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Introduction to Corel Draw


Design Tutor @ Ahantaman Girls’ Senior High Sch. Email:
2. 2. Differentiate between a vectorimageExplain a software Define Corel Draw
OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, student will be able to: & Define
resolutiona bitmap image
3. 3. MEANING OF COREL DRAW Corel Draw is a vector-based drawing
program(software) that makes it easy to create professional artwork fromsimple
logos to intricate technical illustrations. It provides tools and effects that make it
possible to workefficiently to produce high-quality graphics.
4. 4. Drawings in Corel Draw are vector based because objects drawn are defined
mathematically as a series of points(dots) joined by lines. Graphical elements in a
vectorfile called objects. Each object is a self contained entity, with properties
such as colour, shape, outline, size and position on the screen included in its
5. 5. Because each object is a self-contained entity, it is also possible to move and
change its properties freely while maintaining its original clarity and crispness
without affecting otherobjects in the drawing. These characteristics make vector-
based applications ideal forillustrations and they are resolution independent. As a
result, the image quality of a drawing is a high quality resolution
6. 6. RESOLUTION The degree of sharpness of a computer generated image as
measured by the numberof dots perlinearinch in a hard copy printout orthe
numberof pixels across and down on a display screen.
7. 7. BITMAP IMAGE In computergraphics, a bitmap or pixmap is a file format used
to store digital images. The termbitmap comes fromthe computer programming
terminology, meaning just a map of bits, a spatially mapped array of bits(pixels)
8. 8. PIXELS In digital imaging, a pixel orpel is the smallest addressable element in a
display device(screen) LCDpixels are manufactured in a two dimensional grid and
are often represented using dots orsquares A megapixel = o ne m illio n pixe ls A
camera with 2.0 megapixels = two million pixels
9. 9. An example showing an image with a portion greatly enlarged, in which the
individual pixels are rendered as little squares and can easily be seen Fig: 1
10. 10. Fig: 2
12. 12. Fig:3
13. 13.  TOOLBOX Contains tools for creating, filling and modifying objects in a
drawing PROPERTY BAR A context sensitive toolbar that shows commands
relating the active tool or object.  STANDARD TOOLBAR Contains shortcut to
menus and other commands.  MENU Menus contains pull-down options 
14. 14.  DRAWING WINDOW The area outside the drawing window bordered by the
scroll bar. RULERS Horizontal and vertical borders that are used to determine the
size and position of objects in a drawing.  DOCUMENT NAVIGATOR Contains
controls for moving between and adding pages.  DRAWING PAGE The printable
area of the workspace 
15. 15.  DOCKER Contains available commands and settings relating to a specific
tool, effect or task. COLOUR PALETTE Contains colour swatches.  STATUS BAR
Contains information about object properties such as type, size, colour, fill and
resolution. It also shows the current mouse position.  NAVIGATOR BUTTON Open
a smaller display to help pan around a drawing page 

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