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Regent University CAS Student Teacher Evaluation  SurveyMonkey

Collector: Web Link 1 (Web Link)
Started: Thursday, April 09, 2020 3:12:04 PM
Last Modified: Thursday, April 09, 2020 7:50:11 PM
Time Spent: 04:38:07
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Page 1: Placement Information

Q1 Student Teacher's Name

Samantha Mattfield

Q2 Student Teacher's Endorsement Area Elementary Education, PreK-6

Q3 Grade Taught Third Grade

Q4 Internship Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)


Q5 Internship End Date (MM/DD/YYYY)


Q6 School of Student Teaching Placement

Point O' View Elementary

Q7 School Division Virginia Beach City Public Schools

Q8 Evaluator's Name (First Last)

Angela Marcotte

Q9 Evaluator's Email. We will return a PDF copy of your report to this address.

Email Address:

Q10 Evaluator's Position/Role Classroom Teacher

Regent University CAS Student Teacher Evaluation  SurveyMonkey

Q11 What time period is this evaluation for? Final

Page 2: Standard One: Professional Knowledge

Q12 Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Demonstrates accurate knowledge and skills of the subject Proficient

area(s) taught.

Demonstrates an understanding of the development of the age Developing


Integrates key content elements and facilitates students’ use of Developing

higher level thinking skills.

Links content with other subject areas and real world Proficient

Q13 Please comment on the teacher candidate's overall performance in the area of professional knowledge.

Ms. Mattfield genuinely desires to be a great teacher. With continued practice, I believe she will become proficient in the subject matter.
Remember to use hands on manipulatives and application teaching methods to assist you in delivering your lessons. Remember to
write down higher level, open ended questions that you wish to ask students to gauge their understanding.

Page 3: Standard Two: Instructional Planning

Q14 Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Aligns lesson objectives to the school’s curriculum and student Proficient

learning needs.

Develops appropriate plans designed to meet all learner needs; Developing

adapts plans as needed.

Plans time realistically for pacing, content mastery, and Proficient


Plans for differentiated instruction. Developing

Q15 Please comment on the teacher candidate's overall effectiveness of instructional planning.

Ms. Mattfield understands the objectives that need to be planned, taught, and tested. Remember to adapt plans for learners at all
levels, providing instruction in various different ways to ensure all student needs are met. It is often easy to teach to those who are at or
above grade level. Remember to provide instruction for those who are below grade level, or who struggle to comprehend after initial
instruction. Remember to provide remediation and reteaching for those who struggle. Remember to use timers to help in your

Page 4: Standard Three: Instructional Delivery

Regent University CAS Student Teacher Evaluation  SurveyMonkey

Q16 Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Engages and maintains students in active learning. Proficient

Differentiates instruction to meet the students’ needs. Developing

Reinforces learning goals consistently throughout lessons. Proficient

Uses a variety of effective instructional strategies and resources. Developing

Uses instructional technology to enhance student learning. Developing

Q17 Please comment on the teacher candidate's overall effectiveness of instructional delivery.

Ms. Mattfield has taken into account wait time and utilizes call/response to ensure that students are ready to listen and actively learn.
Additionally, she began to ensure that students were aware of the learning goals as she was teaching, stating the goals and reminding
students what they would be learning by the end of the lesson.Expectations are stated prior to learning and prior to transitions.
Remember to plan for remediation and differentiation to ensure all student needs and learning types are met. Don't be afraid of
technology based instruction and delivery methods for independent work. To assist in easing your hesitation with technology based
tools, practice using and reviewing the different modalities as we discussed in conferencing to include Nearpod, Seesaw, Flipgrid,
Quizziz, Kahoot, etc. and do not be afraid to use them in your lessons!

Page 5: Standard Four: Assessment of and for Student Learning

Q18 Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Uses student learning data to make instructional decisions. Developing

Uses a variety of appropriate assessment strategies and Proficient


Uses assessment tools for both formative and summative Proficient


Gives constructive and frequent student feedback. Developing

Q19 Please comment on the teacher candidate's performance in the area of assessment of and for student learning.

Use your entrance/exit tickets to guide your teaching, and to form teaching groups. It helps you determine what students understand,
and in which areas they require reteaching. When taking instructional/anecdotal notes, use specifics to describe where/how students
are struggling. Remember to group students with similar abilities based off of your formative assessments. Remember to use specific
feedback that highlights what students have mastered and what they need to work on. N, DP, P, AP rate their ability, but it does not give
specific feedback for students to help them understand how they are doing on a certain standard. I feel with more time together, we
could have touched on this more adequately. (We had a LOT of district mandated assessments during Ms. Mattfield's time in the

Page 6: Standard Five: Learning Environment

Regent University CAS Student Teacher Evaluation  SurveyMonkey

Q20 Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Establishes clear expectations for classroom rules and Proficient

procedures; enforces them consistently and fairly.

Uses available resources and knowledge of students to prevent, Developing

redirect, or reinforce behaviors.

Respects students’ diversity, including language, culture, race, Developing

gender, and special needs.

Actively listens and pays attention to students’ needs and Proficient


Q21 Please comment on the teacher candidate's overall effectiveness in creating an environment conducive to

As our time continued, Ms. Mattfield was more clear in her expectations, and took time before transitions to state her expectation of
student behavior and following procedures. Remember to make connections with all students, with all of their diverse needs and
learning styles. Remember to discuss misbehavior with specific students away from the class and remain calm as discussed. Not all
students respond in the same manner in which others do, so adjust accordingly. This relates back to knowing your students and their
triggers, which Ms. Mattfield was really beginning to form positive relationships with the students. I love that you made some real world
connections with students.

Page 7: Standard Six: Professionalism

Q22 Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Modifies performance based on personal and professional Developing


Demonstrates initiative in planning, management, and Proficient

professional interactions.

Demonstrates effective communication and collaboration with Proficient

teachers and other school personnel.

Fosters trust in all school relationships through fair and ethical Proficient

Q23 Please comment on the teacher candidate's professionalism throughout the period of observation.

Throughout our period of time together, Ms. Mattfield became more comfortable participating in collaborative planning, to include asking
great questions and actively learning how to teach standards using hands on techniques. It is important to then utilized those
techniques in teaching of children. When asking for tips and advice, it is imperative to take that feedback and implement it in your day to
day instruction. When we planned various lessons, I offered suggestions and reasoning for the suggestions, including some
suggestions for dealing with adverse student behaviors. Additionally, I offered suggestions to incorporate technology into delivery and
instruction, but did not see that. I find it imperative in this digital age to meet the students where they are. Keep improving!

Page 8: Standard Seven: Student Academic Progress

Regent University CAS Student Teacher Evaluation  SurveyMonkey

Q24 Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Documents the progress of each student throughout the Developing


Provides evidence that achievement goals have been met. Developing

Uses available data to document/communicate student progress Proficient

and develop learning targets.

Q25 Please comment on the students academic progress throughout the period of observation.

In the second half of our time together, Ms. Mattfield started to use my blue notebook to monitor student understanding; however, it is
imperative to use some specific details when taking notes. For instance, did students require additional assistance or modeling to
understand? Did they get it during the first attempt? What misconceptions did you see during student performance? When grading, it is
imperative to provide that feedback and keep track of student mastery. I offered Ms. Mattfield recording sheets, but do not believe she
used them to monitor student success or need for remediation.


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