount of the filing of an independent action; unlike in the extrajudicial
judgment. foreclosure, it does not require the filing of an action.

 The period for payment is reckoned from the date of entry of 3. As to right of redemption. In judicial foreclosure, there is an
judgment, not from the receipt of the Order of the court. equity of redemption but no right of redemption, except when

Remedial Law

the mortgagee is a banking institution. There is a right of  The mere assertion of tenancy as a defense does not ipso
redemption in extrajudicial foreclosure. facto deprive the court of jurisdiction over an ejectment case
as the jurisdiction of the court is determined by the allegations
4. As to deficiency judgment. In judicial foreclosure, there could in the complaint and is not dependent upon the defenses set up
be a deficiency judgment rendered by the court in the same by the defendant.
proceeding. There can be no judgment for deficiency in an
extrajudicial foreclosure because there is no judicial proceeding,  Where the tenancy is raised as a defense, the court must
although recovery of the deficiency is allowed. conduct a hearing on the matter to determine the veracity
of the allegations of tenancy.
5. As to recovery of deficiency. In judicial foreclosure, recovery of
the deficiency can be done by mere motion for a deficiency  The summary nature of the action is not changed by a claim
judgment. In an extrajudicial foreclosure, the recovery of the of ownership of the property by the defendant. Hence, the
deficiency is through an independent action, and although MTC is not divested of its jurisdiction over an unlawful
nothing about the recovery of the deficiency is provided in Act detainer action simply because the defendant asserts
3135, there is no prohibition either. ownership over the property.

Foreclosure Entry and Unlawful Detainer  When the defendant raises the issue of ownership, the
court may resolve the issue of ownership but only under
- There are three kinds of actions available to recover possession of the following conditions: 1) when the issue of possession
real property, namely: cannot be resolved without deciding the issue of
ownership, and 2) the issue of ownership shall be
1. Accion Interdical is the summary action for either forcible resolved only to determine the issue of possession.
entry, where the defendant’s possession of the property is illegal
ab initio which must be brought within one year from actual  The disposition of the issue of ownership is not final, as it
entry on the land; or for unlawful detainer, where the may be the subject of a separate proceeding specifically
defendant’s possession was originally lawful but ceased to be so brought to settle the issue.
by the expiration of his right to possess which must be brought
within one year from the date last demand.  The adjudication on the issue of ownership, being
provisional, is not a bar to an action between the same
 The proceedings in forcible entry and unlawful detainer parties involving the title to the property. Since the only
actions are summary in nature and designed o provide for an issue involved is the physical or material possession of
expeditious means of protecting actual possession or the right the premises, that is possession de facto and not
to possession of the property involved. These actions fall possession de jure, the question of ownership must be
under the coverage of the Rules on Summary Procedure threshed out in a separate action.
irrespective of the amount of damages or unpaid rental sought
to be recovered.  A pending action involving ownership of the subject property
does not bar the filing of an ejectment suit, nor suspend the
 Possession, in the eyes of law, does not mean that a man has proceedings of one already instituted. The underlying reason
to have his feet on every square meter of the ground before he is to prevent the defendant from trifling with summary nature
is deemed to be in possession. of an ejectment suit by the simple expedient of asserting
ownership over the disputed property.
 Where the basic issue is not possession but interpretation,
enforcement and/or rescission of the contract, the same is no 1. Injunction suit instituted in the RTC by defendants in
longer an ejectment suit. Hence, it is beyond the jurisdiction of ejectment actions in the MTCs or other courts of the first
the MTC to hear and determine. level do not abate the latter.

 The decision in an ejectment case does not bind the title to or 2. An accion publiciana does not suspend an ejectment
ownership of the land or building. suit against the plaintiff in the former.

 Jurisdiction in ejectment cases is determined by the allegations 3. A writ of possession case where ownership is concededly
pleaded in the complaint. It cannot be made to depend on the the principal issue before the RTC does not preclude nor
defenses set up in the answer or pleadings filed by the bar the execution of the judgment in an UD suit where the
defendant. only issue involved is the material or possession de
facto of the premises.
 Affirmative and negative defenses not pleaded in the answer
shall be deemed waived except lack of jurisdiction over the 4. An action for quieting of title to property is not a bar to
subject matter. an ejectment suit involving the same property.

 If the defendant fails to answer the complaint within the 5. Suit for specific performance with damages do not
period provided, the court has no authority to declare the affect ejectment action.
defendant in default. Instead, the court, motu propio or on
motion of the plaintiff, shall render judgment as may be 6. An action for reformation of instrument from a deed of
warranted by the facts alleged in the complaint and limited to sale to one of sale with pacto de retro sale does not
what is prayed for therein. suspend an ejectment suit between the same parties.

Remedial Law

 A judgment rendered by the MTC on a FEUD is immediately  The cause of action does not accrue unless there is demand to vacate
executory if the decision is against the defendant to avoid and such is not complied with. If, however, the suit is based on
injustice to a lawful possessor, and the court’s duty to order expiration of the lease, notice and demand are not required.
the execution is practically ministerial. But if the decision is
in favor of the defendant and against the plaintiff, it is not - The action must be brought up within one year from the date of last
immediately executory. demand, and the issue in the case must be the right to physical
 If the decision, if against defendant, is affirmed by the
RTC, it is also immediately executory without prejudice  the following essential requisites must appear in the complaint:
to appeal.
1. the fact of lease by virtue of a contract, express or implied;
However, under Sec. 21 of the 1991 Rule on Summary 2. the expiration or termination of the possessor’s right to hold
Procedure, the decisions of the RTC in civil cases under possession;
summary procedure appealed to it, including FEUD, are 3. withholding by the lessee of the possession of the land or building
immediately executory whether or not the judgment be after the expiration or termination of the right to possession;
against the plaintiff or the defendant because the said rule 4. demand upon lessee to pay the rental or comply with the terms of
makes no specific reference to the defendant. the lease and vacate the premises;
the action must be filed within one (1) year from date of last
 The procedure to stay immediate execution of the demand received by the defendant.
judgment, the defendant must take the following steps: 1) Forcible Entry, which is an action to recover possession of a
perfect an appeal, 2) file a supersedeas bond to pay for property from the defendant whose occupation thereof is illegal
the rents, damages and costs accruing down to the time of from the beginning since he acquired possession by force,
the judgment appealed from; and 3) deposit periodically intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth.
with the RTC, during the pendency of the appeal, the
adjudged amount of rent under the contract or if there be  The plaintiff is deprived of physical possession of real
no contract, the reasonable value of the use and property by means of force, intimidation, strategy, threats or
occupation of the premises. stealth.

o The non-compliance of the abovementioned requisites,  It must be alleged in the compliant 1) that the plaintiff had
the appellate court could, upon motion of the plaintiff, prior physical possession of the property and 2) that the
with notice to the defendant, and upon proof such defendant deprived him of such possession by means of force,
failure, order the immediate execution of the appealed intimidation, threats, strategy, or stealth.
decision without prejudice to the appeal taking its
course.  Unlawfully entering the subject property, erecting a structure
thereon and excluding the lawful possessor therefrom would
o The deposit is a mandatory requirement, if it is not necessarily imply the use of force.
complied with execution will issue as a matter of right.
It does not require a deposit for attorney’s fees for  Prior physical possession is the primary consideration in a
execution to be stayed. forcible entry case. a party who can prove prior possession can
recover such possession even against the owner himself.
o The SC held that granting the plaintiff’s motion for
execution became a ministerial duty of the judge upon  Demand to vacate is not required before the filing of the
the defendant’s failure to file a supersedeas bond, and action because the occupancy is illegal from the very
that the execution of the decision could not be stayed by beginning.
the mere taking of appeal. The perfection of the appeal
must be coupled with the filing of the requisite bond.  Where FE was made clandestinely, the one-year prescriptive
period should be counted from the time private respondent
 As a rule, the judgment in an ejectment case is binding only demanded that the deforciant desist from such dispossession
upon the parties properly impleaded and given an opportunity when the former learned thereof.
to be heard, since an ejectment suit is an action in personam.
Forcible Entry, which is an action to recover possession of a
 However, the judgment may become binding on anyone who property from the defendant whose occupation thereof is illegal
has not impleaded in certain instances if he or she is a: 1) from the beginning since he acquired possession by force,
trespasser, squatter, or agent of the defendant fraudulently intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth.
occupying the property to frustrate the judgment, 2) guest or
occupant of the premises with the permission of the defendant,  The plaintiff is deprived of physical possession of real
3) a transferee pendent lite, 4) sub-lessee or co-lessee, 5) property by means of force, intimidation, strategy, threats or
member of the family, relative or privy of the defendant. stealth.

is an action to recover possession of real property from one who illegally  It must be alleged in the compliant 1) that the plaintiff had
withholds possession after the expiration or termination of his right to prior physical possession of the property and 2) that the
hold possession under any contract, express or implied. defendant deprived him of such possession by means of force,
intimidation, threats, strategy, or stealth.

Remedial Law

 Unlawfully entering the subject property, erecting a structure ground for the suit is based on the expiration of the
thereon and excluding the lawful possessor therefrom would lease.
necessarily imply the use of force.
Upon the expiration of the lease, the lessee is already
 Prior physical possession is the primary consideration in a considered to be unlawfully withholding the property,
forcible entry case. a party who can prove prior possession can hence, the cause of action for unlawful detainer
recover such possession even against the owner himself. immediately arises. In such a case, demand to vacate
is no longer necessary.
 Demand to vacate is not required before the filing of the
action because the occupancy is illegal from the very o The SC ruled that the demand upon tenant may be
beginning. verbal and is deemed a sufficient compliance with the
jurisdictional requirements. Since the demand is not
 Where FE was made clandestinely, the one-year prescriptive written, sufficient evidence must be adduced to show
period should be counted from the time private respondent that there was indeed a demand like testimonies from
demanded that the deforciant desist from such dispossession disinterested and unbiased witnesses. **
when the former learned thereof.
o The subsequent payment did not cure his unlawful
Unlawful Detainer, which is an action for recovery of withholding of possession of the premises. The essence
possession from the defendant whose possession of the property of unlawful detainer involved in the case is the failure
was inceptively lawful by virtue of a contract (express or of the defendant to heed the demand to vacate, and not
implied) with the plaintiff, but became illegal when he continued failure to pay the rentals in arrears.
his possession despite the termination of his right thereunder.
 The issue to be resolved is the right of physical or material
 It an action to recover possession of real property from one possession of the subject real property independent of any
who illegally withholds possession after the expiration or claim of ownership by any of the parties involved.
termination of his right to hold possession under any contract,
express or implied. The possession of the defendant is  If the defendant stays in the premises by mere tolerance of the
originally legal but became illegal due to the expiration or owner, the possession becomes unlawful upon failure to
termination of the right to possess. comply with the demand to vacate made by the owner. The
unlawful withholding of possession is to be counted from the
 The defendant illegally withholds possession from the date of the demand to vacate and the possessor by tolerance
plaintiff after the expiration or termination of his right to refuses to comply with such demand.
hold possession under any contract., express or implied.
 The one year is counted from the date of the last demand
 It is the demand to vacate the premises and the refusal to vacate.
to do so which make unlawful the withholding of the
possession. Such refusal violates the plaintiff’s right of  A person who occupies the land of another at the latter’s
possession and gives rise to an action for UD. tolerance or permission, without any contract between
them, is necessarily bound by an implied promise that he
o The requirement for a demand implies that the mere will vacate upon demand, failing which a summary action
failure of the occupant to pay rentals or to comply with for ejectment is the proper remedy against him. ***
the conditions of the lease does not ipso facto render his
possession of the premises unlawful. It is the failure to  Tacita Reconduccion (Art. 1670) arises if at the end of the
comply with the demand to vacate that vests upon the contract of lease, the lessee should continue enjoying the
lessor a cause of action. property leased for 15 days with the consent of the lessor, and
no notice to the contrary has been given, it is understood that
o The proper demand should be to comply and vacate, there is an implied new lease, not for the period of the
and not to comply or to vacate. The latter type of original contract, but for the time established in Art. 1682 and
demand gives rise to an action for specific performance, 1687 of the Civil Code.
not unlawful detainer.
 It will set in if it is shown that: 1) the term of the original
o The demand may be in the form of a written notice contract of lease has expired; 2) the lessor has not given
served upon the person found in the premises. The the lessee a notice to vacate; and 3) the lessee continued
demand may be made by posting such written notice on enjoying the thing leased for 15 days with the
the premises if no person can be found thereon. acquiescence of the lessor. This acquiescence may be
inferred from the failure to serve a notice to quit.
* Demand is required only when the action is
predicated on the lessee’s failure to pay rent or  The terms of the contract which are revived in the implied
comply with the conditions of the lease, and not new lease are those terms which are germane to the
when the action is to terminate the lease because of lessee’s right of continued enjoyment of the property
the expiration of the term. leased. No such presumption may be indulged in with
respect to special agreements which by nature are foreign
* Demand is not required when 1) there is a of occupancy or enjoyment inherent in a contract of lease.
stipulation dispending with a demand, or 2) the

Remedial Law

o An option to buy the property in the original lease is not

germane to possession of the premises and is not - These actions are real actions and the jurisdiction is determined by
deemed revived. the assessed value of the property involved.

 This action may be filed by any person (natural or juridical), - The jurisdiction of the court under RA 7691 over an action
lessor, vendor, vendee or any person against whom the involving title to or possession of land is determined by the assessed
possession of any land or building is unlawfully withheld after value of the said property and not the market value.
the expiration or termination of the right to hold possession by
virtue of any contract, express or implied. Contempt of court has been defined as a willful disregard or
disobedience of a public authority.
 The SC ruled that contractual stipulations empowering the
lessor to repossess the leased property extrajudicially from a - It is the disobedience to the court by acting in opposition to its
lease whose lease contract has expired have been held to be authority, justice, and dignity. It signifies not only a willful disregard
valid. The contract being the law between the parties, the or disobedience of the court’s order, but also such conduct which
stipulations must be respected. tends to bring the authority of the court and the administration of law
into disrepute or in some manner, to impede the due administration
 The complaint for UD is sufficient if it alleges the following: of justice.

1) Initially, possession of the property by the defendant was - It is a defiance of the authority, justice, or dignity of the court which
by contract with or by tolerance of the plaintiff; tends to bring the authority and administration of the law into
2) Eventually, such possession became illegal upon notice disrespect or to interfere with or prejudice party-litigants or their
by plaintiff to defendant of the termination of the latter’s witnesses during litigation.
right of possession.
3) Thereafter, the defendant remained in possession of the - To be considered contemptuous, it was held that act must be clearly
property and deprived the plaintiff of the enjoyment contrary to or prohibited by the order of the court or tribunal and hat
thereof; and, the act which is forbidden or required to be done is clearly and
4) Within one year from the last demand on defendant to exactly defined, so that there can be no reasonable doubt or
vacate the property, the plaintiff instituted the complaint uncertainty as to what specific act or thing is forbidden or required.
for ejectment.
- The Court ruled that any publication, pending a suit, reflecting upon
 There must be an allegation in the complaint of how the the court, the jury, the parties, the officers of the court, the counsel
possession of the defendant started or continued, by virtue with reference to the suit, or tending to influence the decision of the
of a lease or any contract, and that he held possession of controversy, is contempt of court and is punishable.
the land or building after the expiration or termination of
the right to hold possession by virtue of any contract, - It has been ordained that the power to punish for contempt is
express or implied. inherent in all courts and is essential for the preservation of order in
judicial proceedings of the court, and for the enforcement of
2. Accion publiciana which is a plenary action for recovery of the judgments, order, and mandates of the courts, and consequently, to
right to possess, when the dispossession has lasted more than the due administration of justice.
one year.
 It is based on the respect for the courts which guarantees the
 It is an ordinary civil proceeding to determine the better right stability of their institution; without such guarantee, the institution
of possession of realty, independently of title. If at the time of of the courts would be resting on a very shaky foundation.
the filing of the complaint, more than one year had elapsed
since defendant had turned plaintiff out of possession or - Dual function: 1) vindication of public interest by punishment of
defendant’s possession had become illegal, the action will be, contemptuous conduct; and 2) coercion to compel the contemnor to
not one for forcible entry or illegal detainer, but for accion do what the law requires him to uphold the power of the Court, and
publiciana. also to secure the rights of the parties to a suit awarded by the Court.

 It is an ordinary civil proceeding to determine the better right  The power to punish contempt of court is exercised on the
of possession of realty independently of title. It is an ejectment preservative and not on the vindictive principle, and only
suit filed after the expiration of one year from the accrual of occasionally should a court invoke its inherent power to punish
the cause of action or from the unlawful withholding of contempt of court in order to retain that respect without which the
possession of the realty. administration of justice must falter or fail.

3. Accion reinvindicatoria which seeks the recovery of ownership 1. Direct Contempt is committed in the presence of or so near the
and includes the jus possidendi. It is an action whereby plaintiff court or judge as to obstruct or interrupt the proceedings before the
alleges ownership over a parcel of land and seeks recovery of its same.
full ownership.
- It is committed when a person is guilty of misbehavior in the
 Things must be alleged and proven in an accion presence of or so near a court as to obstruct or interrupt the
reinvindicatoria: 1) the identity of the property; and 2) proceedings before the same, including disrespect toward the
plaintiff’s title to it. It is an action where the plaintiff alleges court, offensive personalities toward others, or refusal to be sworn
ownership over a parcel of land and seeks recovery of its full or answer as a witness, or subscribe an affidavit or deposition
possession. when lawfully required to do so.

Remedial Law

1. Disobedience or resistance to a lawful writ, process, order or

- It is generally summary and immediate, and no process or judgment of a court;
evidence is necessary because the act is committed in facie curiae. 2. Any abuse of or any unlawful interference with the process or
proceedings of a court not constituting direct contempt; and
- It need not be committed in the presence of the court, if it tends to 3. Any improper conduct tending, directly or indirectly, to
obstruct justice or to interfere with the actions of the court in the impede, obstruct or degrade the administration of justice.
courtroom itself.
 The failure by the counsel to inform the court of the death of
- Contemptuous acts committed out of the presence of the court, if his client constitutes indirect contempt since it constitutes
admitted by the contemnor in open court, may be punished an improper conduct tending to impede the administration
summarily as a direct contempt, although it is advisable to proceed of justice.
by requiring the person charged to appear and show cause why he
should not be punished when the judge is without personal  The act of re-entry by a party into the land from which he
knowledge of the misbehavior and is informed of it only by a was ordered by the court to vacate may be punished for
confession of the contemnor or by testimony under oath of other contempt of court even after the lapse of 5 years from the
persons. date of the execution of the judgment. **

- Any of the following acts constitutes direct contempt: 1) - The procedural requisites before the accused may be punished for
misbehavior in the presence of or so near the court as to obstruct indirect contempt are :1) charge in writing, 2) opportunity for the
or interrupt the proceedings before the same; 2) disrespect toward person charged to appear and explain his conduct, and 3)
the court; 3) offensive personalities toward others; 4) refusal to be opportunity to be heard by himself or counsel.
sworn as a witness or to answer as a witness; 5) refusal to
subscribe an affidavit or deposition when lawfully required to do - A charge for indirect contempt, such as disobedience to a court’s
so. lawful order, is initiated either motu propio by the order of or a
formal charge by the offended court, or by verified petition with
 The acts of a party or a counsel which constitute willful and supporting particulars and certified true copies of documents or
deliberate forum shopping. papers involved therein, and upon full compliance with the
requirements for filing initiatory pleadings for civil actions in the
 A pleading containing derogatory, offensive and malicious court concerned.
statements is submitted in the same court or judge in which the
proceedings are pending is equivalent to misbehavior committed - If the contempt charges arose out of or are related to a principal
in the presence of or so near a court or judge as to interrupt the action pending in the court, the petition for contempt shall allege
administration of justice. such fact but it shall be docketed, heard, and decided separately
from the principal action. The court, however, in the exercise of its
- No formal proceedings are required to cite a person in direct discretion, may order the consolidation of the contempt charge
contempt. The Court may summarily adjudge one in direct and principal action for joint hearing and decision.
contempt without a hearing.
- If the act constituting direct contempt was committed against RTC
or a court of equivalent or higher rank, the penalty is a fine not Criminal Procedure regulates the steps by which one who committed a
exceeding P2,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 10 days, or both. crime is to be punished.

If the act constituting direct contempt was committed against a - The system of procedure in the Philippines is accusatorial or
lower court, the penalty is a fine not exceeding P200 or adversarial.
imprisonment not exceeding 1 day, or both.
- The rules of procedure must be viewed as tools to facilitate the
If the contempt consists in the refusal or omission to do an act attachment of justice, such that any rigid and strict application
which is yet within the power of the respondent to perform, he thereof which results in technicalities tending to frustrate substantial
may be imprisoned by order of the court concerned until he justice must always be avoided.
performs it.
 The requirements of due process in a criminal proceeding: (CJOH)
- A person adjudged in a direct contempt may not appeal therefrom.
His remedy is a petition for certiorari or prohibition directed 1. That the court or tribunal trying the case is properly clothed with
against the court which adjudged him in direct contempt. judicial power to hear ad determine the matter before it;
2. That jurisdiction is lawfully acquired by it over the person of the
2. Indirect Contempt is one not committed in the presence of the court accused;
and it is an act done at a distance which tends to belittle, degrade, 3. That the accused is given opportunity to be heard; and,
obstruct or embarrass the court and justice. BDOE CJ 4. That judgment is rendered only upon lawful hearing.

- It is a constructive contempt that which is committed out of the  Jurisdiction over the territory; venue in criminal cases – the offense
presence of the court. must have been committed within the court’s territorial jurisdiction.

- It is committed by a person who commits any of the following - This fact is to be determined by the facts alleged in the complaint or
acts: information as regards the place where the offense charged was

Remedial Law

- In all criminal prosecutions, the action shall be instituted and tried - The statute in force at the time of the institution of the action
in the court of the municipality or territory wherein the offense was determines the jurisdiction of the court over the subject matter and
committed or where anyone of the essential ingredients took place. not at the time of its commission even if the penalty that may be
imposed at the time of its commission is less and does not fall under
- Venue in criminal cases is an essential element of jurisdiction. the court’s jurisdiction.
Hence, for jurisdiction to be acquired by a court in a criminal case,
the offense should have been committed or any one of its essential - It is determined by the penalty which may be imposed upon the
ingredients should have taken place within the territorial jurisdiction accused and not the actual penalty imposed after the trial.
of the court.
- It cannot be conferred upon the court by the accused, express waiver
- The following instances where the Court has jurisdiction to try or otherwise, since such jurisdiction is conferred by the sovereign
offenses not committed within its territorial jurisdiction: authority which organized the court, and is given only by law in the
manner and form prescribed by law.
1. Where the offense was committed under the circumstances
enumerate in Art. 2 of the Revised Penal Code, the offense is - In cases cognizable by the Sandiganbayan, both 1) the nature of the
cognizable before the Philippine courts even if committed offense and 2) the position occupied by the accused are conditions
outside the territory of the Philippines. And also, Arts. 114 to sine qua non before the Sandiganbayan can validly take cognizance
121, RPC. of the case.

2. Where the SC, pursuant to its constitutional powers orders a - In complex crimes, jurisdiction is with the court having jurisdiction
change of venue or place of trial to avoid a miscarriage of to imposed the maximum and most serious penalty imposable on the
justice. offense forming part of the complex crime.

3. Where an offense is committed in a train, aircraft, or other - Principle of adherence of jurisdiction or continuing jurisdiction –
public or private vehicle in the course of its trips, the criminal it refers that once a court has acquired jurisdiction, that jurisdiction
action need not be instituted in the actual place where the continues until the court has done all that it can do in the exercise of
offense was committed. It may be instituted and tried in the that jurisdiction.
court of any municipality or territory where said train, aircraft,
or vehicle passed during its trip.  The jurisdiction once vested, cannot be withdrawn or defeated by a
subsequent valid amendment of the information or it cannot be lost
4. Where the case is cognizable by the Sandiganbayan, the by a new law amending the rules of jurisdiction.
jurisdiction of which depends upon the 1) nature of the offense
and 2) the position of the accused. - A special appearance before the court to challenge the jurisdiction
of the court over the person is not tantamount to estoppel or a
5. Where the offense is written defamation, the criminal action waiver of the objection and is not voluntary submission to the
need not necessarily be filed in the RTC of the province or city jurisdiction of the court.
where the alleged libelous article was printed and first
published. It may be filed in the province or city where the  Jurisdiction over the person of the accused is acquired upon his 1)
offended party held office at the time of commission of the arrest or apprehension, with or without a warrant, or 2) his voluntary
offense if he is a public officer, or in the province or city where appearance or submission to the jurisdiction of the court.
he actually resided at the time of the commission of the offense
in case the offended party is a private individual. - As a general rule, seeking affirmative relief is deemed to be a
submission to the jurisdiction of the court.
 If the circumstance as to where the libel was printed and first
published is used by the offended party as basis for the venue  The giving or posting of a bail by the accused is tantamount to
in the criminal action, the information must allege with submission of his person to the jurisdiction of the court. Even if it
particularity where the defamatory article was printed and is conceded that the warrant issued was void, the defendant waived
first published, as evidenced or supported by the address of all his rights to object by appearing and giving a bond.
their editorial or business offices in the case of newspaper,
magazines or serial publications. This pre-condition becomes  Making special appearance in court to question the jurisdiction of
necessary in order to forestall any inclination to harass. the court over the person of the accused is not a voluntary
appearance as when in a criminal case a motion to quash is filed
 Jurisdiction over the subject matter is the power to hear and precisely on that ground.
determine cases of the general class to which the proceedings in
question belongs. It is determined by the allegations in the complaint  When an accused files a motion to quash the warrant of arrest
or information and not by the evidence presented by the parties at the does not tantamount to submission to the jurisdiction of court
trial. because it is the legality of the court process forcing the
submission of the person of the accused that is the very issue in the
- It is conferred by law and not by the rules. When the law confers said motion.
jurisdiction, that conferment must be clear. It cannot be presumed. It
must clearly appear from the statute or will not be held to exist. - Being in the custody of the law is not necessarily being under the
jurisdiction of the court, such as when a person arrested by virtue of
- It is determined by the law in force at the time of the institution of a warrant files a motion before arraignment to quash the warrant.
the action and not during the arraignment of the accused.

Remedial Law

 One can be subject to the jurisdiction of the court over his person, d. All other criminal cases where the penalty prescribed by law
yet not be in the custody of the law, as when an accused escapes for offense charged is imprisonment not exceeding 6 months
custody after his trial has commenced. or a fine not exceeding P1000, or both, irrespective of other
imposable penalties.
 Injunction to restrain in criminal prosecution – as a general rule, the
Court will not issue a writ of prohibition or injunction preliminary or  Any admission of the accused made during the preliminary
final, to enjoin or restrain, criminal prosecution, except the following conference must be reduced to writing and signed by the
exceptions: accused and his counsel. If this requirement is not met, such
admission shall not be used against him.
1. When the injunction is necessary to afford adequate protection to
the constitutional rights of the accused;  Same as with prohibited motions, pleadings and other
2. When it is necessary for the orderly administration of justice or to petitions stated above.
avoid oppression or multiplicity of actions;
3. When there is a prejudicial question which is subjudice;  Jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court:
4. When the acts of the officer are without or in excess of authority;
5. Where the prosecution is under an invalid law, ordinance or 1. Exclusive original jurisdiction in all criminal cases (where the
regulation penalty prescribed by law is exceeding 6 years) not within the
6. When double jeopardy is clearly apparent; exclusive jurisdiction of any court, tribunal or body, except those
7. Where the court has no jurisdiction over the offense falling under the exclusive and concurrent jurisdiction of the
8. Where it is a case of persecution rather than prosecution Sandiganbayan;
9. Where the charges are manifestly false and motivated by lust for 2. Appellate jurisdiction over all cases decided by the MTC within its
vengeance territorial jurisdiction;
10. When there is clearly no prima facie case against the accused and a 3. Special jurisdiction to handle exclusively criminal cases as
motion to quash on that ground has been denied. designated by the SC;
4. Jurisdiction over Money Laundering Cases – the RTC shall have
 Mandamus – the writ of mandamus is not available to control jurisdiction to try all cases on money laundering. Those committed
discretion. Neither may it be issued to compel the exercise of by public officers and private persons who are in conspiracy with
discretion. such public officers shall be under the jurisdiction of the
- Generally, a public prosecutor is afforded a wide latitude of
discretion in the conduct of a preliminary investigation; except,  Criminal Jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan
however, judicial review is allowed where the prosecutor committed
grave abuse of discretion when has exercised his discretion in an - It has jurisdiction over felonies committed by public officials in
arbitrary, capricious, whimsical or despotic manner. relation to their office. The Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction if 1) the
offense is committed by a public official or an employee (POE)
Jurisdiction of Municipal Trial Court mentioned in Sec. 4, par. A, and the offense is committed in relation
to his office.
1. Exclusive original jurisdiction over all violations of city or
municipal ordinances committed within their respective territorial  The offense must be a constituent element of the crime as defined
jurisdiction; by statute.

2. Exclusive original jurisdiction over all offenses punishable with  There must be direct relation between the commission of the
imprisonment not exceeding 6 years irrespective of the amount of crime and the office being held by the accused.
fine, and regardless of other imposable or accessory penalties,
including the civil liability arising from such offenses irrespective  An offense maybe said to have been committed in relation to the
of kind, nature, value or amount, except those cases within the office if the offense is intimately connected with the office of the
exclusive original jurisdiction of the RTC and of the offender and perpetrated while he was in the performance of his
Sandiganbayan; official functions even if public office is not an element of the
offense charged.
- RTC has exclusive original jurisdiction over libel cases;
- Sandiganbayan has exclusive jurisdiction over direct and  Even if the public office is not an element of an offense but it was
indirect bribery. shown1) that the offense was committed while in performance of
his official duty and 2) that the offense could not have been
3. Exclusive original jurisdiction over offenses punishable with a fine committed had he not held his office.
of not more than P4000.00;
4. Exclusive original jurisdiction over offenses involving damage to - Those that are classified as Grade 26 and below may still fall within
property through criminal negligence. the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan provided that they hold
5. Special jurisdiction to decide on application for bail in criminal position thus enumerated by the same law.
cases in the absence of all RTC judges in a province.
6. Cases that are subject to summary procedure: (TROB)  It is not only the salary grade that determines the jurisdiction of
the Sandiganbayan.
a. Violation of traffic laws, rules and regulations;
b. Violation of rental law and BP 22;  The compensation is not an essential element of a public office and
c. Violation of municipal or city ordinances; is merely incidental to the public office.

Remedial Law

- there are two classes of public office-related crimes under Prosecution Office or the Regional State Prosecutor and it must be
subparagraph (b) of Section 4, RA 8249: approved by the court. Likewise, it based on any of the following
reasons: 1) that the public prosecutor has a heavy work schedule,
1) those crimes or felonies in which the A) public office is a or 2) there is lack of public prosecutor.
constituent element as defined by statute and B) the relation
between the crime and the offense committed cannot exist  The public prosecutor, in the exercise of his functions, has the
without the office; power and discretion to: 1) determine whether a prima facie case
2) offenses or felonies which are intimately connected with public exists, decide which of the conflicting testimonies should be
office and are perpetrated by the POE while in the performance believed free from the interference or control of the offended
of his official functions, through improper or irregular conduct. party, and 3) subject only to the right against self-incrimination,
determine which witnesses to present in court.
 Those money laundering cases committed by public officers
and private persons who are in conspiracy with such public  In criminal cases in the MTC, when the prosecutor is not available,
officers shall be under the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan. the action may be prosecuted by 1) the offended party, 2) any
peace officer, or 3) public officer charged with the enforcement of
Institution of criminal action the law violated.

- A preliminary investigation is required to be conducted for - Private offended parties have limited roles in criminal cases. They
offenses where the penalty prescribed by law is at least 4 years, 2 are only witnesses for the prosecution. Thus, a private offended party
months and 1 day. may not appeal the dismissal of a criminal case or the acquittal of an
accused because the aggrieved party is the People of the Philippines.
 A preliminary investigation is essentially a determination
whether an offense has been committed and whether there is  The private offended party (or accused) may appeal the civil
probable cause for the accused to have committed an offense. aspect of the case and may file a special civil action for
certiorari questioning the decision/action of the court on
- The institution of the criminal action shall interrupt the period of jurisdictional grounds.
prescription of the offense charged, unless otherwise provided in
special laws, with the proper officer.  The public prosecutor generally has no interest in appealing the
civil aspect of a decision acquitting the accused.
 The prescription begins from the commission of the crime or
from the discovery thereof and the institution of judicial - The information enables the accused to suitable prepare for his
proceedings for its investigation and punishment. defense, since he is presumed to have no independent knowledge of
the facts that constitute the offense.
 The filing of the affidavit of complaint for preliminary
investigation interrupted the running of the prescriptive period.  A valid information confers jurisdiction on the court over the
person the accused and the subject matter of the accusation.
 It is well-settled rule that the filing of the complaint with the
fiscal’s office suspends the running of the prescriptive period. The  The nature and character of the crime charged against the
prescriptive period remains tolled from the time the complaint accused are determined not by the designation of the specific
was filed with the Office of the Prosecutor until such time that crime, but by the facts alleged in the complaint or information**
respondent is either convicted or acquitted by the proper court.
 the acts or omissions complained must be alleged in the
 The above rule does not apply to Rules on Summary complaint or information in order 1) to inform an accused of
Procedure, except BP 22 cases. ** the nature of the accusation against him so as to enable him to
suitably prepare for his defense and 2) he is presumed to have
- A criminal action is prosecuted under the direction and control of no independent knowledge of the facts that constitute the
the public prosecutor. It is founded on the theory that a crime is a offense.
breach of the security and peace of the people at large, an outrage
against the very sovereignty of the state.  The absence of an oath in the complaint does not necessarily
render it invalid. Want of oath is a mere defect of form, which
 The right to prosecute vests the prosecutor with a wide range of does not affect the substantial rights of the defendant on the merits.
discretion, the discretion of whether, what and whom to charge,
the exercise of which depends on factors which are best  An accused is deemed to have waived his right to assail the
appreciated by prosecutors. sufficiency of the information when he voluntarily entered a plea
when arraigned and participated in the trial.
 The intervention of a private prosecutor is only allowed where the
civil action for the recovery of the civil liability is instituted in the  Objections relating to the form of the complaint or information
criminal action. However, the private prosecutor cannot cannot be made for the first time on appeal. The accused-appellant
intervene if the offended party 1) waives the civil action, 2) should have moved before arraignment either for a bill of
reserves the right to institute it separately or 3) institutes the civil particulars or for the quashal of the information.
action prior to the criminal action.
 The failure to designate the offense by the statute or to mention the
 A private prosecutor may prosecute the criminal action up to the specific provision penalizing the act or an erroneous specification
end of the trial even in the absence of the public prosecutor if he is of the law violated does not vitiate the information if the facts
authorized to do so in writing given either by the Chief of the alleged clearly recite the facts constituting the crime charged.

Remedial Law

1. As to the changes. Amendment may involve either formal

 There is nothing in the Rules of Court which specifically or substantial changes, while substitution necessarily
requires that the information must state the particular law involves a substantial change from the original charge;
under which the accused is charged in order for it to be 2. As to the requirement of leave of court. Amendment before
considered sufficient and valid. plea has been entered can be effected without leave of court,
 The character of the crime is not determined by the caption or but substantial must be with leave of court as the
preamble of the information nor by the specification of the information has to be dismissed.
provision of law alleged to have been violated, they being 3. As to the requirement of preliminary investigation. Where
conclusion of law. the amendment is only as to form, there is no need for
another preliminary investigation; in substitution of
 Every information must state the qualifying and aggravating formation, another preliminary investigation is entailed and
circumstances attending the commission of the crime for them to the accused has to plead anew to the new information.
be considered in the imposition of the penalty. Otherwise stated,
the accused will not be convicted of the offense proved during the - the dismissal made by the RTC of the criminal case can only be
trial if it was not properly alleged in the information. appealed by the OSG to the CA and the SC.

 It is not the use of words qualifying or qualified by that raises Prosecution of civil action
a crime to a higher category, but the specific allegation of an
attendant circumstance which adds the essential element - When a criminal action is instituted, the civil action for the recovery of
raising the crime to a higher category and in order to justify the civil liability arising from the offense charged shall be deemed
the imposition of the graver penalty. instituted with the criminal action.

 No matter how conclusive and convincing the evidence of  Every person criminally liable for a felony is also civilly liable
guilt may be, an accused cannot be convicted of any offense except in the instances when no actual damage results from an
unless it is charged in the information on which he is tried or offense.
is necessarily included therein.
 A separate civil action would only prove to be costly, burdensome
 As a rule, a complaint or information must charge only one and time consuming for both parties and further delay the final
offense. More than one offense may be charged when the law disposition of the case. Thus, multiplicity of suits must be avoided.
prescribes a single punishment for various offense.
 The rule on implied institutions of the civil action does not apply
1. Failure of the accused to interpose an objection on the before the filing of the criminal action or information.
ground of duplicity of the offense charged in the information
constitutes waiver.  The civil actions referred to in Arts. 32, 33, 34 and 2176 of the Civil
Code shall remain separate, distinct and independent of any
- Amendment of the information or complaint before plea; no need for criminal prosecution which may be based on the same act.
 A criminal case based on defamation, fraud or physical injuries
 if the complaint is made before the accused enters his plea, the gives rise to an independent civil action arising not from the crime
complaint or information may be amended in form or in charged but from Art. 33 even if caused by the very same defamatory
substance, without the need for leave of court. or fraudulent act.

2. Leave of court is required even if made before plea if: - A court cannot entertain counterclaims, cross-claims and third party
complaints in the criminal action. A court trying a criminal case is
a. The amendment downgrades the nature of the offense limited to determining the guilt of the accused, and if proper, to
charged; determine his liability.
b. The amendment excludes any accused from the complaint
or information; - if the accused dies after arraignment and during the pendency of the
c. The Prosecutor is required to file a motion with notice to criminal action, the civil liability of the accused arising from the crime
the offended party; is extinguished but the independent civil actions and civil liabilities
d. The court is mandated by the rule to state its reasons in arising from other sources of obligation may be continued against the
resolving the motion of the prosecutor and to furnish all estate or legal representative of the accused after proper substitution or
parties, especially the offended party of copies pf its against the estate as the case may be.
 Novation is not one of the grounds prescribed by the RPC for the
 if the amendment is made after the plea of the accused and extinguishment of criminal liability.
during the trial, any formal amendment may only be made
under two conditions, namely: 1) leave of court must be  The extinction of criminal action does not carry with it the extinction
secured; and 2) the amendment does not cause prejudice to the of the civil action.
rights of the accused.
 The payment of civil liability does not extinguish criminal liability.
 The distinctions between amendment and substitution of the
information are as follows: - The elements of a prejudicial question are: 1) a previously instituted
civil action involves an issue similar or intimately related to the issue

Remedial Law

raised in the subsequent criminal action, and 2) the resolution of such

issue determines whether or not the criminal action may proceed.  PI is required to be conducted before the filing of a complaint or
information for an offense where the penalty prescribed by law
 Prejudicial question may not be invoked in any of the following is at least 4 yrs., 2 months and 1 day without regard to the fine.
situations: 1) both cases are criminal, 2) both civil, 3) both cases are
administrative, 4) one case is administrative and the other criminal.  Its ultimate purpose of PI is to secure the innocent against hasty,
malicious and oppressive prosecution and to protect him from an
 The principle of a prejudicial question will not arise if the criminal open and public accusation of a crime, from the trouble,
case was instituted prior to the civil case. expenses and anxiety of a public trial, and also to protect the
State from useless and expensive prosecutions.
 The issued that leads to a prejudicial question is one that arises in the
civil case and not in the criminal case. It is the issue in the civil case  PI is executive in character and it does not contemplate a judicial
which needs to be resolved first before it is determined whether or function. It does not place the person against whom it is taken in
not the criminal case should proceed or whether or not there should jeopardy.
be, in the criminal case, a judgment of acquittal or conviction.
- The dismissal of a case during its PI stage does not constitute
 It is critical to show that the issue in the civil case is determinative double jeopardy since a PI is not part of the trial and is not
of the issue in the criminal case. the occasion for the full and exhaustive display of the parties’
evidence. **
 The proper remedy in case there is a pendency of a prejudicial
question in a civil action is to file a petition for the suspension of  Hearsay evidence is admissible in determining probable cause
the criminal action. Thus, there is no motu propio suspension of the in a preliminary investigation because such investigation is
criminal action. merely preliminary, and does not finally adjudicate rights and
obligations of parties.
3. It is not necessary that the criminal action be instituted in court,
it is sufficient that the case be in the stage of preliminary  A clarificatory hearing is not indispensable during PI.
investigation as long as there has already been a previously However, it is within the discretion of the investigation officer
instituted civil case. whether to set the case for further hearings to clarify some
 A prejudicial question accords a civil case a preferential treatment
and constitutes an exception to the general rule that the civil action - The record of the PI shall not form part of the record of the cases,
shall be suspended when the criminal action is instituted. unless on the initiative of the Court or on motions of any party,
may order the production of the record or any of its part when the
Venue of criminal actions court considers it necessary in the resolution of the case or any
incidental therein or when it is introduced as an evidence in the
1. In cases of written defamation, the complaint shall be instituted in case by the requesting party.
the RTC of the province or city where:
- it is a statutory character and essentially a judicial inquiry and
a) the libelous article was printed or first published in the place that in a PI, the prosecutor or investigating officer acts as a quasi-
of the filing of the information; judicial officer.
b) if the offended party is a private individual, the place where he
actually resided at the time of the commission of the offense;  The following persons are authorized to conduct PI: PCA-NaReO
c) if he is POE, the place where he held office at the time of the 1. Provincial/City Prosecutors and their Assistant Prosecutors;
commission of the offense. 2. National and Regional State Prosecutors and
3. Other authorized officers (Comelec / Ombudsman and his deputies
2. In cases where the offense is committed in train, aircraft or / special designated by the Sec. of Justice)
- The COMELEC, through its duly authorized legal officers, has
The criminal action shall be instituted and tried in the court of any the exclusive power to conduct the preliminary investigation of
municipality or territory where such vehicles passed during its all election offenses punishable under the Omnibus Election
trip, including the place of its departure and arrival. Code and to prosecute the same. Under Sec. 43, RA 9369, the
power of the COMELEC to investigate and prosecute election
3. In cases where the offense is committed on board a vessel: offenses is now concurrent with the other prosecuting arms of
the government.
The criminal action shall be instituted and tried in 1) the court of
the first port of entry, or 2) of the municipality or territory where - The Office of the Ombudsman has the authority to investigate
the vessel passed during its voyage. and prosecute on its own or on complaint by any person, any act
or omission of any POE, office or agency, when such act or
Preliminary Investigation omission appears to be illegal, unjust, improper or inefficient. It
has primary jurisdiction over cases cognizable by the
- Its purpose is not to declare the respondent guilty beyond Sandiganbayan and, in the exercise of this primary jurisdiction,
reasonable doubt but only to determine first, whether or not a it may take over, at any stage, from any investigatory agency of
crime has been committed and second, whether or not the the government, the investigation of such cases.
respondent is probably guilty of the crime. It is merely

Remedial Law

 The absence in the information of a certification as to the 3. The prescription of the offense is not due to lapse
holding of a PI, the information is nonetheless considered valid within 6 months from notice of the questioned
for the reason that such certification is no an essential part of the resolutions; and,
information itself and its absence cannot vitiate it as such. What 4. The appeal or petition for review is filed within 30
is not allowed is the filing of the information without a PI having days from notice.
been previously conducted.
- The aggrieved party may appeal the decision of the
Office of the President by verified petition for review
 The following authorized persons who are authorized to approve an
under Rule 43, ROC to the CA.
information or complaint: PCCOD
1. Provincial/City Prosecutors
 The distinctions between preliminary investigation and preliminary
2. Chief State Prosecutors
examination (preliminary inquiry) are the following:
3. Ombudsman or his Deputies
1. As to the INVESTIGATING OFFICER who conduct the
- The rule that no complaint or information may be filed or
preliminary proceeding. A preliminary investigation is conducted
dismissed by an investigating prosecutor without the prior
by the prosecutor whether the alleged offender should be held for
written authority or approval of PCCOD.
trial or if the offender is to be released. A preliminary examination
is conducted by the judge to determine probable cause for the
- The aggrieved party may file a MR within 15 days from receipt
issuance of a warrant of arrest. This is a judicial function.
of the assailed resolution. If the MR is denied, the aggrieved
party may appeal by petition for review, within 15 days from
- Probable cause, in general, has been defined as the existence of
the denial of the MR, with the Office of the Secretary of
such facts and circumstances as would lead a person of ordinary
caution and prudence to entertain an honest and strong suspicion
that the person charged is guilty of the crime subject of the
- the SOJ may reverse, affirm or modify (RAM) the appealed
resolution. He may also dismiss the petition for review motu
propio or upon motion of any of the following grounds:
 it need not be based on clear and convincing evidence of guilt,
as the investigating officer acts upon reasonable beliefs.
1. the petition for review was filed beyond the period
 It implies only probability of guilt and requires more than bare
2. the prescribed procedure and requirements provided in
suspicion but less than evidence which would justify a
Department Order no. 70 were not complied with;
3. there is no showing of any reversible error or that the
accused was already arraigned when the appeal was taken;
- Probable cause, for purposes of filing a criminal information,
4. the appealed resolution is interlocutory in nature, except
has been defined as such facts as sufficient to engender a well-
when it suspended the proceedings based on the alleged
founded belief that a crime has been committed and that
existence of a prejudicial question; and,
respondents are probably guilty thereof.
5. the offense has already prescribed.
2. As to the NATURE of the proceeding. Preliminary investigation is
 The DOJ is not a quasi-judicial agency exercising a quasi-
executive in nature and it is part of the prosecutor’s job.
judicial function when it reviews the findings of a public
Preliminary examination is judicial in nature and is lodged with the
prosecutor regarding the presence of a probable cause and
that its findings are not reviewable by the CA in a petition
for review under Rule 43, ROC.
- The judicial determination of probable cause is one made by the
judge to ascertain whether a warrant of arrest should be issued
 The decision of the SOJ may be brought / reviewed to the
against the accused. There is a necessity for placing the accused
CA by petition for certiorari under Rule 65 if it is tainted
under the custody in order not to frustrate the ends of justice.
with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction. The same may be brought to the SC
- Probable cause to warrant an arrest which is made by the judge
by way of a petition for review on certiorari under Rule
refers to facts and circumstances that would lead a reasonably
discreet and prudent man to believe that an offense has been
committed by the person to be arrested.
 Memorandum Circular No. 58 provides that appeals
from or petition for review of decisions/orders/
 If a person is arrested lawfully without a warrant involving an offense
resolutions of the SOJ on PI of criminal cases are
which requires a PI, an information or complaint may be filed against
entertained by the Office of the President under the
him without need for a PI, provided an inquest proceeding was
following conditions which have to be established as
conducted to the accused.
jurisdictional facts:
- Inquest proceedings are proper only when the accused has been
1. The offense involved is punishable by reclusion
lawfully arrested and detained without a warrant involving even also
perpetua to death;
an offense which requires a PI. It is a summary investigation and
2. New and material issues are raised which were not
which does not follow the procedures set forth in Sec. 3, Rule 112,
previously presented before the Department of Justice
and were not hence, ruled upon;

Remedial Law

 Where arrest not properly effected – the inquest officer may resort conviction of the accused rests within the exclusive jurisdiction,
to the following procedure: competence and discretion of the trial court.

1. Recommend the release of the person arrested;  Once a criminal action has been instituted by the filing of the
2. Noted down the disposition on the referral document; Information with the court, the later acquires jurisdiction and has
3. Prepare a brief memorandum indicating the reasons for the the authority to determine whether to dismiss the case or convict
action taken; and, or acquit the accused. (DCA)
4. Forward the same, together with the record of the case, to the
City or Provincial Prosecutor for appropriate action.  The trial court should not rely solely and merely on the findings of
the public prosecutor or the Secretary of Justice that no crime was
- In the absence or unavailability of an inquest prosecutor, the committed. The trial court should not rely on the resolution of the
complaint may be filed directly with the proper court by the prosecuting arm of the government, but is required to make an
offended party or a peace officer on the basis of the affidavit of the independent assessment of the merits of such position.
offended party or arresting officer.
Arrest – see Sec. 2, Art. 3, 1987 Constitution
 When a person is lawfully arrest without a warrant, he may still
avail PI within 5 days from the time he learns (knowledge) of the - Probable cause in connection with the issuance of a warrant of
filing of the complaint or information and provided he must sign a arrest, assumes the existence of facts that would lead a reasonably
waiver of the provisions of Art. 125, RPC (12/18/36 hrs.) by filing discreet and prudent man to believe that a crime has been committed
a motion to conduct a PI. and that it was likely committed by the person sought to be arrested.

 Any waiver by the person arrested or detained or under custodial - the constitutional provision does not mandatorily require the judge to
investigation shall be in 1) writing and 2) signed by such person in personally examine the complainant and her witnesses. Instead, 1)
the presence of his counsel otherwise such waiver shall be null and he may opt to personally evaluate the report and supporting
void. documents submitted by the prosecutor if it is supported by
substantial evidence or 2) he may disregard the prosecutor’s report
 An accused who wants to question the regularity or absence of a and require the submission of supporting affidavits of witnesses.
PI must do so before he enters his plea. The court shall resolve the
matter as early as practicable but not later than the start of the trial. - Under recent jurisprudence, the judge shall: 1) personally evaluate
Failure to invoke the right before entering a plea will amount to a the report and the supporting document submitted by the fiscal
waiver. regarding the existence of probable cause and, on the basis thereof,
issue a warrant of arrest; or 2) if on the basis there he finds no
 As a rule, bail must be applied for and issued by the court in the probable cause, he may disregard the fiscal’s report and require the
province, city or municipality where the person arrested is held. submission of supporting affidavits of witnesses to aid him in
arriving at a conclusion as to the existence of probable cause.
 The SC held that while a person lawfully arrested and detained and
not yet formally charged can apply for bail, the application must  The judge may opt to personally evaluate the report and
be filed in the province, city or municipality where the person supporting documents submitted by the regarding the existence of
arrested is held. probable cause and on the basis thereof issue a warrant of arrest.

 In the absence of a PI and the accused before entering his plea  There is no requirement of a prior order by the judge finding
calls the attention of the court to his deprivation of the required PI, probable cause.  The SC has held that the judge may rely upon the
the court should not dismiss the information. It should remand the resolution of the investigating prosecutor provided that he
case to the prosecutor so that the investigation may be conducted. personally evaluates the same and the affidavits and supporting
1. The absence of PI does not affect the court’s jurisdiction over
the case nor does it impair the validity of the information or - Before issuing warrants of arrest, judges merely determine the
otherwise, render it defective. probability, not the certainty, of guilt of an accused. In doing so,
2. It is not a ground for a motion to quash as it is not provided in judges do not conduct a de novo hearing to determine the existence
Sec. 3, Rule 117. of probable cause.

 The options available to the RTC upon the filing of an information  Method of making arrest by virtue of a warrant, the officer shall 1)
before it by the public prosecutor or any prosecutor of the SOJ, are the inform the person to be arrested of the cause of his arrest, and inform
following: (DEW) him of the fact that a warrant has been issued for his arrest.

1. Dismiss the case if the evidence on record clearly failed to - Method of arrest without a warrant:
establish probable cause;
2. In case of doubt as to the existence of probable cause, order the 1. Arrest by an officer – when making an arrest without a warrant,
prosecutor to present additional evidence within 5 days from the officer shall inform the person to be arrested of his 1)
notice, the issue to be resolved by the within 30 days from the authority and 2) the cause of his arrest. The information need
filing of the information. not be given if any of circumstances under Sec. 5, Rule 113 is
3. If the RTC finds probable cause, issue warrant of arrest. present.

- In Crespo v. Mogul, once a criminal complaint or information is filed

in court, any disposition of the case or dismissal or acquittal or

Remedial Law

2. Arrest by a private person – when a private person makes an

arrest, he shall inform the person to be arrested of his intention - Other cases of lawful warrantless arrests: (BAD)
to arrest him and the cause of his arrest.
1. Bondsman’s arrest
3. In flagrante and hot pursuit exceptions, the person arrested 2. Arrestee escapes;
without a warrant shall be delivered to nearest police station or 3. Depart from the Philippines.
 Rights of a person arrested (RA 7438) ASIV
 The right to break into a building or an enclosure specifically
refers to an officer and not to private person. 1. The right to be assisted by counsel at all times;
2. The right to remain silent;
 An arrest may be made on any day and at any time of the day 3. The right to be informed of the above rights; and,
or night. 4. The right to be visited by the immediate members of his family, by
his counsel, or by any NGO, national or international.
 A warrantless arrest may be made not only by a peace officer but also
by a private person through citizen’s arrest. See Sec. 5, Rule 113, - The lawyer-counsel must be who is independent and competent. The
ROC. lawyer shall be allowed to confer at all times with the person
arrested, detained or under custodial investigation.
- In flagrante delicto means caught in the act of committing a crime.
- In the absence of a lawyer, no custodial investigation shall be
 Any person may immediately pursue or retake him without a conducted and the suspected person can only be detained by the
warrant at any time and in any place within the Philippines. investigating officer in accordance with Art. 125, RPC.

 An accused released on bail may be re-arrested without a warrant - Custodial investigation shall include the practice of issuing an
if he attempts to depart from the Philippines without permission of invitation to a person who is investigated in connection with an
the court where the case is pending. offense he is suspected to have committed, without prejudice to the
liability of the inviting officer for any violation of law.
 Suspicion and reliable information are not justifications for a
warrantless arrest. Anything illegally seized not incident to a - A waiver of an illegal warrantless arrest does not also mean a waiver
lawful arrest may become fruit of a poisonous tree and may be of the inadmissibility of evidence seized during an illegal warrantless
held inadmissible in evidence. arrest. ***

 Reliable information alone, absent any overt act indicative of a - an application for an admission to bail shall not bar the accused
felonious enterprise in the presence and within the view of the from challenging the validity of his arrest or the legality of the
arresting offices, is not sufficient to constitute probable cause that warrant issued.
would justify an in flagrante delicto arrest.
- a warrantless arrest is not a jurisdictional defect and any objection to
 The SC held that a warrantless arrest cannot be justified where no it is waived when the person arrested submits to arraignment without
crime is being committed at the time of the arrest because no crime any objection. If the appellants are questioning their arrest for the
may be inferred from the fact that the eyes of the person arrested first time on appeal, they are, therefore, deemed to have waived their
were moving fast and looking at every person passing by. right to the constitutional protection against illegal arrests and
 “On the spot” information may justify valid warrantless arrest and
a valid warrantless search.  Any objection involving the arrest or the procedure in the court’s
acquisition of jurisdiction over the person of an accused must be
- In hot pursuit exception, a warrantless arrest may be effected if the made before he enters his plea; otherwise the objection is deemed
following requirements are present: 1) an offense has just been waived.
committed; and 2) the person making the arrest has personal
knowledge of facts indicating that the person to be arrested has Searches and Seizures
committed it.
 Nature of a Search warrant:
 Where the arrest took place a day after the commission of the
crime, it cannot be said that an offense has just been committed. - Search warrant is 1) an order in writing issued in the name of the
Hence, the warrantless arrest was not lawful. People of the Philippines, 2) signed by the judge and 3) directed to a
peace officer, commanding him to search for personal property
 A warrantless arrest made, one-year after the offense was described therein and 4) bring it before the court. (OJPB)
allegedly committed is an illegal arrest.
- It is not a criminal action nor does it represent a commencement of a
 Personal knowledge of facts must be based on probable cause, criminal prosecution even if it is entitled like a criminal action.
which means an actual belief or reasonable grounds of suspicion.
- it is not a proceeding against a person but is solely for the discovery
 The SC ruled that the petitioner’s act of trying to get away, and to get possession of personal property. It is a special and peculiar
coupled with the incident report which they investigated, is enough remedy and made necessary because of public necessity.
to raise a reasonable suspicion on the part of the police authorities
to the existence of a probable cause.

Remedial Law

- an application for a search warrant is heard ex parte. It is neither a

trial nor part of the trial. 3. The application shall also be made only in the court where the
criminal action is pending, if the criminal action has already
- it is a police weapon, issued under the police power. been filed.

- It is not a sweeping authority empowering a raiding party to  Arrest may be distinguished from search and seizure as follows:
undertake a fishing expedition to confiscate any and all kinds of (STEP)
evidence or articles relating to a crime. The objects taken which were
not specified in the search warrant should be restored to appellant. 1. As to the subject of seizure. An arrest is concerned with the
seizure of a person as it involves the taking of a person in custody.
- Inherent in the court’s power to issue search warrants is the power A search may follow an arrest but the search must be incident to a
to quash warrants already issued. lawful arrest.

 The following are the requisites for a search warrant under the Rules of 2. As to the time when a warrant may be served. An arrest may be
Court: (PDES) made on any day and at any time of the day or night. A search
warrant is generally served in the day time, unless there be a
1. There must be probable cause in connection with one specific direction in the warrant that it may be served at any time of the day
offense; or night.
2. The presence of probable cause is to be determined by the judge
personally; 3. As to the examination to conducted. In arrest warrant, the judge is
3. The determination by the judge must be made after an not required to make a personal examination before issuing a
examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the warrant. In search warrant, the judge must personally examine the
witnesses he may produce; complainant and the witnesses he may produce in determining
4. The warrant must specifically describe the place to be searched probable cause before a search warrant may be issued.
and the things to be seized which may be anywhere in the
Philippines. 4. As to the probable cause of seizure. In arrest, the judge
determines whether there is sufficient ground whether a crime has
- The absence of any of the requisites will cause its downright been committed and a particular person committed it. In search, it
nullification. requires facts to show that a particular things connected with a
crime are found in a specific location.
- In determination of probable cause, the court must resolve
whether or not an offense exists to justify the issuance of the  Particular description of place or person in a search warrant – the
search warrant. prevailing doctrine is that the warrant must sufficiently describe the
premises to be searched so that the officer executing the warrant may,
- The probable cause must also be shown to be within the personal with reasonable effort, ascertain and identify the place intended.
knowledge of the complainant or the witnesses he may produce
and not based on mere hearsay. In determining its existence, the - Description of the place to be searched is sufficient if the officer with
examining magistrate must make a probing and not merely the warrant can, with reasonable effort, ascertain and identify the
routine or pro forma examination of the complainant and the place intended and distinguish it from other places in the community.
witnesses. Reliable information is insufficient.
- The person to be searched must be described with reasonable
- The oath required must refer to the truth of the facts within the particularity. He can be identified by a name which others use in
personal knowledge of the applicant or his witnesses, because calling him, even if it is not his real name.
the purpose thereof is to convince the magistrate.
- The provision requiring a particular description of the items or
- The probable cause to arrest does not necessarily involve a things to be seized is designed to 1) prevent general searches and 2)
probable cause to search and vice versa. avoid seizure of a thing not described in the warrant and also so
nothing is to be left to the discretion of the officer executing the
- As to the duration, a search warrant shall be valid for 10 days warrant.
from its date of issuance. Thereafter, it shall be void.
 The requirement of particularity is said to be satisfied if the
warrant imposes a meaningful restriction upon the objects to be
 As a rule, an application for a search warrant shall be filed before any seized. It is one that leaves nothing to the discretion of the officer
court within whose territorial jurisdiction a crime was committed. who conducts the search.

- There are exceptions to the above general rule:  The purpose of this requirement is 1) to limit the things to be
seized to those described in the search warrant and 2) to leave the
1. The application may be made before any court within the officers of the law no discretion regarding what articles they shall
judicial region where the crime was committed if the place of seize so abuses may not be committed.
the commission of the crime is known.
2. The application may also be filed before any court within the  The law does not require that the things to be seized must be
judicial region where the warrant shall be enforced. described in precise and minute details as to leave no room for
doubt on the part of the searching authorities.
 In both exceptions, filing in such courts requires compelling
reasons stated in the application.

Remedial Law

 The seizing officer cannot seize property not specified in the 1. for dangerous weapon which may the latter use in order to
warrant. resist arrest or effect his escape;
2. for anything which may have been used in the commission
 The lawful search of the premises particularly described extends to of an offense in order to prevent its concealment or
the areas in which the object may be found. destruction;
3. for anything which constitute proof in the commission of an
 It has been held that when a search warrant authorizes the search offense.
of a place particularly described, a justified search would include
all the things attached to or annexed to the land if the place - A valid arrest allows the seizure of evidence or dangerous
described be land. weapons either 1) on the person of the one arrested or 2) within
the area of his immediate control – the area from within which
 The law does not require that the property to be seized should be he might gain possession of a weapon or destruction evidence.
owned by the person against whom the search warrant is directed. **
It is sufficient that the person against whom the warrant is directed
has control and possession of the property to be seized.  Extensive searches in other areas not within the immediate
possession and control of the arrestee is unreasonable and
 As to the manner of making search. inadmissible.

- Knock and announce rule - being armed with a warrant does not  The purpose of the exception is: 1) to protect the arresting
justify outright entry or barging into the place to be searched. An officer from being harmed by the person arrested, who might
officer should knock, introduce himself and announce his purpose be armed with concealed weapon, and 2) to prevent the latter
and only exceptional cases may he forego the same like when his from destroying evidence within reach.
safety is in danger of being jeopardized or when evidence is about to
be destroyed. - In Marron v. US, where the officers had made a valid search and
arrest in the premises, they had a right without a warrant to
- The officer may break open any other or inner door or window of a contemporaneously search the place for evidence of the
house or any part of a house or anything therein provided the criminal enterprise. In Agnello v. US, however, the right does
following requisites are complied with: not extend to other places such as a house several blocks away
from the place where an arrest was made. **
1. The officer gives notice of his purpose and authority;
2. He is refused admittance to the place of directed search despite - The SC held that the articles seized from the accused during his
the notice; and, arrest were valid under the doctrine of search made incidental
3. The purpose of breaking is to execute the warrant or to liberate to a lawful arrest. The search may extend beyond the person of
himself or any person lawfully aiding him when unlawfully the person arrested to include the premises or surroundings
detained therein under his immediate control.

- The delivery of the seized items to the judge who issued the search - Buy-bust operation is a form of entrapment legally employed
warrant to be kept in custodia legisin anticipation of the criminal by peace officers as an effective way of apprehending drug
proceedings against petitioner. dealers in the act of committing an offense.

 Motion to quash a search warrant and / or suppress evidence obtained  It does not need search warrant or warrant of arrest because
by virtue of the warrant may be filed and acted upon only by the court the accused is caught in flagrante delicto.
when the action has been instituted.
 Under the subjective view of entrapment, the focus is on the
- If no criminal action has been instituted, the motion may be filed in intent or predisposition of the accused to commit a crime.
and resolved by the court that issued the search warrant. Under the objective view, on the other hand, the primary
focus is on the particular conduct of law enforcement officials
- A special civil action for certiorari is a proper recourse available to or their agents and the accused’s predisposition becomes
an aggrieved party in assailing the quashal of the search warrant. irrelevant.

- An unwarranted reversal of an earlier finding of probable cause  No rule requires a prior surveillance of the suspected offender
constituted grave abuse of discretion. before conducting a buy-bust operation and the absence of
such surveillance or prior test buy does not affect the legality
 Exceptions to the search warrant requirements: of the buy-bust operation.

1. Warrantless search incidental to a lawful arrest  The recording of marked money used in a buy-bust operation
is not one of the elements for the prosecution of sale of illegal
- There must be a lawful arrest either by virtue of a warrant or drugs. Thus, non-recording thereof in an official record will
warrantless arrest under Sec. 5, Rule 113 before a search may be not lead to an acquittal of the accused as long as the sale of the
conducted. prohibited drugs is proven.

- After a lawful arrest is made, the arresting officer is permitted to 2. Stop and frisk or terry searches – it is allowed if 1) the officer has
conduct a search on the accused: reasonable belief based on a genuine reason and 2) in the light of
the officer’s experience and the surrounding circumstances, that a

Remedial Law

crime has either taken place or is about to take place and the  Searches conducted in checkpoints are valid for as long as
person to be stopped is armed and dangerous. they are warranted by exigencies of public order and
conducted in a way least intrusive to motorists.
- It serves a dual purpose: 1) the general interest of effective crime
prevention and detection; and 2) the safety of the police officer 5. Consented warrantless search – the consent to a warrantless search
to take steps to assure himself that the person with whom he must be voluntary.
deals is not armed with a deadly weapon that could be used
against him. - To be valid, there must be a waiver and it must appear that 1) the
right exists; 2) the person involved had knowledge, either
- It is limited to the person’s outer clothing, and should be constructive or actual, of the existence of such right; and 3) the
grounded upon a genuine reason to warrant the belief that the said person had an actual intention to relinquish the right.
person detained has weapons concealed about him.
- Evidence obtained by virtue of an illegal warrantless search is
- It is not a full arrest and it does not require probable cause. It has inadmissible.
limited scope.
6. Custom search
3. Seizure of evidence in plain view (IDAS) 7. Exigent and emergency circumstances
8. Search of vessels and aircraft
- the elements of the plain view exception are: 1) a prior valid 9. Inspection of building and other premises for enforcement of fire,
intrusion based on the valid warrantless arrest in which the sanitary and building regulations.
police are legally present in the pursuit of their official duties or
he is in a position from which he can view a particular area; 2)  Under A.M. No. 99-20-09 SC, the “heads” of the agencies mentioned
the evidence was inadvertently discovered by the police who in filing a search warrant in Manila and Quezon City, the court held
have the right to be where they are; 3) the evidence must be that nothing in the rule prohibits such heads from delegating the
immediately apparent; 4) plain view justified mere seizure of ministerial duty of endorsing the application for search warrants to
evidence without further search. their assistant heads.

- Under the plain view doctrine, objects falling in the plain view Bail is the security given for the release of a person in the custody of
of an officer who has a right to be in position to have that view law, furnished by him or a bondsman, to guarantee his appearance
are subject to seizure and may be presented as evidence. before any court as required under certain specified conditions.

- The rule allows a law enforcement officer to make a seizure - Its purpose is to obtain the provisional liberty of a person
without obtaining a search warrant if evidence of criminal charged with an offense until conviction while at the same time
activity or the product of a crime can be seen without entry or securing his appearance at the trial.
- It is a constitutional right, and it is personal in nature and therefore,
- The requirement of inadvertence means that the officer must waivable.
not have known in advance of the location of the evidence and
discovery is not anticipated. - It springs from the presumption of innocence accorded every
accused upon whom should not be inflicted incarceration at the
- The plain view doctrine is not an exception to the warrant outset since after the trial he would be entitled to acquittal, unless
requirement but merely serves to supplement the prior his guilt be established beyond reasonable doubt.
- A person deprived of his liberty by virtue of his arrest or
4. Search by moving vehicle – it is justified on the ground that it is voluntary surrender may apply for bail as soon as he is deprived of
not practicable to secure a warrant because the vehicle can be his liberty, even before a complaint or information is filed against
quickly move out of the locality or jurisdiction in which the him.
warrant must be sought.
- The grant of bail should not be conditioned upon the prior
- When a vehicle is flagged down and subjected to an extensive arraignment of the accused. In cases where bail is authorized, bail
search, such warrantless search is valid as long as the officers should be granted before arraignment, otherwise the accused will
conducting the search have reasonable or probable cause to be precluded from filing a motion to quash which is done before
believe prior to the search that they would find the arraignment.
instrumentality or evidence pertaining to a crime, in the vehicle
to be searched. - All prisoners whether under preventive detention or serving final
sentence cannot practice their profession nor engage in any
- It is required that probable cause exist in order to justify the business or occupation, or hold office, elective or appointive, while
warrantless search of a vehicle. in detention.

- Checkpoints may be allowed and installed by the government, - The grant or denial of bail to a person charged with an offense
where the lives and safety of the people are in grave peril, as punishable by at least reclusion perpetua is made dependent on
long as the vehicle is neither searched nor its occupants whether or not the evidence of guilt is strong.
subjected to a body search, and the inspection of the vehicle is
limited to a visual search.

Remedial Law

 The test is not whether the evidence establishes guilt beyond

reasonable doubt but rather whether it shows evident guilt or  The determination as to the propriety of allowing an alien,
great presumption of guilt. subject to deportation under the Immigration Act, to be released
temporarily on bail, as well as the conditions, falls within the
- The rule considers bail as applicable only to a person in custody of exclusive jurisdiction of the Commissioner, and not with the
the law and does not cover a person who is in the enjoyment of his courts as the courts do not administer immigration laws.
physical liberty. -

 Custody of law is required before the court can act on an  Effects of failure to appear at the trial:
application for bail, but is not required for the adjudication of
other reliefs sought by the defendant. 1. The failure of the accused to appear at the trial without
justification despite due notice shall be deemed a waiver of his
 As bail is intended to obtain or secure one’s provisional liberty, right to be present and the trial may proceed in absentia.
the same cannot be posted before custody over him is acquired
by the judicial authorities, either by his lawful arrest or 2. The bondsman may arrest the accused for the purpose of
voluntary surrender. surrendering the accused. The bondsman may also cause the
accused to be arrested by a police officer or any other person of
 The accused who is confined in a hospital may be deemed to be suitable age and discretion upon written authority endorsed on a
in the custody of the law if he clearly communicates his certified copy of the undertaking.
submission to the court while confined in a hospital. **
 Duration of the bail
- The principle that the accused is precluded from questioning the
legality of the arrest after arraignment is true only if he 1) 1. The undertaking under the bail shall be effective upon approval,
voluntarily enters his plea and 2) participates during trial, and unless cancelled, shall remain in force at all stages of the case
without previously invoking his objections thereto. until promulgation of judgment of the RTC, irrespective whether
the case was originally filed in or appealed to it.
 Bail in military – the right to bail is not available in the military, as an
exception to the general rule embodied in the Bill of Rights. 2. The bail bond posted by the accused can only be used during the
15-day period to appeal and not during the entire period of appeal.
- The right to a speedy trial is given more emphasis in the military For the accused to continue his provisional liberty on the same bail
where the right to bail does not exist. bond, consent of the bondsman is necessary.

 Bail in extradition proceedings – Bail is not a matter of right in  Bail is not required in the following cases:
extradition cases.
1. Bail is not required when the law or the Rules of Court so
- An extradition proceeding being sui generis, the standard of proof provide;
required in granting or denying bail can neither be the proof 2. When a person has been in custody for a period equal or more
beyond reasonable doubt in criminal cases nor the standard of than the possible maximum imprisonment prescribed for the
proof of preponderance of evidence in civil cases. offense charged, he shall be released immediately, without
prejudice to the continuation of the trial or the proceedings on
- Bail may be applied and granted as an exception, only upon clear appeal; Also, if the maximum penalty to which the accused may be
and convincing evidence showing 1) that, once granted bail, the sentenced is destierro, he shall be released after 30 days of
applicant will not be a flight risk or a danger to the community; preventive imprisonment.
and 2) that there exist special, humanitarian and compelling 3. In cases filed with the MTC for an offense punishable by
circumstances including, as a matter of reciprocity, those cited by imprisonment of less than 4 yrs., 2 months and 1 day, and the
the highest court in the requesting state when it grants provisional judge is satisfied that there is no necessity for placing the accused
liberty in extradition cases therein. under custody, he may issue summons instead of a warrant of
arrest. Since no arrest was made, bail is not required.
- Extradition is basically an executive, not judicial, responsibility 4. If a person is charged with a violation of a municipal or city
arising from the presidential power to conduct foreign relations. ordinance, the prescribed penalty for which is not higher than 6-
month imprisonment and/or fine of P2000.00.
 Bail in deportation proceedings – Aliens in deportation proceedings,
as a rule, have no inherent right to bail.  Bail is not allowed in the following cases:

- Any alien under arrest in deportation may be released under bond 1. A person charged with a capital offense, or an offense punishable
or under such other conditions as may be imposed by the by reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, shall not be admitted
Commissioner of Immigration. to bail when evidence of guilt is strong regardless of the stage of
the criminal prosecution;
- The Commissioner of Immigration has the power and discretion to 2. Bail shall not be allowed after a judgment of conviction has
grant bail in deportation proceedings, but does not grant aliens the become final;
right to be released on bail. 3. Bail shall not be allowed after the accused has commenced to
serve sentence.
 the grant of bail is merely permissive and not mandatory or
obligatory on the part of the Commissioner. The exercise of the  Bail is a matter of right – as a rule, all persons in custody shall be
power is discretionary. admitted to bail as a matter of right:

Remedial Law

1. Before and after conviction by the MTC A. Before arraignment and plea, the accused may avail of any of the
2. Before conviction by the RTC of an offense not punishable by following:
death, reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment (DRL); or,
1. Bill of particulars – the accused may, before arraignment, move
- The remedy of the petitioner from the order of the trial court for a bill of particulars to enable him to properly plead and
denying a petition for bail is to file a petition for certiorari if prepare for trial.
the trial court committed jurisdictional issue (GAD).
 The motion shall 1) specify the alleged defects of the
 Bail is a matter of discretion – complaint or information, and shall 2) specify the details
1. Before conviction by the RTC of an offense punishable by DRL
2. After conviction by the RTC of an offense not punishable by DRL; 2. Suspension of the arraignment – upon motion, the proper party
3. If the decision of the RTC convicting the accused changed the may ask for suspension of the arraignment in the following
nature of the offense from non-bailable to bailable, application for cases:
bail can be filed with and resolved by the appellate court.
a. There is a petition for review of the resolution of the
- Notice of hearing applies in all cases whether bail is a matter prosecutor which is pending at either the Department of
of right or discretion to determine existence of strong evidence Justice, or of the Office of the President.
or the lack of it. The prosecution has the burden of showing b. The accused appears to be suffering from an unsound
that the evidence of guilt is strong. mental condition which effectively renders him unable to
fully understand the charge against him and plead
- Bail hearing is mandatory in order to give the prosecution intelligently thereto.
reasonable opportunity to oppose the application by proving c. There exists a prejudicial question;
that the evidence of guilt is strong.
3. Motion to quash at any time before entering his plea, the
 The evidence presented during the bail hearing shall be accused may move to quash the complaint or information on any
considered automatically reproduced at the trial. of the grounds provided for under Sec. 3, Rule 117, in relation to
However, any witness during the bail hearing may, upon Sec. 1, Rule 117.
motion of either party, be recalled by the court for
additional examination except if such witness is dead, 4. Challenge the validity of arrest or legality of the warrant issued
outside the Philippines, or otherwise unable to testify. or assail the regularity or question the absence of preliminary
investigation of the charge.
- the court is not authorized to deny or cancel the bail ex parte.
- The arraignment of the accused constitutes a waiver of the right
- The resolution of the RTC denying or cancelling the bail may to preliminary investigation or reinvestigation. Such waiver is
be reviewed by the appellate court motu propio or on motion tantamount to a finding of probable cause.
of any party after notice to the adverse party in either case.
- A plea made before a court that has no jurisdiction over the
- In an application for bail pending appeal by an appellant criminal action does not give rise to double jeopardy.
sentenced by the trial court to a penalty of imprisonment for
more than 6 years, the discretionary nature of the grant of bail  Arraignment under an amended information; substituted information:
pending appeal does not mean that bail should automatically
be granted absent any of the circumstances mentioned in the 1. Where the accused has been already arraigned and subsequently,
3rd par. of Sec. 5, Rule 114 of the Rules of Court. the information was substantially amended, an arraignment on
the amended information is mandatory. If he is not arraigned and is
 An application for bail pending appeal may be denied even convicted under the second information, the conviction constitutes
if the bail-negating circumstances in the 3rd par. are absent. reversible error.

Arraignment is that stage where, in the mode and manner required by 2. Where the amendment is only as to form, there is no need for
the Rules, an accused, for the first time, is granted the opportunity to another preliminary investigation and the retaking of the plea of
know the precise charge that confronts him. the accused; in substitution of information, another PI is entailed
and the accused has to plead anew to the new information.
- Its purpose is to apprise the accused of the possible loss of freedom,
even of his life, depending on the nature of the crime imputed to him,
 Presence of the offended party to appear at the arraignment is required
or at the very least to inform him of why the prosecuting arm of the
for the following purposes: 1) plea bargaining 2) determination of
State is mobilized against him.
civil liability, and 3) other matters requiring his presence.
- It is the formal mode and manner of implementing he constitutional
- In case the offended party fails to appear despite due notice, the
right of an accused to be informed of the nature and cause of the
court may allow the accused to enter a plea of guilty to a lesser
accusation against him.
offense which is necessarily included in the offense charged with
the conformity of the trial prosecutor.
- It is an indispensable requirement of due process.
 Plea of not guilty shall be entered for the accused if 1) he refuses to
 Options of the accused before arraignment of plea:
plead, 2) he makes conditional plea or 3) when he pleads guilty but

Remedial Law

presents exculpatory evidence in which case the guilty plea shall be - it is not allowed in a summary procedure except on the ground for
deemed withdrawn and a plea of not guilty shall be entered. (ERC) lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter and failure to comply with
the barangay conciliation proceedings.
- The accused, by entering a plea of not guilty, submits himself to the
jurisdiction of the trial court, thereby curing any defect in his arrest. - The 1) execution by the offended party of an affidavit of desistance,
2) pardon 3) absence of PI or absence of probable cause is not a
- A formal of plea of not guilty should be entered if an accused admits ground for MTQ a complaint or information as they are not included
the truth of some or all the allegations of the information, but in the grounds of MTQ (JEJEMON FD)
interposes excuses or additional facts which, if duly established
would exempt or relieve him in whole or in part of criminal  Jurisprudence regarded such affidavit as exceedingly unreliable,
responsibility. because it can easily be secured from a poor and ignorant witness,
usually through intimidation or for monetary consideration.
- When a plea of guilty is not definite or ambiguous, or not absolute,
the same amounts to a plea of not guilty. - When a MTQ in criminal case is denied, the remedy is not a petition
for certiorari, but for the petitioners to go to trial, without prejudice
 Plea of guilty is a judicial confession of guilt – an admission of all the to reiterating the special defenses invoked in their MTQ.
material facts alleged in the information, including the aggravating
circumstances alleged. - If the MTQ is based on the alleged defect of the complaint or
information, and the defect can be cured, the court shall order that an
- It admits the truths of all material facts alleged in the information, amendment be made.
including all aggravating circumstances mentioned therein, except if
such circumstances are disproved by the evidence, it should be - When a MTQ is sustained, the court may order that another
disallowed in the judgment. complaint or information be filed unless the ground relied upon is
either 1) extinction of the criminal liability, or 2) on the ground of
- Requisites for a plea of guilty to a lesser offense: double jeopardy.

1. The lesser offense is necessarily included in the offense  The following are the distinctions between motion to quash and
charged; and, demurrer to evidence: GILE
2. The plea must be with the consent of both the offended and the
prosecutor. 1. As to the ground. A MTQ has several grounds to quash and they
are not available grounds for demurrer to evidence. A demurrer to
 The acceptance of an offer to plead guilty to a lesser offense evidence has one ground which is insufficiency of evidence.
is not demandable by the accused as a matter of right but is a 2. As to the institution of the motion. A motion to quash a complaint
matter addressed entirely to the sound discretion of the trial or information is filed before the accused enters plea. A demurrer
court. to evidence in criminal action is filed after the prosecution rests its
 When an accused pleads guilty to a non-capital offense, the 3. As to the requirement of prior leave of court. MTQ does not
court may receive evidence from the parties to determine the require a prior leave of court for the filing of the motion. A
penalty to be imposed. demurrer to evidence may be filed by the accused with leave or
without leave of court.
 Offense may be said to be necessarily included in another 4. As to the effect. When a MTQ is granted, a dismissal of the case
when the essential ingredients of the former constitute or form will not necessarily follow as the court may order the filing of a
part of those constituting the latter. new complaint. The grant of demurer to evidence is deemed an
acquittal and would preclude the filing of another information.
 As long as the 1) voluntary intent of the accused and 2) his
full comprehension of the consequences of his plea are  Double Jeopardy – the constitutional provision against double
ascertained, the accused’s plea of guilt is to be sustained. jeopardy guarantees that the state shall not be permitted to make
repeated attempts to convict an individual for an alleged offense.
 When there is a plea of guilty to a lesser offense and the same
was allowed by the court, there is no need to amend the - It is also called res judicata in prison grey – the right against
information or complaint. double jeopardy prohibits the prosecution for a crime of which he
has been previously convicted or acquitted.
 Plea bargaining in criminal cases is a process where the accused and
the prosecution work mutually satisfactory disposition of the case - it prohibits refers to the identity of elements in the two offenses.
subject to court approval.
- As a rule, an acquittal rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction
Motion to quash after trial on the merits is immediately final and cannot be appealed
on the ground of double jeopardy.
- it may be made at any time before the accused enters his plea.
- The accused may appeal from a judgment of conviction but when the
- The failure to assert any ground of a MTQ before a plea to the accused appeals from the sentence of the trial court, he waives his
complaint or information shall be deemd a waiver of any objections. right to the constitutional safeguard against double jeopardy and
throws the whole case open to review by the appellate court.

Remedial Law

- Requisites: ATO 1) a first jeopardy must have attached prior to the  The non-compliance of the above rule, the dismissal will not
second; 2) the first jeopardy must be validly terminated; and 3) the trigger the operation of the time-bar rule under the second par. of
second jeopardy must be for the same offense includes or is Sec. 8, Rule 117.
necessarily included in the offense charged in the first information,
or is an attempt to commit the same or a frustration thereof.  The prosecution has to revive the case if it desires to prevent the
provisional dismissal becoming permanent and the revival of the
 In determining when the first jeopardy may be said to have case being time-barred.
attached, it is necessary to prove the following elements: (C JIPS)
 The time-bar under the new rule does not reduce the periods under
Art. 90 of the RPC. It is but a limitation of the right of the State to
1. The accused has been convicted or acquitted, or the case against
revive a criminal case against the accused after the information had
him was dismissed or terminated without his express consent;
been filed but subsequently provisionally dismissed with the
2. That the conviction, acquittal or dismissal (CAD) was made by a
express consent of the accused. The State may revive a criminal
court of competent jurisdiction;
case beyond the 1-year or 2-year periods provided that there is a
3. There is a valid complaint or information or other formal
justifiable necessity for the delay.
charge sufficient in form and substance to sustain a conviction.
4. The accused has pleaded to the charge; and,
- The following requirements are conditions sine qua non for the
5. The subsequent prosecution is for an offense which is the same
application of the time-bar rule:
as the former complaint or information.
1. The prosecution with the express conformity of the accused or
 Reckless imprudence under Art. 365 is a single quasi-
the accused moves for a provisional dismissal of the case or both
offense by itself and not merely means to commit the other
the prosecution and the accused move for PD of the case;
crimes, such that conviction or acquittal of such quasi-
2. The offended party is notified of the motion for PD of the case;
offense, regardless of its various resulting acts.
3. The court issues an order granting the motion and dismissing the
case provisionally;
- As an exception to the rule, when the trial court acted with grave
4. The public prosecutor is served with a copy of the order of PD
abuse of discretion or when there was mistrial, the OSG can assail
of the case.
the said judgment in a petition for certiorari establishing that the
State was deprived of a fair opportunity to prosecute and prove its

- Any acquittal or conviction before a court having no jurisdiction Evidence is admissible when it is related to the issue and not excluded
would not violate the principle of double jeopardy since it failed to by the law or Rules on Evidence.
attach in the first place.
- Its purpose under the ROC is to ascertain the truth respecting a
- The rule against double jeopardy does not apply under sec. 7, Rule matter of fact in a judicial proceeding.
117, the conviction of the accused shall not be a bar to another
prosecution for an offense which necessarily includes the offense - Requisites for evidence to be considered by the Court: 1)
charged in the former complaint or information. competent, 2) offered in evidence, 3) relevant and 4) authenticated.
- The rule on double jeopardy does not apply to administrative cases.
As double jeopardy attaches only: (ICAP-cad) 1) upon valid - Administrative agencies are not bound by the technical rules of
indictment, 2) before a competent court, 3) after arraignment, 4) evidence. It can accept documents which cannot be admitted in a
when a valid plea has been entered, and 5) when the defendant was judicial proceeding where the ROC are strictly observed.
acquitted or convicted or the case was dismissed or otherwise
terminated without the express consent of the accused.  Even if not bound by technical rules of procedure, the findings
of facts of administrative bodies are, however, respected as
- The discharge of an accused to be a state witness shall amount to an long as they are supported by substantial evidence, even if not
acquittal and shall be a bar to a future prosecution for the same such evidence is not overwhelming or preponderant.
offense, unless the accused fails or refuses to testify against his co-
accused in accordance with his sworn statement constituting the  The factual findings of quasi-judicial agencies, which have
basis for his discharge. acquired expertise because their jurisdiction is confined to
certain specific matters, are generally accorded not only
- In reckless imprudence cases under Art. 365, RPC, it is a single respect but, at all times, even finality if such findings are
quasi-offense by itself and not merely a means to commit other supported by substantial evidence.
crimes. Conviction or acquittal of such quasi-offenses bars
subsequent prosecution for the same quasi-offense, regardless of its - Relevance requires that the immediate fact proved must have
various resulting acts. connection to the ultimate issue. It is based on logic and common
 Provisional Dismissal of a criminal action does not terminate a
criminal case.  The determination of whether particular evidence is relevant
rests largely at the discretion of the court, which must be
- Under the first paragraph of Sec. 8, Rule 177, the following exercised according to the teachings of logic and everyday
requisites should concur: 1) there must be express consent of the experience.
accused and 2) there must be notice to the offended party.

Remedial Law

 The admissibility of the evidence depends on its relevance - An objectionable evidence may be admissible if it is not objected
and competence while the weight of evidence pertains to its to because of waiver.
tendency to convince and persuade.
 Objections to evidence offered orally must be made immediately
 Conditional admissibility happens frequently enough that after the offer is made and objections to questions propounded in
the relevance of a piece of evidence is not apparent at the the course of the oral examination of the witness shall be made
time it is offered, but the relevance of which will readily be as soon as the grounds therefor shall become apparent.
seen when connected to other pieces of evidence not yet
offered. - Competence evidence is one that is not excluded by law or rules
in a particular case. It is primarily a matter of law or rule.
 Doctrine of curative admissibility allows party to
introduce otherwise inadmissible evidence to answer the  Under the Rule on Examination of a Child Witness,
opposing party’s previous introduction of inadmissible corroboration shall not be required of a testimony of a child. His
evidence if it would remove any unfair prejudice caused by testimony, if credible by itself, shall be sufficient to support a
the admission of the earlier inadmissible evidence. finding of fact, conclusion or judgment subject to the standard of
proof required in criminal and non-criminal cases.
 Evidence on collateral matter is not allowed because it does not
have direct relevance to the issue of the case.  Testimonies of child-witness are normally given full weight and
credit since youth and immaturity are generally badges of truth
 It may be admitted if it tends in any reasonable degree to and sincerity.
establish the probability or improbability of the fact in issue
of the case when it would have the effect of corroborating  The sole testimony of a rape victim, if credible, natural,
or supplementing facts previously established by direct convincing and consistent with human nature and the normal
evidence. course of things, suffices to convict.

- Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus means false in one thing, false - Direct evidence proves fact without the need to make an inference
in everything. It means that if the testimony of a witness on a from another fact.
material issue is willfully false and given with an intention to
deceive, the jury may disregard all the witness’ testimony. - Circumstantial evidence or indirect evidence is that evidence
which indirectly proves a fact in issue through an inference which
 It deals only with weight of the evidence and is not a positive the fact finder draws from the evidence established.
rule of law.
 a fact is established by making an inference from a previously
 It is particularly applied to the testimony of a witness who may established fact. It is the rule of evidence that applies when no
be considered unworthy of belief as to all the rest of his witness saw the commission of the crime.
evidence if he is shown to have testified falsely in one detail.
 In criminal case, circumstantial evidence may be sufficient for
- The provisions of the Rules on Electronic Evidence (REE) apply conviction provided the following requisites concur: (OIC)
civil actions and proceedings, as well as quasi-judicial and
administrative cases. It does not apply to criminal actions. ** 1. There is more than one circumstance;
2. The facts from which the interferences are derived are
 Electronic evidence is competent evidence and is admissible if it proven; and,
complies with the rules on admissibility prescribed by the Rules 3. The combination of all circumstances is such as to produce
of Court and related laws, and is authenticated in the manner a conviction beyond reasonable doubt.
prescribed by the REE.
 The above circumstances must constitute an unbroken chain
 All matters relating to the admissibility and evidentiary weight that inexorably leads to one fair conclusion: the accused
of an electronic document may be established by an affidavit committed the crime to the exclusion of all others.
stating facts of direct personal knowledge of the affiant or based
on authentic records. The affidavit must affirmatively show the  For conviction to appreciate, the evidence must fulfill the
competence of the affiant to testify on the matters contained test of moral certainty and sufficiency to support a
therein. judgment of conviction.

 The affiant shall be made to affirm the contents of the - Cumulative evidence refers to evidence of the same kind and
affidavit in open court and may be cross-examined as a character as that already given and that tends to prove the same
matter of right by the adverse party. proposition.

 Photographic evidence, acts or transactions shall be admissible - Corroborative Evidence is one that is supplementary to that
in evidence provided that: already given tending to strengthen or confirm it. It is a additional
evidence of a different character to the same point.
1. It shall be presented, displayed or shown to the court;
2. It shall be identified, explained or authenticated by either i)  it is necessary only when there are reasons to suspect that
the person who made the recording; or ii) some other person the witness falsified the truth or that his observations are
competent to testify on the accuracy thereof. inaccurate.

Remedial Law

- Denial evidence is the weakest defense and can never overcome a  Factum probans is distinguished from Factum probandum in the
positive testimony particularly when it comes from the mouth of a following manner:
credible witness. Evidence that is negative is self-serving in nature
and cannot attain more credibility than the testimonies of witnesses 1. As to the facts to be established. Factum probandum refers to the
who testify on clear and positive evidence. fact or proposition to be established. Factum probans refers to the
facts or material evidencing the fact or proposition to be
- Defense of alibi is inherently weak and must be rejected when the established.
identity of the accused is satisfactorily and categorically
established by the eyewitnesses to the offense, especially when - Factum probandum is the fact to be proved; the fact which is
such eyewitnesses have no ill- motive to testify falsely. in issue and to which the evidence is directed. On the other hand,
Factum probans, is the probative or evidentiary fact tending to
 Denial and alibi are self-serving negative evidence as it can be prove the fact in issue.
easily fabricated; it cannot prevail over the spontaneous,
positive, and credible testimonies of the prosecution witnesses - In criminal cases involving prohibited drugs, there can be no
who pointed to and identified the accused-appellant. conviction unless the prosecution shows that the accused
knowingly possessed the prohibited articles in his person, or
 Defense of alibi will only when the requirements of time and that animus possidendi is shown to be present together with his
place must be strictly met. He must demonstrate by clear and possession or control of such article.
convincing evidence that it was physically impossible for him
to have been at the scene of the crime at the time the same was  When the accused was not in possession of the illegal drugs
committed. when he was arrested, his arrest was illegal and the
confiscated drugs cannot be used in evidence against him.
- Allegations of frame-up by police officers are common and
standard defenses in most dangerous drug cases.  A constructive possession exists 1) when the drug is under
the dominion and control of the accused or 2) when he has
 For this claim to prosper, the defense must adduce clear and the right to exercise dominion and control over the place
convincing evidence to overcome the presumption that where it is found.
government officials have performed their duties in a regular
and proper manner.  The presentation of the informant in illegal drug cases is not
indispensable for a successful prosecution because his
- Delayed reporting by a witnesses of what they know about a testimony would merely be corroborative and cumulative.
crime does not render their testimonies false or incredible, for the Informants are not presented in court because of the need to
delay may be explained by the natural reticence of most people hide his identity and preserve their invaluable service to the
and their abhorrence or get involved in a criminal case. police.

 Delay in revealing the commission of a crime does not  Evidence obtained under the Anti-Wiretapping Law (RA 4200)
necessarily render such charge unworthy of belief.
- Evidence obtained in violation of RA4200 shall not be admissible in
- Flight is indicative of guilt, but its converse is not necessarily true. evidence in the following proceedings: 1) judicial, 2) quasi-judicial,
Flight alone is not reliable indicator of guilt without other 3) legislative, or 4) administrative hearing or investigation.
circumstances because flight alone is inherently ambiguous.
- Recording of open and public communications are not covered by
 Non-flight does not signify innocence and it is simply inaction, RA 4200. Thus, such recording is not unlawful. The law protects
which may be due to several factors. only private conversations and communications.

 Evidence in civil cases distinguished from evidence in criminal cases: - It is considered unlawful to 1) secretly overhear, 2) intercept, or 3)
record private communication or spoken word when doing so is
without the authority of all the parties communication. If only one
1. As to burden of proof. In civil cases, the party having the burden
party authorizes the recording and the other does not, there is
of proof and prove his claim by a preponderance of evidence. In
violation of the law. (SIR PC SW)
criminal cases, the guilt of the accused has to be proven. Beyond
reasonable doubt.
- RA 4200 is not violated if done by a 1) peace officer 2) authorized
2. As to offer of compromise. In civil cases, an offer of compromise
by a written order of the court in cases involving: i) treason ii)
is not an admission of any liability, and is not admissible in
espionage iii) provoking war and disloyalty in case of war iv) piracy
evidence against the offeror. In criminal cases, except those
v) mutiny in the high seas vi) rebellion vii) conspiracy and proposal
involving quasi-offense (criminal negligence) or those allowed by
to commit rebellion viii) inciting to rebellion ix) sedition x)
law to be compromised, an offer of compromise by the accused
may be received in evidence as an implied admission of guilt.
3. As to presumption of innocence. In civil cases, the concept of
- Sec. 7, RA 9372 (Human Security Act of 2007), a police or law
presumption of innocence does not apply and generally there is no
enforcement may listen to, intercept and record, any communication,
presumption for or against a party except in certain cases provided
message, conversation, discussion, or written or spoken words b/w
for by law. In criminal cases, the accused enjoys the constitutional
the following:
presumption of innocence.
1. Members of the judicially declared and outlawed terrorist
organization, association or group of persons; or

Remedial Law

2. Any person charged with or suspected of the crime of terrorism  In administrative proceedings, the burden of proof that the
or conspiracy to commit terrorism. respondent committed the acts complained of rests on the
 Any of the above acts may not be done without a written order
of the Court of Appeals. Such written order of a division of  In issue of constitutionality of a law, the onus probandi rests of
the CA shall be granted only upon a written application by a the petitioner to show why the law is repugnant to the Constitution
police or law enforcement official. This official must be one Failing to overcome its presumption of constitutionality, a claim
who is authorized by the Anti-Terrorism Council to file such that a law is cruel, unusual or inhuman, must fail.
application. RA 9372 requires only an ex parte application.
 Notarized documents enjoy the presumption of regularity
Burden of Proof or “onus probandi” refers to the obligation of a party which may only be rebutted by evidence so clear, strong, and
to a litigation to persuade the court that he is entitled to relief. convincing as to exclude all controversy as to falsity.

- It is the duty of a party to present evidence on the facts in issue Burden of evidence is the duty of a party to go forward with the
necessary to establish his claim or defense by the amount of evidence evidence to overthrow the prima facie evidence against him.
required by law.
 Burden of proof and burden of evidence are distinguished as follows:
 The SC held that one who denies the due execution of a deed
where one’ signature appears has the burden of proving that, Burden of proof is the obligation of the party to present evidence on
contrary to the recital in the jurat, one never appeared before the the facts in issue necessary to establish his claim or defense by the
notary public and acknowledged the deed to be a voluntary act. amount of evidence required by law.

- It is fixed by the pleadings. The claim of the plaintiff, which he must Burden of evidence is the duty of a party to go forward with the
prove, is spelled out in his complaint. evidence to overthrow any prima facie presumption against him.

- In civil cases, a party who alleges a fact has the burden of proving it.  Equipoise doctrine is based on the principle that no one shall be
deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.
 A mere allegation is not evidence, and he who alleges has the
burden of proving his allegation with the requisite quantum of - it is a situation where the evidence of the parties is evenly balanced
evidence. or there is doubt on which side the evidence preponderates.

 Bare allegations, when unsubstantiated by evidence, - In criminal case, the equipoise rule provides that where the evidence
documentary or otherwise, are not equivalent to proof under is evenly balanced, the constitutional presumption of innocence tilts
the Rules of Court. the scales in favor of the accused.

 The burden of proof is on the plaintiff to establish his case by - In labor case, if doubt exists between the evidence presented by the
preponderance of evidence. If he claims a right granted or employer and employee, the scales of justice must be tilted in favor
created by law, he must prove such right. He must rely on the of the latter.
strength of his own evidence and not on the weakness of that of the
opponent. Presumption is an assumption of fact resulting from a rule of law which
requires such fact to be assumed from another fact or group of facts
 Preponderance of evidence is an evidence which is more found or otherwise established in the action.
convincing to the court as worthy of belief than that which is
offered in opposition thereto.  Inference may be distinguished from a presumption as follows:

 In an action for sum of money, where the creditor alleges non- Inference is a factual conclusion that can rationally be drawn from
payment, the general rule is that the onus rests on the debtor to facts or a result of the reasoning process.
prove payment, rather than on the creditor to prove non-payment.
Presumption, on the other hand, is a rule of law directing that if a
 In a breach of contract of carriage, the aggrieved party does not party proves certain facts at the trial or hearing, the factfinder must also
have to prove that the common carrier was at fault or was accept an additional fact as proven unless sufficient evidence is
negligent. All that he has to prove are 1) the existence of the introduced tending to rebut the presumed fact.
contract, and 2) the fact of non-performance by the carrier.
- A presumption of law is an assumption which the law requires to be
 In eminent domain case, the local government that seeks to made from a set of facts.
expropriate private property has the burden of proving that the
elements for the valid exercise of the right of eminent domain have - A presumption of fact is when an assumption is made from the
been complied. facts without any direction or positive requirements of a law.

 In termination cases, the burden of proof rests upon the employer - A presumption is conclusive when the presumption becomes
to show that dismissal is for a valid and just cause. A dismissed irrebuttable upon the presentation of the evidence and any evidence
employee is not required to prove his innocence of the charges tending to rebut the presumption is not admissible.
leveled against him by his employer.
 Conclusive presumptions are inferences which the law makes so
peremptory that it will not allow them to be overturned by any
contrary proof however strong.

Remedial Law

Quantum of Evidence
 It is based on the doctrine of estoppel that a person making the
representation cannot claim benefit from the wrong he himself  Proof beyond reasonable doubt
committed. It is rooted upon natural justice, prevents persons
from going back on their own acts and representations, to the - In criminal cases, the burden of proof as to the guilt of the accused
prejudice of others who have relied on them. lies with the prosecution because of the presumption that the accused
is presumed innocent until the contrary is proved.
 An essential element of estoppel is that the person invoking it
has been influenced, or relied on the representations or  When a prima facie case is established by the prosecution in a
conduct of the person sought to be estopped. criminal case, the burden of proof does not shift to the defense.

 In land tenancy cases, as long as the lessor-lessee  A prima facie case need not be countered by a preponderance of
relationship between the parties exists, the lessee cannot, by evidence nor by evidence of greater weight. Defendant’s evidence
any proof, however, strong, overturn the conclusive which equalizes the weight of plaintiff’s evidence or puts the case
presumption that the lessor has a valid title to or better right of in equipoise is sufficient.
possession to the subject leased premises than it has.
- In every criminal prosecution, the State must prove beyond
- The relation of lessor and lessee does not depend on the reasonable doubt, all the elements of the crime charged and the
former’s title but on the agreement between the parties, complicity or participation of the accused.
followed by the possession of the premises by the lessee
under such agreement. - The conviction of the accused must rest, not on the weakness of the
defense, but on the strength of the prosecution. The burden is on the
- A presumption is disputable or rebuttable if it may be contradicted prosecution to prove built beyond reasonable doubt, not on the
or overcome by other evidence. accused to prove his innocence.

 It has been settled that credence is given to prosecution witnesses,  Preponderance of evidence is the weight, credit and value of the
who are police officers, for they are presumed to have performed aggregate evidence on either side and is usually considered to be
their duties in a regular manner, unless there is evidence to the synonymous with the term greater weight of the evidence or greater
contrary suggesting ill motive on the part of the police officers. weight of the credible evidence.
 The presumption of regularity in the performance of official - it means that the evidence adduced by one side is, as a whole,
duties will stand if the defense failed to present clear and superior to or has greater weight than that of the other.
convincing evidence that the police officers did not properly
perform their duty or that they were inspired by an improper
 Substantial evidence refers to evidence which constitute the amount
of relevant evidence which a reasonable mind might accept as adequate
to support a conclusion.
 The above presumption does not apply in petition for a writ
of amparo. Under Rule 17, Rule on Writ of Amparo, the
- An administrative proceeding against judges are highly penal in
respondent POE cannot invoke presumption that official duty
character and are to be governed by the rules applicable to criminal
has been regularly performed to evade responsibility or
 The quantum of proof required to support the administrative
 The presumption of regularity does not apply during in-
charges or to establish the ground/s for the removal of a judicial
custody investigation.
officer should thus be more than substantial; they must be proven
beyond reasonable doubt.
 The presumption of regularity in the performance of official
duty must be seen in the context of an existing rule of law or
- Preponderance of evidence may be distinguished from substantial
statute authorizing the performance of an act or duty or
evidence as follows:
procedure in the performance thereof.
Preponderance of evidence applies to civil cases. It is the
 The presumption of innocence of the accused prevails over
evidence that is more convincing and more credible than the one
the presumption that law enforcement agents were in the
offered by the adverse party.
regular performance of their duty.
Substantial evidence applies to cases filed before administrative
or quasi-judicial bodies and which requires that in order to
- A document acknowledged before a notary public enjoys
establish a fact, the evidence should constitute that amount of
presumption of regularity.
relevant evidence which a reasonable mind might accept as
adequate to support a conclusion.
- The constitutional presumption of innocence is enjoyed by
the accused until final conviction and in this regard, the
- In a petition for a writ of amparo, the parties shall establish their
prosecution’s case must rise and fall on its own merits and
claims by substantial evidence.
cannot draw its strength from the weakness of the defense.
 Clear and convincing evidence – if it produces in the mind of the trier
- Intent is a state of mind, and is hidden from the judicial
of fact a firm belief or conviction as to allegation sought to be
eye. Courts are left to evaluate the overt acts, and on their
established. It is intermediate, being more than preponderance, but not
basis, to form a conclusion as to the actor’s intentions.

Remedial Law

to the extent of such certainty as is required beyond reasonable doubt - Matters which are capable of unquestionable demonstration pertain
as in criminal case. to fields of professional and scientific knowledge.

- In an actions for annulment or reconveyance of title, a party Judicial Admission is an admission, verbal or written, made by a party
seeking it should establish not merely by a preponderance of in the course of the proceedings in the same case, does not require
evidence, but by clear and convincing evidence that the land sought proof, unless there is a showing that it was made through palpable
to be reconveyed is his. mistake or that no such admission was made.

- When an accused-appellant invokes the justifying circumstances of - A party may make judicial admission in 1) the pleadings, 2) during
self-defense, it is well-settled doctrine that when an accused invokes the trial, either by verbal or written manifestations or stipulations, 3)
self-defense, the onus is on him to establish by clear and convincing in other stages of the judicial proceedings.
his justification for the killing.
- An admission is judicial if made not only in the pleadings, or by
Judicial Notice is based on the maxim that what is known need not be verbal or written manifestations in the trial but also in pre-trial of the
proved. case.

- The function of judicial notice is to abbreviate litigation by the - Admissions obtained through depositions, written interrogatories or
admission of matters that need no evidence because judicial notice is requests for admission are also considered judicial admissions.
a substitute for formal proof of a matter of evidence.
- Extrajudicial admission is an admission made in another judicial
- When the court takes judicial notice of matter, the court accepts and proceeding will not be deemed a judicial admission in another case
recognizes the same without necessity of formal proof. where the admission was not made.

 When the matter is subject to a mandatory judicial notice, no motion  An admission made in a document drafter for purposes of filing a
or hearing is necessary for the court to take judicial notice of a fact pleading but never filed, is not a judicial admission. If signed by
because this is a matter which a court ought to take judicial notice the party, it is deemed an extrajudicial admission.
 The admissions in a superseded pleading are to be considered as
 Under the principle of discretionary judicial notice, a court may take extrajudicial admissions which must be proven.
judicial notice of matters which are 1) public knowledge, or 2) are
capable of unquestionable demonstration, or 3) ought to be known to  the SC declared that pleadings that have been amended
judges because of their judicial functions. disappear from the record, lose their status as pleadings, and
cease to be judicial admissions, and to be utilized as
- Judicial notice is limited to facts evidenced by public records and extrajudicial admissions, they must, in order to have such
facts of general notoriety. A court cannot take judicial notice of a effect, be formally offered in evidence.
factual matter in controversy.
Object evidence refers to evidence that is addressed to the senses of the
- Judicial notice is not judicial knowledge. The mere personal court.
knowledge of the judge is not the judicial knowledge of the court,
- Physical evidence is a mute but eloquent manifestation of truth, and
and he is not authorized to make his individual knowledge of facts,
it ranks high in our hierarchy of trustworthy evidence – where they
not generally or professionally known as the basis of his action.
physical evidence runs counter to the testimonial evidence, the
physical evidence should prevail.
 Under the doctrine of processual presumption, courts of the
forum will not take judicial notice of the law prevailing in another
- When a contract is presented in court to show that it exists or simply
country. Foreign laws must be alleged and proved.
to establish its condition, it is not offered to prove its contents. The
contract is an object or real evidence and not documentary evidence.
 In the absence of proof, the foreign law will be presumed to be
the same as the laws of the jurisdiction hearing the case under
 A photocopy of marked bills used in buy-bust operation is real
the said doctrine.
(object) evidence and not documentary evidence. Although it is
conceded that the bills contain letters, words, numbers and other
 Where the foreign law is within the actual knowledge of the court,
modes of written expression, these facts alone do not make the
such as when the law is generally well-known, had been ruled
bills documentary evidence. The bills were obviously presented to
upon in previous cases before it and none of the parties claim
show that money exchanged hands in the buy-bust operations and
otherwise, the court may take judicial notice of the foreign law.
not to prove anything written on the bills.
 According to Riano, law of nations being parts of the law of the
- The following are the basic requisites for the admissibility of an
land, they are, technically, in the nature of local laws and are
object or real evidence: 1) the evidence must be relevant, 2) the
subject to a mandatory judicial notice under Sec. 1, Rule 129.
evidence must be authenticated, 3) the authentication must be made
by a competent witness, and 4) the object must be formally offered
- Facts which are universally known and which may be found in
in evidence. (CORA)
encyclopedias, dictionaries or other publications, are judicially
notices, provided they are of such universal notoriety and so
 To authenticate the object, it must be shown that it is the very
generally understood that they may be regarded as forming part of
thing that is either the subject matter of the lawsuit or the very one
the common knowledge of every person.
involved to prove an issue in the case and there must be someone

Remedial Law

who should identify the object to be the actual thing involved in Documentary evidence refers to evidence consist of writings or any
the litigation. material containing letters, words, numbers or other modes of written
expressions offered as proof of their contents.
 The formal offer of evidence is particularly a vital act before the
admission of evidence because the court shall consider no - Being writings or materials containing modes of written expressions
evidence which has not been formally offered. do not ipso facto make such documentary evidence.

 Relevance is a matter of reasoning and the court will draw an - If offered for some other purpose, the writings or materials would not
inference of the relevancy of the evidence from the issues of the be deemed documentary evidence but merely object evidence.
 A private document may be offered and admitted in evidence both
 When an object evidence is offered in accordance with the as documentary evidence and as object evidence depending on the
requisites for its admissibility, it becomes evidence of the highest purpose for which the document is offered. If offered to prove its
order and speaks more eloquently than witnesses put together. existence, condition or for any purpose other than the contents of a
document, the same is considered as an object evidence. When the
- Demonstrative evidence referred to as demonstrative because it private document is offered as proof of its contents, the same is
represents or demonstrates the real thing. It is not strictly real considered as a documentary evidence.
evidence because it is not the very thing involved in the case.
 The document may be offered for both purposes under the
- Chain custody is to guaranty the integrity of the physical evidence principle of multiple admissibility.
and prevent the introduction of evidence which is not authentic.
- An electronic document or electronic data message refers to the
 There must be links to the chain. The links are the people who representation of information whether it be the information itself or
actually handled or had custody of the object. Each of the links in its representation, for the document to be deemed electronic, it is
the chain must show how he received the object, how he handled it important that it be received, recorded, transmitted, stored,
to prevent substitution, and how it was transferred to another. processed, retrieved or produced electronically (3R PTS)

 In drug cases, chain of custody means the duly recorded  An electronic document is the functional equivalent of paper-based
authorized movements and custody of seized drugs or controlled document, whenever a rule of evidence makes reference to the
chemicals or plant sources of dangerous drugs or laboratory terms of a writing, document, record, instrument, memorandum or
equipment of each stage, from the time of seizure/confiscation to any other form of writing, such terms are deemed to include
receipt in the forensic laboratory to safekeeping to presentation in electronic documents.
court for destruction. (DRAMAC)
Best evidence rule (Original document rule) – when the subject inquiry
 Record of movement and custody of seized item shall include is the contents of a document, no evidence shall be admissible other than
the identity and signature of the person who held temporary the original document itself.
custody of the seized item, the date and time when such
- It applies only to documentary evidence not to testimonial or object
transfer of custody were made in the course of safekeeping
and use in court as evidence, and final disposition.
- A purpose of the BER requiring the production by the offeror of the
 The chain of custody rule requires that the admission of an
best evidence is the prevention of fraud or mistake in the proof of the
exhibit be preceded by evidence sufficient to support a finding
contents of the writing.
that the matter in question is what the proponent claims it to
 The BER applies 1) if the inquiry involves a document, and 2) its
contents are the subject of that same inquiry.
 Marking should be made in the presence of the apprehended
violator immediately upon arrest. It operates to set apart as
evidence the dangerous drugs or related items from other  So long as the original is available, no other evidence can be
material from the moment they are confiscated until they are substituted for the original because the original is the best evidence
disposed of at the close of the criminal proceedings, thereby in relation to mere copies or substitutes thereof. The BER may be
forestalling switching, planting or contamination of evidence. waived if not raised in the trial.

 The non-compliance with the required inventory and  BER under S3, R130, ROC may be distinguished from BER under
photograph of the evidence confiscated under justifiable R4, REE in the following manner: **
grounds, as long as the integrity and evidentiary value of the
seized item are properly preserved by the apprehending 1. As to application. BER under ROC applies to non-electronic
officer/team, shall not render void and invalid such seizures of and electronic documents. BER under REE applies to
and custody over said items. electronic documents only.
2. As to original copy. Copies or duplicates under ROC not
 The utmost importance of the preservation of the integrity and equivalent of original. Copies or duplicates under REE is
evidentiary value of the seized items, as the same would be equivalent of the original.
utilized in the determination of the guilt or innocence of the
accused.  An electronic document shall be regarded as the
equivalent of an original document under BER if it is a

Remedial Law

printout or output readable by sight or other means, - As a rule, a written form is not required for the existence of a
shown to reflect the data accurately. (POR) contract because contracts are perfected by mere consent, it would be
legally convenient for the parties to reduce the contract in written
 In MCC Industrial Sales Corpo. B. Ssanyong Corp., the form in order to have a tangible and incontrovertible evidence of a
Court held that electronic data message and electronic previous meeting of the minds.
document as defined under Electronic Commerce Act, do
not include a facsimile transmission and cannot be - when the terms of agreement have been reduced to writing, it is
considered as electronic evidence. It is not the functional considered containing all the terms agreed upon and there can be,
equivalent of an original under the BER and is not between the parties and their successors in interest, no evidence of
admissible as electronic evidence. such terms other than the contents of the written agreement.

 Original – CBD: 1) original simply means the documents the  if the written agreement already represents the final expression of
contents of which are the subject of inquiry, 2) duplicate the agreement of the parties on the subject. Being the final
originals, and 3) regularly repeated business entries. agreement, any extraneous or parol evidence is inadmissible for
any of the following purposes 1) modify, 2) explain or 3) add to
 To be considered originals, to wit: RTP the terms of the written agreement. (MED)

1) there must be entries made and repeated in the regular - For PER to apply, a written contract need not be in any particular
course of business; 2) the entries must be made at or near the form, or be signed by both parties. As a rule, bills, notes and other
time of the transaction; and the entrant must have personal instruments of a similar nature are not subject to be varied or
knowledge of the facts he is entering or the information have contradicted by parol or extrinsic evidence.
been supplied by persons having a specific legal duty to
supply such information. *** - the PER forbids any addition to or contradiction of, the terms of a
written agreement by testimony or other evidence purporting to show
- Where the issue is the execution or existence of the document or the that different terms were agreed upon by the parties, varying the
circumstances surrounding its execution, the best evidence rule does purport of the written contract. Whatever is not found in the writing
not apply and testimonial evidence is admissible. 2ED CE is understood to have been waived and abandoned.

- When a document is involved in the inquiry but the document is only - PER applies only to the parties and successors-in-interest. However,
collaterally in issue, the best evidence rule does not apply. A it does not apply to oral agreements.
document is collaterally in issue when the purpose of introducing the
document is not to establish its terms, but to show facts that have no - Exceptions to PER, to wit: VISA
reference to its contents like its existence, condition, execution or
delivery. (ECED) 1. Validity of written agreement;
2. Intent of the parties not expressed in written agreement;
 Secondary evidence may be admitted only be laying the basis for its 3. Subsequent agreements, made after the execution of written
production. Specifically, laying such basis requires compliance with agreement;
the following: 4. Ambiguity (latent), imperfection or mistake.

1. The offeror must prove the execution and existence of the original  Intrinsic or latent ambiguity is one which is not apparent on
document. the face of the document but which lies in the person or thing
2. The offeror must show the cause of its unavailability; and, that is the subject of the document or deed.
3. The offeror must show that the unavailability was not due to his
bad faith. - PER is admissible to explain the meaning of a contract, it cannot
serve the purpose of incorporating into the contract additional
- The due execution and authenticity of the document must be contemporaneous conditions which are not mentioned at all in the
proved either 1) by anyone who saw the document executed or writing unless there has been fraud or mistake.
written, or 2) by evidence of the genuineness of the signature or
handwriting of the maker. - Even if the PER is admitted, such admission would not mean that the
court would give probative value to the parol evidence. Admissibility
- The presentation of SE must be in the following order: CRT 1) a is not the equivalent of probative value or credibility.
copy of the original, 2) a recital of the contents of the document
in some authentic document, or 3) by the testimony of the  BER may be distinguished from the PER in the following manner:
witness. APPI

 The hierarchy of preferred SE must be strictly followed 1. As to the importance of the document. The BER establishes a
because of the requirements of the rule, the testimony of the preference for the original document over the secondary evidence
witness to prove the contents of the lost original is thereof. The PER is not concerned with the primacy of evidence
inadmissible if a copy is available or if there is a recital of the but presupposes that the original is available.
contents of the writing in some authentic document.
2. As to the preclusion of other evidence. The BER precludes the
 Parol evidence rule applies only to contracts which the parties have admission of secondary evidence if the original document is
decided to set forth in writing. available. The PER precludes the admission of other evidence to
prove the terms of a document other than the contents of the
document itself for the purpose of varying the terms of the writing.

Remedial Law

- It does not require expert testimony to prove the handwriting of a

3. As to party who invoke the rule. The BER can be invoked by any person. It may be proven by any witness who believes it to be the
litigant an action whether or not said litigant is a party to the handwriting of a person because: 1) he has seen the person write; or
document involved. The PER can be invoked only by the parties to 2) he has seen writing purporting to be his upon which the witness
the document ad their successors-in-interest. has acted or been charged, and has thus acquired knowledge of the
handwriting of such person; or 3) by comparison made by the
4. As to application, the BER applies to all forms of writing. The witness or the court, with writings admitted or treated as genuine by
PER applies to written agreements and wills. the party against whom the document is offered, or proved to be
genuine to the satisfaction of the judge.
 Authentication is the preliminary step in showing the admissibility of
an evidence.  Importance of Public or Private document:

- Authentication of private documents is not required in the following: - Before the admission of a private document in evidence that is
offered authentic, its due execution and authenticity must be
1. When the document is an ancient one within the context of S21, proved (S20, R123, ROC). This requirement does not apply to a
R132; public document which is admissible without further proof of its
due execution and genuineness.
 Ancient document is a private document that is more than 30
years old produced from a custody in which it would naturally  Public Document
be found if genuine and is unblemished by any alterations or
circumstances of suspicion 1. Every document duly notarized may be presented in evidence
without further proof, the certificate of acknowledgment
 While the witness is not needed to prove the due being prima facie evidence of the execution of the instrument
execution and authenticity of the document, a witness is or document involved.
needed to identify the same.
2. Notarization of a private document converts the document
2. When the genuineness and authenticity of an actionable into a public one and renders it admissible in court without
document have not been specifically denied under oath by the further proof of its authenticity. It is entitled to full faith and
adverse party under S8, R8; credit upon its face. However, the irregular notarization or
3. When the genuineness and authenticity of the document have lack of notarization does not necessarily affect the validity of
been admitted under S4, R129; or the contract reflected in the document.
4. When the document is not being offered as authentic as implied
from S20, R132, which requires authentication only when the 3. It is well settled that a document acknowledged before a
document is offered as authentic. notary public is a public document that enjoys the
presumption of regularity. It is a prima facie evidence of the
 S22, R132 does not require expert testimony to prove the truth of the facts stated therein and a conclusive presumption
handwriting of a person because: 1) he has seen the person of its existence and die execution.
write; or 2) he has seen writing purporting to be his upon
which the witness has acted or been charged, and has thus - To overcome this presumption, there must be presented
acquired knowledge of the handwriting of such person; or 3) evidence that is clear and convincing. One who denies the
by a comparison made by the witness or the court, with due execution of a deed where one’s signature appears has
writings admitted or treated as genuine by the party against the burden of proving that contrary to the recital in the
whom the document is offered, or proved to be genuine to the jurat, one never appeared before the notary public and
satisfaction of the judge. acknowledged the deed to be a voluntary act.

 Notarized document does not require authentication as they 4. Under S23, R132, ROC, when a public officer, in the
enjoy prima facie presumption of authenticity and due performance of his duty, makes an entry in the public
execution. To overcome the presumption, there must be record, the document of such entry is deemed prima facie
sufficient, clear and convincing evidence as to exclude all evidence of the facts stated in the entry.
reasonable controversy as to the falsity of the certificate.
- While a public document does not require the authentication
 In Heirs of Medina v. Natividad, the Court held that a imposed upon a private document, there is a necessity for
notary public in a foreign country is not one of those who the showing to the court that indeed a record of the official
can issue the certificate mentioned in S24, R132. The acts of official bodies, tribunals or of public officers exists.
Court ruled that non-compliance with said provision, will (See S24, R132, ROC)
render the SPA inadmissible in evidence. The failure to
have the SPA authenticated according to the Court, is not a) An official publication thereof;
a mere technicality but a question of jurisdiction.
b) By I) a copy of the document attested by the officer
 In Tujan-Militante v. Nustad, an SPA notarized abroad having legal custody of the record or by the attestation
does not need a consular certification for it to be of his deputy; II) if the record is not kept in the
admitted in evidence. ** Philippines, such attestation must be accompanied by a
certificate that such officer has the custody; III) if the
Genuineness of a Handwriting officer in which the record is kept is in a foreign
country, the certificate may be made by a secretary of

Remedial Law

the embassy or legation, consul-general, consul, vice-

consul, or consular agent or by any officer in the - Self-authenticating documents need a witness to identify the
foreign service of the Philippine stationed in the foreign document because being inanimate, a document or an object cannot
country in which the record is kept, and authenticated speak for itself.
by the seal of his office. (relate it to S26, R132)
- The rule clearly requires that the examination of a witness in a trial
 In case of SPA executed abroad, the SC held that a or hearing shall be done under oath or affirmation. No court would
notary public in a foreign country is not of the and should allow the testimony of someone who desires to testify but
those who can issue the certificate mentioned in refuses to sear or make an affirmation.
S24, R132. The Court ruled that non-compliance
with said provision, will render the SPA - The following disqualifications of witnesses: MIM DIP – 1) mental
inadmissible in evidence. The failure to have the incapacity or immaturity 2) marriage disqualification rule 3) death or
SPA authenticated according to the Court, is not a insanity (dead man’s statute and claim against insane) 4) privilege
mere technicality but a question of jurisdiction. communication (MAP PP)

 In Tujan-Militante v. Nustad, 6/19/2017, S24, - Competency of a witness may be distinguished from credibility of
R132 (Proof of official record) applies only to the witness, to wit:
S19(a) not to (b) and (c) of R132. Hence, an SPA
notarized abroad does not need a consular As to significance. Competency of witness has reference to the
certification for it to be admitted in evidence. basic qualification of a witness as his capacity to perceive and
communicate his perception to other. It also includes the absence of
 Last wills and testaments must undergo an any of the disqualifications imposed upon a witness. Credibility of a
authentication process even if they are notarized in witness refers to the believability of a witness and has nothing to do
accordance with Art. 806, NCC. Art. 838, NCC with the law or the rules.
provides that no will shall pass either real or
personal property unless proved and allowed in  Bias is not even a basis for declaring a witness incompetent to
the proper court. testify. The relationship of a witness with a party does not ipso
facto render him a biased witness in criminal cases where the
5. S29, R132 authorizes the impeachment of any judicial record quantum of evidence is proof beyond reasonable doubt.
if there be evidence of the existence of any of the following
grounds: 1) lack of jurisdiction in the court or judicial officer,  Drug abuse will not render a person incompetent to testify. It
2) collusion between the parties, or 3) fraud in the party becomes relevant only if the witness was under the influence of
offering the record, in respect to the proceedings. drugs at the time he is testifying or at the time the events in
question were observed.
6. As to Foreign judgment, before it is given presumptive
evidentiary value, the document must first be presented and  Deaf-mutes are not necessarily incompetent as witness. They are
admitted in evidence. competent where they can: 1) understand and appreciate the
sanctity of an oath; 2) comprehend facts they are going to testify
7. As to Church registries, it is well-settled that church to; and 3) communicate their ideas through a qualified interpreter.
registries of births, marriages, and deaths are no public (OCC)
writing, nor are they kept by duly authorized public officials.
They are private writings and their authenticity must therefore  Every child is presumed qualified to be a witness as the
be proved, as are all other private writings in accordance with presumption is established by the Rule on Examination of a
the Rules of Evidence. Child Witness and to rebut the presumption of competence
enjoyed by a child, the burden of proof lies on the party
 Private document challenging his competence.

1. It is any other writing, deed or instrument executed by a  When the court finds that substantial doubt exists regarding
private person without the intervention of a notary or other the ability of the child to perceive, remember, communicate,
person legally authorized by which some disposition or distinguish truth from falsehood, or appreciate the duty to tell
agreement is proved or set forth. the truth in court, the court shall, motu propio or on motion of
party, conduct a competency examination of the child.
2. Lacking the official or sovereign character of a public
document or the solemnities prescribed by law, a private  The competency examination of the child shall be conducted
document requires authentication in the manner allowed by only by the judge. If counsels of the parties desire to ask
law or the ROC before its acceptance as evidence in court. questions, they cannot do so directly. Instead, they are allowed
to submit question to the judge which he may ask the child in
his discretion.
Testimonial evidence or oral evidence is evidence elicited from the
mouth of a witness. It is also called vice voce evidence which literally  Questions concerning the credibility of a witness are best
means living voice or by word of mouth. addressed to the sound discretion of the trial court as it is in the
best position to observe his demeanor and bodily movements.
- Competence of a witness refers to his personal qualification to
testify and the absence of any factor that would disqualify him from
being a witness.

Remedial Law

 Survivorship disqualification rule or the dead man’s statute – before the marriage. The affected spouse may still invoke the rule by
applies only to civil case or a special proceeding over the estate of a objecting to the testimony as long as it is offered during the
deceased or insane person. marriage.

- The following are the elements for the application of the rule: SEWT  In People v. Castaneda, where the marital and domestic
relations have become so strained that there is no more
1. the suit is upon a claim by the plaintiff against the estate of said harmony, peace or tranquility to be preserved, there is no
deceased or person of unsound man; longer any reason to apply the marital disqualification rule.
2. the defendant in the case is the executor or administrator or a (Bar 2006)
representative of the deceased or the person of unsound mind;
3. the witness is the plaintiff, or an assignor of that party, or a  Marital privileged communication (MPC) rule, the husband or the
person in whose behalf the case is prosecuted; and, wife cannot be examined without the consent of the other as to any
4. the subject of the testimony is to any matter of fact occurring communication received in confidence by one from the other during
before the death of such deceased person or before such person the marriage.
became of unsound mind.
- The application of the rule requires the presence of the following
- Its purpose is to close the lips of the plaintiff when death has closed elements: MCD
the lips of the defendant, in order to remove from the plaintiff the
temptation to do falsehood and the possibility of fictitious claims 1. There must be a valid marriage between the husband and wife;
against the deceased. 2. There is a communication received in confidence by one from
the other; and,
- The rule contemplates a suit against the estate, its administrator or 3. The confidential communication was received during the
executor and not a suit filed by the administrator or executor of the marriage.
 The rule does not apply if it can be shown that their relations
- The rule will not apply where the plaintiff is the executor, are so estranged that the reason for the rule no longer exist.
administrator as representative of the deceased or if the plaintiff is (Bar 2004)
the person of unsound mind.
- For information to be confidential, it must be 1) made during and 2)
- when a counterclaim is set up by the administrator of the estate, the by reason of the marital relations and is intended not to be shared
case is removed from the operation of the “dead man’s statute.” with others. Without such intention, common reason suggests that
the information is not confidential.
- Offering the testimony of a so-called disinterested witness is not a
transgression of the rule since the prohibition extends only to the - The prerogative to object to a confidential communication between
party or his assignor or the person in whose behalf the case is the spouses is vested upon the spouses themselves, particularly the
prosecuted. communicating spouse, not a third person.

- the survivorship disqualification rule is intended to benefit the - The MDR may be distinguished from MPCR in following manner:
estate of the deceased or the insane person, this protection may be
waived by 1) failing to object to the testimony, or 2) cross- 1. As to confidentiality. The MPCR has reference to confidential
examining the witness on the prohibited testimony, or 3) by offering communication received by one spouse from the other during
evidence to rebut the testimony. the marriage. The MDR does not refer to confidential
communications between the spouses.
 Marital disqualification rule (MDR) or Spousal immunity – the rule 2. As to the time the communication received. The MDR includes
prohibiting testimony by one spouse against the other is based on facts, occurrences or information even prior to the marriage
society’s intent to preserve the marriage relations and promote unlike MPCR applies only to confidential information received
domestic peace. during the marriage. The MDR is broader because it prevents
testimony for or against the spouse on any fact and not merely a
- The forbids the husband or the wife to testify for or against the other disclosure of confidential information.
without the consent of the affected spouse except in those cases 3. As to the time of objection. The MPCR applies when the spouse
authorized by the rule. The prohibition extends not only to a affected by the disclosure of the information or testimony may
testimony adverse to the spouse but also to a testimony in favor of object even after the dissolution of marriage as the privilege
the spouse. does not cease when the marriage is dissolved. The MDR can no
longer be invoked once the marriage is dissolved as it may be
- In order that the husband or wife may claim the privilege, it is asserted only during the marriage.
essential that they be validly married. If they are not, there is no 4. As to the spouse to be impleaded to the action. The MDR
privilege. requires that the spouse against for or against whom the
testimony is offered is a party to the action. The MPCR does not
- The prohibited testimony is one that is given or offered during the require the other spouse to be a party to the action.
existence of marriage. The rule does not prohibit a testimony for or
against the other after the marriage is dissolved. Attorney-Client privilege

- The following requisites must be present for the privilege to arise:

- If the testimony for or against the other spouse is offered during the
existence of the marriage, it does not matter if the facts subject of the
testimony occurred or came to the knowledge of the witness-spouse

Remedial Law

1. There must be a communication made by the client to the not in condition to give consent as in the situation described in Art.
attorney, or an advice given by the attorney to his client; 2167, NCC.
2. The communication or advice must be given in confidence; and,
3. The communication or advice must be given either in the course - The physician may be said to be acting in a professional capacity
of the professional employment or with a view to professional when he attends to the patient for either curative or preventive.
Priest-Penitent Privilege
- As a rule, every communication arising from the professional
relationship cannot be disclosed without his consent The privilege is - The priest or minister hearing the confession in his professional
personal and it belongs to the client. If the client waives the capacity is prohibited from making a disclosure of the confession
privilege, no one else including the attorney can invoke it. without the consent of the person confessing.

- The mere relation of attorney and client does not raise a presumption - the privilege also extends not only to a confession made by the
of confidentiality. The client must have intended the communication penitent but also to any advice given by the minister or priest.
to be confidential.
- The communication must be made pursuant to confession of sins.
- privileged information relates only to past crimes not intention to
Doctrine of Executive Privilege
commit future crime. Cut-off point is when the communication was
made to the client, not when witness will testify. - The power of the government to withhold information from the
public, the courts and the Congress.
- Where a person consults an attorney, not as a lawyer, but merely as a
friend, or a participant in a business transaction, the consultation - The President and those who assist him must be free to explore
would not be one made in the course of a professional employment alternatives in the process of shaping policies and making decisions
or with a view to professional employment as required by S24(b), and to do so in way many would be unwilling to express except
R130. privately.

- It does not extend to communication where the client’s purpose is the - It was held that secrets involving military, diplomatic and national
furtherance of a future crime or fraud. security matters, and information on investigations of crimes by law
enforcement agencies before the prosecution of the accused were
- Last link doctrine refers to a non-privileged information, such as exempted from the right to information.
the identity of the client, is protected if the revelation of such
information without necessarily reveal privileged information.  The right to information does not extend to presidential
conversations, correspondence and discussions in close-door
- Those made to the attorney’s secretary, clerk or stenographer for cabinet meetings.
transmission to the attorney for the purpose of the professional
relationship, with a view to such relationship, or knowledge acquired  S3, EO 464 required that all public officials enumerated shall
by such employees in such capacity are covered by the privilege. secure consent of the President prior to appearing before either
House of Congress to give effect to the purpose of the EO.
- Before the statements of the client and the advice of the attorney be
deemed as privileged, the same should have been intended to be - The following elements of presidential communication privilege:
1. The protected communication must relate to a quintessential and
 The matters communicated to the attorney are evidently not non-delegable presidential power;
intended to be confidential when they were made to the layer but 2. The communication must be authored or solicited by a close
in the presence of third persons who neither stand in a position of advisor of the President or the President himself. The judicial
peculiar confidence to the client or are not agents of the attorneys. test is that the advisor must be in operational proximity with
the President.
Physician-Patient Privilege
3. The presidential communications privilege remains a qualified
- The rationale of this privilege is to encourage the patient to freely privilege that may be overcome by a showing of adequate need,
disclose all the matter which may aid in the diagnosis in the such that the information sought “likely contains important
treatment of a disease or an injury. evidence” and by the unavailability of the information elsewhere
by an appropriate investigating authority.
- The information which cannot be disclosed refers to 1) any advice
given to the client; 2) any treatment given to the client; 3) any - When Congress exercises its power of inquiry, the department heads
information acquired in attending such patient provided that the are not exempt by the mere fact that they are department heads.
advice, treatment or information was made or acquired in a Accordingly, only one executive official may be exempted from the
professional capacity and was necessary to enable him to act in that power of inquiry of Congress – the President upon whom executive
capacity and was necessary to enable him to act in that capacity, and power is vested and is beyond reach of Congress except through the
4) the information sought to be disclosed would tend blacken the power of impeachment.
reputation of the patient.
- The Court held that S1, EO 464 cannot be applied to appearance of
- it could be the result of a quasi-contractual relationship as when department heads in inquiries in aid of legislation and Congress is
the patient is seriously ill and the physician treats him even if he is not bound to respect the refusal of the department heads in such
inquiry, unless a valid claim of privilege is subsequently made by the
President or by the Executive Secretary.

Remedial Law

the pair of pants. The right against self-incrimination does not

- The information on inter-government exchanges prior to the apply to a physical and mechanical act.
conclusion of treaties and executive agreements may be subject to
reasonable safeguards for the sake of national interest. - The examination of a child witness presented in a hearing or any
proceeding shall be done in open court. The answer of the witness
shall be given orally, unless the witness is incapacitated to speak, or
Examination of Witnesses the question calls for a different mode of answer.

- S1, R132 provides for the examination of the witness in open court  The court may order that the testimony of the child be taken by
and, unless the question calls for a different mode, the answer of the live-link television if there is a substantial likelihood that the
witness shall be given orally. This method allows the court the child would suffer trauma from testifying in the presence of the
opportunity to observed the demeanor of the witness and also allows accused, his counsel or the prosecutor as the case may be. The
the adverse party to cross- examine the witness. trauma should be of a kind which would impair the completeness
or truthfulness of the testimony of the child.
- The witness must take either an oath or an affirmation but the
option to do is given to the witness and not to the court.  To shield the child from the accused, the court may allow the child
to testify in such a manner that the child cannot see the accused by
 when the witness refuses to take an oath or give any affirmation, testifying through one-way mirrors, and other devices.
the testimony may be barred.
- Death or absence of a witness
- Leading questions are not appropriate in direct and re-direct
examination particularly when the witness is asked to testify about a 1. If the witness dies before his cross-examination is over, his
major element of the cause of action or defense. It is allowed in cross testimony on the direct may be stricken out only with respect to
and re-cross examination. the testimony not covered by the cross-examination. The
absence of the witness is not enough to warrant striking out of
 Leading questions are, however, allowed in a direct examination in his testimony for failure to appear for further cross-examination
the following instances: 1) on preliminary matters, 2) when the where the witness has already been sufficiently cross-examined,
witness is ignorant or a child of tender years, or is feeble-minded and the matter on which the cross-examination is sought is not in
or a deaf-mute and there is difficulty in getting direct and controversy.
intelligible answers from such witness, 3) when the witness is a
hostile witness, or 4) when the witness is an adverse party or an 2. If the witness was not cross-examined because of causes
officer, director, or managing agent of a corporation, partnership or attributable to the cross-examining party and the witness had
association which is an adverse party. always made himself available for cross-examination, the direct
testimony of the witness shall remain in the record and cannot be
 Under the Rule on Examination of Child Witness, the court may ordered stricken off because the cross-examiner is deemed to
allow leading questions in all stages of examination of a child have waived the right to cross-examine the witness.
under the condition that the same will further the interest of justice.
 Impeachment of Witness

 Right and obligations of a witness - Impeachment is basically a technique employed usually as part of
the cross-examination to discredit a witness by attacking his
- As a rule, a witness has an obligation to answer questions, although credibility. Destroying credibility is vital because it is linked with a
his answer may tend to establish a claim against him. witness’ ability and willingness to tell the truth.

- An accused may totally refuse to take the stand but a mere witness - A witness may be impeached through the following modes: 1) by
cannot refuse to take the stand. Before he refuses to answer, he must contradictory evidence; 2) by evidence that his general reputation
wait for the incriminating question. for truth, honesty or integrity is bad; or 3) by evidence that he has
made at other times statements inconsistent with his present
- The right against self-incrimination applies only to testimonial testimony.

1. Extracting blood samples and cutting strands of hair do not Res Inter Alios Acta Rule
involve testimonial compulsion but purely mechanical acts
which neither requires discretion nor reasoning. - Admission is an act, declaration (statement) or omission of a party
as to a relevant fact. (ADO / ASO)
2. It is well-settled rule that the rights of the accused are not
violated by compulsory testing for HIV/AIDS. There is no  Effects of admissions:
testimonial compulsion involved by extracting blood from the
accused for testing purposes. Hence, there is no violation of the 1. An admission by a party may be given in evidence against
right to privacy and the right to be presumed innocent. him.
2. His admission is not admissible in his favor, because it
3. the pair of short pants may be considered as circumstantial would be self-serving evidence.
evidence when taken with other circumstances. No valid 3. Declaration of a party favorable to himself are not
objection may be interposed over the order of the court to put on admissible as proof of the facts asserted.

Remedial Law

- Admission may be distinguished from confession in the following opportunity to cross-examine him. A judicial confession is
manner: admissible against the declarant’s co-accused since the latter are
afforded opportunity to cross-examine the former.
1. As to the acknowledgment of guilt. In a confession, there is an
acknowledgment of guilt. In an admission, there is merely a 2. As to conviction of the accused. A judicial confession may
statement of fact not directly involving an acknowledgment of sustain a conviction, while an extrajudicial confession is not
guilt or the criminal intent to commit the offense with which one sufficient for conviction. The rule requires that the confession be
is charged. corroborated by evidence of corpus delicti, the body of the
crime or the offense.
2. As to the extent. An admission, in a general sense, includes
confessions, the former being a broader term because a  Extrajudicial confession or admission of one accused is
confession is also an admission. A confession is a specific type admissible only against the said accused but inadmissible
of admission which refers only to an acknowledgement of guilt. against the other accused. However, 1) if the
declarant/admitter repeats in court his extrajudicial confession
3. As to implication. An admission may be implied like an during trial and 2) the other accused is accorded opportunity to
admission by silence. A confession cannot be implied and it cross-examine the admitter, such confession or admission is
should be a direct and positive acknowledgement of guilt admissible against both accused. When an extrajudicial
because S33, R130. confession is repeated during the trial, it is transposed into
judicial admissions.
- Admission may be distinguished from declaration against interest
in the following manner:  Corpus delicti, and all the elements thereof, may be proved by
circumstantial evidence but such proof must be convincing
1. As to the declarant. To be admitted as a declaration against and compatible with the nature of the case.
interest, the declarant must be dead or unable to testify. An
admission is admissible in evidence even if the person making 1. The SC held that the element of death in the corpus delicti
such is alive and is in court; may be established by circumstantial evidence.

2. As to the time of the controversy happened, a declaration 2. The corpus delicti in the crime of illegal possession of
against interest is generally made before the controversy arises; firearms is the accused’s lack if license or permit to
an admission is made at any time, even during the trial. possess or carry the firearm, as possession itself is not
prohibited by law.
3. As to the classification. An admission may be express or
implied. A confession cannot be implied. 3. In theft, the fact of the commission of the offense or the
corpus delecti may be proven by testimonial evidence and
 Under the principle of adoptive admission, a party may, by whatever documentary evidence is on the record.
his words or conduct, voluntarily adopt or ratify another’s
statement. Where it appears that a party clearly and  Any custodial confession made by a person arrested, detained
unambiguously assented to or adopted the statements of or under custodial investigation shall be in writing and signed
another, evidence of those statements is admissible against by such person in the presence of his counsel or in the latter’s
him. absence, upon a valid waiver and in the presence of any of the
parents, older siblings, his spouse, the municipal mayor, the
- It a party’s reaction to a statement or action by another judge, district school supervisor or priest or minister of gospel
person when it is reasonable to treat the party’s reaction as as chose by him; otherwise, such extrajudicial confession shall
admission of something stated or implied by the other be inadmissible as evidence in any proceeding.
 Constitutional procedures on custodial investigation do
4. As to one’s interest. A declaration against interest is generally not apply to spontaneous statements, not elicited
made against one’s pecuniary or moral interest; an admission is through questioning by authorities, but given in the
admissible as long as it is inconsistent with his present claim or ordinary manner whereby the accused orally admitted
defense and need not be against one’s interest; having committed the crime. Hence, such confession is
admissible in evidence against him, even when he did so
5. As to admissibility against third party. A declaration against without the assistance of counsel.
interest is admissible even against third persons; an admission is
admissible only against the party making the admission.  A suspect’s confession, whether verbal or non-verbal,
when taken without the assistance of counsel or without a
6. As to the hearsay rule. A declaration against interest is an valid waiver of such assistance regardless of the absence
exception to the hearsay rule; an admission is not, and is of such coercion, or the fact that it had been voluntarily
admissible not as an exception to any rule. given, is inadmissible in evidence, even if such confession
were gospel truth.
- Judicial confession may be distinguished from extrajudicial
confession in the following manner:  Admission by silence involves a statement by a person in the presence
of a party to the action, criminal or civil. The statement contains
1. As to the evidence against co-accused. An extrajudicial assertions against the party which, if untrue, would be sufficient cause
confession may be given in evidence against the confessant but for the party to deny. His failure to speak against the statement is
not against his co-accused as they are deprived of the admissible as an admission.

Remedial Law

 When the former owner of the property made the

- For silence to be deemed an admission, it is necessary that: 1) the declaration after he ceased to be the owner of the
witness heard and understood the statement; 2) he was at liberty to property, the rule on admission by privies does not apply.
make a denial; 3) the statement was about a matter affecting his
rights or in which he was interested and which naturally calls for a
response; 4) the facts were within his knowledge; and, 5) the fact 2. The rule that evidence of previous conduct or similar acts at one
admitted from his silence is material to the issue. time is not admissible to prove that one did or did not do the same
act at another time.
 Res inter alion acta, branches:
- Although the accused has previously been charged with and
1. The rule that the rights of a party cannot be prejudiced by the act, convicted of similar offenses, the trial court commits an error if
declaration or omission of another (S28, R130) it considers such circumstance for the purpose of showing that
he was likely to commit the crimes charged in the indictment.
- The above rule has reference only to extrajudicial confession.
Hence, statements made in open court by a witness implicating - This rule prohibits the admission of the so-called propensity
persons, aside from his own judicial admissions, are admissible evidence which is evidence that tends to show that what a
as declarations from one who has personal knowledge of the person has done at one time is probative of the contention that he
facts testified to. has done a similar act at another time.

- Exceptions to the res inter alios acta rule (first branch), to wit: Judicial Affidavit Rule (JAR)

1. Admission by a co-partner or agent – requisites: 1) the - The most basic reason for the adoption of the rule is: 1) to decongest
declaration or act of the partner or agent must have been the courts of cases and 2) to reduce delays in the disposition of
made or done within the scope of his authority, 2) the cases.
declaration or act of the partner or agent must have been
made or done during the existence of the participation or - The JAR took effect on January 1, 2013 and shall apply to existing
agency (while the person making the declaration was still a cases.
partner or an agent), and, 3) the existence of the partnership
or agency is proven by evidence other than the declaration - It shall take the place of the direct evidence of witnesses.
or act of the partner or agent.
- The original document or object evidence need not be attached to the
 Any declaration made before the partnership or agency judicial affidavit. The party or witness may keep the same in his
existed, or those made after, are not admissible against the possession after the exhibit has been identified, marked as an
other partners or the principal but remains admissible exhibit and authenticated. He must, however, warrant in his judicial
against the partner or agent making the declaration. affidavit that the copy or reproduction attached is a faithful copy or
reproduction of the original.
2. Admission by a co-conspirator – requisites: 1) the
declaration or act be made or done during the existence of  In case of failure to bring the originals for comparison, the
the conspiracy, 2) the declaration or act must relate to the attached copy, reproduction or pictures shall not be admitted.
conspiracy, and 3) the conspiracy must be shown by
evidence other than such declaration or act. - The JAR shall apply to all actions, proceedings or incidents requiring
the reception of evidence.
 Incriminating declarations of co-conspirators made in the
absence of or without the knowledge of the others after - The JA of the witnesses and the documentary or object evidence
the conspiracy has come to an end is inadmissible. shall be filed by the parties with the court and served on the adverse
party, not later than 5 days before the pre-trial or preliminary
 Declarant’s post arrest statements do not qualify as conference or the scheduled hearing, with respect to motions and
admissible co-conspirator statements. incidents.

 An extrajudicial confession made by an accused is - Service of papers shall be made either personally or by mail and if
admissible against him but not admissible against his co- services cannot be made through such modes, service shall be done
accused who took no part in the confession. An basically through substituted service by delivering a copy of the
extrajudicial confession is binding only upon the paper to be served with the clerk of court.
confessant and is not admissible against his co-accused.
- A party who fails to submit the required JA and exhibits on time
 The reason for this rule is that, on a principle of good shall be deemed to have waived their submission.
faith and mutual convenience, a man’s own acts are
binding upon himself, and are evidence against him.  Applicability of the JAR to criminal cases:

3. Admission by privies – requisites: 1) there must be an act, 1. The JAR applies to criminal cases where the maximum of the
declaration or omission (ADO) by a predecessor-in-interest; imposable penalty does not exceed 6 years, except when the
2) the ADO of the predecessor must have occurred while accused agrees to the use of JA irrespective of the penalty
he was holding the title of the property, and 3) the ADO involved.
must be in relation to the property.

Remedial Law

2. The JAR applies to the civil aspect of the criminal action,  A statement by an out-of-court declarant may be offered not
irrespective of the penalty involved. The penalty for the offense is for the veracity of what is asserted but merely to impeach the
not to be considered. declarant’s credibility.

 Non-compliance with the content requirements of S3, JAR, Effect:  Non-hearsay purpose is one which demonstrates by inference
from the tenor of the statement the state of mind of the speaker
1. A JA which does not conform to the content requirements shall or the declarant.
not be admitted by the court in evidence. However, it does not
absolutely bar the submission of a compliant replacement judicial  It is the reaction of the witness to the tenor of the statement of
affidavit as long as the replacement shall be submitted before the the declarant that is relevant, not the truth of the assertion in
hearing or trial and provided further that the following requisites the statement.
are met: 1) the submission shall be allowed only once, 2) the delay
is for a valid reason, 3) the delay would not unduly prejudice the - Hearsay is not limited to oral testimony or statements. The rule that
opposing party, and 4) the public or private counsel responsible for excludes hearsay evidence applies to both written and oral
the preparation and submission of the affidavit pays a fine of not statements.
less than P1,000.00 nor more than P5,000.00, at the discretion of
the court. - The SC acknowledged that the ban on hearsay does not include
statements which are relevant independently of whether they are
2. A false attestation shall subject the lawyer to disciplinary action, true or not, like statements of a person to show, among others, his
including disbarment. state of mind, mental condition, knowledge, belief, intention, ill-will
and other emotions.
3. A JA which does not conform to the attestation requirement of S4,
JAR shall not be admitted by the court in evidence. However, - Newspaper clippings or articles are hearsay if they were offered for
subject to the condition in num. 1 abovementioned. the purpose of proving the truth of the matter alleged, unless offered
for a purpose other than proving the truth of the matter asserted. *
 Objections to testimony in the JA, ruling of the court:
- Hearsay evidence may be distinguished from opinion evidence as
- The presentation of the JA and the statement of the purpose of the follow:
testimony contained therein will give the adverse party the
opportunity to object to the testimony. Hearsay evidence is one that is not based on one’s personal
perception but based on the knowledge of others to prove the truth of
 The adverse party may, on the ground of inadmissibility, move to the matter asserted in an out-of-court declaration. An opinion
1) disqualify the witness 2) strike out his affidavit, or 3) strike out evidence is based on the personal knowledge or personal conclusions
any of the answers found in the JA. of the witness based on his skill, training or experience.

Hearsay Evidence  Independently relevant statements refer to a doctrinal that a

declarant’s statement may have relevance to an issue in a case from the
 Sec. 38, Rule 30 – a witness can testify only to those facts which he mere fact that the words were spoken or written, irrespective of the
knows of his personal knowledge; that is, which are derived from his truth or falsity of the assertion.
perception, except as otherwise provided by the Rules on Evidence
- the statements are admissible for some relevant reason independent
- To constitute hearsay, the following must be present: 1) an out-of- of their truth or falsity. They are relevant because the statement itself
court statement, oral, written or nonverbal conduct, made by other is either the very fact in issue or a circumstantial evidence of a fact in
than the one made by the declarant or witness testifying at the trial, issue.
and 2) the out-of-court statement must be offered to prove the truth
of the matter asserted in the out-of-court statement. ** - The ban on hearsay evidence does not cover independently relevant
statements which are relevant independently of whether they are true
- The reliability if a testimony is based on the on the personal or not.
knowledge of a witness.
- Newspaper accounts of an incident are hearsay if offered to prove
- If a witness testifies on the basis of what others have told him, and the truth of the accounts but are not hearsay if offered for a purpose
not on facts which he knows of his own personal knowledge, the other than the truth of the matter asserted. **
testimony would be excluded as hearsay evidence.
 The newspaper account is admissible only to prove that there was
- The rule against hearsay testimony rests mainly on the ground that a publication and merely the tenor of the news, but not its truth.
there was no opportunity to cross-examine the declarant.
- A testimony that attacks the credibility of the witness is equally
 The right to cross-examine the adverse party’s witness, being the relevant especially when that witness claims to have personal
only means of testing the credibility of witnesses and their knowledge of the facts testified to.
testimonies, is essential to the administration of justice.
- If the statement of the declarant is being offered merely to prove the
 An out-of-court statements is admissible if it is to be offered for tenor of the statement, it is may be considered as an independently
non-hearsay purpose to prove other than the truth of the matter relevant statement, and thus not hearsay.

Remedial Law

 The following are the exceptions to the rule that hearsay evidence is
inadmissible (admissible hearsay): 2. Parts of the res gestae

- They are hearsay evidence but they are deemed admissible hearsay - It is defined as those circumstances which are the undersigned
for certain reasons. incidents of a particular litigated act and which are admissible
when illustrative of such act.
1. Dying declaration or ante mortem statement; elements: 1) the
declaration is one made by a dying person, 2) the declaration is - It is the event that speaks for itself through the spontaneous
made by said dying person under the consciousness of his words or instinctive words or conduct of the witness, and not the
impending death, 3) the declaration refers to the cause and witness speaking for and about the event.
circumstances surrounding the death of the declarant and not
anyone else, 4) the declaration is offered in a cases where the - It refers to the circumstances, facts and declarations that grow
declarant’s death is the subject of inquiry, 5) the declarant is out of the main fact and contemporaneous with the main fact as
competent a witness had survived and 6) the declarant should to exclude the idea of deliberation and fabrication.
have died. (DCSOCD)
- It has been held that in spontaneous exclamations or statements,
- It has been rules that, as a general rule, when a person is at the the res gestae is the startling occurrence, whereas in verbal acts,
point of death, every motive to falsehood is silenced and the the res gestae are the statement accompanying the equivocal act.
mind is induced by the most powerful consideration to speak he
truth, and therefore the statements under such circumstances A. Spontaneous statements, to be admitted in evidence, must have
deserve weight. the following characteristics:

 A dying declaration is entitled to the highest respect since no 1. There is a startling event or occurrence taking place;
person who knows of impending death would make a careless 2. A statement was made, while the event is taking place or
or false accusation. immediately prior to or subsequent thereto;
3. The statement was made before the declarant had the time to
 It is thus, admissible to provide the identity of the accused and contrive or devise a falsehood;
the deceased, to show the cause of death of the deceased, and 4. The statement relates to the circumstance of the startling
the circumstances under which the assault was caused upon event or occurrences, or that the statement must concern the
him. occurrence in question and its immediate attending
- It is entitled to the utmost credence on the premise that no
person who knows of his impending death would make a  Spontaneous statement is anchored on the theory that
careless and false accusation. the statement was uttered under the circumstances where
the opportunity to fabricate is absent.
- The reasons for its admissibility is necessity and trustworthiness
as the declarant’s death renders it impossible his taking the  If the statement made by the declarant is under the
witness stand, and it often happens that there is no other equally influence of the occurrence, the event must be of such a
satisfactory proof of the crimes. nature as to cause an excited reaction in an average
- As long as the relevance is clear, a dying declaration may now be
introduced in a criminal or a civil action and the requirement of B. Verbal acts; to be admissible, the following requisites must be
relevance is satisfied where the subject of inquiry is the death of present:
the declarant himself.
1. The principal act to be characterized must be equivocal;
- It must be shown that the declarant believed, at the time the 2. The equivocal act must be material to the issue;
statement was made, that he was in a dying condition and had 3. The statement must accompany the equivocal act; and,
given up the hope of surviving. 4. The statement gives a legal significance to the equivocal act.

 The declarant’s belief that death is impending may be deduced - A verbal act presupposes a conduct that is equivocal or
from all the surrounding circumstances such as his physical ambiguous, one which, in itself, does not signify anything
condition, conduct and statements. when taken separately.

- If the declarant survives, his declaration may be admissible as part 3. Entries in the course of the business or business records rule;
of res gestae. the following requisites must be present: (PEKDO)

- It is submitted that the admissibility of a dying declaration does 1. The person who made the entry must be dead or unable to
not create conclusive presumption of credibility of the admitted testify;
declaration. 2. The entries were made at or near the time of the transaction to
which they refer;
 No evidence rule grants a dying declaration a favored status in 3. The entrant was in a position to know the facts stated in the
the hierarchy of evidence. entries;
4. The entries were made in his professional capacity or in the
 The declaration himself may be impeached through the normal performance of a duty, whether legal, contractual, moral or
methods provided for under the rules. religious; and,

Remedial Law

5. The entries were made in the ordinary or regular course of

business. 6. Family reputation or tradition regarding pedigree

- It has been held that entries in the payroll, being entries in the 7. Common reputation
ordinary course of business, enjoy the presumption of regularity.
- It is admissible in evidence where the reputation refers to a
4. Declaration against interest refers to a declaration made by a matter of public or general interest, or respecting marriage or
person, who at the time his declaration is presented in evidence, is moral character and said matter is more than 30 years old.
already dead or unable to testify.
- The common reputation must be existing prior to the
- This declaration must be one which, when made, was known to controversy. This may be established by monuments and
the declarant himself to be against his interest, pecuniary or inscriptions or reputation in the family and not in the
moral, and which would not have been made unless he believed community.
it to be true.
8. Entries in official records
 It is necessary that the declarant knew that the statement was
against his interest and which he would not have made had it - The requisites for the admissibility in evidence of entries in
not been true. official records, as an exception to the hearsay rule, are:

 Illustration: A statement by the debtor before he died that he 1. The entry was made by a public officer or by another
owes the creditor a sum of money, or an oral acknowledgment person specially enjoined by law to do so;
by the principal that he received the money previously 2. It was made by the public officer (entrant), or by such other
entrusted to his agent, are clear declarations against the person in the performance of a duty specially enjoined by
interest of the person making the statement. law; and,
3. The public officer or other person had sufficient knowledge
of the facts by him or her stated, which must have been
- This exception will not apply where the declarant is available as
acquired by the public officer or other person personally or
a witness. The declarant must be dead or unable to testify.
through official information. (EPK)
 Being outside the territorial jurisdiction of the country may be
- An entrant must have personal knowledge of the facts stated
a good reason for unavailability if his exact whereabouts
by him or such facts were acquired by him from reports made by
abroad are unknown.
persons under a legal duty to submit the same.
- People normally speak freely and even with untruth when the
9. Commercial lists and the like
statement is in their interest, but are usually unwilling to speak
falsely against their interest.
- They are made by persons engaged in that occupation and are
generally used and relied upon by them and those lists and
- If the declaration is favorable to the interest of the declaration, it
reports are published.
is a mere self-serving statement and does not fall as an
exception to the hearsay rule.
10. Learned treaties
- As a rule, the interest against which the declaration may have
11. Testimony or deposition at a former proceeding
been made should be either a pecuniary or moral interest, but in
our jurisdiction, the declaration could possibly be against one’s
- The following requisites must be satisfied for it to be admissible:
penal interest because if one admits to a crime, he is also civilly
liable, a liability that is pecuniary.
1. The witness is dead or unable to testify;
2. His testimony or deposition was given in a former case or
5. Act or declaration about pedigree
proceeding, judicial or administrative, between the same
parties or those representing the same interests;
- to be admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule, it must be
3. The former case involved the same subject as that in the
shown that:
present case, although on different causes of action;
4. The issue testified to by the witness in the former trial is the
1. The declarant is dead or unable to testify;
same issue involved in the present case: and,
2. The declarant is related by birth or marriage to the person
5. The adverse party had an opportunity to cross-examine the
whose pedigree is in issue;
witness in the former case.
3. The declaration was made before the controversy; and
4. The relationship between the two persons is shown by
- The testimony contemplated is one given in a former case or
evidence other than such act or declaration.
proceeding, judicial or administrative, involving the same parties
and subject matter. The testimony was given by one who is now
- The declaration about pedigree may be received in evidence if
deceased or unable to testify.
the relationship is shown by evidence other than the declaration.
 Said testimony may be given in evidence against the adverse
- The word “pedigree” includes relationship, family, genealogy,
party provided the later had the opportunity to cross0examine
birth, marriage, death, the dates when and the places where these
the witness who gave the previous testimony.
facts occurred and the names of the relatives. It also embraces
facts of family history intimately connected with pedigree.

Remedial Law

Opinion Evidence - In a criminal case, the prosecution cannot prove the bad moral
character of the accused in its evidence-in-chief. It can only do so in
- As a general rule, the opinion of a witness is inadmissible because rebuttal
when a witness testifies, 1) a witness does so with respect to facts
personally observed by him and 2) it is for the court to draw  The prosecution may not offer evidence of the character of the
conclusions from the facts testified to. accused unless the accused himself has offered evidence of his
good moral character. The prosecution must wait until the accused
A. Expert testimony – when the opinion is that of an expert, the puts his character in issue during the proceedings.
opinion of a witness requiring special knowledge, skill,
experience or training which is shown to possess, it may be  The offering of evidence of good moral character is a privilege of
receive in evidence. the accused and the prosecution cannot even comment on his
failure to produce such evidence. But once he raises the issue of
- the Court is not bound by the opinion of an expert such as a his good character, the prosecution may, in rebuttal, offer evidence
handwriting expert. Expert opinion evidence is to be of the defendant’s bad character.
considered or weighed by the court in the light of its own
general knowledge and experience upon the subject inquiry. Rule on Examination of a Child Witness:

 The opinion of handwriting experts is not necessarily - Child witness is any person who at the time of giving of testimony is
binding upon the court, the expert’s function being to place below the age of 18.
before the court data upon which the court can form its own
opinion.  It applies also to a person due to his physical or mental disability
or condition is unable to 1) fully take care of himself, or protect
- It is not ordinarily conclusive. When faced with conflicting himself from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or
expert opinions, court give weight and credence to that which discrimination.
is more complete, thorough and scientific.
 It is presumed that every child is qualified to be a witness, but it
- Judges must also exercise independent judgment in does not preclude the court from conducting a competency
determining the authenticity or genuineness of the signature in examination of the child.
question, and not rely merely on the testimonies of
handwriting experts.  The examination may be conducted motu propio by the court or
on motion of a party.
- Credentials of an expert witness play a factor in the
evidentiary and persuasive weight of his testimony, the same - It shall govern the examination of the following child witnesses: 1)
cannot be the sole factor in determining its value. the child witness who are victims of a crime; 2) the child witness
accused of a crime; and 3) the child witness to a crime.
B. Opinion of an ordinary witness
- The rule does not apply to criminal proceedings but it applies to
- When the opinion is that of a witness who is not an expert his non-criminal proceedings as long as such involve a child witness.
testimony may be admitted in evidence provided that the
proper basis of the opinion is given and the subject of the - As a rule, a leading question is not allowed in direct examination,
opinion is any of the following matters: (IDMC) however the court may allow leading questions in all stages of
examination of a child if the same will further the interest of justice.
1. The identity of a person about whom the witness has
adequate knowledge; - An order that the testimony of the child be taken in a room outside
2. The handwriting of a person with which the witness has the courtroom and be televised to the courtroom by live-link
sufficient familiarity; television may be applied for by the 1) prosecutor, 2) counsel, or 3)
3. The mental sanity of a person with whom he is guardian ad litem where the child is a victim or a witness.
sufficiently acquainted; and,
4. The impression of the witness of the emotion, behavior,  The court may order that the testimony of the child be taken by
condition or appearance of a person. live-link television if there is a substantial likelihood that the
child would suffer trauma from testifying in the presence of the
Character Evidence accused, his counsel or the prosecutor as the case may be.

- Character refers to what a man is and depends on the attributes he  The trauma must be of a kind which would impair the
possesses. It is not the same as a man’s reputation because the latter completeness or truthfulness of the testimony of the child.
depends on attributes which others believe one to possess
 If it is necessary for the child to identify the accused at the trial,
 Character is what the person really is, reputation is what he is the court may allow the child to enter the courtroom for the limited
supposed to be in accordance with what people say he is and is purpose of identifying the accused, or the court may allow the
dependent on how people perceive him to be. child to identify the accused by observing the image of the latter
on a television monitor.
- As a rule, character evidence is inadmissible because the character or
reputation of a party is regarded as legally irrelevant in determining a - The prosecutor, counsel or guardian ad litem may apply for that a
controversy. deposition be taken of the testimony of the child and that it be
recorded and preserved on videotape.

Remedial Law

- An objection must point out the specific ground of the objection, and
 The court shall issue an order that the deposition of the child be if it does not and if it does not do so, no error is committed in
taken and preserved by videotape if it finds out that the child will overruling it.
not be able to testify in open court at the trial.
 General objection does not clearly indicate to the judge the
- Under the Sexual Abuse Shield Rule, the following are not ground upon which the objections are predicated. It does not
admissible in any criminal proceeding involving alleged sexual assign no grounds to the objection and actually specifies nothing.
child abuse:
 Special objection dictates largely by the need to allow the court to
1. Evidence offered to prove that the alleged victim engaged in intelligently rule on the objection and give the other party an
other sexual behavior, and opportunity to withdraw the evidence or correct an error in his
2. Evidence offered to prove the sexual predisposition of the presentation.
alleged victim.
 Formal objection is one directed against the alleged defect in the
Offer of Evidence formulation of the question, such as leadings and misleading
questions, multiple questions and argumentative questions.
- Importance; an evidence must be formally offered as it is necessary
because it is the duty of the court to rest its findings of fact and  Substantive objection is one made and directed against the very
judgment only and strictly upon the evidence offered by the parties. nature of the evidence, i.e. m it is inadmissible either because it is
irrelevant or incompetent or both.
 to allow parties to attach any document to their pleadings and then
expect the court to consider it evidence, even without formal offer - Objections may be made for any of the following purposes:
and admission, may draw unwarranted consequences.
 Opposing parties will be deprived of their chance to examine the 1. To keep out inadmissible evidence that would cause harm to a
document and object to its admissibility. client’s cause. The rules of evidence are not-self-operating and,
 The appellate court will have difficulty reviewing documents not hence, must be invoked by way of an objection;
previously scrutinized by the court below.
2. To protect the record, i.e., to present the issue of inadmissibility
- A formal offer of evidence is not required in certain cases, thus: of the offered evidence in a way that if the trial court rules
erroneously, the error can be relied upon as a ground for a future
1. In a summary proceeding, because it is a proceeding where appeal;
there is no full blown trial;
2. Documents judicially admitted or taken judicial notice of; 3. To protect a witness from being embarrassed on stand or from
3. Documents or affidavits used in deciding quasi-judicial or being harassed by the adverse counsel;
administrative cases;
4. Lost object previously marked, identified, described in the 4. To expose the adversary’s unfair tactics like his consistently
record, and testified to by witness who has been subjects of asking obviously leading questions;
cross-examination in respect to said objects.
5. To give the trial court an opportunity to correct its own errors
 There is an instance when the Court allowed the admission of and, at the same time, warn the court that a ruling adverse to the
evidence not formally offered if the following requirements are objector may supply a reason to invoke a higher court’s
present: 1) the evidence must have been duly identified by appellate jurisdiction; and,
testimony duly recorded; and 2) the same must have been
incorporated in the records of the case. 6. To avoid a waiver of the inadmissibility of an otherwise
inadmissible evidence.
- An evidence is to be offered as to when the offer of evidence is made
depends upon the nature of the evidence: - Formal offer of evidence may be distinguished from offer of proof
in the following manner:
1. As regards the testimony of the witness, the offer is to be made
at the time the witness is called to testify. Formal offer of evidence refers either to the offer of the testimony
2. As regards documentary and object evidence, they are to be of a witness prior to the latter’s testimony, or the offer of the
offered after the presentation of a party’s testimonial evidence. documentary and object evidence after a party has presented his
The offer is orally made unless allowed by the court to be in testimonial evidence.
Offer of proof is the process by which a proponent of an excluded
- An offer of evidence is made: evidence tenders the same.

1. When a party makes a formal offer of his evidence, he must state  If what has been excluded is testimonial evidence, the tender is
the nature or substance of the evidence, and the specific made by stating for the record the name and other personal
purpose for which the evidence is offered; and circumstances of the proposed witness and the substance of his
2. The Court shall consider the evidence for the purpose for which proposed testimony.
it is offered, not for any other purpose.
 If the evidence excluded is documentary or of things, the offer of
Objections proof is made by having the same attached to or made a part of
the record.

Remedial Law

- The Rules of Court does not prohibit a party from requesting the
court to allow it to present additional evidence even after it has rested
its case.


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