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Wilmot Weekly

Nobody’s Perfect by Marlee Matlin January 2004

Nobody’s Perfect
Kansas Weather
By: Shanjida Ambia
The realistic fiction book Nobody’s
Perfect by Marlee Matlin is about two girls Forecast: Windy, sight chance of snow
who overcame their differences and became
friends. At the beginning, Megan wanted to Temperature: 410 F
work with Cindy, her best friend on a science
project. In addition, she wanted to uncover Low: 32 0F High: 44 0F
why Alexis, the new girl, didn’t like her.
Time: 5:00 January 18th 2004
Megan got her chance when she and Alexis
were assigned to work together on the science Location/Place: Wilmot Elementary
project. The girls struggled to find a topic but
finally agreed upon “Hamsters Prefer Purple.” School, Utah
Megan went over to Alexis’s house to
complete the project but found out she wasn’t
there. Over at Alexis’s house Megan learned
Alexis’s baby brother is autistic and that was
the reason Alexis was uncomfortable around
Megan. At last, both girls overcame the
obstacles to the start of their friendship and
end up winning a special purple ribbon.

Newsletter 1
Deaf girl Makes Interesting
By: Shanjida Ambia
Hays, Kansas- 9 year old Megan
Merrill has discovered an interesting thing.
Megan had a girl’s 4-year old autistic “ I didn’t like the way Alexis was
brother sign language. This accidently treating Justin. By the look on her face I
happened when Megan tried to tell the little knew she was screaming at him. Instead of
boy, Justin, where he had hid the hamster. verbally telling him hamster, I signed it to
Megan Merrill indicated hamster by him. He kept on signing the word and then
brushing her finger across her nose. led me and Alexis to the basement behind the
laundry,” Megan told Wilmot Weekly.
The girl, Alexis, and Megan were Alexis's mom was shocked by this
working on a science project together. The discovery and started crying tears of joy.
project “Hamster’s Prefer Purple” involved a "I never thought I would hear my little
hamster named Zippity, but Zippity had
baby speak properly. Who knew his first
escaped from his cage. Alexis tried word would be hamster? I was very thankful
screaming at her brother but that had no
to Megan, " explained Alexis's mom.
In the end, all had turned out well.
“ I kept on screaming, Justin where’s Justin had learned his very first word. Megan
the hamster, but I didn’t know he would get and Alexis had won a special purple ribbon
scared of me, ” Alexis reported. for their science fair project.

Megan on the other hand knew what

to do since she also had a disability,

Newsletter 2
Interview with Special Guest: Alexis
Q: How does living with an perfect because I'm smart, pretty, and
autistic brother affect you? amazing at soccer. But then she
thought I was weird because I didn't
A: (Smiles weakly and shifts like deaf people like her. She probably
around in seat) My mom and dad thought that because I wasn't very nice
expect me to be perfect and I feel as if I to her in the beginning. I actually had
have to be twice as perfect just to never met anyone like her. She was
make up for my brother's disorder. It's deaf but she was popular. She had so
really hard for me to deal with. I didn't many friends and I didn't. Her best
want anyone at school to know about friend Cindy thought I was rude
my brother's condition. I thought that if because I rejected Megan's birthday
they found out, they would make fun of invitation in front of the whole class
me and tease me about it. and made her look like a fool. I know I
wasn't very nice.
Q: How would you describe
yourself? Q: How did you and your mom
react when Justin signed his first
A: I would have to say that I am word?
confident but a self-conscious girl. I am
athletic but timid. I am really good at A: (Sighs and thinks for a
soccer and I love purple. I'm also moment) I felt so proud of him. It was
uncomfortable and nervous around the best feeling in the world. Who
abnormal people because of my knew his first word would be hamster?
brother's autism. I know I should be My mom was even more overjoyed
used to it, but every time I meet than me. Tears were coming out of her
someone with the condition like that I eyes when she saw him sign the word
don't know how to react. I almost hamster. Then she smothered him in
forgot, I have a habit of scrunching my kisses. We were both amazed.
nose when I talk to a person I don't
like. I really have to break that one. I
guess that's it.

Q: How would you say others

react to you?

A: (Laughs) Well a perfect

example would be Megan Merrill.
When she first met me, she thought I

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